November 13, 2024

"Senate Republicans reacted with alarm and dismay to President-elect Donald J. Trump’s decision to nominate Representative Matt Gaetz... for attorney general..."

"... and several said they were skeptical that he would be able to secure enough votes for confirmation....  Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas, raised his eyebrows when reporters informed him of Mr. Trump’s choice. 'I’m still trying to absorb all this,' he said, adding: 'I don’t really know him, other than his public persona.' Mr. Gaetz, who has been one of Mr. Trump’s fiercest attack dogs on Capitol Hill, has routinely used his position on the House Judiciary Committee to question the motives of Justice Department officials and rail against what he has called the 'deep state.'... Mr. Trump has called on Senate Republicans to allow him to circumvent the confirmation process by calling recesses during which he could install personnel without Senate approval. It was not clear whether Senator John Thune, the South Dakota Republican elected as majority leader on Wednesday, would be willing to do so for Mr. Gaetz, or other nominees who might struggle to draw enough support to be confirmed...."


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Skeptical Voter said...

This nomination may be more winning than the RINOs can stand.

lonejustice said...

This is President Trump's worst decision so far. He hasn't learned a thing since he was last president. He will deeply regret this decision.

cubanbob said...

I love It. It's a giant FU to the swamp and the woke in DC. Can't wait to see who gets nominated for FBI directory.

lonejustice said...

By all means, we need someone who is a reported sex trafficker as Attorney General. This nominee is going nowhere.

Danno said...

At least he's not Geoff Sessions. Having a squish and then (Barr) a 'we love to be nice while we lose' Bushie, Trump has shown he has learned much during the 45th Presidency.

FormerLawClerk said...

Trump should let Gaetz fail to be confirmed, then nominate Rudy Guiliani.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"When the members of the Sanhedrin heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him." - Act 7:54

If lonejustice is gnashing, you know it's working!

ndspinelli said...

All 6 posts today tout the NYT. That dog don't hunt.

Mickey said...

Hah, why not? I’ll allow it.

Enigma said...

This nomination was enough to make shifty Adam Schiff's head explode. Even if Gaetz isn't confirmed...Schiff will be paranoid for life...the shadows threaten...

Yancey Ward said...

"By all means, we need someone who is a reported sex trafficker as Attorney General."

Wow, Lonejustice, I didn't realize you and Gaetz were partners in crime.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Biofilm Inc. better get their production facility on 3-shifts 24/7, cause the swamp doesn't have enough astroglide to prevent the chafing that's coming. And since the swamp is predominantly and effusively gay, that's saying something.

Mickey said...

Reported? Well, when you put it that way. That’s almost like being accused.

Iman said...

Some more of that lawfare assholes like you, lonejustus, love to see. Where’d that stuff go? How did that shit end?

Original Mike said...

And all of a sudden, everybody forgets about Pete Hegseth.

lonejustice said...

This is the very last thing that Trump needs right now. Instead of focusing on all of the rest of his great nominations, it will now dwell on Gaetz and his predilection for having sex with minors.

rehajm said...

John Cornyn, Republican geezer from TX is NYT new best friend…

rehajm said...

It is an excellent strategy. The truth travels around the world before the lie gets its boots on…

Rusty said...

Squeek, Squeek says the lonejustice mouse.

Balfegor said...

This seems like a dumb move because (a) DOJ can be an incredibly powerful tool of policy (even as line prosecutors protest that their actions absolutely aren't motivated by political concerns only by the merits of each case) and (b) there is nothing Gaetz has ever done or said in the past that makes me think he will be able to navigate or break through the mazes set up by slippery career officials and actually get reform done.

The only things Gaetz has going for him are loyalty to Trump and mistrust of DOJ. That's not enough when the civil service are against you -- you need an experienced bureaucratic operator in that position. The midlevel bureaucrats at DOJ are probably breathing a sigh of relief. Set up some distracting fine china over in the civil rights division or maybe the public integrity section, paint it red, and let the bull break some china while you get on with business as usual.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

I told the hubbinator that he's a bit of a sleaze, but I don't give a damn. It's time for some payback. We laughed and laughed, and poured some 40 Creek over ice.

Kakistocracy said...

No official role for Boebert yet?

Quaestor said...

Reported by someone as trustworthy as you, lonejustice?

ColoComment said...

The Congressional Ethics Committee announced in April 2021 that it had opened an investigation of Rep. Gaetz. It is now mid-November 2024.

I have not been paying close attention (actually, it's been no attention), but I don't recall reading that anything dispositive of his guilt has been revealed.
How long should this farcical "investigation" be allowed to pester the guy?

Real American said...

Hopefully, Gaetz will perform well during confirmation hearings and behind closed doors, but on its face, this is a ridiculous pick. Gaetz has never run anything in his life and has all sorts of political baggage that makes him an easy target. He may not get the votes and a recess appointment will not happen.

Krumhorn said...

Trump has every good reason to send someone to head the DOJ who isn't a squish. There is no point in half measures. The usual deep state nominees talk big but don't do what needs doing.

- Krumhorn

Jim at said...

Yeah. I don't know about this one. We'll see.

RCOCEAN II said...

Cornyn, Thune, McConnell, Romney, and Miss Lindsey all told us that POTUS Biden gets to pick his own cabinet. As they voted for Merrick Garland and Maryokas - two of the most partisan leftwingers ever, ever. But look for the RINOS to stab Trump in the back on his nominations.

Trump should tell them jump off a cliff and keep nominating Rightwingers and people they don't like. We didn't elect Lisa Murkowski as President. Or Miss Lindsey.

Quaestor said...

Balfagor writes, "That's not enough when the civil service are against you..."

There is a remedy for such obfuscation and foot-dragging. It's called reassignment. A haughty GS-13 can't cope with being removed from his corner office and being given the task of emptying waste paper baskets and refiling TP dispensers. Though their income isn't affected they can't abide the humiliation. Make an example of one or two and the rest will heel like a well-trained pooch.

Holy Moly! said...

Let the overreach begin.

Joe Bar said...


Original Mike said...

Will this be enough to bring Inga out of the woodwork?

Joe Bar said...

And, Tulsi Gabbard as DNI!

Jim at said...

He hasn't learned a thing since he was last president.

Apparently, you're still studying the crosstabs of that Iowa poll instead of paying attention to what he's been doing this week.

This is the only appointment - so far - that I'm questioning. Every other one has been spot on.

tcrosse said...

Trump's style is to open negotiations with his most extreme position, and bargain down from there.

RCOCEAN II said...

Look for the squishy moderate Republicans to start with their usual loser talk. The D's just ram through whoever they want, while the squishes say nothing. Only the R's have to be "reasonable" and "Not be extreme". And we have to let the D's and the MSM define who is "reasonable".

rehajm said...

Holy carp theres a lot of them…

Yancey Ward said...

Fine- those who are on the right here that don't like this pick, tell us someone better. I am all ears.

RCOCEAN II said...

No your comment is dumb. Gaetz has never been AG, so saying he cant do the job is based on nothing more than your wishful thinking. But you probably don't want a rightwinger in the job. Wouldn't be prudent. Might be "extreme". Might actually do something people want.

Better to have a Barr type, who super-competent. And is working for the other side.

Money Manger said...

I just put out a "sell" on DJT.

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

Gaetz? He fights!

We're no relation, afaik.
Goetz von Berlichingen

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

LLR-democratical lonejustice repeats the smear that was PROVEN to be false, proven to be a blackmail attempt that Gaetz happened to be the target of, and then completely debunked.

But what else is LLR-democratical lonejustice going to do other than what comes naturally to him: go Full Maddow at every opportunity.

And see how carefully LLR-democratical lonejustice constructs the smear....very LLR-democratical Chuck-like, isn't it?

Mo5m said...

The "reported sex offender" was framed by the DOJ and FBI with the help of a con artist trying to extort the Gaetz family. He is a perfect choice to take down the corruption and the confirmation hearing will be be fun when we get to see the manufactured evidence they tried to use. And John Cornyn, we will see you in the primary.

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

dINGAbat is going through some psychic trauma right now. She's hurt and confused and oh so frightened.


Enigma said...

@Quaestor: Indeed. Most federal employees are security seekers. They want a stable job and a good income and ridiculously generous hidden benefits that make their salaries appear to be reasonable. Fly under the radar. Many are equally happy playing by the rules or making the rules. Either is okay. Easy life. Rules. Easy life. Rules. Easy life. Rules.

Maybe 10% or 20% are absolutely aggressive win-or-die-trying power-mad zealots and psychopaths. These are the swamp creatures who set the tone from Obama 2011 through Crossfire Hurricane, the umpteen lawfare attacks, and those who held upright brain-dead puppet Biden in 2024.

Readering said...

Article quotes 2 GOP Senators on the record who sound like nays. The recess trial balloon will go nowhere. 10 day recess near the start of session? Maybe try it over Easter? But might also be struck down by US Supreme Court in follow up to Obama NLRB defeat.

Drago said...

obambi got his wingman Eric HOlder, but the Usual Suspects, democraticals claiming to be "republicans", are aghast! Why, someone like Gaetz might, I don't know, politicize the DOJ or something?

Why can't we get back to doing what the DOJ is supposed to be doing: threatening parents at school board meetings, running fake kidnapping exercises to help the New Soviet Democraticals, declaring former US military personnel to be an entire category of potential terrorists, running ops into Catholic churches, declaring Catholic churches that hold Latin Mass to be hotbeds of terrorist potentiality.

Someone please point me to any post by LLR-democratical lonejustice (who is very LLR-demoratical Chuck-like) where lonejustice complained about any one of those things or anything similar.

Spoiler: you already know the spoiler, don't you?

Drago said...

Yes. Congresswoman.

Please pay attention.

The Vault Dweller said...

Hmm... I wonder if Gaetz getting approval by the Senate was part of a deal that includes Thune getting the majority leadership position with no blowback from Trump?

Drago said...

It began in January of 2009.

Please pay attention.

rhhardin said...

My experience with appointing lawmakers is that it costs Republicans a seat. Their replacement either caucuses with the Democrats or loses the next election.

David53 said...

I don't know if he is a sex trafficker or not. I do know the DOJ investigated and declined to charge him. Makes me think of Christine Blasey Ford for some reason.

Drago said...


Just go back to trying to steal as much of Tesla with your Delaware Chancery link as you can....before its too late and you New Soviet Democraticals lose your Delaware hook.

The Vault Dweller said...

It will be interesting to see how AOC and the rest of the Squad react to this nomination. Gaetz and them don't share hardly any policy position but both share the common bond of being frustrated by entrenched party leadership.

Drago said...

There is zero chance the panhandle encompasing Pensacola with Florida voting rules is going New Soviet Democratical.


But only Zero.

Drago said...

Thanks Reverse Cramer!

Drago said...

Let me guess, you and LLR-democratical Rich shorted Tesla too, didn't you?

The Vault Dweller said...

Gaetz won his district in this 2024 election 66% to 34%. DeSantis should be able to find a reliable Republican that can hold onto that seat given that margin.

Drago said...

Well, P-Inga does seem to really respect and adore politicians that shower with adolescents, especially their own children, (very "honorable" or something like that), so the smear-setup aided by the DOJ/FBI might just get P-Inga off the couch for a bit.

Kakistocracy said...

A pro-Russian in charge of national security, an alleged sex criminal in charge of justice, a talk show host in charge of the armed forces. This is going to be a wild ride.

Ice Nine said...

Matt Whittaker. Same outlook and same low opinion of DOJ and not a petulant bomb-thrower. Ken Paxton, TX AG, also.

narciso said...

Trolls changing theor handle its so cute

Big Mike said...

It’s called “advice and consent” for a reason. I trust that senators who have objections to his nomination will say something more profound than “we think he’s icky” and I trust that Trump will listen to their objections.

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

Goetz von Berlichingen

narciso said...

All of these objectors had no problem voting for garland

Drago said...

Li'l Pete butta-judge-judge, Mayor for one term in South Bend IN was made Sec of Transportation because he like choo-choos.

And not a word of complaint was offered up by the Althouse lefties Rich, lonejustice, readering, etc.

Drago said...

Looks like we are witnessing another LLR-democratical Rich name change in real time.

Given his continued failure in advancing his Facebook Comments Section "quality" offerings, I can only say, what took his so long for this latest one?

narciso said...

I'll not point out how lonejustice trolled us about that iowa race, did i do that

Drago said...

" don't know if he is a sex trafficker or not. I do know the DOJ investigated and declined to charge him."

Why would he get charged based on a demonstrated blackmail scheme which was setup which the DOJ/FBI established early on in the investigation and then used Gaetz and his father as witnesses against the democratical dude that was really doing it?

Kakistocracy said...

My preferred outcome is for the Republicans to get a clean sweep of all three houses. Give them enough rope and let there be no doubt in four years time who, and more importantly what is to blame.

Short of that it would be nearly as good for the Democrats to win Congress back. It would mean they can basically block pretty much everything, apart from what Trump’s MAGA team can bully through by abusing executive powers. But best for America to really feel the full impact of the medicine it has prescribed for itself. The side effects are going to be a different kind of medicine in themselves. Ask the English, who recently tried a similar experiment (Brexit) and are still trying to come to terms with the consequences.

Drago said...

I think you are mistaking Pete for Hunter Biden who did just that, on video, over and over and over again, along with sex trafficking, and got away with it thanks to a DOJ that some commenters at Athouse blog believe would be damaged by a Gaetz tenure as AG.

Interesting, no?

Dr Weevil said...

Poor stupid D-- S-- hasn't figured out that the moderators (Ann and Meade) haven't moderated this thread yet, because, if they had, they would have deleted these two stupid comments, as they delete everything D-- S-- writes. (They can't be on duty 24 hours a day.) Accusing them of 'encouraging' something that they haven't even permitted is therefore just another stupid lie, an unusually stupid one, even for D-- S--.

Iman said...

“Makes me think of Christine Blasey Ford for some reason.”

Seek medical help if your confusion lasts more than 4 hours… 🙂

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Vault Dweller said...

Here I thought you didn't care about esoteric things like duty, honor, loyalty, or tradition in nominees and only cared whether they could get the job done. Gaetz has absolutely demonstrated he despises the swamp and is willing to throw elbows to fight against it.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "My preferred outcome is for the Republicans to get a clean sweep of all three houses."

That was actually the exact opposite of your preferred outcome, and the exact opposite of what you predicted would happen, over and over and over again. Every single day in fact, as you weaved back and forth between Harry Sisson-mode and Abacus-boy mode.

It was quite a sight to see. Given your predilection for gaslighting, not surprising to see you attempt a blog name reset once reality slapped you across the face with a tuna!

Good luck with your latest batch of lies! You are going to need it....

Drago said...

"Wait til it comes out he butt fucked the gal, like the young un Polanski drugged up and ... "seduced"."

Althouse blog has its own brand new Christine Blasey Ford! Congrats.

If any of what you just wrote was even remotely true, even one iota true, it would have been used with the full force of the DOJ behind it to take Gaetz out.

So, uh, thanks for your "hot take" on this one. Let me guess, you think Kavanugh is a gang rapist too, don't you?

Iman said...

You go, kockinholstery! Go get ‘em, sparky.

The Real Andrew said...

I’ve had a smile on my face that I can’t turn off. First Tulsi, then Gaetz.

“No more half-measures, Walter”

Kakistocracy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kakistocracy said...

The only reason that Gaetz was interested in the job was that he thought “recess appointment” meant something very different.

Readering said...

I have no Delaware Chancery link that can affect the decision expected in the Tesla derivative action by year end, in which only the decision you hope for could be characterized as stealing from Tesla (not that I myself would call it that). Being a loon yet again?j

Ambrose said...

I bet the Senate Republicans were thrilled that the NYT cared what they had to say about something.

Readering said...

McCarthy seems to think the evidence is there. Maybe not beyond a reasonable doubt as DOJ requires, but preponderance of the evidence?

MikeD said...

I'm not sure what to think of this. Pretty much of the opinion this was more a FU from Trump! In my (nobody rightfully would listen to) opinion, Cruz was the obvious choice, he's a successful AG and pretty much, accomplishment wise, a failure in the Senate!

Jim at said...

a talk show host in charge of the armed forces.

You insult every person who ever served when you refer to him as a talk show host. You aren't even good enough to lick his boots.

Do fuck right off.

Jim at said...

Ask the English

We fought wars precisely so we don't have to 'ask' the English.

We just dealt with four years of your shit. It's a nice change to have you and your ilk carping from the sidelines.

Leland said...

I think Ken Paxton would be better than Cruz or Gaetz. I think Trump needs Cruz in the Senate.

Peachy said...

I like it. Kick ass.

Peachy said...

exactly . The left have no idea how much we despise their corruption.

mezzrow said...

Calling Admiral Ackbar... Admiral Ackbar to the PA system please.

I see what he's doing here. Do you? It's a bold move.

Bob Boyd said...

Mike Flynn for FBI Director?

Saint Croix said...

What I like about the Gaetz pick is that he went through the exact same lawfare shitshow that Trump did. To me this is a very serious pick in that Trump wants to clean out the swamp. People who presume that Gaetz is guilty because Biden's FBI went after him are idiots. Biden's FBI was dirty as shit. The four prosecutions of Trump were a fucking joke.

Trump has already telegraphed that there will be recess appointments if the Senate fails to confirm. So either be outraged by the Biden DOJ and vote in the flamethrower. Or vote with the Democrats and stew in your own irrelevancy.

Or try to impeach him again! That would be good for a laugh. The fucking noodles in the Senate need a spine transplant.

Balfegor said...


As far as I can tell Gaetz doesn't have any experience with DOJ whatsoever other than as a defendant. And having represented defendants in numerous DOJ investigations over the years, I would say that gives one an important perspective, but very little understanding.

Look, Giuliani has gone a bit kooky in his old age, but he was an Associate AG and a US Attorney -- he would be a better choice. Ex-AUSA Sidney Powell would be a better choice. Neither seems like they would be especially effective, against the organisation as it exists today but they would at least know how the organisation they're fighting to reform operates and how its powers can be used. Although I think they both have too much of the arrogance typical of prosecutors to really be useful.

But there are, I am sure, many experienced conservative attorneys on the defense bar who could be effective at reforming DOJ.
In part because the striking thing about past abuses that seem political (whether lying to the FISA court or initiating cockamamie investigations based on dodgy dossiers) is that the misconduct involved is actually just business as usual for DOJ -- after the wiretap of the Trump campaign came to light, the IG pulled a sample of FISA applications and almost all of them turned out to have problems. There's a deep problem of institutional culture that long predates Trump. Trying to humiliate a handful of expendable bureaucrats is not going to solve the culture problem, the "tone at the top" in the organisation.

I just have zero confidence someone like Gaetz is going to be able to accomplish anything. If Trump picks competent and trustworthy DAGs and AAGs to help him feel his way around the organisation I suppose he might make something of it, but if Trump can find such people he ought to just appoint them as AG instead.

Yancey Ward said...

Would be my choice.

Bob Boyd said...

Gaetz said, "Investigating the death of Peanut and what's his name...that racoon or whatever, will be job one."

narciso said...

The crookedestan in seminole county was the bureaus star witness

dwshelf said...

Depends. Have you looked at the reaction score?

MikeD said...

Gotta admit, as a DJT supporter this nomination leaves me cold. In my non-expert Goldwater voting opinion it should've been Cruz. He's an accomplished AG and, pretty much, a useless Senator!

gilbar said...

chuck, i mean "lonejustice" tell us MORE, about how; "because of TRUMP MM won't win IA1?

Creola Soul said...

Eric Erickson tweeted this:
I think Matt Gaetz is a brilliant pick. Trump just improved the morale of the House GOP with Gaetz's departure. Gaetz won't get the votes in the Senate and the oppo dump will end his 2026 gubernatorial bid. But Trump gets to claim he had Gaetz's back. And all of Trump's AG's become fall guys who MAGA turn against, so a recess appointment would only further destroy Gaetz, all while Trump looks to have rewarded his friend.

Creola Soul said...

After Gaetz fails, and he will, bring in another wolf. He will look reasonable after Gaetz.

Drago said...

Whitaker was zero actual help while serving prior. So naturally he would be acceptable to some now. He could be just as ineffectual as before...but for longer! Ken Paxton would not be effective in the role and its pretty clear that Cornyn, who publicly threatened Paxton during the Bush/Rove/Phelan/FBI setup of Paxton, has already marshalled sufficient opposition to Paxton that makes that one a non-starter.

Plus Paxton doesn't have the DC swamp experience.

So, there are many that would be happy with the 2017 Trump rules rolled over into 2025: Trump can have anyone he wants as long as they aren't really his guys and really won't tip over the apple cart and help us waste the all important first 2 years of Trump's term so that the dems can regroup and regain the majorities and then shut down all progress.

Why, its a regular Romney plan for "success"......for the other side.

Drago said...

Lets get everyone on the record. Every republican who voted okey dokey for obama to have Holder and biden to have Garland....but draw the line at Trump's picks. That's sort of what this is all about.

Drago said...

And yet so many republicans seek comfort in the safe, establishment types, over and over again. Its why even when the republicans "win", we still end up losing.

But at least we lose with the "respect" of our opponents right gang? Opponents who can't believe their good luck at the stupidity of the GOP and then laugh their asses off at us as they put in their henchman every single time.

Earnest Prole said...

And in the meantime it’s a big fuck you to the Justice Department — brilliant.

Drago said...

After the last 8 years, we've seen the "value" of Erick Erickson's predictions and "analysis".

Tina Trent said...

Gaetz is a stupid scumbag. Unbelievable fail on Trump’s part.

Tina Trent said...

And I am no RINO.

Drago said...

Nah. You'll just complain about the next guy too. And then the next one, and the next one.

At some point you'll just demand Bill Barr be put back in place, because that would be the respectable thing to do.

Tina Trent said...

You’re 100% right, Lone Justice. Gaetz is a dumb, predatory buffoon. I know him.

Drago said...

"What I like about the Gaetz pick is that he went through the exact same lawfare shitshow that Trump did. To me this is a very serious pick in that Trump wants to clean out the swamp. People who presume that Gaetz is guilty because Biden's FBI went after him are idiots."

Its amazing how many republicans on this blog fall into that category.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Doesn't take much to send softcock Republicans into a, Trump-cursing tizzy.
I suggest that all you weaklings suck on your thumbs until February or so. That'll keep you from saying and writing such stupid and gutless rants.

Drago said...


I guess your comments shouldn't really surprise me any longer, but then you keep outdoing yourself. Gee, I wonder why McCarthy would make those kinds of comments...during a republican primary and general election campaigen, when McCarthy wanted to hurt Gaetz, after Gaetz led the charge to dump McCarthy..

...Gee. Its a real mystery there readering. An absolute, inexplicable mystery! Who can understand such wily machinations? Its a whole other level!


Tina Trent said...

Oh, please. I’m as Trump as they come. Gaetz is scum. I spent a night in a bar with him, after he showed up late for my speech in his district — not OK — watching him shoot back shots and sexually harass waitresses half his age.

This is OK with you? My traveling team was disgusted. Also, the guy isn’t a legal rocket scientist. Grow the fuck up.

Breezy said...

Are we not entertained?

Drago said...

Readering vouching for the Delaware chancery court actions as being on the up and up.


Drago said...

Remember, LLR-democratical Rich argued passionately as to the war hero status of Stolen Valor / Blue Falcon Walz. So that's all you'll ever need to know about Rich.

Tina Trent said...

Stupid, especially for you.

MountainMan said...

I thought exactly the same thing. Gaetz could just be a stalking horse. Let the Senate have the satisfaction of voting him down then Trump nominates the one he really wants.

Oso Negro said...

I want the most ferocious, motivated, highly intelligent appointees Trump can get. It is time for cutting Gordian knots

Jonathan Burack said...

It could be the firestorm about this appointment will distract from all the other excellent ones who will now sale through.

Dave Begley said...

OK Senator Mullins came from the House. I heard a tape of him saying Gaetz showed videos of himself having sex with women. Gaetz said he’d crush some ED medicine and chase it down with an energy drink and go all night. He’s no Jeff Sessions or Bill Barr!

Tina Trent said...

Wow. Some of my favorite people are being unbelievably ignorant. Gaetz is below low rent. In Florida, we all knew it. Get some education on his history and standards.

I met him once. He was disgusting.

Drago said...

They have to virtue signal their superiority every single day over Trump or Trump supporters or anyone that wants to play even with the democraticals, otherwise what will they say at dinner parties to their democratical betters...and right in the middle of trying to eat their jumbo shrimp cocktails!

They are so used to being Romney-fied they don't even see it. This is an existential war for the next 2 years and anyone who is remotely tied to establishment or establishment institutions is already suspect and almost certainly cannot be trusted to weigh into the battle with the full force of their power to turn over all the apple carts.

We may never have another chance after this next 2 years.

But hey, lets all just play like its canasta night at the country club before the Regatta kicks off on Saturday.

Tina Trent said...

Jeff Sessions is a hundred times the legal expert, politician, and decent person. Don’t get stupid now.

The Skeptic said...

Thune and Cronyn both voted to confirm Garland as AG. But both voted against Eric Holder. Let's see where Gaetz falls on the continuum.

Tina Trent said...

Jesus Fucking Christ, Gaetz is a shallow, stupid, corrupt predator. What’s the matter with you people? I’ve spent time with him.

You have not.

Drago said...

BTW, Gaetz has already resigned his seat giving DeSantis the opporunity to get the seat refilled by Jan 3 so the republicans don't go down an extra seat during the next congress.

Drago said...

I've heard people make the same comment about Trump.

Drago said...

"And in the meantime it’s a big fuck you to the Justice Department — brilliant."

I can't think of any potential bigger f-you to the Justice Department than Gaetz so yes, its not just a "big f*** you", its the "biggest possible f*** you" to the Justice Dept.

Drago said...

Don't ask the Romney "republicans". They are still hot on the "case".....

Drago said...

So Tina, who is the "respectable" choice that would go in and blow up the joint. And I mean blow up the joint. Don't hold back now. After all, you've spent time with people. So you'll know, right?

Saint Croix said...

The Tulsi and Gaetz picks are arguably the most important, because that's where the swamp rats live. They are in the alphabet soup of secret agencies who spy on people. They are the ones responsible for all the insane lies about President Trump (spy for Putin, etc) and the four crazy criminal prosecutions against him. Our secret agencies are filled with people who think they are above us and can lie with impunity to the American people. You want a clean government? We need an honest AG and an honest DNI. With these appointments Trump has picked strong personalities who have been victimized, just as he was. I expect a lot of fireworks at the confirmation hearings. And it would not surprise me at all if Gaetz and/or Gabbard give some passionate responses to any attacks. The attacks on Trump were disgraceful and played a major reason, I suspect, in his successful re-election. It's going to be fight in the mud.

Dave Begley said...

Has Gaetz ever tried a single case? Argued a motion? Written an appellate brief?

Peachy said...

I know someone who lives in Boulder who would be working (potentially working) under Tulsi.
Tulsi - if you are reading this - don't trust people from Boulder.

Peachy said...

We are not looking for purity - we need revenge, comeuppance and retribution.

TickTock said...

I’m going to trust Tina’s judgement and personal experience on this one.

TickTock said...

I’m going to trust Tina’s judgement and personal experience on this one.

Drago said...

How many cases has Garland argued while serving as Attorney General? How many rogue operations have been conducted under his watch?

MadisonMan said...

"Alarm and Dismay" -- says the NYTimes (without any supporting evidence)

Drago said...

I'm going to trust the judgement of the guy who won the election when all the respectable types told him he didn't have a chance (twice) and is now the Commander in Chief (in waiting) and should be supported by his own party in putting in place the staff he wants to carry out his vision.

But hey, maybe the Pentagon guys are right to be having meetings about how to oppose his orders before ever takes office, and perhaps the "resistance" in all the federal agencies over his coming decision is totally appropriate, and maybe his orders to declassify information should be defied.

After all, its just Trump. Its not like obambi or biden who get what they want. Its Trump.

Vive la resistance!

Mark said...

His resume makes Twiggy look fat.

Dave Begley said...

Looks like Gaetz only worked as a lawyer for two years.

Drago said...

Bill Barr spent his entire career as a lawyer. Sessions was a long time lawyer.

Those were real glory years for Team Republican, weren't they Begley?

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Kaus thinks Trump may have blown the whole idea of recess or rush appointments. The only way to maximize the chance of confirmation is to negotiate, and to some extent give up on a candidate before an official nomination if the votes aren't there. On the one hand, Trump is now more popular in several key states than the senators from those states, and they are no doubt aware of that. On the other hand, they are more independent than members of Congress, and they have a history of becoming a big enough deal in their home state to stake out an independent position. Interesting times.

Cameron said...

Or it could be to draw out the RINO's in the Senate who refuse to confirm him. Make them put a target on their back.

Peachy said...

You know him - or you've met him one time. ?

Cameron said...

Its funny you think this bullshit sticks after Trump won in a landslide despite all the lawfare against him.

Drago said...

Have you ever won election for the Presidency of the United States when the entire establishment world was seeking your imprisonment and death?


Thanks for playing.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"I met him once. He was disgusting."
Oh, that seals it, since you met him all of one time and didn't like him...just kidding- DGAF! I want someone mean and nasty to match the despicable, vicious pricks across the aisle. There are a lot of Party members, libtards, and GOP shitheads that need to be indicted, arrested, sued, bankrupted, ruined, jailed, and executed. Softy Sessions and BS Barr types are no longer wanted here. They had so much experience, and they knew the ropes, and they had the credentials...and they did fuck all. I don't care if trump appoints Joe the Plumber, I want someone who is going to press charges, prosecute, convict, and punish harshly.

Sheridan said...

Gaetz won't be confirmed. Trump knows that. But the nomination, the public outcries by corrupt Republican senators (here's looking at John Thune, et al) and the entire messy interrogation/approval process will smoke out, for all to see, the rats and skunks in the GOP Congress. This is by design and Trump will make sure the RINO's actions will be shared with all the voters back in the individual states/districts. FAFO...

mccullough said...

All DoJ lawyers should resign in protest. Right now. Don’t wait. Time is of the essence.

Peachy said...

Michael Fitzgerald. This.*** No more moles and fainting daisies. idiot Sessions let the corrupt Clinton/Maddow/Schitt Russia Russia lie metastasize.

Drago said...

So many idiot "republicans" still want to play by Marquess of Queensbury rules in the fight for the future of this nation. Oh, they'll claim its because they want a more "effective" fighter.....but what they really want is someone who is already "of the institutions"....and none of THEM will actually ever really fight.

We have all the data points proving that and we'll never need another. The DOJ and intel agencies deserve a bomb thrower to go in and drag all the info out and put it out there for all the world to see. Only people willing to do that should be under consideration or nominated.

Drago said...

That's what a "principled" swamp rat should do.

Funny, I don't think we'll see Begley calling for those swamp rats to do that. Why, that wouldn't be kosher! Please pass the cucumber sandwiches...there's a good fellow......

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Yup- and the dingbats biggest complaint? He hasn't run anything/he doesn't have the credentials.... JFC, it's difficult to imagine being so stuck on stupid. They're complaining because he isn't establishment. SMDH....

Michael Fitzgerald said...

And who the fuck are you?

Drago said...

I'm no RINO, declares the intellectual compadre of LLR-democratical lonejustice on this issue!

Well, say no more!

Peachy said...


Aggie said...

I don't mind the satisfaction of payback, but only if it's constructively effective at preventing this kind of thing, ever again. And by that, I mean using the machinery of government to attempt to eliminate a political opponent to death, or to attempt to bully a private citizen into oblivion. If these 'payback' campaigns do not have this as their objective and final result, then I am not 'for' them. I want change. Revenge and retribution are just the frosting we may or may not get to have, on top of the change. Mostly, I just want to see an element of fairness as an underlying principle of society that is abided.

Pete the Streak said...

I’m getting the impression Gaetz refused to
take your room key.

Drago said...

Still waiting for Tina to identify the rootin tootin fire breathin' legal beagle dragon slayer she'd support that she knows would be confirmed easily, have the total trust of Donald Trump at this time, and waltz right into the DOJ and blow the joint up and stand up to the non-stop slings and arrows and hatchet jobs by the media and attacks on their family and friends and burn their future legal careers outside of DC.

Just gonna sit here and wait for that incredible insight from Tina.

Don't hold back now Tina. Give it to us straight. Someone who meets all those necessary criteria, at a minimum.

I'm on pins and needles back in here in the real world and not in mythical "there's the perfect unicorn person right over there" land.

Oddly enough, it sounds exactly like all the complaints about Trump over the last 10 years. Tedious.

Drago said...

"Mostly, I just want to see an element of fairness as an underlying principle of society that is abided."

That's adorable.

It's 2024.

Drago said...

And suddenly, out of nowhere, Original Mike is "stupid".

Well, that's how it goes when one starts at the Trump level and works their way down to the Trump supporter level. In then end, they are all deplorable in some way.

jj121957 said...

I sure as hell don't want any more Jeff Sessions or Bill Barres.

Mr. D said...

To quote the eminent social critic Foghorn Leghorn, “This is going to cause more confusion than a mouse in a burlesque show.”

Drago said...

Oh my gosh. I think I'm going to feint.

Better get that call into Chris Christie or the like to rescue us all from this Trump "mistake"!

Drago said...

Hmmmmm. Okay, thread winner right there.

Saint Croix said...

Merrick Garland has a fantastic resume. And he was the worst AG of my lifetime.

I don't care if Gaetz is the strongest attorney in the room. It's an administrative position -- a political position -- and Gaetz has strong libertarian street cred. Aside from that, Gaetz has been hounded by the justice system -- just like Trump. So he's going to be highly motivated to clean house.

The most important factor to me in an AG is whether he has an authoritarian streak. Cruz, for instance, might be a bad pick. I'd like a libertarian AG, one who's worried about out-of-control prosecutors. Gaetz fits that bill. Mindset is more important than anything else.

Flat Tire said...

I'm with Tina Trent on this one and Iv'e never met him. Makes my skin crawl. I think he'll be defeated and that's part of Trump's plan.

Drago said...

The reality, once again, is none of the commenters on this thread, including me, really know what discussions/negotiations have occurred behind the scenes, what agreements (if any) have been made, what commitments and for what have been secured, what strategies are in play and all the reasons for those strategies, etc.

But all the usual jackass suspects who always "just know better", and immediately "just know better", have to shoot their mouths off again without knowing any of the above and just assume they understand the myriad of considerations that have gone into these decisions.

There is an entire team of DC savvy types and industry titans and business experts and government sharpies working together on these things, and its been stated a hundred times over that with Trump a 72 hour rule, at a minimum, should always be in place when anything "controversial" occurs.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Ted Cruz, who wanted the January 6 protesters/political prisoners prosecuted with the entire weight of the federal government? Yeah, fuck him. He's got the moral compass of a weathervane.

Michael Fitzgerald said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fitzgerald said...

LOL! Oh no, rock-ribbed conservative...NeverTrump shithead Erick Erickson doesn't approve. Anyway....

Michael Fitzgerald said...

We know. You met him once. Case closed!

Michael Fitzgerald said...

None of those things are what he would be doing or reasons for why he was chosen. Does the CEO of Mattel make the GI Joe's? Take a seat, dipshit.

The Middle Coast said...

I was hoping for Tom Cotton.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

You said it, brother. Look no further than this blog comment section- Oh no, not Gaetz! Boo hoo hoo, he's mean and doesn't play nice with the Deep State...

Kakistocracy said...

I mean if you were going to appoint Boebert to something, a department you planned to eliminate would be the most rational choice.

Kakistocracy said...

Gaetz is DOA in the Senate. I wouldn't bet on Gabbard being confirmed either.

Peachy said...

Who is this Douche?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Wow! That is awesome to see Vance making that public statement. He's calling Garland a criminal. Pretty much commits him to seeing that justice is served in those cases. Can Garlend be arrested for those actions? And if he can be, then Harris should be arrested for keeping freed men in prison, and for jailing parents of truant schoolchildren. That video of her laughing and bragging about ruining people's lives with a stroke of her pen is one of the most odious moments in USA politics. An Attorneys General arbitrarily, capriciously, and vindictively ruining people's lives and having them jailed on a whim? Yet instead of facing any consequences whatsoever for her evil acts, 40 or 50 million Americans+ actually voted for that person to be president.
That's despicable.

Drago said...

"Gaetz is DOA in the Senate. I wouldn't bet on Gabbard being confirmed either."

You loudly and proudly told us JD Vance was a horrible pick, Trump had no chance whatsoever, Trump is senile with dementia, Stolen Valor Walz was a hero, kamala had consolidated all the democratic base and was taking votes from Trump, Trump wouldn't win a single swing state, Kamala was leading Trump in Iowa, kamala's JOY campaign was marvel with incredible overwhelming support, etc. You also told us for the last 2 straight years that Tesla was dead in the water, X was bankrupt and would fail at any moment, SpaceX was a failure, etc.

It's almost as if you were here to turn reality on its head to gaslight everyone......

.....but there's a problem with that, isn't there? You are one of the dumbest cut and pasters at Althouse blog, so you think you are being effective, when in reality,....well, even you can guess that, dumb as you are, can't you?

But not to worry. You've got Begley and Tina and a few other squishy types on your side! Congrats!

Cameron said...

That's a bonus not not a negative.

wishfulthinking said...

Ummm, if Gaetz is not confirmed by the senate maybe DeSantis can appoint him Fl senator

Saint Croix said...

To me it's not controversial at all that Trump would pick Gaetz to be his AG.

Here's Gaetz v. Garland.

We had a war on Trump and it doesn't surprise me that the president would want somebody who was outraged by the AG's actions. I don't think it's about revenge -- although I get why some Democrats would be a little freaked out by the idea of payback -- but more about clearing the shit out of the stables so this sort of banana republic lawfare is repudiated. And I do not think the Democrats will win this fight. In fact, I suspect they will try to stall and keep from having any sort of public hearing over the Gaetz nomination. That's because the DOJ has been horribly politicized and the Democrats don't want another fight over it. The more fighting there is, the more it will be a party-line vote.

The reason so many Republicans are non-plussed about Gaetz is that he's the guy who got the Speaker fired, and more or less blew up the House.

20 Lawmakers Stood Up to the Washington Establishment

Kevin McCarthy vs. Matt Gaetz

Gaetz has called for the abolishment of the FBI. That's a minority view, but I'm very sympathetic to it. I think the FBI has earned this sort of harsh oversight and anyone who wants to defend the FBI's actions can speak up at the confirmation hearing.

tastid212 said...

My guess is that Gaetz’s appointment was a non-negotiable demand by Mike Johnson to get him out of the House.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Here's my problem with Ted Cruz- He's eager to be establishment. He's fit for the senate. This is not the time for collegiality. It's Homan Time.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Only lawyers give a rat's ass about his legal credentials, Begley. You don't read much Shakespeare, do ya?

Drago said...

Nope. Pay attention dummy. With the exception of Rubio, these appointments are going to people who have been targeted by the depts they are nominated to lead and they hate those departments and can never be coopted by those depts.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Eye Bleach warning applicable here.

walter said...

Wait, I thought you were in the "Ok, prove me wrong" camp.Now you're all l'et them fail" Surprisingly.

walter said...

Take a moment to compare with what precedes Gaetz. At some level, that's the metric. Garland would likely have stayed.

Readering said...

Says a loon who knows squat about the Delaware Court of Chancery or much else

Readering said...

Drago don't think you need to comment when you have nothing to say

Dude1394 said...

Oh you mean when he went with Republican insiders and they stabbed him in the back every chance they got. I despise Cornyn. Color me unimpressed with insider republicans. They make a living out of f****** their constituents.

hombre said...

This is a bad one. This guy has not practiced law and is ill-equipped to make prosecutorial decisions. He is also apparently unpopular among Republicans. Disappointing.

Oso Negro said...

I am delighted by the pick. Nothing extreme enough can happen to the DC regulars to satisfy me. I want all senior Democrat homes raided at 6 a.m. just to see what can be found. I want all agencies moved to North Dakota and the current capitol reduced to a ceremonial role. Dump the District back into Maryland. Outrage the Democrats and Rinos at every turn. As the man said “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

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