The NYT reports on today's meeting, which I'm trying to picture. I thought of this:
November 13, 2024
"[I]n 2020, Mr. Trump refused to concede the election and never invited Mr. Biden for the traditional meeting in the White House."
"It is unlikely that Mr. Biden has forgotten that snub (though it is not clear that he wanted to meet with Mr. Trump in 2020). But Mr. Biden is an institutionalist who has long expressed respect for the trappings and traditions of the White House and the Senate.... That is most likely what motivated him to offer Mr. Trump the invitation that he did not receive himself."
2020 was also rife with election fraud.
In 2020 - the election was drug out for weeks. After we watched the millions of votes that came in under cover of darkness.... With wild mathematically impossible jumps for Old Crook Joe.
Joe Biden last week:
Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy. He is a fascist who embodies the themes of Hitler. He will end America as we know it. We gotta lock him up.
Joe Biden today:
Welcome to the White House, Adolph. Congratulations on winning our nation's last ever election to be held as America transitions from a Democracy to a Dictatorship! I welcome our new overlord.
They boarded up the windows to the counting room so Americans couldn't watch what was going on inside and not one American fired a single shot.
We were better prepared in 2024.
Joe Biden last week:
Donald Trump is a threat to our Democracy; he is a fascist who embodies Hitler and he will end America as we know it. We gotta lock him up.
Joe Biden today:
Welcome Hitler! Congratulations on your history win!
Mind Crime! Thought Crime! Your lying eyes!
I suspect inviting Trump to the white house has more to do with rubbing Harris's nose in the loss than anything else. It is hard to miss the contempt both side have for each other right now. Remember the red dress when Jill voted and Biden looking giddy when he gave the announcement about Trump winning.
I'm not having a problem picturing it, but then I'm picturing Trump punching Biden in the face.
he is an old man - but as a cleansing gesture, it would be good to take Old Crook Joe behind the bleachers.
Biden knows he has a horrible legacy, and his conduct on the way out the door will have an outsized influence on those perceptions going forward.
If anything, Trump's landslide victory over Kamala cements the impression Biden was the only politician who could "defeat" Trump.
Besides, because of his Biden's legal jeopardy, he could use a friend at the top.
Trump left ‘shockingly gracious’ letter to Biden on leaving office, book says
Waiting now for the shockingly cordial meeting between the two.
It is unlikely that Mr. Biden has forgotten that snub Biden's "81 Million" votes vs. Kamala's 72 million show the absentee voter fraud in 2020 was very real. Nine million Democrat votes vanished. Both Biden and Trump know this. Biden happily accepted being installed, rather than elected. That's why Trump rightfully snubbed him.
In 2020 - the election was drug out for weeks.
For die hard Democrats, I get the feeling many will be drugged-out for months if not years!
At this point in 2020, Trump sincerely, and not unreasonably, believed he had been rooked (or actually was still in the process of being rooked). So the two situations are not really comparable.
Biden isn't making any decisions himself. His aides are playing nice because they're still going to have to work in Washington as lobbyists after January, and they sense that Resistance is dead. They're anticipating having to work with Republicans for the foreseeable future.
"These are the kind of guys you like to smack in the ass."
I'm surely not the only guy who will note that this is not "tough guy I wanna fight" talk. You don't smack a guy's ass. You kick it. Which actually doesn't involved the ass at all. You want to punch him in the face.
Biden accidentally revealed he wanted to snap at towel at Trump's hinder in a locker room.
I love rhetorical trick the NYT/Wapo always use. The story always must be framed as Trump bad, Democrat good.
"Hey, Trump did one small thing bad to Biden 4 years ago, so lets frame that as the lead in. It'll make Biden look like the big man for meeting with Trump."
Of course, the correct frame is the opposite. Trump is the big man, for meeting with a guy who approved a Gestapo raid on his house, called him a Nazi sympathizer and racist, tried to get DoJ to jail him, refused to give his administration "executive privilage" protection, and skimped on Secret Service protection that almost got Trump killed. Not to mention has jailed almost all of Trump associates or charged them with bogus crimes.
Trump is the big man, to put that aside, and meet with Biden. No doubt over foreign policy stuff. Good for him.
“But Mr. Biden is an institutionalist…”
Hey, NYT, I know you lefties like to change the meaning of words to suit your purposes a lot, but “institutionalist” does NOT mean “should have been institutionalized”.
- a loud kiss
- part (one's lips) noisily in eager anticipation or enjoyment of food, drink, or other pleasures.
Note how the New York Times refuses to credit Trump with being enough of an institutionalist to accept the invitation this time around despite that Biden literally tried to lock Trump up.
Hey, Koot Katmandu, Dr. Jill Biden wore a red pantsuit, not a red dress, to vote.
We are better than the people who lie about Trump's "both sides" or Bush's "plastic Turkey" or Reagan not destroying the USSR. Let's keep our history correct.
As to Dr. Jill Biden's vote, I for one like to think of her possibly voting for Trump, possibly writing in her hubby's name, who knows, will any reporter ever ask her?
The look on his face when he says ass.
Stop the lies. The votes in 2020 were mostly real, were heavily harvested mail in ballots for the most part, and were technically legal under the judicially forced COVID election rules, although many were not auditable or verifiable as having any connection to an actual voter. Don't blame the player, blame the rules of the game.
Straighten up!
I get the impression Joe's been thinking about the things he'd like to do to that ass more than is good for him.
...similar to the 'Milwaukee Miracle' that we just witnessed, my, what a coincidence, one of the most 'establishment Democrat' urban districts doing a repeat of what worked last time.
It’s more likely Biden forgot 2020.
Short memory at NYT. They need to go way back to 2016 when Obama and the Clintons actively sought to sabotage the Trump presidency. The Clintons actually contacted electors in an attempt to get them to vote for Hilary notwithstanding the election. Then in 2020 Joe magically gets millions and millions more votes than Obama in 2012, Clinton in 2016 or what Harris would get in 2024, and Trump is supposed to graciously receive the Bidens?
If Biden gets "handsy" Trump will have to pop in the chops--Cornpop style.
Scranton Joey Biden: "That's right, we bad."
Real? Well, they were counted. That's the only "real" thing about many of them. Building a nation out of "real" votes like that is like building a machine with "real" gears made of pot metal. It ain't gonna last.
Yeah, "smack in the ass" is a peculiar way of putting it. Joe wanted to say "punch in the mouth", but some residual functioning neuron told him that was not a good idea.
Why it’s almost as though Democrats took advantage of special covid absentee voting rules and Republicans did not.
Maybe sometime soon people here and elsewhere on both sides of the fence will quit their Petty vindictive and inane public comments as if we live in a giant soap opera simulation.
Just another Trumpdump from the NYT, the birdcage liner that will spend the next few months rationalizing the obstructive, seditious and illegal conduct of DNC Gramscian Marxists preventing Trump from doing what a majority of the country hired him to do.
But Mr. Biden is an institutionalist who has long expressed respect for the trappings and traditions of the White House and the Senate....
To which I say: tits on the Lawn.
You are really quite pathetic. Perhaps some introspection on your "performance" over the last decade is in order.
Confidence is low.
Shocking only to libtard Party members who think Trump behaves like Biden actually does.
"...respect for the trappings and traditions of the White House and the Senate."
But not respect for the actual duties and restrictions on Senate and Executive as specified in the Constitution.
Civility Bullshit tag wanted.
"Stop the lies. The votes in 2020 were mostly real, were heavily harvested mail in ballots for the most part"
Drink the Kool-Aid... Someone thinks that 20 million ballots could be filled out overnight... Mmm, Kool-Aid....
I agree. It is time for most of Washington DC to go to jail.
Joe Biden knows who is about to control the Department of Justice and is now doing everything in his power to stay out of prison for the rest of his life.
I hope Donald Trump learned his lesson about leaving Hillary Clinton out of jail, but I doubt it. Leaving the Biden's free with the Clinton's to undermine your administration with the help of the Fake News sites is a BIG MISTAKE.
Prosecute his ass. Dude has been funding Iranian terrorists. He should be in Gitmo.
No politician defeated Trump. Trump won the 2020 election.
I don't know why the news media is complaining about Trump not hosting the Bidens. It was COVID. If it had been an out-going Dem administration, we'd be reading about how that president wrote a wonderful letter instead of hosting a meeting while small business owners were prevented from meeting with anyone.
Have to admit, I never expected to see Joe Biden inviting Literally Hitler to the White House and cooing over him like this.
I haven't read the entire article, but from the selected part which seems to use the term institutionalist in a complimentary fashion, it was odd that neither Biden nor Trump were referred to as President or President-Elect.
Right, and then Democrats suddenly forgot how to cheat four years later.
Here’s the really pathetic truth: Trump lost the 2020 election by 40,000 votes in three states. He would have been elected president if he’d taken advantage of covid absentee voting rules rather than telling people the only legitimate way to vote was on election day. Some lessons can only be learned the hard way.
"It is unlikely that Biden has forgotten that snub" assumes facts not in evidence.
Saying the right things and making nicey-nice while they gird for war.
Fuck the Democrats. The fuckers need to apologize to the American people for the damage they’ve done to our nation.
Make amends.
Prostrate themselves.
You two are Always angry always affronted always exaggerating always catastrophizing. I find it sad both of you you can't even enjoy the fact that your guy won. I suppose it's because you don't get to burn it all down in a heroic insurrection.
"...although many were not auditable or verifiable as having any connection to an actual voter...." Yeah, technically, that's completely illegal. And a lot of the verification procedures designed to make that connection, that were legally required, were ignored - like signature verification. So, also technically illegal. Blame the players, all over the place.
Biden may/likely/certainly enriched himself and his family during his time in public office in ways that broke laws. Biden will continue to be extra nice going forward.
Howard's sad gaslighting and non-stop lying remains....non-stop!
Too funny. Calm down little man. Its not anyone else's fault that you have chosen the pro-hamas, pro-soy boy team and now, perhaps, perhaps, at this late stage you sense that's all been a mistake but you lack the courage to own it and move on so you lash out as you are doing here.
Good luck with that.
It gave Biden one last chance to display himself as in a superior position to Trump.
"unlikely that Mr. Biden has forgotten that snub"
I wouldn't bet on that.
"what motivated him to offer Mr. Trump the invitation that he did not receive himself"
I can picture Biden saying when questioned about it... "Well, I ain't Trump. I got class. I'm a Biden".
Dixcus, it is prolly Joe wanting to negotiate pardons for any wrongdoing by Hunter that hasn't been uncovered yet.
Has anyone dug in to see what states the 10-15 million extra votes came from?
This. We stayed up all night to watch trump win the election, only to wake up the next morning to find that massive, suspicious 3AM vote drops had mysteriously put Biden ahead in the exact states he needed to win.
Perhaps Elon Musk should offer $1 million reward to anyone who was part of that fraud to come forward and offer hard evidence of the fraud.
We all assume, I suppose, that Joe voted for Kamala, but did he really? His actions say no.
California, a state of 40 million people, sends a mail-in ballot to every registered voter whether they request one or not. California has also legalized ballot harvesting. None of that had any effect whatsoever on the 2020 and 2024 presidential elections since California is such a lopsided Democratic state.
As I noted upthread, Trump would have won the 2020 election had he taken advantage of covid ballot rules instead of telling his voters that election day was the only way to vote.
They BOTH look so Happy!
Biden is thrilled to be meeting the guy he voted for.
Both 2020 and 2024 Milwaukee miracles. No way did Baldwin win 2024 vote, those very late-arriving 30,000 Milwaukee votes for Baldwin didn't help Harris, but are ghosts of 2020 past. Wonder whether anyone in Wisconsin will contest this 2024 senator election count.
I wonder how many times Biden thought to himself - where am I, and who is this guy. Best Trump quote "politics can be brutal". Democrats are on the wrong side of the brutal part right now.
Yup, those 2020 harvested Democratic votes delivered in big boxes at 3 am, many/most missing their 2nd signatures, date-stamped envelopes, and the other prerequisites, were curiously all Democratic votes, often only for presidential line-item.
There’s a word for people who fail to take full advantage of the rules: Losers.
…oh mann, I just saw the fireside photo op for the meeting. So much old manspreading. Cannot…unsee 😳
You can take the professor out of the classroom....
NYT spreads WaPoo to soothe the liberal sole (sic) of progressive contusion in the District of Corruption.
Heh. Joe hates Kamala and the Dem establishment more than Trump now.
I wonder who let out that very strange high-pitched (female?) braying laugh that erupted just after he says "ass".
Has anyone dug in to see what states the 10-15 million extra votes came from?
The same ones that simultaneously shut down in the middle of the night, sent the poll watchers home and then starting counting again.
Oh, and California.
The first thing we have (or should have) learned from this election is NOT to call the other side HITLER or STALIN. Reason No. 1 -- It doesn't work. Reason No. 2 - See Reason No. 1.
For eight years Trump has been increasing his share of every voting block in the country. In some he has a majority now, in some he is headed for a majority. The professional Dem pols have finally realized this as a political fact of life. By setting themselves at odds with him, they are setting themselves at odds with the majority of the country. They don't know what people want - they finally see that. They've been excited about various forms of Communism, new ways to be totalitarian, replays of the Thirties of the last century. We're practically at the Thirties of this century. The brighter spirits on the left finally see the writing on the wall. and are shifting their feet for a get-away while they smile fixedly at the less agile. And the less agile deep-staters will resist and be flushed out and down the arc of history.
But enough of glowting - my word for a Trump supporter's attitude right after November 5, 2024.
There's real issues to be working on. Characteristically, Trump has gone on to the real work and shifted the discussion to issues in the country by appointing Cabinet members. The loss of manufacturing; the failure of green energy, to work while it is nevertheless the only energy some states have; the ambitions of Iran, Russia and China and the wars they'll start; the pretence that women can be soldiers even as we see them losing out to the trans athletes which shows what will happen in a war; the birth winter and the millions upon millions Biden let in; the rot in the cities and the exclusion of conservatives and working ideas through HR, DEI and scholarship and tenure committees - all this to work on.
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