"... between chomps of steak with such gusto that my blood ran cold. That hairy, masculine hand. The glass of frothy milk. The pure delight. The cow two ways.... I couldn’t ignore it.... I interrupted his conversation. 'I don’t mean to be rude,' I said, 'but what’s with the milk?' 'Oh, I know it’s weird, right?” he responded, self-aware but not ashamed. Then he leaned over and drawled, 'I can’t explain it. I just love a big glass of cold milk with a rare steak. Mmmmm-mm!' Milk Man’s date didn’t seem to feel weird about it; she gave a 'Yes, my man is a freak' smile as he finished his Big Ol’ Glass of Cold Milk.... Milk symbolizes innocence and purity, and the adult who continues to indulge in it — nay, cling to it — long after their loss of innocence provokes light repulsion, confusion, and fascination in the observer...."
Writes Allison P. Davis, in "The Pervert’s Beverage/From Babygirl to Fellow Travelers, milk is for freaks" (Vulture).
None of that ever happened.
She's insane.
I’ll drink some milk right now. It is good with breakfast.
The writer didn't grow up watching Ozzie and Harriet. Those two pushed a quart of milk a day. Per person. That relentless pitch stuck with me. Frequent swigs from a gallon jug in the frig provides protein and hydration. Plus nothing to wash.
Wait until the writer finds out about the Amish and raw milk.
Clearly not keeping kosher.
I think this would make the author's head explode: Go to a county fair...watch the cows getting milked by machines and then get yourself a free cup of warm, fresh milk.
LOL that is such a funny picture, Enigma. Thank you for the laugh and Happy New Year!
Shouldn't all of this type of material be free and accessible without hassle? Who pays for this stuff?
I just finished a glass, unfortunately not with a steak.
Choco milk is a great recovery drink- with some post workout protein like steak it’s bovine!
This milkman's son thinks it's always a good time for a fresh cold glass of nature's perfect food.
The author obviously thought she was being clever and provocative, but in reality this fictional piece is just dumb.
I will briefly pause and remind all readers that the publication's name is the Vulture, with all that is implied by that title. There are picky eaters, and then there are picky eaters.
the key to milk, is to drink Delicious WHOLE Milk.
The butter fat is where the taste is. 1% (and GOD Forbid, skimmed milk) are the sort of crap that makes people think you can milk a tree
I watched and loved “America’s favorite family” during their heyday on network tv. They were great, funny, solid. The ideal, make-believe, Hollywood fantasy of family life in the USA. Our better angels we all aspired to be in a world that was just as dangerous as today’s. How things ought to be, not dysfunctional like Hollywood takes delight in portraying Americans today even if it’s true. Paraphrasing John Ford dialogue in Liberty Valance, “When the fantasy is portrayed as the reality, go with the (good) fantasy.” We need more Ozzie and Harriet’s to be our guides.
I had cold milk with lunch and supper throughout my childhood. Around age 14, I came home from August football practice, drained of fluids and exhausted. Mom had supper ready, and I flopped down in my seat at the table. I looked at the glass of milk next to my plate, and was suddenly and unexpectedly revulsed by it. I got up and got myself a glass of cold water.
I haven't drunk milk since then.
Years ago I worked for the Dutch, first lunch at head office the choice of beverage was white wine or buttermilk, you could easily tell the Americans from the Dutch based on that decision
Remember the “GOT MILK?” Commercials and magazine ads?
I remember in the documentary "Pumping Iron" Ahhhhnold would say that milk is a children's drink and he drinks beer instead...
My dairy man father is probably gonna roll over in his grave when I say this but I can't remember the last time I drank milk with a meal unless it was draining the bowl after eating cereal, though I do grab a container of chocolate skim milk as a snack/rehydration drink now and then (when a beer would not be appropriate)
Great characterization. I wish I could read the story, but apparently I have reached my limit.
If nobody orders milk, why would a restaurant have it? How fresh was it? Why would anyone write, or read, such a ludicrous tale?
Hey, if other people pay to read this stuff so I don't have to, I'm not going to argue. I just thank them.
"Later, he revealed he was in town on a business trip with his mistress while his wife was at home, and I realized the kind of milk drinker he was — one with a potentially freaky sex life and no real shame about it."
Well, at least you're not making the whole thing up.
"The cow two ways" -- that's a great line!
Roger that, Bud: Cold, refreshing, and instant.
I don’t mean to be rude
She means to be rude. Black lady I presume?
The bar in any decent steak house will have a carton in the fridge…
Well said.
I hardly ever eat a meal without milk (sometimes just ice-water in a restaurant), and with a steak [et al.], I agree—cold milk is extremely good; indeed, sometimes I like to freeze my milk (then crush in the carton and shake it up into a froth), to get it even colder—done right, it's better quality than almost any “milkshake” one can buy. I think 1 or 2% milk is perfectly fine, by the way, though skim milk is an abomination.
If this is true she's a jackass.
Incidentally when I was very early in my first pregnancy I was out of town on a work trip. All I wanted was a rare steak and a glass of milk; I mean, I HAD to have it. And of course that was how my co-workers found out I was pregnant.
Her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
I can't imagine having a life so barren that I'm caring what other people eat or drink.
My choice of beverage with fast food burger meals is whole white milk.
I love milk—always have. I drink it with meals and as a snack. Milk is an excellent source of protein and chocolate milk is great after a workout.
I'm not sure what it is with the flavors, but if you're having pasta with a rich red sauce, a glass of cold milk makes a very good accompaniment, this is especially true if you're have a side course of steamed artichokes.
Most of the time when I enjoy a glass of milk, I like to have some flavoring, but I don't want any added sweetness. Instant coffee, or leftover brewed coffee is great, hot or cold.
Alex the droog had spiced milk what is this woman drinking
Why have a glass of milk when you can have ice cream?
I grew up on a dairy farm. We had a home pasteurizer. After the milk was finished being pasteurized, I would dip some out and pour it over a bowl full of broken up graham crackers and mush it up. My favorite comfort food. I would not drink any milk until it was half gone from the bottle. Pasteurizing separated the cream and chunks would float to the top. I hated the way it felt when I swallowed it. So I was basically drinking skim milk. Now it doesn’t matter because we have to buy it. I try to buy from a local dairy, even though it costs more. I can taste the difference. I have no problems with osteoporosis. Passed that test with flying colors. I’m 72.
That’s what my brother did. We used to get ice cream in big metal tins. Probably about 2 gallon size? I’m not sure since it was a long time ago. We got it from the dairy “truck” that was from a local business and drove routes around the countryside.
Grew up in Wisconsin so milk was a staple with every meal. 50+ years later and still love having a big cold glass of 1% milk, over ice to make it really cold, with popcorn and pizza. Something about the salt and milk combo is very satisfying. My family thinks I'm nuts.
...."There’s just something about milk in the hands of an adult that is truly unnerving....I knew Milk Man was a deviant, but I didn’t know what kind of deviant he was....it’s clear milk is no longer just the drink of disturbed adults. It’s officially the beverage of perverts."
Quick: How did she vote?
Allison P. Davis Is the sort of busybody who gives even Karens a bad name.
In this letter to an advice column, a man never called his blind date again because he took her to a "swanky bar" and her drink order was a plain glass of milk. The columnist said it wasn't about the milk, but commenters weren't so sure.
Why would anyone write, or read, such a ludicrous tale?
Deadlines, rent, power bill. Basically a "writer" needing to get paid and not having anything to write about. What to do? Make something up. Preferably something that makes your school girl peers go "Ewwww!".
That hairy, masculine hand.
Then he leaned over and drawled...
This is a total virtue signal. Guess what, girl! I ran into one of those MAGA dirt people from flyover country this weekend! Really? Ewwww!
Ice in milk is only slightly less revolting than ice in beer!
I drink 1 gallon of whole milk per week.
I eat one meal a day, usually around noon, and chase it with a tall glass of ice cold milk. Honestly I don’t even think about food till the next day.
The only time it’s a problem is when I’m traveling, and I usually just buy a half gallon to keep in my hotel room.
Beef nectar.
It's hilarious to watch the "I love science" crowd remain ignorant to the most basic aspects of human physiology. The fact they're clearly repulsed by the objective boost to physical strength and their twisted hatred of purity says a lot about such people.
At least I don't have to early life Allison, but I'd rather take advice from a DMV clerk.
Clicked on the link--was offered a chanced to read Vulture at four dollars per month. Heck for three dollars I can get a half gallon of whole milk down at Krogers---and it would be better for me. And my hands aren't even hairy!
Some of the better protein shakes are mostly milk - apparently they put milk on a filtration loop that concentrates all the nutrients, so a 12 oz chocolate shake, no added sugar, gives one about 30g of protein. Just started trying these.... and they taste pretty great, just like chocolate milk !
I drink a ton of milk still as an adult because I think it tastes really good and pairs well with a surprisingly large amount of foods.
I thought everyone liked milk. When I was in the hospital for 4 weeks, the food was terrible. But the milk was good, you can't ruin it. So I had that 3 times a day.
Put some Nestle quik in your milk and you got a healthy dessert.
The only time I drink milk now is with homemade chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven. Or maybe brownies. Never on its own or with a meal.
Can't remember the last time I drank plain milk. I always find it weird when people drink it with meals (mostly large people do that, from my observations). I do, however, consume 16 oz every morning, suitably buffered with chocolate, sugar, and caffeine. (Tried choco milk once as an exercise recovery drink, but found that beer works much better)
Allison P. Davis is an unreliable source.
'I can’t explain it. I just love a big glass of cold milk with a rare steak. Mmmmm-mm!'
Do probably not Jewish.
Oreos and milk. Enough said.
On a golf trip to the Netherlands in 2014 our group was surprised perhaps even stunned to see the two drink options with our prepaid between rounds lunch were milk and orange juice. No iced tea, no lemonade. I opted for the orange juice while most of my fellow Americans went to the bar for Heineken. The Dutch who were providing the opposition gulped down both the milk and the OJ. I ceased drinking milk with meal sometime in my teen age years. I don't find the thought of it repulsive but it doesn't appeal to me as someone who is beverage specific with meals. My partner dislikes milk, but she craves milkshakes. There's no accounting for tastes, is there?
Allison P. Davis is an unreliable source.
Ann B. Davis could kick her ass.
"Hey, how about some milk?"
"Why have a glass of milk when you can have ice cream?"
Sugar. Fat. That's why.
I love milk, though limit myself to 1%. And I recently discovered a low-carb ice cream that's actually pretty good.
"I know, a nice big bowl of milk."
"No, no. No milk. You drank it all for lunch."
Milk, or more accurately, the mutations that allowed adults to drink milk (an example of neoteny), was what allowed humans to thrive in the northern climes, from the Asian steppes through Scandinavia. Those mutations are fairly universal in Northern Asians and Europeans, and absent in those of pure African descent.
One problem though is that the ability to digest milk (as an adult) seems to be a “use it or lose it” trait. Up through my 40s, I regularly drank and enjoyed milk. My next brother, also a septuagenarian, still does. My partner was not really raised drinking milk, so when we got together, my milk consumption plummeted, and I can no longer digest it as well.
Or ice in coffee.
A friend and I were traveling and stopped in a restaurant in Denver. I wanted milk but, for health reasons, I stay away from full-fat milk, so I asked "what kind" of milk they had. The server didn't know so went back to the kitchen to look. She came back and proclaimed that it was "Vitamin D" milk, which puzzled us greatly.
Shortly thereafter I happened to see a carton of milk and the largest text on the carton was "Vitamin D". Mystery solved.
No. The ability to digest milk naturally disappears about the time a mammal is weaned. Then, there were mutations in the genomes of some Northern Asians and Europeans that allowed the continued digestion of milk after that age (an example of neoteny). The populations with those mutations thrived in northern climates, thanks to those mutations, sufficiently that those without the mutation in those populations are very rare. On the flip side, the mutation never was beneficial for those populations still in Africa, so these mutations are effectively non-existent there. The populations in between are somewhere in between, in terms of coverage of these genes.
"absent in those of pure African descent."
I'm not sure how universal that is; ther are an awful lot of pastoralist tribes like the Dinka and Nuer in South Sudan, and the Masai in Kenya, for whom milk is the primary food during some seasons of the year at least.
Before pastuerization, my father took the cream off the new bottle of milk.
Whole buttermilk is God's gift.
Milk (cold as Greenland, preferably) with breakfast and with dessert/bedtime sweet; sometimes with goodies after lunch.
By volume, I think cold milk may be what I consume most other than cold water; I consume about the same amount of cold milk and hot coffee in a given day. (Separately; I drink only black unsweetened coffee.)
When traveling one of my first concerns is the availability of cold milk, and if I spot a big milk chiller on a wall I know I'm in a good place; at hotel breakfasts, I'll pour glasses of milk from the chilled jugs provided for cereal eaters if I have to.
Robert Graves, who was dotty about a lot of things, was especially dotty about milk-drinking and thought that it made men gay. I haven't noticed.
Nothing better to wash down a thick PBJ sammich than a big glass of cold milk.
Yes. In the middle of a day of haying, a glass of chocolate milk, followed by a glass of iced tea, did wonders to rehydrate and energize.
I remember back in the early 80s, you could buy extra rich milk in the store. I used to love that stuff.
If your date is in the running to be considered as a husband, knowing if he's lactose intolerant can be very useful.
I will take "Dinner Interruptions That Never Happened" for 2000, Alex.
I have been an avid drinker of milk my entire life until just recently- at some point in the last couple of years I have lost the ability to digest it properly. Lactaid helps but I have cut down my consumption of it a lot. Almond milk with my cereal these days.
I find it's very good with corn flakes.
He didn't have to work with computers after lunch.
Was Allison P. Davis born and raised outside the US? Adult milk-drinking does seem to be much commoner in the US than in (e.g.) Europe. Years ago I read something written by a Frenchman who was ~12 when American troops liberated his small town in 1944. He said seeing big strapping soldiers eating cheeseburgers was mildly strange, but what really freaked him out was seeing them wash down their dinner with tall glasses of milk, and even more so that they put chocolate syrup in their milk before drinking it.
I must go down to the bar again, to the lonely bar on the corner,
And all I ask is a tall glass of milk and cookies to dunk in her ...
Thanks, Allison. I'll let my Japanese wife no her love of milk means she's a freak. I don't like it as much as she does, but I like to drink it when I need some protein after a workout.
"Why have a glass of milk when you can have ice cream?"
embrace The Power, of the word AND.... Milke Shake!!
Another fav milk pairing: walnut cranberry bread and milk.
You can't have Christmas cookies without milk. That's a rule or something.
I drink a half gallon a week. Whole milk. Spent a few wasted years drinking 2% then skim because the government lied and told us it was better for us... Whole milk is better. All around.
I would drink more- but there are a lot of calories in milk. Don't drink any sodas but Diet Coke, though the Real Thing™ tastes better. Regardless of anything anyone with a weight problem tells you- calories in/calories out determines weight gain and loss. Gotta make a choice as to which ones you want.
When I was a teen- I drank a minimum of a quart a day.
Same, and pizza with red sauce. Have not paired with artichokes yet.
Ice in all of the above, and white wine. Never red wine. And yes to milk with pizza.
I'm lactose intolerant and I drink copious amounts of milk. Lactose technology has come a long way since 1975. Thank Gawd.
I don't think I've drunk a glass of milk since I was a kid, and I stopped eating breakfast cereals more than 10 years ago, so no milk since then, not even in coffee. But one thing milk goes amazingly well with is a banana. And the best breakfast cereal combo is cornflakes with bananas (in milk, of course). I kind of miss that, but no longer have any of it in the house. But I eat a lot of cheese and other dairy products, because I like them and also because of that "use it or lose it" thing.
"And the best breakfast cereal combo is cornflakes with bananas (in milk, of course)."
80 grams of carbs, IIRC. It was that meal, one Sunday morning, (with the corn flakes replaced with a supposedly healthy whole grain cereal) that it finally clicked for me and I realized why I had been feeling so poorly for the previous year+. It's too bad, because I love it, and it takes 1 minute to prepare, but my body can't handle that high a carb load.
Those who drink milk and eat cheese as adults have lower risk of heart attacks and of osteoporosis. Why does this twit feel repulsed by someone drinking milk? Would it have been better if he had a beer with his steak? Why?
I had an elderly neighbor lady, a retirered chiropractor who lived to 100+, who always said milk is for baby cows. She always had a look of disdain when she said it. She was an early adopter of "health foods" and "organic foods" whatever that is, and did live an active healthy life into her late 90s so maybe she was onto something.
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