November 10, 2024

"No dating men, no sex with men, no heterosexual marriage and no childbirth. These are the four principles of South Korea’s 4B movement..."

"... a radical feminist movement that gained popularity in 2019, in response to sexism, hidden camera pornography and intimate partner violence. Following Donald Trump’s victory, some American women have sought out the movement.... Some American women are already devising plans to apply used menstrual pads to trucks with MAGA stickers and undergo voluntary hysterectomy surgery. TikTok and Instagram reels videos related to the 4B movement gained millions of views this week, and Google searches spiked in the U.S. on Wednesday, most notably in Democratic states. Trump’s win was devastating for many women. Their rage is understandable, but a 4B-style reaction is not constructive or sustainable...."

Writes Kami Rieck, in "A Sex Strike Is a Losing Strategy for American Women" (NYT).


FormerLawClerk said...

And now you see how Tik-Tok is being used to undermine American society. They're literally convincing American women that this stuff is real.

When it's Chinese psy-op bullshit.

Tump should delete Tik-Tok and shut it down. We are in a new era where we don't allow the nations of our enemies to use our system to destroy us.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

These women who are self selecting out of the gene pool may not be a bad thing for society in the long run. In the short run...they can adopt some cats.

wendybar said...

Think of all the babies that will be saved!! This is a WIN for our side!! Thanks Feminazi's!!!

Dave Begley said...

Voluntary hysterectomies? Do these people realize they are mentally ill?

FormerLawClerk said...

I've seen a lot of them on Tik-Tok and decided to buy stock in Ozempic.

FormerLawClerk said...

Shhhh. Don't interrupt your enemies when they are erasing their gene pool.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
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Iman said...

These ladies have nothing to worry about.

Cappy said...

It's a self-solving problem!

Roger Sweeny said...

No doubt I am a bad person, but I can't help wondering, "How much of this is, 'You can't fire me; I quit"?

Just as all the things money can buy have make having children relatively less attractive and led to a wildly decreasing birth rate, so easily accessible porn and Netflix and video games have decreased the demand for dating and actually having anything romantically to do with a woman. Combined perhaps with a certain fear that lots of women just don't approve of men.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

“Feminists are so devastated over the election result that they're swearing off sex, marriage, and childbirth. They are going to get revenge on us by... dying alone.” - Matt Walsh

kiwinews said...

Does no one read Lysistrata any more?

tim maguire said...

As some clever wag put it: There will never be a victor in the battle of the sexes. There’s too much fraternizing with the enemy.

CrankyProfessor said...

Abdominal surgery seems like a long way to go.

Peachy said...


Peachy said...

A win-win on all levels.

JK Brown said...

First, assuming most of these women do date men, dating app data shows they only want to date less that 1% of single men, those that meet their height, income, and sexual endowment standards. So the 99% aren't really going to see a change even if this takes off.

Second, the most ardent women in this movement are those who were easily manipulated into thinking Trump was lying when he said abortion should be a state issue and he would veto any national legislation. So, these women likely weren't going to have human children, opting to be a pet parent. Not to mention, they are the women who won't insist a partner use a condom or are able to track their one week of the month when they should avoid sperm in their vaginas.

They threaten only to have sex with men who they see as viable fathers and partners. Moving the clock back from hook up culture to the early 1970s, premarital sex, if not to waiting till marriage

FormerLawClerk said...

We turned to those things BECAUSE other things made dating/marriage a horrible cost-to-benefit. There is TREMENDOUS financial risk for men when contemplating marriage. You can legally end up someone's endentured servant. Women don't understand that they've overpriced themselves out of the market for men's time.

My video game isn't going to take half my stuff, my children and my income for the next 22 years.

n.n said...

Feminists on Venus, masculinists on Mars, and social progressives from Uranus invade Earth. It's evolution with a dysfunctional fitness function.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maybe “What can be, burdened by what has been” is a better quote.

FormerLawClerk said...

They're literally promising to stop being whores. How is this bad again?

n.n said...

Transsocial with elements of transgender (e.g. homosexual) conversion.

Koot Katmandu said...

LOL do not blame Tik-Tok. Did you not hear what Biden and Harris and main stream media said about Trump?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"Their rage is understandable..."
Sure, being pissed-off over nothing is an AWFL's prerogative.

rhhardin said...

Porn has reduced the market value of women to zero.

gilbar said...

The New Shakers!
{which shake like bowls (bowels?) full of jelly}

Political Junkie said...

Yep. In most cases, yep.

gilbar said...

well, their claim is that they are going to go FULL LESBO (and give up being bi)

gilbar said...

Meanwhile, the Missouri Synod Lutheran girls are still dating/marrying/babying with their Missouri Synod Lutheran boys.

The Future BELONGS, to those who show up

William said...

I have been openly critical of the political stance of many Victoria Secret models. For that reason I have refused to have sex with them. My position on this is non-negotiable. I can only hope that my principled stance will help bring them to their senses.

Temujin said...

I'm going long on cats in America.

Daddy Binx said...

Having see pictures of the women promoting this philosophy I feel that I can confidently say, for human males everywhere, "Your terms are acceptable."

who-knew said...

"Their rage is understandable" No it's not.

Jaq said...

"I am going to voluntarily have surgery that limits my ability to have vaginal orgasms, the kind women who have them report to like best, to punish men."

Creola Soul said...

Darwin continues to rule. The herd is being thinned.

tommyesq said...

Nothing more feminist than eschewing a very large chunk of the potential life of a woman. You go, grrrrls!

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

As both a food source AND comfort aide! 2 revenue streams!

Enigma said...

Great! Self-selected for Darwin Awards. This is overdue. Let the cultists die as martyrs. Indeed, they demand it.

A man's greatest challenge in finding a mate is distinguishing between appearance and character. There are female gold diggers, LOTS of non-violent crazy women, and plenty of spiteful, shrewish, cruel women too. Men must choose carefully (or get lucky) to avoid an unpleasant and costly dead-end relationship.

These women are efficiently removing themselves from competition. Some will see the light in five years as their biological clocks tick away, and then have to settle before their sell-by date expires. Some will receive treatment for mental illness and...learn to negotiate with biology and the universe and men... Others will be cried over by other cult members.

Remember the Shakers, for they no longer exist.

Earnest Prole said...

You refuse to make miniature versions of yourself?

As Willy Wonka would say, “Stop, no, don’t.”

RCOCEAN II said...

Sex strike. Libtard men hardest hit.

RCOCEAN II said...

Is it really a strike, when no man wants to have sex with you? Its like Bill Maher refusing to enter a beauty contest.

NKP said...

"Feminist" has to be the ultimate oxymoron (a One-Worder, at that!). "Feminists" seem to hate all things "feminine."

Milo Minderbinder said...

Fewer liberals contributing to the gene pool? Great strategy....

Irresponsible men have been exploiting women for centuries. Roe was an understandable and necessary response to level the playing field, but, as Buttigieg recently confirmed, abortion rights didn't stop male irresponsibility and in fact enabled it. But if women really want to level the playing field, they'll organize their political power and pass legislation that makes all men legally and financially responsible for their role in conception. I'm old enough to remember when that was a cause in the sexual revolution, a cause that died with Roe. Such laws will end the hypocrisy women face when trying to explain why they believe Jean Carroll but not Tara Reade.

RCOCEAN II said...

Historically nagging is a woman's most effective weapon. yap,yap,yap. That's how they got the vote. "Ok, i'll do it, just shut up already" is the male equivilent to "I surrender".

Pillage Idiot said...

Was Aristophanes an old, white male?

Nothing can be learned from reading people like THAT!

RCOCEAN II said...

All this sex strike stuff, reminds me of Jen Rubin telling everyone to quit their newspaper job rather then put up with an owner refusing a Kamala endorsement. And then keeping her job when Bezos did it.

Or Michelle Goldberg, playing the "who needs men" card, for years. And then getting married having a kid and crowing about how happy she is, you "childless losers".

Do the people pushing this "Strike" have any intention of doing it themselves? Or are they lesbians?

Charlie Currie said...

Personally, I wish them all the best and hope they succeed beyond their wildest dreams. My grandchildren and great-grandchildren will not have to deal with their's - they won't exist.

Unknown said...

Read about Mouse utopia

Big Mike said...

Does no one read Lysistrata any more?

Not even in translation.

Big Mike said...

Will they be missed? I don’t think so. Feminists tell young women that they have value just by being women. They’re going to learn otherwise.

Aggie said...

Are they Feminists, orTerminists?

Dr Weevil said...

Someone on Twitter posted a parody of an ad for a dating website, something along the lines of "Dozens of unattractive women in your area are waiting to not have sex with you!"

Magson said...

What I find funny about this is the Korea's cultural issues are such that this 4B thing couldn't gain any traction there. It was like dumping a bucket in the ocean and saying there was more water there now. Some US feminist found an old video from 2021 when it was on its last gasp as a "movement" in Korea and reposted it while commenting on it like it was something new and exciting and managed to make it go viral here, so now it's got the "foreign cachet" that makes it somehow more appealing.... despite the fact that it's not a thing in Korea at all.

EdwdLny said...

Ha ! Your terms are acceptable. The cleansing of the gene pool alone makes this a positive. And , yes, the reduction in the numbers of slaughtered babies is a larger positive. Keep it up "ladies" , keep it up. There will also be an upswing in societal common sense.

Dagwood said...

Married men are already all too familiar with the 4 B's: "All she ever does is bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch."

Mason G said...

"Some American women are already devising plans to apply used menstrual pads to trucks with MAGA stickers"

Wow! What a great plan! People are sure to take your ideas seriously if you do stuff like that.

What a bunch of maroons.

Interested Bystander said...

Another unhappy lesbians club.

Interested Bystander said...

First amendment pal. I’m all for kicking all Chinese interests out of the US but banning speech in-American.

Matt said...

Trump - the only thing that can get modern American women to stop being whores. What CAN'T this guy do?!?!

Not sure this is the 'own' they think it is.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Excellent to see references to Aristophanes Lysistrata in the comments. This is the one with the sex strike by women in Athens in order to bring an end to the long war with Sparta. This war was to a great extent the end of Athens; by the time Alexander conquered Greece, Sparta was the main obstacle. I've heard of one performance of this play in Chicago in which the whole cast took the stage at the end to chant "peace, peace, peace," as if the hippie message was the same as Aristophanes' message. Of course the war between men and women is an example of war, not an alternative to it.
The other Aristophanes play on women is Assembly of Women (Ecclesiazousae). Women get to pass laws, one of which requires attractive young men to have sex with old and ugly women. Narcissism closely linked to sociopathy, in defiance of, let's see, nature.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

video via Reddit: These guy cuts through the bullshit

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You have to be mean to be kind or something.

Mason G said...

"They’re going to learn otherwise."

Based on the videos I've seen of women sitting in their cars crying and bitching about their lives, they're already learning.

Biff said...

Teachers, counselors, and therapists sure have a lot to answer for.

Biff said...

He's not wrong.

hombre said...

What's this "for American women" bullshit? These are lefty wackjobs, not a personification of American women. 4B for them is a win for normal American women and men.

JaimeRoberto said...

Childless cat ladies.

hombre said...

The John the Baptist refers to it as winnowing in a slightly different context. "His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” Matt. 3:12. Same idea.

Jupiter said...

"Their rage is understandable ...".
Well, not really. If they are serious, then why do they need the right to have an abortion? I would applaud their sensible approach to identifying a problem and addressing it with a simple and effective solution. Except that they keep harping on it, even though it's not a problem any more. Strange.

Jersey Fled said...

This is kind of like me saying that I refuse to play in the NBA.

Iman said...

They be feminazis.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

They continue to play into the hands of right wing nut jobs/deplorables/garbage people.
No sex--> no babies born to lefty women.
Abortions -->no babies born to lefty women.
Gay kids --> no babies born to lefty women.
Trans kids --> no babies born to lefty women.

No babies born to lefty women--> Very few lefty kids, and they, being lefty, will not reproduce.
If we can get their ideology out of the educational industry, lefties will die out without any further need for intervention.
God wins. Again. Darwin gets an assist.

Mary Beth said...

Some American women are already devising plans to apply used menstrual pads to trucks with MAGA stickers


Oh Yea said...

This will eliminate the need for abortions and put Planned Parenthood out of business. So much winning.

rhhardin said...

They're getting rid of the crib but apparently not the playpen.

loudogblog said...

"Why should I buy a book when there's a thriving lending library in the town?" - Benny Hill

Jamie said...

To prove that they are not pregnant, for another month?

I dunno. It's a baffling protest.

rehajm said...

Long haul truckers use on board cameras and creating biohazards aren’t going to be protected by soros prosecutors forever…

Mikey NTH said...

These will pass as well, though without leaving excellent furniture behind.

Eva Marie said...

Because they are mentally ill.

Yancey Ward said...

All the Democrat women of the Althouse Blog are on a sex strike- Inga, Vicki from Pasadena, Readering, Freder, and Bich are cutting their Republican boyfriends off for the next 4 years.

John said...

A variation on the old "lips that have touched alcohol will not touch mine." Good luck!

ALP said...

I think the "women won't be able to have a bank account or own property" crowd is far more unhinged.

TaeJohnDo said...

Their cultural suicide movement. To paraphrase Scott Pressler: Conservatives - get married, have lots of babies.

Jim at said...

I've seen pictures of these twits. A 10-foot pole comes to mind.

No Name said...

Sadly I think these young women who proclaim in TikTok videos that they've joined a nascent 4B movement have already discovered that the majority of eligible young men have already forsaken them. Never has the college-educated young-adult dating scene been this dormant.

stlcdr said...

Unfortunately, they won’t be able to do it quietly, following their own internal beliefs…it’s a look as me!!!! Shriek. If you shrug your shoulders and go about your business, well, they can’t have that, and will ramp it up to obnoxiousness.

stlcdr said...

Unfortunately, they won’t be able to do it quietly, following their own internal beliefs…it’s a look as me!!!! Shriek. If you shrug your shoulders and go about your business, well, they can’t have that, and will ramp it up to obnoxiousness.

JAORE said...

Assume this movement catches on. Apply the old scale of one to ten. Conservative women will see their scored bumped by at least one. The movement women will be capped at.... well.... zero.

Kirk Parker said...

"A 10-foot pole comes to mind."

Yes, because the entire world doesn't make enough bags...

Kirk Parker said...

Milo, did I miss a sarcasm tag? Do I need to send my detector out to get recalibrated? Because if you're serious...

No, Roe was not "an understandable and necessary response to level the playing field". You want to deal with the problem by slaughtering the one individual involved who is guaranteed to be entirely innocent? Your goa is Moloch.

And then your follow up is just as demented: Men already are legally responsible. As I opened with, I sure hope I missed the implied winky or something.

Aggie said...

So..... if this is considered, by them, to be a 'Fair Trade', then is it safe to assume that none of these women has ever experienced an orgasm?

Jim at said...

Yes, because the entire world doesn't make enough bags...

Yep. The ol' two-bagger. One for her. And one for you in case hers rips.

Rusty said...

Will there be videos? Asking for a friend.

Leland said...

The Internet Meme "and nothing of value was lost" comes to mind.

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