November 17, 2024

Bobby surrenders.


Dave Begley said...


Joe Bar said...

That's the fifth time I've seen that, and I just woke up!

rehajm said...

…looks like they got cheated on the fries. Prolly they’re in the bottom of the bag. Hopefully the press corps got the bag for lunch…

Achilles said...

Trump is setting up an epic confrontation.

Washington DC is about to find out just how unpopular they really are.

rehajm said...

I hope so. They’re using the old playbook of Trump needs permission from Democrats to do anything. Hopefully they get stuffed like the Thanksgiving turkeys they are…

Achilles said...

The next budget battle will be fought while Musk and Vivek are posting all of the things the government is spending money on.

Nobody is going to cry about the government shutting down this time.

doctrev said...

Do Collins and Murkowski really want to paint targets on their back for the rest of their lives? As much as Republicans hate the Rats, the real hatred is reserved for "secret Democrats" acting as traitors. Republicans openly celebrate John McCain dying, while Jeff Flake, Mitt Romney, and countless others are on their way out.

Wince said...

That's what I call a Happy Meal.

n.n said...

Consumption in moderation is a conservative quality, and a healthy, sustainable change in pace... diet for a viable future.

Joe said...

Bobby doesn't look happy.

Craig Howard said...

I’m so tired of the shibboleth that McDonald’s style food is inherently unhealthy. The criticism of American fast food has become yet another example of virtue-signaling among those who look down their noses at common fare.

mindnumbrobot said...

I sense joy. Real joy, not that contrived BS.

Dave Begley said...

The fries were flown in from the UK.

Political Junkie said...

Agree. They are all smiling except Bobby.

FormerLawClerk said...

Project 2025 is going to bring back full boxes of fries at McDonalds.

FormerLawClerk said...

Most people don't realize that eating at McDonalds is the safest way to protect Donald Trump from being poisoned by the Deep State, which has been trying to murder him for some time now.

planetgeo said...

I submit that McDonald's French fries should be classified as a super food.

gilbar said...

fries (and sugary cokes) are the issue
remember regular fries (back in the 1970's?) the little white envelopes?
what they call "regular" fries Now, were introduced as LARGE fries

DON'T eat all your LARGE fries!! save room for the burger (and skip the sugary coke)

FormerLawClerk said...

You see that guy in the upper right hand corner of the photo?

That's the guy who has been funding NPR for the last 4 years. He's the guy who has been giving grants to Harvard for the last 4 years, and watching those million-dollar salaries get laundered right back into the Democrat National Committee.

He's the guy who funds student loans that keep lefty professors in business turning the United States communist.

His name is Mike Johnson. He's a "Republican."

FormerLawClerk said...

Project 2025 is going to bring back making fries in tallow great again. So you shut your whore mouth.

gilbar said...


Maynard said...

The problem with McDonalds and other fast food places is that the last few generations eat there all the time.

When I was a kid, McDonalds was a treat (especially their fires cooked in beef tallow) after Church on Sunday. The rest of our meals were cooked at home.

Achilles said...

There is a reason he is not at the table with the people that count.

the "Republicans" like Johnson are going to be confronted this time when they betray their voters. They will succumb to strong horse politics.

FormerLawClerk said...

If you watch the super eaters on YouTube (guys like BeardMeetsFood), they use Diet soft drinks to allow them to eat more food. Stay away from those.

Not to mention that Coke is probably the highest profit margin producer at McDonalds.

Mary Beth said...

My guess - They're on a plane. Johnson got up so Bobby could sit for the photo.

tcrosse said...

Just once I would like to see Trump say to RFK, "Plunk your magic twanger, Froggy". (This is an ancient cultural reference from the days of steam television).

Koot Katmandu said...

Surprised he has s coke there. When I eat McDonalds not often. I just get a burgers and throw away the bun. Meat is real food.

Quaestor said...

A McDonald’s meal could be reformed toward greater wholesomeness simply by reverting to their original frying oil with beef tallow and replacing high fructose corn sweetener in their sauces with cane or beet sugar. IOW, just return to their traditional recipes before government mandated interference added shit to the mix.

It should be illuminating that those mandates rarely did anything except damage the national wellbeing.

stlcdr said...

Gilbar, I always order large fries.

When I get to the end, I always say to myself this was a bad idea, while clawing out the last crispy fry stuck in the corner, and a bonus finding fries in the bottom of the bag.

The cycle repeats every month or so.

Iman said...
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Iman said...

Froggy as in Li’l Rascals, great grandfather of Bubbles of Trailer Park Boys Froggy?

Iman said...

Andy Devine….

Leland said...

I see Trump is still serving McDonald's.

Quaestor said...

Althouse may be assured there is no obscure use of “wrong” that cures NYT’s insanity. Froot Loops are disgusting. Why color them. Each piece tastes like any other—sugar frosted shit. My favorite cereal growing up was Spoon Size Shredded Wheat. It’s gone now, replaced by 15 permutations of the sugar-frosted kind all of them chock full of dyes and additives.

Quaestor said...
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Eric the Fruit Bat said...

RFK Jr. looks like he's thinking of Barney Gumble having his first beer.

Quaestor said...

Forgot the rhetorical question mark.

Aggie said...

Yes, but McDonald's burgers are not real meat.

Peachy said...

Hahaha. I was just thinking about that the other day. Trump in McDonalds. Trump is known to like fast food.
RFK - MAHA. Yeah. Compromise - eat fast food once or twice a month as a treat.
That's what I do.

Original Mike said...

We only have McDonald's when my wife is sick and I have to cook.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

British spuds beat the shit out of anything produced in Idaho. In fact, most Euro taters up better than ours.

Ice Nine said...

Bonus: The bottom is where the salt is.

Eva Marie said...

Bobby not happy? Only because they’re not using tallow for frying. I refer you to his official site:

wendybar said...

Bobby is pushing for McDonalds to fry their fries in Tarrow again!! We can only hope!!,of%20cooking%20its%20french%20fries%20with%20beef%20fat.

Ice Nine said...

Collins has to be careful (and her Repub colleagues understand that). If she gets too Republicany, there'll be a Democrat in her Senate seat after the next election.

wendybar said...

Gilbar...He wants to!!

(I mistook tallow with Tarrow in a post I just posted. I meant tallow, but I can't edit)

wendybar said...

That's the MAGA plan!!,of%20cooking%20its%20french%20fries%20with%20beef%20fat.

William said...

Donald Trump is nobody's idea of the proper leader to guide us to a healthy diet, but God works his wonders in mysterious ways. The writer of the Declaration of Independence was a slave owner..........Beef tallow or not, if you eat at McDonald's often, you'll get fat. I know some restaurants that have better food, but you'd go broke before you got fat. There wasn't that curb on pigging out at McDonald's, but maybe now that inflation has caused the prices at McDonald's to skyrocket, people will eat less. God works his wonders in mysterious ways.

Peachy said...

I think McDonalds french fries are fine without the weird beef tallow. It allows vegetarians to eat them. (even though they do cook other meets in the same oil)

The best fries (fast food wise) can be found at 5-Guys. They only cook delicious potatoes in their oil (No fish or chicken share the oil) Just pure magical hot fresh french fries.

Peachy said...


Tina Trent said...

At least he’s not shooting heroin.

Baby steps. The guy’s a Kennedy.

Drago said...

It was amusing watching Johnson enter Madison Square Garden with the entire crew, like Kid Rock, and then plop down near Jelly Roll, and then the parade of NY toughs and successfuls swarm about while Elon makes fun of Mark Cuban, Vivek and Tulsi are waving to the crowd, RFKjr is responding to cheers for a UFC championship fight.

Johnson was a fish out of water but there is no way he wasnt caught up in the power of the cultural/political moment.

Peachy said...

This* alert*

Drago said...

Just cut out breads and 1/2 the processed foods you currently eat and you will absolutely lose weight.

Peachy said...

The mass-made hamburger buns are not good. All sorts of crapola in those. Like you say - remove the cheap sweeteners and strange chemicals. Make those better- but doing so will increase the price. and it won't work - because those items need to have a long shelf life.
In the past Mcdonalds and many of the other fast food places tried offering healthy choices - I don't think healthier options are good sellers. (I could be wrong)
People want their yummy junk.

Original Mike said...

"Just cut out breads and 1/2 the processed foods you currently eat and you will absolutely lose weight."

I eat low carb and have a serious problem keeping my weight up.

AlbertAnonymous said...

I have been forever told by our betters on the left that fast food is all some poor Americans could afford, and not to look down upon them or denigrate them if they were eating “unhealthy” food. I guess lots of “rules” and “norms” will be out the window now, again, because “MAGA II, orange man bad-der”

tolkein said...

Why are states still counting votes. It's 12 days after the election. How can this be?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Someone eating their words?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Trump Jr sitting and the speaker of the house in the background.

Kakistocracy said...

MAGA’s embrace of RFK Jr’s “Make America Healthy Again” is so funny because these same people attacked Michelle Obama for daring to suggest that Americans should eat healthier.

AlbertAnonymous said...

No, people attacked Michelle Obama because she was an elitist snob and looked down her nose at us when she was lecturing us on a topic she didn’t give a shit about but was only meant to control us. And no one voted for her.

And this isn’t MAGA embracing JFK Jr. so much as Trump shoving him in the left’s face, and the left losing their shit (again) because they always divide never unite so they ignored and ridiculed him.

John henry said...

Dixcus, maybe that is why he is looking longingly at the adult table instead of sitting at it.

They also don't seem to be giving him anything to eat.

John Henry

Disparity of Cult said...

Big Mike sold out to Big Food. The "Let's Move" campaign focused on increasing physical activity and was scarce on direct criticism of junk foods.

gspencer said...

Eat like we ate in the 1950s,

Trim, well-dressed and minority-free.

Peachy said...

Again - perhaps it was a good idea in theory - but her public school lunches were a complete flop. I'm all for getting kids to eat healthy. But kids need calories!

Drago said...

Since LLR-democratical Rich, the Harry Sisson of Althouse blog, is repeating the same BS Freder is spreading on another thread, I'll just drop my answer to Freder here for Abacus Boy Rich's benefit:

"'Field Marshall Freder: miss the good old days when you all berated Michelle Obama (and by you all, I mean commenters, not necessarily Althouse herself) for having the gall to suggest that school lunches should be more nutritious"


Michelle didnt just "suggest" school meals should be more nutritious, Michelle's plan was passed and federalized school lunches causing havoc and mayhem and crap lunches foisted on the kiddos who voted with their feet and ran away from the stuff being pushed on them.

The feds rules forced firings of local chefs and cafeteria workers since the meals had to be prepared elsewhere and trucked in, with the quality collapse you would expect. School funds had to be diverted from other programs to pay for the new requirements. And who can forget the pictures that would make the rounds of soggy brown mush, beat up little apples, completely wilted "veggies", with portion sizes the size of a pretentious French restaurant offering.

For the 10 years prior to Michelle's school lunch debacle, participation in school lunch programs was growing every year....right after Michelle's/barack's crap program, a million kids immediately dropped out.

So: recap time. In what ways was Michelle's school lunch program a failure?
- participation
- quality
- food waste
- food costs
- negative impact on school budgets

Other than all that of course, it was a rousing New Soviet Democratical "success"....

Drago said...

Thanks for playing LLR-democratical Rich! Your doing "great"...

RCOCEAN II said...

Other than being high in saturated fat and calories, a Big fries and fries is perfectly acceptable.

Drago said...

BTW, did everyone catch the announcement by hack "pollster" Ann Selzer that she was retiring?

After selling her soul to the denocraticals, again, by dropping that hilariously transparently hoaxy "kamala has a 13% lead in Iowa!" BS "poll", which LLR-democratical Rich ran with like a 2 year old with zero cognitve ability, she had to retire as no one would ever trust her again and bo one would ever again pay for any of her work.

Rich is the Ann Selzer/Harry Sisson fusion poster at Althouse blog.

heyboom said...

You can still find it in almost any grocery store or even WalMart. I like the big biscuit style myself, which are very hard to find.

Kakistocracy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kakistocracy said...

Now that Drago has mastered large language models, submarine dynamics, bridge engineering, epidemiology, supply chain logistics, and Russian military history, He would like to share his nutritional/dietary tips...🀣

Original Mike said...

Says the man who thinks we should follow the European economic model.

Barney Owasco said...

Ann Selzer had to have picked up some large coin for that fraud. I want to see her bank records!

Original Mike said...

Apparently, the payday from publishing that suppression poll was sufficient to retire on.

Kakistocracy said...

Who would have thought a worm tucking into a light meal would result in it's host being a HHS nominee.
🐻 πŸ₯© πŸͺ±πŸ§ πŸ”œ πŸ“‰

Kakistocracy said...

I wasn't aware anyone paid attention to Gateway Pundit.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich becomes very very upset and catty when he is reminded of his hundreds of serial lies, hoaxes and moronic mis-hot-takes.

Lets see what happens next....

Iman said...

…and when he does smile, it’s more of a grimace. 😬

Kakistocracy said...

⬆️ I believe in the inalienable right of intellectual down-punching.

Looks like Drago found some information the world’s top scientists and doctors missed.

Don’t let these “doctors” with their “educations” and “knowledge” tell you what to do. Eat horse paste. Drink fish tank cleaner. Fight the system!

Achilles said...

Rich is probably stupid enough to take statins when told.

robother said...

Indeed, I spent 40 years of my career saying that healthy eating starts tomorrow. Only to discover when I retired that I was 45 pounds overweight. Well that's all gone now, and as La Rouchefoucald has it "the old enjoy lecturing the young--it consoles them for no longer being able to set a bad example."

Original Mike said...

"I wasn't aware anyone paid attention to Gateway Pundit."

Is the data wrong?
Have you looked into your precious German economy lately, Rich?

Achilles said...

Problem for you is that RFK is obviously smarter than you are.

That is why you can't deal with his actual statements and you resort to stupid posts like this.

Joe Bar said...

About 12 years ago, I made an effort to lose some weight. I dropped 40 pounds in 6 months. One of my tactics was eating lunch at McDonalds 3 times a week. I would have a Double Cheeseburger and a side salad. It worked for me.

Kakistocracy said...

Remarkable how Trump manages to find the comically least qualified person for each job. Somebodies going to be owned. I’m not sure it’s going to be the libs.

EdwdLny said...

McDonald's or any other fast food is far better and safer for you than any of the covid shots or boosters. Just saying.

BUMBLE BEE said...

"Friends stick together with Scotch Brand Cellophane Tape"

BUMBLE BEE said...

Or... The Ghoul, overday!

BUMBLE BEE said...

They stock low sugar stuff on the bottom shelf most often.
Candy cereal is at the 3 foot shelf.

BUMBLE BEE said...

What? Kids need all the lead they can get from their snack boxes!

Drago said...

Notice how Rich, once captured completely by the New Soviet Democratical talking points, which are all later debunked and exposed, has ZERO ability to move beyond those and simply regurgitates those talking points even though the world has moved on!

It's so perfectly, perfectly, "Rich", isn't it?

We see this with the other lefty buffoons as well, but with P-Inga's and gadfly's departure, Rich is in the catbird seat of the moron who can't seem to understand its not 2015 or 2020 any longer!

Let's see what he comes up with next.........(should be fun)

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hang in there Rich, the waaaaambulance is on it's way!

Kakistocracy said...

I hope Trump saves something special for Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Eva Marie said...

I like that. Thanks

Eva Marie said...

@wendybar - thanks for the clarification. I thought you were making a politically incorrect joke about Asians.

Iman said...

wendybar you’ve unwittingly dredged up a word (“tarrow”) that dates back to the original King Kong from 1933. The natives on the island thought the golden woman on the ship was fit to be the bride of Kong:

“Oh, tarrow bey… anna saba Kong… cow bisa por Kong!” But things did not work out.

Drago said...

I wonder which "laddies" Tim Walz is "hanging around with" these days? Probably not as many opportunities for that, provided by his ChiCom sponsors" now that the Joy Tour derailed.

Dr Weevil said...

I'm surprised no one has already mentioned this Tweet, which has, as of right now, 782 replies, 4.2K reposts, and 56K likes.

@Geiger_Capital tweeted this picture with the caption "Making the new gang member do drugs to make sure he’s not an undercover cop" (link).

Balfegor said...

RFK Jr. has the expression of an American when a Japanese or Korean businessman decides to take him to a restaurant that serves only offal.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

My guess is that runt Johnson was by himself near the press group when he overheard one talking about going to take a picture of the adult table. So Johnson ran over and popped up just as the pic was snapped without even being noticed because he is such a nonentity. When the adults looked at the pic later and saw him there, they all said that he ruined the picture.

Jerry said...

Son didn't eat lunch at school - the food was inedible, by his description. And this from a guy who could and would eat every cuisine he could get his hands on. So I'll take his evaluation as an honest one.

loudogblog said...

Like with most things in life, it's all about moderation. The human body has an amazing ability to deal with us eating bad stuff. But our systems can be overwhelmed if we eat bad stuff every day. Just look at what the athletes eat. They try and eat healthy, but then power down the high calorie food before competition.

Jim at said...

Michelle Obama for daring to suggest that Americans should eat healthier.

She didn't 'suggest' a damn thing. She forced it by using the full power of the federal government.

Rocco said...

heyboom said...
"I like big biscuit style myself, which are very hard to find."

Sir Mix-a-lot responded...
"I like big biscuits and I cannot lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty plate
And a round scone in your face, you get sprung...

Kakistocracy said...

Making the new gang member do drugs to make sure he’s not an undercover cop -- blink twice if you’re under duress.

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