December 12, 2024

Don't say "Christmas." Don't even say "joy."

A Grok summary, at X:
During a recent event at the White House, Jill Biden mentioned the need for 'joy' during the holiday season, a comment which some interpreted as a subtle mockery of Kamala Harris's previous campaign slogan 'sense of joy.' Jill Biden later clarified that her remarks were not meant to be taken as an insult, emphasizing that the audience was reading too much into her statement. The incident has sparked discussions about the dynamics within the Biden administration. This story is a summary of posts on X and may evolve over time. Grok can make mistakes, verify its outputs.
Here's the relevant video clip.

"Joy" is a Christmas word: "Joy to the World/The Lord is come"/"Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring." It's a word that might be selected by someone who wants to avoid limiting her message to Christians. It seems more general, even as Christians hear it as specific to the Christian religion.

Jill also says "peace" and "light": "I hope that you all feel that sense of, you know, peace and light." 

"Peace" and "light" are also words that, for Christians, call to mind Jesus Christ. Jesus is "the light of the world" — "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world." Jesus is the "Prince of Peace" — "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

But Jill's audience, hearing "joy," thinks not of Jesus Christ but of a worldly power-seeker who used "joy" as a political brand that worked for a couple weeks and then was recognized as idiotic emptiness. Now, it's a laugh line.

Jill hears the laughing and flaps her arms about. Instead of holding steady and conveying the beauty and seriousness of the hope for peace and light and joy at Christmas, she emits a scoffing laugh and acknowledges that she too can hear what they hear, a reference to Kamala Harris.


wendybar said...

Kamala was anything BUT joy. Progressives think Joy Reid and Joy Behar are full of joy. They are full of something...but it sure isn't joy....

Christopher B said...

You know what else reminds people of Kamala Harris? German sausages.

The Worst Brat.

Christopher B said...

If you listen to the lyrics, "Do You Hear What I Hear" ranks right up there with "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" for supposedly secular seasonal songs with aggressively creepy quasi-Christian imagery applied to Progressive pieties.

Dave Begley said...

I’m experiencing both peace and joy this Christmas because the Dems won’t be in the White House much longer fucking things up in America and around the world.

Michael said...

Sometime a joy is just a joy

MadTownGuy said...

I'm put off by Jill Biden's flip attitude toward the season - though I'm not surprised - but I'm even more put off by her apparent disrespect for Kamala Harris. If she holds her husband's running mate and replacement candidate in such disdain, what level of respect can she have for the deplorables?

A meme that showed up in Facebook recently showed a map of the counties that went for Trump over Harris, plastered with the moniker (which I shall bowdlerize) , "Dumbf***istan." My first take was to wonder how that passed the FB censors - oh never mind, I know - but then, how anyone posting it could feel about others who disagree with them. Not open minded; not liberal.

Randomizer said...

What is the context for Dr. Jill's short address?

That wasn't a dig at Kamala, that was a person behind the lectern, talking, with nothing to say. The sweeping arm gesture, the filler words, and the Kamala-like word salad. The word 'joy' might be on her mind, but she had nothing prepared and no message.

At the end, she says, "Okay, now I'll start." Dr. Jill probably should have just started with her prepared speech.

Enigma said...

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Almond Joy (or Mounds).

Enigma said...

By far the worst arguably Christian uncanny-valley dystopian holiday production is Tom Hanks' The Polar Express. The creepy CGI imagery has all the warmth of a microwave frozen meal, and there's a perplexing 'religious' thing about not being able to hear the bells ring unless you believe...

Wince said...

“Well, I got a flash for you, joy boy.”

mccullough said...

Gonna be a Brat Christmas

mccullough said...

Jeremiah was a bullfrog . . .

Shouting Thomas said...

Why is Jill Biden addressing the press at a lectern displaying the presidential seal?

planetgeo said...

The joy of Christmas can't be co-opted. It's genuine. And it's that way whether you believe in the Christian religion with Jesus Christ as a deity or not. Personally, I think it's even more powerful if Jesus was just another man who preached forgiving your enemies and goodwill to all as a life practice rather than killing everyone who disagreed with you or your religion. That was a revolutionary concept then, and it's still a revolutionary concept today.

So yes, forgive your enemies and those who disagree with you. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And feel the genuine joy that such a life practice brings like a gift to you. Merry Christmas.

BudBrown said...

But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here

Ev’rybody’s gonna jump for joy

mccullough said...

Because she’s in charge. Where have you been?

Ann Althouse said...

"If you listen to the lyrics, "Do You Hear What I Hear" ranks right up there with "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" for supposedly secular seasonal songs with aggressively creepy quasi-Christian imagery applied to Progressive pieties."

Wow. Is it really that bad? Where are the "progressive pieties" in it?

The main problem I have is: "A child, a child shivers in the cold/Let us bring Him silver and gold" — worst gift-idea thinking ever. The baby is freezing so what he needs is metal.

Ann Althouse said...

How about a blanket? Or a space heater?

Two-eyed Jack said...

That baby doesn't need gold, Balthazar, he needs myrrh! Who told you that you were a wise man?

Narayanan said...

FJB hiding in lectern

Peachy said...

Mind-Crime/ Speech Crime - eats their own.

Peachy said...

Sausage made with more sausage... The wurst of the wurst.

tommyesq said...

Space heater in a manger would be a MAJOR fire risk.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Exactly what I thought. From Clinton to Obama to Biden, Democrat Party members do nothing but cheapen the office of the presidency.

Christopher B said...

Yeah, the whole "Believe" thing has the same vibe. As I remember them, the visual style of the movie is quite similar to the illustrations in the book. They have a somewhat dark sinister look that doesn't translate well to a feature-length animation, and it's not helped by making the Conductor/'Bo look like Tom Hanks but not quite.

I have to disagree with our hostess on the use of peace, joy, and light as an attempt to make Christmas inclusive. There's plenty of other words (Merry, Bright, Happy) that avoid the quasi-religious overtones of pulling those words from specifically Christian descriptions of Christ. Doctor Jill is certainly old enough to have experienced Christmas as an unabashedly American Christian holiday so maybe she was just reverting to familiar themes. It seems at best a backhanded way to acknowledge we have this big holiday in the middle of winter because we're still a fundamentally Western Christian society without actually saying it.

Enigma said...

The gifts to the baby Jesus were said to be gold, frankincense, and myrrh:

I'm going to buy a bunch myrrh to compliment my gold collection. Great protection against inflation there. ;-)

Eva Marie said...

The three wise WOMEN would have asked for directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the Baby, cleaned the stable and made a casserole - 1990’s Tshirt

Peachy said...

she's the only one who wasn't in on the family shell game grifting.

Peachy said...

uh, no.

Kevin said...

Solving the problem robs the giver of the opportunity to extort others for future gifts. The real solution is always higher taxes.

Jamie said...

I wonder if it could possibly be tenable in American politics to say, "You all know I'm a Catholic. At this season, I, like many of you, observe Christmas, the season in which Catholics and other Christians [yeah, yeah, hush] celebrate the coming of Jesus, the Light of the world [you could leave out the "and look forward to His return" for simplicity and so forth], even though he wasn't actually born in the winter. Our Jewish friends and neighbors celebrate Hanukkah, a holiday commemorating the generosity of Yahweh in providing light in a dark time. Our Muslim friends and neighbors join with their loved ones on Yaldā Night, the longest and darkest night of the year, the night before the light begins to return. Many cultures mark this time of year with celebration. From my own tradition, I wish you all a very merry Christmas with all the sense of happy anticipation we feel as the days again lengthen and brighten."

Something like that.

Peachy said...

The song - Santa Clause is coming to Town - is a parental aid. Santa is the perfect imaginary jolly spirit guide for children to exhibit good behavior. (In this day and age - nothing wrong with that!)
That song makes me very pro-Santa.

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town

He’s making a list,
Checking it twice,
Gonna find out who’s naughty or nice.
Santa Claus is coming to town

He sees you when you’re sleeping
He knows when you’re awake
He knows if you’ve been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake

Peachy said...

They are fast at work with shredders, pardons and massive tax payer waste.
They cannot be gone soon enough.

Curious George said...

The left haven't been liberal for many many years. That train left and ain't coming back.

Quayle said...

The plain meaning of the story in the Bible shows that the wisemen didn't come to the manger. They came probably sometime when Jesus was two years old or younger, because Harod (upon being mocked) asked his scholars when the new star appeared, then killed all children under the age of two, in an attempt to kill Jesus. In other words, the star had arisen two years earlier than when the wisemen appeared in the area.

Or to get to my point: the space heater would have probably been very welcomed in Joseph and Mary's home or more permanent lodging.

Quayle said...

The angel declared to the shepherds "good tidings of great joy". That's where the word first appears in the story.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Happy Christmas from the Walzes.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Democrat Party women would have railed against Mary for not aborting the fetus, protested against the inn owner for putting people in the stable, thus forcing the newborn into the street where they could alert the government and child services to have the kid taken by child services and kept in foster care until it was time to mutilate his genitals and call him a girl.

No Name said...

What a vapid woman. She's former babysitter for Hunter and Beau, now babysitter for daddy Joe. "Dr Jill" traded on her cute looks her entire life, now mutton dressed as lamb, irrelevant and soon forever offstage.
What's she doing at presidential podium? She looks exasperated, tired, mouthing ecumenical banalities for Christmas season without saying word "Christmas". Situation must be grim at WH.

D.D. Driver said...

This is a dumb question, but why is she talking and why are people listen to her? Who would go listen to the CEO's wife or husband give a speech? I get why they are on the campaign trail, but this makes no sense. Out of all the things to do with you time, who would pick that? Out of all the people to hear speak, who would choose her?

Steven Wilson said...

Oh, I know, I know. Bring him one of those EdenPure quartz heaters. They are guaranteed to not start a fire even if they tip over. And with that crowd in the manger there has to be a klutz or a klutzy animal among them.

Aggie said...

Just because Jill's objectives happen to align with Joe's best interests from time to time, is not the same thing as loyalty.

RCOCEAN II said...

Why should the first lady of the USA, tip toe around the words "Christmas" or "Jesus" in a country that is still mostly Christian (and shut up you jackass atheist) and has Christmas as a Federal holiday. Does she have the guts to call the Christmas Tree, a Christmas tree? Or is it a "Holiday Tree".

Inclusive is "hey, you not Christian, but you can come celebrate our christmas holiday anyway, and we'll keep the overt christianity out of it. Here have a Santa hat". Inclusive is not "Hey, I'll hide my Christianity under a basket, and never mention it". BTW, this is a first lady who proudly lights a menorah in the white house during Hunnakah. A religion followed by 2 percent of the USA.

Eva Marie said...

@Michael Fitzgerald: You might be right. The 90s were much more innocent times

Joe Bar said...

But jumping queues and making haste
Just ain't my cup of meat

Joe Bar said...

This brings to mind an old National Lampoon Radio Hour bit about Baby Jesus opening gifts, and making remarks. "Why just what I need, precious lovely gold! Not some aromatic tree resin! Why, this will be handy at school, and at home!"

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe Bar said...

Here is the relevant link:
Jesus Thank You Letters

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Tis the season for joy, love, and harmony... and we'll have a gay old time. Merry Christmas! #HateLovesAbortion

Rusty said...

Damnit, Althouse! Weren't the swaddling clothes enough! Jesus!

hawkeyedjb said...

"Out of all the people to hear speak, who would choose her?"

Third-hand association with power, I guess. She's married to the figurehead who appointed the guy (or guys) who perform the actual duties of managing the government. But it is like listening to a speech by the girlfriend of the guy who plays the mascot on a football team.

Howard said...

I'm pretty sick and tired of the unrelenting cultural appropriation of the pagan winter solstice celebration by the middle eastern zombie worshipers.

mikee said...

The bitter hate of one harpy for another is nothing new., but always fun to watch as they screetch and scratch and scowl and scheme.

As for the word, Joy, and Christmas, Linus from A Charlie Brown Christmas gave the correct usage with full meaning when he quoted the biblical text of the Angel notifying the shepherds of the birth of Christ. "I bring you tidings of great Joy, which shall be to all people...."

Everything else is just extra steps and personal baggage.

The Middle Coast said...

Oh crap. Is “joy” going to become some kind of code word for “I lean progressive”?

AlbertAnonymous said...

“During this time of the season”…. What season Dr. Jill?

Where shall we look to get this feeling of joy and peace and light?

No mention of God at all? Even at Christmas? Pathetic “Joe Biden Catholic”

Ice Nine said...

The winter season, one would presume. This time (Xmas) of the (winter) season.

Ice Nine said...

Thread winner.

Skeptical Voter said...

It'll be nice when President Dr. Jill departs the stage. She'll walk, Joe will shuffle and stumble.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ kept in foster care until it was time to mutilate his genitals and call him a girl.”

Of course, his genitals were almost assuredly mutilated (I.e. circumcised), as an infant, but was called a boy afterwards.

Jupiter said...

Just get 'em outa here.

Lazarus said...

Jill says "joy" twice. She tries to make it sound casual, but it sounds all the more deliberate. Nobody responds at first, but when she gets a laugh, she claims to know what's going through people's heads. It's hard to know what was going through her mind but also hard to avoid thinking that it wasn't some kind of dig or jab at Harris and Walz. When you're talking about a recently defeated candidate of your party, even a gentle jibe comes across as barbed and malicious.

Obama got criticized and mocked for appearing at podiums with the fictitious "Seal of the President Elect of the United States." How should we feel about Jill appearing at the podium of the POTUS? Would it be better if she made up her own FLOTUS seal?

And speaking of peace and light and the Messiah, Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama was described as "lightworker" during his presidency. He was indeed a "light worker", but that's not what was intended.

Christopher B said...

Lots of songs tangle up the elements of the biblical Christmas story, even some Christian hymns. Usually the star, the wise men, and a drummer boy arrive at the stable on the night of the birth when it's pretty clear that the wise men arrived when Christ was several months or up to a year old.

The common last verse of "Do You Hear" doesn't just tangle up elements of the story. It creates an imaginary account that is the absolute inverse of what really happened. The only king told about the birth of Jesus didn't call for peace and celebration, he ordered soldiers to perpetrate a massacre to try to eliminate him. To be that aggressively wrong you really need to have a motive. I think Kevin below is on the right track. That verse winds up being a homage to the idea that government bureaucrats distributing AFDC checks will bring about world peace.

Narr said...

Joy, to the world, was a beautiful girl,
But to me Joy meant o-o-o-nly sorrow.

Narr said...

Usually, I read comments before watching the embed, and often file the whole thing as much ado about nothing after I do so.

psavich said...

Yes the song is kinda dumb. But Crosby's voice is perfect.

Big Mike said...

Someday the Democrats will get over their Christianity-hatred, but apparently Christmas 2024 is not going to be that day.

Josephbleau said...

I love his wife’s collection of burning tires on the tree.

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