December 21, 2024

Did you notice?


Whiskeybum said...

I knew it ahead of time, but did not set an alarm to get up and celebrate it.

Kate said...

Did I notice it was solstice, or did I notice that someone really likes to live dangerously with their phone's remaining battery life? Plug that thing in, lol.

Ann Althouse said...

"Plug that thing in, lol."

Ha ha. I let it run all the way down before I plugged it in. Had to use my iPad to listen to a podcast while making this morning's coffee.

Narr said...

Damn! Slept through another one.

Christopher B said...

I'm saving up for New Year Eve's.

David53 said...

It was a terrible car, they only made like 56,000 of them.

JES said...

Really? That's why my phone went off at 3:20 and woke me up. Rude. But, to quote Kamala or someone, the past is past and now have a fresh start.

Deep State Reformer said...

Yes. The phases of Luna also.

wildswan said...

I was up. I forget whether I was working to save the republic by studying Milwaukee election returns or reading about Andrew Marvell for personal enjoyment or eating delicious cornbread. But I saw it was late and went to bed.

Rocco said...

It was a terrible car, they only made like 56,000 of them.

It’s possible to drop an LS series V8 into one. Not cheap or easy, though.

minnesota farm guy said...

Solstice, Christmas and New Year a great excuse for trying out new egg nog recipes!

Limited blogger said...

I always mark the winter solstice because it means the days now grow longer

NKP said...

Arrived 4:20 in my time zone. I was just going to bed.

December is the darkest month of the year - No shit, Sherlock. What with it coming-on Christmas and people cuttin' down trees and singing songs of joy and peace. FWIW, other faves on my seasonal playlist are, "Please Daddy, don't get drunk this Christmas," and "If we can make it through December". Oh, for the days when all I wanted for Christmas was, "My two front teeth".

More light, less darkness ahead! On a more positive note, some of you might enjoy "Koppangen".
Anne Sofie von Otter's English version is moving. Maybe.

The Godfather said...
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The Godfather said...

Isn't it always Dec. 21?

Jim at said...

Isn't it always Dec. 21?

Usually, but not always. It varies.

Mason G said...


The December solstice can be on December 20, 21, 22, or 23.

December 21 or 22 solstices happen more often than December 20 and 23 solstices. The last December 23 solstice was in 1903 and the next one is in 2303. A December 20 solstice is also rare, with the next one in the year 2080.

Jaq said...

5 degrees this morning, so yes, I noticed.

rastajenk said...

As long as we have daylight savings time, wouldn't the solstices be a good time to mess around with nature's intended plan?