Said Cher, about Peter Bogdanovich, the director of "Mask," quoted in "Cher blasts ‘arrogant’ director after he said she was most difficult actor to work with: 'He was a pig'" (NY Post).
Egg sandwich!
Don't get me started on the topic of egg sandwich.
I was going to discuss Cher's use of the semicolon, but the quote is not from Cher's book. It's from an interview originally published in The London Times, so it's a British approach to punctuation, about which I've got nothing to say.
Did Cher dump on Bogdanovich before he died? Even if she didn't, I can't help siding with her against a man who would eat an egg sandwich in front of people who don't have the option to walk away. And the screaming... Have you ever seen anyone scream with egg in their mouth?

Was it egg salad, though, or just a fried egg, maybe with a slice of American cheese and some Miracle Whip?
I just ate a fried egg and bacon with a little mustard sammich this morning, but not in front of anyone, for the sake of humanity.
It was yummo.
I bet his director's chair had a wonderful aroma.
Show us on the doll where they hurt you.
Since the colon is just upstream from the asshole, maybe the use of a semicolon is appropriate when assholes are being discussed?
I went to the little café in town and bought an egg sandwich, it was $5. The owner said it was the price of eggs. I used to buy an egg sandwich for a dollar at McDonalds not that long ago when they ran a special, it was less than $2.50 normally. Now, even at McDonalds, it's just under $5. I guess when you make $35 thousand grand a year, like Rachael Maddow, you don't know these things.
She’s also in the office one day a week.
She’s also in the office one day a week.
As a singer, she's a great actress, and yet another example that wisdom and talent vary independently. That's why I don't want to know anything about artists beyond their work.
I feel like the raging women like to bring up Bogdanovich to intentionally not discuss the little girl sex. A peacocking of how consistently inconsistent they are…
two slices of toasted sourdough bread
one fried egg (hard) w/ melted american cheese slice
colman's mustard
light swipe of mayo on other side
sprinkle of dill weed on top of cheese
What I was eating when I read this entry. Try it! It's delicious!
Last month we tried to rewatch The Last Picture Show- we tapped out at the Christmas party…
bacon egg and cheese on english muffin this am…
This scene haunts me:
Withnail and I
You've got Hitchcock on your side.
a one piece scrambled egg, which is the only proper way…
I'm thinking there's mushrooms in the egg sandwich and from the look of the ersatz Scream some one - artist, actor writer, director - is trippin' balls.
Hey! Lefties!!!
Just on general principles…
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Egg, scrambled soft, and bacon, also soft, on a buttered bagel. And a small bowl of sausage gravy for dipping. And then when I'm done, I pour the sausage gravy in a big bowl of grits. Fantastic! A little messy. I can't imagine screaming while I eat my breakfast. That's messed up.
I woke up to this?
I'm with you on egg sandwiches. Given the sandwich option out there it does suggest maximum disregard others. Likely intentionally
According to my sources, who spoke on a condition of anonymity, Cher said the director was eating an Egg McMuffin, but after a hastily called meeting, editors changed the wording to "egg sandwich" to assuage concerns expressed by Times staff and writers that naming a McDonald's product could normalize Donald Trump.
Unwatchable. Although I did like the swimming pool scene. His "dramas" aren't dramatic at all. He's better with comedy. His masterpiece is What's Up, Doc?, which is a rip-off of Bringing Up Baby. Not in Hawks' league, but still a lot of fun. I think it's the best movie that came out in 1972.
Oh for God's sake! It's Cher; the once and future queen of every trailer park in America. (Even the one the Biden's live in!)
Watched The Cat's Meow from 2001 not too long ago and had to keep reminding myself that Peter Bogdanovich is supposed to be some kind of a great director so I kept telling myself to keep watching because it's probably a really good movie and I'm just missing something and I'll catch on eventually but frigging Christ this is a flipping Woody Allen movie and is this the same Peter Bogdanovich who used to introduce movies shown on TCM who's kind of creepy and didn't seem to know very much about movies so, nah, couldn't be the same guy but then again maybe it is.
I actually have no problem with a fried egg sandwich, but you know if he brought it to the set it was an egg salad sandwich, which is the thing I revile.
A diva like Cher is difficult to work with? I shan't believe it!
Well, he didn't like her either. She also disliked Frank Oz, and bragged about getting him fired:
She also took aim at director Frank Oz, who briefly worked with her on the 1990 film “Mermaids,” taking credit for his firing from the movie.“I actually got the guy from ‘The Muppets’ fired,” Cher told the outlet. “I said, either you’re going or I’m going, which is a shame because he’s a really good director, but he had a thing about me. He would go, ‘At least my wife loves me!'”
"He had a thing about me". Who knows what that means. LOL. Brando hated Frank Oz too, and by the end of the film (it was some heist film) had De Niro direct his scenes.
I think she took the part in "Mask" because it allowed her say "Oh, what's my part in the film? Well, Im the pretty one".
Don't worry. Trump just announced he's putting George Soros' aide at Treasury. Democrats will be well-funded with your money.
It probably had the yokes in it too.
And he wore shorts, no doubt.
I can only eat egg salad on toast. If its regular bread, its a soggy mess. Plus, I have to make it myself. My wife refuses to eat them. And God knows what you'll get if you order Egg salad from a Restuarant.
And fried egg sandwhich sounds gross and completely unneccessary. Should be outlawed.
HAL says...
"The Bogdanovich egg sandwich is a sandwich made with egg, cheese, and bread. Bread: toasted sourdough or hearty country style bread. Cheese: Monterey Jack cheese melted on one slice. Egg: sunny side up."
Suck it, robot! You don't know food. Zero trust.
Come to think of it, I never read of Bogdanovich being described as a “good egg”. I think the Dorothy Stratton episode put a hitch in his giddy-up.
The frickin' robot has now removed his Bogdanovich egg sandwich recipe. You suck, HAL!
Bogdanovich is in welles last film, where john huston played a manque of him
Maybe he should have changed his name to Bogdown-a-bitch?
PS Why does Jordan Peterson have a sunny side up egg placed Eucharistically on his tongue in a The Scream motif?
He's running for governor in Michigan?
Egg salad on toast with mayo is one of the best things ever. Make sure to overload the sandwich so that when you take a bite egg salad shoots out everywhere, on your hands, your shirt, your friends. That's living. And you can save some in your mustache or beard for later!
I make an egg sandwich a couple of times a week - just chopped hard boiled egg and butter mixed.
Cher was good in Suspect (1987), the only downside of rewatching it being Liam Neeson badly overacting his part.
He was great as Melfi's shrink in The Sopranos. I only remember Sybil Shepard's breasts from the last picture show.
I suspect her memoir was originally titled; "Cher: My shit never stank".
Augusta National is famous for their egg salad sandwich, it's a top seller at the Masters along with their pimento cheese sandwich. Each only $1.50. I'd try the latter, but the Club for $3.00 would be safe choice.
which is Worse?
a man eating an egg salad sandwich?
or a man wearing shorts?
how MUCH worse is a man wear shorts eating an egg salad sandwich?
Bogdanovich's career was almost destroyed "Texasville" a sequel to 'Last Picture show". Guess cher wasn't the only actor who didn't like him. Tim Bottoms didn't either:
"I didn't want to do this movie, because I don't like any of the people in it," said Bottoms. "I didn't like The Last Picture Show. I didn't like the script. I didn't like the people I was working with. I didn't like the way they treated each other - without compassion or care. I felt like I saw Hollywood at its worst."
you can judge a man's taste by his attitude toward egg salad. "By the egg salad you shall know them" says the Good book.
Sow complains about pig. Film at eleven.
Hollyweird. A pox on all their houses.
Remember how the secret formula for the egg salad sandwich was the McGuffin in “What’s up Tiger Lillie” ? (Egg McGuffin)
The Egg McMuffin is the best tasting, most nutritious, and easiest to eat breakfast-on-the-go food ever invented. And I happened to know the genius who invented it (Herb Peterson) when I lived in Santa Barbara. Herb was a great, unassuming guy who genuinely liked his customers, including the homeless who gravitated to his original store on Milpas near East Beach.
What is it about celebrity end of life gripping? Be happy Cher - you are not that talented.
My fav thing to get at the local summer farmer's market is eggs benedict. The orange tent lady's sauce is so lemony, and the paoched eggs are cooked to perfection. but dang - they are difficult eat with decorum. Served on a paper plate, and with not a table to be found, they must be eaten while flimsy plate sits on lap. It's a disaster. & I prefer to eat alone... with lots of napkins. If my FM friends show up while I am eating -they inevitablly point out all the egg dribbles. Yes yes - I know.
Lucien said...
Remember how the secret formula for the egg salad sandwich was the McGuffin in “What’s up Tiger Lillie” ? (Egg McGuffin)
Name 3 Presidents...
It's a story that just happens to be all about Cher, as usual - at somebody else's expense, as usual. She's really just gold-plated trailer trash who cannot tolerate 'not getting enough attention', which explains why she's divided her book into two volumes. How many issues has it sold, so far?
Cher and Bogdanovich -- both very talented and accomplished people. Who says everyone has to like one another?
Bogdanovich peaked early as a director. Perhaps he just got lucky with "Last Picture Show" and "Paper Moon". He had a nice recurring role on "The Sopranos", however.
so good you could plotz.
"13 million Londoners have to wake up to this. The murder and All-Bran and rape."
Hmm... not a big fan of egg salad, tuna salad, chicken salad, or any of the other 'salads' that is just whatever mixed in a bunch of mayo.
Did you ask for that pic?
Reminds me of a bet or something Althouse did, a fund raiser maybe? that Althouse would eat an egg sandwich?
Found it
It was an egg salad sandwich.
I add a hard boiled egg to my tuna salad. Makes the spread creamier without the overly intense egginess that Althouse seems to despise.
I can't picture Bogdanovich carrying on "screaming". That guy's on-screen persona was the softest spoken in that industry I've ever seen.
Someone might be exaggerating. And it can't possibly be Cher because I can't say anything that could remotely be construed as a criticism of her. I blame the ghost writer.
Cher is mentally ill. The plastic surgery makes her look like Rocky in MASK. I remember when Sonny died, and she cried and carried on about how he was her soulmate...and now she is back to trashing him. She sucks.
The semi colon is dying a natural death. I can't recall the last time I used one. I feel more crisp and incisive when I use a period. Semi colons are for German philosophers and Victorian novelists. Perhaps the British with their loyalty to tradition and the old ways will keep the semi colon alive for another generation, but semi colons stick out like bowler hats at a union hall.
Glad I am not the only one who sees her plastic surgery ending up looking like Rocky in that movie.
She also disliked Frank Oz
Fozzie Bear didn't like Frank Oz either: "He's always up my ass about something or other!"
Some Hollywood memoirs are entertaining. I recommend Milton Berle's. There's a guy who didn't have a clue as to what made Sammy run.....I read Myrna Loy's. At the time she was considered America's perfect wife, she was married to an abusive drunk who occasionally left her with a black eye, and she never once solved a murder case.
Is that Jordan Peterson with egg all over his mouth? Why is he screaming?
"The Last Picture Show" is a classic. What's boring to some is epic to others. Bogdanovich peaked early and then went downhill. A little like Woody Allen though Allen had more time at the top and a longer slide downwards. Bogdanovich lives on as an astute commenter on film and interviewer of great directors.
The way that Cher was always sniping at Sonny and insulting him was probably the writers' way of working jokes into their show, but it was a little uncomfortable and cringey. Watching that growing up made me expect very little from Cher afterwards.
I had a left over red-chile tamale fried in olive oil with eggs fried in a little butter and olive oil. Which I ate before I saw the egg-scream art. Thank God as I lost my appetite after see that. ANN! What were you thinking!
Read McMurtry's book and populate the characters in your own head. You Americans of Boomer age only know the films, you never really learned to read. Even ann at her age enjoys having the books read to her... you have lost the skillz and want somebody to make the pictures for you. Sad.
There ought to be a statute of limitations for nasty reminiscenses of the dead. Once they're gone, and their allies have moved on, they're easy targets. Too easy.
thousand grand? you made me use math!!!!!
Sarkisian whines. Again.
"Have you ever seen anyone scream with egg in their mouth?"
Ummm. That should be "his mouth". "Anyone" has explicit number but indeterminate gender. Therefore, "his" is the correct pronoun. You know, you can get fired these days, for using the wrong pronoun.
Oh, deary me. A high strung, tempramental, but highly regarded director yelled at a 39 year old woman still learning the acting trade. I feel so very bad for her.
Trivial Pursuit question -- what was the last picture show in The Last Picture Show?
Red River. Another Hawks movie!
I feel like semi-colons are well used for lists of clauses. So start with a colon at the beginning of the list then break up each clause with a semi-colon.
One thing that Hollywood has taught us is that, sometimes, the biggest assholes make the best art.
Bogdanovich was a hack.Polly Platt was the genius.
So Ann is back to #believeallwomen, eh?
Power corrupts, the saying goes. Actors and directors both have power, and therefore are both corrupted. A group of power-corrupted actors might just need a power-corrupted director to get a film done. I see here only a struggle over who got to yell, and who had to be yelled at.
Glad we're not the only three.
Raw turtle egg on rye, with cheap relish and velveeta. Don't knock it if you haven't ever tried it.
..and barbeque potato chips
if you are going to yell at Cher, for god's sake, put the egg sandwich down.
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