November 23, 2024

Sunrise — 7:03.



Leland said...

Oh no, not a loss to Nebraska. Now they are bowl eligible.

RCOCEAN II said...

Indiana lost. What a bummer. Ohio state was the superior team. I had hopes until that punter fumbled away the ball. Guess that will teach the center not to hit him in the hands again.

Looking forward to Army v. Notre Dame. Go Army!

Aggie said...

It looks like dawn arrived, and the day was still undecided.

FormerLawClerk said...

Remember everyone, Ray Epps is definitely not a fed. Only J6er to get a profile on 60 Minutes to explain how he's not a Fed. Imagine that. Only guy who got a profile on CBS 60 Minutes - the guys who typed up the fake National Guard memos on Bush - got 15 minutes on 60 Minutes to explain that he's not a Fed.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

YouTube: Maybe if we were to find out how the trick is done ... it would mean our destruction. (Another Link to text, not video)

Narr said...

Every once in a while a book comes along that changes how I view some aspect of the past, and reveals the limits of my understanding of events that I thought I knew well.

Douglas Brunt's "The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel" is such a book, full of insight into the life and genius of a man who was one of the makers of the modern world, but who has virtually been written out of the technological and naval history of the 20th century, which he affected as much as--if not more than--any other inventor.

Brunt's solution to the mystery of Diesel's disappearance in 1913(!) is compelling if ultimately unproven, but the light that is shed on the development of technology that we take for granted is worth the read in itself.

Original Mike said...

Wining. Fearing Trump Compliance Demand – Mexico Quickly Looking for Alternatives to Chinese Parts and Components

"However, it does lend a person to wonder why the Mexicans and Canadians didn’t have to worry about rule enforcement when Joe Biden was in office?"

Kakistocracy said...

Mexico ups deficit forecast as economists warn of slowing growth ~ Financial Times

Being not very bright and corrupt at the same time is expensive.

Dave Begley said...

Nebraska wins the Freedom trophy for the first time.

Dave Begley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dave Begley said...

Good book. And he’s married to Megyn Kelly.

Original Mike said...

‘Tired Of Everybody Questioning Elections’: Idaho County Draws National Attention With Unique Ballot Transparency Tool

Apparently, this is what's possible in the name of election transparency. We are entirely reasonable to reject big-city assertions that their election machinery is above board until they institute this level of transparency. This election there are questions about the late-night mail-in-ballot dump in Milwaukee giving the Senate seat to Baldwin. Why can't we examine those ballots?

Original Mike said...

That's not a nice thing to say about Mexico.

Mason G said...

"That's not a nice thing to say about Mexico."

To be fair, the same could be said about Joe Biden. Nice or not.

Mason G said...

Being able to examine the ballots is not a bad thing, assuming they were all legitimately cast. Is there any way to be assured they were?

Big Mike said...

I heard a college-related joke tonight. A university employee was caught after stealing $14,000 worth of textbooks. Fortunately, campus police recovered both both of them.

Original Mike said...

I think what needs to be examined are the outside mailers. Are the signatures legit, handwriting unique, addresses unique, ect. Look for evidence of ballot stuffing.

Mason G said...

"I think what needs to be examined..."

I can't find anything to disagree with in all of that. Would there be any legitimate reason for that information to not be made available?

heyboom said...

Ha! Some of you may have heard this one:

Guy goes to Barnes and Noble and asks the clerk, "Do you have the new Trump book on how to deport illegal aliens?"

Clerk responds: "Get the fuck out of here and don't ever come back!"

Guy says, "Yeah, that's the one! Do you have it in paperback?"

Jaq said...

Three of the nation’s largest automakers, Ford, General Motors and Stellantis, are strategizing with other car manufacturers on how to make a delicate request of President-elect Donald J. Trump: Don’t scrap the federal regulations that compel the industry to sell electric vehicles.

The conversation would require diplomatic finesse. Mr. Trump has railed against the E.V. rules, which strictly limit the amount of tailpipe pollution while also ramping up fuel economy standards. They are designed to get carmakers to produce more E.V.s and have been a cornerstone of President Biden’s fight against climate change.

Mr. Trump sees them differently. He has falsely said the rules amount to a Democratic mandate that would prevent Americans from buying the gasoline-powered cars of their choice — a concern of his campaign donors from the oil industry.
- New York Times

So wait a minute, something's not right. The automakers and their unions want to keep the EV mandate in place, which limits the number of gasoline powered cars that consumers can buy, but Trump has "falsely" said that this will limit the ability of consumers to buy gasoline powered cars?

Exactly how stupid. does the New York Times think that its readers are, anyway?

This is how Byron York describes the New York Times article:

Big automakers want to ask Trump to keep Biden EV mandates in place. Consumers don't want the cars, but the companies have already sunk so much money in EVs to comply with federal regulations. Now, they don't want to compete with gas cars.

I guess that the only possible reason Trump could be against mandates to build and limit the market for new cars to EVs is because of his "big oil donors" and not his millions upon millions of voters who want him to do exactly that...

Remember, the readers of the New York Times are *smart*, not like everybody says! And we are dumb.

Brian Williams did an interview with Seth Meyers, and he said that the main reason that the Democrats have lost the working class is that people are tired of being gaslighted, like the article above is doing. I agree with Willians, he and I grew up in the same town, a few years apart, a town that was once a Democrat bastion, but that is now Trump country, and we grew up knowing the same people, and they are not fascists, they are not, well, most of them are not racists, and they are not against democracy, they just want a fair shake, and not to be lied to.

heyboom said...

Longtime Husker fan (since the Johnny Rodgers days), having been born in Lincoln. Was disappointed last week losing to USC, especially because most of my extended family are Trojan supporters.

Jaq said...

It's right in the Constitution that the House sets the manner of its own election. Sure, states could make different rules for all of the other offices, but the House should require the same system that we have in Florida.

Aggie said...

Being able to examine each and every ballot is commonly-available technology. Gaining access to this is not always so easy for the common citizen - or even advocacy groups - depending on who is in office, and whether or not they're Democrat, Republican, or RINO. As evidenced by the efforts to understand the election results in 2020.

Aggie said...

I was always taught that an opinion is neither true nor false. So when I see an authoritative source attempt discrediting a speaker by trying to fact-check an opinion, I automatically discredit the authority. That's quite a tab the NYT is running up. Or is it down?

Kakistocracy said...

All products and services, including EVs, need to compete based on consumer demand, not subsidies. Musk proposed many years ago that EV subsidies should be removed and that they should stand on their own two feet. EVs will succeed when they provide the same or better benefits to consumers as traditional vehicles at the same or lower prices. If they don't, then EVs will have to be priced below the cost of traditional vehicles. That is the way the free market works.

Jaq said...

Well, Rich, your hero, Joe Biden, has mandated fuel economy standards which will force the automakers to sell EVs in much larger quantities than consumers are demanding. I actually own an EV, but it's kind of like having a hobby keeping it charged and planning trips.

Original Mike said...

"Would there be any legitimate reason for that information to not be made available?"

Under current law, the democrats send us intimidating letters telling us which of our neighbors have voted in previous elections and threatening that they'll all know if we don't vote, so apparently this information is public information.

Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

Our 2-month car rental in New Zealand will be 3x what it was in 2020. Apparently the NZ government is making it expensive for rental agencies to obtain ICE cars.

Jaq said...

Looks like Biden is escalating again. After the Russians demo'd their hypersonic MIRV rods of God, we had shut down for a while, but now there are stories out that we are going to send Ukraine even more missiles. Basically this war has turned zero sum; neither side can afford to lose. I am not including Ukraine in this, they are nothing but the chessboard and the pawns, but we have reached the point where Europe can't afford to lose, and Russia knows that if it loses, it will be the end of Russia, which was the whole point of the war from our side in the first place.

I would say that we are more like ten seconds to midnight, maybe five, but the so-called "doomsday clock" hasn't move.

Narayanan said...

I think what needs to be examined are the outside mailers
USPS sends me Informed Delivery notification showing the outside mailers

Narr said...

I did not know he was Mr. Megyn Kelly.

Iman said...

“Seven Daze in November”, starring Vlad Putin, and Tony Blinken… with Joe Biden as President Merkin Muttley.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Prof. M. Drout said...

All of my students seemed to be having a tough time this week. I overheard a group talking about their workload, and one guy says to the person who was complaining: "Just ask yourself, 'What would Jesus do?'"
"What's that?"
"Pretend to be dead and disappear for three days."
"You have no idea how appealing that sounds right now."

Aggie said...

My last 2 car rental experiences, one in the US, on abroad: Both times, they slid me a hybrid when I reserved a conventional ICE. Both times, I objected and got pushback. Both times, I had to change out the hybrid because of operating issues.

Jaq said...

"On Thursday, the Ukrainian city of Dnipro was hit by a Russian air strike which eyewitnesses described as unusual, triggering explosions that went on for three hours." - BBC

Doesn't sound like a video run backwards to me, or an AI fake video, sounds more like the underground missile and drone factory that the pro-Russian side people were saying.

Well, in 60 days, if we get to see Trump inaugurated before Biden lights the world on fire, that will be great.

Dr Weevil said...

It's only been about an hour since I saw a comment by 'Jaq' right here where it says "This comment has been removed by the author", in which he alleged that Stalin wasn't really trying to murder millions of Ukrainians in the Holodomor, it was just an ordinary famine that affected other areas, too. Not Stalin's fault! He obviously deleted it. Did one of his friends advise him that it made him look like the kind of Holocaust-denying racist asshole that all decent people cross the street to avoid? I certainly don't ever want to hear a word out of 'Jaq' accusing anyone else of being a Nazi, when he's the kind of Stalin-loving 'tankie' that's every bit as extreme as any Hitler-loving Nazi with a swastika on his man-cave wall.

Next time he writes something like that - it probably won't be long - I'll be sure to make a screen capture.

wendybar said...

THIS man, started ALL the hate and division in this country. For that...he should PAY.

"For all the mainstream media blather heaped upon Obama as some kind of political savior, at the end of his two terms, he left the Democratic Party in shambles. However, he has personally benefitted financially in extraordinary ways. "

rhhardin said...

"In the face of these open frontiers the zero sum economics exemplified by various kinds socialism have faltered before limitless boundaries perceived by a public convinced that greater wealth and fulfillment for all is possible."
Richard Fernandez

Too much time in composition mode, not enough in 7-8th grade composition style.

rhhardin said...

"But for some this efflorescence only represents the last light before a deeper darkness falls. Henry Kissinger warned in his 2018 book “Genesis” that AI would eventually re-create “black box” knowledge and with it, authoritarianism."

AI lacks what it always will lack, what it's like to be "me." Children learn language by learning to disassemble and reassemble cliches, like AI. Unlike AI, children experience a literary effect, a novelty, by using the cliche with a new word. AI doesn't get that, and instead "hallucinates," as it's described. The literary effect is not experienced and so is not a guardrail, as it is with a human. With a human it's not a hallucination but an insight, if it passes the guardrail test.

Lilly, a dog said...

Chuck Woolery died. I guess he won't be back in 2 and 2.

rehajm said...

Me and my ceramic dalmatian will buy a vowel in his honor- A…

rehajm said...

I’m still trying to wrap around the NYT ‘three theories’ story. Holy shit if you can’t narrow it down you don’t know anything…

Christopher B said...

The ballots themselves tell you nothing. Even an examination of the outside mailers, once separated from the ballots, won't tell you which votes were fake, only that some of them must be.

Leland said...

Oh no, not a loss to Auburn. They are not even bowl eligible.

Jaq said...

-Whatever happened happened 90 years ago.
-The country that did it no longer exists.
-Before it shut itself down, it granted Ukraine independence, as long as Ukraine did not become hostile militarily
-Stalin wasn't even Russian, he was Georgian, the next dictator, Khrushchev, was Ukrainian.
-There is no documentary attestation that any intentional policy existed despite the fact that the Russians threw open the Soviet archives.
-The majority of people who died in the famine were *not* Ukrainian.
-There was drought in the area and consecutive bad harvests.
-Stalin had begun is policy of "collectivization of agriculture" just 3 or 4 years before the famine happened.
-The only "proof" that it was intentional comes from the "correlation is causation" school of thought.
-Ukraine itself undertook its own holocaust by killing millions of Jewish Ukrainians, usually right were they found them, and sometimes in death camps, and still revere figures in this holocaust like Stephan Bandera.

For good measure, here is a video of Ukrainians tearing down a statue set up in memory of a young girl who was gang raped and then executed by Nazis

I would be interested to know if any of the above statements are not true. Seriously. Not that it matters to me about this war, Stalin was evil and the USSR needed to be defeated, and Stalin and the USSR are gone.

narciso said...

The Times has never taken back its pulitzer for holomodor denial, hearst was the only publisher that gave gary jones a hearing

narciso said...

Nor whatever cat scratch herbert matthews did for fidel

narciso said...

just goes to show you exeter and harvard can't buy you a clue,

narciso said...

FormerLawClerk said...

This is your daily reminder that under Chris Wray, the FBI has arrested NONE of the pedophiles who raped children on Epstein Island.

None of those people are on the 10 Most Wanted list. None of them are even under investigation. There is no FBI investigation attempting to find those people, even though the FBI knows who they are.

The FBI aren't the cops. They're the perps.

paminwi said...

He was truly vile in every single way he could be. Once I read the story about how he manipulated the primary to become a state senator in Illinois I knew he was a nasty man. I never changed my opinion of him.

Jaq said...

Oh look! Those crazy Russians are shelling their own nuclear power plant again! Blew up their own pipeline, shot down their own expensive transport plane to kill prisoners they were going to exchange, somehow tricked the Ukrainian air force to release video of weapons firing backward in order to fool the world into thinking that they have some new strategic weapon that is non nuclear. What was it that Tom Clancy called them? Crazy Ivan?

“The Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which is under the occupation of Russian forces, was twice this week on the verge of a blackout due to constant shelling by Russian troops, Ukrainian Energy Minister German Galushchenko said.”

Big Mike said...

As Althouse herself pointed out, at least three theories. I have one theory — neither Douthat nor the Times itself has a clue about how Trump expects to lead his team.

Dr Weevil said...

Jaq has pretty well proven that he is a paid Russian propagandist. Although he deleted it, he posted a gross bit of historical revisionism here on Holodomor Remembrance Day (yesterday), and now he doubles down by repeating it. Whose idea was that? Who told him it was a good day to post that? It's an open thread, so it's not as if someone else brought it up.

He sounds exactly like the Neo-Nazis who claim that Hitler didn't really gas any Jews, that the 'gas chambers' were "actually" delousing centers and the heroic Nazis were trying to save the lives of the Jews and Gypsies, who were unfortunately so filthy that they died by the hundreds of thousands (but NOT millions!) of disease (NOT murder!) anyway. Neo-Nazis always insist that Hitler never actually put "Kill all the Jews" in writing with his signature on it, so it must have been done (if it was done at all, which they doubt) by his subordinates behind his back.

Of course, he is not at all interested in knowing "if any of the above statements are not true" and of course most of them are in fact not true.

To take one small example, Krushchev was born in Russia (Kursk oblast) and does not seem to have been of Ukrainian ancestry. He did live in Ukraine for much of his life, like so many other colonialist Russian-supremacist carpetbaggers, and eventually ruled it as a satrap for Stalin, purging Ukrainians by the tens of thousands. (One Soviet ruler was certainly of Ukrainian ancestry, though born in Siberia, but 'Jaq' doesn't mention Chernenko because he was even more 'out of it' than Joe Biden in his 13 months as nominal ruler.)

Like so many Russian imperialists and tankies, 'Jaq' seems desperate to blame all Russia's problems on foreigners - Americans, Georgians, Ukrainians - so he can pretend that the great Russian people are innocent victims of repression by the entire rest of the world. The fact that Lenin was Russian, and Putin is, too, should suffice to show how stupid that is.

Of course, Stalin and the USSR are far from gone. Here's a hint: "More than 100 monuments to Stalin can now be found across Russia, the majority of them erected over President Vladimir Putin’s 24 years in power." (link) The paid propagandists on Russian state television are constantly calling for rebuilding the USSR by retaking all the escaped republics, and often go further, demanding the conquest of any area that ever belonged to Russia, including Finland and Alaska, or was ever occupied by the Red Army, including Germany. They also call for bringing back Stalinist methods of military discipline, i.e. machine-gunning any soldiers who look the slightest bit dubious about being sent into 'meat assaults'.

To sum up, 'Jaq' is a paid Putin shill and disgusting liar.

Original Mike said...

"The ballots themselves tell you nothing. Even an examination of the outside mailers, once separated from the ballots, won't tell you which votes were fake, only that some of them must be."

Of course you can't "fix" any current election (though elections can be thrown out) but to prove whether there was election fraud. If there was, you have the evidence you need to fix the system once and for all.

Saint Croix said...

The SEC is a moshpit! And Oregon is so overrated.

MadTownGuy said...

Marginally related, but of interest, is the fact that the petition lists for the Scott Walker recall some years ago were published for public consumption for a time. Every page, with names and addresses. I kept copies and backed them up to optical media just in case of a hard drive crash. This would never fly in an election, at least not for the general public - secret ballot rules apply - but there's no reason why ballot data wouldn't be available for review and verification by election officials.

Jaq said...

Kruschev was born in what is *now* Kursk Oblast, at a time when there was no border between Russia's borderlands and Russia. This border was drawn by the Bolsheviks. He married a Ukrainian woman, he rose in the communist party in Ukraine, and he is the one who unilaterally gave Ukraine Crimea, without so much as a "by your leave" from the inhabitants of that area that had been Russian for two centuries.

Any argument that you have that he is not Ukrainian is based on the fact that it is very inconvenient for your propaganda if he is, he has to be Russian or a lot of it is just BS!

BTW, the disastrous collectivization of farms, and destruction of "farmers as a class" coincided in time with this famine, as did a couple of years of drought. The same thing happened in communist China when they took over agriculture in their "Great Leap Forward," and nobody ever accused them of trying to genocide the Chinese people.

Face it, the only evidence that you have is that you hate Russia. I don't. They are on the other side of the world, and you know what? Ukrainian hatred of Russia is no reason for the US to get any deeper into this war.

Jaq said...

"The paid propagandists on Russian state television are constantly calling for rebuilding the USSR by retaking all the escaped republics, and often go further, demanding the conquest of any area that ever belonged to Russia, including Finland and Alaska, or was ever occupied by the Red Army, including Germany."

You know what I saw propagandist say in Ukrainian state television, funded by the US? That the Russians in Donbas needed to be exterminated, by nuclear weapons if needed. Russia is a relatively. free country, lots of people say lots of things. In Germany, there is a guy going to prison for sharing a meme on a private Telegram group that called Scholz a moron, so Russia is as free as European countries, a low bar, I admit.

Jaq said...


Dr Weevil said...

No explanation as to why 'Jaq' chose Holodomor Remembrance Day to pretend that the Holodomor never happened, or wasn't so bad, or at least wasn't the fault of any actual Russians, just a Georgian? Who told him it was a good day to post such a claim?

Of course, Crimea had been part of the Russian Empire for two centuries, but it had not been "Russian". It was ethnically Crimean Tatar, as the Donbas was ethnically Ukrainian, until Stalin murdered millions of both groups, deported millions more to Siberia and Tatarstan, and moved in millions of ethnic Russians to replace them. Once again, 'Jaq' tells lies about history, the very lies that Russians tell to deny their crimes. Why does he do that?

Also, if Krushchev was Ukrainian by birth, which he does not even try to demonstrated, can Ukraine annex Kursk oblast, or at least the part of it that contains his home village? Note that I'm not the one who thinks his ethnicity matters in any way: it's 'Jaq' who seems determined to offload all historical guilt onto non-Russian Soviets, to preserve his admiration for the noble Russian nation.

Of course, anyone who does not hate Russia as it is now is inhuman: they are in fact murdering, raping, torturing, looting, and committing every other sort of crime against Ukraine and other nations, and doing so with great enthusiasm. What's not to hate? The resemblance to Nazi Germany is strong. They just arrested a middle-aged Tatar woman in Crimea and interrogated her for 36 hours for publishing Tatar-language children's books. But hey, Crimea is Russian and has been for centuries, so screw the Tatars: their culture deserves to be destroyed for the greater glory of Russia, right, Jaq?

Dr Weevil said...

Oh look, another bald-faced lie in Jaq's 11:44 comment. The very link he gives shows that Hromadske TV is not in fact state television, but private. And the fact that one asshole said something stupid and vicious on it once is supposed to prove what, exactly? Someone (probably Jaq, under one of his previous pseudonyms) brought this up before, and it appeared it was some kind of public-access channel, and the 'journalist' hadn't been heard of before or since.

The fact is that Russian state television says similar things about Ukraine every damned week: Putin-approved propagandists talk about destroying Ukraine "as a nature and a culture", invading Germany, taking back Alaska, nuking London, all kinds of things. There is literally ten thousand times as much of that shit (and it is shit) in Russia today as in Ukraine. And Russia locks people up for holding up a blank piece of paper, so calling it "a relatively. free country" is again a filthy stupid lie. (The fact that Germany, Britain, Canada, and Australia have started doing similar things doesn't help: it just means they're not free either.)

walter said...

"i orchestrated it" was just an inside joke. Waca waca.

walter said...

Bill Gates said Epstein's dead, so...nothing to see there.

walter said...

At a recent auto servicing, discussion with shop owner of used car sales brought up "Cash for Clunkers" program. He said used car prices have been inflated ever since. I forgot that they were required to pour a liquid into engines that after running a few minutes would brick them.

Kakistocracy said...

People need to calm down about the Oreshnik missile. It's a medium range ballistic missile. Of course it's faster than the speed of sound because that's what ballistic missiles do.

Rusty said...

Shutup Rich. Your lord and savior Biden got us into this mess. People are going to die where those missles land.

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