November 16, 2024

"The rise of Bhattacharya — from being scorned by the nation’s NIH director to possibly occupying his office four years later..."

"... reflects how the backlash to coronavirus policies has helped reshape conservative politics and elevate new voices..... [W]hile many public health experts issued dire warnings about the need to shutter schools and businesses, Bhattacharya coauthored an April 2020 study that drew a different conclusion: The coronavirus was far more widespread than previously assumed, suggesting its risks were overstated.... [T]he study’s key contention — that many Americans were unknowingly infected and showing no symptoms — was hailed by some conservative leaders eager to end lockdowns.... Then came the Great Barrington Declaration, drafted with Martin Kulldorff, then a professor at Harvard Medical School, and Sunetra Gupta, an infectious-disease epidemiologist at the University of Oxford.... 'Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity,' the trio’s open letter read. Public health groups swiftly condemned Bhattacharya and the other authors, saying their proposal would imperil the most vulnerable Americans. While the declaration called for focused protections, such as delivering groceries to older Americans, it urged that younger Americans return to work, allowing them to slowly build immunity against the virus...."


gilbar said...

'Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity

serious question: what SHOULD have been our Goal?
maximizing mortality and social harm? FOREVER?

narciso said...


The Drill SGT said...

Good for him. He's one small step in both cleaning the stables and restoring confidence that science is science, not Dem politics with advanced degrees

deepelemblues said...

The policies that were adopted, which were essentially 100% what the experts at NIH and CDC wanted, worked so well after all... people somehow forget that after Trump wanted to reopen after two weeks to bend the curve and the media flipped out and everyone screamed Trump has no authority, state governors do... nearly all the 50 states followed whatever policy the Fauci set prescribed.

EdwdLny said...

Well, when ones predecessor actively tries to exterminate a sizable portion of the population while also profiting from the "research" and the mechanism of said extermination efforts. It can be expected that those who fought loudly and publicly with facts and evidence would be an ideal candidate to replace said exterminators. Particularly after the removal of a truly psychotic regime and the beginning of a return to sanity. So, there's that. Now onto the removal of the remaining deep state dregs and detritus. By whatever means are required.

Dave Begley said...

Dr. Jay was right! He deserves to be rewarded and to set policy at the highest levels.

The Left NEVER admits it was wrong. They then compound their error by slandering the winners and conducting guerrilla activities. The Left needs to wise up and look at the facts. I will NEVER forgive the Left for the way it handled Covid and for the disastrous Biden years.

That guy who paid the ChiComs to “research” Covid needs to be investigated. And until proven otherwise, I’m convinced the ChiComs let the virus loose on purpose to get rid of Trump. It worked in 2020. China is in for a beating from Trump. Hope he names Kyle Bass as Amb to China.

Dave Begley said...

Not in NE and SD.

Sebastian said...

Yay Jay.

narciso said...

This keys in with the son of hugh auchincloss the former head of faucis agency
Denouncing rfk jr his grandfather was one of the bundys the ones who gave us vietnam

Peachy said...

When will we go after Fauci - dog terrorist?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

There’s a definite theme to the team Trump is assembling.

Achilles said...

Two Departments that have failed in every way and should be eliminated and rebuilt from zero.

Critter said...

COVID was the first epidemic that flipped historical public health policy to protect the vulnerable and have others continue their lives. And the flipped policy caused, and continues to cause, more excess mortality than the “old” policy. Getting real scientist to lead the NIH will save lives.

mikee said...

Two weeks, to slow the spread. Hahahahaha. Fauci had to know from the start this virus release was a ChiCom operation, either through negligence (which is quite likely in a Chinese lab) or purposeful, since he authorized the funding for this gain of function research in a ChiCom bioweapons lab. The "Tuskeegee Experiment" is used as an example of unethical behavior in medical research, but I think Fauci might be up for replacing this with a worse example.

jaydub said...

I'm personally grateful to Fauci for forcing me to move from the lockdown state of North Carolina in June 20 to the free state of Florida. It's been a good four years and we've never looked back.

Prof. M. Drout said...

One of the first rules of crisis management is that people make terrible decisions in the heat of the moment, so it is essential to have thought through things in advance and then follow the plan so as to avoid panic-influenced bad decisions. That's why front-line workers train and train and train, so that training and planning takes over in "hot" situations.
Billions of dollars and decades of work were spent developing plans and protocols for bio-terrorism events and epidemics, but ALL of that work was utterly ignored by the garbage people in charge of the agencies in favor of whatever dumb ideas that either pulled out of their own asses or read on Twitter, resulting in a far greater catastrophe than would have happened had they followed the plans worked out in a non-crisis period.
The people who f-ed up everything need to be held accountable, and those abused during the panic, like RFK Jr. and Bhattacharya are exactly the right people to bring accountability to the whole corrupt apparatus.

John henry said...

4 deaths/million in China

3500 (or so) in USA

Both stats arebogus. Might be off by a factor of 10

Still one hell of a disparity

John Henry

mezzrow said...

This would make me happier than I am watching IU sign Curt Cignetti to an 8-year extension.

That's pretty darned happy, friend. Good things are happening that once seemed impossible.

Original Mike said...

While, through the intrepid work of real journalists like Emily Kopp, anyone with half a brain and no political agenda knows how the covid pandemic came to be, it would be nice if NIH came clean and admitted that bad actors killed millions of people worldwide.

Is it too much to ask for consequences for Fauci, Daszak, and others? In a just world, they would be rotting in prison.

Kakistocracy said...

Trump's proudest accomplishment in his first term was the COVID vaccine... until the conspiracy theorists got loud enough that he worried it was becoming unpopular.

Ultimately the advisors do not matter to him. It's all about what's on Fox & Fiends.

Original Mike said...

And, please, please, please, please, PLEASE, ban gain of function research. Before it's too late.

Original Mike said...

"And until proven otherwise, I’m convinced the ChiComs let the virus loose on purpose to get rid of Trump."

I don't believe that. There's no way they could have predicted that outcome.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Maximizing money and power was the goal.

Interested Bystander said...
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Interested Bystander said...

1000% on banning gain of function research. In fact, make it a felony punishable by life in prison with no possibility of parole.

Interested Bystander said...

The best revenge is governing well. The second best is putting the leaders who were cancelled in 2020 in charge of the people who cancelled them....

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I don’t remember this guy. Which could mean I was still on board with everything they were putting out to “flatten the curve”. When the so called vaccine rollout was announced that’s when I said, wait a minute. What the F is this?

Kurt Schuler said...

Bhattacharya has a Ph.D. in economics in addition to his M.D. degree. His thinking reflected understanding of the economic costs and benefits of various policies as well as their medical implications. For his efforts to bring greater rationality to the debate, his colleagues at Stanford and elsewhere strenuously tried to silence him, the opposite of what academics should do on matters of such importance. I don't know why Bhattacharya is so much the exception to the conformist thinking characteristic of "top" American universities today, but I'm glad he is.

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

Original Mike:
Not so tough to predict. I told my wife that the covid scare was really just a ploy to allow election shenanigans to oust Trump. That was in the initial 'flatten the curve' period. I am not clairvoyant. Just good at pattern recognition with a soupcon of paranoia mixed in.
Might be just Blind pig/acorn at work.
Goetz von Berlichigen

Original Mike said...

Actually, it didn't get rid of Trump, did it?
Prediction: FAIL

Yancey Ward said...

The first order on January 20th should be the full opening of the NIH, CDC, and NIAID e-mails and grants to the public along with all phone records of the employees and managers of those agencies.

pacwest said...

China knew by Sept they had an epidemic. In Jan the Chinese let 350k people, many of whom they had to know were infectious, travel abroad. It was probably more a "if we got it the rest of the world will too". They knew it came from an American lab.

minnesota farm guy said...

If you have not read it before you should read the Great Barrington Declaration. Bhattacharya was one of the three co-authors (there are almost a million signatories) and he was excoriated for advocating the correct plan for Covid. He has been getting payback over the last year or so. If he heads up NIH I hope he finds a way to expose Fauci for the idiot that he is.

Original Mike said...

"It was probably more a "if we got it the rest of the world will too"."
That I could easily believe.

"They knew it came from an American lab."
It came from the Wuhan Virology Institute lab.

Lazarus said...

This could be DJT's best appointment yet. Bhattacharya knows his stuff. He'll be disruptive without getting blown up by bombs he wants to throw.

Fredrick said...

Until he realized he was lied to by Fauci and Birx.

Jupiter said...

"Public health groups swiftly condemned Bhattacharya and the other authors, saying their proposal would imperil the most vulnerable Americans."
If you insist on continuing to spread the lies and misinformation published in the WaPo, you could at least provide a correction, saying that the swift condemnation in questioned was orchestrated by Anthony Fauci, as we know from his e-mails.

pacwest said...

Which had funding from who?

JIM said...

The Cruise ship Diamond Princess, the early covid incubator vessel, provided all the real time data necessary that open minded experts could have used to formulate policy.

Achilles said...

The pharma companies also lied a lot and made record profits.

Everything about Rich is dishonest.

RigelDog said...

Jay has been the MAN from the very beginning. Brilliant, accomplished, perfect level of expertise in public health to make valuable contributions to our pandemic response, mild-mannered but with an ethical core of steel, he was never political and is a human koala bear in his sweetness of heart.
He was put through hell, a sacrificial lamb. Lost thirty pounds in his travails. Never quit, never lashed out in anger.
I can’t imagine a better pick, if he wants it.

Original Mike said...

NIH provided funding through a subcontract from a grant to Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance. That doesn't make it "an American Lab". Nor was it the sole funding for that research project.

Don't misunderstand me. Fauci, and especially Daszak, have blood on their hands. Daszak let that contract to Wuhan knowing it was going to be done in a lower biosaftey lab in order to save money. Emily Kopp established that through FIOA requests.

n.n said...

Amid a Diverse population, in close quarters, it was the aged, with comorbidities, who were at risk. A couple in close quarters, a husband infected with a progressive condition, and a wife who developed natural immunity.

n.n said...

Jay et al were right. The Declaration described a protocol that controlled risk, mitigated progressive conditions, and fostered a natural state of immunity that ultimately ended the pandemic.

n.n said...

An experimental treatment offered with informed consent to people who would be willing to accept the risks. Democratic jurisdictions and SPLCs notwithstanding.

Trump's greatest accomplishment amid the pandemic propaganda was selecting Atlas as health advisor.

Bob Boyd said...

Covid and its vaccines have resulted in widespread immunity to declarations by professors at Harvard University

BUMBLE BEE said...

I have a friend who is a virus hobbyist. He called B.S. on Fauci from the jump. My friend said it would be like a bad year for the FLU.
With/From Covid-19 statistics are FUBAR.
How many actually died of the FLU in those years?

BUMBLE BEE said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
boatbuilder said...

If you find yourselves discussing the covid insanity with a Fauci acolyte, just tell them to look up what "Gain of Function" research is.
They won't believe you if you try to tell them directly.

boatbuilder said...

I actually understand what you posted, n.n. Another yuge breakthrough!

gilbar said...

they're Beating our Dogs! they're bruising our Beagles !!

William said...

There were a lot of mistakes. We don't know all that much about the etiology of those mistakes. There doesn't seem to be much interest on the part of anyone in the media, academia, or government to discover how and why so many were so wrong about so much. Heads never rolled. Fingers never even got pointed.

gilbar said...

Serious Question:
since the Covid "vaccines" were created under Trump; and Trump will soon be President again..
HOW LONG, before the MSM starts vilifying the "vaccines"?
It was ALL Trump's FAULT! If Only there wasn't TRUMP, we wouldn't have had the "vaccines"!

GatorNavy said...

As someone who trained in bio-weapons, (thanks, Saddam) there is little doubt from the rank and file Walter Reed Joint Research that it was a gain of function experiment that escaped the lab in China. Yeah, it was Fauci’s baby, but he had a lot of help, both lab space and time, money, think billions over the years and he had political cover only Mengele could dream of. Remember, Cuomo literally killed ten thousand elderly people even after guidance came out not to return ill patients back to their nursing homes. But that would have cost money and he wanted to keep those fed dollars for himself.
And this is why Dr. Bhattacharya is a do nothing appointee. Until Fauci, Cuomo, Francis S. Collins, and so many others are in jail and I’m thinking Wapun, nothing will really change.

cfs said...

I don't remember the details, but I believe Bhattacharya won a lawsuit against the government for suppressing his speech. I believe he is also a plaintiff in a current First Amendment case against the government.

Ralph L said...

I just hope Trump isn't putting chickens in charge of the fox houses.

My doctor pushed me to get another vax shot in September (had the Pfizer in Apr 2021, never had covid), and eventually I said Fauci belongs in prison, which didn't go over well. I was in a bad mood.

Tina Trent said...

Well-put. Bhatttachaya is an amazing choice.

Years ago, when I was at Emory, I used to just cut through the CDC to get to one place or another. I sometimes had appointments there when working on a grant. I never signed in. They have a Level 5 lab, are located feet from a busy throughway, and seemed to have little to no security back then. Also, they’re across the road from a massive children’s hospital. Of course the Level 5 lab must have had security, but the building itself was shockingly vulnerable. Even a bad car accident could take out the lobby. So maybe they were training for scenarios, but they certainly weren’t implementing them. Heck, even the general library made you sign in at the door and show ID. Some of this changed after 9/11. At least they put up some concrete berms. There shouldn’t even be a Level 5 lab in the middle of a university and medical complex, let alone in an area so congested with traffic that it’s frequently at a standstill outside the complex.

What can’t government do?

Temujin said...

It is no coincidence that Jay Bhattacharya and RFK Jr. might be the new duo overseeing health direction in this country. Such is the level of incompetence displayed and distrust nurtured by years of the same old bureaucrats with Public Health degrees.

Bhattacharya would be a spectacular appointment.

HistoryDoc said...

Rigel Dog at 11:47 nailed it.

Battacharya persevered at great professional and personal risk. He was always the model of decorum, true scientific analysis, and expertise.

I graduated from Stanford undergrad and am a long time physician. What Stanford did to him was shocking, and remains unforgiveable. A full apology is due, but not forth-coming.

Karma for his enemies and detractors is a dish best served cold.

Drago said...

Its irrelvant how incompetent the establishment leading failed govt bueaucracies have been for decades. Given that at least 50% of elected republicans in DC are either full blown democrats or compromised by democrats or simply driven by their hatred of republican base voters (I am prepared to accept the power of "and" as well), even an appt such as this one immediately begins at the same political starting point as all the others.

Its clear a majority of republican Senators in particular will be looking for ways to ensure democrat control of the Senate in 2 years. Trashing all Trump nominees will be a solid start to achieve that goal.

n.n said...

Boatbuilder: It is never my intention to obfuscate meaning, but in the interest of terseness, content, and context, some intermediate information may appear absent. That, and the compactness of a phone's screen, motivates a succinct summary.

Prof. M. Drout said...

I'm convinced that behind Fauci is an intelligence agency. Back in the pre-911 years, all the research in bioterrorism was STRICTLY monitored to make sure that it didn't violate the ban on biological weapons research. For example, people at USAMRIID were not allowed to try to force Ebola into monkeys' lungs to see if it could end up being spread that way because that protocol was thought to violate international treaty protocols (see books The Hot Zone and The Demon in the Freezer for more information). Supposedly Dick Cheney was particularly angry about how strict the prohibitions were and searched for a way to get around them, finding it in Fauci's domain, where no one had thought to have a biological weapons officer appointed.
I think what is deep behind Covid is that BOTH the US and the Chinese intelligence agencies wanted to do research into biological weapons and each thought they were outsmarting the other by having the US fund such research at Wuhan, where the Chinese would know everything that was being done. The "World EcoHealth Alliance" has all the looks of being the kind of organization funded by the CIA through fake environmentalist cut-outs to allow them to get samples of novel zoonotic viruses from around the world.
And the whole thing blew up in their faces because people from communist countries cannot do lab safety (in my wife's grad program people joked that every serious lab accident was caused by someone from a communist or formerly communist country because their first instinct is to hide the accident, which makes it end up being much worse).
I think in the end we're probably not going to be able to bring many of these people to justice because they will be protected by one or another 3-letter agency from behind the scenes--the way Epstein was.

Moondawggie said...

As a Stanford Med School grad, I heartily agree. Which is why I currently ignore their pleas for alumni donations. Hit them where it hurts: in their pocketbook.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The goal was to maximize misery of the healthy in order to bring about "health equity"

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Public health groups swiftly condemned Bhattacharya and the other authors, saying their proposal would imperil the most vulnerable Americans.

If Battacharya is made head of the NIH and given the power to destroy his enemies, I will consider every bit of effort I put in for Trump to be paid off, even if he accomplished nothing else.

A10pilot said...

Jay Battacharya is a national treasure. I've listened to dozens of podcasts on which he is a contributor or interviewee and was thoroughly impressed with:
1) his grasp of the science,
2) his careful study of the evidence uncovered in his research,
3) his reasoned suggestions on how to proceed in the face of near-unanimous opposition in the most panicked early days of the pandemic, and
4) his courteous and unflappable responses to the most hysterical detractors.
This is a no-brainer.

pacwest said...

.0001 seconds. I saw that one already.

john mosby said...

Gator and Drout, the joint US-PRC creation of Covid is one of those things that no one can admit while anyone powerful related to it is still alive, but future historians will find completely uncontroversial, kind of like:

- the 2020 election was stolen by stuffing a few thousand votes in swing cities (even Trump will not press hard to prove this, because it would call into question the legitimacy of everything the USG did over the last four years - treaties, statutes, etc. Not even Bannon wants to blow the government up that much);

- It was completely unneccessary to nuke Japan (the dichotomy of nuke vs invasion is false, because a third choice - blockading the home islands - was available);

- there was no missile gap (well, actually became uncontroversial on Jan 20, 1961)

If we admitted officially to our part in Covid (and of course the Chi-Coms would never admit to theirs), we would have a lot of people all over the world demanding vengeance from us.

Fifty or a hundred years from now, it will be an interesting Kennedy School case study.


Aggie said...

Exactly It's a brilliant pick, as long as he is given the discretionary authority and latitude to make the changes that he knows are needed, without being bogged down unnecessarily.

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

Oust Trump via election shenanigans. Don't be a pedantic schmuck, OM.

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

I mentioned the Stanford report by Dr. Jay et al to the clinician giving me my first and only covid jab. I needed it to continue a public service role I was performing. When I met him, I told him that, to me, this was all Kabuki theater. He asked my why I thought that and I mentioned the Stanford findings. He turned out to be a Stanford grad and was familiar with the study and actually agreed with it. He offered to give me my vax card without the actual jab, but I got it anyway. When I left, he said that the Kabuki Theater analogy was the most accurate description he had heard.
Dr. Jay, all the way!!

Goetz von Berlichingen

Big Mike said...

The other co-authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, Martin Kulldorff and Sunetra Gupta, also should receive high positions in the federal healthcare establishment, the better to root out people who abandoned real science for kickbacks from Big Pharma. Also Scott Atlas, who was accused of “spreading misinformation” and was censured by a vote of the Stanford Faculty Senate. But in retrospect every bit of the misinformation he was accused of spreading turned out to be true.

My position is that Francis Collins, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, and Rochelle Walensky were not locking down the USA, closing schools, and killing small businesses out out of an excess of caution or an excess of zeal. The joy that these sick assholes got from yanking around the “little people”might be partly to blame, but I am absolutely certain that a burning desire to get rid of Donald Trump was their prime motivation. Did they care about the misery and death they spread? Not one bit! They wanted to get rid of Trump, and do they did.

But now he’s back.

pacwest said...

Just another oddity I remember: I don't have the exact quote, but very early on, a Chinese official came out with 'the virus came from an American military bioweapons lab!' They didn't push very hard on it but I do remember them making that accusation, and then dropping the accusation for some reason. Odd they would go silent on it. Blame shifting, but why make the statement and then not follow through? WHO? Fauci? Realized they had let too much cat out of the bag? I've always wondered what happened with that.

James K said...

Kuldorff was fired from Harvard Medical School after refusing the vaccine.

walk don't run said...

More and more Trumps cabinet is looking like the Resistance Cabinet - resisting against the entrenched interests of the swamp, related politicians, the media and the Democratic Party. 4 years later the Resistance has changed sides. Its going to be very interesting to see if they can truly resist the entrenched interests on all fronts. Looks like Trump is going for it.

Gospace said...

Can't forget in any discussion of covid policies that Dictator Hochul wanted people like me who declined the covid shots to be rounded up and sent to concentration camps. And that Democrats strongly supported that proposed policy. I haven't forgotten.

Original Mike said...

"Blame shifting, but why make the statement and then not follow through?"

Cuz it was made up of whole cloth and they had nothing to back it up with?

Original Mike said...

I may have misunderstood you. I thought you were arguing that the Chinese let the virus loose on purpose to get rid of Trump (a la Begley above), which is just nuts. Now I'm thinking you are arguing that once Covid was on the loose the situation was used to get rid of Trump. That's a sane prediction.

Big Mike said...

@James K, I did not know that. Maybe Dr. Kulldorff needs to be in a position where he reviews and signs off on federal research grants to Harvard Medical School, and perhaps Harvard as a whole.

Jim at said...

If he heads up NIH I hope he finds a way to expose Fauci for the idiot that he is.

Idiot? He's a criminal who needs to spend the rest of his life in jail. In fact - considering what he did - jail's too good for him.

Josephbleau said...

And there is no guarantee that the error for China and the US are in the same direction (China up US down). Best to assume that both numbers are irreparably wrong and we will only know the answer if Trump and RFK jr can find the real numbers in the haystack.

It is all in definitions. Died due to covid or died with covid. Government is the world of legal parsing not unambiguous science.

Josephbleau said...

"Trump's proudest accomplishment in his first term was the COVID vaccine... until the conspiracy theorists got loud enough that he worried it was becoming unpopular. "

You are so full of crap your bottom leaks. Sorry, but it does.

Josephbleau said...

Yes, ex pres Trump was persecuted for having boxes of documents in a secure facility. He needs to declassify much so that the FBI tricksters can't accuse him further. That will keep the FBI out of Melania's underwear.

Josephbleau said...

I would also like to see Trump expose the orders that allowed the documents to be removed from the boxes and placed into new top secret envelopes before being photographed, I think that fact was revealed in court.

Perhaps all these orders have been subjected to Hillaries bleachbit.

Josephbleau said...

Non, je ne regrette rien

Mason G said...

"Maybe Dr. Kulldorff needs to be in a position where he reviews and signs off on federal research grants to Harvard Medical School, and perhaps Harvard as a whole."

Sounds good to me. Unless there are significant consequences for what the left has chosen to put the country through, there is not much in the way of incentive to induce them to not do it again just as soon as they have the opportunity. It's not necessary to make them all squeal, making an example of a number of the more highly visible ones should send the appropriate message. One would hope.

wildswan said...

The Deep State in Action
On November 18th, The National Acaemy of Sciences is sponsoring a webinair on Childhood Immunization. This is aimed at showing Public Health types how to message childhood vaccination policy so as to maintain the current regime. This webinair in part a cycle by which policy-good knowledge is established and if you understand that cycle you have some hope challenging current health policies.

The National Academy of Sciences was established to "provide independent, objective advice to spark progress and advance science, engineering, and medicine for the benefit of society. " In other words, its mission is to supply "independent, objective advice" from science to help shape policy whether in Congress or at the CDC in several areas, one of which is medicine. Its place in policy formation begins when a section of the National Academies receives a request from some branch of the US government for some "independent, objective advice".

In this case the request was for independent objectice advice on how to send messages about childhood immunizations. The request went to the Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education (DBASSE). DBASSE turned to its section called: Societal Experts Action Network: Facilitating Rapid and Actionable Responses to Social, Behavioral, and Economic-Related Questions or SEAN. SEAN responded by organizing a webinair. This webinair isn't a gathering of scientists to debate Dr. Bhattcharya's points or those of RFK Jr. Nor is it a gathering of impartial "experts." The SEAN webinair "experts" supported the general policies enacted during COVID and they support the current childhood vaccination regime. And we can see this by looking at two of the four webinair leaders. First, is Dr. Daniel Salmon who directs the Institute for Vaccine Safety at Johns Hopkins. " Dr. Salmon’s primary research and practice interest is optimizing the prevention of childhood infectious diseases through the use of vaccines." Second is Emily K. Brunson. "From 2020-2023 she co-led CommuniVax—a national coalition of social scientists, public health experts, and community advocates who sought to strengthen local and national COVID-19 vaccination efforts in the United States."
This gathering will certainly produce fiercely bullshitting quotes which will include self-satisfied references to themselves as experts and misinformation correctors. These quotes can then be broadcast to the nation as "impatial science speaks." "Today the National Academy of Science released a video showing the dangers of inexpert opinion .... and so on.
But if someone like Senator Ron Johnson or the head of NIH or HHS asked the National Academies of Sciences to arrange a webinair which presented both sides of the Covid debate, they would have to do it. And if the Natioanl Academy of Sciences was requested to investigate both sides using experts from both sides the Academy would have to do it.
Of course there would be a struggle over organizing such a debate but it would be better to have the struggle over attempts by the Academy to suppress debate rather than over attempts by politicians to refute one-sided reports from SEAN's allegedly impartial experts who have an obvious interest in defending Faucism.

wildswan said...

Quotes from
National Academy of Sciences' Mission

Sean Webinair
"Nov 18, 2024
2:00PM - 3:00PM ET
Childhood vaccinations have long-established benefits in preventing illness, averting deaths, and reducing healthcare and other societal costs. The COVID-19 pandemic led to significant challenges in the delivery of childhood immunizations due to factors such as disruptions in healthcare services, decreased access to vaccinations, and increased exposure to misinformation and disinformation regarding COVID-19 vaccines. The pandemic also exacerbated preexisting disparities in childhood immunization rates among different groups, highlighting the need for a multifaceted approach that incorporates systems-level changes and strategic partnerships that support effective interventions at the clinical practice, individual, and family levels.

Join our webinar to learn strategies from the social and behavioral sciences to support routine childhood immunizations."

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