November 25, 2024

"There will be a desire to hear her voice, and there won’t be a vacuum for long."

Said "a person close to Harris," quoted in "Harris is telling her advisers and allies to keep her political options open/She could run again for president — or California governor" (Politico).

Of all things about Kamala Harris that people might eventually come to miss, I would think "her voice" would rank low. When I think of her voice, I think of this:

There's the vacuum — in her voice. There's less vacuum without that.

But, sure, go for the governorship. That's a dignified landing spot. Newsom is term-limited and you should stand out in this crowd.


wendybar said...

Stay in Commiefornia. I hope to never hear her voice or her cackling ever again. Unless it's them crying when they get dragged away to the DC gulags...Hillary too.

Lazarus said...

California would elect a dirty diaper if it were a Democrat.

They pretty much did this year with Adam Schiff.

Peachy said...

She'd be perfect for failed state - Illegal entrants, crime and money waste CA.

RideSpaceMountain said...

If there was a Jungian archetype for vacuous, dogmatic, and intellectually stunted California progressives, Kamala would be the prototype.

Limited blogger said...

I just lost 18 seconds I'll never get back

RCOCEAN II said...

The great thing about the Liberal/left is they don't care and don't think independently. So, the Democrat party elite will make the decision as to whom should be California Governor. And then the Democrat voters will all fall in line and vote for the elite's choice.

Given the Democrat party elite chose Harris to be State AG, and then US Senator, and then VP, there's no reason to believe they would object to her being Governor and then running in 2028.

As a person Harris isn't particularly impressive. She's not high on the charisma scale, to say the least. But D voters don't care. And Harris believes in everything all the other Democrats do.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Of all the things I could possibly desire (even things I would never believe in a million years that I might one day desire) her whiny, nasal voice will never be one of them.

gilbar said...

say what you will, about Kammy Harris (she's an airhead, c*cksucker, wh*re);
give her credit, where credit is DUE.
Kammy is THE ONE PERSON, IN THE WORLD; that can make the biddies on The View look intelligent in comparison.
So, There's THAT. The biddies on The View miss the sound of her voice.. i'm SURE

tim maguire said...

Who are they trying to kid? There is nothing about Harris that will be missed. She might (might) be a viable candidate for CA gov, but the idea that people want to blow another billion on another national campaign for Harris is laughable.

RCOCEAN II said...

Adam Schiff is a liar, unethical, and leaked classified data. But he had the Democrat party elite seal of approval. So, he's now Adam Schiff - US Senator.

Gravel said...

Hasn't California suffered enough?

RideSpaceMountain said...

A plurality of Californians would say "no".

Wince said...

More than a bloody ear, electing Kamala governor would demonstrate America dodged a bullet.

Ice Nine said...

>There's the vacuum — in her voice.<

Naa, the vacuum in her is about ten inches higher.

Leland said...

Less a vacuum and more like a black hole, that pulls in everything and distorts time yet gives nothing back.

Leland said...

Willie Brown would disagree.

mikee said...

She won't win CA governor. Dems eat their losers, they don't like losing.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” - H. L. Mencken

Aggie said...

Of all the political options that are easy to game, this is the easiest. We've just held a referendum on Kamala, and there's a wealth of data to sift through. The actual Democrat movers/shakers in California have their answer now, in the data, if they want it. My guess is, she's unelectable.

Gusty Winds said...

OMG. If California elects her Governor the San Andreas Fault would probably finally give. She has to run for Governor in 2026, or she is irrelevant by 2028. She will be an irrelevant 2028 candidate. Dems are stupid, but I don't think they are going to do a William Jennings Bryan or Adlai Stevenson and put her up again. Not a chance.

My bet would be if she runs for CA Gov., she loses.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Wait, I’m now reading this old worn Mencken quote in a new old light.

Breezy said...

Her ego knows no bounds, it appears.

BG said...

“There will be a desire to hear her voice…”
We have Estee Palti for that, thank you very much.

William said...

What is the sound of one hand clapping. How does a vacuous person create a vacuum. How can she fill up the empty air that surrounds her with empty air.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The only way that Harris would win the CA Gov race is if she manages, like Schiff, to get a Republican promoted to #2 in the primary.

If it's two Ds, she'll lose.

But that's two years from now, and I fully expect she will have completely disappeared by then

Justabill said...

California has every right to choose the form of its destruction.

Quaestor said...

Though California seems to have hit rock bottom, there's lots more social decay waiting to stink, not to mention the flight of the moneymakers, which now includes Hollywood, the rotten infrastructure, the sic transit gloria rapid transit system from nowhere to nowhere, the water famine, the energy famine, the coming food famine. Nobody in his right mind wants to preside over than that sickening SPLAT!, hence the legion of dunces declaring or "expressing an interest in" the California governor's throne. Harris running will just be another clown in the clown car. She'll certainly stand out, but more like a sore thumb.

CJinPA said...

"Just don't have Harris to kick around anymore," she'll say, Nixon-like, when, like failed presidential candidate Dick Nixon, she loses the governor's race.

Then, like Nixon, returns six years later and wins the White House.

John henry said...

Since 12A was passed in 1808 no sitting vp has been elected to the oval, though many have tried (2 exceptions)

With 1-2 exceptions, nobody who has run and failed to be elected prez has succeeded on a second attempt.

To suppose Harris might run again is a monstrous joke.

John Henry

RideSpaceMountain said...

"deserve to get it good and hard.”

"Dat's what she said...but deserve's got nothin' ta do wit it!" - Willie Brown

John henry said...

When I hear "vacuum" associated with Harris, I think sucking. As in cocksucking

John Henry

Rusty said...

Like I said before. She's done. She has absolutely nothing to recommend her politically. Maybe lecture at UCLA for a couple of years and then get let go. Affirmative action and sexual hijinks have taken her as far as she can go.

Paddy O said...

CA went more republican this year. And Steve Garvey did zero campaigning from what I saw. But Ca definitely still has a power family that awards spoils to the faithful. I can't imagine Schiff will distinguish himself and won't be treated well by the Senate majority.

Peachy said...

The left's "Worship" vibe of their leaders - is so gross.

Skeptical Voter said...

Kamala Harris pulls 32 inches of vacuum between her ears. Not a coherent thought in the cranium. That said, Harris and our own Brylcreem Boy were among the leading figures in the San Francisco Democrat cabal that runs our state. A few years back it was clear that the two of them could run for Governor and for Senator (to replace the aging Dianne Feinstein or Barbara Boxer--also both doyennes of the San Francisco Democrats). So it was a question between Harris and Newsom of who would run for what--success in the respective elections was guaranteed.

I don't think either one of these two San Francisco Dims has a legitimate shot at the Presidency in 2028. Newsom makes the somewhat more credible case--he's governor of a state that--at least according to him--should set the rules for the rest of the country. Newsom's California also has its own foreign policy.

But--Newsom is dyslexic. While Newsom still possesses all of his cognitive abilities, he makes as much of a hash of reading a teleprompter as does Joe Biden. I think that would make a national campaign difficult.

Real American said...

Who is her primary constituency? Outside of Obama, expensive political grifters, and Democrat dead-enders, what group of people really wants her to do anything again in public life? I get that she's not yet going away because she doesn't really know how to do anything other than be a public employee, but she doesn't really have a substantial base of political support.

Money Manger said...

Mark Halperin did a good job picking this story apart on 2Way this morning. Let's just say Politico is in denial, and the sooner the Democrats admit that she was an out-and-out terrible candidate and should never again be given a shot on the national stage, the faster they can begin to pick up the pieces and face 2028.

Money Manger said...

Oh, and Gavin Newsome wants her mucking around in California politics like he wants a case of chlamydia.

Oh Yea said...

Are they trying to guarantee JD Vance as Trump's successor?

planetgeo said...

Even the Democrats wouldn't be dumb enough to nominate Kamala a second time. But yeah, California might. Living in California (we managed to escape) is like living inside the new Jaguar ad. Literally.

Oh Yea said...

It isn't too late to invoke the 25th Amendment if she wants to do the right thing.

Readering said...

Under our new age preference system, 2 terms as governor and she can run for president.

Bob Boyd said...

To be President she'd have to actually win the primary next time. I don't think Dem voters will feel joy if Kamala is simply proclaimed the nominee in a mysterious zoom call again.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Can’t one of the other States take her? Please? Or Canada? I think she lives there when she was middle class and liked her lawn…

Curious George said...

No way Democrats will ever forgive her for losing to Trump. And they know she's dumb as a rock. I'm wondering if even Doug will kick her ass to the curb,

wsw said...

Problem: That voice would also include words.

Kevin said...

Shorter Kamala: "No regrets."

Jaq said...

I agree, let her ruin California even more.

Jaq said...

There used to be this very interesting political analyst who did a lot of detailed analysis of polls and made these really great maps to the precinct level, sometimes, on Twitter. She said that California was on course to become a red state. She got banned from Twitter. I have no idea why; okay, I know why, I just don't know what they used as a pretext. In those days though, Democrats could just call Twitter and have people thrown off.

Jupiter said...

Let's remember, the quote is attributed to "a person close to Harris". That means either someone in her employ, or Doug Emhoff. And since most of the people in her employ can't stand her, it is probably Doug Emhoff. Considering what it must be like to be Doug Emhoff, right now, I'd say this is wishful thinking. California! Take my wife! Please!!!!

JAORE said...

Vote Harris for Governor. She brought you four more years of Trump.


PM said...

She has complete self-awareness:
"There is not a thing that comes to mind."

Steve said...

I would be stunned if she has any political future outside of California. Having said that, nobody thought Nixon would be back...

Lucille Ballers said...

The stock market is at record highs, oil production in the US is at record highs, gas is under $3 in most states, medicare can finally negotiate drug prices, unemployment rates are at 50 year lows, gold is at record highs, lowest border crossings since 2019 ... I agree with her she should not have changed a thing.

loudogblog said...

California is doomed. Did you see how much Adam Schiff won by? 65% of the state would vote for a brick if it was endorsed by the Democrat party.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Is it too early to start talking about all the articles the MSM will produce wishing Kamala "would just go away"? Like a sloppy drunk at an open bar, this Felicia is too daft to understand the word "bye".

Mr. T. said...

The Vacuum is the one under Willie Brown's desk...

MaxedOutMama said...

There'll be a primary in 2028. I cannot imagine her winning a primary, and I would think that she wouldn't want to face a bad showing. I feel as if being selected as VP somehow shortcut her ambition - she just doesn't care enough to get into policy. That's why her campaign foundered.

Narayanan said...

maybe they can promote Kamala music career with poeple desire to hear her?

PM said...

Gas is at mid-4s where I live in CA. And fuck Schiff below.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"The good news for Harris, according to her allies, is that her standing in the party increased the longer that she ran her short campaign, which is rare in electoral politics."

Sure, Jan.

Narayanan said...

I have read that expertise = golf ball through garden hose
is taht true

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Nice quote.

JIM said...

Kamala is the consummate California politician. She would be the cherry on top of the shit sundae that is California. If your choice is between Kamala Harris and Katie Porter, small dogs yapping will seem soothing.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"If she's got the urge, I've got the baby oil." - P. Diddy (allegedly)

Mason G said...

Yes, the stock market is up 10% since Nov. 5. Some people did some things that day, I'm told. Where I live, gas is still over 50% higher than when Biden took office. And one reason people buy gold is to preserve their wealth when inflation is eating away at it. So there's that.

boatbuilder said...

Nixon wasn't an airhead.

doctrev said...

The Clinton machine is now decayed to the point I don't think Chelsea could ever get into elected office. The Obama machine is on its last gasps: losing 2024 is going to do serious damage to him.

I'm betting on AOC 2028. Republicans hate her, but that's no obstacle to gaining urban power. She has quality fundraising, relative youth, and a socialist rep. No match for President Trump, but quite a few Republican candidates would underestimate her. Then again, if DC isn't cleaned up she might have a better shot than anyone thinks.

Whiskeybum said...

I think Elon should run for CA governor just to screw with their heads. No - better yet, he should just buy CA (maybe Trump could sell it off to him and use the proceeds to buy Greenland or something else).

TickTock said...

One can only pray that the result if she ran in CA would be a Republican governor.

Rusty said...

And you're just the guy to vote for her.

Joe Smith said...

She's a fucking moron but sure, make her governor of the richest, most technologically-advanced state in the nation just because she has an 'R' after her name. Failing upward is a thing...

Levi Starks said...

I think that losing a race for governor of CA would be a defining epitaph for her political career.

MadisonMan said...

according to her allies
I honestly hope this is it for both Clinton and Obama as far as influence is concerned.

mccullough said...

This is what Nixon did after the 1960 Election. So Kamala loses in 2026 for California govern ship, probably in the primaries. Then she runs for President again in 2032

Big Mike said...

"There will be a desire to hear her voice, ..."

Will there now? is there a place where I can put down a bet?

Art in LA said...

Harris v. Shanahan would be a very interesting matchup -- both raised in Oakland, CA (supposedly), both mixed race female.

rehajm said...

Ted Kennedy used to get the runs every few years, to take her millions and go chug cocktails with Christine Blasey Ford in whatever luxury enclave they let her retire to...

walter said...

Next time, 3 billion war chest...

Lawnerd said...

I’d rather listen to fingernails dragged across chalkboards for eternity than listen to a minute of Kamala.

Lawnerd said...

Her political career is over. Too many progressives will blame her for Trump winning and will never forget or forgive. The media is going light on blaming Kamala because of the optics of blaming a womyn of colour. But internally they are seething. The donors are pissed that she squandered their 2 billion dollars. She is ready for the dust bin of history.

Jim at said...

I agree with her she should not have changed a thing.

If everything is as hunky-dory as you say it is (it isn't), why did she get her ass kicked?

BTW, paid $3.95 (lowest grade) for gas the other day. Some of us live in the real world.

Readering said...

Saw a poll in which she led.

Drago said...


Any poll taken in November of 2000 would have shown Gore ahead.
Any poll taken in November of 2004 would have shown Kerry ahead.
Polls taken in November of 2016 showed Hillary ahead.

Are you catching on yet?

No one, absolutely no one, on the New Soviet Democratical side fears running against kamala-la-la-la-la.....and for good reason. She is an absolutely atrocious candidate and moronic airhead who dares not stake out any position on any issue at any time for any reason, thus, giving no one a reason to vote for her.

Exit question for the morons, present company included, who think kamala-la-la-la-la might make a good candidate for CA Gov or the Presidency in 2028: Based solely on what we have heard from her over the years, WHY does she want the job(s)?

You can't even answer that, and voila! We are right back to Kennedy vs Carter in the 1980 primary.

Drago said...

Next up for readering: You know, that Walz guy looks like a national political juggernaut!

AMDG said...

As far as national politics goes, Harris will never be heard from again.

AMDG said...

As far as national politics goes, Harris will never be heard from again.

Political Junkie said...

I think she will run for and win CA gov, as it is a one party D state. However, remember Nixon in 62 running and losing to Pat Brown."You don't have Nixon to kick around anymore". Wish there was a famous Hismanic, maybe, or a D that would switch to R and run as a MAGA candidate. Would be fun. Garvey exceeded expectations.

Political Junkie said...

I've got the R candidate to face KH in 2026 CA gov race. Oscar de La Hoya running as an R. 20% he could win. And if he doesn't win, I bet he helps the R brand/party. Or Nicole Shanahan would be interesting. Maybe Bruce Jenner can be the #2.

cf said...

I see Nicole Shanahan is on the list!
Now THAT would be awesome for the whole Pacific Coast. Knock some sense into these stupid Lefties.

cf said...

True dat.

Iman said...

Her election as governor of Caliunicornia would seal the deal for us. No way.

Iman said...

I’ll enjoy seeing that SoCal monkey dance. Scumbag that he is.

Iman said...

And he shall have it!

MacMacConnell said...

Who knows? "Jazz Hands" might be a thing in 2028.

Readering said...

Everyone knows Nixon lost CA governor race 1962. Few know he only carried the state with 50.1% in 1960. Gore lost Tennessee in 2000 (and with it the election). Harris last I saw was winning California with over 58.5%. Not saying she is a sure thing in '26 if she runs or that she has my vote locked up but she does just fine in California where she was elected AG and Senator handily. With RFK, Shanahan is at 1.2% in CA.

PM said...

Not 100% about her prospects in California. I think the leftiest true believers might see her as 'the fuck-up that gave us Trump.'

Readering said...

I think most Dems see Biden as that person, as the polling of Dems since 2023 indicated.

Determinatus said...

Not to mention he and his family live full time in MARYLAND.

m said...

"I'm gonna miss that cackle'" said no one ever.

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