December 10, 2024

"Even when he's lying out of his teeth, he's lying in an authentic way."

Says Ben Wikler, chair of the Wisconsin Democratic Party, in what is my favorite moment of his long interaction with Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show": 
"People can smell authenticity. They can feel it. And I think Trump is a disaster for the country. It's very clear he does not think before he talks. He just says it. And there is something that draws people towards him about that. Even when he's lying out of his teeth, he's lying in an authentic way."

I really do think that what people like about Trump is that they feel that he's saying what he thinks. Some of the things he thinks are not precisely true. They may be exaggerations or simplifications or things he's heard people saying — "They're eating the pets" — but we're seeing his thoughts. It's authentic in a way "that draws people towards him."

I also liked when Stewart said to Wikler, "It’s like wrestling a bear. You’re a giant man with a golden tongue" (at 9:54).


FormerLawClerk said...

I'm definitely smelling something on this Wikler's guy's shoe.

Leland said...

Typical Democrat projection.

FormerLawClerk said...

They literally arrested a woman for eating her cats. It's like these Democrats still believe that as long as it's not in THEIR newspapers, then it didn't happen. They're idiots.

Enigma said...

I foresee a new monument on the mall in D.C., and perhaps on Mount Rushmore too:

"It’s like wrestling a bear. You’re a giant man with a golden tongue"

RideSpaceMountain said...

Obligatory Dave Chappelle.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"he's lying in an authentic way."

John Leibowitz wouldn't know about that. Changing one's name for stardom is very inauthentic.

narciso said...

Its a hard call, who lies more vociferously, stewart or wikler,

n.n said...

Wikler is wrestling with the Democratic paradox: what came first, the baby or the fetus? And how do we reconcile our wicked solution with homicide laws and Loving. Thus the emanation of methane observed from the penumbra of the DNC. That, and woe is woman and Diverse other logical fallacies. Here's to progressive prices adjacent to empathetic euphemisms.

rhhardin said...

Trump will always go for humor.

Mark said...

I really do think that what people like about Trump is that they feel that he's saying what he thinks. Some of the things he thinks are not precisely true. They may be exaggerations or simplifications or things he's heard people saying — "They're eating the pets" — but we're seeing his thoughts. It's authentic in a way "that draws people towards him."

Same could be said of Joe Biden.

BarrySanders20 said...

"Lying in an authentic way" is rich coming from Wikler. As I've said before, the Wiklers are the worst of what our political system shits out.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Even when he's lying out of his teeth, he's lying in an authentic way.

Guess we've really let ol' Ben down by not accepting his party's unauthentic lying.

mccullough said...

Trump is large. He contains multitudes

Wince said...

Trump "authentic lying" consists of revealing his thoughts in real time no matter how developed or undeveloped they are. The upside, in so doing, Trump invites rebuttals that further inform his thoughts. That, to Democrats, is "lying."

Winkler: Democrats are for the things people want (but we never can deliver)!

Who's the actual liar?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It is refreshing to see two left of center guys talking about the real Trump, not the boogeyman caricature/straw man so many talk about. I have mild admiration for Stewart in discussing Trump honestly and they come oh-so-close to realizing Trump's exaggerations are not lies but opinions. They do (as Althouse pointed out) acknowledge he is telling you what he thinks. Being guarded about ones speech is the first thing most politicians learn. Trump is no ordinary politician, and it's good to see this conversation taking place in a public forum.

Darkisland said...

Didn't Wikler lose Wisconsin for the drunk?

And now he wants to be the Democrat National Party's latex salesman?

John Henry

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Bless your heart. You really don't get it. It's like you still don't know why Biden dropped out of the presidential race in 1988, and what that episode and Bob Gates' famous thumbnail description of Joe say about the man.

Lazarus said...

I would edit that to "even when his facts weren't 100% accurate." People on the internet create memes that are based on the truth. Trump has at various times picked up on the memes which may not themselves be true, but which reflect what's actually going on. Is he actually "lying" or just repeating the story others have made public?

He also has to have things be the biggest, the best, and the most beautiful. Once you recognize that, it's not hard to ignore or take into account or correct for. You just have to turn the intensity down from 11 to 6, or maybe 8. Biden isn't so very different in wanting to exaggerate his own achievements, but he tends to roll out detailed stories about things that never happened rather than to simply label things the biggest or the best.

stlcdr said...

Trump says things without saying them. If you listen to his words you miss what he is saying.

Eva Marie said...

Did Wikler criticize his party before the election with going all in with the Hitler comparisons? With comparing voters with different opinions as cult members or garbage? If he did then he has my respect. If he went with the Democratic playbook when it was politically convenient to do so and is only now saying that Trump is not such a bad guy because he finds it in his political self interest, then for the sake of the Democratic Party he needs to step aside. There needs to be serious soul searching on the Democratic side of the aisle.

guitar joe said...

She's not Haitian. Did you think we wouldn't read the article>?

guitar joe said...

You're on the money about Trump. Other politicians sound weaselly and send off a vibe that they're lying. They're like used car salesmen. Like Trump or not, you can be sure that he means what he says.

planetgeo said...

The best description of Trump is still that you have to take him seriously but not literally, as opposed to literally but not seriously. Fortunately, enough people learned that before this election. And some people will never learn.

Whiskeybum said...

Lying through his teeth? If we’re going to use anatomical figures of speech for telling falsehoods, then I’d say Wikler is lying through his ass.

Peachy said...


Trump is a clumsy speaker. But he is real.
The left are collective lying liars who lie. The democratic left are also Modern Soviets.

See here.

Skeptical Voter said...

Make that "some people on the internet creates memes that are based on the truth". It's also correct that "some people on the internet create memes based on the wildest bull dung".

n.n said...

They're displacing blacks, browns, and probably albinos. They're forcing progressive prices in shelter, food, medical, and education. They're rape-raping, raping, torture-torturing our girls. American Civil Liberties Unburdened

FormerLawClerk said...

I'm so glad the Democrats are just as obtuse and obnoxious as you are and simply cannot catch the plot. They will stay a minor power forever.

n.n said...

Trump is a provocative speaker, but occasionally publishes an NYT fact, reports a Democratic dossier, or exaggerates with empathetic appeal. But, to his credit, he maintains a separation of rhetoric and policy.

Quayle said...

What they seem to be missing is the constant stream of lies we get shoved down our throats every day by the media, and their content producers in academia, government, and show biz, so that when they say Trump is lying, we are perplexed. So.....are you saying.....YOU guys aren't lying?


FormerLawClerk said...

And then CNN will fact-check him. Democrats are densely stupid.

Quayle said...
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FormerLawClerk said...

"She's for they/them. I'm for you." - Donald Trump

That one line put the entire election into singular focus for people.

FormerLawClerk said...

Yeah, not really tho. Did he put Hillary in jail? Is he a man who means what he says?

FormerLawClerk said...

He's just pissed off that Trump lies better than he does.

Jupiter said...

Didn't you say that you like this prating little shit-weasel Wikler? Jesus. What exactly do you find likeable about him? His penetrating insight?
Trump thinks long and hard about everything he says, long before he says it. That's why every time the shit-weasels pounce upon his latest "outrageous" statement, they find themselves chewing on a mouthful of porcupine quills.

Eva Marie said...

“ I don't advocate lying as a way of living, but let's be truthful: Trump is a likable liar.”
This is a typical Republican response. Republicans want so desperately to be liked by Democrats that they will denigrate their own representatives to get a smile from Democrats.
Trump is not a liar. Defend your President. He risked his life so that he could defend your interests and the interests of your families.

robother said...

Ah, yes, the Democrats are ever the party of the truth-tellers. LBJ. Bill Clinton. Obama. Harry Reid. Adam Schiff. "My word as a Biden."

Peachy said...

Lying about crowd size is inconsequential.

Joe used Hunter as the family bagman in Ukraine - where Hunter was on the Board of Burisma in 2014. They set up shall compaines to hide it all.
How did drug user loser Hunter gain millions for his lifestyle? Leftists do not care and are 100% incurious.
As luck would have it- King Biden pardoned Hunter back to 2014!

Quayle said...
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doctrev said...

I saw him on Breaking Points. Most of the dissident left is widely ridiculing him as a corporate drone who is in no way going to alter the fundamental structure of the party. The oligarchs would in no way take being shoved aside lightly, but it does mean the Rats will continue to suffer legitimacy issues for the foreseeable future.

Big Mike said...

Well, Wikler or someone thought to develop a political ad that suggested Tammy Baldwin had been able to work with Donald Trump back when he was President the first time. That ad may have saved her job.

Eva Marie said...

@Quale, no I’m not a Democrat so obviously you’re sarcastic with me.

Michael said...

"Eating the pets" was media jiu jitsu - it gave the press a reason to front page the story (to attack Trump) but as a result people were talking about immigration for a week or so. Which meant Trump was winning.

Mr. T. said...

Trump also isn't making and distributing kiddie porn.

Brett Blomme and Adam Westbrook-the democrat attorneys that Wikler loves and worked so hard to elect-do that.

Big Mike said...

So Stewart and Wikler are trying to revive the “Trump is a liar” meme? Guys, we just lived through four years of Joe Biden and his Praetorian Guard of sycophants, staffers, and journalists. We know the difference between hyperbole and outright lying.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

What has Trump lied about?

Peachy said...

You know who does speak with precision and grace? JD Vance.
Not that the a-hole left will be nice to him.

Mason G said...

"Did he put Hillary in jail?"

No, he didn't. Can you post a link to where he said he was going to?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

It wasn't Trump that called Creepy Joe "sharp as a tack", and neither Wikler nor Stewart ever denied it, until everyone could see that it was a lie.

Aggie said...

People think of Trump as boorish and call him 'unvarnished' but all he really has to do, is avoid the kind of political glibness that comes from long practice, the kind that politicians earn their chops on. It takes years to know how to automatically bullsh*t the public through an array of professional journalists.

What the politicians don't realize is that the public has gotten wise to it, and Trump's eschewing the habit makes him real, and puts an imprint of credibility on what he says. The political class, having devoted years of their adult life to the rhetorical craft of learning how to lie to their constituents, are outraged that their constituents think they're liars.

Mason G said...

"Even when he's lying out of his teeth, he's lying in an authentic way."

Lying like this, maybe?

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

No doubt, Mr. Shit-for-brains was dazzled by *that* pronouncement.

Jerry said...

They take him literally, but not seriously. We take him seriously, but not literally.

doctrev said...

At the cost of exposing Kamala Harris and her incredible electoral weakness. When your candidate is screaming Orange Man Bad and you're reaching across the aisle, it makes the national party look completely unbalanced. Which they are, but it was a sure sign even to casual observers that vote fraud was not going to be sufficient for Kamala.

chuck said...

If Trump isn't a disaster for the country, can we toss Wikler in the BS bin?

Peachy said...


Yinzer said...

I am so over the assumption that Trump lies constantly. And I swear that the democrats add a zero every time they cite a count of the times he has lied. The current number seems to be 30,000. But no one can specify any particular lie that cannot be easily debunked.

JK Brown said...

He avoided facing the reality of Democrats in the election. He'll have to face the college-edu-medicated who run the party, sooner or later. But the puritanical fervor burns hot within them.

“The specter of a radically transformed America that hates Christianity, sees no difference between women and men, actively discriminates against whites and especially white men in the name of equity, and seeks to regulate every economic and social interaction with a puritanical fervor not seen since Oliver Cromwell has angered and frightened enough Americans to create a mass movement of resistance centered on the person of our new president-elect.”
---Walter Russell Mead, Tablet Magazine

JK Brown said...

Wikler doesn't have a chance. He's obviously a man, all evidence a white man, likely a Christian, a heterosexual, a cis-gendered, Midwest man. He has a wife, with a female name, three, 3, climate change producing children...and a dog. And, and, and, he got his start with "Me Too" early instigator Sen (resigned) Al Franken.

dbp said...

I've always heard the expression as, "Lying between his teeth," or "Lying through his teeth," never "Lying out of his teeth." Till now.

Shouting Thomas said...

Closer to reality, Scott Adams’ repeated contention that Trump is one of the most effective communicators and persuaders in American history.

Rabel said...

"We were the battleground state the whole state in the country that came closest to defeating Trump where Trump still won."


I watched most of that and he has two main selling points:

1. We can with with better organization (see above).
2. We can win if we just get our message out to the people (particularly lower income people) and that message is that we care about their problems.

Each of these would be effective if we assume that the DNC hasn't made any such efforts in the recent past. They have and they spent billions doing it.

It's the dog food, Ben.

Also, I know he's a family friend, but I heard a number of of distortions and outright lies from the man.

Wisconsin nice, my ass. Just another professional pol.

Iman said...


—— Joe Biden

Peachy said...

Modern Democrats rule from a place of Power-obsession and hate.
"passion" - No. No No No - well their only passion is Trump-obsession. The left forgot about the American people. D-MSNBC is the bomb crater.

and that Hatred of Trump - is why the left opened up the border [ILLEGALLY] to LET IN millions of unvetted illegals - and used our tax dollars to pay for them
By funneling that money to NGO's -
All while Americans in need - suffer and continue to suffer.

mindnumbrobot said...

Did Democrats just shift from "Trump is Hitler" to "We need a Trump of our own"?

Dave Begley said...

I hope Ben Wikler is the new DNC Chairman. Raised in ultra liberal Madison and an activist from a young age, he also is a Harvard alum. He's fully invested in Dem identity politics which means more losing from the Dems.

Quayle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rusty said...

Dixcus. What are you 6? I didn't get my pony! You promised me a pony!
Grow up.

Eva Marie said...

@Quale: I didn’t say Trump was a composite of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Moses and Audy Murphy. I said he wasn’t a liar.

Dr Weevil said...

I was going to say exactly the same thing, and add that the usual completion of "lying out of" is "his ass". Was Wikler slyly implying that he really wanted to say that but was too polite? Or was he just thinking that while saying the other?

RideSpaceMountain said...

"We need a Hitler of our own?"

Stalin 2.0? Steel cage death match?

Peachy said...

thank you JK and Walter. Indeed.

Peachy said...

Besides lies themselves from the liar left- I ask the liar left to name Trump's lies. Be specific.

Peachy said...

Why are you here? Piss off.

Dr Weevil said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

So many of the things that Trump lies about are factually correct. It's the people claiming they're lies that's the problem...

Butkus51 said...

Old shows would use spinning plates and monkey acts, now its politicians.

rehajm said...

Careful- if certain things are not in this blogger's newspapers it didn't happen.

Gem Quincyite said...

Trump didn't say "_Haitian's_ are eating the cats", he said "_they_ are eating the cats"

Dr Weevil said...

As a matter of fact, he's here to piss you off, Peachy. But don't worry, his comments will be gone very soon, like tears in the rain, except that he undoubtedly prints them out in color and in context and keeps them in a very thick scrapbook, like some kind of e-stalking weirdo.

Mason G said...

One reason why the left wants so desperately to convince people otherwise.

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

Yes!!!!! Amazed I had to go so far down the comments to see this ;-) Maybe a regional thing? Grok says, in part - "Lying out of his teeth" is less standard and might be considered a variation or an informal, perhaps humorous or exaggerated way of saying someone is lying. The use of "out of" instead of "through" could imply the lie is so bold or extreme that it's as if it's physically escaping from between the teeth. However, this phrase does not have as widespread recognition or usage in standard English dictionaries or idiomatic collections, suggesting it might be more of a colloquial or regional twist on the more established "through" version.

Peachy said...

I'll start. oh he lied about crowd size! On NO!!!!

Peachy said...

e-stalker. indeed, Weevil.

MadisonMan said...

2. We can win if we just get our message out to the people (particularly lower income people) and that message is that we care about their problems

If he actually said that, he said it without evidence. The Democrats are the party of the extremely wealthy and the Entertainment world. They want to control you. I will also point out that they only want to message that, there is no follow-through that I can see at the National Level.

GRW3 said...

Remember, by "lying" they mean holding opinions and relating facts that do not agree with progressive orthodoxy.

cfs said...

A little off-subject, but a tale in two acts:

"Kash Patel Doesn’t Belong at the FBI" by John Bolton at the WSJ

Followed by:

"IG finds Justice Department spied on Patel and other Congressional staffer without telling Courts" by Steven Richards at Just the News.

Rather amusing I thought.

Rabel said...

He specified people with incomes under $50,000 who don't follow the news.

AKA suckers.

I noticed that Stewart agreed with your final point.

cfs said...

Speaking of humor, Rueters contacted Babylon Bee informing them they were fact-checking one of their articles. They asked if BB stood behind the article and the editor (Seth Dillon) replied "100%".

Freder Frederson said...

You forgot one important thing, it was the Trump Justice Department that was spying on Patel.

cfs said...

Freder Frederson
You forgot one important thing, it was the Trump Justice Department that was spying on Patel.


YOU forgot one thing. Even when Trump was President, it was not HIS Justice Department. The Department, including Barr, worked against Trump almost every step of the way.

Aggie said...

'Trump's' Justice Department also spied on Trump and worked perfidiously to make his term miserable, so there's that to consider - almost like they were an inside enemy, except without the 'almost'.

Prof. M. Drout said...

Trump's rhetorical authenticity made him stand out in the sea of scripted, focus-grouped, and A/B-tested rhetoric that had completely taken over the political discourse. (It started as "Talking Points Memos" being distributed by fax and had further evolved with Journolist and Twitter). Although political junkies loved parsing out the polished and workshopped language, normal people had recognized that nothing much was actually being said: it was all a game, and the designated losers were the people who voted for a supported politicians and expect to get what the politicians had seemed to promise to do.
Trump sounded like Uncle Louie after Thanksgiving Dinner when he has had a few and lets loose with his rambling explanation of how to fix the country. It might be an incoherent mess, or it might be full of common sense and wisdom (and more likely it's both), but no one thinks Uncle Louie sat down with a team of lawyers and journalists and corporate drones and ground out a statement that would sound good while not actually committing anyone to anything. Uncle Louie and Trump are telling you what they actually think, not what some advisor told then they have to say.

An anonymous outside referee got upset at a section of my Liberal Arts book because I did not emphasize "enough" how much "Trump lies" (he/she wrote the words "Trump Lies" in all caps in the review), even though I was specifically talking about rhetorical style, not truth value. Serious, of the 3-page reader's report, a full page was listing all the "lies" Trump supposedly lied, despite this being entirely irrelevant! In academia are a lot of minds that just snapped when Trump got elected, and any of them haven't come back. Sad, really.

No Name said...

Ok, Ben Wikler failed his national media debut test. Not inspiring, another progressive-liberal who thinks anything published in NYT or WaPo is gospel truth. Guy is sorely underinformed, needs to watch Rogan's interview of Mike Benz, and will be beaten to the punch by reissued Rahm ("9.5" and "tiny dancer" to Chicagoans) Emmanuel.

Amadeus 48 said...

I generally don't care what Demmie operatives think, with the exception of David Axelrod.

Trump has had a long, long tenure in American culture. There he was in Home Alone 2 in 1992. There he was in that Visa ad ("Oops!") in 2004. There he was in Spy Magazine in 1988 (the short-fingered vulgarian). His tussle with Merv Griffin over control of Resorts International in the late '80s filled
the business and entertainment pages. Ivana! Marla! The Clintons went to hs wedding to the beautiful and stylish Melania. He was named in many rap and hip hop works. The relentless promoter, the confidence man, the mogul, the bankrupt, the outlaw--they are all American archetypes. The Great Gatsby! Flem Snopes! The Duke and the Dauphin! The invented legend. Some times they slipped out of town and headed west. Sometimes they landed in the White House (Bill Clinton, LBJ, Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump).
Trump is as American as apple pie.

Original Mike said...

Freder thinks the DOJ during Trump I was working for Trump. Freder is very naive.

n.n said...

Lying out his or her ass... Ass is a Democratic signature protocol. Hear them bray.

Jaq said...

At least the referee was specific about his claimed lies. I never see any specifics, unless you call a difference of opinion a lie, then they have lots of them.

And I agree about the "talking points." Most, maybe all, of the people on here imagining themselves "contrarians" almost never, maybe never, engage directly with a statement, but they just repeat talking points they got from sources they trust, like Rachael Maddow, or The Bulwark. Talking points carefully crafted to preserve their "truth value" by leaving out the facts most relevant to the argument. So if Trump notes that we are not vetting migrants, and the people coming across the border include large numbers of undesirable criminals, rather than doctors or engineers, and he says "the are not sending us their best," well, we are told that this means that Trump said that every single migrant is a criminal.

A post like the above will never be responded to by our "contrarians" because they are not seeking the truth. They will pretend that it was never said, and go on to putting up another talking point about something else. In what low esteem do they hold the intellect of their potential voters! Probably with good reason, idiots outnumber the rest of us by a fair margin.

Jim at said...


Tank said...

When they talk about the way Trump speaks, you can see they haven't learned anything about him during the last ten years. Also, so weird to see them talking about lying after four years of Biden. Surrealistic.

Drago said...

At some point you realize that VA Lawyer Mark simply has terminal TDS and will never be able to think thru the cloudy haze of mental disease.

Drago said...

Thread winner.

Drago said...

Rusty, Dixcus' "job" at Althouse blog is to spin you up and direct you to the next Patriot Front meeting.......where you will no doubt be offered all kinds of options to help advance the Ray Epps causes.....

Drago said...

Confession by projection will always be in vogue on Team New Soviet Democratical.

Jaq said...

Joe Biden is Flem Snopes, dead to rights.

traditionalguy said...

Pure rubbish. DJT is a brilliant communicator of the truth. So what this idiot accuses Trump of faking authenticity. That’s all the Dems have got. He wins and they lose.

Hopefully Wisconsin will again back reality over these Big Lie delusions pumped out by Big Liars.

Mason G said...

Trump's critics are too busy looking for something to disagree with to pay attention to what he's saying.

Big Mike said...

Why do Democrats even want to win elections? Not to help people, surely. Not after the way they laughed at poor people trying to put food on the table. They only want to elbow their way to the feed trough and participate in the graft and corruption.

The bottom line is that Ben Wikler. David Axelrod, “The Talking Skull” Carville, and people of that ilk are simply evil.

Christopher B said...

When Obama said don't underestimate [Joe Biden's] ability to f things up you should have believed him.

Jupiter said...

Trump is kind of like Bob Dylan. In that his lyrics sound even better when someone else is singing them.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

The dude says "what trump lies" from another planet?
Jan. 21 “I wasn't a fan of Iraq. I didn't want to go into Iraq.” (He was for an invasion before he was against it.) Jan. 21 “A reporter for Time magazine — and I have been on their cover 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine.” (Trump was on the cover 11 times and Nixon appeared 55 times.) Jan. 23 “Between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused me to lose the popular vote.” (There's no evidence of illegal voting.) Jan. 25 “Now, the audience was the biggest ever. But this crowd was massive. Look how far back it goes. This crowd was massive.” (Official aerial photos show Obama's 2009 inauguration was much more heavily attended.) Jan. 25 “Take a look at the Pew reports (which show voter fraud.)” (The report never mentioned voter fraud.) Jan. 25 “You had millions of people that now aren't insured anymore.” (The real number is less than 1 million, according to the Urban Institute.) Jan. 25 “So, look, when President Obama was there two weeks ago making a speech, very nice speech. Two people were shot and killed during his speech. You can't have that.” (There were no gun homicide victims in Chicago that day.) Jan. 26 “We've taken in tens of thousands of people. We know nothing about them. They can say they vet them. They didn't vet them. They have no papers. How can you vet somebody when you don't know anything about them and you have no papers? How do you vet them? You can't.” (Vetting lasts up to two years.) Jan. 26 “I cut off hundreds of millions of dollars off one particular plane, hundreds of millions of dollars in a short period of time. It wasn't like I spent, like, weeks, hours, less than hours, and many, many hundreds of millions of dollars. And the plane's going to be better.” (Most of the cuts were already planned.) Jan. 28 “The coverage about me in the @nytimes and the @washingtonpost has been so false and angry that the Times actually apologized to its dwindling subscribers and readers.” (It never apologized.) Jan. 29 “The Cuban-Americans, I got 84 percent of that vote.” (There is no support for this.) Jan. 30 “Only 109 people out of 325,000 were detained and held for questioning. Big problems at airports were caused by Delta computer outage.” (At least 746 people were detained and processed, and the Delta outage happened two days later.) Feb. 3 “Professional anarchists, thugs and paid protesters are proving the point of the millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” (There is no evidence of paid protesters.) stop here way too many

Jim at said...

Do you really think anybody's going to wade through that massive pile of shit?

Saint Croix said...

That ought to be an entry in the Dr. Seuss "worst job in the world" book.

Christopher B said...

By Freder's logic Hunter actually was targeted by the "Biden Justice Department". Did Slo Joe just forget he'd ordered that when he explained why he pardoned his cokehead son?

Steve said...

People may disagree with or roll their eyes at what Trump says, but they can tell it wasn't focus-grouped and rehearsed a zillion times before he said it. "Authenticity", even if it's a facade, is a good quality for a politician.

Saint Croix said...

It's typical of Biden that the answer "I might" never occurred to him.

I think a lot of people would have sympathy for a father who didn't want to watch while his son went to prison. But Biden felt obligated to lie, over and over.

Peachy said...

Democrats like to market and message their BS. When they lose - they assume their marketing was off.

Aggie said...

Poor STINKY, keeping busy with his own kitchen-table JournoLIST, on a diet of pickles and Doritos. The Man of La Muncha.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The Scott Adams phrase "directionally true" is another way of phrasing Lazarus's point. Trump's ability to nudge the conversation toward the true things is a gift.

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