November 11, 2024

"Democratic campaign strategists condescended to women, which is what both parties have been doing for a century now."

"But the parties are now also divided by class and on abortion, and a great deal of Democratic messaging has involved college-educated women telling women who never went to college how to think about their own bodies, or their own very real American dreams. Trump liked to say that he will, as President, protect women, whether they want him to or not. The Harris campaign said the same thing, only with more celebrity endorsements. None of this is good for women or for children or for men...."

Writes Jill Lepore, in "Democrats Tried to Counter Donald Trump’s Viciousness Toward Women with Condescension/The Harris campaign felt the need to remind women voters that they can vote for whomever they want. Women understood this. The campaign failed to" (The New Yorker).

It's hard for Democrats to criticize Democrats. They approach the topic but get distracted by how much worse the other side is. But the Democrats lost, and they need to figure out why and change something.*

I don't even know what "Donald Trump's Viciousness Toward Women" is supposed to refer to. I go back to the article and search for the word "vicious." Yes, I remember reading this the first time:
Donald Trump has been more vicious toward women in 2024 than he was in 2020, when he was more vicious than he was in 2016. Liberal democratic states make citizens, I argued earlier this week; the artificial state in which Americans now live makes trolls. If Trump had called Harris a “cunt” on live television on Election Day, it would scarcely have qualified as news. But the Democrats’ hoped-for pink wave—a game-changing double-digit gender gap in favor of Harris—seems to have been washed out in a red sea.

That's just a reference to the purported viciousness. You're supposed to already know what it is. But it's so bad that he could have also done this other thing— "call[ing] Harris a 'cunt' on live television" — and we would have recognized it as fitting into the set of unspecified things we're supposed to know. I guess Lepore is one of the "Americans" who live in "the artificial state" that "makes trolls."


* Speaking of change, I'm thinking about these kids — who sang "Obama's gonna change it" 16 years ago — and wondering how they voted in 2024 and what they're like these days:


rehajm said...

Change your policies.

…we can give away the secret because we know Democrats will just keep trying new ways to manipulate.

jaydub said...

Condescending to women is the least of the Democrat Party issues. Nothing the Dems do is going to matter until they clean up the "batshit crazy" cultural rot they have so eagerly embraced.

Big Mike said...

I’m in agreement with you, Professor. I commented on your previous post that lefties “arguments” (in reality harangues) are buttressed with madeup “facts,”and Trump’s supposed “viciousness” towards women is one of them.

Still, I pride myself on open-mindedness. If someone can present facts — verifiable, tangible, facts — I can be persuaded to change my mind. But note that opinions, whether a commentator’s own opinion or opinion masked as real news in a newspaper article, are. Not. Facts.

Dave Begley said...

The Dems think all women are an ideological monolith and that’s not accurate.

Leland said...

They claimed Trump viciousness without providing evidence? At least this time they provided a couple of years to choose from but no other information.

rhhardin said...

It's called talking past the sale. Talk about the consequences of what has not been conceded. What should be the punishment for the insurrection, for example. What insurrection doesn't come up. Likewise viciousness towards women.

Kay said...

Harris could’ve had a clearer perspective on abortion. Like an actual policy. As someone who didn’t vote, who cares about this right, this could have motivated me to go to the polls.

Kai Akker said...

Her fantasy world. Then treat as real. Presto, her pleasingly circular reasoning. Bias reinforced.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Seems like people have stopped saying "lowest common denominator" when they're referring to the condescension.

Shouting Thomas said...

What would feminism be without imaginary grievances manufactured by drama queens?

michaele said...

That praise Obama sing-a-long was fascinating. I could understand the words when the one child was doing a solo but once the group started singing, I couldn't discern a single was just a cacophony of child abuse.And, oh, how pleased and proud the adults were.

mindnumbrobot said...

Have Republican's been condescending to woman for a century now? Did the author happen to expand on this subject, or was it simply presented as fact?

Also, I would note those celebrity endorsements were paid endorsements.

rhhardin said...

"The man who just four years earlier had committed the most severe constitutional violation in presidential history"

Part of the long introduction to a Harry Litman podcast rounding things up for the deranged.

Wilbur said...

Is there any voting group to which is not condescended? Most political ads and speeches are on about the 5th grade level.

Peachy said...

The big lie that only college educated people vote D. Anther manufactured pile.

rhhardin said...

Everybody is dismissive of women on certain topics for which they're not dismissive of men.

If women want to intervene credibly on those topics they'd have to learn the technique of Vicki Hearne, which starts with an actual curiosity about how men work. Then issue a small but devastating empirical correction, some assumption too quickly made.

Peachy said...
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Sydney said...

Bet most of those kids voted Trump. They would all be draft age now.

Peachy said...
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mindnumbrobot said...

Seems more pandering than condescending.

Peachy said...

The Dems think all ages, colors, genders, education levels, etc.. are ideological monoliths - that they can control. The left manufacture warfare between the groups - to help give condescending leftists power. It's not working like it used to.

Peachy said...

The modern left is one giant condescension factory. pick any group - pick any day. The fruits of the left's lame compartmentalizing of people who DON'T appreciate it - were just announced. Leftists lost.

rhhardin said...

As a result of watching Bulwark and Harry Litman, YouTube is offering me commentaries by unknown young crazy people after an audience. There needs to be an age filter on the presenter's age. It's old crazy people that you want to see, not young people. All young people are stupid, there's no entertainment value in that.

RMc said...
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RMc said...
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RMc said...

They didn't just lose, they lost to Literally Hitler. Twice, yet. (If I were a Democrat, I'd be furious.)

Two-eyed Jack said...

Trump has been insulting to particular women, from Rosie O'Donnell to Kamala Harris, so this is universalized to him being insulting to women in general. We are not supposed to notice the clumsy slight-of-hand. The Lapores and New Yorkers of the world have brainwashed themselves.

Peachy said...

Ann said:
"It's hard for Democrats to criticize Democrats. They approach the topic but get distracted by how much worse the other side is. "
OMG -this.

Skeptical Voter said...

Yeah I'm puzzled about "viciousness towards women". Seems to me that Trump likes women--been married three times, grabs 'em by the hoohah etc. But this is just more Democrat making pooh up. Pelosi is also good at that; over the weekend Nancy told an NYT interviewer that more people crossed the border illegally during Trump's first term than during Biden's four years. The whopper passed her lips--and the NYT interviewer just let it slide on by.

Peachy said...

further... If I ever say one thing negative to a democrat in person about their party - they immediately lock into a defensive posture. *But Trump!* Not one critical word about Joe Biden.
D's all do it. It's really strange. Kinda like mass-delusion.
I have a few Dem friends and they often complain about the crime in town (new! under D rule)
If I bring up how the Dem's De-funded the police (which was BIG locally, and made a reality by D's on the Boulder city council) they just deny it! They wave it away like a conspiracy. That's the other convenient BS trap they pull. Leftist yammer on about how any nugget of truth that makes their party look bad - is a conspiracy.
and thanks to toxic liars like Maddow and MSNBC - a Russian conspiracy, no doubt.

narciso said...

They thought offerings to moloch werr enough it isnt

FormerLawClerk said...

Democrats cannot change policies. It's always their "messaging" that is the issue, be it an imperfect messenger, or "new media" that they don't control yet, or muddled messages, or "disinformation" (facts about what they're actually doing).

Hillary Clinton said it perfectly: "If we allow Free Speech, we lose total control." Free speech was allowed for 3.5 years. They lost control. They won by 81 million votes lol when they Free Speech was eliminated.

That is the message insiders will tell them. Regain elimination of Free Speech and you can have power again. They will do ANYTHING to get that.

rehajm said...

…and the Altparsing suggests some of those endorsements are not so definitive…

BUMBLE BEE said...

Lies upon lies upon lies. It will never stop. Little Miss Can't Be Wrong.

Todd said...

"Donald Trump's Viciousness Toward Women" need not specifically call out Trump. It is basically standard MSM at this point. The media rules are (a) any (R) good news should be ignored, (b) if any (R) good news can't be ignored, it MUST also include how (D) are included too, (c) any (D) bad news should be ignored, (d) any (D) bad news that can't be ignored MUST also include how it is also a problem for (R), and (e) any (D) bad news story can be replaced by an appropriately worded and approved (R) pounce/seize story.

Once you have read the playbook, the way the media covers or doesn't cover stories becomes obvious.

Peachy said...

All of the viciousness streams FROM the democrat left. All of it. Mass delusion on team D. Do they not hear themselves?
The final week of the election an entire network collectively called all of us Nazis.

narciso said...

The progs actually called a female candidate an expletive 16 years ago her offensive was defending life

Jeff Vader said...

Well 20 years ago he did say gold diggers let you grab them by the pussy, that’s pretty vicious

FormerLawClerk said...

They claimed he would be Hitler; but then couldn't answer a simple follow-up question: "How come he didn't become Hitler last time?"

They claimed he would end abortion, but then couldn't answer a simple follow-up question: "How come he didn't end abortion last time."

That's the box they couldn't escape. The other box was this construct boxing Kamala in: "On Day One I will ..."

Kamala couldn't do that. Because the simple follow-up is: "Why ain't you done already?"

The Democrats were trapped in this box and all political means in use today couldn't get them out of it. So they tried to scare women. But illegals already scared women (Laken Riley) who don't want to be dragged off by the drug cartels, raped and murdered.

That sort of fear Trumps all.

Peachy said...

When was Trump "vicious towards women" ?

Our media is total crap.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Dr. Naomi Wolf explains it accurately.

It includes Trump's admonition to "protest peacefully and patriotically" at the January 6 speech which was edited out of leftist media reports.

Christopher B said...

Why do you think Joe Biden is all smiles now? He's the only Democrat who will ever be able to say he won an election against Trump.

Peachy said...

Abortion is still very legal all over the nation.

narciso said...

Lepore is a plagiarist and a liar

traditionalguy said...

Stupid Dems lost because they were expose as Destroy America First Globalist SOBs.

Peachy said...

The modern left are very good at manufacturing hate, disseminating hate, injecting hate and ingesting HATE, like a drug addict. They are addicted to it, and they are driven mad by evil liars on MSNBC and the NYT, The New Yorker. etc..

narciso said...

Harry litman we never evarr have to take him seriously again

Peachy said...

Colorado just voted to enshrine abortion in the CO constitution - & now forces tax payers to pay for abortions. Did I say Colorado? - I meant run by vile mini-me Newsoms - CO is now just eastern CA.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

This among a plethora of other things is why I don't vote Democrat. They don't look at people as being individuals with individual needs. We are not interchangeable clones of each other. The mantra of abortion, abortion, abortion...losing our "rights" to kill unborn (and born) children, is not the central issue for me or for many other women. I'm more concerned with ILLEGAL immigration and the cratering of the economy. engineered by Democrats over the decades.

I'm not anti-abortion. It should be legal or not...up to the individual States. It just isn't that important to me in the bigger scheme of things. I AM anti taxpayer funded abortions though.

I guess in the Democrats' eyes...that makes me a traitor to my class and to the other pigeons. Tuff.

MadisonMan said...

Democrats are condescending to men too.

Jaq said...

If you are gonna blog every article that smears Trump without providing supporting evidence, you are gonna need a bigger blog.

Peachy said...

from insty:
Calling Trump ‘Hitler’ Has Done Permanent Damage to the Moral Realm. “The abuse of language is a fundamental characteristic of the Left. Leftists have done this not only to ‘Hitler,’ ‘Nazi’ and ‘fascist’ but to ‘genocide,’ ‘apartheid,’ ‘racist’ and virtually every other term connoting evil. It started with Stalin calling Trotsky a fascist and it continues to this day.”


narciso said...

The slug gives the story away

Quayle said...

There is nothing more vicious than telling a woman (or anyone for that matter) that they can find lasting joy doing things that don't and won't ever bring joy. That is the true and real viciousness.

MadTownGuy said...

Saith Lepore:

"Donald Trump has been more vicious toward women in 2024 than he was in 2020, when he was more vicious than he was in 2016. Liberal democratic states make citizens, I argued earlier this week; the artificial state in which Americans now live makes trolls. If Trump had called Harris a “cunt” on live television on Election Day, it would scarcely have qualified as news. But the Democrats’ hoped-for pink wave—a game-changing double-digit gender gap in favor of Harris—seems to have been washed out in a red sea."

The Democratic Party is not liberal, or at least not its leadership. It's radically left wing, and it would make us all subjects, not citizens.

Sebastian said...

"the parties are now also divided by class and on abortion"

Soon, the division on abortion will settle down. Trump already took the moderate position. States will let their electorates decide.

"get distracted by how much worse the other side is" True. But the viciousness smear shows how invested they are. And how they ain't got nothin'.

"figure out why and change something." Not necessarily. It was a clear but still narrow win, driven by inflation and immigration. Standing by when Trump runs into trouble is one strategy.

"I don't even know what "Donald Trump's Viciousness Toward Women" is supposed to refer to." I guess he was mean to Kamala. Other than that, what? But the tell here is that Dem media still just casually throw out such baseless smears, ensconced as they are in their bubble, not expecting to get their BS called. Can't anyone over there at least read Althouse?

MadTownGuy said...

Substitute "indoctrinated" for "educated," and it's right on the money.

narciso said...

She was a stupid selfish evil candidate they cant admit that

stonethrower said...

"If He Did It." Would make a good book title.

Gusty Winds said...
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Rocketeer said...

Democrats haven’t figured out that once folks ascertain how much they lie, they can never recover. They just double down more on the lie that failed. They are like parrots. They utter a sentence, and when pressed to defend the sentence they can’t, so they just utter the sentence again. And Republicans and Trump voters are the ones that are called uneducated.

Gusty Winds said...

Maybe women care about their sons, fathers, husbands, grandfathers, uncles, nephews...

How long were "uneducated" white women going to stick around for the Democrats beta male emaciation campaign??? How does men being ostracized and labeled as toxic, really benefit women?

But this highlights the obvious: What the fuck are these bitter women who run colleges thinking?

Rocketeer said...

A prime example of this is the way they treat Latino voters as one block, as if for example Dominicans have anything in common with folks of Spanish descent other than language.

MadisonMan said...

Bush was also called Hitler by Democrats. It's like their go-to.

Aggie said...

Why should women be any different from the rest of the monolithic, assumed to be homogeneous, groups to be manipulated by Democrats? They're just another Voting Blok, honey. Now, do as your told.

You know, we are well past the 'We Won' stage. The more we shut up and ignore irrelevant, stupid ideas and corrupted ideologies, the quicker they'll go away. All of these navel-gazing articles, like this one, are just pleas for oxygen. Don't give them any - they need to perish, and stop polluting suggestible minds.

rehajm said...
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rehajm said...

I'm thinking about these kids — who sang "Obama's gonna change it" 16 years ago — and wondering how they voted in 2024 and what they're like these days

I'm in to leather

No Name said...

Harris campaign ads told American women that they were still controlled by their men, must keep secrets from men, and to fear men. Look at all those TikTok videos of young women now in hysterics because Harris lost election. Harris it seems toyed with progressive-liberal women's mental health stability, and as Mark Halperin noted shortly before election, Harris has caused post-election mass hysteria amongst her progressive "do or die" supporters.

FormerLawClerk said...

Starting with the transvestites in their party and ALL the baggage that comes along with them (stealing airport luggage, beating up girls in boxing matches, telling people men can get pregnant.)

Try to push back on CNN on any of those topics and the hosts will FREAK OUT. They will NOT allow you to even say these things. They'll talk over you, cut you mike, end the segment. YOU CANNOT BE FREE to say these things. It's really funny to watch.

wendybar said...

Trump was being vicious to women?? How, by forcing them to get abortions in the 9th month?? These people are full of shit.
Women are being vicious to other women, if they don't think exactly like a Progressive woman feels. THAT is the problem. Let the whiners whine. We won. Elections have consequences. Sit down and shut up you pussy hat assholes. We heard enough from you.

FormerLawClerk said...

Maybe not getting caught literally ramming some dude up the kiester on the floor of the United States Senate might be a start.

wendybar said...

They insulted him first. Trump responded, like he always does. Maybe the big mouthed women should THINK before they bloviate.

RCOCEAN II said...

Just another MSM attempt to say the D's didn't lose because of the policy positions they hold near and dear (and have zero desire to change) - but because of blah, blah, blah.

Liberal/left doesn't want to believe Kamala lost because of illegal immigration or legal immigration because "thats always good". Or because they're making war on white people - especially white man. Because those nasty racists deserve it.

Another missing in their analysis, is the Biden/Harris support for Israeli war crimes and Genocide in Gaza. Look at the arab vote in Michagan. they either stayed home, voted for Jill Stein, or *gasp* voted for Trump. They were margin of victory for Trump in Michagan. Nowhere is this talked about in the MSM analysis. Because to them, Israel's actions are not a problem. People talking about israels action is the problem.

Same with the economy and crime. We got tons of articles in the NYT/Wapo telling us "the Economy is great, so shut up stupid". And "crime is going down". As if no supposed to care about 14,500 murders/year because it was 15,000 last year (numbers approximate).

wendybar said...

WHEN YOU ARE RICH AND FAMOUS, THEY "LET" YOU grab them by the pussy. At least get the context of what he actually said right for once. And ask Hugh Hefner how he got all those beautiful women letting him grab them by the pussy. Think about it.

RCOCEAN II said...

I've seen this sort of thing in both party establishments after a loss of the POTUS. Never is there any real desire to change. Instead, the "analysis" is used to push whatever the establishment hack wanted to do anyway, or to claim the Establishment policies were right, they just had the wrong messanger.

The R establishment would nominate Dole, McCain, Romney, and after the loss complain that those damn Religious Right types caused the loss. They had to become even more socially liberal and get a bigger tent. They were all set to do that in 2016, even more so, but then Trump won. LOL.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

You're a bad girl for noticing the cult of personality that embodied the composite character Obama. But that small gesture has more truth than the whole article at issue. Because the campaign was really all about Obama's fourth term, which would have been his second by proxy, and it was clear from the obfuscatory messaging that the Party was doing more to protect the Power behind the Throne than they had done to decide who would be the figurehead on that throne. They were unable to conjure up the "extra" 10 million votes like they could in the fog of the Covid wars (read Mollie Ball's tell-all again and you'll see how many Obama admin movers and fakers helped plan and execute that assault on democracy) and the overwhelming majority was worried about basic issues of economic and physical survival.

The Obama cult is dead. Where can the Democrats go from here?

FormerLawClerk said...

Trump made the mistake of giving the game up with certain women: You can grab them by the pussy, and if you're famous, they'll let you do it.

Women don't like being reminded of their nature, and they don't want the rest of us to know what their nature is. All of his issues with women stem from that one sentence he uttered.

Peachy said...

The media(D) are the enemy.
JD Vance fights them - and he is now the most popular and approved person in the nation.

JAORE said...

The question for both Trump and Harris for supporters to ponder: You were in power for (about) four years. Why didn't you.....?
For Trump it would be round up political enemies, start interment camps and other Hitler like examples.
For Kamala it would be, stop the flood of migrants, rampant inflation...

So Trump didn't do the things the left invents in their fevered minds. And Kamala didn't do those things that (she claims) would lead to peace and prosperity.
Makes the choice simple.

n.n said...
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n.n said...

The sex gap is a Diversitist construction that could be and is exploited by Democrats on her knees, as a neighbor's daughter, under the desk, in the locker room, at the border, in sanctuary states, in the offices of planned parenthood, etc.

Iman said...

I note that “introspection” appears to be a thing lefties prefer to avoid… given their absence here.

No Name said...

Democrats owe progressive-liberal a huge apology for presenting Harris as a qualified presidential candidate. Alison Janney portrays a competent female VP on 2nd season of Netflix's "The Diplomat", as an articulate, knowledgeable, crack politician. Harris has no gravitas, nothing but cackles and word-salad slogans, her career a morass of political patronage, gifted appointments, and DEI favoritism, her unseemly personal life frankly scandalous. As noted now in many post-election editorials, Harris has had little legitimate career accomplishments, beyond simply her ability to obtain the appointments and pre-anointed spots for elected office that she then marginally served. Pundits now ask whether Harris has any serious courtroom experience, any legitimate accomplishments as senator or as vice president --- and the answer is NO.

Trial balloon was floated yesterday, Harris wants Biden to resign yet this month, to nonetheless make her the 1st female president. But Dr Jill's election-day Reagan-red pantsuit seems confirmation that Bidens will do Harris NO favors whatsoever hereon - maybe they even airbrush her out of their inevitable White House memoir.

Harris is obvious offense to all hardworking qualified women who have been denied career promotions because they refused to pander to the influential men in their lives. We've all known women who traded sex for career advancement beyond their actual abilities and achievements, eventually even partnerships while being sidepiece to the Big Guy. I've worked with such women, have zero respect for them.

rehajm said...

...but while Republican supporters have been spiking the football after a huge Trump win, the leader of the Dole/McCain 'Keep Washington Moving' Chair in the Senate Mitch McConnell has been quietly 'electing' his successor from his approved choices...

Aggie said...

Maybe not granting Free Passes to men having sex on the floor of the US Senate, and demanding that we all applaud them keeping their jobs, could be a good follow-up, too.

retail lawyer said...

"I don't even know what "Donald Trump's Viciousness Toward Women" is supposed to refer to. "

This means the article is not meant for you. It is obvious to the intended reader. This seems to be a regular feature of the New Yorker. I subscribe to the magazine and I'm always having having to back up and see if an author has made any foundation at all for what is casually asserted as obvious fact. The author has skipped that part.

n.n said...

The genocide in Ukraine, the ethnic Spring in Sudan, Hamasidols in Gaza backed by Iran, excess murder, rape, and rape-rape in America, Planned Parenthood, of course.

n.n said...

They have adopted Diversity [dogma] (e.g. sexism) in progressive sects that is often exercised with liberal license to deny individual dignity, value, and even life deemed unworthy, inconvenient in color, class blocs.

n.n said...

How many women would consider taking a knee alongside Harris? #MeToo

Democrats are rabid Diversitists, beginning, but not ending, with denying a woman's capacity to choose, her privilege to be safe, her equal but separate rights as the female sex, etc. American Civil Liberties Unburdened

Bruce Hayden said...

You hear about all the single cat ladies supporting Harris, and now vowing to forgo sex for the next 4 years, after Harris post. But then when you see their pictures, you realize that it’s mostly an empty threat. Of the young ones, they tend to be a 1 or 2 on a 10 point scale. Even the decent looking ones are at best 5s. Meanwhile the young 7s and 8s are wearing MAGA hats or Trumpwear, and exposing skin. Sometimes a lot of skin. A lot of very hot young women went MAGA, and flaunted it. It didn’t hurt that the more desirable young men had also gone MAGA. Some of it, maybe much of it, was Gen Z rebelling against the Millennials, and maybe esp GEn Z. In any case, the mateless young women swearing off sex for the next 4 years has become a standing joke for much of middle America, just like that celebrities threatening to leave the country. Everyone knows that the obese cat ladies aren’t giving up anything, by giving up sex, because they ever had it.

What they all ignore is that females compete for mates, just as males do. Alpha males are freest to buck the status quo, partly because they are going to have the best chances at a quality mate, regardless. And they are going to be the most willing to show their independence from the social pressure of subgrade women by going MAGA. They don’t care what the leftist obese cat ladies think or want, because they don’t have any interest in them. They can, and do, get much higher quality mates. And young women interested in those catching them, signaled this by going MAGA. By the election, MAGA was cool. Harris, despite her (paid) endorsements by Beyoncé, Oprah, etc, was not.

Jamie said...

Before reading any other comments - I fail to understand why women, who are (I'm told, incessantly) strong, intelligent, and capable, have to be treated differently from men in politics. I don't love name-calling, but hell, if Trump calls male opponents names, why should Harris get a pass? And I don't see Democrat politicians, male or female, curbing their tongues about female Republican opponents.

But of course Democrat strategists condescended to women. Because they don't actually believe that women are strong, intelligent, and capable. Even the women strategists don't believe it, based on their actions.

Last night we were out with friends whose kids are 16 and 12. Our friends told us that, unlike any of their other friends, their kids always want to come along when we're going to join them - they (our friends, not their kids) said it's because we talk to the kids like "little adults." I had to correct them (actually her); "We talk to them normally - they're just people." We're not faking it. These are smart young boys; there's no need to dumb anything down for them. So we don't.

But "Democrat strategists" - they can't imagine a world in which women can be talked to as people, apparently.

RoseAnne said...

Democrats ASSUME women (or men for that matter)who disagreed with them were uneducated. In the midst of a national concern over strikes in a major industry, a neighbor provided one the clearest explanations of its implication I heard anywhere - including why the union he belonged to needed to settle for less than they were asking. And he never spent a day in a college classroom while I have a Bachelors and Masters in Public Management. When he works nights, he gets off at 7 am and plows out the snow his drive - and mine - before going to bed. He no longer farms as well but many of his co-workers workers at his plant still do. People have stories in their lives and deserve to be heard.

Peachy said...

Off topis a bit:
Regarding the left's corruption and lies:
Tammy Bruce:
The longer we soft pedal serious abuse of power like this, the more it will continue. Take it from me having come from the left, they will never change unless there are serious repercussions. They never stop. And they believe Republicans and conservatives do not have what it takes to punish them. This keeps them on their malignant course."

Tim said...

Could someone post the video where Trump called Harris a cunt? I swear I do not remember that happening.

Peachy said...

In regards to this

Jim at said...

My wife of 26 years voted for Trump. That didn't surprise me.
Her finally admitting she voted for him in 2020 did.

We both wrote in Mike Rowe in 2016.

The harder leftist women try to pigeonhole people like my wife?
The more they push 'em away.

But you go, girls. Don't learn a damn thing.

Bruce Hayden said...

Why would Biden resign at this point, to give Harris that distinction, of being the first female President? What did Harris do for him (and esp Dr Jill), besides steal the nomination from him? He made her (his VP). And that was her gratitude.

n.n said...

La cabrona was once uttered under her breath without much critical awareness. Toxic masculinity in another breath. All's fair in lust and abortion, they bray.

n.n said...

It's necessary to talk to someone who earns under $100 thousand in one style, and those over in another, and the former are deplorable, bitter clingers, and so on and so forth, they bray.

Jamie said...

Based on her and her party's actions, the Democrat perspective on abortion is that there should be no restrictions on it at any time for any reason or no discernible reason, and that this lack of restrictions ought to be enshrined in at least federal law if not the Constitution. They're abortion absolutists in the same was that many on the other side consider themselves to be free speech absolutists - (and the following is me giving them the benefit of the doubt) even if they personally do not approve of, say, late-term abortion, they will defend to the death a person's right to have one.

I don't understand this view since there is a point at which there is undoubtedly another human life involved in that calculus, but that's the best steel-man argument I can come up with: for Democrats, abortion is like free speech.

It's just about the only issue on which it seemed to me Harris's perspective was both clear and clearly stated.

Koot Katmandu said...

Kicking abortion back the states was a game changer for Trump. He stated clearly he would veto any ban proposed by his own party at the federal level. This took abortion off the table for the national election for voters who pay attention. Will JD Vance take the same stance as Trump in the next election? I hope so. Abortion was being used as wedge to divide us. It is an emotional issue with no clear ethical consensus.

Kay said...

@Jamie What policy did she propose during the campaign? It’s one thing to talk vaguely about rights, but what did she say she was going to do? If i missed this message, whoopsie, but i never saw it.

n.n said...

Planned parenthood is legally adjudicated under homicide statutes from six weeks following conception. #HateLovesAbortion

tcrosse said...

It's to the Democrats' advantage for abortion to be always and everywhere under threat, even if it isn't.

planetgeo said...

Very interesting point, Bruce. Democrats aren't just self-selective by leftist ideology, they're also a kind of Tinder for ugly people...a party made up of people who get swiped left. And that would also explain their deep hostility toward anyone on the right, as well as their self-anger as evidenced by the tats, body-piercing, head-shaving, and propensity for gender changing. And all the TIk-Tok videos seem to confirm it.

What's the antidote? I realize the ridicule is cathartic right now, but at some point some extended love and kindness might offer a path out for some of them. (And I'm totally fine with being flamed for saying that.)

Rocco said...

Rocketeer said...
"A prime example of this is the way they treat Latino voters as one block, as if for example Dominicans have anything in common with other folks of Spanish descent other than language."

FIFY. 90% of Dominicans are of at least partial Spanish ancestry, with 75% being mixed Spanish/Black.

Ampersand said...

Jill Lepore is one of the top 5 US historians in terms of both academic and public reputation. Her stock in trade is supposed to be measured objectivity, or cruel neutrality if you will. The characterization of Trump as "vicious" toward the gender that constitutes the majority of voters is so far removed from what all of us witnessed during a campaign managed by a woman that I am now simply unable to trust anything said by Lepore or her confreres.

Freder Frederson said...

I don't even know what "Donald Trump's Viciousness Toward Women" is supposed to refer to.

Sheesh, how about this:

"Donald Trump: You know and I moved on her actually. You know she was down on Palm Beach.

Unknown: She used to be great. She’s still very beautiful.

Trump: I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married.

Unknown: That’s huge news.

Trump. No, no, Nancy. This was— And I moved on her very heavily in fact. I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture. I took her out furniture. I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there, and she was married.

Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big, phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.

[The men spot Arianne Zucker waiting for them outside the bus]

Bush: Sheesh, your girl’s hot as shit. In the purple.

Trump: Whoa! Yes! Whoa!

Unknown: Yes! The Donald has scored. Whoa, my man!

Trump: Look at you. You are a pussy.

[crosstalk as the bus doors open and close - Trump is still on the bus]

Trump: Maybe it’s a different one.

Bush: It better not be the publicist. No, it’s her. It’s —

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful - I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything."

Charlie said...

"It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail"- Gore Vidal

Freder Frederson said...

Sheesh, and the entire campaign, the Republicans, led by Trump, have been calling us marxists, communists, socialists, fascists, the enemy of the people, vermin, etc. He has also called for charging people with treason merely for disagreeing with him.

Do you hear yourself.

Freder Frederson said...

And don't forget the multiple accusations (including, later rescinded, by his first wife) or rape and sexual assault.

William said...

Another term for "viable fetus" is "baby". I'm not opposed to abortion, but I have reservations about killing babies. Beyond this though, I'd prefer to live in a society where more women found more fulfillment in motherhood than in abortion......Slightly off topic: Why does the slippery slope end in the Handmaid's Tale. Why wouldn't the slippery slope end in something like China's One Child Policy. Forcing a woman to have an abortion seems to be more invasive and dystopian than outlawing abortions. I suppose there were some pro forma protests by feminists, but it was mostly muted. Head scarves in Iran generated more outrage.

wendybar said...

Democrats lied and lied and lied some more..and now they are trying to act like they weren't involved. They are a joke of a party and joke of people. I want them to suffer. They don't deserve our pity, they deserve SHAME. They should be ashamed of themselves, but they have no honor at all. They are all mouth, no action. Pathetic

.Buck Sexton
Nov 11, 2024
Now that Trump has completely crushed the Kamala machine, Morning Joe turns down the lunacy dial and admits Trump was *actually tough on Russia* during his first term. Joe has no shame!

There was a definite tone shift on Morning Joe. They kept referring to the “elites” as the problem, while completely ignoring that they are the “elites.” It was quite the spectacle.
9:52 AM · Nov 11, 2024

Lazarus said...

"Liberal democratic states make citizens"

I'd expect a real historian to look more carefully into that, especially now when historians are so critical of everything else. Does the state make citizens or do citizens make the state? How good have we been at producing citizens? And what do we mean by "citizens"? Obedient and docile taxpayers, or something more than that? Maybe the internet liberated our inner trolls who were always there, but didn't have any way to express it. Or maybe insubordinate, unruly "trolls" are more like what "citizens" really are than the docile and obedient.

Lazarus said...

Those suburban LA kids remind me of the kids who sang at Soviet youth festivals. Looking at the kids and their parents, I'm inclined to think that if they voted, they voted for Harris. It would take a major rebellion to break with that kind of immersive indoctrination.

Lazarus said...

Half the presidents of my lifetime talked that way.

There just weren't any live mics around when they did.

wendybar said...

No Freder. We heard YOU and yours call us those names. Your installed delusion called us garbage. Kamala sucked at a lot of things including her job. Ask Montel. Why don't you take a good long look at yourself in the mirror and put the blame of why you lost on YOU.

wendybar said...

Me neither. I know I have called her that. But I never heard him call any woman that.

wendybar said...

Are you are girl?? Because I have three brothers and that is nothing. You may be offended, but boys talk like that. Maybe you are one of those girly boys?? Too bad you are permanently offended. Life is beautiful.

wendybar said...

And again with the lie about you can grab them by the pussy. You idiots keep misquoting him because YOU have nothing else. YOU are the women haters. YOU hate babies. All you do is hate hate hate. Go away. Stop spreading lies and misinformation. YOU are as bad and as dumb as the talking heads in the media who only repeat the Progressive talking point lies they keep spewing.

Bruce Hayden said...

Women use peer pressure to keep other, often younger, women in line. Much of it was to keep ahold of their own mates, who naturally were attracted to younger, more fertile, more attractive women. What they offered was continued access to female society, and the support it provided. Of course, here, they demanded allegiance to a woman who had, openly, violated the most basic tenet of their female world - having sex with a man married to another woman.

Of course, women are being vicious to other women. That’s how female peer pressure works. And the less well it’s working, the more vicious it gets.

But the thing that is ignored is that there is a countervailing force here - that of catching and keeping higher quality mates. And, I think, that a lot of younger women realized that they wouldn’t attract alpha males, if they followed the peer pressure that demanded that straight white males be significantly discriminated against because of their race, sex, and sexual orientation. The guys didn’t like it one bit, for good reason.

n.n said...

Citizenship is a domestic property in conservative republics with a constitution that affirms individual rights and discerns native and alien conceptions by a female and male partner.

n.n said...

Liberalism is a philosophy of divergence, popularly misinterpreted as tolerance. Democracy is a dual construct of dictatorship.

Rusty said...

Wendy. That would require Freder to do some soul searching. Freder doesn't have a soul.

Rusty said...

Beta male Freder is offended when guys talk like guys. Grow up little boy.

Freder Frederson said...

And again with the lie about you can grab them by the pussy.

How did I lie? I just transcribed the entire tape.

You may be offended, but boys talk like that.

Boys maybe, but certainly not all of them. But Donald Trump was in his close to sixty years old when that tape was made.

Not my problem if your brothers, and apparently every man you know, are assholes (assuming they haven't matured and still talk like that) .

n.n said...

Genocide in Gaza: Hamasidols and their human shield collateral damage backed by Iran and diverse empathetic interests. The same situation that evolved in Ukraine in the Slavic Spring threatening Russia and neighboring nations. The pursuit of social justice through murder, rape-rape, rape, and torture-torture is no ethical vice.

n.n said...

Genocide in Gaza: Hamasidols and their human shield collateral damage backed by Iran and diverse empathetic interests. The same situation that evolved in Ukraine in the Slavic Spring threatening Russia and neighboring nations. The pursuit of social justice through murder, rape-rape, rape, and torture-torture is no ethical vice.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder is clearly going to relitigate every item on the lefty checklist that was rendered moot last Tuesday.

Ampersand said...

Men and women are not machines. They don't choose to have sexual desire. They just have it. They don't choose to be ignorant of what it is truly like, in the sense of lived consciousness, to be the opposite sex. They just are. They proceed with motivations they haven't chosen, in pursuit of something that they poorly understand. That's not vicious. That's human.

Freder Frederson said...

Oh, so now you are defending Hugh Hefner (and asking him would be quite difficult considering he is dead) as a paragon of virtue and morality.

Rusty said...

Compared to you, Freder. Yes.

PM said...

When Condi Rice throws her hat in the ring, a woman will be President.

Rusty said...

No, Freder. It's how alpha males talk when they're together giving each other shit because thats what real men do. I know it offends you because your a beta male but there is still free speech in this country.
And if you want real eye opener as far as crude mysoginistic language goes women are much worse.

Christopher B said...

@Freder ... please tell us more about your hurt fweewings.

Meanwhile add 5 more bodies to the count that started with Corey Compertore (AofSHQ). More victims of the Democrat's murderous slanders against President-elect Donald Trump and Republicans that are pushing mental unstable people to turn deadly fantasies into reality. One of the posts from that man was "Gilead here we come".

Then add in the victims of criminals released by Soros-backed DAs, victims of illegal alien criminals like Laken Reily, and the likely hundreds of nameless and faceless folks encouraged to make a risky journey to the US by the Biden administrations open border policy who have died or been killed along the way.

MadisonMan said...

She's pushing 70. I think her time has passed.

chuck said...

I would suggest the "animals are jerks" tag for this. Assuming, of course, that you agree that humans are animals.

Freder Frederson said...

No, Freder. It's how alpha males talk when they're together giving each other shit because thats what real men do.

I think you are confusing assholes with alpha males.

BTW, did Michael K pass the baton to you with instructions to launch ad hominem against me?

mikee said...

Dem condescension lasts only until they have the power to compel. That's the worrying thing about Dems.

mikee said...

And dear goodness me, YES, CONDI!
Does she have a daughter, a niece, a grandchild, an adopted orphan, anyone like herself, the Republicans could run as VP in 2028 with Vance and then president later?

FullMoon said...

One huge benefit is within the next for years, abortion as a leftist weapon will be mostly neutralized. States will pass laws allowing it, with restrictions, and day after pills will be as easy to get online as generic viagra.

Banning abortion will join canceling Social Security as a forever bogey man, with minimal effect.

tcrosse said...

She's too smart to want the job. She's seen up close what a pain in the ass it can be.

Jamie said...

Fair point, @Kay - I was inferring rather than reporting on a stated policy during the campaign. My bad!

But certainly Democrat politicians have been pretty open about one goal in electing Harris's being to "restore Roe," which I think can only be read as returning to a regime in which abortion access is set at the federal level. And, as far as I've heard, no Democrat politician at the national level supports any restrictions on abortion (though Roe did have a, what, 24-week "except to preserve the life or health of the mother" restriction, didn't it?) - though I feel obliged to acknowledge that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence so maybe I've missed some moderate Democrat's support for a 24-week "ban" or the like. Anyway... I don't recall Harris's speaking directly about whether she would support an effort to "restore Roe," but based on her frequent claims that Trump was going to sign a national abortion ban, and based on the 100% "Reproductive Freedom!" messaging at the Houston Harris rally I attended, it seemed like a reasonable inference.

But you're right - I don't think she did state affirmatively what her policy would be.

Rusty said...

Nope. I can be an asshole too.
It's not ad hominem if its true.

The Godfather said...

I like Vance a lot, but his status as "most popular and approved person in the nation" will end as soon as he DOES something in office.

The Godfather said...

Did you notice in her concession speech Kamala committed to cooperate with Trump's folks in the "transition"? My first thought was, Nice gesture. Then I thought again: Kamala has nothing to do with the Presidential transition: She's the defeated Presidential candidate, like, Oh say, Hillary in 2016. Officially, she's now just the out-going Vice President, so maybe she can facilitate Vance's transition to VP, but for Trump it's Biden who either will or won't facilitate the transition. And, as it turns out, the next day Biden promised to facilitate Trump's transition. My conclusion: if Kamala is looking for a favorable letter of recommendation for her next job, don't ask Joe.

The Godfather said...

Koot, if the Constitution doesn't confer a "right of abortion", and nothing in the Constitution prohibits abortion, then it's no business of the federal government what laws each State passes on the subject. I think that's Trump's position, and I think it's correct.

Aggie said...

Yes, that's right. It will keep them on their malignant losing course. They've reached the culdesac at the end of their road, and are still puzzling over the meaning of that reflective sign with red and silver diagonal lines on it.

Forward ! !

The Godfather said...

My guess is that the "first female President" won't be identified as such in her campaign. She'll probably be a Republican or perhaps a rightist Democrat if the parties shift a bit. And after she's elected some talking head will "discover" she is the first female President. And hardly anyone will care.

Jim at said...

the enemy of the people

If the shoe fits ....

Jim at said...

Sheesh, how about this:

Maybe you could point out just what's exactly vicious in those comments.

It's lockerroom talk, boy.

Mason G said...

"Koot, if the Constitution doesn't confer a "right of abortion", and nothing in the Constitution prohibits abortion, then it's no business of the federal government what laws each State passes on the subject."

Even suggesting that "it's no business of the federal government" regarding *anything* is enough to drive your standard-issue leftist into a rage. The federal government, when they control it, is their god and they cannot abide the idea there is anything (again, when they control it) it's not allowed to proscribe, prescribe or regulate.

JIM said...

College educated women who marinate in intersectionality can be very vicious. And even toxic. That was the bloc of women who seemed to be attracted to Kam. Abortion rights are the hill they died on. It's an issue better suited for mid terms, rather than a general election.

Bruce Hayden said...

The Constitution can be viewed as containing power grating and power limiting provisions. Roe v Wade found, through Penumbras and Emanations of the Bill of Rights through the 5th and 14th Amdts, that governments don’t have the power to restrict abortion under the US Constitution. This was reversed this year. That decision essentially said that Penumbras and Emanations are no way to find fundamental rights under the Constitution. And that makes it hard to reverse.

Which leaves Power Granting provisions. Congress (and the President) need some provision in the Constitution to justify legislation or executive orders, for example, granting abortion rights. If the federal government doesn’t have a Constitutionally granted power to do something, they can’t do it. The power to regulate Interstate Commerce won’t work, because, remember, it was based on the Right of Privacy. The Spending Power might work, to maybe fund abortions, but how do you leverage that into preventing abortions? Probably not going to work.

Biff said...

"If Trump had called Harris a 'cunt' on live television on Election Day, it would scarcely have qualified as news."

I wonder how many people now firmly believe that Trump called Harris a 'cunt' on live television on Election Day because of that line. A year from now, it probably will be conventional wisdom among women on the Left. Classic persuasion technique!

Biff said...

But "Democrat strategists" - they can't imagine a world in which women can be talked to as people, apparently.

Even though I'm not in that space, I've spent a surprising (to me) amount of time around "Democrat strategists" and communications advisors. A civilian would be shocked at how often the word "sheeple" gets thrown around.

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