November 30, 2024

"I do not speak to the Post (or the Times for that matter), so this is not for publication, but my reaction is that this is 4 years too late."

Said Columbia University professor emeritus Rashid Khalidi, author of “The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonial Conquest and Resistance, 1917-2017.”

Quoted by the NY Post in "Biden picks up anti-Israel book during Black Friday shopping— ‘4 years too late,’ says author."

President Biden did not merely "pick up" the book. He left the store — Nantucket Bookworks — holding the book with the cover on display. 

But did he even know what he was holding?
It was not immediately clear if Biden purchased the book or if it was given to him while in the shop — after he and first son Hunter Biden, 54, dined with first daughter Ashley Biden and other family members at the nearby Brotherhood of Thieves restaurant ahead of the island’s annual Christmas tree-lighting ceremony.

Is he such a dolt that he could be conned into holding a book and looking as though he selected it — selected "The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonial Conquest and Resistance." The title is completely explicit. Why would he carry that? Did someone put that in his hands to trick him into looking as though he endorses the theory that Israel is an oppressive colonial power? 

Biden has repeatedly referred to himself as a Zionist, meaning a supporter of the movement that spurred Jewish immigration to the Holy Land, leading to the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. “You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist. I’m a Zionist,” Biden told visiting Israeli President Isaac Herzog on Nov. 12 in the Oval Office.

Did someone (perhaps Biden himself) decide that carrying that book would be a good way for Biden to moderate his "I’m a Zionist" talk and to express openness to understanding the conflict from the Palestinian perspective?

But why is the President communicating by toting a book around in front of photographers? Let him sit for a serious interview and explain his position. I know. That's laughable. That's my point. The President lacks the capacity to serve as President. Or is that what whoever slipped that book into his hands wants us to think? Is this a sly device to trigger us into clamoring for Biden to resign and give us one last great creation: President Kamala Harris?


Goldenpause said...

One more piece of evidence that Biden is oblivious to what is going on around him.

Old and slow said...

He hasn't a clue.

Enigma said...

Biden 2020 = Biden 2024

He was installed as the 2020 candidate for being an empty suit "safe old white guy" puppet and mouthpiece for Party activists. During his first two years this focused on Black Lives Matter and Congressional Black Caucus initiatives that had been (pragmatically and sanely) rejected by Democrats for generations. Every action in office involved bribing a random set of frenemy "allies" unified only by the desire for free government gifts and/or knee-jerk attacks on Trump.

There was no coherence and no integrity then, just bribery and rage, and there is no coherence or integrity now.

Shouting Thomas said...

I was never very good (or very interested in) office politics. I’ve always been in awe of the professor’s understanding of this battlefield. I’m not saying that I think I’m better. In fact, I wish I had been gifted at office politics. It’s like I’m missing the gene.

Dave Begley said...

The Bidens ate at the right restaurant.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The internet has just informed me that there actually is a book out there called Parkinson's Disease for Dummies.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

More explicit proof that America is going to be far better off than if we continued to be governed by the cabal that controls Biden. The impression that Harris was simply the next figurehead in line has solidified post-election with every other-worldly summation of “why we lost” mirrored by Biden’s suddenly intensified “more of the same but even worse” acts.

The same question that has haunted us for three years now is prompted with more urgency and frequency, “Who is actually running the Executive Branch?”

Sydney said...

Ask yourself this. Have you ever seen Biden carry a book before? Someone gave it to him.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

And yes absolutely it may be a “sly device” with the intended purpose that Althouse supposes. There are few to no likely explanations we can exclude from the available evidence.

wendybar said...

He can't get the hell out of the White House fast enough for me. It doesn't surprise me, that this delusional tool will start WW3 before he leaves to shit on all of us, and protect his heathen son.

Enigma said...

This was not "sly" or clever or cunning or stealthy or mischievous by any dictionary definition. It was a direct and obvious political message. Who carries a book with the cover outwards except to SHOW what it's about? Right-handed people (Biden) generally pick up books by to spine to minimize wear on the pages and with the front cover facing their own body.

Also, Biden likely lacks the ability to identify, select, or read books these days. He's highly unlikely to stumble across a pro-Palestine book or visit a book store except in following the political plan of his back-room puppet master.

Kate said...

"I don't speak to the Post," says the man who speaks to the Post.

rehajm said...

Did someone (perhaps Biden himself) decide that carrying that book would be a good way for Biden to moderate his "I’m a Zionist" talk and to express openness to understanding the conflict from the Palestinian perspective?

Yes…and paid a lot of money to invent and implement the stunt. Probably your money…

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Conspiracy theory Althouse is the best Althouse 😌

Kevin said...

The book is a clear communication, but the Brotherhood of Thieves restaurant with Hunter and other family members immediately afterwards is just a coincidence.

tcrosse said...

No more significant than Trump carrying a Bible.

rehajm said...

If terrorist acts lead to concessions you incentivize more terrorism…

Shouting Thomas said...

I once thought the same thing. But, I wondered where Trump gained the strength to battle through the past 4 years of persecution. Trump grew up with Norman Vincent Peale’s “The Power of Positive Thinking” philosophy. I read Peale’s book recently. To my surprise, it is based on Christian theology, although a much different version than my Catholicism.

rehajm said...

I was gonna say you know it is a stunt because Nantucket Bookworks has these fabu tote bags and they would give one to a sitting ‘President’ but I see the granddaughter is lugging it. Nice touch by the propagandists…

Wilbur said...

I was reminded of that giant Bible Bill Clinton conspicuously toted into church - accompanied by the devoted wife - during the Lewinsky thing.

Money Manger said...

At this point I'm happy that the press continues with its conspiracy of silence over his dementia. To spotlight it now would pretty much force a transfer of power to Harris, or beg international bad actors to make a malevolent move. Better to keep quiet, cross our fingers, and hope we can coast to Jan 20.

Bob B said...

Is the Biden crime family such dolts that they meet at the Brotherhood of Thieves restaurant?

Bob B said...

Is the Biden crime family such dolts that they meet at the Brotherhood of Thieves restaurant?

ga6 said...

Did Hunter earn a product placement commission in addition to a producers fee for the photo session? We will never know.

Zavier Onasses said...

"... after he and first son Hunter Biden."

Actually, second first son. Beau would be first first son. If Biden had another male child in a subsequent marriage, that would be first first son by second wife. Or, if result of early indiscretion in college, first bastard would apply.

tim maguire said...

Biden seems to be using his final months in office to wreak as much havoc as he can on as many fronts as he can.

What started as an immature prank by Clinton staffers who thought it would be funny to remove the W’s from White House typewriters has blossomed over subsequent Democratic administrations into full-on sabotage and betrayal.

Jimmy said...

What is interesting isn't that biden did or didn't do something- He is thankfully at the end of a 50 year career of never working, sucking on the government teat, and being and asshat.
Columbia University professor emeritus Rashid Khalidi- so this Jew hating idiot is an honored professor at one of the worlds most Jew hating university in the world.
Gosh, color me shocked.

EdwdLny said...

So, democrats are evil fascist terrorists. Example # I'm tired of counting. And, heh, joey bidet is also an ignorant racist pig. Just like he has been for his entire career. This surprises exactly no one.

narciso said...

Khalidi his father was mayor of jerusalem during the british mandate an ally of hamjn husseini

rhhardin said...

If he's in Nantucket there's probably a limerick about it. Whose dick was so long he could suck it is the classical basis.

narciso said...

This was the giveaway about his policy in the middle east as with rob malley

narciso said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

Son of simon a publicist for arafat and nasser

mikee said...

History is a wonderful thing. Like the Bible, it can be used to justify almost any current ideological fanaticism. One can instead also learn from history, not to repeat the mistakes made there. As to dementia Joe, he's so far gone as to be only an object of pity and care now.

Temujin said...

Clearly this was placed, with intent.
Had there been a different intention he might have had "Ghosts of a Holy War: The 1929 Massacre in Palestine that Ignited the Arab-Israeli Conflict", by Yardena Schwartz, in his hand.
Which, by the way, you can order on Amazon, through the Althouse portal.

Big Mike said...

Is this a sly device to trigger us into clamoring for Biden to resign and give us one last great creation: President Kamala Harris?

I think Biden and Harris should both resign and let Mike Johnson restore some common sense to the Presidency until January 20th.

Deep State Reformer said...

Another tempest in a teapot from the state media complex. Mr. Biden is only president for 51 more days as this is being written and that's not long enough for him to even "read" it unless somebody reads it to him.

RCOCEAN II said...

Biden's OK with millions of illegal aliens pouring accross our undefended border. And he's completely indifferent that we're borrowing money to send land mines to Ukraine, or giving cluster bombs to a war criminal regime in Israel. But he gets praise, not disapproval from our power elite for that.

However, he's reading a book that gives the Palestinians side to the Israeli-Arab conflict, and that seems to be over the line. How dare he not support our sacred country, Israel, (let us all bow our heads) 1000 percent. He must be a Goddamn Antisemite and removed from office!

If we don't, before you know it he'll be calling it a Christmas Tree instead of a Holiday Tree.

Bob Boyd said...

It was not immediately clear if Biden purchased the book or if it was given to him while in the shop

In other words, Biden just wandered out holding the book and didn't stop at the register.

Mary Beth said...

By your thinking, Dr. Jill was Biden's second wife, so shouldn't she be the Second Lady?

Howard said...

This is just another example of the lessons not learned by the Democrats since 2016. They are still under the mistaken assumption that clever bits of theater will sway public opinion. Unfortunately the American people are addicted to reality television these days. Love him hate him or somewhere in between the one thing about Donald Trump is he is who he is and he lets everybody know it every single time he opens up his mouth whether he says something sensible or completely batshit crazy.

Zavier Onasses said...

There once was a man from Nantucket / Who kept all his cash in a bucket

Sebastian said...

"Why would he carry that?" Because he agrees directionally, wants to signal to the antisemitic Dem base that he's one of them, and thereby, having already forfeited Jewish donations, keep access to the big prog/Arab $$ he'll need for his library?

"Let him sit for a serious interview and explain his position. I know. That's laughable. That's my point. The President lacks the capacity to serve as President." LOL indeed. But useful to keep in mind next time Dems start bithching about this or that official being incompetent or breaking norms.

Sebastian said...

And Melania Third Lady?

Narayanan said...

I am wondering who got paid to promote book - FJB or Hunter

Bob Boyd said...

In which I attempt to rise to Hardin's challenge:

Old Joe swiped a book in Nantucket
Its premise was, "Israel can suck it"
The Post spun the tale
"Biden flipped on Israel!"
But so what, Joe will soon kick the bucket

Narayanan said...

why is LATimes withholding tape of Khalidi ? is it time now with new-minded ownership?

Narayanan said...

Do Biden family even have to pay ?

Kirk Parker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tina Trent said...

In Chicago, Khalidi and his wife Mona we the third of three couples who “coparented” and shared dinner several nights a week — the other two being Barack and Michelle Obama and Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. The Khalidis were around a bit shorter, because he transferred to Columbia, but the Obamas and the terrorists shared dinner for eight solid years, several times a week. Political and media luminaries joined them, and then they all lied about it until it was exposed and confirmed by Ayers , Dohrn, and Mona just after Obama’s second term ended.

Famous NYT writers, top university law professors, media personalities, and people with the most elite “fact-checkers” repeatedly denied this arrangement and even disappeared evidence (LA Times). It’s a scandal at least as bad as Hunter Biden. The American public wasn’t just lied to: it was betrayed by a coordinated domestic disinformation campaign to elect a man who lied profusely and hobnobbed daily with terrorists. We were told we were stupid and paranoid. Never forget that.

Ice Nine said...

That's the kind of book Bill Clinton digs and reads, not Joe Biden.

I honestly doubt that Joe Biden ever, in fact, read books (other than textbooks - and not much of them either...) back when he was just dumb. Now that he's dumb and demented, no way is he doing it, of course.

Kirk Parker said...

’first son|daughter' == it is to puke. These people aren't fucking royalty. We fought a whole damn war about that.

Though if they want to force that language on us, the comparisons to Prinnie just about write themselves.

Money Manger said...

Bill and Bernardine lived in the building next door to mine in Morningside Heights for several years in the early 80's. Coincided with Barack's final years at Columbia, although I don't think they knew each other at that point. I saw them often walking on the street with the kids. Open secret who they were, even though I think they were on the Most Wanted List at the time.

tcrosse said...

Higgledy Piggledy President Biden
Goes to a restaurant holding a book
The volume in question is pro-Palestinian
So we've decided it's not a good look.

Tina Trent said...

Why didn’t you turn them in, then? They killed people, tried to kill hundreds more.

Tina Trent said...

And she stole the identities used to do several Brinks truck murders. What kept you silent? Do you regret it?

Biff said...

Does anyone remember the kerfuffle when Obama was seen carrying Fareed Zakaria's "The Post-American World"?

john mosby said...

Tina and Money Manger: according to Wikipedia, the government dropped charges againts Ayers around 1973, and Dorn surrendered in 1980, so all but a small bit of the "early 80s" would be after they had come in from the cold.

But yes, they were able to basically hide in plain sight for many years. And the lefties who helped them wound up running the country, and thought nothing would go wrong if they tweaked the criminal justice system to let lots more criminals legally avoid punishment.

We are just now climbing out of that hole.



Readering said...

Don't remember hearing about the book when it was published, but have heard it mentioned by friends multiple times in the past few months. Seems to be soreading by word of mouth.

john mosby said...

W famously had a book reading contest with Rove, and made sure to be photographed carrying conservative books, e.g. Bias:

This enraged lefties, not so much for the ideology of the books, but for the implication that W could read.


john mosby said...

There once was a Prez in Nantucket
Who long ago said "Aw fuck it,
I'm on permanent vacation,
Obama, keep running the nation,
But don't kill the golden goose - just pluck it!"


Ex-PFC Wintergreen said...

This performative crap is all part of the most egregious elements of the Biden Regime: we have experienced a coup d’etat against the United States. The President is not in charge; the power of the presidency has been unlawfully usurped by a criminal gang of unelected bureaucrats, appointed officials, etc. This should be seen as the biggest threat to the nation since the Civil War, yet the feckless elements of the Fourth Estate prattle on about Hegseth’s tattoos.

john mosby said...

Joe Biden went down to Nantucket
Cause there weren't enough votes in the bucket
To get Kommie elected
Though he self-de-selected
Saying boldly, "Twenty-Fifth? I'll duck it!"


loudogblog said...

"Is he such a dolt that he could be conned into holding a book and looking as though he selected it..."

Don't forget that Biden's not all there mentally. My money is on a pro-Palestinian staffer doing a little PR for their cause. After all, who holds a book so that the cover can be plainly read? Most people carry a book binding down in their hand and their arm obscures the cover. (Or the cover is facing in towards them.)

Biff said...

@john mosby - Indeed. I recall that a prominent Yale professor tarnished his reputation among lefties when he said that W was a thoughtful, voracious reader. His comments made quite a splash at the time, though they are not so easy to find via Google in 2024. It may have been Donald Kagan, an eminent Classics professor who passed away a few years ago. (At Yale, aside from a few particular endowed professorships, the peak marker of academic prestige is to teach a course known on campus simply by the prof's last name. "Kagan" was one of those courses.)

wsw said...

The preventable fuck-ups like this (or e.g. constantly exiting the wrong direction) normally would be "on your staff" - their fault. But to me it is crystal clear he resists help. "I GOT IT!" No, you don't

mccullough said...

Arab settler colonialism 631-1700

Jupiter said...

Yeah, I'd say they buried the lede;
"he and first son Hunter Biden, 54, dined with first daughter Ashley Biden and other family members at the nearby Brotherhood of Thieves restaurant ...". Imagine the table talk.

Jupiter said...

It is an interesting book. It makes the case that the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine was as deliberate as the Spanish conquest of Mexico, and much better planned.

narciso said...

Wilbur said...

As usual, the comments by the NYT readers are the most interesting part of the article. Espeicially the first one, a swooning crushfest worthy of David Brooks.

William said...

I get that this is part of a conspiracy. What I don't understand is its purpose or who the conspirators are? Are they conspiring to make Biden look foolish or to look sympathetic to Palestinians? I wouldn't think Jill Biden wants her husband to look foolish, and she doesn't seem especially interested in the Palestinian conflict. Is she part of the conspiracy or is she negligent in protecting Biden from his handlers? Who actually benefits from this besides the book publisher and author. It's all very confusing.

Moondawggie said...

AA asks: "Is he such a dolt that he could be conned..."?

As Bill Murray famously responded in Ghostbusters: "Is this a trick question?"

Tina Trent said...

It was precisely during those few years in NYC, before she surrendered, that Bernardine Dohrn was involved in the terrorism that led to the murder of several Brinks guards and police. And Bill knew. Working under an alias, before they “came out,” she stole identities of customers of a baby boutique and the BLA used them to rent getaway trucks and cars and murder guards and police. Perhaps if someone had really tried to out them then, Peter Page, Wavery Brown, Sgt. O’Grady, and several other officers, guards and civilians would have lived to see their children and grandchildren grow up. Perhaps, too, BLA members would not have escaped, with the help of Dohrn and other BLA and Weatherwomen (nonsense that they disbanded) and then murdered police in other states, including a young Atlanta officer, J R Greene, one of many murders ordered or carried out by Assata Shakur, whom Dohrn helped escape. Remember their names. Assata Shakur still lives in Cuba. Obama did not demand her return as part of normalization of relations. It’s high time Trump brings that hammer down, hard. She should die in prison. And anyone who knew where they were but did nothing to bring these animals to justice has some amends to make. Schoolchildren today are taught that she is a hero. The damage of doing nothing has poisoned generations of schoolchildren, too.

Ayer’s probably didn’t meet Obama while he was at Columbia, but he surely knew what they did by the time he and Michelle were practically living with them and the Khalidis in Chicago. Ayers did try to screw Obama’s soon-to-be girlfriend while Dohrn was being held for a few months following the big Brinks robbery, so he surely knew about all of that before he got to Chicago and “met” them there.

Readering said...

Look up "Arab". Kinda one of the points of the book.

Tina Trent said...

And Dohrn wasn’t released from jail for refusing to testify about the Susan Rosenberg Brinks involvement until 1982. Oddly, she was not charged for her role, though her involvement was known and she should have gone to prison for identity theft and participating in felony murder of police and a security guard.

Obama would have known all of this.

Tina Trent said...

It’s a very odd coincidence that the book is by Khalidi, Obama’s closest friend besides Bill Ayers in Chicago for many years. The video of Obama saying some explosive things in praise of Khalidi at his farewell banquet in Chicago is owned by the LATimes, which refuses to release it.

Odd coincidence. This was a very big issue in the 2008 election.

Tina Trent said...

If he’s lucid enough, it’s a little slap in the face to remind us of Obama’s deep relationship with the radical terrorist-supporter Khalidi, a relationship covered up by the media.

Or it’s approbation of the same. Or, he just recognized the name. None of these people are very bright, which is even more terrifying.

narciso said...

It could have been worse, putting up Pappe, thats a high order fantasist,

none of this happens by accident with events unfolding in Syria, the former Ummayad Califate

Tina Trent said...

That is the tape of Obama toasting Khalidi. I don’t know whether it was so explosive during the 2008 election because of what Obama said about his close terrorist friend or if there were fears that seeing Obama with Ayers and Dohrn at another event would have added to the investigation into his real relationship with them, or both. What we do know is that the media, and especially the Annenberg School of Journalism at U. Penn., home of the original “fact-check,” were laboring hard to conceal Obama’s relationship with these domestic and foreign terrorists, but especially Ayers. Obama’s campaign released their own risible “fact-check” (worm-holed now but I have it) because they were so worried. There is nothing accidental about Biden carrying a book of Khalidi’s — Biden was point man on protecting Obama from precisely these “terrorist eruptions” in the 2008 campaign. He knew everything about the lies and deception of Americans regarding Khalidi and Ayers.

Aggie said...

After seeing so much Joe's behavior as I have over the years, I would guess that he picked it up and walked out, confident that nobody would object or complicate his importance by asking for something as trivial as money.

narciso said...

Lazarus said...

It sounds like that quote was supposed to be off the record. Did the Post really break the "off the record rule?"

I doubt Biden is going to read the book. It may be a sign to Netanyahu -- or maybe just a staffer's little stunt in support of the Palestinian cause. It's unlikely that this indicates any shift in policy.

The Godfather said...

Hey, there's an idea. If Trump nominates some real incompetent for a cabinet position or some other important job, his defenders can say, "Well, at least he's no Biden".

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