December 5, 2024

Awful yelling in Congress today.


Greg The Class Traitor said...

The guy's a glory hogging ass, and very angry on being called out for it.

I can't wait for him to be fired when Trump gets in

wendybar said...

Rowe is an ass. What a jerk. Whatever he did before doesn't negate that TERRIBLE job they did with Trumps security...and handing over the good agents to Dr Jill for her little 5 minute speech for the Italian Sons and Daughters. Because there are so many death threats and hate coming for Jill. (There probably is now that the left is pissed off at the Bidens....from their own side)

Lawcruiter said...

Theater to an almost empty room...

rehajm said...

It seems screaming and filibustering is the best strategy for guilty as hell lefties. The Goldman kids were the best with their huge binders and the ‘what page is that again?’s but screaming seems a good strategy. As always this is the thing and nothing will become of it..

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Oh, and he's the "interim" chief, never approved by the Senate.

But Politico wouldn't want to mention that

Original Mike said...

IDK about Fallon, but Rowe has done this before.

Skeptical Voter said...

Boot this bozo entirely out of the swamp.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Rowe brought that on himself. He should've answered the question.

Big Mike said...

@rehajm, it’s the Democrats’ favorite tactic, but whether it’s their best is still unclear. Screaming at a member of Congress over who, precisely, was the SAC (Special Agrnt in Charge) at a particular 9/11 commemoration event seems counterproductive if one is trying trying to project an air of competence.

John henry said...

At least he doesn't want to be our latex salesman

John Henry

Jaq said...

Except how many views has it gotten?

Jaq said...

There should have been sum forkin' screaming over the JFK assassination, if you ask me. America would not be in the mess we are in, well, not this exact mess, anyway.

Ice Nine said...

Contempt of Congress - isn't that a thing? This would have been an excellent place to bring it into play.

"Mr. Rowe, we don't shout in this Congressional hearing room. Most especially, witnesses don't yell at congressmen. You will desist immediately."

Ampersand said...

All of us would enjoy the experience of having done something so virtuous that they can't be criticized for a subsequent screwup. Almost all of us know that past good deeds don't help very much when you get called on the carpet.
Rowe hasn't figured that out. Having someone so deluded and intemperate in charge of the Secret Service is a very bad idea.

D.D. Driver said...

What was the question that prompted the 9/11 bloviating?

RCOCEAN II said...

According to Rep Fallon, the picture of Rowe on 911 was brought to his attention by whistleblowers. After the hearing, Rep Fallon told reporters that whistleblowers brought the photo to his attention. “I didn’t know about that on the 11th, and they’re the ones that told me that that’s a severe breach of protocol,” Fallon said.
Rep Fallon said the agents are “furious” and that he wanted to ask Rowe if he had attended the operational briefing that day, had a weapon, and had a radio. “These guys and gals work on routines and systems, and he interrupted that system. That’s why they’re so pissed about it,” Fallon said.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Rowe kind of sounds like one of the Vindmans.

RCOCEAN II said...

Congressional Witnesses know they can treat Republican congressmen like crap and with zero respect - because R's never get upset at other R's getting crapped on. They also knew, under Garland, that the DoJ wouldn't prosecute if they lie to a Republican congress or show contempt.

Of course the Witnesses before the Democrat run Congress or Senate, almost always cave and pat themselves on the back for being "good little boys" and "cooperating to the utmost". The D's just laugh at them.

Narayanan said...

why not ask the minions there on that day who was boss? they reported to?
then bring in this guy on established fact?

so how much $$$$$ spent on decibel minutes???

Christopher B said...

If I understand the reports about the questioning correctly, Fallon challenged Rowe on why the Agent in Charge of the Secret Service detail was not in the immediate vicinity of the President and Vice-President but he was, claiming the SAC was just outside the picture. He refused to identify the SAC and would not confirm if he was equipped for inclusion in the detail.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Fallon had a picture from the DC 9/11 memorial service. Biden, Harris, Trump and Vance were all in attendance. Rowe was standing immediately behind Biden which is where the detail SAC usually stands. Fallon asked Rowe if he was SAC that day and Row said; no he wasn't and the SAC was standing out of frame. Fallon was headed down a line of questions that would have force Rowe to admit that he (Rowe) broke procedure by stating where the SAC normally stands. That's when Rowe got all shouty about 9/11.

mccullough said...

What did Rowe do at Ground Zero?

He’s vibing stolen valor

Quayle said...

Someone I've known closely since my youth, who has spent decades in DC right in the middle and upper ranks of one of the key agencies -- this friend once told me that when evaluating what people do in DC, the explanation that they have a mortgage to pay and kids to get through college is almost always the more accurate explanation, than is conspiracies or skullduggery. That doesn't apply to everyone, but it applies to most mid-senior to career senior level personnel, was his inside observation.

FormerLawClerk said...

Secret Service snipers had the shooter in their scope and watched him squeeze off 8 shots at Donald Trump because the Secret Service was trying to murder him. This guy should be getting his balls ripped off and shoved down his throat.

The truck they took Donald Trump to the hospital in travelled at no more than 2 miles per hour as it left the field in Pennsylvania where he was shot.

They wanted a high-profile, live-on-television, head shot of Donald Trump to show everybody in America what happens when you go up against the Democrat Deep State.

Fuck Ron Rowe. He's there to cover it all up. So fuck him.

FormerLawClerk said...

That assassination ... by the same people who tried to murder Donald Trump ... reverberates to this day in the massive cover up that has been required to keep these people in Washington DC. There are HUNDREDS, maybe even thousands of Deep State operatives involved in that cover up for the last 70 years.

cfs said...

BTW, our good Professor got a mention in a Twitchy thread today.

Leland said...

Hey Rowe, how is appealing to your efforts on 9/11 working out for Rudy Guiliani?

Dr Weevil said...

The Deep State has been covering up the JFK assassination since nine years before it happened? That's an amazing feat! Some of us know that "70 years ago" Eisenhower was still in the first half of his first term.

Paul Zrimsek said...

It's not quite the same when it's not Al Pacino doing it.

Christopher B said...

It was hard to tell from the report I read but as NorthOfTheOneOhOne detailed, Rowe probably wasn't the SAC but simply butted into his position to get face time with Biden and Harris, and likely wasn't even part of the detail.

Greg The Class Traitor said...
he reason that Ron Rowe is getting so defensive and angry with Fallon's questions about who was next to Pres. Biden during the 9/11 ceremony in New York -- is because he personally switched the positions of normal operating procedure so that he himself could be next to Biden for the optics alone.

This caused deep resentment against Rowe within the Secret Service rank and file, according to sources in the Secret Service community who also informed me about this incident.

Christopher B said...

It's hard to tell exactly from his Wikipedia bio but it appears he joined the Secret Service in 1999 and was sent to New York after the attacks. It doesn't appear he was in New York on 9/11/2001.

William said...

Whatever his limitations as a secret services agent, he certainly knows how to bluster and bull his way through a situation. It probably works a lot of the time. Does anyone know who was the agent in charge at Butler that day and whether they received any type of reprimand or punishment for doing a bad job......I heard Trump talking about firing people. He mentioned the pull out from Afghanistan. He didn't say anything about Butler, but I bet he's got some strong feelings about the incompetence on that day.

Peachy said...

So much corruption to hide.... huh? corrupt democratics. Hide behind anything - even those who died on 9/11.

Rabel said...

"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel."

If I ever saw a grown man get caught with his hand in the cookie jar, that's it.

loudogblog said...

Anyone who responds by yelling like that when asked a question is feeling very defensive about something and wants to try and shut the line of questioning down.

Peachy said...

The collective left "How dare you" ask me a question.

The SS and the FBI not only failed to protect Trump in Butler PA - they more than likely set it up.
That strange kid was in a Black-rock ad. He was on the left's radar. Just recall how quickly a sniper took him out. Yeah - all the evidence - dead.

Never forget how the left/FBI staged the Whitmer kidnapping with loner men who were lured and bribed.

Peachy said...

The SS and the FBI not only failed to protect Trump in Butler PA - they more than likely set it up.
That strange kid was in a Black-rock ad. He was on the left's radar. Just recall how quickly the SS sniper took that shooter out. Yeah - all the evidence - dead.

Note how the media spend zero time on Cory's death. Zero.

Never forget how the left/FBI staged the Whitmer kidnapping - using loner men who were lured and bribed.

Peachy said...

Also - never forget - the collective hivemind left came out immediately after BOTH assassination attempts on Trump - and stated complete LIE & BullShit - that both would-be assassins were "resisted republicans!" Uh NO. Strange how the collective hive left know this collectively after 20 seconds in the news cycle.
Again - all a manufactured lie.

(makes no sense anyway - why would a registered republic want to harm Trump?) The left do this - because they are guilty and they know it. But their vile lockstep loyalists (jerks like I-nag) play the corrupt BS spreader game like good minions. right on Q.

gilbar said...

Secret Service chief Ronald Rowe Jr..
should be SOON TO BE FORMER Secret Service chief Ronald Rowe Jr
i mean, that's what he is.

lonejustice said...

Yes, Dixcus actually believes that the Kennedy assassination occurred when Eisenhower was still in the first half of his first term as President. If you believe in conspiracies, then facts like these don't matter.

gilbar said...

a high-profile, live-on-television, head shot of Donald Trump

Live on CNN and MSNBC? wasn't it THE ONLY Trump rally they carried live?

gilbar said...

trying to project an air of competence.

he KNOWS that in about 6 weeks, he's out of a job; he don't give a f*ck about "air"

rhhardin said...

It's a who's more patriotic contest.

Iman said...

Rowe reminds me of a fatter, gone to seed Kinzinger with an even worse haircut.

Peachy said...


Ralph L said...

Cable news may have been covering Butler live in case Trump announced his VP pick, which he did the next day.

It will be next to impossible to convict or even sue an anti-Trumper in DC or Alexandria, but I hope they'll try. We may have to settle for mass firings.

RMc said...

But Politico wouldn't want to mention that

They also wouldn't have mentioned the congresscritter's party if he had been a Democrat.

Prof. M. Drout said...

This was all bluster by a limelight-seeking douche (and you have to be something special to be a bigger limelight-seeking douche than any randomly selected congressman...).
* * *
Suspicion has to fall on the SAC at Butler, who would be in the best position to enable the assassination attempt, and therefore is either guilty or SHOULD be most anxious to clear his/her name. My guess as to how these kinds of conspiracies actually work, though, is that rather than there being one person to clear a path for the assassin, there might have been multiple people who were each given a little bit of the job and didn't know it: one to cause the radio non-interoperability, one to put the agents IN rather than ON the key building, etc.
But I'm guessing most of the evidence, comms, etc., has been destroyed. Who had the second garage door opener to set off the car bomb? (My guess is that it was someone in the crowd who would have triggered it EITHER if Crooks bailed out OR if he managed to escape). What was on Crooks' phone? And if I were the incoming head of the D.O.J. I would be figuring out how to put absolute maximum pressure on the Crooks family to find out who told them to scrub their house of DNA, get rid of silverware, etc.

john mosby said...

Some points:

Look at pictures of any major presidential event. The agents are out of the (camera) shot. That is pretty standard. The USSS tries to have agents within a second or two lunging distance ona clear path to the protectee, but sometimes the nature of the event makes it impossible. Is this bad for security? Sure. It’s one of the systemic issues that really needs to change.

Rowe was in with the dignitaries because, for purposes of the event, he was a dignitary, as the head of an agency that lost people on 9-11 (Master Special Officer Craig Miller). The detail leaders for Trump, Harris, Vance, and Biden were out of the shot, and would have had to fight their way through other dignitaries to get to their protectees. So Rowe actually improved the security situation by being a USSS agent within arm’s reach of Biden. Had Rowe not been there, the presidential detail SAIC wouldn’t have been in that spot - he would have still been off to the side somewhere, thinking about how to vault over Bloomberg.

Had the congressman showed a picture of any other event, Rowe probably could have calmly explained the above. But:

9-11 in NYC is a BFD for any law enforcement even tangentially involved, The USSS NY field office was in Number 7 and totally destroyed. Lots of USSS agents self-deployed on the day to help casualties, and lots more were sent later to help with remains recovery or artifact processing (Rowe’s reference to Fishkylls). The damp ash smell of Ground Zero stays with people.

So when the congressman started in on the 9-11 ceremony, using it to tee up some kind of personal attack on Rowe as a glory hound, Rowe just lost it.


Narayanan said...

R congressman being stupid as expected!!

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Damn, Greg, you have sources in the Secret Service community? We’re all jealous. And I can’t help wondering, in the fits of my jealousy, just how thin the connection could be to be considered in the “community.” The boyfriend of a person in janitorial services?

Narayanan said...

They did get the headshot - just not splody!!!

Mary Beth said...

According to a comment on X, he was at the Fresh Kills landfill. It was used as a sorting area for rubble from Ground Zero. He was not at Ground Zero.

Sorting through rubble, looking for human remains and personal effects is not a job I would want, but it's also not an excuse to start yelling and it's not a reason to reassign agents who are protecting the president so you can get in the photos.

It sounds like the question only came up because agents were mad about it and contacted the senator.

Kevin said...

I think he’s just trying to ensure he winds up on Biden’s pardon list.

D.D. Driver said...

So basically, he is being accused of being a Barney Fife, and he responded by shouting about 9/11? Is that basically it? The rant was unhinged and unintelligible.

Narayanan said...

but in good shape - non donut

Narayanan said...

@ 9/11 commemmoration 2024 sans towers

Narayanan said...

could this have been a set-up?

Jim at said...

Damn, Greg, you have sources in the Secret Service community? We’re all jealous. And I can’t help wondering, in the fits of my jealousy, just how thin the connection could be to be considered in the “community.”

Maybe during one of your fits of jealousy, you could pull your head out of your ass and recognize he's quoting Susan Crabtree.

gilbar said...

that's what *i* assumed

gspencer said...

TO SERVE [ourselves] AND TO PROTECT [our pensions],

walter said...

Hand grenade with a bad haircut?

Maynard said...

We all know that Dixcus is an idiot.

Aught Severn said...

Certainly that is one interpretation that is charitable to Rowe. Another interpretation would be that Rowe is using the 9-11 card in the same way race hucksters use the race cards: as a means to end a discussion by rushing to the moral high ground. 'How dare you try to attack me, I was at ground zero!' The arc of discussion had nothing to do with your actions that day, dude...

What's that quote? The [man] doth protest too much, methinks...

MacMacConnell said...

I don't think this guy was or is a secret services agent, he's a managerial bureaucrat for the SS.

Enigma said...

This is awe-full yelling, not awful yelling. It serves to pull the masks off the fakey-fake establishment players. James Comey, Nancy Pelosi, and Adam Schiff tried to present calculated superior and smooth personas as they played dirty tricks and slithered like snakes -- you can really fool some of the people all the time.

This angry exchange reflects progress, and it could not have happened before Trump and TDS and the fading of TDS. We are seeing the real emotions of bureaucrats who hate showing anything real. No stage management. No poll testing. No masks. Just raw truth. If you don't like displays of unchecked anger and creepy political players, make them go away. If you prefer smooth snakes, vote for Pelosi and Schiff

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Thank you Jim

holdfast said...

He's a dumb thug in a mediocre suit who invented some fake outrage re 9/11 to avoid having to answer a question that he couldn't answer without making himself look like an incompetent camera-whore.

I'm sure his next gig is a bodyguard for George Soros or paid thug at Google.

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