The answer is no. See "How choir cover of Madonna hit got caught up in America’s culture wars/The version of Like a Prayer is at the centre of an internet storm as American users assume the singers are ignorant Donald Trump-supporting Christians" (London Times):
A video of a secular choir singing with gusto and sporting Santa hats has been misread among internet users and influencers as evangelical right-wing churchgoers unwittingly engaging in blasphemy, much to the bewilderment of the choirmaster.
“Lord bless your heart, y’all are either really sheltered or really dumb,” commented the YouTuber Ethan Trace, his mouth open in disbelief as he shared the clip under the headline “Madonna really fooled the next generation of Gen Z Christians”.
However, Jens Junker, who conducted the performance by a pop-up choir based in Munich before Christmas 2022, is baffled by how it has been mocked by millions of social media users in the United States over the past week.
More than 1,500 reaction videos have been uploaded to TikTok in a section entitled “Red Hat Anthem”, an apparent reference to the red caps worn by supporters of Donald Trump. People are holding their heads in their hands in amused disbelief as the choir sings: “I’m down on my knees; I wanna take you there.”
“We were taken completely out of context and used as supposed evidence that the reactionary conservative right are so stupid,” said Junker, the founder of the Go Sing Choir.... “It shows that the motivation to fight the other political camp can be so strong that it blinds you,” Junker added.... “I don’t think anyone was so naive to think this is a church song for Christmas, at least not the people who turned up to sing it,” he said. “At these events we generally talk a bit about the song’s background and stories about it. But the main reason I chose it was that it’s a great pop song to sing in a choir.”
Never assume you're the smart one and completely commit: You could end up looking like this:
That is just one of many examples of the idiotically exultant mockery.@r00keries hallelujah, take me to church, marry on a cross, LIKE A PRAYER!! the list goes on #fypツ ♬ Red Hat Anthem - DailyVines
Uh, remember when you first heard it, like in 6th grade, you used to giggle. "And the cock crowed three times," heh (laughter) the cock – three times. It’s in the Bible, cock in the Bible. (laughter).
- George Carlin, from his ‘Filthy Words’ routine that was broadcast on radio in the US in 1978 leading to his prosecution for obscenity.
The stupidest thing in the video is the song itself.
“We were taken completely out of context and used as supposed evidence that the reactionary conservative right are so stupid,” said Junker, the founder of the Go Sing Choir....
The Left deals in stereotypes of conservatives the way Mississippi Klansmen dealt in stereotypes of black people during the 1960's. This is why, I'm happy to say, it may take a long time to for them to recover from Trump's election and be a viable political force.
no that was the wham song, also Baba 0"riley at one point,
One thing I think liberals miss (and I actually like about DT) is that Rs are no longer the party of the moral majority. As long as you agree with the important secular stuff (border, inflation, govt over-reach, fewer wars, no DEI and save the schools), the movement embraces gays, trans, promiscuous and irreligiuous. YMCA is the theme song for God's sake; most Rs love sex and are not uptight. We have RFK Jr, and Musk (12 kids w/ 3 different moms) and Scott Presler (God bless him!). Bottom Line - it is no longer cool to be a democrat.
"idiotically exultant mockery."
I prefer buffoonish performance art myself, as all virtue signaling ultimately is.
That young woman with the nose ring is not credible. Why would any sane person do that? It reminds me of the line from the "No Country for Old Men" movie about "children walking the streets of Texas with green hair and bones in their noses. Signs and wonders."
I learned from this month's Vanity Fair magazine that Cormac McCarthy (allegedly) took an underage woman (16 or 17) to Mexico and consummated their relationship when he was 42. This woman was also his muse and expert on all things horses.
Words and phrases one needs to understand very well in order to understand 21st century liberals: petulant, ignorant and unashamed, biased past the point of bigotry, arrogance personified, …
Reminds me of the infamous "One Toke over the Line" rendition on the Lawrence Welk Show before the time of instant social commentary. Still funny for all that and a hummable little ditty while you were toking over whatever line was in 1971.
Well, maybe not so fast. "Madonna has described 'Like a Prayer' as the song of a passionate young girl 'so in love with God that it is almost as though He were the male figure in her life.'" Certainly some of the lyrics can be interpreted as having double meanings, but It's not as straightforward as the left wants to see things.
Hans, are we the reactionaries?
The world is a curious place. I think the Village People were more popular among straights than gays and YMCA has become something of an anthem at Mar a Lago. On the other hand, Madonna was far more appreciated by the gay community than by straight men, even when she was younger and prettier and frequently naked.
Ultimately what “songs are about” is in the ears of the listeners.
The police song “Every Breath You Take” was meant as a cautionary tale about the danger of stalkers. People kept telling Sting they had used it as their wedding song. 😅
Political partisans so eager to call their opponents stupid that they make themselves stupid is just another day at the office.
If politics is your life and your identity, then you assume the same is true of everyone else and you assume that they all fit into the pigeonholes you have assigned to them.
Sometimes the music 'says' things that the words don't. Think of another song that mixes religion with human/carnal love, Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah," and how it's been used in the culture. I doubt it had anything to do with politics or with Hillary Clinton's lost election, but SNL chose it for its 2016 'cold open' because of the tune and a word or two in the lyrics. Maybe these lines do apply to Hillary, though:
Maybe there's a God above
But all I've ever learned from love
Was how to shoot at someone who outdrew ya
I should probably add, just so there are no further misunderstandings, that Hozier's "Take Me to Church" is -- despite its title -- also not a church song.
There's plenty of "My boyfriend Jesus" Christian pop songs, and it ain't exactly a new phenomenon. Google the text of "In The Garden" and read it in a secular style.
Bill Clinton says it wasn't sex, but I'm pretty sure Monica was doing something like a prayer to Bill.
I blame The View, Madow and the Joes and Mika for mentally disordering people with cries of a second coming of Hitler.
Progressive Democrats project everything that they themselves are up to, onto their opposition, as some kind of accusation. 'They're all fascists ! They're all hypocrites ! They're all misogynists ! They're all haters ! It's a cult ! '
Why would this group song being 'stupid' be any different? Did Tim Walz call it 'weird', too?
Same thing with U2's "One". People rarely listen to lyrics beyond enough to identify the song.
Last night I learned that a cover of a song can bring it a completely different meaning so there's that
In this video by a British voice coach reacting to Johnny Cash covering a song just a year before he died and how, well as a commenter put it:
"Reznor wrote this song as a fear of the future, Johnny did it as a regret for the past. Possibly the most powerful piece Johnny Cash ever sang."
Vocal Coach 1st Time Reaction to JOHNNY CASH - “HURT”
The outcome of the election, if anything has created more urgency to convince people of the impending doom that will befall us all. Check out r/MarkMyWords. People have been seriously harmed. IMO.
From what i can tell, the Gosingchoir thing is German. Jens Junker is the head of it. I was wondering why all the women were thin, and pretty. Now I know.
Even after althouse wrote the blog post, I'm still confused. So, Leftists, stupidly and without evidence, thought Righwingers were attacking the video as blasphemy because it was a Christian choir?
Okay. So its libtards being Libtards. Anyway, it is strange that attacking Christians isn't "hate speech". I guess that because Christians are too dumb or too lazy to care.
You know who is stupid?? The New York Times.
"'NYT- you stink. We are women, not NOT TRANSGENDER WOMEN. Just WOMEN will do in the future,'" - Martina Navratilova
There is no group on earth more undeservedly self-congratulatory than American leftists.
Who cares either way. People take religious material and interpret it irreligiously. So turnaround would be fair play. As for lefties laughing at everyone else - that’s their stock in trade.
We're stupid. Keep thinking that.
We are garbage people. Keep saying that.
We are deplorables. Keep believing that.
We are in charge now. Just remember that.
I never thought that song was about sex. Not that Madonna is shy about sex songs.
The Left (Democrats) deals in stereotypes of conservatives the way Mississippi Klansmen (Democrats) dealt in stereotypes of black people
Lem Vibe Bandit:
Actors at the Blackfriars Playhouse (one of the best Shakespeare theaters in the world) sing appropriate pop sings during the pre-show and interlude. Anyone in the audience of Othello who hadn't realized that "Every Breath You Take" was (or at least could be) a stalker song, figured it out when Iago sang it at the interlude.
Then there's St Teresa of Avila and her "ecstatic union" with Jesus. Ms Ciccone probably learned about her as a Catholic schoolgirl.
Lem, and I thought "Every Breath You Take" was about billiards. ("I'm a pool hall ace....")
Republicans embraces “trans”?
What freaking world do you live in?
Wow, you're right! No fatties among them!
The song and the video had mishmash elements. Madonna sang her lines similar to how the "Our Father" or psalm verses are often sung in Catholic Mass, the chorus was full-on Black Gospel. The exterior of the church building was Protestant, the interior was old-school Catholic.
U2's "Until the End of the World" was written from the perspective of Judas Iscariot.
The choir is clearly having a great time... Joy!
Saying people are in danger for calling other people stupid does not seem smart.
There is a clear distinction between stupid and unintelligent. Stupid is about a propensity to make decisions with negative (often largely negative) outcomes. Anyone can be stupid. It shouldn't get someone overly insulted especially when the negative outcomes are factual.
Wait until the Progs learn that "Papa Don't Preach" is about a teen girl who gets pregnant and doesn't want to get an abortion.
There are far too many people who reduce everything in life to politics. Those sour pusses suck the joy out of everything.
You can interpret most love songs or poems as being about a human beloved or about God, as you please. Maybe the lover's breasts in Song of Solomon 4:5 "really" represent the two tablets of the law and their beauty. (I believe this is a rabbinical interpretation.) Maybe all Mariah Carey "really" wants for Christmas is Jesus. It is, however, foolishly arrogant to assume that the singer or writer doesn't see both interpretations just as much as you do.
And Bruce Springsteen's fans wave American flags during "Born in the U.S.A.," as if the song was a panegyric to the United States, which it isn't. (Or maybe it is, in some subtle and ambiguous way.)
When the song first came out, one or two of my more lefty friends expressed some discomfort on that basis.
Saying people are in danger for calling other people stupid does not seem smart.
If I were to tell my beautiful daughter that it's not the best idea to dress in a way that... shall we say, "excites the male gaze" and wandering around dark streets in a sketchy part of town, does that also not seem smart?
Insulting people, especially insulting people with great derision and repeatedly, can be dangerous. Surely you can see that. I'm not trying to excuse violence - but root causes, hmm?
Helter Skelter was about a fairground ride until it became a serial killer's theme song.
You should hear what live audiences did to The Angels' When Will I Ever See Your Face Again?
There will always be people who feel that the only way to make themselves big people is to make other people small. They tear others down instead of building up themselves.
Paminwi, the Republicans embrace trans people having equal rights. What they object to is the trans people demanding superior rights. (Which is what the trans activists are screaming for.)
Girls come and kiss me
Say that you'll miss me
But get me to the church on time
(Not particularly relevant ... I just like the song)
Republicans embraces “trans”?
Couplets (i.e. same-sex) civil unions? Yes.
Medical, surgical, and psycho-atric corruption with informed consent and with one's own capital.
Separation of sexes in athletic competition and gender-sensitive spaces.
The majority of people oppose Levine's Dreams of Herr Mengele for boys and girls.
Calling somebody who is actually a "dumb cluck" dumb is likely to rile the dumb cluck--against you. Progressive name calling and denigration is counterproductive, but those college degreed smarties just don't realize it. Now who can you legitimately call "dumb". Pro tip--it's not the dumb clucks.
Christians are indeed counted as victims of religious hate speech and bias crime — at least in the way these laws are written and passed in various countries, including America. But then the police and prosecutors are carefully and quietly trained to not name or announce or investigate such crimes as anti-Christian hate, just as they are trained to not count virtually all minority-on -white crimes and crimes where men target random heterosexual women as hate. And journalists and law professors all march in silent lockstep to perpetuate this utterly obvious enforcement bias.
We are not dumb and lazy, rcocean. I, for one, am just appalled that laws exist that encourage the deep corruption of the justice system, resulting in declaring some people’s lives more valuable than others.
Anti-athiest religious bias is also a category of religious hate crime.
Dear London Times: Naff off.
That song came out when I was a sophomore in high school. I recall I liked it especially because the Madonna character was taking the leap and keeping her baby. Oh, and I loved her platinum blonde 50s era poodle hairstyle.
The song I still need explained to me is Winter Wonderland. What choice did they make, then have to explain when they got back to town? Why is the parson a snowman?
They're going to get married. It isn't clear if they have already knocked boots while making snow angels or just did that knee thing.
At least, there is a choir cover in Deadpool. It's also a minor gender war meme like so:
People assumed it was Christians when this whole time it was just Germans being neat, tidy, and disciplined. It's an honest mistake.
Same era, similar error: Midnight Oil's "Beds Are Burning" was about taking land from the aboriginal Australians "it belongs to them, let's give it back." Once on the radio it was heard as a song about hot sex.
Teenage girls needed an outlet for surging hormones long, long before the rise of the Beatles. Rosary beads as a distraction?
Speaking of cover versions altering the meanings of songs, I'll never forget Svengoolie's take on "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" one Saturday night years ago.
Fun fact: Youtube won't add captioning to "cock" and search engines blur images when "cock" applies to a bird named "Cock of the Rock."
See here for discussion of this thesis and various rebuttals:
Madonna has described "Like a Prayer" as the song of a passionate young girl "so in love with God that it is almost as though He were the male figure in her life". Madonna's further inspiration for the song came from the Catholic belief of transubstantiation.
Song lyrics can mean many things. I hear the lyrics "I hear you call my name /
And it feels like home," and think of my wife, who died earlier this year.
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