Said Alec Baldwin, who was once so famously uninformed about a gun as he toiled blithely in the film industry. He's speaking to an audience at a film festival in Italy:
Alec Baldwin thinks Americans are "uninformed" about "what's really going on" in the world and says the film industry is helping to plug the gap.
— The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) November 25, 2024
"There's a hole, a vacuum... a gap in information for Americans," the actor said at the Turin Film Festival on Monday. "Americans are…
A small mind the size of a big mind
Ho hum. Too easy.
D'Nile ain't just a river in Egypt.
Projection ain't just for movie theaters.
Dunning-Krueger strikes deep.
Seems most people would know the continent their wife came from.
The arrogance is bizarre, isn’t it? Podcasts of all sorts of political inclinations, and podcasts about science issues (like say Lex Fridman) draw huge audiences. People aren’t uninformed, Alec. They disagree with you. They disagree in particular with the propaganda of the film industry.
He is a pinata filled with methane.
Oh, yes. The film industry has been so correct and accurate in portraying how infidelity impacts and devastates spouses and children. That's always made perfectly clear by Hollywood, in all their vacuum filling reality. They've become so good as conveying the violence of guns and swords, but they hide the violence to others of infidelity.
“That vacuum is filled by the film industry. Not just the independent film industry, not just the documentary film industry but narrative films as well.”
Movies aren't filling the vacuum. In real ways they help to create, widen, and deepen it.
Plus, it is always so pathetic when some American goes to Europe and tries to curry favor with the local crowd by publicly distance themselves from "those backwards, stupid Americans." (As if the Italians and Europeans are so much better informed. Ha!) I work for a German company. They are better informed about some things, and are woefully ignorant about other things, just like Americans.
Exactly! Coddled, overpaid, rageaholic actors are who I always consult to get the scoop on what's really going on in the world.
Dumping on the country that let him off the hook for the ultimate crime.
Hollywood: “It's a hell of a thing, ain't it, killin' a man. You take everything he's got... and everything he's ever gonna have.”
True. And that's why the CAGW scam has been so successful.
What a bizarre take from someone not at all acquainted with reality, let alone living in it. Even as the executive producer of his snuff film he didn't take any responsibility for what happened on set.
What a dick. Don't be like Alec.
Exactly. What balls to say this about Americans when his wife won't even admit to being one because they both have such low opinions of us common folk. He's demonstrated that he believes we are expendable.
"Always be shilling."
He's demonstrated that he believes we are expendable.
it's Not just US, that he believes are expendable..
He took a loaded gun.. Cocked it.. Aimed at a coworkers head.. And shot AND killed her..
WHY did he do it? why not? How was he to know what happens when you point a loaded, cocked gun at someone and pull the trigger?
It turns out.. That what happens (to HIM) is not much
Hollywood is a place where a high school dropout can make it big--and presume to set foreign policy for the United States. Sean Penn I'm looking at you--a guy so dumb he didn't seal the drain hole in his boat before setting out to "rescuer' hurricane victims--and danged near sunk at the dock.
And he is one of the smart ones in Hollywood.
"Americans are very uninformed about reality.... That vacuum is filled by the film industry...."
San Halyna Hutchins.
@gilbar: It was a movie set and he was "told" it had blanks in it. Movie actors routinely simulate killing and it sometimes goes wrong. See the story of Brandon Lee and The Crow film (1993), whereby he died from a squib load followed by blank in a prop gun.
Incompetent, yes. Reckless, yes. Negligent, yes. Incompetent as the manager of the set, yes. Hugely ironic, yes. Still, there's no evidence or reason to belive that he intended to kill (and or to) evade prosecution.
At the 49 second mark, the guy on the left begins rapidly motioning to someone in the back to, it appears, lower the volume on Baldwin's mic. That guy is Everyman.
Holy shit! There's someone in Hollywood who actually believes that the Hollywood version of things is reality. My God, for the last one hundred years they've been getting things wrong and congratulating themselves for it. Their most honored and successful film of all time was a celebration of the grit and courage of slave owners......Hollywood, on occasion, makes entertaining movies, but any resemblance to reality in their films is strictly coincidental.
Someone is consuming his own product.
When it comes to Alec Baldwin, I will stand behind anything he says or does.
Way behind. Ideally with a wall or big boulder between us.
Team America come to life. That movie needs to be re-released in the theaters.
He gave that cinematographer a heavy dose of reality.
Intelligent Americans look for entertainment elsewhere. Hollywood sucks.
Narratives! Take your narratives and shove them.
You'd think he'd be a little more careful before shooting off his mouth.
The film industry has been so correct and accurate in portraying how infidelity impacts and devastates spouses and children. That's always made perfectly clear by Hollywood, in all their vacuum filling reality.
One of the ways my wife and kids know how to push my buttons is to mention the film "Pretty Woman", which I will not permit in my home. I think it is the most corrosive, evil movie Hollywood has ever made, which is really saying something.
How many innocent teenage girls saw that movie over the past thirty-plus years, and figured that going to the big city and becoming a hooker was the way to land a billionaire husband who would send you on six-figure shopping sprees on Rodeo Drive? How many of them ended up dying of AIDS, or hepatitis C, or drug overdoses, or violence at the hand of pimps or johns or stalkers? We'll never know, but the number must be in the tens of thousands at the very least.
Hollywood is a sewer and the people there are cockroaches. Absolute scum of the earth. I haven't seen a movie in a theater in more than ten years, and on the rare occasions I watch one on TV, most of the time it's in black-and-white from the 40's or before.
I'd be in favor of reverse tariffs that forced the whole filthy showbiz industry to flee.
Good to know that Spiderman III and Barbie are keeping America informed. Well done, Hollywood.
The US likely has the most extensive news industry in the world. If we are uninformed, I wonder why. Alec? Alec?
I'd loved to see a journalist ask Baldwin some tough questions on "Israel" "Ukraine" and "Climate change" to test HIS knowledge. I'd suspect you'd get Liberal/left boilerplate and nothing more. Putin bad, Ukraine good. The 6 oblasts taken over by Russia? uh.....
High praise for the industry giving us The Fast and the Furious 14, Avengers 12 and the third full series remakes of both Batman and Spiderman.
Alex Baldwin is an an obnoxious asshole, but he is dead-eye accurate that Americans are very uninformed about reality.
@Enigma, this is mostly true, but the key aspect that is ignored is that a careful watcher can see that Baldwin's expressed remorse was confined to the period when he was in actual legal jeopardy - in other words, remorse for his actual personal hazards, instead of sympathy extended to those he killed and wounded. He's always had a massive ego, and his self-interest shines through.
He is so out of touch that he doesn't realize that the world has long-ago distanced themselves from Hollywood's version of truth and wisdom.
Way back when Apollo 13 came out, I asked a few German work colleagues if they had seen it and what they thought. "Ya! Another hero movie where Americans get together and save the day." was there tepid response. The Germans have a phrase they used to apply to some of our "slick" American executives that would come over and talk business. "What seems to be...." was the phrase.
Hollywood, "what seems to be..." Baldwin apparently doesn't know of that skepticism.
"Still, there's no evidence or reason to belive (sic)that he intended to .... evade prosecution. "
Suuuure, he didn't. I guess you didn't see the various videos he posted, that were lampooned viciously, before his lawyers told him to STFU ?
"Americans are very uninformed about reality."
Cook, my experience living overseas, is that people in almost every country are just as uninformed of things that are far away from their neighborhood, culture, and language.
Puke. So Baldwin is in Italy trashing Americans. What an asshole. His arrogance and known public outburst led to the shooting.
I always look to unreconstructed stalinists for insights into "reality".
How it started 2024 Global Box Office Forecast Better Than Expected But Still Bad
How it is going Summer Box Office Revenue Slips 10 Percent After Avoiding Disaster
That's just to point out that the film industry isn't filling seats at a movie theater, much less filling any void in information. As for the notion that Americans don't want a lot information, social media seems to be doing fine. If anything, Americans consume too much information. Perhaps what Baldwin really meant (besides not meaning to kill a person with a firearm) is a vacuum of the information he wants them to consume (maybe don't fire bullets for consumption).
Anyway, I like the guy to Baldwin's right that keeps flapping his hand like he's trying to get the audience to sit down. I imagine they were getting up and leaving. Hopefully to avoid being shot at or being called a fat pig.
give us some examples.
Even accepting that he was only negligent and not outright culpable, he still killed someone and suffered no consequences. The sensible, humane thing to do would be to disappear from the public eye for a while. Don't do SNL. Don't speak on public panels. Don't pontificate about politics. Don't fatuously criticize all Americans, very few of whom have ever shot and killed someone.
I, for one, refuse to engage in this day's Two Minute Hate. C'mon, this guy is too easy a target for bile dumps on his career, his behavior, his industry, his political agitprop. He does a pretty good Trump imitation, not Shane Gillis by any means, but pretty good. And he hasn't been all that active recently in anti-gun propaganda. So when finally passes away, he'll be remembered mostly for pretty good roles in movies and that accidental/negligent killing, so he has that going for him, which is nice.
Me, I'm waiting for the day we get to say goodbye to Biden and have a full Four Minute Hate about him.
I do find it amusing that the guy whose most prominent role of the last 8 years has been playing a fictional version of Donald Trump is complaining that Americans are uninformed.
This shows the phenomenon of "selection bias."
When an American has the means and desire to travel overseas, it is typically the case that he enjoys above-average income, intelligence, and educational achievement. His in-depth encounters with foreigners in the places he visits tend to be with others like himself, and so he compares them favorably to the average American.
Conversely, if he instead sought out average Europeans and compared them with his classmates in grad school back in America, he would find them remarkably dull and ignorant. This seldom happens.
It's a fair point about Hollywood filling the void of ignorance with their own balloon juice. I was just talking to someone today who thought that Amadeus was history.
The reason that the Democrats can't do a long form show like Rogan's is that their whole messaging system is based on short, intentionally vague, shorn of context, talking points. None of this stands up for three hours.
…equipped with teh Schweddy Ballz option…
he was a blind squirre l about Gaza, but that's as far as I'll take it,
"Cook, my experience living overseas, is that people in almost every country are just as uninformed of things that are far away from their neighborhood, culture, and language."
I agree with that wholeheartedly. But the statement/discussion wasn't about people in other nations, but about Americans. Given our overweening certainty of our "greatness" and superiority to all other nations and peoples, it is always incumbent for the reasonable among us to remind ourselves and others that we are just as much mostly ignorant fools as any other of the nations Americans reflexively disdain as "not Great!"
as producer writer and star, he was responsible entirely for the production
@Aggie: "(sic) Suuure,..."
Shocker! Tell me more! Actors are idiots with big egos??? I'm stunned. My heart is broken. I just loved luved luuuuved him so much!
Please see the context -- Gilbar alluded to intentionally shooting and his exploration of killing. That makes no sense with any known or presumed set of facts.
the law didn't require intent, and if he had followed it, she would still be alive. The law required him to ascertain the actual status of the gun he picked up. And lo and behold, a politically connected defendant, with friends in the highest places, who had done favors for president, escapes certain conviction because an elected prosecutor "accidentally" violates his rights, and so, sadly, the open-shut, airtight case against Baldwin has to be dismissed.
Did the prosecutor face any kind of censure for this? No, he's fine, and his good buddy is walking free today.
So when did Althouse start pulling her posts from the Sunday Funnies is what I want to know.
Entertainment is where people go to escape reality. The Hollywood pedo industry has no clue what reality is.
What do you mean "we", kemosabe?
We need reasonable celebrity control.
At first, I found myself agreeing with Baldwin. Americans (and everyone else) do have gigantic hole in our model of the Universe, and it is filled with the gaseous bloviations of the "entertainment industry". But then I realized that Baldwin thinks that's a good thing.
Well, part of the country seems to only know what they see on the screen. I would bet that 99% of Democrats actually still believe that Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house.
“palabra” dice Hilaria.
Stock answer - Robert. You can do better than that.
Have read journalist Miranda Devine's "Laptop from Hell; Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and Dirty Secrets President (Biden) Tried to Hide". Book extensively quotes Hunter Biden's laptop content, now confirmed to be Hunter Biden's genuine laptop, full of Biden Family business and Hunter personal material. Laptop content has been available to journalists since 2019, yet media and reporters failed to investigate obvious instances of Joe Biden's blatant corruption and influence-peddling. Note, no Biden family member has challenged content of book, nor accused Devine of slander.
Most Americans don't know much more than what they can see on TV in 2-minute talking-head newscaster infotainment. Most Americans who consider themselves well-educated and sophisticated still get majority of their news facts from TV plus NYT, WP, or CNN/MSNBC predigested biased progressive-liberal talking-points, as directly received from their corporate sponsors and/or governmental agency minders. There's little genuine investigative reporting remaining, with exception of some Substack writers and podcasters.
Essentially, Robert, you are forgiving ignorance in other countries because Americans just suck. Somehow we "should" be smarter and more informed..
A trechant analysis---NOT!
I never knew horses could be so high!! I always enjoy being reminded that I am the dumbest guy on the interwebs, LOL.
Given the subset of Americans that Baldwin (and Cook) hang around with, one can understand why they believe they're very uninformed about reality.
So when finally passes away, he'll be remembered mostly for pretty good roles in movies and that accidental/negligent killing, so he has that going for him, which is nice.
Yeah, certain people love their celebrities, no matter what. Alec Baldwin wouldn't piss on them if their heart was on fire, but they still love them.... After all, they saw them in a movie or on TV.
He was well informed about guns. He was also reckless in his handling of them.
A small mind the size of a large vacuum.
It was much easier for celebs to pretend to be intelligent in the past when they didn't have social media to display their stupidity on.
There are few things more irrelevant or ridiculous than the average Hollywood progressive.
Thank goodness that the film industry isn’t motivated by profit and can tell us what is really going on in the world.
Using Alec Baldwin and the word intelligence in the same sentence ought to be a crime.
Tina Trent said...
"Seems most people would know the continent their wife came from."
Since she identified as being born on a different continent, we should call her transcontinental.
Funny, Rocco. Back when we occasionally had rashes of admiration for Europe, usually from contact with some movie, wasn’t “transcontinental” a compliment?
Just look at those dummies hanging onto every word he says.
I appreciate that the reality vacuum for Americans is stories -- that is, fiction -- on film (or whatever medium is used these days).
“Americans are very uninformed about reality....”
Isn’t that like the Cretan who famously said, “All Cretans are liars”?
Anyway, I can’t fault Baldwin too much for the shooting. A lot of movies involve actors shooting people. It’s up to the armorer and security to make sure there’s no live ammo on set.
"Conversely, if he instead sought out average Europeans and compared them with his classmates in grad school back in America, he would find them remarkably dull and ignorant."
Ah yes, the charming, sparkling personalities of the upper-crust graduate school elites versus the remarkably dull and ignorant commoners.
I've been among both, and I choose to live in a rural country place among people who don't have above average income or educational achievement. But then it must be a very special place because the common folk here are neither dull nor ignorant.
Baldwin's spew reveals the reason why Big Hollywood is shitting out comic book remakes and little else. They are all Democrat Party members, hardcore leftist Party members. What do Party members think of the average American? That the USA citizen is a barely functional moron, save for Party members. Ergo, morons get moron entertainment dumbed down to the stupidest common denominator.
Big Hollywood studios didn't use to have such churlish and ignorant contempt for the American audience. Althouse here has shown some of the amazing movies made 100, 90, 80, 70 years ago for an American audience that had far less access to information that we have today, yet their entertainment tastes were far more sophisticated than they are credited. The variety and quality of the movies they watched hasn't been matched in my lifetime, and the shit just gets worse, and now the entire industry is on life support. Heckuva job, Alec!
"Essentially, Robert, you are forgiving ignorance in other countries because Americans just suck. Somehow we "should" be smarter and more informed..A trechant analysis---NOT!"
No. I am not forgiving ignorance. I recognize that ignorance is a prevalent and eternal failing in all people everywhere, in every time. It is nowhere absent. It is this ignorance that creates most or all of the calamities, strife, oppression, hatred, violence, wars, and all other tragedies that issue from and are inflicted on human beings, (not to mention our assaults on non-human animals and on the environments in which all living things exist).
but he is dead-eye accurate that Americans are very uninformed about reality.
As evidenced by your insistence it's Republicans who've moved to the extreme right while Democrats have moved to the center.
Actually I can cite several actors that say they all, including the actor and armorer, got together and ALL OF THEM checked the gun. It was the sets rules. Strangely it seems people think Hollywood rules override STATE LAW.
And we have not even delved into the possibly Baldwin LOADED THE GUN ON PURPOSE.. i.e. a Columbo murder - apropos to Peter Falk. A perfect crime.
Be nice to poor, little Cookie. He was waiting for the Workers of the World to unite. And three weeks ago they did -- behind Trump.
As predicted by some guy named Orwell in some book named 1984, the goal of lefties like Baldwin and Cookie and the journalists of the New York Times is to try (emphasis on "try") to make the people they look down on so much believe that reality is what they are told it is, as opposed to what reality really is. (Yes, reality is real. That's why it's called "real-ity".) Fakers like Cookie and Baldwin and journalists everywhere except a few at Fox News look down up the people who work for a living, and presume them to be stupid. But those people are not so stupid. They know when they can no longer afford healthy food for the children. They know that they've been laid off -- just before the holiday season -- and they know that it isn't Trump's fault, nor is the fault of capitalism. The fault is a party, called the Democrats, who sold themselves out to a bunch of shady billionaires like Reid Hoffman and George Soros.
Well I'll make up for you, mikee, by hating Baldwin twice as much. Maybe three times. I'd be disgusted with him under any circumstances because of his negligent discharge with people around, but what really sets me off is that before the incident he repeatedly tried to pass himself off as some sort of expert on firearm safety. The asshole apparently doesn't realize that experts on firearm safety do no leave dead bystanders behind them.
For the record, there are four fundamental rules of firearm safety. They are:
1) Treat all guns as if they are always loaded.
2) Never let the muzzle point at anything that you are not willing to kill or destroy.
3) Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and you have made the decision to shoot.
4) Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins would probably still be alive if he had violated only one or maybe even two of these rules, but being a monumental Hollywood asshole, he violated all four. And then she became dead.
There's nothing that compels people to see what's in the theaters, other than quality filmmaking and a good story. A good story is something that the AUDIENCE wants to watch, not what THEY think the audience should watch.
50 years ago, a travelogue short was a normal thing before a feature film, showing people other countries, other cultures, interesting things. We don't have short features before movies any more - there's no market for it.
We've got Youtube instead.
Want to see how a restaurant in Japan does things?
Want to see why battleships are built the way they are?
Want to watch someone taking a motorcycle trip across Turkey?
Hollywood's no longer the arbiter or disseminator of reality. But idiots like Baldwin haven't realised that they haven't been since at least the '50s...
Remember the Canteen Boy Pedo skits that Alec was a part of on SNL?
Ahead of his time and no credit.
His ignorance becomes him.
The man has made a pretty good living reciting words written by other people and pretending to be someone else on camera. He was not smart enough to keep himself employed playing Jack Ryan on the follow on movies as he was overly impressed with his worth and demanded more than the studio would pay. I think his opinions are like azzholes - everyone has them and most smell bad.
Well...*you're* an American, aren't you...?
"Neither dull nor ignorant" ++1
"Neither dull nor ignorant" ++1
Special kind of stupid.
Adam Sandler conceived of those skits/characters/dialogue. The character canteen boy eventually morphed into Sandler's character in " The Waterboy", which makes sense since so many of Sandlers characters were written as naive types that eventually "won" out of goodness.
Movie actors routinely simulate killing
RIGHT! they "SIMULATE" it by NOT AIMING at the person..
This wasn't even during filming.. This was Alec "joking around"
Jerry: Exactly. Before to see why US battleships were designed the way they were you would have to read Norman Friedman's book on their design history. Now people like Drachinifel can produce videos that explain all. Like the one on why battleships had torpedo tubes.
Alec discusses the irony of shared responsibility as an inside joke.
Mikey NTH: Love having Drachinifel playing in the background - his dry humor's great. Also Ryan on the Battleship New Jersey channel. Wife and I went to see the battleship North Carolina, and I was able to tell her a lot about a lot of the things I'd seen covered on-line. You can read about how they load the main guns, you can look at diagrams - but there's nothing quite like seeing the powder and shell hoists working in a video...
And if you're into odd aviation history, check out Rex's Hangar - - he's also got a great sense of humor. ("The Most Streamlined Flying Brick", "When Aerodynamics Took a Holiday", "French Interwar Bombers - The Good, The Bad, The Visually Distressing").
The world's changing - but the media dinosaurs haven't realized they're obsolete yet.
And the woman who spread her legs with no underwear on, next to him, tells Italy ""My country is in the midst of adolescence. Adolescence is very arrogant. Adolescence thinks it knows everything."
"Adolescence is naive and ignorant and arrogant. And we are in our ignorant, arrogant adolescence."
"We haven’t seen this before in our country. So Americans who don’t travel, who 80% don’t have a passport, who are uneducated, are in their extraordinary naivete.""
She is right. We were so naive, we went and paid a lot of money to watch the trash this asshole put out. How many times did Harvey bang her?? Who hasn't?? She is so intelligent, that she has to go overseas to bitch out Americans because SHE is a loser. Fuck her. Fuck Alec, and Fuck Hollywood. I hope it burns to the ground. (and the stupid word memorizers with it. Talk about ignorant.)
I don’t know which is more disgraceful, a Trump impersonator shooting two people on a movie set, one fatally, or Trump claiming , without evidence, that he could get elected even if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue
Film = reality? Wow, that's great. Show me the way to the "Forbidden Planet". (Pre-explosion, please.)
Thank you for writing the comment I wanted to write, but didn't. It is indeed a truth that if you post something dumb/wrong on the internet you'll be corrected with a strong informative reply.
With that unrestrained load of puffery, I dub him Sir Alec Baldwin.
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