December 13, 2024

"Crystal Mangum, who accused three Duke University lacrosse players of rape in 2006, has confessed that her allegations were false."

"After more than 18 years, Mangum made this admission during a podcast interview. She is currently serving a prison sentence for an unrelated murder charge, and due to the statute of limitations, she cannot be charged with perjury for the false accusations. This story is a summary of posts on X and may evolve over time. Grok can make mistakes, verify its outputs."

Grok summarizes at the moment.

She's in prison for murder now, and she's waited until the statute of limitations has run on the perjury she now says she committed. 

The charges against the lacrosse players were dropped long ago, and each of them won $20 million for the persecution they suffered. The confessing looks like this, in case you want to form an opinion about why she's doing this now:


rhhardin said...

Usually the accuser convinces herself it happened whether it did or not. That's what soap opera is about as a lifestyle.

Whiskeybum said...

Believe all women for 20 years after the accusation; after that, it doesn’t matter anymore.

I wonder how many public figures who maintained her accusation through the media for all this time will now come out and do a mea culpa. Don’t hold your breath.

MadisonMan said...

I wonder if Rolling Stone will report on this.

n.n said...

Perjury is a gateway choice to homicide.

Meade said...

mikeski said...

There’s a good 30 For 30 on this.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Jann Wenner, founder of Rolling Stone, was asked about this story not long ago. Story broken by his magazine. You say you're proud of your journalism, but wasn't this story complete bullshit from the beginning? Answer as I recall: we didn't know it was bullshit, and we were right on the larger story: epidemic of rape, etc.

Has Wenner been to any Diddy or Jay Z parties? Other music biz parties? Does a lot of popular culture, like OnlyFans, groom young women to be sexually assaulted?

MadisonMan said...

I detoured into Wikipedia to read about this case -- how interesting that the signatories of the letter from the Group of 88 are not named!

n.n said...

Social revolution! Now it is equivocal and inclusive. Diversity is the tar that holds us together, apart.

Bob Boyd said...

link doesn't work

Jersey Fled said...

But we all knew it was a lie back then. Except for our resident Lefties of course.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"She lied"

We knew.

Duke Dan said...

This one pisses me off to no end. Take a look at how many of that Group of 88 are upper level administrators now. There is a reckoning still to be had at Duke.

Aggie said...

Let's call them 'Deniers'

Duke Dan said...

From 2014.

hawkeyedjb said...

They've all done well. The only people involved in this fiasco who suffered no consequences were the accuser and those who supported her.

William said...

She won't have to wait for the Last Judgment. The Parole Board will take note of her honesty and Christian demeanor. Parole Boards are a tremendous motivator among sinners for honesty and Christian behavior. Tenure committees not so much.

Fandor said...

Despicable lies matter.

RCOCEAN II said...

Maybe she was raped, and this is a "false memory". Or the patriarchy forcing her to recant with unconscious bias.

Anyhoo, glad she's told the truth, since her Duke lacrosse story never made any sense. The DA Nfong (Nifong?) got disbarred because he wanted some white man scalps on his belt. Falsely charging white frats with gang rape seem to be a thing with lefties. Rolling stones magazine would later lie about a U of V frat raping a women too.

Finally, Crystal seems to have been a handful. 2nd degree murder of one boyfriend, attempted murder of another. Discharged from the Navy when she had a baby out of wedlock. Stole a taxicab and tried to run over a policeman after a drunken high speed chase. Then there's a first degree arson and resisting arrest. Wikipedia says before the Duke case, she'd accused her ex-boyfriend of gang rape. Then dropped the charges.

RCOCEAN II said...

Its too bad they dont make an honest 3 part TV series of her life. It'd be interesting!

n.n said...

In 18 years, we will hear the confessions to Trump's indictments.

The Vault Dweller said...

I'm happy that she is now able to admit this, and I legitimately do hope the men she falsely accused can forgive her. Perhaps as a silver lining, it does feel as a societally opportune moment for this to come out. After the election ti feels like culturally we are changing, that overall people have had enough of the excesses of the Left, where everything is sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic etc. Hopefully zealots who wanted to pillory the falsely accused men can admit they were wrong. We don't need a redo of Dan Rather, who when it became undeniable that the documents he used to base a story that George W. Bush used to avoid the draft were fake, fell back on the documents may not be accurate but no one has been able to challenge the underlying thrust of the story.

planetgeo said...

You beat me to it, Meade.

"What Does a Social Disaster Sound Like?" It sounds like 88 despicable Duke professors libeling students to further a leftist cause.

No Name said...

Perhaps the story was believable because there have been gang-rapes of drunk coeds by frat bros at tail-end of those frat-house drinking parties. At least I know of one at my college, where there was no investigation by police or university though episode was discussed amongst students.

john mosby said...

To thank her for finally telling the truth, the warden can let her out on work release. To service the frat boys. Win-win.


Bob Boyd said...

That's the kind of thing that gives college professors a bad name. Some are actually decent people, believe it or not.

Steven Wilson said...

Everyone of those virtue signaling faculty members should be hounded relentlessly. This was clearly a woman with issues and I pity the life she has led and the people she has obviously harmed, but those feel good about myself lefties at Duke should be humiliated for at least as long as the lacrosse players.
I wonder, did the second degree murder occur before or after the faux rape. The only thing the players need to be embarrassed about is thinking that hiring a stripper was a good idea.

RCOCEAN II said...

Oh "You know" of a frat boy gang rape at your college. Really. When did it happen, 1976? You don't write for Rolling Stone Magazine do you?

RCOCEAN II said...

BTW, I don't "pity her". She seems like an angry out-of-control person who thinks other people are pawns on her chessboard. And if she feels like it, you can be "swept off the board" without a thought.

EdwdLny said...

Hey ! What's, what is his name, Michael Nifong, up to these days ? And Jann Wenner, you just know that he is on the Epstein list. Also, yea, did any of the 88 turd creatures who ran the full page newspaper advertisement suffer enough for their collusion with this creature. They all colluded and fabricated to perpetrate a racist hate crime against white men. You cannot hate these people and their ilk enough.

Bob Boyd said...

Was this episode discussed amongst students before, after or during the Duke Larosse case?

Gusty Winds said...

Clown show.

Ralph L said...

Our outgoing governor, Roy Cooper, made his name shutting down Nifong, after waiting as long as he could to avoid offending the Durham voters who barely won the race for him. He was also helped by the ridiculous backlash against the anti-trans HB1 bathroom bill in the early days of transinsanity. Thankfully, the legislature was usually supermajority Rep for 8 years, so he couldn't do too much damage. They removed some of his appointment powers.

Earnest Prole said...

Bloggers played an essential role defending the innocent. The New York Times fell for the lynch mob.

Tom T. said...

I assume she's up for parole?

Big Mike said...

Believe NO WOMEN — ever!

Quaestor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
planetgeo said...

What's the over-under for when E. Jean Carroll will admit that she's sorry for making up that accusation about Trump?

Moondawggie said...

“The narrative was right, but the facts were wrong.”
---Evan Thomas, Newsweek

n.n said...

STATE of North Carolina v. Crystal Gail MANGUM

Defendant and Reginald Daye (“Daye”) met through mutual friends in January 2011. One month later, the two began living together along with defendant's three children.

On one hand, on the other, always and forever.

Quaestor said...

As I wrote last night in the "Swan Lake" cafe regarding this report, by making this confession Mangum has restored a modicum of dignity and courage to her otherwise ruined life. Though her waiting years to admit the obvious to escape a perjury prosecution seems to betoken an unrepentant criminal nature, I'm willing to grant Ms. Mangum the best interpretation of her motives. Who can look into her soul? Not me. It does me no good to scoff and deride her better-late-than-never confession. The victims of her lies have the stronger complaint. Let them cast the stone.

The Duke Lacrosse case has a smorgasbord of villains to choose from. Mike Nifong's villainy is far worse than Chrystal Mangum's lies. He lost his DA post, got disbarred, and spent a night in the Durham County jail for contempt -- a slap on the wrist. Mangum could have been prosecuted for perjury after the hidden DNA data came out. The State never moved on that option. I am not aware than a grand jury was ever questioned on the charge. North Carolina is through with the case. The existence of a corrupt and malicious DA was embarrassment enough.

Two things about this fiasco gall me to the core. Mangum committed perjury, a serious felony with serious jail time available for punishment. That's good. However, the deeds of Mike Nifong are worse than perjury, but in NC, prosecutorial misconduct is not a felony. Nifong was punished but not nearly enough to satisfy me. Prosecutors have too much power to destroy lives to let their misconduct go unacknowledged as fundamentally criminal. Unfortunately most lawmakers are themselves lawyers and are thereby unmotivated to police their profession with the zeal required.

Finally, there are the Duke 88. May they rot in Hell.

FormerLawClerk said...

That was this OTHER fake rape story ... written by Sabrina Erdely at Rolling Stone.

This one cost them $7.5 million in libel costs.

FormerLawClerk said...

Now do E. Jean Carroll.

FormerLawClerk said...

Barack Obama was put in his position of power by a literal domestic terrorist bomber.

Crime pays.

FormerLawClerk said...

And Brett Kavanaugh's.

FormerLawClerk said...

About the same as when Christine Blasey Ford comes out and admits her lies.

Which will be never.

She got over $1 million in GoFundMe money laundered bribes for telling her tall tales.

FormerLawClerk said...

Believe them all you want. Our system does not convict people based on mere belief. Gotta have proof.

Quaestor said...

From the link shared by Dixcus:

"A report from the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, commissioned by Rolling Stone, found flaws at every level of the magazine's editing process. It described the article as 'a story of journalistic failure'."

Failure, eh? "A story of journalistic evil" would have more accurate. Looks like Columbia is too cowardly to handle the truth. Perhaps that's why so many of its alumni are bald-faced liars.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"The New York Times fell for the lynch mob."

Also known as a "Tuesday".

Peachy said...

Holy Smollette!

Lawnerd said...

This is news to no one. Didn’t she change her story thirty times during the prosecution? Problem was the asshole Nifong didn’t interview the alleged victim.

Peachy said...

Rolling Stone is the D-MSNBC of glossy magazines.

JAORE said...

"Believe them all you want. Our system does not convict people based on mere belief. Gotta have proof."

Good one.

Peachy said...

Proof that "proof" can be falsely manipulated by leftist media hacks.

It all comes down to the same thing every time: Leftist-democratics are LYING LIARS WHO LIE.

tommyesq said...

I agree that we should not assume she waited on this solely (or even primarily) to avoid perjury charges. The statute of limitations for perjury in NC is 2 years, that time clearly passed long ago. It seems more likely that she has had a religious experience that has made admission and repentance important to her, or at least the appearance of such for parole hearing purposes. She is not in jail for perjury, however, so there really is no need for her to address this now.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Shoot, we're still waiting on Anita Hill.

dreams said...


Grant said...

I knew a lot of Duke professors from that era, but I don't recall looking at the list of 88 names until now. There were only two I knew--one's presence was no surprise, the other I was a bit sad to see. But there were many, many Duke faculty who never jumped on that Bandwagon of Shame.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Yeah, that case was why I never "believed all women", and why I've been turning against things like rape shield laws.

Narr said...

Her self-serving God-blather doesn't obscure the fact that she's still a POS.

People like her never change, and I hope her victims tell her to ESAD.

RideSpaceMountain said...


There are so many hookers who've "found god" you'd think he was a $20 they found buried under the trojans in their handbag.

Jupiter said...

You mean, the "Group of 88" Duke faculty? Left means you never have to say you're sorry.

mikeski said...

Trying again. Fantastic Lies.

Thanks Bob.

walter said...

(Emily Litella meme)
So big of her to hold herself accountable once the consequence has expired.

Ice Nine said...

Oh, you know of one because it was discussed amongst students, even though it was never investigated by police, do you. I envy your omniscience.

Also, most adult parties are "drinking parties."

Aggie said...

Just ask E Jean Carroll

cfs said...

Although the lacrosse players were exonerated by the Court system (and DA Nifong was disbarred) and received some financial recompense, they still were not made whole. They still suffered reputational loss because so many people believed that there must have been some truth to her story. Just think of the lost employment opportunities that likely occurred. The lost future earnings were almost incalculable.

Rabel said...

"... she's waited until the statute of limitations has run on the perjury ..."

I don't think this is correct.

Rabel said...

From what I can tell it's either 2 years or unlimited based on the nature of the perjury.

No Name said...

Late 1970s, personally knew guys involved, told by frat-house member who was at party, but who didn't participate while aware of situation, after fact and perhaps during as well, and no, he didn't contact police or campus administration.

n.n said...

Was she used as a "Roe" by the gang of 88 and prosecutorial indiscretion with activist intentions?

The homicide was an unfortunate affair over a domestic dispute.

She made at least three good choices in lieu of the Choices that would have relieved her "burdens".

Shoeless Joe said...

Want to second the recommendation on that ESPN 30 For 30 Documentary. It focuses on the real evil here -- DA Mike Nifong and the news media. Crystal Mangum always came across as a drugged out loon who didn't know up from down, but Nifong and the press knew exactly what they were doing. The criminal case should have been dismissed immediately as there was no evidence of a crime. But Nifong decided to base his re-election campaign on prosecuting kids he knew to be innocent, and the corrupt local cops were happy to help him with that.

When the truth finally emerged Nifong was sentenced to ONE DAY in jail for his crimes. Being a crooked lawyer has its perks.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Wikipedia: Michael Byron Nifong (born September 14, 1950) is an American former attorney and convicted criminal.[2] He served as the Durham County District Attorney until he was removed, disbarred, and very briefly jailed following court findings concerning his conduct in the Duke lacrosse case, primarily his conspiring with the DNA lab director to withhold exculpatory DNA evidence that could have acquitted the defendants.[3]”

gspencer said...

Your all-too-typical ambassador for Enhancing Race Relations. She might send her resume to Al Sharpton.

tommyesq said...

I believe the three players charged got $20 million apiece from Duke University. Not sure if they ever got anything from the state for the wrongful prosecution.

Joe Bar said...

Full list:

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I’m waiting for Feidin Santana, Rachel Jeantel, and Atatiana Jefferson’s nephew to come clean

Goldenpause said...

Here’s a list of the infamous Duke 88:

Mr. T. said...

And now the POS leftists wokepedians are out in force trying to sanitize Mangums wikipedia entry...

Mr. T. said...

A review of the works of Professor KC Johnson is in order. Arguably, no one had single handlely worked so hard for the truth regarding the Duke hoax than Prof. Johnson. Everyone owes him eternal gratitude.

boatbuilder said...

The primary reasons the prosecution didn't succeed was that one of the guys who was accused had gone to an ATM machine at the time of the alleged rape, and was shown on the ATM camera doing so; and that one of the guys' mom (maybe the same guy) was a PR rep for the PGA, and knew a thing or two about how the press works, and how to fight back.
Otherwise they would have railroaded those guys.

roger said...

I highly recommend this:

Jersey Fled said...

“Believable” means you prove it a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt.

John said...

@Bob Boyd -- Timur Kuran and Michael Munger are Duke faculty in Econ and Pol Sci/Econ (Kuran was at USC in 1988). Both are excellent both as scholars and people. I couldn't get the AP story to load, but 17 Econ faculty apparently wrote something opposed to the group of 88.

walter said...

Was she Crystal Magnum in her stripper days? Sounds like a Bond Girl.

walter said...

(I know that's not the spelling)

Lazarus said...

From what the government and the media are telling us, one can only conclude that the "Group of 88" are Nazis. If the professors wanted to conceal that they should have made it a "Group of 89" or a "Group of 87."

Tina Trent said...

This is actually an effort to fundraise. How devious. Curious too, that she also went to college, which I don’t remember reading at the time.

College girls, don’t fall for the “courageous sex worker” garbage. You’ll either end up in the company of psychopaths like this, or die like one of the most energetic educators I ever met (in grad school together), who is dead now. At 56. In an institution.

Tina Trent said...

Look at the departments they dominate and run.

It’s educational. Of the rot.

Tina Trent said...

And rhhardin, she’s not one of those liminal “date rape” people. She knew exactly what she was doing the whole time. She was being evil.

Tina Trent said...

No. She admits she knew what she was doing and how it would play. Don’t let her off with casting blame on others, even if they deserve blame for other things.

Tina Trent said...

Aww, bullshit. She knew she was lying from day one. She didn’t need to come to some slow understanding. She was a cold whore looking for a payday, just like Tawana Riley and Al Sharpton. Innocent lives were ruined and threatened: I’m from Poughkeepsie. I know some of these people in passing.

Rehabilitation works occasionally on drug addicts, alcoholics, and a small subset of other offenders. But the “restitution, rehabilitation, and especially restorative justice” movements are largely frauds perpetuated by the Left.

Tina Trent said...


Tina Trent said...

Ha, Space Mountain.

Mr. T. said...

The lacrosee hoax was a textbook lesson on the vile, unethical practices of unholy trifecta of the left: government, hackademia, and jourinalism.

The New York times, Vaniry Fair, Washinton Post, Newsweek, CNN, NBC, Rolling Stone, News & Observer, Media Matters, Durhan Herald-Sun-all pushed Nifong's bullshit.

Now, Clinton hack George Stephanopoulos and ABC must pay Trump millions for falsely accusing him of rape

No, it hasn't been a good week for left wing media...

wishfulthinking said...

What a surprise.


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