November 10, 2024

"Right-leaning social media influencers... and their merry bands of wine moms and girl bosses have long waited for this moment: Validation..."

"... that they, too, can 'go wild on medicines,' no matter how many lives it puts in danger. Should Kennedy be instated to this unnamed high-ranking public health role... his intention is to dismantle and privatize the foundations of public health initiatives.... The bombastic Trump attitude may at times seem at odds with the Ballerina Farm wannabes and their sprawling broods, a picturesque life off the grid fueled by unpasteurized milk and sunshine with that one 'I think I like this little life' line from that song playing on a constant loop in the background, but consider that so many of these 'wellness'-minded people consider themselves to be freethinking rebels, a value that Trump also cherishes, albeit with wildly different understandings of how to use bronzer.... If all the newly pumped MAHA tradwives need something cute and farmhouse-chic to slurp up Kennedy’s Kool-Aid, great news: He has just the whimsical heart-emblazoned glass for you."

From "When MAGA Won, So Did MAHA, the 'Healthy'Arm of the Trump Apparatus/With RFK Jr. as a figurehead, American public medicine is set to enter its 'MAHA' era, no ha-has about it" (Vanity Fair).


Jim at said...

That's the spirit. Keep up the insults. Don't learn a damn thing.

Original Mike said...

Awfully hard to understand. Buy a period.

Peachy said...

"The left went so far left - they left American people behind."
-Rob Schneider

doctrev said...

The cat ladies are really bitter about other people's children. Even though I would never take health advice from RFK Jr., it contents me greatly that he will be atop the health pyramid for four years. Maybe longer.

Peachy said...
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Peachy said...

WE rejected the left's narcissistic authoritarianism.

In response- left-wing mommies abuse their children.... by indoctrinating them with fear.

Peachy said...

Hey leftist hive-minders - go get another COVID booster - and buy your I heart Fauci T-shirt.
We really don't care. Freaks.

mccullough said...

From the party who says Girls who say they are boys are Boys.

Trust the Science

Kakistocracy said...
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john mosby said...

Maybe he can commission John McLaughlin to get the MAHAvishnu Orchestra back together to provide some musical accompaniment….


Kakistocracy said...

Musk often surprises.

RFK Jr is an absolute nut though, can’t see that lasting.

Interested Bystander said...

Ugh, the smarmy condescension is enough to gag me. Bullshit too-cute writing that doesn’t convey much meaning. Barf!

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Should Kennedy be instated to this unnamed high-ranking public health role... his intention is to dismantle and privatize the foundations of public health initiatives

Damn, way to make me like a Kennedy!

Every member of the "public health community" who did any of the following should be fired, and never have a job in public health again:
1: Supported Covid lockdowns
2: Supported "remote schooling" any time after summer 2020
3: Supported "vaccine passports" / Covid shot mandate any time after Sept 2021 (because it was proved then that the shot didn't stop the spread)
4: Supports chemical ("gender affirming medicine" / puberty blockers) or surgical castration / sterilization of children
5: Supports allowing anyone born with a penis to compete in girls / women's sports
6: Supports sex changes for prisoners
7: Supports allowing "trans women" into women's shelters / women's prisons.
8: Supports the CDC doing "gun control" "studies"

There anyone left?

Interested Bystander said...

Amen. A nut who shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near governance. Give him a nice symbolic title and quietly shove him out the door with a sincere thank you.

Peachy said...

The Democrat party collective Starring MSNBC = an absolute nut. luckily - we all hope they don't learn anything and they can dry up and blow away.

Interested Bystander said...

Funded or assisted in the funding of gain of function research anywhere in the world. In fact, find a way to bring charges and lock them up. SIX MILLION DEAD WORLDWIDE AND COUNTING.

tcrosse said...

Vanity Fair and The New Yorker are owned by Conde Nast, which is owned by Advance Publications, which is wholly owned by the Newhouse family.It is stunning that our media are held by so few hands.

Mikey NTH said...

Sounds to me like the author has a bad case of envy.

Eva Marie said...

I clicked on the merch link. 51 pages! I didn’t care for the Good (RFK) the Bad (Biden) and the Ugly (Trump) posters and shirts. Liked the MEGA hats (make earth great again) and on the last page the Make Frying Oil Tallow Again (organic!) beanies.

Wince said...

When MAGA Won, So Did MAHA



Ello doh! Rasbanyas yata bene fuchi atimeni kharonchi, that, how do you call it, that frog head, he asky-tasky what did you fertsaig, ingensommen. Gadda something else, kiddo?

...Oh, shut up, I don’t have to!

RCOCEAN II said...

Let the scaremongering begin! When it comes to Trump, the MSM boy has cried wolf about 10,000 times in the last 9 years.

RCOCEAN II said...

BTW, I still find it unforgivable that Biden-Harris denied RFK secret Service protection. Thank God nothing happened.

Prof. M. Drout said...

All the points Greg the Class Traitor made above are important, but even if they all weren't true, the "Public Health" apparatus in its current form deserves absolutely no respect because they have admitted to lying to us and claiming that it was "for our own good." You can't trust anything else that such people say, and they deserve zero deference.
Kennedy may be a nut, but it's not obvious that a nut is more harmful than a whole group of dishonest weasels who have shown that they are willing to push not just pseudo-science, but demonstrably fake bullshit, as long as the believe it is ideologically or politically useful to them and their Party.
Also, the people who write for Vanity Fair have to be the most insufferably self-righteous buttholes on the face of the earth. Lady, you're a JOURNALIST. You know NOTHING. Your idea of "research" is to adopt whatever groupthink evolves out of your circle on Twitter or to email one or two utterly compromised government apparatchiks and treat their word as gospel because you can't be bothered (and are probably incapable) of understanding the underlying science.
You want to make fun of the Trad Wives or the Bro Science folks or the MAHA people? Well ok, but I don't think THOSE people are the ones responsible for destroying the American diet with the carb-filled "food pyramid," or for telling people to avoid eating fat to lower cholesterol, or for claiming that it's impossible for vaccines to injure peoples' hearts, or for changing the definition of vaccine so they could call a prophylactic a "vaccine," or for insisting the ivermectin was dangerous "horse paste."

n.n said...

Vanity Fare can be consumed in baby bites with an urbane palate.

stlcdr said...

What the hell did I just read? I have no idea what the point is.

Stephen said...

The contempt and snobbery just oozes from her pen (probably a keyboard, but a pen goes better with "oozes"). I like the writing because it's such a refreshing change from the obscenity-filled temper tantrums on Twitter. I loved to read William Buckley and Gore Vidal because they knew how to skewer their opponents with their vocabulary and literary references. They were smarter than you and let you know it, but everyone kept coming back for more. BTW, has anyone heard from Camille Paglia?

Jupiter said...

"... his intention is to dismantle and privatize the foundations of public health initiatives."
Actually, Kennedy argues -- persuasively, in my opinion -- that the supposed "public health" organs of the federal government have been privatized by the pharmaceutical industry .

Wince said...

Regulatory Capture is a type of corruption that occurs when a regulatory agency prioritizes the interests of the industries it regulates over the public interest. This can happen when regulators become influenced by the industries they are supposed to oversee, or when regulators identify with the industries and become less strict.

narciso said...

Vanity fair is fabulously wrong about everything i call them the illustrated kos

Charlie Currie said...

I will be 78 years old in a few days and I can tell you that I was one who bought the government's health advice and ended up suffering the consequences. Fortunately, I have a very good constitution and I have been lucky. I don't take any medications and have never had surgery other than cataract removal last month. However, I have all the signs of type 2 diabetes. They say I'm prediabetic, only because my a1c is not above the cut off. But, I have a lot of conditions that a diabetic has.

But, just look around you, maybe look in the mirror. How is that humans survived and prospered without all the chronic conditions prior to 1978 when our government got into telling us - mandating - what we should eat?

Earnest Prole said...

RFK Jr has the morals of a Kennedy and the principles of a trial lawyer, which means he’s perfectly capable of doing and saying anything under the sun to get what he thinks he wants.

Charlie Currie said...

When the government or "experts" tell you to do A, do Z. You'll be a lot better off.

Immanuel Rant said...

Good to see the ten minutes of introspection following the loss is finally over for them.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...


Cacimbo said...

Three months ago NPR was reporting in their concerned tone that the NIH had published a report that "fluoride in drinking water at twice the recommended limit is associated with lower IQ in children." Since Trump won - the same NPR has reported with a sneer that Kennedy is talking about removing fluoride from the water. It is really exhausted watching media completely reverse their positions.

n.n said...

He's right about vaccines forcing chronic conditions. They should be sterilizing and the jabs should administered as a risk management option. So, unless you're engaged in sexual relations through the black whore h/t NAACP, or injecting drugs intravenously, you are at low risk for contracting many blood-borne diseases (e.g. AIDS). Injection of antigenic, adjuvants, and similar compounds will cause an inflammatory response that is especially dangerous in children, and should be be further moderated in time. Our deficit epidemic is forced by progressive costs in Medicare, Medicaid/Obamacares, largely through bad personal choices.

MadTownGuy said...

10. Convinced State Boards of Pharmacy to prohibit use of HCQ and ivermectin because their effectiveness was "unproven," or might cause shortages for patients with lupus or other chronic conditions, or might have adverse cardiac effects based on Surgisphere's bogus study that was later retracted by The Lancet due to the dog having eaten the researcher's data. I'm not a fan of RICO, but it might be warranted in this case.

Mikey NTH said...

So no different than the currect crop of Democrat bureaucratic crapweasels?

Gospace said...

We don't have a Department of Health- we have a department called that. What we nee is a Department of Recommended Best Practices, headed by someone who understands numbers, which doesn't necessarily include all doctors, and in my experience, very few female NPs. Some examples of why the Department of Health is mislabeled.

Vitamin D. All our current public health authorities say for the vast population- supplements aren't needed. (But yet milk is Vitamin D fortified...) There are multiple studies that show up to 40% of the US population is Vitamin D deficient. Not at the best level, but actually deficient. The official recommendation form the authorities is routing testing is a waste, and to test only if there are clinical signs of Vitamin D deficiency- which means, in plain words, you're really sick. Something that could have been avoided if- you had been tested and advised to take Vitamin D supplements. Further studies have shown that with all respiratory illnesses- including TB, a higher blood level of vitamin D leads to better clinical outcomes, on a scale from 0-50 There seems to be no additional benefit going above 50. And above 100 most show signs of Vitamin D intoxication- which you don't want. Curiously, you can show signs of that as low as 70 ng/ml from what I've read- unless you're also taking Vitamin K supplements. Which I do. So with all the evidence that exists in real life medical studies and journals showing that we would have a healthier population by getting the populations Vitamin D levels up to 50 ng/ml, which can't be done naturally, their recommendation- no testing, no supplements. Does that even begin to make sense to anyone here?

No links. I've provided them in the past. If you're serious about your own health- you'll look them up. On a personal note- I increased my daily supplement over and above what's in my milk and multi-vitamin from 2000 IU a day to 4000- and my level went up to 63 from 50, so I'm going to cut back down.

hawkeyedjb said...

To be a good insult comic, or journalist, you have to actually know something about your target. Otherwise the slings and arrows of your condescension bounce around uselessly and leave your intended targets in a state of mildly bemused boredom.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

FYI - in my experience, people who use the word "jab" for vaccines do not prove out when you try to balance one side of the research with the other. I now ignore them, because it's just not worth my time.

walter said...

Hitler was/is the greater hate magnet.

Prof. M. Drout said...

Yes! Because until Covid nobody in the U.S. ever used the Britishism "jab" instead of American "shot." People who picked up "jab" were mindlessly copying those they thought were socially higher-ranking, and the reason you are right in ignoring people who say "jab" is that the usage means that they are likely to be weak-minded and sheeplike.

walter said...

She highlighted such crazy talk as:
“We're not going to take vaccines away from anybody. We are going to make sure that Americans have good information right now. The science on vaccine safety, particularly has huge deficits and we're going to make sure those scientific studies are done and that people can make informed choices about their vaccinations and their children's vaccinations.”

Jim at said...
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Jim at said...

people who use the word "jab" for vaccines

Maybe we use the word 'jab' for the Covid vaccine because it really isn't/wasn't a vaccine.

I now ignore them, because it's just not worth my time.

Right back atcha.

Achilles said...

I look forward to the defenestration of Big Pharma.

You lot strike me as people stupid enough to take statins.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I looked up the quote.

"Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan" is a phrase that is often attributed to John F. Kennedy. However, it was actually Count Galeazzo Ciano, the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini's foreign minister, who wrote in his diary during World War II: "Victory finds a hundred fathers but defeat is an orphan". The phrase refers to the phenomenon of countless people taking credit for successes while distancing themselves from failures.

Iman said...

Yes, please!

walter said...

If you think the folks who changed the definition of vaccine and wanted to hide data for 70+ years gathered good data to begin with, you're rather naive. One of the trial whistleblowers was extremely lawfared. Even conventional vax data is largely devoid of the effects of polypharmacy. Regarding the JABS, when convenient, we were encouraged to mix them based on availability. Then we pushed them at people birthing units and their offspring. Completely off the rails.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

YouTuber Carl Benjamin made a video about the movement? to return to something which is... unclear. There are some things you can only learn from experience.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

Over 40 years ago I was personally involved in Corona-virus vaccine efficacy research, in that case related to cattle. What we discovered was that antibody immunity began to fade after 2 months, fell rapidly after 3 months, and was essentially gone after 6 months.

The issue related to what we call "alternate hosts". Not only do all split-hoof animals get, and spread, the virus, so do dogs, cats, rodents, and whatever, including people. One third of common colds are Corona viruses. It's everywhere, easily crosses species boundaries, and readily adapts and evolves.

The wonderful vaccine stories we all know [polio, etc] have one common feature -- there are no alternate hosts where the pathogen can lurk and adapt. That's the key, and why I pretty much knew that any Covid vaccine was not gonna work.

When they went the mRNA route, I suspected the side effects would be significant, and the results no different. I took one jab of the Janssen, which though not a class vaccine, is a "viral vector" formulation, which is close. That was over three years ago, but I can't say whether it worked or not ... because I haven't had even a cold in the interim.

RFK may be a touch extreme on some things, but his critique of Americans' health issue is not far off. MDs know next to nothing about nutrition, let alone its impact on chronic health. DOs are somewhat better.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Well, wasn’t that catty. But pointless. Leftist women can’t play the game, ‘cause the game requires self-awareness.

FormerLawClerk said...

The Democrats tell their mentally ill patients that men can get pregnant and if they can't then Democracy has ended.

They literally had the dumbest, blackest, Supreme Court nominee literally commit perjury in her Senate confirmation hearing by claiming she has no idea what a "woman" is.

FormerLawClerk said...

The Secret Service let Crooks get off 8 shots at Trump. Why the hell would RFJ, Jr. want their services?

Yancey Ward said...

I will settle for a full opening of all the files and e-mails regarding gain-of-function research funded by Fauci's agency. For me, that is an absolute must the first week of the Trump Administration.

Yancey Ward said...

I warned in these very threads that vaccines against RNA viruses would be fruitless.

gilbar said...

was this Supposed to make ANY Sense?
or, was it Supposed to be ALL gibberish?

Skeptical Voter said...

Sounds like a bunch off Rachel Maddow wannabes are writing and editing at Vanity Fair. If I have to choose between Dr. Fauci telling me what to do healthwise, and RFK Jr--or even my local GP telling me what to do--it won't be Fauci.

Peachy said...

Point and laugh at CNN and their hack Soviet guest.
State run media CNN- lecturing on the dangers of state run media.

Peachy said...

Rob Schneider - Interesting video. I'm becoming a fan.

Peachy said...

Vanity Fair is just leftwing hollywood. They are gross.

Peachy said...

btw- AP is lying. We are still missing millions of votes from 2020.

Peachy said...

Fauci's morals are top notch

wsw said...

That is some piss-poor writing IMO in the sample graf. No idea what this person is truly saying amid all the girl boss and tradwife and nonsense. Get off my lawn, also

Martin said...

I am not wild about RFK jr and his full agenda we will see. I believe that a majority of old time real vaccines are worthwhile. I think the mRNA is not really a vaccine in the traditional sense and needs a lot more testing before we trust it.

Tina Trent said...

So these people object to families making the choice to feed their kids wholesome food and get a lot of exercise and sunlight. Also not pump them full of ADHD drugs, feed them unhealthy food, and plop them in front of social media all day? OK.

n.n said...
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n.n said...

Left-leaning Special Peculiar Liberal Corporate interests are concerned that healthy people will deny them their multi-trillion dollar medical, surgical, psychiatric, administrative redistributive change rackets.

Cameron said...

There's a massive gap between the views Kennedy is accused of having and those he actually has. It basically boils down to "we haven't tested these things enough and we need more independent tests". He's actually pro vaccines that have been sufficiently tested - his argument is that since manufacturers got liability exemptions for vaccines safety testing has been minimal and ineffective.

Big Mike said...

After the pandemic I don’t see how any sentient individual could argue against putting a skeptic in charge of a top to bottom review of the.government medical establishment. My son and daughter-in-law tell me that my 9 month old twin granddaughters are scheduled for 42 vaccinations — that’s apiece. All of them are 100% safe? Only a moron would try to argue that they are. And will the risk per jab might be small, calculated across two individuals and 42 jabs the overall risk is quite high. Why do do many vaccinations? How can their safety be improved?

We know that we were lied to. We now know that not only was the COVID-19 virus developed in a lab, we now know that it was funded by our own government to circumvent rules against gain of function research. Why are those rules in place? Because fundamentally there is no difference between gain of function research and biological warfare research. And we as a country swore off biological warfare more than a half century ago. We need to keep it that way.

Earnest Prole said...

Exactly. We’re in violent agreement.

Bruce Hayden said...

There really sent another side. Yes, initially, the anti-vaccine rosary was ruthlessly suppressed. More recently, things have reversed. I see articles all the time about increases in cancer in the well jabbed, increase in excess deaths, that most of those who get reinfected are well jabbed (e.g. Fauci, Biden, at lest 5 times each), etc.

So here is a quiz for you on COVID-19 “vaccines”?
- how does it work
- what is an mRNA vaccine?
- what is pseudouridine? N1 Methylpseudouridine?
- why are they relevant?
- how long does the mRNA survive in the body producing spike proteins?
- how was the vaccine theory tested before these vaccines were tested?
- what was missing in their testing? What FDA ordered testing never completed?
- what is Original Antigenic Sin? Why might it be relevant?
- how were the processes used to produce these vaccines tested, as contrasted to the the process used to produce the vaccines used in the clinical trials? Why is this relevant?

I could go on, but if you can’t answer at least moth of these questions, you probably shouldn’t be opining on the safety and efficacy of these vaccines.

Bruce Hayden said...


There really isn’t another side. Yes, initially, the anti-vaccine research was ruthlessly suppressed. More recently, things have reversed. I see articles all the time about increases in cancer in the well jabbed, increase in excess deaths, that most of those who get reinfected are well jabbed (e.g. Fauci, Biden, at lest 5 times each), etc.

walter said...

Largely ignored in MSM Pharma funded outlets, Bruce.

Wilbur said...

My toddler nephew referred to them as The Three Students.

Dude1394 said...

This article drips with derision. They can go to **** as far as I am concerned. Literally go to ****.

Blair said...

Oh goshdang it, I'd forgotten about Kennedy. We have to give him something to do now I suppose.

This is a bit like taking the fat chick home from the bar at 2am, and waking up next to her the next day. She's served her purpose but wants you to buy her breakfast. Ugh. Alright then...

boatbuilder said...

Like Trump, Kennedy is the public battering ram to break down the walls.
If Kennedy leads to people like the signers of the Great Barrington Declaration having some real input into health policies, that will be a victory.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Kennedy may be a crackpot but if he can "dismantle and privatize the foundations of public health initiatives" he will have accomplished at least one good thing. "Public health" is about power and nothing else.

Lazarus said...

So now they're throwing wine moms under the bus?

Now it's a permissible insult?

Rusty said...

Happy birthday, Charly.

Rusty said...

Happy birthday, Charly.

PM said...

If you don't want kids, pls pls pls don't have 'em. You're good.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Yes to both your additions

mikee said...

The temptation to go wild goose chasing immediately upon obtaining the authority to run things should be tempered by the need to, well, run things properly first.

FullMoon said...

Yawn. More gloom and doom about what the Trump admin will do. Right after banning social security, birth control and abortion.

Anyway, always figured Jr. was kooky but read an article saying drug company did test on multiple vax on babies in a small geographical area. Resulted in too many autistic kids.

Drug company then spread tests out to include entire U.S. so that autism percentage would appear lower, or un-related.

Interesting but Kennedy still seems a little bit out there.

bagoh20 said...

I doubt that American healthcare will go where I want it to with RFK, but it's pretty hard to make it more expensive and inconvenient than it is. I just want it to be like buying most things: competitive, transparent, easy, and a choice. Medications, devices, and even services should be sold on Amazon with reviews. Hospitals could be as transparent and easy as restaurants or hotels.

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