Wrote Penelope Hegseth, quoted in "Pete Hegseth’s Mother Accused Her Son of Mistreating Women for Years/Penelope Hegseth made the accusation in an email to her son in 2018, amid his contentious divorce. She said on Friday that she regretted the email and had apologized to him" (NYT)(free-access link).
Mrs. Hegseth, in a phone interview with The New York Times on Friday, said that she had sent her son an immediate follow-up email at the time apologizing for what she had written. She said she had fired off the original email “in anger, with emotion” at a time when he and his wife were going through a very difficult divorce. In the interview, she defended her son and disavowed the sentiments she had expressed in the initial email about his character and treatment of women. “It is not true. It has never been true,” she said. She added: “I know my son. He is a good father, husband.” She said that publishing the contents of the first email was “disgusting.”
AND: How about all of the men who don't have mothers who insisted on high standards and spoke openly and forcibly about them? Do you think those men are better?
Well, if she says it is not true, and she's the source, then it is not true. Thanks NYT for telling us nothing.
I’ve lost the ear for this kind of political asymmetry. I know you don’t want Trump to succeed but many of us do. If you don’t want to keep doing this get your party to try some more popular policies. Your laziness has grown tiresome…
and the NY Times wonders why it loses subscribers.
I guess Pete’s ex wanted another pound of flesh and the NYT was glad to help.
#MeToo is BS. Libtards don't really care unless it's useful to trash a Republican, then it's very important to #BelieveAllWomen. I don't give a damn what this guy has done because he is pro-American, and it has nothing to do with his work. Unless you can prove that he is a traitor like Democrat Party leadership is, then GFY.
In all fairness to Mrs. Hegseth, she bears the same name as Penelope who was the perfectly faithful wife to Odysseus who wasn't himself above a little side action when the opportunity arose so some free-floating bitterness in that department should come as expected.
So much for the sexy son theory.
This email is already discussed in Pete’s wiki profile.
After Clinton, I don't care what any man does in his personal life, while not in office. Suck on that Progressives. YOU did this to yourselves.
If this is the best they could dig up, and I know they're digging furiously, Hegseth might actually be confirmed.
Remember that wanna-be-President Governor of New York that butt fucked prostitutes, got caught, made his wife stand up there while he groveled for his political career, then ended up in paid positions at CNN and some academic institution? No, I know you don’t…
I use the dash to make it an adjective…
Being alone and widowed sucks in many ways, but I’m happy that I’ve aged out of the mating game. I’m now a non-combatant.
Wendybar: "After Clinton, I don't care what any man does in his personal life, while not in office. Suck on that Progressives. YOU did this to yourselves."
Yes, I realized while talking with a friend the other day (and another commenter here said something similar yesterday): the left's cultural brainwashing worked only halfway. Fifty years of media promoting every kind of sex managed to capture the children of the right, but only to the extent that we now accept the sex part, while still rejecting the policy part.
And the righties who remained chaste realized that the forgiveness part of their religions applies to both parties, not just to the D politicians who get up in storefront churches to expiate their sins.
There will never again be a Gary Hart or Gingrich forced out of office for wiener issues. Congratulations lefties: you put an end to slut-shaming!
But now that is in the NYT, it is news. The MO seems familiar to me.
WTF… oh… NYT… KMA…
It paints a pretty ugly picture of both mother and son in my opinion. It would be better if this had never been aired, but publishing it is no more unreasonable than printing Ashley Biden's decidedly creepy comments in her diary. I know little about this guy, but on the surface he is unappealing to me. It's a good thing he was not nominated to be Good Boyfriend Of The Year, or all this might really sway my opinion about him.
Sounds like Mom had some issues with men in her own life that she decided to take out on her son...and then passed it around to others for maximum hurtful effect. Thanks, Mom, and NYT for this life lesson in scumness.
The take I get from this and my personal experience. Many women are nuts
Women's inclination is always to find stuff that is wrong that men have to fix. They get a pleasure hit from it.
Clinton, Wienstein, Biden, Harris, etc, etc, etc. GFY.
So his mom thoughthe was like JFK and Bill Clinton. I guess the atricle is trying to build more Democrat support for him
My mom has said a bunch of stupid shit over the years, but thank God she said it in person, not through an email. Mom has also said a bunch of endearing and heart-warming things.
Hegseth is nominated for Secretary of Defense, not to be the patron saint of considerate men. Name a historical person who is held in high esteem, and a disqualifying shortcoming can be found.
I dunno.
That the Times has it and prints it is not surprising. That the FBI or CIA got access to his emails, found it, and handed it off to the Times is also- not surprising. It is what they do. Actually- it's what they do best.
But all that aside. If this is a real email from his real mom, it's not nothing. If this is a side of him, if this is his character, I don't want him as Director of Defense. Hell...we can do better than that. I hold no allegiance to Pete Hegseth. I just want the best possible person for the position in that position as Director of Defense.
A man who treats women like this man's mom says he does, is not that man. That's a flawed character.
Yes I know Dems have targeted him. Maybe this time it's a real target for real reasons.
OK, he's been a pig of a man. We can do whataboutism starting with John Fucked Everybody Kennedy or Bill Just A Blow Job Clinton. If those examples don't explain that personal behavior and public job performance can differ, there are many, many others. Can Hegseth get the US military in shape to fight a war with any adversary? That's the question here.
No they are just soul deadened demons im sure lloyd austin has wonderful parents that doesnt excuse abbey gate the purges of the military
Just when you thought the NYT couldn’t sink any lower….
She retracted it , not just now but immediately after sending it. Why should the first email have any more credence than the second one? There’s nothing here but a private family squabble.
Lots of moral shiftiness in this last decade.
I sure hope this guy becomes Secretary of defense. After 70 years of one disaster after another from the military industrial complex, how much worse could this guy be? I don't appreciate his opinions expressed on Fox News but I will give him the benefit of the doubt and that he was just selling a product to the audience that paid his salary. I am actually hopeful that he will behave more like he did on deployments.
It seems like he’s easily led to bed. Wouldn’t that make him vulnerable to spies?
Sounds like the hit against jack ryan that cleared the way for obama
"Well, if she says it is not true, and she's the source, then it is not true."
It's true. She's just withdrawing her prior statement.
Which doesn't mean her initial comment was false, just that she regretted airing family dirty secrets. It's not surprising to learn; Trump seems to be making appointment choices to ensure his picks are as morally and/or intellectually squalid as he is. Protection in numbers; he won't stand out as the only scumbag in his administration.
I hope my mom would write me a letter like that if I had cheated on my spouse so often! I actually respect her quite a bit for seeing the truth. But it should never had been shared and abuse is not being used in the same way the NYT wants it to be. Which is why she should disavow it now.
I've read a lot of war memoirs. Pete's behavior seems fairly common for someone who served so many deployments and probably saw and did some traumatic things. Even Louie Zamparini as a POW behaved the same. If our SecDef knows just how damaging war is, not just to soldiers, but to family? That's a great thing.
From his past history, there is no way of telling whether he will be a good manager of the DOD. One notes that the two secretaries that were highly qualified and, for a time, highly regarded--Robert McNamara and Donald Rumsfeld--were extremely wrong. However, they were, so far as we know, faithful to their wives, so there's that.......This is an obvious attempt by the NYT to besmirch Hegseth's character. Well, it's successful. None of this is relevant as to how he will manage the DOD, but his character has been successfully undermined. The NYT looks worse than Hegseth, but Hegseth looks bad.....This has left me with more respect for J.D. Vance. He was a young Marine with a history of serving in a combat zone. To date the NYT has not been able to find any woman in his dating past who he aggressively tried to score with. I'm sure the NYT has been assiduously searching, for such a woman but no luck yet. J.D. Vance is some kind of saint.
"I sure hope this guy becomes Secretary of defense. After 70 years of one disaster after another from the military industrial complex, how much worse could this guy be? I don't appreciate his opinions expressed on Fox News but I will give him the benefit of the doubt and that he was just selling a product to the audience that paid his salary."
Wha--?! There's no end to worse. One can pretty well determine someone's character by the opinions he or she expresses, especially if expressed publicly on national tv broadcasts.
I'm like you in that I had no allegiance to Pete Hegseth. In fact, I hadn't even heard of him until the nomination. But Trump did choose him, and while not all of Trump's choices work out he has shown that he is more than willing to fire folks who aren't working out. Also Trump has cheated on his wives and has still been able to do well while in office even though he was met with enormous opposition. Energy in the executive is the leading character in the definition of good government. We need a Sec Def who has energy and purpose to make substantive changes. There is also the benefit of ending double standards. While there may be folks on the Left who cite this as reason to not confirm him, I doubt those folks actually care if he may or may not have cheated on his wife. They simply view it is as the argument that is most likely to succeed in preventing his nomination.
She withdrew it at the time Robert. The NY Times didn't print her next email, sent immediately after the first one.
But of course, the NY Times has demonstrated time and again they are an untrustworthy bearer of the news. Anything they write has the taint of lie to it.
Don't forget Saint John McCain, who asked Cindy to marry him whilst he was still married to his first wife who he was still with. Now they put him on a pedestal....but when he was running for President, People magazine and all the other left wing propaganda sites sure did love THAT story.
Momma told me not to come.
The 20,000 transvestite sodomites that Joe Biden stuffed into the military chain of command are all going to be dishonorably discharged anyway.
Temujin, I'm surprised you let yourself get sucker-punched by the NYT. It can be a real email from his real mom and still be nothing. For one thing, it may be greatly exaggerated. But regardless, the NYT has a knack for trolling this kind of article very selectively in search of Republican voters who instinctively lean to applying the character-virginity test to their candidates.
As for me, I'm at the point of accepting Attila the Hun for Secretary of Defense, given that the totally characterless Democrats have left our military in shambles as a kind of Village People with guns. In the meantime, I'll check out the NYT archives to see if they have any articles about letters from the moms of Grant, Sherman, Patton, MacArthur, or Eisenhower. I'm going to be not just pissed but ashamed if any of them did bad things to any women.
[Shrug]. So Penelope Hegseth admits she did a poor job of raising her son Pete. Oh, wait! Almost immediately she says she lied. Was she lying when she sent the first Email? Or when she sent the second? Either way, she’s a liar. Believe all women? Bullshit. Believe no women ever, until you’ve verified either that she’s the rare woman who doesn’t lie and scheme, or verified whatever it was she said.
Temujin said: "But all that aside. If this is a real email from his real mom, it's not nothing. If this is a side of him, if this is his character, I don't want him as Director of Defense. Hell...we can do better than that. I hold no allegiance to Pete Hegseth. I just want the best possible person for the position in that position as Director of Defense."
I'm curious, though: Do you apply the same character test to other people with important jobs, like the surgeon who operates on your children or the pilot of the airplane you're flying on? I assume that, in those cases, you'd choose the most skillful candidate, not the one with the best record of conduct in romantic relationships.
What bearing does any of this have to do with his ability to serve as Sec of Def? I guess if Democrats in the past had ever shown any honest sense that character counts, it could serve as a political weapon. But they never have, so their objections are hypocritical and lack merit. If Temujin (one of the brightest commenters here) wants to continue playing their game, so be it. But I, along with many other conservatives, stopped caring long ago.
I hope the "moderates" and "Independents" have wised up by now. The MSM and Democrats make a big fuss about past "sexual abuse" and "Me too" when its a Republican, then turn a blind eye and yawn when its a Democrat. Or one of their favorite Republicans. WHo was a bigger sexual scumbag than Bill Clinton? But we were told "everybody lies about sex" and "Its his private life". Moveon.org.
This is embarrassing for the man involved, but completely irrelevant to whether he will be a good head of the DoD. Like I said, I hope Rightwingers and Trumpists have wised up. The MSM and Democrats have been running this play for 30 years.
MTMLA - Make the military lethal again. If he does that, or at least get's a good start on that while making sure the logistical tail is there to supply it, and industry can supply the material, I don't care about his love life. I flew with a lot of crews, and when we were on the flight deck, all we cared about was could the guy (and back then, the occasional gal) do their job and refrain from killing us.
In the course of everyone's life, man or woman, remarks are made that are abusive to the opposite sex. That is life. Everyone does this and it is not sexism. It is being a boorish person.
Best we can do is become better persons as we grow older and learn to forgive. Forgive and get on with life.
Great point.
Cook, there isn't anybody as morally and intellectually squalid as Democrat Party members. Every scumbag in America is a Democrat Party member who thinks they're The Good Guys. You're all lowlife degenerate anti-American shit.
"I have no respect for any man that belittles, lies, cheats, sleeps around and uses women for his own power and ego. You are that man (and have been for years) and as your mother, it pains me and embarrasses me to say that, but it is the sad, sad truth."
Almost every woman that says something like this voted for Bill Clinton and/or Joe Biden.
Both are known rapists.
And she recanted her stupid attack on her son and feels bad about being stupid when she wrote it.
Imagine that, Desantis supporters don't want to fight the democrats and defend allies in the fight against fascism. We are done with kneeling losers.
Go be a kneeling loser in the corner and reflect on all of the things you have ever done that if democrats knew about would disqualify you.
In addition to being broken like the rest of us Desantis supporters are intellectual cowards.
Robert Cook supports known rapists.
Robert Cook is a completely amoral soulless loser who is only motivated by gaining power over other people.
Whether it's Democrats proposing child care tax credits to help working mothers or it's Republicans being told they are abusers by their mothers, motherhood has become a thorny issue for both parties.
Could we vote for her?
One of the more despicable (but utterly common place, sadly) details of this story is the recantation by his mother who now disavows it and falls in line with the usual Trumpian response that it is not these vile acts she herself found base and inhuman that are disgusting but the coverage of them.
Robert Cook is just a dishonest person.
Someone at the Times has a sly sense of humor.
Agree - Temujin. Megan Kelley did a background check and made a video. She still wants him to get the job - but his cheating is very concerning.
Achilles - you and drogo's obsession with the best gov in the nation makes you both looks like fools. Piss off.
"Do you think those men are better?" Oh, absolutely. Gropey Joe, Slick Willy Clinton and the iconic Kennedy Bros. Were eminently qualified because their moms didn't call them out. Better even!
Democrats have purposely destroyed the working class and have implemented policies that incentivize fatherless families and illegal immigration.
They did this on purpose. Their goal is higher crime and more poverty.
Desantis is a 60 million vote loser that tried to benefit from and coordinated with the DOJ attacks on Trump. He wouldn't disavow his allies attacks on Trump until it became clear they wouldn't work.
The losers that supported him want to lose to Democrats. Pete Hegseth is a better person than Peachy or Temujin or any of the other bootlickers that want to kneel to the NYT slimes.
Cowards no longer run the Republican party. That is why Trump got millions more votes than your loser candidates and why we will never settle for a loser like Desantis again.
Pete Hegseth failed the first hurdle. When your own mother disavows you…that’s about as bad as it gets.
So he's perfect for the new administration then.
The democrats need a new playbook.
Via Steve Green at Instapundit, read this and decide if anything Pete Hegseth might do is going to be worse for enlisted troops.
Current DOD leadership is garbage.
Robert knows, cuz he was there (apparently).
she regretted airing family dirty secrets. Wrong. She didn't air any secrets. She had sent an email in a moment of anger, and as the story explains, immediately "sent her son an immediate follow-up email apologizing for what she had written," saying she'd fired it off in anger.
Rewritten in Althouse-speak:
How about all of the women who don't have fathers who insisted on high standards and spoke openly and forcibly about them? Do you think those women are better?
Works both ways, and in many others to boot.
Gzrbage is charitable, traitorous is more on point,
A woman gets mad, sends an email, immediately realizes she was wrong and apologizes. The FBI sleazily and illegally obtains the email, leaks it to the NYTs.
Absolutely dishonest piece of shit Clinton/Biden supporters like Robert Cook and Rich claim this is disqualifying.
Cowardly Desantis supporters join them.
It is just a parade of pathetic.
Well this could lead to some different "This is your brain on drugs" PSAs
Trump HHS nominee RFK Jr. credits heroin for improving his performance in school ~ NY Daily News
Just call them what they are.
They are intellectual cowards.
And no, they have clearly not wised up.
"How about all of the men who don't have mothers who insisted on high standards and spoke openly and forcibly about them? Do you think those men are better?".
It would seem that you credit Ms. Hegseth's accusations more than her apology. I guess I would need to read the article, and try to figure out why these e-mails were sent, and how they came to be sent to the NYT, if I wanted to form an opinion as to which is more credible. But reading the NYT to try to get at the truth is an obvious waste of time.
Pete cheated on his pregnant wife. Always a good look.
The NYT seems to have a habit of running stories with inflammatory headlines that are actually disproven by the same facts that they publish. A lot of people will rush read the headline and only notice the first part of it. (And not notice that the second part makes the first part totally irrelevant.)
We picked up the shackles of yesterday
Shoulder to shoulder gave freedom away
Our daughters’ daughters will abhor us
And they’ll sing in dreadful chorus
“what’ve you done, sister suffragette?”
That his mother acted like a mother, admonished him, but then praised his accomplishments and supported him speaks to good mothering. His behavior would not go undisciplined in the military in a leadership post. The Times is sleazy for ratting out private, long-ago correspondence. He has admitted multiple affairs and impregnating at least one other woman while married. That’s not in question.
All this will come up in the hearings. And it should. But if the Times is used a source, so should his mother be called to testify. It is a matter of returning the military to its original purpose and practices and cutting fraud and waste. Can he commit to doing these things? In a military setting? Prove it. Military wives make sacrifices and are essential to a strong military too. They deserve to be respected, and rules of conduct should apply to everyone.
Pete is on his third wife. This can get expensive.
You apparently have not seen her response to the Times article, nor know of the flagrant — and admitted — behavior he practiced for years, betraying spouses and his own children. He admits this. She didn’t expose it. Get the whole story.
Good point, Loudogblog. Several people in this thread need to stop projecting and finish the damn article. And consider the source. And the facts. His mother also strongly defended him then and now. She’s furious about the exposure of a private letter
But most of all, the military has rules about the behavior he has admitted to, especially for command. Can he be effective in the job he is seeking if he is held to a different standard? Aren’t we the Party opposed to different standards and for defined rules?
we have seen how they play this game with john tower, who gave way to dick Cheney, the one the apparat wanted,
She’s a terrible mother, and if Hegseth loses his Secretary of Defense position I hope she never again sees her grandchildren until the day she dies.
Peachy: "Achilles - you and drogo's obsession with the best gov in the nation makes you both looks like fools. Piss off."
I only respond to DeSantis fans (like AMDG, and you I suppose) when they make moronic claims of DeSantis national electoral strength where there is none. At all.
And the basis for my claims fall on undisputed grounds: DeSantis' clear inability to reach any level of voter acceptance in the numbers he would need to win, DeSantis' history of being a complete and utter globalist/Paul Ryan clone while a congressman in the house, and the astonishing insufferability of the online DeSantis wannabe influencers.
The record is already clear and established.
The fact that DeSantis, as Gov, took on the wokies changes absolutely nothing regarding his indefensible economics/trade policies which would spell doom for him in the midwest and elsewhere in ths strikingly more populist/working class republican party era.
Yes, I can see why you in particular would prefer I not mention any of that.
But there it is anyway, isn't it?
So keep raging at the sky while pretending reality isnt what it is and telling those of us that have been right to "piss off". Your admonitions carry zero weight.
She didn’t expose the letter. He was betraying his own children, the ones in his marriage and the one he fathered out of it while still married. She was furious and told him to get his act together. That seems like good parenting. It was the NYT that selectively left out her second letter supporting him and his accomplishments at the time. If you’re mad at your mother, deal with it elsewhere. She supported him then and supports him now.
The military needs strong families. They have rules in place about such behavior. There are reasons for these rules. Entire families make sacrifices.
This policy should certainly be discussed.
Fox Family Values:
Hegseth and his first wife, Meredith Schwarz, divorced in 2009.
He married his second wife, Samantha Deering, in 2010.
In August 2017, while still married to Deering, he had a daughter with Fox executive producer Jennifer Rauchet, with whom he was having an extramarital relationship.
He divorced Deering in August 2017.
Hegseth and Rauchet, who has three young children from her first marriage, married in August 2019.
Get ready for open polygamy, no?
“When your own mother disavows you…that’s about as bad as it gets.”
Your rejection was signified when you emerged, ran down your dear mother’s leg and settled in a puddle of brown at her cloven feet, rich.
Megyn Kelly EXPOSES Joe Scarborough
You know what is sad - Trump going out of his way to help the backstabbers on MSNBC.
They should be sued, Not forgiven. Not given access.
I have some experience with a cheating spouse, and the mom’s email and retraction ring true to me. First, it IS abuse to cheat; it shows an ugly character to do so, and the mom’s initial take was an admirable statement of horror at seeing what her son was.
Second, people who cheat like this often come from dysfunctional families where the dysfunction involves ignoring bad behavior in order to maintain the illusion of “we’re a good family, my son is a good person”. Because of course you love your son and want him to be good, and anything that contradicts that is so painful that it is minimized or ignored. So after the initial reaction to a momentarily unavoidable bad fact, you go back to the old behaviors very quickly and apologize for being so harsh at first (hello, that’s how you got a son who thinks he can uphold a nice public image while having a double life in the first place). That’s how I make sense of this mother’s sending the first email and then apologizing for it.
Lastly, I suspect she sent the first email to both her son and daughter-in-law, and the media got ahold of it from the daughter-in-law.
Wouldn’t you think it was possible for Trump to find a person with the professional inclinations he is looking for, who doesn’t have such a flawed personal life and character? Although thinking back to my ex, he was scrupulous about sniffing out people who were two-faced or false in their professional lives, because he was familiar with all the tells of deception.
Trump has confused the saying of bread and circuses, the ruling class aren’t supposed to BE the circus! 🎪
Welcome to the new Kakistocracy
what is this harvest of trolls, the people who buried Hunter Biden's laptop, because it showed prima facie evidence of corruption of that wretched Scranton crew
Honorable men like Mattis and Asper, you saw how silent he was over the Kabul capitulations spare me, we know how they treated General Flyyn
Folks treat stakes as higher when confirming SOD. remember John Tower? Even folks like me who oppose Trump's policies want to see national security managed well. Reason I view W's presidency much more unfavorably than Trump's, and I would like to see someone other than dirt bag Hegsreth in the position.
I am going to call this Peachy Axiom #1: No republican governor can be labeled "The Best Republican Governor In The Country" when he or she is a creature of the Murdochs, Paul Ryan and Ken Griffin.
And it sure looks like the Iowa voters agreed with that assessment.
So, lets hope the DeSantis types let this drop and we can go back to our usual battles between those of us who have been speaking about this new political reality for years vs those GOPe suckups that seek every opportunity for rapid and unilateral surrender at the first hint of adversity or potential difficulty with neighbors at the next cocktail party.
You dont have the first clue precisely what Trump is doing nor why.
That Trump would prefer predators should surprise no one. This may be the first cabinet made up entirely of people prohibited from being within 1000 feet of a school or daycare in many states. Their very lack of qualifications and scandal ridden past is what makes them attractive to him because it guarantees their loyalty. Competent people with integrity quit in protest.
Readering supported Stolen Valor / Blue Falcon Walz.
All other issues aside, which are serious enough on their own, he simply lacks the higher level command and logistics experience, and the maturity and wisdom necessary to make good informed decisions. His military experience was as a Major, a battalion XO, second in command to a Lieutenant Colonel, of perhaps several companies of soldiers, not a Major General in charge of leading and supporting a regiment of 10-20 thousand soldiers. His experience is orders of magnitude short of the experience necessary to fulfill the role of Secretary of Defense. And no, being a a photogenic Fox News host isn’t a qualification for anything.
Yeah - He let the swamp overwhelm his before. We shall see. Sorry you still worship a mere human as a super hero. Sad.
So, the news is that he repented and reformed, and did not carry over his personal problems to his professional roles.
The DEI/AfghanistanSurrender/WW3 crowd checks in!
You know, even if we crowdsourced with the entire Althouse commentariat, we would not be able to identify a single correct claim or assertion LLR-democratical Rich has made over the last 4 years at a minimum.
Not a single one.
Too funny that Abacus Boy, Harry Sisson like, still shows up every day with the same, tired, worn out, paper shallow, rhetorical tactics that have led the New Soviet Democraticals to this this lowly position!
Well, I suppose Rich reading some of the comments from the usual republican suspects on this thread and others, gives him hope he can pull a few of the weak GOPe ones across the democratical "finish line".
"If I can only find out [where Grant gets his whiskey], I will send a barrel of this wonderful whiskey to every general in the army.”
You summoned Drago in this thread, Peachy. So take it like a chump.
yes that the reality of things,
Some people never get over the primaries. smdh
It usually requires a healthy bowl of fresh chilled pomegranite seeds...or a die hard defender of GOPe antics and pretending Trump wasnt undermined by the same establishment types doing the very same thing today.
Which leads to Trump having to make sure he can put in people that truly support the vision this new realigned party needs...and pushing back on the weaklings who cant wait to hand the reins back to the permanent DC class.
What are your next Tour dates?
The truth is, that modern Progressive Liberal Democrat values have me so disgusted and fed up, that I would consider nominating anybody regardless of their lurid backstory. This is what got Trump elected, exactly this constant diet of smarmy dishonest bullsh*t.
The fact that the NYT rag refuses to discuss his credentials and instead saturates us with this soap opera whitewash, is all the proof I need to cheer on his new role. I hope he kick ass so hard people leave his office with their head between their ankles.
Careful. You'll send Peachy right over the edge with quotes like that.
Did we forget how the Times tried to savage Tim Sheehy, to protect Jon Tester, peperridge farm remember,
Actually I wanted Shapiro. I thought Walz's one virtue was the he was not a lawyer, a first since Carter.
But give it a rest the guy who supported bone spurs, skirt chasing during aids was my Viet Nam Trump.
Gingrich wasn't forced out by his serial adultery. The skank was made ambassador to the Vatican.
Come on, an email like that from one's mom is pretty epic, coming after that police report and confidential settlement.
I am amazed how the vetting process has worked, or not worked. Is sexual predation less important than how does the person look on FOX?
Comrade Drago sounds like the kind of person that can’t live within 1000 yards of a school or park.
Kakiposter said…
“The ruling class aren’t supposed to BE the circus!”
Thanks, Joe Biden! Or should that be Obama? Clinton, if we’re talking about exposed sexcapades.
“You summoned Drago in this thread, Peachy.”
Yes — by all means:
“Bring out the Gimp”
"Actually I wanted Shapiro."
You mean the governor who wouldn't speak out against the counting of illegal ballots in his own state? Yeah, he's a peach.
Friendship with "benefits"? Any queer (e.g. pedophilia, incestuous) relationships? Was there a Choice or advocacy to abort and sequester "burdens"? Does he support Diversity (e.g. racism, sexism)? Does he support ethnic Springs? Does he support catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform? Does he support redistributive change (e.g. progressive prices)? Are his sins a progressive condition? It doesn't appear that he is prone to publish handmade tales.
Readering, the guy who supported 5 deferment biden that showered with and sexualized his own adolescent daughter.
Loudly and proudly.
the military has rules about the behavior he has admitted to, especially for command. Can he be effective in the job he is seeking if he is held to a different standard?
Do we have civilian control of the military, or not? Most certainly there are different standards for civilians.
After seeing the way Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, and many other disgusting swine are given a pass for mistreating women due to being a Democrat, I don't give a shit about that stuff anymore.
Obviously Rich hasn't seen Pulp Fiction. Drago is clearly Winston Wolf.
It isn’t abuse to cheat. Degrading words just immunizes people to them. Racism, Violence are meaningless words nowadays.
You can like people on television -- or on the internet -- without wanting them to be running government departments. Most people on television that I like probably wouldn't do well running the government. Same thing with people who pwn the internet.
I voted against Buden in 2 prumaries and only decided ti vote for him in 2020 when Trump got covid and lost his mind.
You supported a man accused, with details, of marital rape and found liable by a jury for sexually abusing an acquaintance in a dressing room. A book has been written on the subject of sex offenses of Epstein's one time best friend. Much has been written about the Stormy's one night st and less about cheating on Melania for a period with a Playboy playmate of the year. Expect Melania to spend most of the next 4 years outside DC.
Nor Drago, nor Trump himself who too often says and acts on whatever pops into his head. And Kelly should talk. She has debased herself for Trump since leaving TV news.
“I voted against Buden in 2 prumaries and only decided ti vote for him in 2020 when Trump got covid and lost his mind.”
There’s one (just one) of your problems: you voted against a guy (Buden) who wasn’t running. Straighten up!
"in 2020 when Trump got covid and lost his mind."
I remember that. You were claiming all sorts of unsubstantiated shit.
“Pulp Fiction” frightened rich. He’s always felt safer with movies like “An Affair to Remember” and “Wuthering Heights”… anything that feeds his overly emotional nature.
Remember the old story about Lincoln when he was considering Gen. Grant for a higher command, and he was told that Grant was a heavy drinker. Lincoln said he didn't care if if Grant was a drinker, what he cared about was "He fights!" Isn't that the issue here? Is this the guy who can begin to repair the damage that has been done to our military?
The harder the left tries to smear the guy, the more I'm convinced he's the right choice.
Certainly can't argue with that.
How did the NYT access his e-mail?
Who in the government had access to his e-mail and leaked it to the NYT?
Boy, between Pete and Kash Patel getting the nod for FBI, the Epsteinites and their NeverTrump catamites are really losing their cool. Hammer away, Drago, I am as ever a big fan of your work.
You mean his cousin didnt volunteer it lol
Mildly interesting question, but you're thinking far too small. Which companies co-operated with the Deep State Panopticon, and what is President Trump goo g to do about it? There is a temptation to say Google is too big to fail, but a President determined to end their AI research and seize their server farms on grounds of national security could do fatal damage to the company. It's like the deep staters are trying to make a SecDef who will cheerfully look the other way while the troops turn their guns on Capitol Hill. I'm quite looking forward to it.
This reads just like an email from a loving and caring mother to her extremely narcissistic son who’s incapable of self-reflection and unwilling to seek therapy because … he’s too narcissistic.
Hegseth's mother reminds me of the GOP who called out Trump after the insurrection. The truth comes out in the beginning. Then when they realize the political consequences of telling the truth they all revised the truth to suit themselves.
Odd how people with these toxic personality traits congregate at Mar-a-Lago.
I wonder why that is 🤔
The wingnut, here to tell us what we can or cannot do.
You're dead wrong. People will say anything on TV to make a buck. What a man does when not many people are watching when the stakes are high that's when the real person comes out
After Clinton? How about after JFK committed adultery with Marilyn Monroe in the WH swimming pool? After Ted Kennedy drowned Mary Jo Kopechne, the only penalty he paid was that he couldn't run for President anymore but got re-elected for life to the Senate, where he was called the Lion of the Senate and a protector of women's rights?
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