"Strikes are not made with words, he said in his nightly address: 'Such things are not announced, missiles speak for themselves.' President Biden has given Ukraine permission to use long range missiles supplied by Washington to strike deep inside Russia."
BBC reports.
Eisenhower was right.
The final war machine push.
I heard Biden also drop kicked billions more of our tax dollars to Ukraine.
There is a line that triggers WWIII if we cross it. We don't know where that line is, but we just took a step closer to it.
Great, Big, F*ckin' Mistake by whoever is running Biden.
They've just shown the American people that they could care less about sending their sons and daughters off to War: Cannon fodder gonna be cannon fodder. The Big Picture folks are saying that kneecapping the incoming administration is Job One, no matter how scorched the earth they leave behind.
Sure would be a shame if Russia nuked Joe Biden. Not sure which side I'd be on.
final push for WWIII from the most corrupt American and media regime in history.
Supposedly this is going to be limited to Kursk, where the Ukrainians are getting slaughtered by the thousands, and keep sending what remains of what passes as the cream of their military, to "join the party."
Ukraine claims that North Koreans are fighting there, but presents no evidence. They say that they are disguise as Buryats, who are from the same region, and look like Koreans, at least to Ukrainians, and since the battles are being fought within Russia, draftees can be used by law to repel it.
The funny thing is that in his announcement, he showed a picture of a missile impact in Odessa, claimed it was a Russian missile deliberately targeted on Ukrainian civilians, when the Ukrainian Air Force published a tweet at the same time explaining that it was a Ukrainian air defense missile that fell on a civilian area.
Is it to make things worse for Trump? It would be commensurate with Biden’s character.
Here are Zelensky's tweet accusing the Russians of war crimes, and the tweet of the Ukrainian Air Force admitting responsibility side by side. Remember this as you consider the press coverage we get on the war.
"This makes it pretty clear that fears about escalation to nuclear war were always overblown."
Why, because the senile old man in the White House thinks so? The Russians have made some pretty bold statements in reply, and if they don't respond now, Russia will face defeat in a war that they consider existential.
So thanks for your report from the future!
If anything, this makes it easier for Trump to make a deal. He's got an additional chip to bargain with.
The plan to defeat and collapse the Russian Federation has been progressing since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Anybody who thinks that the neocons will simply accept their losses while they still have cards to play, hasn't really followed the history of the post WWII United States.
The dream is to parlay the post WWII domination by the United States of the entire world into a permanent state of unquestioned global empire.
I used to think that "hegemony" was just a Soviet pejorative until I saw a quote from Boris Johnson warning that the West could "lost its hegemony."
What could possibly go wrong?
Has anyone definitively determined who is running the country?
I do recall the get under the desk drill. I wonder...
In that tweet, the UAF doesn't say it was an air defense missile that hit the civilians. It seems to be agreeing that it was a Russian missile that exploded in the civilian area, but they're saying that it fell there after being hit by an air defense missile. We don't know what the Russians were actually targeting.
First to be hit is D.C.?
Yes. It's Barack Obama. He orchestrated a coup against a sitting US President. He should be hung for this treason.
LOL. Sure. Trump will have his hands full now that Biden whacked the hornets nest with a stick on his way out the door.
"We don't know what the Russians were actually targeting."
But Zelensky claimed it was deliberately targeted at that civilian area, so we do know that Zelensky was lying.
Nah, but look for Iran to get weapons that can take out aircraft carriers.
I hope so. I hope we have responsible people (in USG and Trump's transition teams) making decisions after careful consultations with Ukraine and our allies and also back channel communications with the Russians.
The charitable interpretation is that it gives Trump room to negotiate a more favorable outcome. The two did talk for over two hours.
Joe Biden making sure he fucks things up even more than we’ve already witnessed. This guy is a stain on the American male.
I don’t know whether Delaware needs a glass-bottomed harbor where the town of Rehobeth used to be. I guess DOCTOR Jill would not like to find out. Meanwhile how do we figure out who authorized this? Look for senior administration officials who have temporarily (or permanently) moved waaay of of DC.
After Biden makes things easier for his family of grifters, he then does the same for the criminal element, both in and out of government. That is his focus.
BTW, attacks on the Russian Black Sea fleet and the Kerch Bridge often originate in Odessa. One of the funniest things was when Zelensky showed up at a naval drone factory to give out medals, the Russians were following him with drones, and as soon as he left, a missile strike took out the factory, and naval drone attacks by Ukraine dropped off to almost nothing. But I think that Zelensky is outliving his usefulness to the Russians now that his irrational orders to the military have taken their toll, and victory is at hand.
This was a stupid war for America to provoke, and Ukraine, and Europe, is paying the price.
DC nuked first? @BUMBLE BEE, if Joe is vacationing in Rehobeth, probably not.
It could make it easier for Trump. Zelenskiy and Putin both know that Trump is coming in. The more screwed up it gets in Ukraine, the more both of them will want to wrap it up.
Starting WWIII before he leaves, to shit on us. The warmongers in our country are celebrating today.
This won’t make any difference whatsoever, other than gumming things up a little more.
Ukraine hasn't shot one off yet, and now Russia is saying that if they do, they can say goodbye to electricity as winter approaches. BTW, NATO takes out the target country's electricity on day one of an attack on a country.
So the ball is in Zelensky's court.
Biden has brought India closer to China, Russia closer to Iran. Great job, Joe the Knob!
Who is going to operate the targeting systems? AIT for those systems is 4 to 10 weeks depending on the system.
And assuming it's going to be UKR personnel, where and when are they going to get the training?
Any policy change made by this lamest of ducks is presumptively an effort to make life as difficult as possible for the incoming administration.
I'll admit to being wrong if Trump publicly states that this is something that he and Biden agree on during their discussion.
Biden does not care how many Ukrainian lives are wasted, or how many American dollars. He doesn't even seem to care about American lives all that much (e.g., A'stan cut 'n' run, Iranian proxies firing on US troops in Red sea and Syria).
Is this Dr. Jill's doing, or Barack's? Biden's last attempt at f'ing things up?
It was a Patriot interceptor. Zelensky is a liar.
I am done for the day. Let's wait and see.
Never mind that Putin has said he will consider use of those missiles by Ukraine an act of war by the U.S. Unbelievable!
where is the Doomsday Clock?
Well, it will be "advisors.. won't it
So that guy in the tech school track can go fight another foreign war between two dirtbags as you go to school to become a rich podiatrist? Why should you care?
Q > why Russia not do in Ukraine as Israel do on honchos of Hamas Hezbollah etc?
These last minute pushes, last minute pretty monumental changes in policy are extremely disturbing. So last week Biden shook trumps hands, told him how much he would help the transition, all the while working tirelessly to **** things up before he gets in.
It's disgusting, unamerican and dangerous as hell.
All we know is if it can go wrong, it will.
There is no doubt whatsoever that North Koreans are at the front in Russia and quite possibly in Ukraine. Some have already been captured. And I've already mentioned that Russians on social media are complaining that they're all watching internet porn when they should be fighting, and one Russian who said that he couldn't tell whether the canned meat stew a Korean soldier shared with him was beef or chicken. He showed a picture of the can, and bilingual readers said the label reads "Yellow Dog Meat". Why would Buryat Mongols be eating Korean food? And they are not from "the same region": it's at least 800 miles by road.
There is also no doubt that the Russians hit civilian targets every night. A few months ago they hit three hospitals in one night, including the children's cancer hospital in Kyiv. That cannot have been an accident. And they use 'double taps' to kill rescue workers. One of their bomber pilots explained on Russian TV the best place to hit a five-story apartment building to collapse it entirely.
As usual, 'Jaq' (last name Off?) is simply lying, and lying, and lying again, almost as if he's being paid to do so.
I, for one, recall the Doomsday Clock from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists sitting at a just a few minutes to midnight my entire life. They started it off in 1947 at seven minutes to midnight. Oddly, Doomdsay got closer and closer, and when Reagan started actions to destroy the Soviet Union it got closer still, indicating an inverse relationship with reality. After Soviet Union collapsed peacefully, the clock got to its "safest" point ever, 17 minutes from world destruction. Now it sits at 90 seconds to midnight! Be afraid, be very afraid!
Putin says lots of things, from Russia conquering Ukraine in three weeks,just a few years ago, to Russia having the most powerful army on earth, despite about 700,000 casualities in Ukraine. So if Zelensky wants to not say much, and just destroy Putin's war-making capabilities a little more effectively, I can live with that choice of quiet but destructive.
Great news even if long overdue -- should have been done 2 years ago.
Putin has chosen to escalate the war bringing in North Korean soldiers and bombing civilian infrastructure. This is a pretty moderate response.
I hope the Ukrainians make maximal use of this opportunity.
Makes it almost impossible for Putin to push Ukraine out of Kursk ahead of Trumps inauguration, therefore Ukraine will have Russian territory when peace talks commence.
Gives Trump a far stronger hand going into discussions with Putin.
Enables the North Korean contingent including their artillery to be completely annihilated. Kim won’t take this very well at all and he will lash out at South Korea like a toddler throwing his toys out of the pram.
I think Trump and Biden agreed on this approach and this explains Scholz’s call to Putin.
Biden wants to start a war that Trump will have to finish. I wonder who is really in charge. Is this Biden's doing?
Yes. The Democrats can’t even wag the dog ethically. What a disgrace they are, bottom to top.
Agree. ValJar has been running things.
We can be pretty damned sure that this is not that line. Here's a handy list from Twitter (link) of all the previous red lines that have been crossed without effect:
"Every single time the “OMG ITS WW3” crowd were wrong the past couple years:
- Trump killing Soleimani is WW3
- Ukraine refusing to roll over and die in February 2022 is WW3
- Sending guns to Ukraine is SURELY WW3
- Sending MANPADS/ATGMs to Ukraine is DEFINITELY WW3
- Sending former Soviet tanks is ABSOLUTELY WW3
- Sending HIMARS is SURELY WW3
- Sending parts for former Soviet jets is DEFINITELY WW3
- Sending western tanks is absolutely WW3
- Sending ATACMS is WW3
- Sending Stormshadow/Scalp is WW3
- Letting Ukraine strike Crimea is WW3
- Letting Ukraine strike Russia with their domestic weapons is WW3
- Letting Ukraine have incursions into Russia is WW3
- Sending jets to Ukraine is WW3
- Letting Ukraine fire ATACMS at Russian air bases is absolutely definitely WW3
- Striking Iranian military facilities in Syria is WW3
- Striking the IRGC in Iran is WW3
- Killing Haniyeh in Iran is WW3
- Striking Hezbollah will be WW3
- Killing Nasrallah is WW3"
Of course, the boy who cried wolf eventually told the truth, when a real wolf showed up, so it's remotely conceivable that a suicidal Putin would try to blow up the world, that his entire chain of command would be equally suicidal, and that his nukes would actually work (the last three tests all failed). But there's nothing we can do about that, and giving in to nuclear blackmail probably makes actual use of nukes more likely, not less.
The entire military industrial complex from the Pentagon over to Raytheon are aghast that Trump has been elected (and attempts to 'stop' him, failed). They are in panic mode. They believe- rightfully- that Trump will find a way to peace, rather quickly. That cannot stand.
And so, they will make sure this war expands and jumps a level or two into a World War. Let Trump try to step into their way during a World War. Sure, there may be some casualties, but it's so worth it to keep the machinery cranking, the dollars coming in.
By the way- while our media is focusing on Pete Hesgeth's Christian tattoos, Joe Biden- you remember him?- is working on starting World War III. And virtually no one in the press seems concerned at all about it. In fact, from what I'm reading, this is a far less dangerous thing than Tulsi Gabbard as DNI.
The entire United States should be screaming at Biden and his feckless national security team at this stage. Just what does it take to wake up the curious gene in a journalist?
The Kremlin has said the US decision to let Ukraine launch limited strikes inside Russia with ATACMS marks a “new turn of escalation”
And the involvement of NK troops is not "a new turn" ?
There is no such thing as a new turn, there is just a progression — which is what Russia has long exercised.
This should have been the response from the moment Russia invaded: any facilities and positions used to attack Ukraine are fair game for any conventional weapons systems.
Pro-Kremlin commentators are going nuts at this decision by Biden.
Putin is going to have to sit there for two months and suck it up, because he needs Trump on his side.
As usual the proof is in the pudding. If we get lots of complaints, frustration and anger from the usual pro-Russian commenters, then this is absolutely the right thing to do.
Said Rich, who has been wrong even more often than if he had just chosen his opinions by a coin flip.
If the world survives Joe Biden's presidency it will be a miracle.
The real issue, 'Dr Weevil,' is that this fight is none of our business. And therefore not worth a 1% risk of a wider war.
"Some have already been captured."
Link to actual evidence of this?
"Makes it almost impossible for Putin to push Ukraine out of Kursk ahead of Trumps inauguration, therefore Ukraine will have Russian territory when peace talks commence."
This is almost certainly the misguided motivation. As the saying goes, "it's a bold plan, Cotton, let's see if it works out for you."
Sadly, Rich's comment about Trump and Biden agreeing on this has the stink of truth.
The real issue is that Bill Clinton made this our issue by pushing Ukraine into giving up their nukes in return for promises of protection. We are in fact morally obligated to help them defend themselves, and it is absolutely our business to do so.
Russia has already been bombing Ukrainian power plants during the entire war, and hit them very hard the night before last. That is of course a war crime. Even two years ago, coming up on the first winter of the war, RT commentators were gloating about how Ukrainians - and Germans, and the rest of NATO, cut off from Russian gas - were all going to freeze to death, ha ha ha! (It turned out to be an unusually mild winter, which helped.) As usual, the Russians are threatening to do what they are already doing, and 'Jaq' is wallowing in their lies like a dog rolling around in stinking carrion.
I have repeatedly listed the dozen Twitter accounts I follow to find out, in great detail, what is going on in Ukraine. If you had ever bothered to follow even a third of them, you would know this, but you don't want to know the truth, as you have demonstrated repeatedly when I do link specific Tweets that prove you are wrong and you go back to repeating your wrong statements a week later. It would be very easy for you to find out whether there are North Koreans at the front, but you don't want to know.
If we are "morally obligated" to honor Budapest? Why did we sanction Ukraine when they had a pro-Russian government, and in the Budapest agreement, we said we wouldn't?
Why did we tell Ukraine that they could join the EU, but only if they cut off economic ties to Russia? Sounds like economic pressure to me. It would have been a great deal for Ukraine, putting them at the crossroads of East West trade. Russia had no objection to Ukraine joining the EU, it was the EU that attempted to force a choice.
War crimes...
You want to call Clinton a war criminal, go ahead. I can't help noticing that the NATO "soft bombs" were designed not to kill anyone, just to inconvenience the, and that they were dropped in May, when there was no danger of anyone freezing to death, while Russian bombs are being dropped right now, when there's snow on the ground, and they quite openly boast about trying to freeze Ukrainian civilians to death. Which doesn't bother 'Jaq' a bit, because he likes war crimes, as long as Russians are committing them.
Now tell us about Baghdad.
Russian propagandists have been openly talking for more than two years about destroying Ukraine as a nation and as a culture, by cutting off their electricity, water, and sewers, so they can watch them all die of cold, thirst, or disease, or see them all move to western Europe so Russian colonists can take over. Is that what we did, or tried to do, in Bagdhad?
If the two things are very different - as they are - it just demonstrates once again that you are an unusually stupid and unusually dishonest Putin shill, very likely paid to polute this site.
The dog caught the car...
I have been puzzling over this move during the day. My conclusion is that this will turn out worse for the Ukraine than any damage they do to Russia. Russia will have an excuse to hit at any and all targets that it desires in retaliation for long range missile attacks. Meaning that not only will Ukrainian defense facilities suffer but the civilian population will suffer even more than it is today. I have been saying for two years that this conflict was not going to end well for the Ukraine and this move makes it even more obvious: we are willing to fight to the last Ukrainian - a really cruel strategy.
The Kagan/Nuland mafia strikes again. God help us all.
These missiles will accomplish nothing strategically. At best, nothing changes and, at worst, the Russians get even more ruthless in retaliation.
Ukrainian X-accounts are spreading truly kindergarten-level propaganda about NK (and in general). Their situation is hopeless, so understandable.
That said, I actually agree it is likely, and beneficial for both RF and NK to rotate NK soldiers through real battle experience. Apparently, the transfer of 170 mm self-propelled artillery and 240 mm rocket launchers is real and confirmed by photos in Krasnoyarsk. Perhaps ATACMS were approved to try to reduce devastating effects of these?
Allowing Ukraine to properly defend itself only makes sense. If upcoming negotiations are to be successful, giving Ukraine more to bargain with improves the chances of the peace everyone wants. If they are unsuccessful, then Ukraine will need to continue defending itself while negotiations are ongoing.
The Ukrainians should have been allowed to hit legitimate military targets wherever they are long before now.
This author says:
"Membership for Ukraine was never seriously discussed until after Putin's full-scale invasion almost three years ago — and even then only as an unlikely part of an eventual peace settlement." (emphasis added)
Is that correct?
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