December 9, 2024

Daniel Penny acquitted.

The NY Post reports.


Skeptical Voter said...

Greasy NY DA Alvin Bragg hurt worst.

Jeff Vader said...

There is hope that sanity is not completely gone

FormerLawClerk said...
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FormerLawClerk said...

How are they not unanimous on the HIGHER charge, but unanimous on the LOWER charge? That outcome makes no sense ... but yeah, he's innocent and should now sue the city of New York to get his money refunded on his train ticket. Also, white people should not be living in New York. Get out.

No Name said...

Read Kunstler's substack article today. Penny should never have been charged. Responding NYPD officers refused to provide CPR, Penny didn't use a "chokehold".

Peachy said...

Good. They tortured this poor man... because Alan Brag is a black racist piece of shit.

Disparity of Cult said...

The process is the punishment.

FormerLawClerk said...

He was alive the entire time the cops where there refusing aid to him. And the coroner ruled he died of a drug overdose.

effinayright said...

No-Fact-Just-Bragg should be made to suck a bag of dicks for bringing this case.

FormerLawClerk said...

There's a photo of two people holding this guy down. One of them is white, and the other is black.

The black guy was never charged.

Shouting Thomas said...

Thank you, God!

Shouting Thomas said...
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Jupiter said...

This means that the Soros prosecution and the dirtbag judge got away with the shitty tricks they pulled last week, since there will be no appeal. Expect that going forward, they will overcharge every white person, knowing they can dismiss charges one by one until they get something the jury is willing to convict on.

Peachy said...

Demofucks prosecute heroes.
Demofucks hug and lick criminals.

Daniel Penny is a hero for doing what the Democrat Run City of New York could not do-- Protect the public from unstable and dangerous lunatics. But the corrupt left can fill entire NY hotels with illegals - and make tax payers pay for it. Not enough Hatred can be summoned for the corrupt democrat left.

Steve said...

I guess chivalry has survived another attack.

Peachy said...

Exactly. The asshole Democrats in NY put this poor man thru unnecessary hell.

Jupiter said...

When you are redressing historic injustices through affirmative action in law school admissions, you can expect to swallow some racist pieces of shit.

Earnest Prole said...

Thank God the prosecutor and judge insisted on a verdict instead of accepting a hung jury.

Jupiter said...

"Not enough Hatred can be summoned for the corrupt democrat left."
OK, OK, I'll hate harder.

Jupiter said...

Neely's shitsack of a family is still suing Penny for cleaning up the garbage they left roaming the streets.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So it must be true that the "hung" members wanted conviction where the majority wanted to acquit. That was the courtroom rumor on Friday.

Peachy said...

Sue them back.

gilbar said...

the instructions were (i believe):
If you DON'T find him guilty of the Higher charge.. YOU MUST ACQUIT on the lower

[if the defendant is found "Not Guilty". Since you're "Not Quilty" until proven innocent, they FOUND him "Not Guilty" when the charges were dropped ]

mccullough said...

The lone holdout on the manslaughter charge rode the Subway this weekend.

Dave Begley said...

Justice! But think of all the unnecessary anxiety he went through for being a hero.

gspencer said...

As Penny now knows - the process is the punishment. And no one of the prosecutors, Bragg included, will pay a personal price for this travesty.

Qualified immunity is outrageouse.

Alison said...

Fantastic news.

Rocco said...

effinayright said…
No-Fact-Just-Bragg should be made to suck a bag of dicks for bringing this case.

Bragg will be forced to spend eternity trapped in a subway car as an endless stream of violent crazy Jordan Neely(*) impersonators roam through the car intimidating and assaulting.

(*) Not Michael Jackson impersonators.

wendybar said...

And of course...BLM is out calling it RACIST. Will they riot tonight?? Why is it always racist to stop crazy black men from being violent against others?? When THIS is your record, and you keep getting your hand slapped, shit happens......

☘️π•ƒπ•¦π•”π•œπ•ͺ Ζ‘Κ‰ͫcͧΠΊͭΞΉͪΞ·ͣ 𝕄𝕔𝔾𝕖𝕖‎
Other interesting things about Jordan Neely.

• In 2015, he kidnapped a 7 year old girl
• In 2019, he punched a 64 year old man in the face.
• In 2021, he punched a 67 year old woman in the face as she exited the subway, breaking her nose and fracturing her orbital bone.

And those are just a few of his offenses.

Jordan Neely had a long rap sheet, having been arrested 44 times, but never facing any proper justice for terrorizing New Yorkers, due to the lax policies of the Manhattan district attorney’s office.

Neely should not have been on the streets to begin with, and Penny should never have been charged for protecting the innocent folks on the subway that day.

If BLM riots over a Not Guilty verdict for Daniel Penny, they will be elevating yet another POS to martyrdom and sainthood like they did with overdosed felon Saint George Floyd.

The country will once again be held hostage, for a ransom of Nike and Foot Locker stores, as well as any and all other businesses who don’t have armed security guards to stop them. πŸ™„

Love that for us. πŸ˜‘
Thanks, Obama. πŸ–•πŸΌ

wendybar said...

BLM is won't be long until Al Sharpton and Ben Crump start riots calling him a racist and white supremacist.

Mr. T. said...

This will go down as the most racist politically motivated since the Duke Lacrosse Hoax.

Bragg joins his fellow crooked DAs in the Rogues Gallery along with Krasner, Foxx, Nifong, Gardner, Boudin, GascΓ³n, Mirkarmini, Chrisholm, and Mosby.

Limited blogger said...

Good job NYC jury. Should never have been charged.

FormerLawClerk said...

It's like they couldn't decide if he was guilty of murder, but absolutely positive he didn't commit manslaughter. That's nonsensical.

FormerLawClerk said...

BLM don't get they $3 million houses if racism go away.

FormerLawClerk said...

Don't forget the Donald Trump hoax, where they said he raped someone in a public department store, but couldn't say what day, month or year that it happened.

FormerLawClerk said...

They'll just push him in front of a train.

Mr. T. said...

Alvin Bragg tried to throw his weight around...

Mr. T. said...

"Neely could have been my son..."

Peachy said...

from insty:
Ron DeSantis tweets:
“The acquittal of Daniel Penny is clearly the just and correct verdict. I must admit I was skeptical that a jury in New York City would reach a unanimous not guilty verdict, and the jury deserves credit for doing the right thing. Meanwhile, is there a worse prosecutor in America than Alvin Bragg?“

William said...

Some things are wrong, and it's the way of the world. But some things are wrong, and they engender rage. This whole trial was wrong in a spectacularly hideous and maddening way. It's good that he got acquitted, but the real crime was that Penny was made to stand trial......I'd like to hear the views of some prominent Democrats on this affair. The media is seeking out Republicans for their views on Gaetz and Hegseth. What do Schumer and Hochul think of Bragg and this trial. Is AOC one hundred percent onboard with Alvin Bragg.

William said...

Some things are wrong, and it's the way of the world. But some things are wrong, and they engender rage. This whole trial was wrong in a spectacularly hideous and maddening way. It's good that he got acquitted, but the real crime was that Penny was made to stand trial......I'd like to hear the views of some prominent Democrats on this affair. The media is seeking out Republicans for their views on Gaetz and Hegseth. What do Schumer and Hochul think of Bragg and this trial. Is AOC one hundred percent onboard with Alvin Bragg.

Ice Nine said...
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Peachy said...

Always fun to take historic injustices and use them to bludgeon a good Samaritan who was put in a situation where he tried to protect the public from an clear dangerous and threat. /*** pfffft.

Christopher B said...

I read it only took them an hour this morning . My estimate is that means a minority of the jury wanted to find him guilty, preferably on the murder charge, but when they found out the majority was in favor of not guilty on both counts they caved.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

No, actually, in this case it's the greasy NY judge who was hurt the worst

He seriously violated the law in order to try to get Penny convinced os something, anything, and the jury responded by getting the "guilty" holdouts on teh greater charge, to switch to "innocent" on the lesser charge.

Corrupt AND incompetent is a really bad look

planetgeo said...

Dave, it won't be "justice" until Penny is compensated and also awarded a medal, and Alvin Bragg is disbarred.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

My hypothesis:
There were only 1-2 holdouts for guilty
The rest used the judge's move to say "look, he's not letting us out of here until we return a verdict. We're not voting guilty. So you can switch to 'not guilty', or you can spend the rest of the month here."

Greg The Class Traitor said...

As I said above: I think this proves there were only a small number of "guilty" holdouts, & judge's refusal to declare a mistrial broke their spirit

Christopher B said...

IANAL but recall reading that since the murder charge went to a jury double jeopardy attached. The best they could do was manslaughter.

They gambled and lost.

Of course the Biden DOJ could try to find a Federal civil rights charge...

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Trump DoJ can go after Bragg once Trump is sworn in
And the judge is the idiot who violated the law to try to "get Penny", and instead pushed the jury into finding him "not guilty", and a free man.

He could have had a mistrial and Penny put through another trial, but he overreached and it blew up in his face

This is a big loss for "judge" Maxwell Wiley

loudogblog said...

I wasn't in the courtroom so I can't comment on if this was the right verdict. But I will say that it's disappointeng seeing some people call for violence and protests over the verdict. (People who weren't in the courtroom, either.)

Peachy said...

Agreed and agreed!

Enigma said...

@gspencer: The process used to be the punishment, but it now results in massive Patreon donations, book deals, appearance fees, and more. Lawfare = unintended pathway to 15 minutes of fame.

Mason G said...

"use them to bludgeon a good Samaritan who was put in a situation where he tried to protect the public from an clear dangerous and threat"

A threat whose predations the government was unable or unwilling to prevent.

"A New York City police spokesperson told Newsweek that Neely's record has 42 prior arrests, dating between 2013 and 2021. They include four for alleged assault, while others involved accusations of transit fraud and criminal trespass. At the time of his death, Neely had one active warrant for an alleged assault in connection with a 2021 incident." (Newsweek)

Mason G said...

"Penny didn't use a "chokehold"."

Somebody should tell the NYT:

Daniel Penny Is Acquitted in Death of Jordan Neely on Subway

Mr. Penny choked Mr. Neely in a minutes-long struggle on the floor of an F train.

effinayright said...

So, Penny was unnecessarily "fearful of the Other"...the Other screaming in front of him and others about how he was ready to kill someone and go to jail for it....Riiiiiiight. No need for fear.

You sanctimonious POS.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

That’s good news.

MadisonMan said...

The right outcome IMO. Disclaimer: I wasn't in the courtroom. I'm picturing a Miss Climpson type (from Sayers' Strong Poison) in the deliberations however.

Peachy said...

Mason G.
Daniel Penny must sue NY City government

The Vault Dweller said...

@Enigma but it now results in massive Patreon donations, book deals, appearance fees, and more. Lawfare = unintended pathway to 15 minutes of fame.

Do you really think that if Penny could undo his prosecution from the beginning he wouldn't? Do you think that Kyle Rittenhouse could undo his prosecution he wouldn't? Or George Zimmerman?

Iman said...

Thank God the jurors made the right and just call. Shame on the DA and his ASSistant prosecutors.

Gospace said...

Hung jury on the more serious charge but unanimous not guilty on the lesser charge.

Makes zero sense, but does mean he can't be retried on the more serious charge again.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Enigma said...

@The Vault Dweller: For a lot of people, these action "made sense at the time." Take them case by case, but the process may not always be a net negative.

Some people in these situations never have regrets, while others are (pereceived to be) spoiling for trouble. I watched a jury being seated for a case where a guy wanted to block his neighbors "illegal" driveway, so he had a truck dump huge rocks in front of their access road. This followed earlier back-and-forth about his challenging their house upgrades without building permits. After the rocks were dumped, he sat in his house with the lights off and waited for them to come home, with a loaded pistol. They came over to inquire/challenge him about the rocks. After they were shot dead he said his military training kicked per a home invasion and it wasn't intentional.

There were no other witnesses, but he lost.

Zimmerman and Rittenhouse...ask them?

Christopher B said...

Can't be retried on either charge once a jury has rendered a verdict (maybe even after the jury was empaneled. I have read that allowing the DA to dismiss only the charge the jury was deadlocking on was highly unusual.)

Also, per AofSHQ (FWIW), he can't be charged with a different offense arising from the same facts unless new facts emerge that weren't presented at this trial.

Dr Weevil said...

I just had a horrible thought about the commenter(s?) who keeps posting, despite knowing her (their?) comments will be deleted as soon as Ann sees them. I mean D.S. (same initials as "dumb shit"), who had 8-10 idiotic comments just on this thread an hour or two ago, the long-departed M.E.G. (almost certainly the same person), and Sprez--- (same as the other two? I can't tell!).

I used to think that her posts disappeared "like tears in the rain", and wondered how she could be so stupid as to keep posting them in vain. What was the point?

Last night I woke up in the early hours with a horrible realization: that she very likely preserves them all, carefully printing them out in color and keeping them in 3-ring binders, then smugly rereading them when feeling unloved or unimportant. They're mostly replies to other people's comments, so she would have to print the entire thread. And she could never tell when Ann's axe was going to fall, so she would have to make a copy of the whole thread every time she commented, though she'd only need to print out the last copy. She must be spending 10% of her take-home pay at Staples, on blank paper, color ink cartridges, 3-ring binders, and a whole bookshelf to store them.

Dr Weevil said...

Here's the comment I left at Ace of Spades, responding to someone else's version of Gospace's "Makes zero sense":

- - - - - - - - - -

Possible explanation for the Penny verdicts (plural):

They all agreed he was innocent but didn't want to piss off the screaming mob and endanger their own lives, so they voted 10-2 for acquittal, hoping the judge would end the case without anyone being able to tell which of them voted to acquit. (Would the judge know what the vote count was? If so, would he have known who voted which way? My version works best if the answers are 'yes', then 'no'.)

But the stupid - or more likely vindictive asshole - judge forced them to vote again on the second charge, and they decided to man up and do what they didn't have the guts to do on the first count.

It's just a guess, but seems plausible to me.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Well, maybe it's time to buy some stock in Georgia Pacific.

Peachy said...

threatening others, promising to kill people and a long list of priors.

RCOCEAN II said...

thank goodness, but as someone said upthread "the process is the punishment". Bragg sent the message, if you're a white man in NYC, you'd better watch your step. Any violence or anything possibly criminal had better be directed at another white man, otherwise, look out! OTOH, for NYC's people of color - well the DA has got your back. too many POC's in jail, dontchaknow.

The Leftwing lesbian israeli Prosecutor, Dafna Yoran must be sad. She'd previously gotten a black killer off with a light 10 ten sentence because of "Restorative justice". Here she was out for blood. No doubt she thought Perry was a Trump supporter.

narciso said...

No ghouls dont get sad

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Looking forward to this Joe Rogan podcast.

RCOCEAN II said...

Despite the guilty verdict, look for the Left to continue to punish Perry. Civil suits will follow, along with other attempts by the educational establishment and/or the NY Government to retaliate. Will he able to get a bank account or a credit card?

John said...

Fat Alvin Bragg will be happy with riots. He needed a back-up plan since Trump won, and stoking the BLM flames will work.

"It's a small world, buddy" said someone to Penny in the courtroom after the verdict was read according to the NYPost.

John said...

Alternatively, they went through the whole trial with the manslaughter charge as the main show, and then saw that when pressured, the DA was willing to say "never mind!" At which instant they realized the whole thing was BS.

Leland said...

Glad Penny was found innocent, but it ain't over for him.

Rittenhouse moved to Texas and is going to school in state. He's given a few local interviews. His interviews have to be done in random locations without announcement to the general public. He continues to receive threats to himself and loved ones. He is still involved in civil lawsuits.

I have no doubt, Penny will receive the same treatment.

Meanwhile, at least police think they have the latest progressive assassin in custody. That's three this year that we can all name.

lonejustice said...

It's hard for me to believe, but maybe you can still get a fair trial in New York City. Plus there had to be a number of people on the jury who regularly ride the subway.

Peachy said...

from X:
"Judge Jeanine Pirro- “We have here are people demanding justice for Jordan Neely. Let me make one point. The truth is that Jordan Neely was on a list of New York City’s most needy, homeless, and mentally ill people in a city of 8 million. He’s on a list of 50.

“He had open warrants for assaulting women on the subway. One senior woman in particular. He had just broken her orbital bone. He had 42 arrests in seven years. Where were these people trying to help Jordan Neely?”

Yeah where were you Hawk Newsome and where were the parents of Jordon Neely then? "

I will add: Isn't it funny how the left cannot help blacks? and yet - they don't get called out for it.

Mason G said...

"I have read that allowing the DA to dismiss only the charge the jury was deadlocking on was highly unusual."

Is reporting partial results to the prosecution during jury deliberation a normal thing? IANAL, but it seems kind of sketchy to me. I mean- when doing so enables the prosecution to change the way they're trying the case to their benefit?

Shouldn't the person being charged know upfront what the charges against him are? Seems somewhat unfair to the defense when the prosecution can pick and choose which charges to proceed with after finding out which ones have not been successful?

Of course, this *is* New York, so I realize how silly it might be to expect a fair trial.

Jaq said...

And Joni Ernst caved today. The planet is healing!

pious agnostic said...

BREAKING: Chivalry on life support.

pious agnostic said...

I'm going to be honest. If BLM marches and burns in NYC, good. They need to be punished for putting Bragg in office.

The Godfather said...

Anyone here a NYC resident and regular subway rider? (I used to be, but long ago.) Do you feel (a) safer, or (b) less safe, after Penny's acquittal? If you answer "less safe", how often do you assault other subway passengers: (a) Frequently. (b) Regularly (c) When I think I can get away with it (d) I work in the prosecutor's office.

RCOCEAN II said...

Anyone who thinks Bragg is the problem is fooling themselves. Bragg won the D primary with about 34 percent of the vote, which of course is the real election.

Who came in 2nd? Why, Farhadian Weinstein, who was born in Iran, spent 10 months in Israel, and then came to the USA. She supports citizens of foreign countries living in the United States vote in local city elections. She wants to get rid of cash bail. OTOH, she's "tough on crime" for NYC. She was only 2 of 8 Democrat candidates to not support "Defunding the police". Of course, Biden just nominated her to be a Federal Judge.

In NYC, the inmates are running the asylum, and have for a long time.

Quaestor said...

Off-topic (but not really) the murderer of Brian Thompson has been arrested. A soi-disant "anti-capitalist" child of privilege was caught with the silencer-equipped 9mm pistol used in the assassination-style killing. Too bad he'll be tried in New York City. Though the citizens of the Big Apple seem to have awaken from the fever dream that has nearly destroyed their city, the laws they voted for in their delirium are still in effect. Convicted or acquitted, Luigi Mangione will be strolling around looking for another victim far too soon for the needs of civilization.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

dafna yoran doesn’t care about stopping Asian hate

MrsX said...

*raises hand* I don’t feel less safe after the verdict, but I don’t feel safer either. As soon as the case was brought it became less likely that a future Daniel Penny would rescue me from a subway marauder. The not guilty verdict doesn’t solve the problem.

m said...

Attempted to read this article about the Penny acquitall. I couldn't get past the 1st paragraph in which Mr. Neely is described as Black and Mr. Penny is described as white. (lower case)

Wince said...

Tito, give me a tissue.

Wince said...

Libs of TikTok
Rolling Stone describes Jordan Neely as a “Michael Jackson impersonator”

n.n said...

Self-defense. #LoveWins

The Rotting Apple survives another day.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

IIUC, he got $2 million donations for his legal fund. I'm guessing less than $1 million of that was spent, and that he'll be able to keep the rest.

I don't know how he feels about it, but I'd go through what he did for $1 million

TaeJohnDo said...

You can't trust her (and them) until the vote is taken. She didn't say she would vote for him: “I support Pete through this process, I look forward to a fair hearing based on truth, not anonymous sources.”

psavich said...

Just a thought game, but is it possible to reconcile the verdicts? 2nd degree manslaughter requires the conscious disregard of a substantial risk that could result in death. Negligent homicide requires blameworthy conduct so serious that it contributes to an unjustifiable risk of death and the person fails to perceive the risk, under circumstances a reasonable person would perceive the risk. So, the jury could have deadlocked on 2nd degree manslaughter (with some finding a conscious disregard of a substantial risk) but unanimously vote against negligent homicide, with those in favor of 2nd degree manslaughter joining in because Penny understood the risk (and did not fail to perceive it).

Or they just got tired of being used.

psavich said...

That would mean that negligent homicide is an alternative to 2nd degree manslaughter and not a lesser included offense.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Yep, the f*cked up with that

The Biden DoJ could try to start something, but nothing's going to happen fast enough to keep it from getting to the Trump DoJ, which will have a charges dismissed with prejudice

Hey Skipper said...

I donated $100. Gladly.

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