December 4, 2024

"A no-confidence vote in the French parliament on Wednesday has triggered the collapse of the government, plunging the country into political chaos..."

"... and stoking anxiety about the euro zone’s second biggest economy. Prime Minister Michel Barnier’s administration becomes the shortest-serving government in the modern French republic and the first in six decades to be toppled by a no-confidence vote. Although the motion was put forward by a leftwing alliance, the swing votes of Marine Le Pen and her far-right lawmakers, wielding unprecedented influence, were key to its passage.... In a fiery address during Wednesday’s debate, she said her decision to back a no-confidence vote was about stopping a budget that 'takes the French hostage, and particularly the most vulnerable, low-income pensioners, sick people, poor workers, the French considered too rich to be helped but not poor enough to escape the tax bludgeoning.'"

From "No-confidence vote topples French government, plunges country into chaos/The support of Marine Le Pen’s far-right lawmakers was key to the motion, which made this the shortest-serving administration in the modern French republic" (WaPo).


hawkeyedjb said...

"Far right." Just as there is no far-left, there is no "right." Only Far Right.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Javier Millei has his chainsaw, and the French have their guillotine. Chop away.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

From CNN Politics:

“During the arguments, Justice Ketanji Brown said she is “suddenly quite worried” and “nervous” about conservatives’ arguments in the controversy. The case, brought by the Biden administration on behalf of families of trans youth, challenges the constitutionality of Tennessee’s gender-affirming care ban, which restricts puberty blockers and hormone therapy for transgender minors and enacts civil penalties for doctors who violate the law.

The Tennessee law is among a growing number of state laws enacted in recent years targeting transgender care. Republican lawmakers who support the ban say decisions about care should be made after an individual becomes an adult. Opponents argue that in addition to violating the civil rights of trans youth, the laws also run afoul of parents’ rights to make decisions about their child’s medical care.”

Danno said...

C’est La Vie, cheese-eating surrender monkeys.

RCOCEAN II said...
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RCOCEAN II said...

What a hysterical take by the NYT's. "chaos", OMG anything but Chaos! Look, its just a budget. Frankly, I wish Le Pen had let Marcon's budget pass and let it screw over the workers. Because its these Leftwingers "workers" that are responsible for Macron being in office. They allied themselves with macron to deny Le Pen a victory. Y'know cause she was "far Right" - LOL.

They already got their pension age raised because they hated Le Pen so much. Maybe one day, these dummies will wake up and stop drinking the Leftwing Koolaid. But I doubt it.

wendybar said...

Just like the leftwing in America. Makes you wonder why.

n.n said...

The right in the French context refered to nobility. The left to the elitists of dual character. It seems the French have evolved past these historical labels. Pethaps the Fourth Estate could too.

That said, catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform, green Green deals, and other choices have had a wakeful effect. Welcome back.

Joe Bar said...

This is the same Parliament where the Far-Left party members refused to shake hands with the youngest elected member, who was from the Far-Right party. FAFO

doctrev said...

What did Macron think would happen?! He's likely to go out the same way President Yoon is looking at, just because Macron think he's a political genius but is actually an incompetent goon who doesn't know how normal people think. No one but centrist diehards will vote for Macron again, and more than a few left wingers are likely disgusted enough that they will make common cause with the RN in the next government. If Macron had any brains, he would have let this cook until Le Pen was convicted. Now she is going to be President. What an imbecile.

rhhardin said...

It's not exactly political chaos. It's what the parliamentary system does, normal operation.

Narayanan said...

don't forget Tumbrils [During the French Revolution, it was a vehicle used to transport condemned persons to a place of execution, such as the guillotine.]

may keep some people happy if EV tumbrils

mccullough said...

Topple, plunge, chaos.

Spare me the bullshit

Jaq said...

Just yesterday Micron said that there was nothing to worry about. Of course last summer he also said that he had been reassured that a Trump win would be prevented.

"Macron had any brains, he would have let this cook until Le Pen was convicted"

He had to pass a budget, which then handed Le Pen this card to play. If they had just followed tradition, and let Le Pen's party form the government, given that they had won the most seats, well, that's impossible, Le Pen doesn't support the war in Ukraine, which is only being fought in an effort to defeat China by stripping it of its powerful ally, and has nothing to do with the best interests of the people of France.

Leland said...

I suspect timing had something to do with Trump’s visit.

TreeJoe said...

"particularly the most vulnerable, low-income pensioners, sick people, poor workers, the French considered too rich to be helped but not poor enough to escape the tax bludgeoning."

Someone arguing for those groups definitely sounds like how I've heard the "far-right" described.


Aggie said...

...and while they only 'supported' the efforts of the radical Left, if there's any blame to be had, they get it, good and hard, while the reputation of the prime instigators remains unsullied, even protected. The far Left is being credited with juicy quotes calling for the end of the Macron era. Forward comrades !

In case you were wondering, from the NYT:

"The New Popular Front and other left-wing lawmakers have 193 seats, Mr. Macron’s centrist coalition has 164 and the far-right National Rally and its allies 141. The Republican party and its allies hold only 47 seats."

Caroline said...

Should be an interesting weekend on the île St Louis!

Jaq said...

"Far right" = anti globalist. It's cut and dry, even the left wing party in Germany is called "far right" even as its economic program is totally left wing. Her argument is that the generous welfare state will collapse if Germany keeps allowing the unfettered flow of migrants. So you can see that this makes her anti-globalist, err, I mean "far right."

Original Mike said...

"The New Popular Front and other left-wing lawmakers have 193 seats, Mr. Macron’s centrist coalition has 164 and the far-right National Rally and its allies 141. The Republican party and its allies hold only 47 seats."

So why do they need Le Pen to pass a budget?

Jaq said...

Micron to address the French nation at 8 pm local time in France. When he said he wouldn't resign, he also said that the no confidence vote would fail.

Craig Mc said...

LePen: "This is what you get, Larry!"

Jaq said...

Because the left in France hates Macron as much as the right does.

Limited blogger said...

So the election of Trump is going to fix France too?

Original Mike said...

"N in the next government. If Macron had any brains, he would have let this cook until Le Pen was convicted."

So the French are into jailing their political opponent too?

Jaq said...

They claim that she and 27 or so other members of her party were "embezzling" political funds. She's from an old French family, it's very unlikely. It sounds like a prosecution based on making up new definitions, just like the ones against Trump, you know, where gathering information on Biden's corruption was called seeking a "bribe"?

The Godfather said...

Exactly right, rhhardin! This is "Situation Normal" in a government structured the way the French structure their's. In the US system of government we can elect an insane criminal Fascist President and a majority in both legislative houses that supports him, and we don't whine about it. Do we?

narciso said...

They did it to the last nominee fillon le pen pere was a poujadist, a para trooper

Yancey Ward said...

Tim in VT is right. When Macron selected Barnier instead of a member of the New Popular Front to be the PM he guaranteed the New Popular Front as an opposition to Barnier. The gamble Macron took was that Le Pen and her party wouldn't do exactly what she did today.

Yancey Ward said...

It isn't going to be chaos, however. Macron can just reselect Barnier as PM and the pass the rest of the budget bill by fiat. The French legislature is somewhat powerless in that it can be by-passed by the President for a lot of the basic government funtioning part. What the no-confidence vote does do, though, is to force the dissolution of the legislature and new elections this coming Summer.

Jaq said...

My favorite part today was when Macron called Le Pan "cynical."

Mason G said...

“During the arguments, Justice Ketanji Brown said she is “suddenly quite worried” and “nervous” about conservatives’ arguments in the controversy."

It's a concern that conservatives have arguments? No doubt, leftists would prefer conservatives just shut up and let the left do whatever they want. Anyway, those conservative arguments must be pretty radical. Let's see...

"Republican lawmakers who support the ban say decisions about care should be made after an individual becomes an adult."

Well now- that's just crazy talk. No wonder she's worried.

narciso said...

Le pen was not resistant to budget cuts but not at the exoense of french farmers for instsnce

Valentine Smith said...

Everything old is new again.
If you would like a basis for understanding, modern France, check out, Napoleon: The Man Who Ruled the World on Amazon Prime.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Does France really need a government anymore? They oughta just call it quits

Big Mike said...

Macron and Joe Biden’s Democrats are in full agreement — tax the poor because there are more them (especially thanks to Macron’s and Democrats’ economic policies). Moreover they don’t contribute big bucks to re-election campaigns.

Josephbleau said...

Parliamentary governments are designed to both throw a bone to, and isolate from, power to the people. The EU does the same, replacing "the people" with "the sovereign nations of Europe". The Norwegians knew what they were doing.

FormerLawClerk said...

The ultra-rich really have no idea how close we are to a French-style revolution in the United States.

They need to take a hard look at how the country has been run and how trivially easy it is to shoot them down in the street in broad daylight. They're dead before they hit the pavement.

We're THIS close to it. And the edges are fraying. They will pay a steep, steep price that their millions and billions won't save them from.

Kakistocracy said...

Marine Le Pen has described the Barnier budget as "punitive." The reality was that it was a first small step towards a constructive budget. Le Pen stands in the middle of unreality. An end of an era is over and she doesn't know it. So the choice before the National Assembly was between the false image of a "punitive budget" and a first step towards sustainable public finance. The National Assembly under Marine Le Pen's leadership has made a colossally bad decision -- but very Marine Le Pen like.

Jean-Pierre Robin has an excellent column today in Le Figaro setting forth the impossibility of today's French budget which exceeds by far the budget deficits of the other euro nations including Italy and has the second highest debt-to-GDP ratio behind Italy. The French budget deficit is twice the percentage average of the eurozone. This budget itself was probably an inadequate response to the size of the problem but it was trying to establish a trend in the correct direction. What Le Pen has done is to resolutely set France in the wrong direction with some sort of major financial crisis now a near-certainty.

Robin details with numbers the sad history of French budget indiscipline over the past four decades. And Macron's administration since 2017 has structurally worsened the problem. He did do some reform and tax changes to get France's capable but over-taxed and over-regulated private sector adding private sector growth to the economy. France has been borrowing to grow for decades, not internally generating its own growth.

The larger significance is that this vote margin indicates the French public is rejecting the Paris-centric elite governance that has ruled France almost forever. So possibly for the first time in a long time the French public will begin to set the direction of the French government rather than being spoon-fed elite nostrums.

Josephbleau said...

If Europe would just let go of all this climate fascination they would have plenty of money and all would be happy. Climate Science is the hill Europe will die on.

Climate Catastrophe was supposed to be the tool whereby Europe would again rule the world. Europe needs a new way to trick fu*k the world into submission.

narciso said...

This net zero foolishness nor the invitation to mass immigration can be goof things

Josephbleau said...

I agree completely, if we can eliminate the French model bureaucrats and rich elites from control of government power which leads to the desecration of the people's natural right to rule themselves, wow, just wow. That would be the greatest thing since 1776.

Josephbleau said...

In France there are Grande Ecoles, Great Schools where the young suffer to pass tests to attend. If they get in, they become government bureaucrats and can get rich due to corruption.

Hey, that is kind of like Harvard and Yale!

Josephbleau said...

I have always been happy to be a goof thing. I acknowledge your strategic typos.

Christopher B said...

If anybody wonders how you get Hitler, this is how you get Hitler (with some arson involved), not some guy with a spray tan and a comb-over winning the popular vote.

Christopher B said...

Josephbleau, from my understanding France is probably the least tied to the climate change madness, certainly less than Germany. They are still running their nuclear power plants at least.

Aggie said...

Wow, I thought Amazon Prime was something recently innovated, I had no idea.

Goldenpause said...

Brown is in well over her head. You would think she would want to be careful not to make it so obvious. Apparently not.

Josephbleau said...

"Josephbleau, from my understanding France is probably the least tied to the climate change madness,"

Yes, the Alsace Loraine is probably out of coal, unlike Germany, so France has no alternative. France has done well with Nuclear Power, because they have no choice. They are not going to cover wine grapes with solar panels. There is no desert in France.

My comment was about Europe in general.

Goldenpause said...

Politicians acting like politicians. News at 11- if you are still awake.

Goldenpause said...

Politicians acting like politicians. News at 11- if you are still awake.

Josephbleau said...

Unless you are Joe Beiden, then you don't go Ivy but flog yourself to the point where you have two beach mansions, but I give Joe credit, he should have ditched Jill and got a hottie. Oh, Jill had the dirt. OK.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Neither will their bourgeois bunkers, Dixcus. Some of us are sappers, engineers and WMD experts. Perhaps they can eat benjamins before the end instead of molten gold a-la Marcus Licinius Crassus. Fitting.

Aggie said...

I thought that France, which used to provide about 70% of their electricity from nukes, had decided it was wiser to phase them out. I have some reading up to do, I guess.

RCOCEAN II said...

Yes, massive deficits, but somehow money is always found for Ukraine and the Military, and for sad little France to pose as a Great power. Not to mention dole out zillions for "refugees". But yes, cuts for the workers and old - those lazy bones.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Burn it all down.

The "center" and the far Left colluded int he last election to make it so that the Party with the most votes, Le Pen's, got the fewest seats.

Then the "center" screwed the far Left on power sharing.

Now everyone hates them, as is right and proper.

Looking forward to another election, where the far Left tells the "center" to FOAD, and as a result Le Pen wins

bobby said...

"Chaos" probably means deadlock - government cannot get anything done.

In France lately, this is likely a good thing.

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