November 14, 2024

"I said to my class, ‘Explain this girl to me. She’s not pretty, she can’t act. Why is she so hot?’ Nobody had an answer."

Said movie producer producer Carol Baum, quoted in "Sydney Sweeney calls BS on Hollywood’s ‘women empowering other women’ movement: ‘None of it’s happening’" (NY Post).

Sweeney's response: "It’s very disheartening to see women tear other women down.... This entire industry, all people say is 'Women empowering other women.' None of it’s happening.... All of it is fake and a front for all the other shit that they say behind everyone’s back.... I’ve read that our entire lives, we were raised — and it’s a generational problem — to believe only one woman can be at the top. There’s one woman who can get the man. There’s one woman who can be, I don’t know, anything. So then all the others feel like they have to fight each other or take that one woman down instead of being like, Let’s all lift each other up."


FormerLawClerk said...

And now you know how Donald Trump beat Kamala Harris: Women hate other women.

Kate said...

Sweeney has big lungs. I doubt Baum can't figure out why Sweeney is popular.

Balfegor said...

“I said to my class, ‘Explain this girl to me. She’s not pretty, she can’t act. Why is she so hot?’ Nobody had an answer,” she continued.

This is actually a reasonable and important question if you're in the entertainment business. Helping her students dissect what makes a star a star seems like exactly the kind of thing she ought to do. Whether that was the intent of her question I don't know, but it would be par for the course if the reporter here took her question out of context purely to stir up drama.

Jupiter said...

Search on "movie producer producer Carol Baum". Search in images.

Jaq said...

To be fair, it's a question I often ask myself about certain actresses. I don't know who Sweeney is, but I know that an actress who is expected to carry a movie better bring some eye candy combined with acting ability into the deal. I suppose there are rare exceptions, at least on the eye candy aspect, but that's why they want the job, isn't it, to be that rare woman?

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Don't try to understand women Bud. Women understand women, and they hate each other." - Al Bundy

Scott M said...

I've long noticed this behavior among women (of various ages) in an office environment. I can only imagine that among entertainment types it would be level-11 worse.

Jaq said...

I think by "hot" she means "in demand in the industry" not "hot" the way most of us use the term, so her students were the wrong people to ask.

Achilles said...

Everyone knows why some women are inexplicably chosen over other women in Hollywood.

They just wont say it out loud.

Aggie said...

"“How sad that a woman in the position to share her expertise and experience chooses instead to attack another woman,” the rep told The Post. “If that’s what she’s learned in her decades in the industry and feels is appropriate to teach to her students, that’s shameful.”"

Maybe she's just sharing her expertise and experience. But apparently she's not the one that gets to say who's a star, and who's not a star, so therefore it's: then who the hell does she think she is, anyway?

By the way, there are quite a few that think Sweeney's not pretty and can't act, too, and they won't eat the dog food, either.

Jupiter said...

And by the way, Sydney Sweeney is not a "girl", she's 27 years old. It is notable that the media, and especially those in the "entertainment industry", refer to a woman as a "girl" when they are contemplating exploiting her sexual appeal. Strippers are called "girls". Prostitutes are called "girls". Carol Baum is not a "girl". Nor is anyone likely to mistake her for one.

Real American said...

The problem is the notion that all women have to be supportive of all other women all the time. Is Sidney Sweeney above criticism? No. No one is. Baum has extensive experience in the industry and she's voicing her opinion based on that experience, which is probably the opinion of other Hollywood types. Doesn't mean she's right, but it's just one person's opinion, so who cares? Sweeney probably shouldn't.

Kevin said...

The entire premise is behind the question is broken. Why did we get Tiny Tim? Why did we get the Kardashians? How in the hell did David Lynch break through the system, or Tarantino? Why do we get anyone at all? Almost everyone's stardom is inexplicable so why pick on this woman?

William said...

You don't need a microscope to find out her appeal. You can see it through the wrong end of a telescope.......If they ever do a remake of Beach Blanket Bingo, I would definitely pick her over Saoirse Ronan.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Nah, she means "hot" hot. Because Sydney Sweeney is hot, I can't tell you why, she just is.

Along the lines of what Balfegor is saying; it's possible that it was taken out of context and possibly Baum was pointing out that sometimes people have undefinable qualities that make them stand out.

Joe Smith said...

She's no Margot Robbie but she's not ugly. As for being a bad actress, there aren't a lot of good actors in Hollywood to start with. It's not tough to do a passable acting job if you're just shooting guns or flying through space in a rocket suit, etc.

Saint Croix said...

"Why is new girl getting all the tips? Somebody explain it to me. And nobody said anything."

Kevin said...

1. I love that we can reply directly now!
2. Saoirse Ronan was absolutely stunning in the Grand Budapest Hotel era. But she has hardened since, in a way that only feminism can achieve

Gravel said...

I just checked her IMDB page and I've never seen anything that she's in, so I can't say if she can act or not. But saying she's not pretty is just dumb. She does look much better in quartering shots rather than dead on, but she's got a great smile and very pretty eyes.

Koot Katmandu said...

I think she is pretty. Not sure about acting never seen any of that.

rehajm said...

We watched Anyone But You with Sweeney and Glen Powell. Both of them seemed to be everywhere all Summer. I would ask the same regarding Powell…

rehajm said...

I thought Sweeney was one of those social media phenoms the Prime Netfliks latched on to…

Skeptical Voter said...

I've got no dog in this fight and I don't want to be anywhere near it.

Shouting Thomas said...

The arts, every one of them, are a backstabbing nightmare. You’d have to be one stupid fuck to think that other artists are going to support you for any reason. You might have a few friends who support you, but that’s it. That, in fact, girls, is the reality of life, for men and women.

Dave Begley said...

A good movie. But not as good as my, "Frankenstein, Part II."

rehajm said...

The other day YT shorts served her up where she was sitting in the audience at UFC and they put her on the scoreboard. She blew a kiss. Then they showed some ugly mugged UFC fighter sitting in the audience. He blew a kiss 💋

rehajm said...

Chrissakes Begley post a teaser trailer or something…

gilbar said...

here, i'll help out
she is the it girl
glad i could help

gilbar said...

Seriously, have you Ever Seen a pic of Clara Bow?

Saint Croix said...

She posted some stuff on the internet from a family get-together and some of her family was wearing Trump gear. Hence the hatred and urge to destroy.

FormerLawClerk said...

"I can't tell you why"

I can. She's young. She's dyed her hair blonde and she has giant bazongas and a willingness to show them to us.

EVERY young girl who is like that is "hot" ... the problem is that they age out.

She's not "beautiful" in the classic sense. She's "hot" in the "bikini slut on Baywatch" sense.

Kevin said...

Even without that, she is liked by straight men. That is enough for them to hate her

FormerLawClerk said...

Harvey Weinsten says it out loud.

Saint Croix said...

Sydney eats hot wings.

Mary Beth said...

Do men never say anything bad about other men? Women empowering women should still include the ability to help the ones you see something in and not be required to promote everyone just because they have two X chromosomes.

Earnest Prole said...


Ampersand said...

What about women just aspiring to being good humans?

traditionalguy said...

Queen of the mountain is a game. Why pretend the game losers are hurt? Just try again that's how males do it,

Drago said...

Margot Robbie?!! Forget her for a moment. Hollywood tried foisting Margot freakin' Kidder on us as Superman's love interest!

Drago said...

Sydney turned out to be a relative conservative.

Game over in Hollywood for acceptance.

The same crew that gave us "beautiful Hillary" and "beautiful Big Mike" and "beautiful DOCTOR Jill Biden" while claiming Melania wasn't all that is now telling us Sydney doesn't have it going on.


Drago said...

"Do men never say anything bad about other men?"

Yes, but to each others faces...usually over beers.

rhhardin said...

I have zero DVDs with her in it, and I have a lot of DVDs. I have a few with Alison Sweeney, and a cop action film called The Sweeney. Actresses don't support each other, and all women are actresses.

Lilly, a dog said...

Sweeney has a pair of talents that garner attention.

mccullough said...

The Industry Experts said the same thing about Keanu Reeves in the early 90s. There is something unique and likable about certain people. They are attractive in a way that isn’t conventional. The people in the industry who sensed this have done well.

mccullough said...

The Industry Experts said the same thing about Keanu Reeves in the early 90s. There is something unique and likable about certain people. They are attractive in a way that isn’t conventional. The people in the industry who sensed this have done well.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this son of New York"

If it's original, that's a great name!

Drago said...

Precisely. Paul Giamatti comes to mind. Lots of well liked personalities of all stripes that audiences embrace.

Jay said...

Hugh Hefner make a lot of money riding the "Girl next door" playmate centerfold cheerleader shtick. Sweeny has got that look and attitude down pat. Of course she's hated.

Saint Croix said...

She's gotten Emmy nominations for her work in Euphoria and White Lotus.

What jumps out at me is that she's not afraid to be ugly or unattractive in a role. And her emotions seem really genuine to me. I think she's got the chops to still be around when she ages out of the sexy roles.

MikeD said...

I thought they were talking about Julia Roberts and/or Jennifer Garner.

Jay said...

Oh God, I just realized that no one under 40 has a clue what I am talking about.

planetgeo said...

I think she's beautiful. Someone mentioned that she has eyes.

hombre said...

Explanation: She's pretty enough. Her acting is good enough. She has a vulnerable look and an above average rack. Where's the mystery?

Joe Bar said...

The fourth picture that came up was a comparison between the two. LOL

Robin Goodfellow said...


Readering said...

The producer is Biden's age, although not retired. Should she have been given this much attention since April for an inane comment about a beautiful, wildly successful actress and producer?

Roger Sweeny said...

Joyce Benenson's Warriors and Worriers strikes again. Chapter six is titled, "Female Friends: Smile - Then Eliminate the Competition".

Tina Trent said...

Of course, show business is a business about showing.

Tina Trent said...

Also, this is a professor of what? Evaluating cleavage?

Joe Bar said...

There's a meme out there describing the differences in male and female interaction face-to-face, vs. behind one's back. Men will make fun of a person to their face, but praise then when not present. The opposite applies to women. That's the meme. perhaps, it is partly true.

Tina Trent said...

Please don’t make me know that the producer of Dead Ringers also did Father of the Bride.

There’s no perversion like 1980s perversion.

Leland said...

Seems worthy of a civility bullshit tag, except this is identifying it rather than pretense.

Iman said...

“Let’s all lift each other up."

In her case, dat’s one of those “Herculean tasks”… 👌

Bob Boyd said...

“I said to my class, ‘Explain this girl to me. She’s not pretty, she can’t act. Why is she so hot?’ Nobody was dumb enough to answer.”

tommyesq said...

Facially, she reminds me a lot of a young Mira Sorveno or Aubrey Plaza, both of whom have had successful Hollywood careers.

n.n said...

Explain this boy to me. He's not handsome...

n.n said...

Context Reductive Theory (CRT) is complementary to DEI.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

But she IS pretty, so it's a stupid question

Jupiter said...

BTW, Sydney Sweeney is not a "girl". She is 27 years old. The hyena media, and the "entertainment industry", use the term "girl" to refer to a woman when they are offering her for sale as a sexual object. Strippers are called "girls". Prostitutes are called "girls". They tried to sell us Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris, but they never called either one of them a "girl".

AlbertAnonymous said...

Amanda seyfreid. But with more ample bosom

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Men want to win. Often, it's a team competition, so men look up to and value those men whose team they want to be on.

I find it darkly ironic that women, who as a rule highly value socialization, are nevertheless much more focused on the individual victory than the team one.

So women end up being catty, back-biting etc in a way men rarely are

Iman said...

Margot Kidder? What a crazy world…

Iman said...

People take notice and stand up… er, something like that.

Iman said...

What does teh rogersweenie say?

Iman said...

This Carol Baum angle is an old story… 2022 or 2023, I think.

rehajm said...

She’s not pretty, she can’t act. Why is she so hot?

I have a job waiting for the first student that answers ‘The Hallmark Channel’…

Mr. Forward said...

Rose Marie in the "Dick Van Dyke" show. Dick V.D. and Morey Amsterdam mostly served as office furniture while Rose Marie singlehandedly typed the script for "The Alan Brady Show".

Spiros Pappas said...

This woman has an ideal shape.

planetgeo said...

Tina Fey was/is a very good comedy writer.

pious agnostic said...

Demonstrably true, but she also has a fun, girlish quality, a cheeky smile, works hard, has good business sense, and a playful attitude about her physical beauty. There are plenty of stacked blondes in the world; this one has a brain and is in control of how she uses her beauty. Is she a great actress? Not that I have seen, but I'd hire in a second if I had a project I wanted to succeed.

Iman said...

No, Sweeney isn’t bug-eyed like Seyfreid.

Iman said...

Meh… I can’t see the talent from here.

gilbar said...

what are DVD's?

Jaq said...

That picture of Clara Bow does not do her justice. In movies, she's mesmerizing.

gilbar said...

as my college roommate Steve used to say:
She's got a great attitude

walter said...

Just can't put my finger on it.

loudogblog said...

"it’s a generational problem"

No, it's not. It's always existed as long as women have existed. It's hardwired into the DNA to compete for mates. (And often that means trying to get rid of the competition.)

Jaq said...

One of the producers of Flashdance said that he brought in a group of guys, showed them the actresses trying out for the role, and asked them which one did they want to f*k the most, then he gave her the role.

Gospace said...

Maybe, maybe she's popular and hot because she's relatively high up on the hot axis, thought not at the top, but low on the crazy axis. Being low on the crazy axis makes her hotter then she might otherwise be. It is possible for one to affect the other. I don't think she's in the unicorn range though.

INHO the best example of someone high up on both is Amber Heard. Definitely hot. Definitely crazy. Hot enough to have attracted both Johnny Depp and Elon Musk. And crazy enough that neither are with her today...

If you're not familiar with teh hot/crazy matrix- a simple chart:

Butkus51 said...

Marilyn Monroe wasn't the prettiest girl. Her acting, meh.

I wonder.

Questions, questions.

One Fine Day said...

A movie producer can't figure out why Sydney Sweeney is "hot" (by any definition of the word)? That's gotta be a rhetorical "riddle me this" kind of question. There's no way Baum doesn't understand it.

The Vault Dweller said...

I was going to say Sydney Sweeney seemed to describe Hollywood as Performative (the word!) with all their fake lift up all women nonsense.

One Fine Day said...

Shakespeare, Richard III, Act I, Scene 1, first line of the opening soliloquy.

But the "new" is *chef's kiss* perfect.

Joe Bar said...

How many SEC championships do you have? Have a reserved seat at Beef O'Brady's? How decked out is your Ford Taurus. This is an obscure Twitter reference, lol

n.n said...

A rose by any other... she's attractive is a particular nuance with possibly majority following.

narciso said...

Alexandra daddario thats a similar type

Dude1394 said...

And that is one reason why the wnba is a loser. Plus are pretty up there ma'am.

No Name said...

Many women do seem to be unsupportive of other women, actually those kind of women who also profess to be progressive-liberals.

Dude1394 said...

Plus Sydney leans into it and embraces the sexuality. Hot as a firecracker.

Anthony said...

I was almost going to disagree with this, but I do it all the time. "Hey, Ben, are you going to lift that bar or just look at it? Do you need the 5 lb dumbbells? They're over there." "Ben? Great guy. Really strong, too, makes me look like a 12-year old. Girl."

Megthered said...

Women are vicious. They are so much better at the subtle art of fighting than any man. If was were really conducted with words instead if weapons, women would the the super soldier. They can be the closest friend but they can also be your worst nightmare.

Blair said...

The women are upset because men want to fuck Sweeney and not them, and it's not fair. Completely understandable.

Joe Bar said...

There is something very attractive and alluring about Ms. Sweeney. I think someone above hit it on the head, "She leans into it."

Mikey NTH said...

Ugly women hate pretty women. This is news straight from the neolithic.

Rosalyn C. said...

What student is going to directly contradict a biased professor who will be giving them a grade? Of course they didn't answer. A better teacher would have stated, "I don't get why Sydney Sweeney is so popular with your age group. Why do you think she is?" No judgement, just curiosity. She might have gotten some interesting answers.

I happen to agree with Baum because to me the sophistication of dialogue in movies has so diminished, for men and women -- especially from the days of Betty Davis, Katherine Hepburn, Lauren Bacall, Rita Hayworth, Audrey Hepburn or even more recent stars such as Meryl Streep, Viola Davis, Frances McDormand, Rachel Weisz, Cate Blanchett, Halle Berry, Scarlett Johansson, etc.

I never heard of Sydney Sweeney so I watched a video of her doing a SNL monologue and it was cringeworthy. Then I did some research on the lowering of the IQ in our country, and that was confirmed. When the mental capacity of people is diminished, there is always sex appeal. For some people that's all that's necessary for entertainment.

Readering said...

She's been fine as an actress in the things I've watched. Recall Handmaid's Tale, White Lotus and Euphoria on TV. Not seen Immaculate but this Wikipedia entry impresses me:

Development on Immaculate was underway as early as 2014, when Sydney Sweeney first auditioned for a role in the film from a screenplay written by Andrew Lobel.[8] However, the project fell into development hell instead of entering production.[9] Following her breakout role in the television series Euphoria, Sweeney purchased the rights to the screenplay and approached frequent collaborator Michael Mohan to direct.[8] Mohan has stated that many of the film's scenes were inspired by his Catholic upbringing.[10]

In October 2022, it was announced that Sweeney had joined the cast of the film, with Mohan directing, and with Sweeney serving as a producer under her Fifty-Fifty Films banner.[11] Mohan stated that the script originally featured a cast of high school girls, not nuns, and was changed to better suit Sweeney and audience expectations.[12]

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

“Let’s all lift each other up." How far from this is "turtles all the way down"? Or "picking oneself up by one's bootstraps"? Folks, we cannot "all lift each other up." We want different things, and we want them with varying degrees of urgency. I don't particularly want a zero-sum world, but to some extent we are inevitably living in one.

Iman said...

I’d love to provide my credentials.

Bob Boyd said...

Lift and separate.

Jupiter said...

"She's not "beautiful" in the classic sense. She's "hot" in the "bikini slut on Baywatch" sense."
A distinction without a difference.

Immanuel Rant said...

I have seen literally nothing she has been in.

But are you F******** kidding me with this question?!!

gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

That picture of Clara Bow does not do her justice. In movies, she's mesmerizing.

yep.. That's kinda my point. Pictures don't lie, but they certainly don't capture IT

EdwdLny said...

But I bet you'd like too ,though.

Gospace said...

Alexandra Daddario is high up on the hot side of the hot/crazy matrix. Don't know about where she lies on the crazy axis. The first thing I see in any photo of her, even ones displaying other notable parts of her are- her eyes. She has crazy eyes. In every photo I've ever seen. Doesn't mean she's crazy, but I'd be wary around her. I actually really like her eyes, but Wow!, they are crazy eyes.

Leland said...

The two movies I recall being break outs for Julia Roberts were “Pretty Women” and “Erin Brockovich”. In one, she “acted” like a hooker wanting a better life by blowing a rich man, and the other, she portrayed a paralegal who used her boobs to con a guy into giving her access to documents. If she was black, Julia could play lead in the Kamala Harris biography.

Rocco said...

Saint Croix said…
… And her emotions seem really genuine to me…

I think that’s the key to her appeal. There’s a zillion other women with her looks and physical attributes, but it’s that genuineness that makes her memorable.

And as the old saying goes, if you can fake that, you’ve got it made. (Not that I think she’s faking it. I don’t know enough about her to proffer an opinion.)

AndrewV said...

The only thing I have seen her in was a Rolling Stones video.

Big Mike said...

It’s called the “crabs in a cooking pot metaphor,” and women raise it to an art form.

dbp said...

Sweeney is perfect for the rom-com genre. Katherine Heigl was very good in that area but the problem was that she was too conventionally beautiful: There needs to be some self-doubt in the heroine and it's not really believable in someone like Heigl. In contrast, Sweeney is hot but slightly off from physical perfection, so we can believe it when she lacks self-confidence and can root for her when she makes a bold move.

Will Cate said...

She's an absolutely lovely young woman. The very definition of 'natural beauty.' That she's smart enough to see through the Hollywood 'sistahs' bullshit makes her just that much more awesome.

Kevin said...

Not Hollywood, but Kim Eun-sook

Lazarus said...

Movies have always been like that. There's some It or X-Factor that goes beyond traditional categories and qualities. It's not looks or talent alone, but personability, relatability, approachability. Or sometimes it's the opposite, some unapproachable mystique. Sometimes it's a comical cuteness. Sometimes it's something that goes against type and breaks the old rules.

Sydney Sweeney is attractive, but how does she or Jennifer Anniston or Julia Roberts or Jennifer Garner become "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World?" It's not all looks, and not all talent either. John Krasinski is "The Sexiest Man Alive." I think that was a joke or because they went through everybody else, but it's the same principle.

Lazarus said...

FWIW; her grandfather Emilio Daddario was a Kennedy era congressman from Connecticut. Anybody driving through Bridgeport 50 years ago remembers the giant natural gas tanks of the D'Addario company and the slogan "Hi-Ho, D'Addario." The two families may not have been related, but it was great political advertising (assuming people were happy with their gas company).

Lazarus said...

Margo Kidder 👍

Margot Robbie 👎

mikeski said...

How many SEC championships do you have? Have a reserved seat at Beef O'Brady's? How decked out is your Ford Taurus. This is an obscure Twitter reference, lol

Prolly financed his water bed, too.

(Not that obscure)

Rocco said...

what are DVD's?

I bet Uncle Gary knows what DVDs are.

Rocco said...

Well, she is only one year off of her parents’ health coverage.

PM said...

"Carol! Carol! Carol! I know why!"
sigh "Go ahead."
"Cuz she's hot!"

mikee said...

Anniston wore thin sweaters, Roberts played a prostitute with a heart of gold, Garner had athleticism. Don't make it complicated, male viewers certainly don't. And aren't. And have 'em say Sweeney isn't pretty again, I need a laugh.

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