November 25, 2024

"We’ve marched so much. We’re tired of doing the same thing over and over...."

Said David Hogg, "who was among the students in Parkland, Fla., who mobilized on behalf of gun control legislation," quoted in "'Get Somebody Else to Do It': Trump Resistance Encounters Fatigue/Donald J. Trump’s grass-roots opponents search for a new playbook as they reckon with how little they accomplished during his first term" (NYT).

“We need to be positioned to bring a new generation into office so we’re not just protesting and marching,” Mr. Hogg said. “We can’t be outside looking in.”

The NYT usually tells us how old people are. We're told a random "nurse from Virginia" is 45. But I had to look up how old Hogg is. It mattered to me, because he's going on about having done "so much... over and over." Hogg is 24. 

Interesting correction on this article: "An earlier version of this article referred incorrectly to a type of treatment that helped save the lives of many gay men. It was medications, not a vaccine." There's never been a vaccine for AIDS. The NYT ought to know that. This idea that people ought to be given what they want reasonably quickly if they get out and protest — life doesn't work like that. It's not as if those in power have all the solutions and are simply peevishly withholding them out of unjustified hatefulness.

To be fair to Hogg: He moves from complaining about the ineffectiveness of protesting to the topic of running for office. He says: "After the election, I got several texts saying, 'Screw it. People in power don’t know what they’re doing and I need to run.'"


Iman said...

Oh, he should run, alright.

Peachy said...

I still want to know if David Hogg bullied the shooter. Not accusing him - just knowing his bullying tactics - it seems plausible.
Also - the "FBI - had been watching the Parkland shooter. Right? Isn't it odd that FBI watching these unstable people- never amounts to anything?

Law abiding gun owners don't need gun grabs. Find another way to fix the problem.

rehajm said...

…so they moved on from ‘it’s the messaging’ to ‘it’s the messenger’. I won’t interrupt…

wild chicken said...

Yeah, funny no AIDS vaccine yet. Obviously because Big Pharma doesn't want one because PrEP $$$! Also, Big Pharma wants you to take the clot shot because follow the money! I'm so confused.

Peachy said...

The AOC model. D's get rich quick. There's the democrat solution.

Kate said...

Clicking through on the David Hogg tag is an interesting overview of the last few years. Tom Wolfe wanted a spokesman for the next generation of space exploration, and here we are. Wolfe's perspective was always interesting; I wish I could hear his take on our current times.

RCOCEAN II said...

If the liberal/left put 1/10 the energy they waste on "gun control" into fighting crime and putting criminals in jail we'd have a much better country. But of course "Gun Control" is the liberal/left answer to crime, because they actually like criminals and don't want to punish them.

In fact, the the liberal/left, especially the well to do, regard urban crime as an acceptable price to pay for "ethnically clensing" all the working class whites out of Big cities. And keeping them out. wonder how many people have considered moving to Portland and decided not to, because of all the antifa violence and craziness?

Anyway, I find Master Hogg a complete bore. Ok Hogg, get elected. You'll won't accomplish any more than any other Democrat. Because they all agree with you.

RideSpaceMountain said...

“We need to be positioned to bring a new generation into office so we’re not just protesting and marching'"

Whoa whoa there David. Don't be so hasty. You and your gay little friends are so good at marching! What it lacks in efficacy it makes up for 100x in entertainment value. That's what you are right? An entertainer? We are very entertained!

Leland said...

Hogg got old quick.

Aggie said...

I have a certain amount of sympathy when the FBI admits they were aware of some creep before the incident makes the creep into a perpetrator. They should be aware of these creeps, but one can understand they're powerless to do anything about it, until laws are broken.

I never say anything about this, when it happens - because the last thing in the world that I want to see, is an all-powerful law-enforcement agency stepping on somebody before they actually do anything, or worse, see situations where innocents are goaded into action by confidential human sources, so they can be arrested. That would be terrible. Then, we'd have a whole bunch of politically-motivated prosecutions.

Aggie said...

But not 'grown up'.

RCOCEAN II said...

As for Gun control, if NYC and DC wont put criminals in jail, right now, for violating Gun laws, what good is more Gun control? The silly NRA slogan "Outlaw Guns, and only outlaws will have guns" is correct. Because they wont take guns from criminals, the only control will be on law abiding people. And of course, Mr. Hogg is in favor of millions of 3rd worlders and low educated people pouring into the USA. How crooks are in these millions? Mr. Hogg doesn't care.

Goldenpause said...

Hogg is going to find out that other ambitious lefties aren’t going to graciously put their ambitions on hold to make way for him to run for office.

Gusty Winds said...

What ever happened to that Pillow Company Hogg was going to start when Mike Lindell was first being vilified for calling out election fraud? Oh, it never materialized. Like Mayor Pete's $7.8 Billion charging stations. Eight stations for $7.8billion. Hogg and Pete are cut from the same beta cloth.

Biff said...

"I still want to know if David Hogg bullied the shooter. Not accusing him - just knowing his bullying tactics - it seems plausible."

That fits his public persona so well that it is almost unfair to the guy. Once you imagine it, it's hard to believe it isn't actually true.

Maybe I'm biased to see him that way. There's something about him that makes me think of Goebbels in uniform whenever I see him speak.

Amadeus 48 said...

David Hogg was in a different building from the shootings and was never in danger at Parkland. He appears to be a self-promoting opportunist.

Lilly, a dog said...

"During a June 2019 interview with the Washington Post Magazine, Hogg said there have been seven attempts on his life."

This guy is like a cockroach. He can survive anything, except the activist money drying up.

Aggie said...

Comes from a CNN family, if I recall correctly.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Hogg is now a Harvard educated idiot.
There is nothing more idiotic.
He wants the government to have ever more power and control over citizens, in order to correct every little and big problem that he identifies.
He never considers that said government can and will sometimes be run by people he disagrees with, or is deranged by.
When that occurs, he is sad and may need therapy.
Government should be small enough that what it does has minimal effect on the lives of the vast majority of its citizens.
DOGE is only a start. I'll be (very pleasantly) surprised if it even succeeds in keeping the government at its present level of intrusiveness.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"self-promoting opportunist."

But he's so entertaining!

Two-eyed Jack said...

So, you say you're tired of marching? You know there are these robotic shorts . . .

jaydub said...

"We’ve marched so much. We’re tired of doing the same thing over and over...."

If David thinks he is tired of his BS, he should view it from this perspective.

Bob Boyd said...

Opposing civil rights has taken this character a long way.

narciso said...

Father was bureau

Big Mike said...

It's not as if those in power have all the solutions and are simply peevishly withholding them out of unjustified hatefulness.

@Althouse, shout it from the rooftops, but the fools still won't believe it.

"People in power don’t know what they’re doing ..."

That's kind of the problem, Mr. (aptly named) Hogg. They do. It's you who don't.

Skeptical Voter said...

Hogg is simply a tiresome twit stretching his 3 seconds of fame (did he actually have 3 seconds?) into a lifetime. He never really had much worth saying. I'd suggest that he start in the Harvard Yard and see if he could march all the way to the end of the Santa Monica Pier--and keep going from there.

David53 said...

Yes, robotic shorts. Maybe Althouse had the same thoughts,

Iman said...

Camera Hogg.

Ice Nine said...

Don't be fair to Hogg - he doesn't deserve it.

Paul said...

Here in Texas we have MANY schools now with signs warning that our Teachers Are Armed... and notice the shootings have gone way down. And I can assure you, some are armed. And those armed were quite familiar with guns before they volunteered. Not all teachers are squeamish little book worms incapable of punching there way out of a wet paper sack folks... especially here in Texas.

And woe be if they find out you brough a weapon to school... you will be kicked out and jailed. Don't matter if you are 12 years old or whatever... zero sympathy. And don't give us this horseshit you were bullied.. that gives no one any right to kill others. No one!!!

wendybar said...

Little ignorant Harvard boy. We point and laugh at idiots like him. Soy boys ARE so progressive, they are regressing.

wendybar said...

Maybe they need more pussy hats, and hate!!

Dave Begley said...

I hope he does run for office as if he runs in any city or state not in NY, MA or CA, he will lose. He's from FL and I can't imagine he winning any federal or state office in FL.

Lazarus said...

He says: "After the election, I got several texts saying, 'Screw it. People in power don’t know what they’re doing and I need to run.'"

Hogg needs to run, or the texters need to run? More ambiguity and a problem for punctuation professionals.

Ice Nine said...

I find this NYT article to be very pleasing.

>“These people coming to the White House don’t care about petitions. They don’t care how many people sign them. They don’t care what they say.”<

Well, probably true. They care so much more how many people voted them into the White House (77million), and what they had to say. How unusual...

Tom T. said...

It's not a vaccine, but there is PrEP, which does reduce the likelihood of contracting HIV.

chuck said...

The future is many things, but it is always in poor taste.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

He couldn't find anybody who knew how to run a pillow company that would help him start it up.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

I suspect Hogg will end up as an analyst on CNN very soon.

mikee said...

Hogg has the anti-gun talking points but he can't think his way out of a wet paper bag. He has no means of arguing with facts rather than emotion.

gilbar said...

We need to be positioned to bring a new generation into office

sorry, mister Hog; but there IS a new generation coming into office..
but, You Won't like them.. They are Republicans

gilbar said...

Aggie said..
Comes from a CNN family, if I recall correctly.

NOPE! his father was the FBI agent, probably in charge of mentoring school shooters

MadTownGuy said...

"Interesting correction on this article: "An earlier version of this article referred incorrectly to a type of treatment that helped save the lives of many gay men. It was medications, not a vaccine." There's never been a vaccine for AIDS. The NYT ought to know that."

AIDS is the condition caused by the HIV virus. There's no vaccine for HIV. Current info on the medications (if the TV ads are to be believed) indicates that the levels of virus in patients are reduced to "undetectable," whatever that means. The recommended use of meds like Biktarvy is for suppression of the virus, both to manage HIV and secondary infections such as tuberculosis. It's advertised as a preparation for sexual activity, but of course safe sex practice is stressed to be sure, for sure, to prevent transmission.

CJinPA said...

It's not as if those in power have all the solutions and are simply peevishly withholding them out of unjustified hatefulness.

That's exactly what many average folk believe. Across the political spectrum and up and down levels of government, from the White House to town council. I've lived it.

Mason G said...

"We’ve marched so much. We’re tired of doing the same thing over and over...."

What's that saying (or meme or whatever) about doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get different results?

Rusty said...

It's a grift. He makes money doing it.

Rusty said...


Bob B said...

Amazing how fast Democrat activists went from “electing Trump will end democracy” to “I’m running for office because Trump was elected.”

TaeJohnDo said...

Bull. How many conservatives have been 'visited' by the FBI for standing in front of an abortion clinic or a FB post?

wildswan said...

Hogg started a PAC to support under-30 year-olds who want to run for Congress as soon as he graduated from Harvard in April 2023. But no one invited him to run in any Florida primary in this last election cycle. Why, oh why, oh why, oh why? The PAC was called Leaders We Deserve. But we didn't deserve the Hog or the Rat* and we didn't get them. Oh, dear.

But DuhHog is trying again. I like the suggestion made by Two-Eyed Jacks that if he's tired of marching, he could get some walking shorts and walk, walk, walk, those shorts all over this town. And maybe he could get AI to write his speeches and make clips showing him giving them to wildly applauding audiences. AI could reformulate clips from Trump rallies and Rachel Maddow could run them. Oh wait. Never mind.


Drago said...

Remember, Hogg's academic performance in high school was so piss poor he often spoke of just taking a few years off of school.

Then, after Hogg went full leftard liar (about where he was and the level of danger he was in during the shooting) and gun comfiscator looney, , Harvard grabbed him up while simultaneously Kyle Kashuv, who had a stellar academic record and had ALREADY been accepted at Harvard, went public as a gun rights Harvard literally rescinded Kashuv's acceptance to Harvard

Drago said...

And who cam ever forget Hogg's hilarious attempt to start a lefty rival pillow company vs MyPillow?

He was soliciting support online from others at the same level of "sophistication" as a 10 year old setting up a lemomade stand!

JK Brown said...

Same as it was in the past

“During the Vietnam War... every respectable artist in this country was against the war. It was like a laser beam. We were all aimed in the same direction. The power of this weapon turns out to be that of a custard pie dropped from a stepladder six feet high.”
― Kurt Vonnegut

JK Brown said...

The groups, leagues, sheafs, in the Italian, fasci, are not alright. Seems the edumedicated activist leaders of the various Democrat groups weren't really representing those segregated into those groups by the "intellectuals". Oops. Union leaders started to come out for Harris only to be shouted down by the rank and file, you know the voters, so they "didn't endorse". Turns out other groups were just quietly non-aligned.

As Ezra Klein, generally a loyal liberal Democrat, has been compelled to admit:

"[I]t’s very important to look at the power of this nonprofit complex in the Democratic Party. Because part of what that power has been based on…is a sense that the way to understand what …collections of voters want…is by listening to what the groups purporting to represent them want…

“[I]n the case of nonwhite voters, it proved really, really deceptive. So the groups that were, in a sense, representing Hispanic voters within the Democratic coalition — they were part of what was leading Democrats, many of them in 2020, to say they were going to decriminalize border crossing, unauthorized border crossing. But that wasn’t what Hispanic voters wanted.

It was many of the groups representing Black Americans that pushed the Democratic Party toward “Defund the Police” rhetoric…But that was never popular, and certainly is not now popular, among Black Americans."

Throw the Groups Under the Bus!
The road back to the working class.
Ruy Teixeira. Liberal Patriot Substack
Nov 21, 2024

Howard (not that Howard) said...

This guy is the definition of lightweight.

Mason G said...

Re: Ezra Klein... "collections of voters", "groups purporting to represent them", "the groups that were, in a sense, representing Hispanic voters", "many of the groups representing Black Americans", and on and on.

That's the Democrats for you- your only value is your contribution to agreement with the collective. What you, individually, want? Doesn't matter to them.

boatbuilder said...

This has always been my solution to the school shooter problem. The reaction is generally horror (from people who don't think it through).
I argue that while teachers re probably no more trustworthy than the general run of humanity (notwithstanding the exalted role they play in Democrat hagiography) they are, for the most part, not antisocial; and that if a teacher is experiencing antisocial psychological issues, that is more likely to show up in the school environment (where they can be addressed sooner rather than later) than outside it.
We trust teachers with custody of our children. There are very many competent and capable teachers who can sign up to learn how to handle a gun and tale on that responsibility. Those who don't feel comfortable don't need to do so. It only takes one or two--or the knowledge that there might be an armed teacher ready to shoot--to discourage the maniacs.
The alternative is to herd our kids into compounds where they are entirely defenseless. Which is what we do now.

JAORE said...

He should start a pillow company....

Joe Smith said...

He's an idiot. Couldn't even run a pillow company. The dumbest white man ever admitted to Harvard.

Wilbur said...

You forget my beloved Congressional Rep, Comrade Wassermann-Schultz. And several others, too. He needs to run in the right district.

He would need to oust Dem. Rep Lois Frankel if he runs in his present home district. Good luck with that, pardner.

Wilbur said...

Hogg's latest X post:
"This Christmas all I want is a Democratic Party that focuses on building housing, public transit, and high speed rail. We need to cut red tape and incentivize building, and ban corporations from buying up homes. We call this a housing crisis. It’s time to start acting like it."

Can you pick three issues which better represent Big Gummit failure? Especially public housing and high speed rail.

Hassayamper said...

But of course "Gun Control" is the liberal/left answer to crime, because they actually like criminals and don't want to punish them.

It's even worse than that. They don't give the slightest shit about crime and disorder; in fact, from their point of view, the more the better. It helps grease the skids for governmental aggrandizement.

Their only true motivation for confiscatory gun control is because they want to establish a one-party collectivist dictatorship, and inflict totalitarian oppression upon us that would have made our noble ancestors hunt them all down and shoot them.

Hassayamper said...

I doubt very, very much that the noodle-armed pansy ever bullied anyone.

Mason G said...

"notwithstanding the exalted role they play in Democrat hagiography"

Not to mention the the exalted role they play in Democrat election (and re-election) strategy.

Hassayamper said...

My 5th grade teacher was a Marine in World War II. Fought at Guadalcanal and a few other major battles. He drove a Jeep with a riot shotgun in a locking rack, which he kept parked just outside his classroom, and carried a .45 in his locking briefcase. Probably illegal, but our principal had also been a Marine in the war, and I suspect his office was similarly outfitted.

In high school most of the boys drove pickup trucks with rifles and shotguns openly displayed in rear-window racks alongside our lasso ropes and cowboy hats. As long as we kept the vehicle locked, the administration did not care. When we got a new one we'd proudly show it off to Charlie the security guard, who had been in the Army in Korea.

"The past is another country. They do things differently there."

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Not near as grifty as Donald Trumps sneakers,guitars,cards, hats t shirts, etc but Hogg may make a coupe bucks..Hey the highest office is now the great QVC of America. Calling anyone a grifter with out including the King is absurd. By the way you can still get a make america healthy again t shirt by the worm brain guy,but they are going fast.. S&H GREEN STAMPS never as good as this..

Leland said...

Hogg made bucks off his association with a school shooting. You can go back under your bridge now.

Drago said...

DINKY DAU 45: "Not near as grifty as Donald Trumps sneakers,guitars,cards, hats t shirts, etc but Hogg may make a coupe bucks."


Not quite dumbo. You actually have to be able to PRODUCE products for sale to make a couple bucks.

Something you commie buffoons know nothing about.

Drago said...

His "pillow company" lasted about 2 weeks.....and it was all online order taking...for something that was never going to be produced. If you have a moment and want a good laugh, go back and read Hogg's X postings about the help he was looking. It was all along the lines of Hey, does anyone know how to set up a supply chain?....and does anyone know any manufacturers that make this stuff?...and does anyone know anyone who could design some of these pillows?.....and on and on and on.

Mason G said...

"Not quite dumbo. You actually have to be able to PRODUCE products for sale to make a couple bucks."

Well, that... and what's "grifty" about making and selling stuff?

: to obtain (money or property) illicitly (as in a confidence game)

Jerry said...

The problem is that they're not offering any better alternatives. Instead, they throw tantrums.

A toddler doesn't have any answers about what makes them unhappy - they just know they're unhappy and depend on others to make the changes so they're not.

With Hogg, just changing a diaper and stuffing a binky in his mouth won't do the job.

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