November 8, 2024

Sunrise — 6:43, 6:45.




FormerLawClerk said...

It's a slog (1 hour, plus), and I'm still trying to get through it, but do yourself a favor and watch Jon Stewart unpack the election results with this broad who is the most whackjob chick I've seen lately on any national stage.

I can see hints where Jon Stewart is humoring this person, and trying to point out very, very softly the ignorance in her arguments ... but not enough of them.

As long as Jon Stewart is listening to these types of people, Republicans have absolutely nothing to fear from him.

Watch her discuss how hard Joe Biden works EVERY DAY on behalf of working people ... and Stewart shaking his head in agreement ... after we watched Joe Biden sit on a beach for 6 months ahead of the election.

They are fucking delusional.

Iman said...

I’d rather watch paint dry.

FormerLawClerk said...

You'd get through this faster. I'm watching this crap so you don't have to.

William50 said...

Say NO to Mike Pompeo, a turn coat POS!!

narciso said...

Pompeo shivved him over the documents case

narciso said...

Stewart doesnt have a clue why bother

narciso said...

mccullough said...

Jon Stewart is washed. Don’t give him the clicks

FormerLawClerk said...

In a war, it's important to understand what food the enemy is eating, so that you can get a good idea how they're going to fight.

If Jon Stewart keeps eating this shit, the Jews are done for.

narciso said...

When did you start caring about the jews

FormerLawClerk said...

Democrats across the land are organizing to defy our laws.

Maura Healey (D-Lesbian) has announced ... publicly, amazingly, ... that she is going to DEFY FEDERAL LAW and shelter illegal aliens in Massachusetts.

She is going to Gitmo on Day 1.

I'm warning you about this action because you should know that we are in the Find Out Stage of Late Stage Democrats.

narciso said...

This jackalope is dead like niedermeyer

FormerLawClerk said...

SunTzu: Study your enemy, so that you may know yourself.

narciso said...

Sigh when they cut off the funds she can mime her protests

MadTownGuy said...

FEMA official instructed workers to 'avoid homes' with Trump campaign signs in aftermath of Hurricane Milton: report

"After Hurricane Milton made landfall in Florida in early October, a Federal Emergency Management Agency supervisor reportedly told workers to skip over homes that had signs supporting Trump in the 2024 election.

According to the Daily Wire, which reviewed internal messages, Marn’i Washington told workers in a message to "avoid homes advertising Trump" as they surveyed storm damage in Lake Placid, Florida to identify who may be eligible for federal aid. This message was relayed both verbally as well as in a group chat, government employees told the outlet.

The employees said that at least 20 homes were bypassed by workers because of Trump signs or flags between the end of October and into November. Images shared with the outlet showed messages written in the government system like "Trump sign no entry per leadership" on skipped houses. Other addresses were marked with "Trump sign," and "per leadership no stop Trump flag.

Read more at the link.

FormerLawClerk said...

Probably kept a lot of them alive. Good advice.

Clyde said...

Most hilarious thing I've seen post-election:

The Real Andrew said...

For those who haven’t seen it, here’s a delicious Mark Steyn column.

“ Donald J Trump has pulled off the most astonishing political comeback in American history. Yeah, sure, Grover Cleveland - but Cleveland wasn't impeached, sued, indicted, arrested, tried, convicted and shot at. It's not simply that the Fascist-Hitler-garbage routine didn't work; it's that it worked to his advantage - and yet the grand Democrat-media-Deep State- GOP establishment coalition of pampered nitwits was too ill-disciplined and out of touch to give up on it.”

Clyde said...

And following up on the end of that video at X, did you see the story in the New York Post about the squirrel that came up on stage at the Kamala Harris concession speech? The internet was saying that it was the ghost of Peanut the Squirrel, which would have been fitting.

Peachy said...

Illinois Gov Pritzker? Total asshole.

rhhardin said...

The Bulwark offers a catalog of future Trump horribles.

Drago said...

Its also important to eat the same food as your enemy so you smell the same while in the field waiting to ambush bad guys.

BG said...

Confession: I was tapping my foot to the rhythm.

FormerLawClerk said...

Donald Trump was not "shot at."

Donald Trump was shot in the head. He then stood up and told Americans to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT.

The war isn't over. It's just begun.

tcrosse said...

Let the governor of Massachusetts shelter all the illegal immigrants she wants. She is welcome to them. It would probably be cheaper for other states to ship them to Mass than to Venezuela.

FormerLawClerk said...

If your rectum had to endure all the Taco Bell that his rectum has to endure, you would become a total asshole too.

FormerLawClerk said...

Loved the P'Nut cameo. RIP Squirrel. We're going to get the serial killers who started on you.

Jupiter said...

"Google searches for "move to Canada" surged 1,270% in the 24 hours after U.S. East Coast polls closed on Tuesday, company data shows. Similar searches about moving to New Zealand climbed nearly 2,000% while those for Australia jumped 820%."

They don't how "move to Haiti" or "move to Senegal" did. Strange.

FormerLawClerk said...

FEMA has confirmed that their employees were instructing subordinates NOT TO HELP Americans who had "Trump signs" in their yard.

They claim they help everyone, regardless ... but of course they don't, as this accidental text proves.

The employee who sent it hasn't been fired, but that's only because Donald Trump hasn't retaken the stolen land called the White House yet.

We have to wait two months for Democrat saboteurs to lay their plans before that can happen.

Drago said...

Based on gains at Tesla, Musk now over $300B in net worth, with his good pal and tech/vision and political buddy Larry Ellison in second place.

For those who might not know, Ellison is strongly backing Elon on the X front and in doing so has a seat at the table with Trump, which scares Bezos as Oracle and AWS are at each others throats for govt contracts (along with google).

Hence Bezos direction to the Wash Post to hire more conservatives and not endorse kamala!

tcrosse said...

If the move-to-Canada crowd don't like Trump, they sure won't like Pierre Poilievre when he comes to power there next year.

Christopher B said...

Not even Mexico. You'd think they'd be happy to live among the folks they keep wanting to move up here.

Leland said...

Trump is the new Hitler, but Democrat bureaucrats are the ones that keeping like brownshirts.

pacwest said...

For Tina Trent: In an earlier thread we talked about the Secretary of Education. If I'm not mistaken this is your baliwick. I thought your wish for Jordan Peterson to fill the position was a little out there, but my real question to you is what do you think we should be trying to achieve with US education? Especially considering the mess it is right now. I'm looking for your views on K-12 as well as higher education since this is something you obviously know more about the subject than I do. Also if you know of any resources where I can learn more about it I would appreciate it.

One of the things I would like to see mandatory is a couple of years of personal finance at the earliest age possible.

Iman said...

More horse💩

Dr Weevil said...

If it's "important to eat the same food as your enemy" then Ukraine really is doomed to defeat.

One of the Russian soldiers in Ukraine posted on social media that a North Korean soldier in his trench had shared his food with him, and he couldn't tell whether the meat in the stew was beef or chicken. He showed a picture of the can, and helpful bilinguals pointed out that the Korean label on the can meant "yellow dog meat". (It was presumably meat of a yellow dog, not yellow meat from a dog of unspecified color.)

Fortunately, the original statement is bullshit. Ukrainian soldiers will not have to eat dog meat to defeat the North Koreans, they can slaughter them with drones at a distance without having to smell them.

narciso said...

Apple man will terrify them

pacwest said...

Begich won in AK. He also beat the rigged ranked choice. Now if we could get rid of Murkowski...

narciso said...

Despite the nra endorsing peltoia

Gospace said...

No one should be the Secretary of Education. That should be the first department abolished in full. Since it's establishment schools have gone downhill in every measurable metric.

ALP said...

The hysteria on Reddit might be enough to get me to delete the app and finally get it out of my life. All of the woman-centered subs are on fire with posts from women announcing they are taking self-defense training or getting guns. Now I've had handguns for years - between my partner and I there are six guns in our house. Yet given the simpering, thin-skinned sensitivity of young women today, I seriously doubt many of them have the balls to pull the trigger and blow someone's head away. Wondering if we'll see a rash of news reports of women being disarmed and having their own gun used against them.

Gospace said...

Even though this has been 100% confirmed to have happened- it's one of those things normal people won't want to believe. And- AND - if they get their news from the mainstream media, they will never ever hear about. Every bit I've read about this has been an X post or on a blog of some sort. Like here. Or like the link above- to a news site few have ever heard of.

FormerLawClerk said...

Keep in mind that the first thing Kamala Harris and Joe Biden did the day after the election after telling us all about how Hitler was back and would end Democracy in America and change us into a Dictatorship was to call him and congratulate him on his historic win.

narciso said...

Like zombies dont cross them, except they dont crave brains

paminwi said...

100% correct!

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich, Field Marshall Freder, Dumb Lefty Mark and now the fully disappeared Soy Boy-Cat Lady gadfly have been strangely quiet about what a failure Elon Musk is supposed to be, how his companies were collapsing, how X could never survive and on and on and on.

Maybe they are sharing "thoughts" together on Threads!....
.....not really! No one shares any real thoughts on Threads. Just democraticals pre-approved blather.

Mason G said...

Just wandering around the intertubes today, I was alerted to this X post:

In it, there's a link to a YouTube leftist named David Pakman who is freaking out over subscription cancellations, putting (his claim) "leftwing media livilihoods at risk":

“We are in an algorithmic de-subscription spiral right now, because when people start unsubscribing on YouTube, YouTube thinks oh, we probably shouldn't recommend this content because it's generating a lot of unsubscribes. So then the content doesn't get recommended. And then, the message doesn't get out."

What a shame. He also claims:

"The right wants us not to exist."

Well, no. Speaking from the right, I have no problem with you (the left) existing. What I do see as the problem is your (the left's) insistence that your viewpoint should be considered the default starting point for any conversation. Don't believe that's what the left thinks? Well, Mr. Pakman says:

"It's disgusting to me that when you engage in politics, you can't just find solutions. First, you've got to convince people climate change is even happening."

Read that again, and let it sink in.

The left doesn't think they even need to explain themselves. You just need to go along with what they tell you.

And even more bizarrely, with regards to his "Just STFU and do as your told", he brings up the issue of vaccines. *facepalm*

Big Mike said...

I read that too. The supervisor’s name is Marn’i Washington, and FEMA admits that it happened. FEMA claims claim they took “extreme actions” in response, but the Daily Wire claims that the only thing FEMA has done has been to transfer the offending supervisor to a different county.

It enrages me that this has happened, and it enrages me more that the individual has not been fired. If Democrats really believe that it is okay to deliver federal services — paid for by all taxpayers — only to supporters of their party then no Democrat should ever be allowed to work for the federal government now or ever.

Mason G said...

"If Democrats really believe that it is okay to deliver federal services — paid for by all taxpayers — only to supporters of their party then no Democrat should ever be allowed to work for the federal government now or ever."

Your terms are acceptable.

Big Mike said...

Interesting article in the Harvard Crimson. Here are the first two paragraphs:

As the dust settled on Tuesday’s election results, Harvard Dean of Students Thomas Dunne said his office will offer support to students devastated by Donald Trump’s win, but stressed that the College will remain nonpartisan and inclusive of conservative students.

“There is, and should be, a diverse range of experiences and opinions,” Dunne said in a Thursday interview. “That’s what a university is all about.”

IMAO he’s right about what a university should be. Whether he and the Harvard administrators can succeed — Hell, whether they will even make a good faith effort — remains to be seen.

Jimmy said...

It might be awhile. The hive mind on the left is still trying to understand how they lost an historical election by such huge numbers. Once Maddow and Pelsoi recover, they can have talking points again.
Meanwhile Musk will continue to embarrass NASA, and Boeing, and doing it in less time and for less money. While making cars, robots, brain implants, and AI. wow, what a failure he is.
He intends to go to Mars , in his lifetime. In a rocket he built, with his software and name on all of it. When he plants his flag, don't be surprised if its on top of huge deposits of diamonds, gold, platinum or ?

FormerLawClerk said...

Speaking from the righter of Mason ... no, we don't just want you not to exist. We want to be the ones with our hands around your neck when you cease to exist.

Big Mike said...

“We failed the Jewish community of the Netherlands during World War II, and last night we failed again,” the Dutch king Willem-Alexander reportedly said to Israel’s President Isaac Herzog in a phone call on Friday morning. And so they did, as mobs of Muslim thugs roamed Amsterdam attacking Jews
while the Dutch police demonstrated their courage and professionalism by standing by and doing nothing to rescue victims or impede the assailants.

pacwest said...

What do you do to replace it? Public education is pretty important. Scratch that. Very important.

FormerLawClerk said...

Georgetown University set up pussy rooms where the testosterone-challenged "men" who attend their college could play with Legos, and do coloring books and have some cookies with their chocolate milk.

What was Harvard doing?

Peachy said...

A pack of preachy horribles who vote for left-wing corruption and lies. What Iman said.

FormerLawClerk said...

79% of Jews voted for Kamala Harris.

Zero empathy for them. They deserve what they voted for.

Tina Trent said...

If only Steyn were an American. He could join the cabinet. Doesn’t matter which position, but protecting free speech is his bailwick.

ga6 said...

Ellison a Chicago guy, with a son coming up fast: Musk an African with many sons....

Jim at said...

What do you do to replace it? Public education is pretty important. Scratch that. Very important.

Nothing. It's redundant.

There isn't a single thing the Department of Education does that can't be done at the state and local level.

Here in Washington state, we have a Superintendent of Public Instruction. (OSPI) We also have Educational Service Districts. (ESDs). And we have local school districts and boards.

There is absolutely no need for an additional layer on top of it all.

Mason G said...

"What do you do to replace it?"

I'm not Gospace, but how about "nothing"? Let the states deal with the issue as their residents think best.

"Public education is pretty important. Scratch that. Very important."

Is the federal government tasked (see: the Constitution) with this job? If not, well...

Peachy said...

That needs a proper link: I love it.
For P'Nut -delicious prog tears edition

Jim at said...

"The right wants us not to exist."

No. I want you to leave me alone.

rhhardin said...

Bulwark Susie Wiles is a total degenerate. about 30 minutes in.

Tina Trent said...

Well, I support returning education to the states, entirely. There are very poor states that need funding, but that could be through health and human services without all the ideological carrots and sticks.

I agree that whenever we offer charter alternatives, the worst parents ignore them. The answer there is to return to a system with rules for bad conduct and raise the age of school delinquency to 18, and enforce it. Minors who disrupt classrooms must be placed in alternative, boot camp like facilities and only returned to their toxic families on breaks. Military service should be encouraged. These kids need discipline and stability first. It saves a lot of them.

We need three year high school with two more years of technical training, like Britain. It works well there.

Most of all, discipline and traditional methods must be returned to the earliest grades. Memorization, diagramming sentences, math tables, etc. This stuff is actually fun. K-12 is for acquiring basic skills. And reading a lot of books. Real books. Offline.

It’s actually really easy.

Peachy said...

Democrats do not care about Americans. They care about their corrupt party.

pacwest said...

Thanks Tina. I agree with a lot of what you say, but to you and Mason G, I wonder if putting the public education entirely in the hands of the states might create a Tower of Babel situation in our divided society.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

CNN: "Pentagon officials discussing how to respond if Trump issues controversial orders"

YouTube: Reminder. The riots they predicted didn't materialize.

Kakistocracy said...

The bond market is bigger than the US government. One suspects the government is going to get to relearn this lesson in the coming months and years.

What the markets giveth the markets can taketh away. Tariffs would simply be rolling a hand grenade into the middle of the S&P 500 index.

Trump thinks he can jawbone the Fed on rates. He's wrong, but experience is a hard teacher and a fool will learn at no other. As James Carville has famously observed -- the bond market intimidates everybody, not the other way around.

I just walked out on my patio and looked up the hill. The big white Pimco building is there. So Newport Beach gets a big vote in this, too. And Singapore and London and Zurich ... Washington isn't as big a town as Washington thinks.

Drago said...


Drago said...

Its funny how you attempt to personalize your many cut and pastes to try and create a liitle Althouse blog street cred!

Peachy said...

The link at the bottom is interesting Admission... "ballots are introduced" in the middle of the night.

Mason G said...

"I wonder if putting the public education entirely in the hands of the states might create a Tower of Babel situation in our divided society."

When was public education put in the hands of the federal government, and by whom?

Peachy said...

we are real impressed.

Hassayamper said...

However much you may hate the government and those who work for it and those who love it for its own sake, it's not enough.

These scum and filth left American citizens, whose taxes pay their salary, to die trapped in their houses, so as to help the Democrats win the election.

Teach your kids that the government is their enemy and Democrats are lice and rats and cockroaches, not their fellow Americans. Teach them raw, righteous hatred for these enemies. Support Donald Trump as he destroys them.

Peachy said...

David Frum is a total degenerate.

Peachy said...

Delete the corrupt bureaucracy

Mason G said...

"No. I want you to leave me alone."

I could live with that. But the left can't.

Hassayamper said...

No. I want you to leave me alone.

That's so 2009.

I really do not want to share a nation with the Left any more. I am willing to support more drastic means of achieving that goal than I ever would have thought possible in my youth.

Peachy said...

More goodies for Inag

Kakistocracy said...

Trump's plans have a very Truss feel to them. Aggressive front loaded tax cuts, but no commensurate cuts in expenditure. All seems a great idea until the bond market says " not with our money you don’t".

pacwest said...

@Mason G
Honestly I don't know how public education evolved into a national responsibility. I do know they are doing a shit job of it. I went K-8 in a small town that taught almost exactly what Tina is advocating and it has served me well. I went to high school in a mid sized town (50k) and the freshman year seemed more remedial than not. I learned more that has been useful to me in grade school than high school, and my college education has been useless since I started a manufacturing business rather than use the degree I got.

Anyway, I'm looking for someone to address my Tower of Babel concerns if there's no common denominator in the curriculum, and I think that has to be set on a national level, or am I way off base on that?

Hey Skipper said...

If memory serves, the Dept of Education didn’t exist until 1976.

Eva Marie said...

Best seller list on Amazon:
Melania still at #1
Handmaid’s Tale is at #3*
On Tyranny is #5*
Hillbilly Elegy is #8* (paperback) and #35* (hardcover)
The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr is #11*
1984 is #13*
Fahrenheit 451 is #17*
The Anxious Generation is #24*
Save America by Trump ($93) is #25*
My favorite book The Achievements of Kamala Harris (all blank pages) is still hanging in there at #892
The starred books on the list made their appearance on the list this week (since I’ve been tracking - the last couple of months)

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

They're still stunned by Harris' losing. Give them a month and you'll start seeing riots

Drago said...

Thanks for your little "input" there tiger......

Eva Marie said...

I’ll tell you who’s cleaning up in hardcover and kindle: Freida McFadden. She has several books in the top 100 in hardback and kindle. She’s an MD writing mysteries. I have several of her books on Audible and they’re fairly good. Recommended if you want a fast read and you like mysteries. Not superb but not bad either.

Gospace said...

Well, pacwest, looks like the question has already been answered. The DOE does nothing for local schools- except burden the administrators with paperwork that needs to filled out or else. My mother was a local school administrator. Before 1979 when education was split off from HEW the nation was educating children just fine. There were differences from state to state- just as there are today, and differences from city to suburbs to rural- just as there is today.

How were schools evaluated before 1979? Well, though I've never lived in Iowa, I recall taking the Iowa test of Basic Skills every year. Developed in 1935. Seems to have been the de facto standard by which schools evaluated their success or lack thereof. The SAT started about 1926, actually developed from Army IQ tests, something I just learned looking it up. The military still uses IQ tests to sort enlisted people, but they call it the ASVAB- because it's seemingly not legal to call something an IQ test then use it to determine what people can or can't do...

But schools will never be equal. My HS graduating class was 400 people. My 2nd - 5th children had HS classes of 100 for my 2nd that dwindled down 16 years later to 70 for my 5th. Now they're at 50. (The local Amish and Mennonite schools, OTOH, have grown more then the public schools have shrunk.) You can off a lot more curriculum in a class of 400 then a class of 70. One thing the local rural school did by the time my youngest was in school- the most motivated could take classes at the local community college- absolutely free. The college my youngest went to accepted all his CC credits. Which was both good and bad. He attended school on an ROTC scholarship- and had to choose his jr and sr courses carefully do he didn't qualify for a degree before the end of his senior year... There are some rural districts with even fewer students where the local CC is too far away to even do that.

Every year some newspaper somewhere publishes a story about the poor inner city single mother who graduates from HS as a valedictorian! Success! Numerous scholarship offers! They never follow up 4 years later and curiously never mention her SAT scores. Believe what you want about that.

The feds should operate service academies, and keep tabs on what ROTC students are actually learning. That should be the extent of federal involvement in education. And the service academies need to return to the fact they are glorified trade schools for teaching warfare.

pacwest said...

Thanks Gospace. I've been researching in the past couple of hours and there a still a lot of gaps, but it appears you and Tina are right. The Department of Education could be disbanded. It was also news to me that Trump tried to do that in his first term. Live and learn.

Rabel said...

Pelosi putting the shiv into old Joe, Just the beginning.

Jim at said...

That's so 2009.

Oh, I agree. They won't leave us alone.

Look no further than I-2066 in Washington state which repeals plans to ban natural gas. The vote should be 90-10. But it's going to pass with only a three-percent margin. And the thugs pushing the ban are going to sue over the language in the initiative.

"We" may've won the election this week, but there is no way we're voting our way out of this.

And, yes, Freder. That means violence. It's up to your side to avoid it. Not mine.

I'm not holding my breath.

Kakistocracy said...

Tariffs are to Trump as land tax was to the 19th-century Georgists: the solution to every problem.

Drago said...

This is the guy the New Soviet Democraticals dumped from the party so they coul hang on to LLR-democratical Rich/Harry Sisson types:


Can you imagine how much of a loser America Last party hack you'd have to be to make such a trade?

Drago said...

It is rather amazing just how far the masks have dropped as we watch LLR-democratical Rich desperately throwing himself in front of his ChiCom allies with dire tales of woe should anyone stand up to his pals in Beijing on trade.

Its become quite a spectacle, hasnt it? Almost so much you'd think Rich was part of the biden crime family helping to launder the ChiCom bribes thru the biden shell corporatiin network!

Drago said...

Here's another guy that walked away from Rich and his pals: oh

wendybar said...

Cryptid Politics (pro-DeSantis) 🇺🇸🐊
Replying to @realDailyWire
Donald Trump needs to make reforming FEMA one of his top priorities.

We can't have federal relief agencies taking political affiliation into account when deciding who should receive assistance.
4:55 PM · Nov 8, 2024

wendybar said...

The Progressive Murderers (They love to murder babies and now presidents) need to be dealt with harshly so they can not slither back under the rocks from which they come from any time soon for another sneak attack on normal American citizens.
These people are sick in the head, and if we let them get away with every thing they did to us as a nation, we will lose to them again someday, and it will be a lot worse. It's time to start with the leaders of the party who attacked Trump and supporters with unnecessary raids and imprisonments. Justice needs to be done, or we will never unite. How do you unite with people who want you dead??

"John Hinckley Jr., the man who tried to assassinate President Ronald Reagan to impress Jodie Foster, told people on X to stop asking him to harm President-elect Donald Trump"

wendybar said...

Comment from the article..
Dolce Far Niente | November 8, 2024 at 5:35 pm
We can send a grandma to prison for praying outside an abortion clinic, but threats against the life of a president-elect are just a day ending in y, in this dystopic empire.

rehajm said...

Thank you Eva. Dale Carnegie where are you?

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wendybar said...

The only security this murderer (FAUCI) should be getting is a prison guard. He owes US. We should garnish his pay and take back the money we gave him that HE DOESN"T DESERVE because HE lied to us. HE did this to us. HE should suffer the consequences, and I hope Trump does what needs to be done.

"According to the MOU, protection was available from January 4, 2023-September 20, 2024. The $15 million covers in part:  

Salaries and benefits for deputies and administrative personnel assigned to Fauci’s protective detail 

Costs related to transporting Fauci 

Law enforcement equipment "

wendybar said...

Nick Freitas
Dear panicking Reddit user,

Hi, I’m part of the transition team that will help you navigate the massive changes that will be taking place under part two of the Trump administration.

I understand that you have been led to believe that you will all be sent to concentration camps…(well those of you who aren’t deported…JK) but the truth is a lot more boring.

So, first of all, none of you are going to be arrested, fined, jailed, have your property confiscated or sold into slavery. I know your gender studies professor has been claiming otherwise since March, but the only people actually in danger of anything bad happening to them are those who actually break the law, and they will still get due process. Well them and the excess government bureaucrats who are about to lose their tax payer supported jobs, but even they will probably get a nice severance.

You on the other hand will be able to pretty much continue life as normal.

Censorship is no longer the currency of the realm, so feel free to continue melting down on Reddit without fear of retribution from the government.

You’re free to hate Donald Trump, me, the founders, the color white, math, working out, guns your parents and everyone ignoring you on Tinder. You won’t be censored, de platformed or have trumped up (pun intended) charges brought against you for disagreeing with the government.

Now, on the other hand you won’t be getting your school loans paid for by the taxes of the hard working plumber you think you’re better than, but other than that, you are free to live in your mothers basement while you wait for that job that pays you “what you deserve” for all that education you received in lesbian dance theory.

Also, good news. Your taxes are going to be reduced, which probably doesn’t matter a whole lot to you because you don’t pay any, but your parents are really going to appreciate it!

Also there will almost certainly be a lot more job opportunities and a much better environment to start a business. Which again…probably won’t matter to you immediately, but you will appreciate the additional access to goods and services due to increased capital investment, which you no doubt dream about one day seizing just as soon as the Democratic Socialists of America figure out which pronouns to use on their call to arms.

Also, if you do plan to step outside and touch grass, you will be significantly less likely to get mugged or step on a hypodermic needle. (Unless you live in San Francisco…we’ll try to clean it up but the 10th amendment says they’re allowed to live in filth if they so choose.)

If you have any questions, our number can be found on the back of any job application, so this may be the last time we will communicate.

Thanks again, welcome back to America!
8:26 AM · Nov 8, 2024

wendybar said...

"For sane American women, the universal sisterhood argument fell flat, because they know women. Some are good, most you can at least get along with, and many are awful, embodying the worst aspects of womanhood. They know fake, emasculating, insecure and vicious. They know women who sleep their way to the top. They knew Kamala Harris, and even race—whichever one she was claiming to be at the moment—no longer mattered. Many Black women flatly said: “she’s not black,” and her fake accents were concrete proof."

wendybar said...

"The Democrats always play the race and sex cards when campaigning for office; now a huge number are falsely blaming racism and sexism for President Trump’s victory.

It is demonstrably easy to show that Trump’s win had nothing to do with race and sex but was instead based on policies.

Meanwhile, most people posing as journalists and entertainers, and other Democrats like the Obamas, lectured people about how they ought to vote for Kamala because of her race and sex, instead of talking about policies, results, or achievements. They wanted the election to be based on sexism and racism, not Trump voters. And remember, Biden picked Kamala as VP specifically because she was a black woman."

wendybar said...

Hussein 2008 vs Hussein 2024. The best depiction of this grifter.

Jaq said...

There are ethnic groups within the Russia Federation, which spans 11 time zones, who are indistinguishable, at least by people who brag about how pure and white the blood of their nation is, so pure that it must be protected by their constitution, who are fighting in the Russian army.

There are also North Koreans receiving military training in Russia, as I said, Russia is a big country and a lot happens there. Russia is the world's foremost expert nation in the business of fighting against the West right now, so Russian training is in demand. One of the Russian trainers remarked that it was a little disturbing how eager the North Korean trainees were.

There is no propaganda that Dr Weevil won't accept as long as Kiev says it. Yes, Koreans eat dogs, we eat cows and Hindis find it very disturbing. North Korea has been under sanctions for decades, and yes this has led to starvation at times. It doesn't take many bad harvests for a small country denied aid from other countries to create serious problems, but now that we have forced North Korea and Russia into an alliance, those days of starving North Koreans are fading into the past.

then again, maybe a couple of thousand North Korean troops are why Ukraine's salient in Kursk has collapsed and they have cut and run. Or maybe it's because Joe Biden told them to hold out, no matter how many Ukrainian soldiers died, until the day after the election.

How many Ukrainians have to die so that their fellow Ukraine residents can be denied the right to their Russian ethnicity, except as second class citizens at best, where only Ukrainian speakers can serve in government, and where every dispute will go before a Ukrainian judge, and, as we see how Trump has fared in NYC courts, we know how that will go.

Maybe a federation, like Canada has, and neutrality, would have been better than a war that has likely led to the demographic collapse of the Ukrainian nation. No. Putin offered that deal and the Dr Weevil types refused.

pacwest said...

One more and I'm done. After spending time thinking about what I've learned here and elsewhere I've come to the conclusion that the department of ed not just could, but should be disbanded. Student loans, the bulk of what Ed handles can be handed to Treasury. But the tipping point comes out of the Dept itself. The main justification for their continued existence seems to be that they are needed so schools can monitor the students "mental health". We know where that leads. Thanks all.

Jaq said...

20% of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have gone AWOL.

Ukraine mobilization and conscription is consistently at least 33% below battlefield losses.

See 47th Mechanized Brigade putting ads out on social media to try to replace battlefield losses with troops who have gone AWOL because the Ministry of Defense has not provided replacements.

Also see mobilization bill that was passed this spring that was supposed to call up 250,000 troops and 6 months later once again the Ministry of Defense is asking for 500,000 troops which they called for this time last year.

If Ukraine does not spend this winter doing literally everything possible and gets back in the mentality of everyone fights. No one quits or everyone dies....

the above is from a pro-Ukrainian account trying to whip up more recruits for Kiev. Their army is collapsing, and the war is going exactly as predicted by most knowledgeable observers who don't get their information from propaganda press. Is it shocking to you that Ukraine's army is collapsing in front of the "poorly trained and poorly fed" Russian army? Maybe then your sources of news have been lying to you.

Ukraine had a good deal on the table a month into the war. The US kiboshed it and demanded that they fight. That deal is water under the bridge now.

Michael McNeil said...
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Michael McNeil said...

Speaking of Musk and NASA, it isn't just NASA that SpaceX has embarrassed, not to speak of humiliated, but also Russia and Europe. Russia, once powerful in the space launch business, has essentially been destroyed in this regard—now it launches only its own stuff plus an occasional launch to the ISS; as occurred recently, they also include in a batch an occasional satellite for Iran. Europe (ESA) is barely hanging on; its official space company Arianespace a decade ago ridiculed SpaceX's plans for making the Falcon-9 reusable; instead going with a new generation (Ariane-6) of throwaway booster—which right now is arriving on the scene: late and completely uneconomic in the new, SpaceX-dominant scene.

Just how dominant can vividly be seen in this year's launch-to-orbit totals (extending up through yesterday—who knows what's going up today!). Total launches so far this year are 202, of which SpaceX has put up nearly 54% all by itself; next highest before a huge subsequent gap is China:

202 total
109 SpaceX
49 China
13 Russia
12 Rocket Lab
5 Japan
3 India
3 Iran
2 Arianespace
1 Firefly

“ULA” is the United Launch Alliance (now reportedly for sale). The only member of American corporate “Old Space” which makes it to this year's launch list.

Notice where Europe (Arianespace) appears.

If one looks at mass-to-orbit rather than just the number of launches, then SpaceX's lead becomes even greater.

Notice that Nasa doesn't even show up in the list. Its SLS (Space Launch System) didn't launch once in 2024; indeed, it did its one and only test launch-to-orbit thus far, two years ago back in November, 2022. One might also observe that the next “block” version of SLS, when it does resume launching (ultimately achieving maybe about one launch per year), is expected to cost more than $4 billion per launch (according to the NASA Inspector General)—versus SpaceX's new Starship, which is forecast to cost only a few million per launch—while launching double the weight at far greater the rate (like, several times a day eventually).

The launch rate SpaceX is now achieving with just the Falcon-9 (and Falcon Heavy) make such a scenario not implausible.

Jaq said...

Scott Adams agrees with me on the Iran assination story and gets almost no pushback in the comments.

walter said...

Went into a Pick n Save in Milwaukee and wow, very different. Each area of the store had a checkpoint entrance with security posted. It was basically a one way route. And only about half of the floor space was used for inventory. Spacious and restricted at the same time. Creepy.

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