October 28, 2024

"Why is Donald Trump going to win? The people he's about to defeat have no idea."

"And they're panicked. They have no idea why people like Donald Trump, and their first theory was, well, Donald Trump is evil, so half the country is evil.... How much easier would it have been just to pause for 20 minutes and ask yourself honestly, in some silent place: Why do people like Donald Trump? And if they had been honest enough... they would have come up with the two main reasons.... The first reason that people like Donald Trump is because he likes them.... Affection is something you can't fake.... And the second reason that people love Trump... is because he's liberated us in the deepest and truest sense. And the liberation he has brought to us is the liberation from the obligation to tell lies.... If you want to enslave people — if you want to degrade them — force them to tell lies, and they have they forced us to lie about everything at gunpoint, effectively they put people in prison, for refusing to lie...."

Said Tucker Carlson... and to my ear, this was the best speech at Trump's Madison Square Garden rally yesterday:

ADDED: This had a big impact on me because — as I told you many years ago — I had a dream about Trump in 2015, "long before I had any idea he'd become President... in which I was talking about Trump, then saw that he was there listening in on me," and I hugged him and "thanked him, effusively, for teaching us to have the courage to speak freely.... At the time I had that dream I wasn't consciously aware of liking Trump at all, so the dream made a big impression on me. There was something about Trump that I thought was tremendously helpful, and I really wanted to tell him."


RideSpaceMountain said...

"The people he's about to defeat have no idea."

America's Inags hardest hit.

Original Mike said...

"Why is Donald Trump going to win? The people he's about to defeat have no idea."

I hate this cockiness. Tucker gave a great speech, though. He's nailed why Donald Trump should win.

doctrev said...

As usual, Tucker nails it. It's not too hard to like Americans if you're an American, certainly if you're not a foreign oligarch or one of their left-wing lapdogs. But they needed total control to have a chance at pulling off another fraud. They failed. When even Bezos realizes it's better to start playing nice before the Trump movement comes after his financial interests, you know it's over. And after President Trump goes after the slimy machinery of globalism, they'll be that much weaker in future confrontations.

Original Mike said...

And this is why Kamala should lose. She is a nasty piece of work. Watch her revel in inflicting pain on her constituents.

Rory said...

""Why is Donald Trump going to win?"

When you consider that the Dems are purporting to be some sort of moral movement, coughing up Hillary, Joe, and Kamala in succession is proof that the movement is a fraud.

n.n said...

Trump's all hat and not fascist. MAGAnificence AdVance-ing. #HateLovesAbortion

tim maguire said...

It's not cockiness, it's standard electoral salesmanship. No politician ever says "if you elect me." It is always "when you elect me." It's never, "if I become president." It's "when I'm president."

Dixcus said...

They force us to lie:

* "I cannot define the word woman." - Supreme Court Justice Ketani Jackson Five
* "Men can get pregnant."
* "Boys need tampons."
* "Masks work."

This is the prison they tried to lock us into. This is why people are not only going to elect Trump, but CHEER when he destroys the very people who forced us to lie.

wendybar said...

Roseanne Barr
Punk rock is back - but now it’s comedy

The uptight evil establishment
Is back- and they’re Democrats
11:25 AM · Oct 28, 2024

rehajm said...

Yah. It's rhetoric. Gets a pass from me, too...

Lilly, a dog said...

30% off Creamy Body Butter? I learn so much on this blog.

Gusty Winds said...

Trump did win the last time. Biden was installed. The COVID massaged absentee voter fraud was 100% real. The only question remaining for the 2024 election: "Do the Democrats still have the apparatus in place to pull off 2020 voter fraud again"?

Obviously you are in support of the fraud, because you support it's output and Biden's installation. Only a stooge thinks Biden received 81 million votes, or that stopping the count in swing states on election night was a sign of everything being clean. It wasn't clean.

Lancaster, PA just caught 2,500 fraudulent voter registration forms. That's what they caught....which means there are 10x or 100x more that make it through.

Yancey Ward said...

Prove it is a lie, Sprezzatura- prove it.

Yancey Ward said...

I haven't changed my prediction- I give Trump no better than a 40% chance of winning. I think if Trump gets 80 million votes the Democrats will make sure Harris gets 90 million. If Trump gets 90 million, Harris will be given 100 million. The Democrats will drive turnout in the cities to 120% of the registered voters if they have to. They will drive the turnout in the cities to 120% of the population if they have to and who is going to stop them?

Krumhorn said...

The lefties cannot fathom how it is possible that TrumpHitler has so much support other than belief that half of America is evil. One of our resident lefties, Robert Cook, posted the other day:

I have little doubt he could set up concentration camps, etc., and his followers would support him.

And he accompanied this with the assessment that somehow he is the rational one. This is why the lefties are in such disarray. They are so certain of their monopoly on virtue, they cannot conceive of the possibility that they are THE PROBLEM.

- Krumhorn

Quaestor said...

Ditto. And it's as ancient as Homer.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

I thought it was one of the best political speeches I had ever heard. Probably because Tucker isn't a politician.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

This is a call-out to people who have a better memory than I: A few weeks ago, maybe six weeks ago or thereabouts, I saw something on X (I think), sourced to a dem insider, saying that, before the campaign was over, Harris was going to start explicitly comparing Trump to Hitler. Obviously, that moment has arrived, just as predicted. However, I can't remember who said it. Anyone here remember?

Iman said...

The Smeg-heads will always look for a bargain!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Kool Kids ain't cool any more. That's what it boils down to.

Stephen said...

If that was the best speech at the Garden, what does that say, Professor Althouse, about the overall quality of the event and how it makes you feel about Trump's campaign?

Yeesh. Freed from the obligation to tell lies? More like, obliged to tell lies to feed the base. Here is Tucker Carlson in November 2020 writing about a Fox reporter who dared to speak the truth that there was no evidence that Dominion machines had been used to perpetuate a fraud. “Please get her fired,” Mr. Carlson said. He added: “It needs to stop immediately, like tonight. It’s measurably hurting the company. The stock price is down. Not a joke.”

And this at a rally where Trump repeated the now many times debunked claims that hurricane disaster aid was diverted to illegal immigrants and that the government sent illegal immigrants to Springfield Ohio.

Is it true that Kamala Harris has done "nothing?" As compared to whom? District Attorney, AG, Senator, Vice President? And how much credence should one give to that claim given the speaker's loose connection to the truth and obvious willingness to rely on racism, in the form of a dismissive reference to her as "Samoan-Malaysian?"

What am I missing?

Gerda Sprinchorn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Scott Pinsker over at PJMedia said that there would be two things that signified that Trump would win; the Dem's would start calling him a Fascist and they'd start blaming their problems on the voters being stupid. And they've done that right on schedule. Maybe that's what you're thinking of.

Quaestor said...

Explaining the hat comparison: The Texan aphorism goes "Mr. X is all hat and no cattle", meaning his reputation exceeds his accomplishments. IOW, The leftists' desperate "Hitler!!!!" scream does align with Trump's words or deeds.

MadisonMan said...

Total agreement.

Original Mike said...

Point taken. Upon reflection, I don't actually have a problem with the politicians talking cocky, and Tucker is a politician in this speech. My problem is with all of us.😉

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

I don't see why you bother thinking about or interacting with Inga and Rich et al.

They often act like paid party propagandists spreading the party line each day. I sometimes wonder if they are even real individual people rather than a bank of hired propagandists. They are like robots.

Dixcus said...

Of the two of them, only one - Barack Obama and Donald Trump - have ordered the killing of American citizens with no trial.

R C Belaire said...

FWIW, I'm ~ 70/30 -- pessimist/optimist -- at this point. Pessimism is the safest mindset and avoids disappointment if one is truly pessimistic and not just play-acting. At the end of the day, it's nice to be pleasantly surprised.

Dixcus said...

It's important that Inga and Rich's lies be confronted. Evil must be countenanced.

MadisonMan said...

Here's what Kamala Harris did as AG. That demonstrated lack of common sense, of glee at ruining her impoverished constituents' lives, is horrible.

Gusty Winds said...

Certainly not not the courts. They will cower and reject everything based on "standing" and procedural grounds, when there is not time to run through the judicial layers. Whoops! Times up! Pencils down!

Let's just move on...and pretend everything in going to be alright with an installed, unaccountable executive. I think part of the "let's just move on" crowd from 2020 now realizes it was a huge mistake. It baked in and made delayed counts the norm. It made ballot harvesting the norm. It made ignoring state election laws the norm.

Dixcus said...

The best speech at the Garden was when Jimmy Carter gave his Nazi Speech there.

Followed by the Nazi Speech that Clinton and Gore held there.

rehajm said...

Tucker is correct- politicians in general are unimpressive people. Most of them are the kids what earned Cs in grade school but discover with some luck, shamelessness and persistence they will become wealthy and powerful well beyond their talents...

Big Mike said...

I’m familiar with the woman’s story. Yes, she was arrested, imprisoned, lost her job, and became homeless because her daughter missed school. Why did the daughter miss school? Because she was in the hospital!

Quayle said...

"What am I missing?"

Answer: the same level of fastidious scrutiny applied to 'your' candidate's and party's pronouncements.

Quaestor said...

"And the liberation he has brought to us is the liberation from the obligation to tell lies..."

Perhaps someone can tell me, has Inga denounced that Photoshopped image of Kamala Harris in a 70s McDonald's uniform? Or has the obligation to lie overwhelmed the last vestiges of honesty in her psyche?

Rabel said...

Trump will be in Madison tomorrow.

Let the local Republican party reps know your interest and I wouldn't be surprised if a meeting could be arranged and you could tell him in person.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Same technology from 2000 mules was used against J6ers. Some say debunked.
Anomalies are fascinating to study. They rarely go all the same way, much less in the same time frame, hence the definition of anomaly.

Original Mike said...

Yeah, IDK how anyone who thinks the 2020 election turned on fraud in a few democrat cities can think it will not happen again. All of the battleground states are essentially tied (if you believe the polls). I don't think people have thought this through.

Michael said...

JD, Vivek and Tulsi are clearly the future of the Republican party. All three Millenials, all three very much tuned to where the country wants to go.

I thought Vivek had the best speech, followed by Tucker and Tulsi.

Jimmy said...

Pretty much everything. The entire speech was about you, and you missed it.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Heh, Heh, Quayle, Bingo! ... Yahtzee!

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

people (some people, like Me) DO love Trump..
But far (far more) people just HATE the modern Democrat Party..

I could give Lots of reasons:
icy condescending attitudes towards Blue Collar Americans
idiotic "leaders" that are REALLY just pedophiles
idiotic "leaders" that are REALLY just prositutes
ignorant "followers" that mindlessly spout the party line
illegal occupation of our cities by lawless thugs
immigration abuses of all kinds
imitation men (with chopped off breasts)
imitation women (with penises)
international endless wars
irresponsible "climate change" mandates

but those are just (some of the ones that start with the letter "i"

RCOCEAN II said...

Everyone's hopping on the "Trump is cruising to victory" train. Which makes me very, very nervous. Dont forget about the Democrat election fraud machine in every swing state.

gilbar said...

it All comes down to: Do the Dogs Like the Dog food?

Drago said...

"And the liberation he has brought to us is the liberation from the obligation to tell lies.... If you want to enslave people — if you want to degrade them — force them to tell lies, and they have they forced us to lie about everything at gunpoint, effectively they put people in prison, for refusing to lie...."'

This is a completely appropriate variation of Vaclav Havel's "Power of the Powerless", where Havel's green grocer is used to illustrate how the communist authoritarians attempt to break down each citizen and turn them into mental slaves...precisely what our very own New Soviet Democraticals are doing and have been doing for decades.

Drago said...


Drago said...

Have you ever retracted your repeated "fine people", "drink bleach", russia collusion hoax lies?

I'm guessing....no.

William said...

I think Trump's success this time around is due to the fact that his opponent is Kamala. She's really lame. She's lamer than Hillary, and I think Hillary was the secret of Trump's success in 2016. Well, maybe in 2024 they can put up Elizabeth Warren and recapture the working class male vote.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Who audits the election machine's software?
Bueller... Bueller... Bueller...

BUMBLE BEE said...

Cher could sing "Half Breed" at the announcement.

Hassayamper said...

I don't actually have a problem with the politicians talking cocky

Trump would sound as inauthentic as Kamala or Hillary if he ever stopped being cocky and brash.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Some states force the illegal aliens to vote.

Hassayamper said...

IOW, The leftists' desperate "Hitler!!!!" scream does align with Trump's words or deeds.

...does NOT align... ?

Jimmy said...

It was a very good speech. The beginning was key- Tucker speaking to the fact that him speaking there, following Kennedy, was amazing. or 'surreal' would be a better word I think. Former Democrats, being featured speakers at a Republican main event, was and is a big deal.
And none of the Dems, the media, the trolls on this blog, understand why. They are still asking why, even after listening to Tucker tell them why. Hilarious.
Two realities indeed. One manufactured by the state, a la Orwell. One that comes from people who finally say, ?What? T?F . Men aren't women, the economy isn't great. illegals are killing Americans etc.
That's the entire point of Trumps' appeal. He did, like Moore said, become the wrecking ball that tore into the people who ruined so many lives.
And when exposed to sunlight, people can see they are inept, incompetent, in many cases just plain stupid. Power hungry, greedy and willing to do anything to control us.
The speech was the entire campaign in under 10 minutes, and the left can't understand it.

gilbar said...

Believe them when they tell you who they are. They (SHE) are proud of it!

actual items said...

Long time reader, mostly lurk, rarely comment. If you look at my comment history, it’s mainly under sports or music posts.

Not sure this is the right post for this comment, but I’ve got to make it somewhere. I’ve long respected Ann. I’ve enjoyed the comment section, but the approach to Trump on this blog lately, I dunno, I’m left scratching my head if my worldview has just become too far apart from this place.

I’d mostly been a Republican. Voted McCain in ‘08, Romney in ‘12. Donald Trump seemed like a con man in ‘16, so I guess I became a Never Trump Republican, but I never really called myself that. Thought about not voting because I didn’t want to vote for Clinton, but on Election Day, I felt like that was a cop out and held my nose and voted for her.

Remained a Republican, voted for DeSantis for governor here in FL in ‘18 despite his goofy Trumpy campaign ads. Covid proved me right with that vote.

But when Trump was the nominee again in ‘20, I was like, screw this, if this is who my party nominates, I can’t be here. Switched my registration to Democrat to vote in the primaries. Voted Biden in the general.

Don’t get me wrong, I guess I’m sympathetic to Trump being the voice of the unheard, he obviously represents something to you all, and I’ve accepted nothing I can say will sway my Trump voting friends and family.

But still I’m dumbstruck. I mean, he lost the election, made up a bunch of fairytale reasons why he didn’t, couldn’t prove anything in court, did some crazy things along the way to push his nonsense, the worst of which IMO was the fake elector scheme. It would seem disqualifying to be president. Unamerican if fact.

I’ll vote for Harris. If her policies are worse for me personally, that’s a price I’m willing to pay not to have someone who tried (unsuccessully thankfully) to subvert the peaceful transfer of power not be president.

Consuming media that glosses over Trump’s actions after losing an election makes me feel like I’m losing my mind, so I just want this election to be over and step away from political media for a while.

(Thanks for everything you do, Ann! If anyone can point me to posts where she seriously grappled with Trump’s actions in the aftermath of the 2020 election, that’d be great. My job was particularly demanding then, and I wasn’t paying close attention to this blog at the time. Regardless if I feel you’ve been going too easy on Trump these days, I still really value this blog!)

Drago said...

"How do you recognize whether it's a Trump or Kamala rally?

By the 🇮🇱 flag at Trump rally and 🇵🇸 flag at Kamala rally"-Dr Eli David

In addition to all the Israeli flags, did everyone happen to catch all the Jews with "Trump"-emblazoned red yarmulke's at the supposed "nazi" rally?

Althouse lefty loser commenters hardest hit!

Drago said...


mikeski said...

Tuesday, Kackles.

narciso said...

Can i have your neweletter

Drago said...

"I’d mostly been a Republican"

Would you say you'd been mostly a "lifelong republican"?


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That was good. Tucker also gave one of the best speeches at the RNC this year. That laugh is so incongruous though.

Drago said...

"Israel’s Arutz Sheva reported the endorsement on Monday, under the headline “[Kamala] Harris Is Bad for Jews”:

Grand Rabbi Aharon Teitelbaum’s Satmar hasidic sect in New York has announced that it will officially support former US President Donald Trump’s candidacy for US president.

The decision follows a set of discussions by the Satmar leadership, due to concerns that US Vice President Kamala Harris may pose a threat to the “Jewish people” if she is elected president."

Gee, I cant imagine why the New Soviet Democraticals/marxists claims that Trump is a racist nazi are falling flat with the Amdrican people.

It is such an inexplicable mystery....a real conundrum...kind of a riddle...

Drago said...

The Seminar Commenters are always amusing.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Those are devastating stories. The crime wave Harris ushered in sponsoring Prop 47 -- giving it a deceitful name that sounded tough on crime (sound familiar?) -- and these policies inflicting pain to pretend to recover $1B for the state are two of the main reasons I am now a Floridian instead of living in my native California. They turned it into a 1-party state with their election "reforms" and then ruined it. It is devolving into the 1% and the underclass/state-supported residents, driving the middle class and their yucky small businesses out.

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

"Don't listen to all those people I surround myself with! Just vote for me and everything is gonna be great!" ~ Trump

Temujin said...

Great post. What did you do with Ann?

Just kidding. Actually a spot-on post. Tucker did give the best speech last night. Short and to the point, not wasting many sentences. Each one delivered a strike. Stated his case and left. As opposed to Dr. Phil.

The Vault Dweller said...

I agree that going into an election the best way to protect against bad emotional outcomes is to be a pessimist, but this comes at a cost. The cost is that those who feel like they just eked it out are more willingly to just accept half-measures and scraps. At best Trump will be President for one more four year term. There is a lot of limitations on what can happen in that time period, and this country needs big sweeping change at the governmental level with cleaning up the various agencies of the administrative state and recomposing their makeup and culture in a lasting way. There also needs to be dramatic change in the intersection between business/industry and government where there is much more separation and distinct roles for each. Finally there needs to be enough of a cultural change where momentum is established that will in the medium term lead to the withering of the Leftist amalgamation of DEI/Woke/Group-Identity-politics as an socially mainstream position to hold. A confident voter base is much more likely to expect and demand the actions that need to occur to make these changes happen.

Hassayamper said...

Trump repeated the now many times debunked claims that hurricane disaster aid was diverted to illegal immigrants

"Oh, it wasn't DIVERTED! We had already PLANNED give FEMA 600 million dollars to import a horde of illegal foreign invaders! Among whom were tens of thousands of convicted rapists and murderers! Even buying them airline tickets to fly here, and putting them up in fancy hotels, with monthly benefits that far exceed the monthly income of most of the taxpayers who are paying for their own replacement, never mind the Social Security checks of people who've paid taxes for 40 years, or benefits for homeless veterans living under a bridge. It was budgeted and baked in the cake already, because the Democrat Party needs their votes."

"See? See? DEBUNKED!"

Dave Begley said...

Ann's voting for Trump. That is now clear.

Kevin said...

As a small sample, the Trump hating commenters on this blog have no idea.

Michael said...

I hear you, and don't disagree with your observation. I didn't vote for him in 16 or 20, but this time I will. For the sole reason is that I've lost all respect for our ruling elite and I want them gone. The blood soaked neoconservatives. The greedy corporate neoliberals. I want all of them stripped of any kind of power over my life. Thirty years ago we stood at the pinnacle of power, both hard and soft. I've watched the Clintons, the Bushes, the Cheneys, the Obamas, the Bidens, just p!ss it all away.

Trump's first term was weak and the end was ugly. Maybe the second time around will be more of the same. I'll take the risk because Harris is just more of the same. We cannot go on like this.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Devastating ad. Too bad few voters will ever see it.

Hassayamper said...

They don't exactly "force" them to vote. They just register them to vote with an address at the office of some NGO funded by George Soros, and that's the end of the illegals' involvement. The blank fraud-by mail ballots are sent to the office, and without even being taken off the pallet, are picked up by Democrat ward-heelers, filled out in a union-hall backroom, and injected into the stream of legitimate votes.

It is time for Trump to use every organ of the government to make total war on the immigration industry. None of these NGOs should exist in four years, and all of their scheming co-conspirators should be in prison, starting with Soros and Mayorkas.

Wa St Blogger said...

I’ll vote for Harris. If her policies are worse for me personally, that’s a price I’m willing to pay not to have someone who tried (unsuccessully thankfully) to subvert the peaceful transfer of power not be president.

Instead you will vote for the party that a) tries to incarcerate, assassinate, bankrupt the leading candidate. b) has contested elections in the past as well (unsuccessfully, if we are being honest).

Nobody who votes for DeSantis thinks Harris is a viable choice. I call BS.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Wouldn't you be nervous either way?

Rabel said...

"The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of a doubt, what is laid before him."

- Leo Tolstoy

Here is the misjudgment you made initially "beyond the shadow of a doubt" that has colored your reactions and votes ever since:

"... Donald Trump seemed like a con man in ‘16 ..."

You read him wrong then and you're reading him wrong now.

tcrosse said...

This reads like a Penthouse letter.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Yeah, I agree. I also think the R's will continue to be the underdog until they prove they can beat the "muh 'bortions" crowd. I'm not sure we're there yet.

Aggie said...

It's an honest and thoughtful comment, and I think it should be received respectfully. We're getting close to election day now, and the blood always runs hot around those pivotal times. Thank you for commenting and sharing your views. I also am grateful for the space that Ms. Althouse has created and ministers to.

jae said...

Oh, Lord, you are just phoning it in now.

Quaestor said...

Dave Begley writes, "Ann's voting for Trump. That is now clear."

Yeah, wave that red cape at that snorting bull.

walter said...

Jabfly has had 4 yrs to further perfect his interstate pipe clogging abilities.

Inga said...

Oh brother. Althouse’s Trump affection has been evident to anyone paying attention, even back to the dream in 2015. I can only wonder what her sons must think.

Wa St Blogger said...

It amazes me how people can be regular Althouse readers and think that she in any way has Trump affection. If you ARE paying attention you would know this. Of course for some people, not hating Trump with every fiber of your being counts as having Trump affection.

What you misconstrue as Trump affection is her disliking the lies his opponents spout because she is a lover of truth.

I give Althouse about 2% odds of voting for Trump, and that is mostly wishful thinking.

rhhardin said...

Lies are just common courtesy, to a woman.

Inga said...


“They are like robots”. Dehumanizing people is what Nazis did. All the criticisms I have had of Trump and his followers, I’ve never dehumanized them/you. I’ve expressed sadness at seeing intelligent people who are deep into a cult. I hope that all you folks eventually find your way out again. Even if Trump loses, it will take a long time.

Ann Althouse said...

"Thanks for everything you do, Ann! If anyone can point me to posts where she seriously grappled with Trump’s actions in the aftermath of the 2020 election, that’d be great."

I'll see if I can find something good, but generally, I dealt with January 6th and the election "denial" issue under the tag "the Trump resistance." Start here (and scroll to the bottom for the first post in this series:


You'll see that from the beginning, I saw the reaction to the election in light of my 2011 experience with the Wisconsin protests, which happened in my city, and had people taking over the state capitol, occupying it for many days, and doing what they could to obstruct legislation by the Republican Party winners of the election. They chanted "This is what democracy looks like," meaning that the LOSERS of the election should prevail (for some reason).

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Fake. Concern troll. Voting for Harris because Trump threatened the peaceful transfer of power.... Is this Liz Cheney?

Rabel said...

Begley is a great commenter but his record on predictions is a bit spotty.

Ann Althouse said...

I also related it to the riots of the previous summer. For example, on January 7th, I wrote: "This is not unrelated to the way the police were ineffectual when mobs broke into storefronts last summer. We live our lives as if buildings protect us, but they only protect us until they don't."

DanTheMan said...

Actual Items: If Biden really won in 2020, why didn't he INSIST on election audits to prove his victory was legitimate? Match up mailed in ballots with actual address, match signatures, verify postmarks, etc. Do a few key locations like Philly, and Detroit, and Atlanta.
Instead, they fought tooth and nail to PREVENT audits, and insisted that recounts were all that were needed, as if counting a fake vote twice was somehow curative.
If you really won, you would welcome such an audit. Remember teams of people examining ballots under magnifying glasses in Florida in 2000? In 2020, it was the exact opposite... you have to accept the result, and don't look to closely or you are an ELECTION DENIER.

Butkus51 said...

Inga's getting drunk tonight.

Maddog 20/20

Kai Akker said...

How do you recognize whether it's a Chuck comment or a Chuck comment? Or a Chuck comment?


Ann Althouse said...

I've also believed all along — and expressed it from the start — that it was a problem that so many people believed the election was not on the up and up, and that the Biden administration should have worked to make elections more transparently secure and to win support from the people who had lost faith in the system. Instead, these people were repeatedly insulted and called "election deniers" — sometimes lumped with "vaccine deniers" and "climate deniers." So much nastiness and discord came into the American culture this way. Biden had a chance to build community, and he did the opposite.

walter said...

Nah. Just keep your hands clean and abstain. Don't lower yourself.

loudogblog said...

Why would you even make a comment like this? Trying to drag her family into this totally inappropriate.

Inga said...

Why? Has Trump won because Althouse thinks he will? Do you think my opinions are influenced by Althouse? Oh brother.

RideSpaceMountain said...

The future doesn't belong to you Inag. It belongs to people like me and my family. We're going to make sure of it. The damage you and your allies have done will be reversed.

Have a sad. It's on the house.

RCOCEAN II said...

Gosh another "Life long republican" who just couln't stand Trump so he ended up voter for Biden, Hillary, and will vote for Harris. Three of the most leftwing radical Pols ever to be nominated!

Its so hard being a "Life long Republican" . Dick Cheney, is that you?

And he's so "Concerned" about Trump's actions after the 2020 election, where Trump wanted to audit the votes and throw the Election into the House because of Suspected Fraud. Oh how terrible. How awful. Why didn't Althouse grapple with it?

Polices? Who cares. Lets vote based on what someone did 4 years ago. Country before party as Liz Cheney would say!

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Inag - You are a liar who supports lying liars who lie. You are a lie-team cultist.

RCOCEAN II said...

Israel’s Arutz Sheva reported the endorsement on Monday, under the headline “[Kamala] Harris Is Bad for Jews”

Good to know a foreigner thinks she's bad for Israel. Too bad some Christian leader couldn't write an editorial " Harris is bad for Gentiles"

Gospace said...

Yet all the people calling for concentration camps during the covidiocy to round up people like me were demoncRATs. And in Australia where did round people up it was their closely allied liberals. Trust me- I haven't forgotten who my enemies are.

Inga said...

Oh shut up, commenters here have said far far far worse to me about my son”s death and you’ve kept your yap shut. Stop with civility bullshit.

Readering said...

Trump loves himself so much he assumes others love him and enjoys people's company as a result. But he also has huge hates, which he can't hide, so he remains a minority taste. Carlson's second point is gibberish to me.

walter said...

"Bwak! Cult! Bwak!"

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

"Trump affection"?

I-Nag - didn't you say the other day that It's none of your business who Ann votes for?
Well - Inag - it is not any of your business. Smart people will stay away from Kamala. That's all we know for sure.

tcrosse said...

Which is what Hillary came up with in 2008.

RCOCEAN II said...

I'm glad Althouse made that comment about the 2020 Election. All the D's had to do was audit the votes. that's it. Show us all that Biden won fair and square. No big whoop. But for some mysterious reason it was a "Big whoop".

The endless lies about J6, and the approval of the murder of Ashli Babbitt didn't help.

Kai Akker said...

Tucker better be right. But the Democrats brought 8-10 million illegals in during these last four years. They distributed many or most of them all around, including some of the battleground states. So throw out half of those for marginal loss; and of the remaining 4-5 million, throw out half of those for not being in the right states or having not ever registered to vote (but someone has registered them, right?); that leave 2 million plus votes from illegals in an environment where many states are decided by 11,000; 26,000; 40,000, etc. So.... harvesting even 50% of those remaining illegals would overwhelm those margins in half a dozen states.

Kamala could win 35 or 40 states.

Tucker better be right!!

tcrosse said...

Presumably he's supposed to love those who tried to impoverish, imprison, and murder him.

Gospace said...

Heinlein said you should always vote- not because you're all for the candidate you're voting for but because the other one(s) have given you good reasons to vote against them. You outlines just some of the reasons to vote against them. The Never Trump wingnuts have to invent their reasons to vote against him.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Kamala in her own words = wow she is frightening. She really is a heartless cretin.

Ann Althouse said...

"January 11, 2021/If the "Capitol mob" was "a raging collection of grievances and disillusionment" as The Washington Post says in its headline, here, then doesn't that mean it wasn't an "insurrection" or much of a plan at all, just a coming together of disparate elements?"


Inga said...

“So much nastiness and discord came into the American culture this way. Biden had a chance to build community, and he did the opposite.”

How has Trump brought people together? How has he built community? I see that he’s been able to bamboozle his followers into ignoring his nastiness, discord and threats to “The enemy within”. How sad to see intelligent people so completely able to set aside human decency.

Gospace said...

The big lie: I’ll vote for Harris. If her policies are worse for me personally, that’s a price I’m willing to pay not to have someone who tried (unsuccessully thankfully) to subvert the peaceful transfer of power not be president. Endlessly repeated by liars like you and the press.

Drago said...

Last night Trump surrounded himself with Jews, blacks, Latinos, etc.

Gospace said...

Jewish leaders in NY and Muslim leaders in Michigan have both come out publicly to support Trump. Name me one person, one, anyone, who foresaw that happening. Not me, that's for darn sure.

Aggie said...

The problem is that many of the precincts were inauditable due to destruction of evidence, because they had violated the legal procedures for vetting mail-in ballots - signature verification and the other steps for ensuring the identity of the voter and their registration before accepting the ballots, and so on. Quite a few precincts deleted their visual records of the ballot outer envelopes, intentionally, so that there was no evidence of signatures at all. And once the ballots were tossed into the pile, they were now anonymous - and no way of extracting them again. This was the con, and this was the reason that audits were fought tooth and nail: Because the verification procedures were ignored, and this fact would potentially have been revealed under audit - if the photo evidence existed.

Ann Althouse said...

"January 12, 2021/The downfall-of-Trump conspiracy theories will go on for 100 years. They will never end in my lifetime. I have accepted this reality.
Americans love our great conspiracy subjects....But you can see how there's a left-wing hypothesis here and a right-wing hypothesis. I presume, under current conditions of censorship, that the left-wing hypothesis will get air. That fuel will catch fire. The right-wing hypothesis... well, where will it go?"

read the whole thing at: https://althouse.blogspot.com/2021/01/the-downfall-of-trump-conspiracy.html

tcrosse said...

It continues to be used as the Reichstag Fire was.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Walter nails it. There is one major party that moves like a herd and we're not in it. So it really is fascinating that the same party that taught little children to sing hymns to Obama and whose greatest current cause (other than abortion) is separating kids from their parents so they can remove their sexual organs is eager to fling the "cult" accusation. Check yourself lefty.

Then get back to us when we invade grade schools to teach the children hymns to Trump.

Drago said...

Soviet-level midreading...again.

Leftists gonna leftist.

loudogblog said...

Like most people, I know that a certain amount of election fraud takes place. Was the 2020 election stolen? Probably not. But the Democrats have fought so hard against common sense reforms that would support fair and honest elections that many people are very suspicious. They actually passed a law in California this year that makes it illegal for any local jurisdiction to ask for ID from someone when they go to vote. That makes people lose faith in the voting process. (Especially in light of the fact that the California DMV accidentally registered so many non-citizens to vote recently.) Even though California mails ballots to everyone, a friend of mine always goes to vote in person. He posted up last week that he went to go vote in Los Angeles and the staff told him that he had already voted. (So he had to do a provisional ballot.)

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That hideous Walz wife claimed yesterday that having tampons in boys restrooms in schools "helped them learn to read." Imagine if Trump said something that dumb.

Inga said...

“There is one major party that moves like a herd and we're not in it.”

Oh yes you are. A herd with blinders on will run right off the cliff.

tolkein said...

"And this at a rally where Trump repeated the now many times debunked claims that hurricane disaster aid was diverted to illegal immigrants and that the government sent illegal immigrants to Springfield Ohio."ity
But these claims were true. FEMA claimed to have run out of money. After they had spent it on illegal immigrants. The Haitians in Springfield, Ohio were illegals. That a figleaf had been slapped on them didn't, doesn't change the reality

Jim at said...

All the criticisms I have had of Trump and his followers, I’ve never dehumanized them/you.

Yeah. Because calling us cultists is not dehumanizing.

Do you even hear yourself? You have absolutely ZERO self-awareness.

Pointguard said...

Why are you offended by what you call “Fake” electors? Spend some time and look at the situation in Hawaii after the 1960 election, where there was uncertainty between Nixon and Kennedy, as to who won the state. The solution was to have two slates of electors who would be available to vote when the actual winner was determined. The so-called fake electors were just an alternate panel when and if it was determined that Trump won the state rather than Biden.

Inga said...

He’s wrong. It will be interesting to see what all of these Trump mouthpieces will have to say when he’s lost.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Historically no local cheating has been able to gin up more than roughly an extra 1% so it is not beyond reason Trump being 3-5% ahead puts him out of reach in swing states. Let's hope the momentum keeps going his way. Of course antifa is now burning ballot boxes in strong R areas of NW Oregon so some patriots may have to vote twice to make it count.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Maybe you should look up "debunked" in a dictionary. It has been "denied" which is not nearly the same thing. And this admin denying something isn't worth spit.

Keith said...

In response to Actual Items:
There are a few questions you have to ask yourself:
1) Do you generally want open, unregulated borders or regulated borders? Are you comfortable with millions of unvetted people from enemy countries (China, Radical Muslim countries) infiltrating? How about millions of uneducated people who speak no English who will require significant financial support, and who come from countries that do not have a tradition of free speech, freedom of association, women's rights, etc? Millions that will change the American tradition and the American culture?
2) Do you want - in general - criminals punished and off the streets or unpunished an on the streets?
3) Do you want a tax policy that spurs innovation or one that disincentivizes risk taking and creating new businesses?
4) Do you want a strong America that our enemies fear or an impotent America that our enemies ignore at best and attack at worst?
5) Do you want a nuclear Iran? Even if Iran does not use nukes they will know that no one can attack it and it can expand its terrorism with impunity with that nuclear backstop?
6) Do you want judges that execute the written word of the laws or judges that use their position to advance liberal policy despite the written work of the law?
7) Do you want the government to censor and choose what ideas can and cannot be discussed in public?
I could go on and on but that at least is a portion of the iceberg. Trump may be rude, but there are real issues and consequences at stake. A conservative believes in, eg, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, low taxes/incentivizing productivity, secure borders, strong military, etc. With Trump you get more of that and with Democrats you get less. It's honestly hard for me to believe that anyone of integrity who values those principles can vote otherwise.

DanTheMan said...

>>Biden had a chance to build community, and he did the opposite.
I'd call that prima facie evidence that he knew he won by fraud.

DanTheMan said...

Would you give us a few examples of those huge hates he can't hide?

Readering said...

tcrosse that's a very tiny number. Usual gibberish from Drago.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The lying liars who lie on the left - allow child sex trafficking.
Follow this link - warning you will be disgusted disgusted.

Shouting Thomas said...

Have the baby legs and wings arrived yet? Firing up the cauldron? What’s best. First trimester? Second?

Inga said...


Animals do not belong to cults, belonging to a cult is a very human thing to do, a frailty. You say these things as if you think you’ve made a point but most of the time it’s because you don’t understand what has been said.

Keith said...

Also in response to Actual Items:
Let's say the Democrats stole the election. There were massive irregularities in voting for that election. Every rational person agrees that mail-in voting is ripe for fraud. In many (most?) battleground states there were last-minute changes in how votes were counted. They did not have to have signatures validated. They were accepted without a postmark or dated too late. There was no provenance. There are rules for changing voting in states - it's from the legislature not judges. But that's not what happened. When we went to bed Trump was the winner but they found huge numbers of ballots for Biden that somehow just tipped the scales the other way.
If you were the President it's your duty to ensure the election is legitimate. There was plenty of time for the states to go back and count every vote to make sure it was legitimate. Unable to verify? No signature? No correct date? Not received before election day? Invalid. It's the President's job to make sure the election is secure and that only valid voters vote. But no one checked to make sure the election was legitimate. "No standing." If the election were stolen we should stop the process, send it to the states, and make sure the states confirm only valid votes were counted. That was not done. So yes there is legitimate concern that the election was stolen. Is there proof? No one looked. No one went through all the ballots and confirmed they were legitimate.
I think if the Democrats and Republicans wanted the country to believe the election was legitimate they should have sent it to each state and made sure - under federal watchdogs with Dem and Repub observers - each and every vote was legitimate. If they did NOT do that - then yes we have every right to raise suspicion about the election's validity.

Mark said...

The first reason that people like Donald Trump is because he likes them

Trump Rally: Puerto Rico is garbage!

Somehow I fail to see any like there.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That is the proper framing. The protests started immediately following the vote count in 2016 and reached a deadly crescendo (for the first time) on inauguration day. These people who suddenly get the vapors thinking about how Trump reacted to the extraordinary and illegal changes to the election of 2020 (and the cowardly reaction courts have to timely challenges) but NEVER mention the non-stop anti-Trump action of the Establishment of both parties strike me as phonies.

Fact: 2017 was the year of Democrats (and establishment Republicans) refusing to accept the outcome of the election: starting with Hillary and Obama spying on his campaign to the Deep State leaks to Pelosi's speech-tearing tantrum at the SOTU. Trump walked away when his time was over. Obama did not. He stayed in Washington and orchestrated all of this and probably still is the one really in charge.

I don't believe this latest "life-long Republican" any more than the four that came before him.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I agree with Dan: Biden did the opposite. And the DOJ continues to meddle in AZ and VA.

Inga said...

Yeah, Trump is really our Daddy, he loves us! But if we’ve been baaaaad, Daddy will punish us, his children for their waywardness, gosh the bad children act like “The enemy within”. Daddy won’t stand for that!

Eva Marie said...

Still voting for Kamala? Her first decision was her vote pick. Here’s an interesting story about him:

Keith said...

You said bad for Jews not bad for Israel. An important distinction. Especially with so much of America (left wing America) supporting Hamas and antisemitism spreading so much on the left.

Eva Marie said...

vote should be VP

Jim at said...

so I guess I became a Never Trump Republican, but I never really called myself that.

Seeing as you voted for Hillary, Biden and now Harris? I'm pretty sure you can call yourself a NeverTrumper. Everybody else is.

Maynard said...

Ann's sons no doubt love and respect their Mother regards of their possibly different opinions. How you Inga can even suggest otherwise tells me that you are just trash.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Really? Who stepped out of Herd and told the truth about Biden when it was clear from late 2021 he was losing his marbles? I seem to remember every member of your Herd continuing to lie and cover up right until his announcement, until just minutes before his announcement. Lots and lots of Republicans freely oppose Trump. McConnell just bragged about last week. Harris is happy to welcome former Third Reich members to her team.

When Democrats tire of your shit they have to leave the Herd in order to join Trump because your side FORCES THEM OUT FOR HERESY. Heresy. Because y'all are a cult, a baby killing, evil worshipping, Hamas-loving cult. Harris can't even have Jesus people at her rallies: she kicks 'em out. Only the religion of Progressivism is allowed within the Herd.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Mark - Actually - Puerto Rico has a serious trash problem. Leftist sources have written!

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Puerto Rico is also managed very poorly. It's a hot mess.

Krumhorn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Saint Croix said...

I was a Never Trump Republican in 2016. Signed the pledge!

I voted for the pothead Libertarian to avoid voting for Hillary or Trump. To me the 2016 election was like Darth Vader vs. Cruella de Ville.

What I discovered, sometime in 2017, is that I was completely wrong about Trump. He wasn't a fascist, he wasn't a Nazi, he wasn't a bad person. 2017 to 2019 were fine, normal, Republican years. Nothing wrong with them at all. 2020 was bad, because of Covid, but that wasn't Trump's fault. Overall, he did a very fine job, and I happily voted for Trump in 2020.

Why were you unhappy with Trump's performance in office? And do you really think Biden's performance from 2021 to now is superior? Very strange.

Biden had three major foreign policy disasters: unplanned Afghanistan withdrawal, freeing up millions of dollars to Iran, and inviting Russia to invade Ukraine.

Trump nominated three people to the Supreme Court, and all of them were anti-Roe, as promised. Biden used race and sex to pick his Supreme Court nominee and his Vice President. Biden's invited millions of people to enter our country illegally. He's flooded the economy with money to create horrible inflation. On top of that, he subverted our democracy by instigating multiple false criminal prosecutions against his political opponent. And he's trying to silence dissent and keep people from speaking on the internet.

Consuming media that glosses over Trump’s actions after losing an election makes me feel like I’m losing my mind

I think people who consume leftist media narratives have severe cognitive dissonance when Trump is in office. Because there is a big disconnect between actual reality (2017-2020, for instance) and the parade of horribles the media spews out every day. That's why so many liberals have to go to psychologists and grief counselors when the election doesn't turn out your way.

Jim at said...

How has Trump brought people together? How has he built community?

Look at who he's brought over to his side. They all gave speeches yesterday. Whereas you've now got the Cheneys.

Jim at said...

A herd with blinders on will run right off the cliff.

So we're now a cult AND a herd. But it's those damn Nazis who are doing all the dehumanizing.

Saint Croix said...

I had a dream where Kamala wanted to raise the capital gains tax to 90%.

I was like, holy shit, the market is going to crash. Everybody's going to cash out now. What a disaster, what an idiot, oh my God.

I woke up and realized it was just a dream. But I googled it just to be sure. She wants to raise the capital gains tax to 28%.

So, and I realize this is faint praise, she's not a Commie. Also, she could be worse.

actual items said...

I posted my comment quickly between work calls. Just checked back in to see all those responses, wow, a lot for me to respond to, love it, thanks! Still working, but tonight I’ll read Ann’s links and answer commenters’ good faith questions of me.

One point of clarity for my clunkily-worded, “I’d mostly been a Republican.” Grew up in a midwestern family of Republicans. First presidential election I was old enough to vote in was ‘00, voted for 3rd party, Libertarian, because I was a naive/idealistic college student.

In ‘04 I voted for Kerry because I was so opposed to the Iraq War. Now that I mention it, the feeling I have now with people supporting Trump (I feel I’m being gaslit) is the same feeling I had in ‘02/’03 with the run-up to the Iraq War, like, seriously, do people support this?

But I was a libetarianish Republian by nature, working in banking for most my career, in data & analytics now, so by ‘08, I was firmly back to the Republican camp.

I assure you that I am real (:

BUMBLE BEE said...

OK - Kick out the dem poll watchers and blank out the windows and continue counting after the counting "is Over for the night". No reason to investigate.

BUMBLE BEE said...

So the aliens are put back on the list by court order and their ballots are turned in and recorded. Something is forced by a court.

tcrosse said...

We could throw in the somewhat greater number who call him an existential threat to our democracy and a fascist

Inga said...

“So we're now a cult AND a herd. But it's those damn Nazis who are doing all the dehumanizing.”

It was not I who brought up herd mentality. That would be your fellow cult member Mike Wolf.

FullMoon said...

Vid def worth watching

Wa St Blogger said...

But I was a libetarianish Republian by nature

In which ways does Harris support Libertarian ideals? In which ways does Trump oppose them? Reverse the question. What things does Harris support that opposes Libertarian, and which things does Trump support?

Don't need a dissertation, just 1 or 2 examples of each

I am very much a libertarianish voter, and side with team R for now because they are closer to the ideal than Team D. I would switch in a moment if it were the other way around.

Gospace said...

A lot of people who work in data and analytics have written that the 2020 election numbers were fraudulent. With explanation of what was anomalous. So now show us using data analysis how the numbers were absolutely fine. One big thing that sticks out, aside from the bellweather county numbers- Trump became the first POTUS running for reelection to have more votes for reelection then initial election to lose. Well, there haven't been all that many presidential election in US history- but a good analogue would be gubernatorial elections- statewide elections of a chief executive. Show how many of those running for reelection increased their vote totals- and lost.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Yeah, Tampon Tim lost his many appeal Inga?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Shutting down the challenges was payback for the Hanging Chads, IMHO.

walter said...

Ainga voted and would have continued to vote for a demented "Pedo Pete" who showered with his daughter and promised and delivered a surge to the border of "migrants" she is fine with being dispursed around the country at the expense of our depleted coffers and safety. Maybe she's not in a cult. Maybe she has a "frailty" like mental retardation. Just trying to humanize it.

Saint Croix said...

it was a problem that so many people believed the election was not on the up and up, and that the Biden administration should have worked to make elections more transparently secure and to win support from the people who had lost faith in the system.

Voter ID has massive support from people in both parties. But Biden and his ilk fight voter ID tooth and nail. They have no interest in securing elections.

See also illegal immigration. Biden and his ilk have no interest in securing our border. And the people here illegally will often be given voter registrations, so they can vote illegally.

Biden also pursued criminal indictments against his opponent. If lawyers and judges are willing to cheat, then yes, we will lose faith in the system and the people counting the votes.

Joe Biden is a very bad citizen, and has no respect for his fellow citizens, or for citizenship.

Amadeus 48 said...

We have a choice here between bad and worse. I am going with bad, because bad doesn't want to stop free and open discussion of issues, unlike worse. Bad doesn't purport to believe that little children who believe they are the opposite sex should not be allowed to grow out of it, unlike worse. Bad wants a foreign policy that puts the interests of America and American citizens first, unlike worse. Bad doesn't believe that America cannot maintain a meaningful border, unlike worse. Bad can sustain a three-hour interview with Joe Rogan, unlike worse. Bad does not have the professional propagandists of the corporate media running disinformation operations against his opponents, unlike worse. I am for Trump, even though he is bad. Kamala is worse.
P.S. January 6 was a demonstration that became a riot. Everyone that fought with a police officer should be jailed. Others should be admonished.

Drago said...

Readering takes a brief timeout from mindreading to complain that people notice he's up to his mindreading tricks again.


Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Yeah. You know when people are said to say "the quiet part outloud", there is too much of that. It's not rare.

Drago said...

P-Inga, the lunatic conspiracy theorist that has pushed every single debunked conspiracy theory for the last 10 years, like a mind-numbed cultist, is talking about cults!


That's pretty meta now isn't it?

Kai Akker said...

They'll say something like, Oh, it's perfectly OK that the Democrats put millions of illegal aliens in place and then harvested their illegal ballots to contravene our Constitution and fraudulently elect this hopeless Democrat our President. They'll say, Oh, I am fine with that, really. Nov. 6 could be a no-good very bad day.

Iman said...

“I hope that all you folks eventually find your way out again. Even if Trump loses, it will take a long time.”

Get bent, Inga. What may take a while will be dealing with our borders, inflation and high cost of living, crime rate and other issues you and your fellow shitbirds have saddled our beloved nation with.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

I-nag - D-MSNBC watchers are the actual cultists.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Sadly - I think that prediction is probably right. Lying liars not only lie - they cheat. and they use their power to intimidate and cover it up.

Rabel said...

"... the Biden administration should have worked to make elections more transparently secure and to win support from the people who had lost faith in the system."

Turn that into a question (Why didn't they do this?), apply Occam's Razor, and what's left but that they don't want transparency and a secure vote?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

We have not forgotten.

Original Mike said...

"Why are you offended by what you call “Fake” electors? Spend some time and look at the situation in Hawaii after the 1960 election, where there was uncertainty between Nixon and Kennedy, as to who won the state. The solution was to have two slates of electors who would be available to vote when the actual winner was determined. The so-called fake electors were just an alternate panel when and if it was determined that Trump won the state rather than Biden."

The media has done a masterful job convincing the proles that this was beyond the pale. There's nothing illegitimate about the concept of a "contested" election.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Heh - Indeed. I-nag falls for every D-Joke-MSNBC lie - and still believes all those lies.

Original Mike said...

"Begley is a great commenter but his record on predictions is a bit spotty."

I believe it's called "wishcasting".

Iman said...

Ah, he likes body butter
Ah, he likes toast and jam
And that's what his baby feeds him
Ah, he's her loving man

Well, I like body butter
I like toast and jam
That's what baby feeds me
I'm her loving man

Ah, he likes body butter
Ah, he likes toast and jam
That's what his baby feeds him
Ah, he's her loving man

Well, she don't cook baked potatoes
She don't cook shrimp and grits
She don't feed me cocoa butter
She knows they gives me teh shits

h/t the Newbeats

Inga said...

Likely voters- ABC/Ipsos poll 10/27/2024
Harris 51%
Trump 47%

“Turnout is key. Just 2 percentage points divide Harris and Donald Trump among all registered voters, 49-47%. This goes to a slight Harris advantage among likely voters, 51-47%, with some pro-Harris groups showing a bit more propensity to vote.

Compared with earlier this month, Harris has regained a more customary Democratic advantage among Hispanic people and widened her advantage among suburban women, while remaining strong in core groups including Black people.”

After the Trump MSG comedian “joke” about Puerto Rico being a floating island of garbage and his “joke” about Latinos being breeders who “come within” and Black people and watermelon. I’d say Trump’s MSG rally didn’t do him any favors.

Butkus51 said...

no, I think youre bat shit crazy.

Inga said...

“Meanwhile, the most recent Big Village survey gave Harris an almost seven-point lead over Trump.

The survey found 51.6 percent of likely voters were backing Harris, while 45 percent were supporting Trump. Among registered voters, Harris was almost six points ahead, with 49 percent support compared to Trump's 43.2 percent.”

Could be an outlier, but maybe not…

Original Mike said...

"tcrosse that's a very tiny number"

Well, in terms of impoverish and imprison, it's the government doing it, so I don't see why the "number" is relevant.

Iman said...

As hideous as Mrs.Walz is, she could’ve done so much better than this Elmer Fudd wannabe.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Not one of the "insurrectionists!" had a gun.

Gospace said...

Unless it was the police who started the fight. Like firing into an unarmed peaceful crowd. Which was done.

Iman said...

“What am I missing?”

How much time ya got?

Original Mike said...

It astonishes and dismays me that so many people vote on personality rather than policy. In this election, the policies differences are stark.

Eva Marie said...

Scott Adams makes the better argument as far as election tampering is concerned:
Our election system is created in such a way as to make the results unverifiable. There is no way to deal with questions of tampering or mistakes in a timely manner. If election officials were interested in the integrity of the voting system, they would take every challenge seriously and amend the system to fix any questionable issues. Instead, their reaction is to say, “Prove it!.” You can’t prove anything from outside the system. And since officials don’t do anything to strengthen the integrity of the voting system, the only conclusion you can come to is that our voting system is designed to facilitate tampering.
A majority of Democrats and Republicans are in favor of voter ID, the Democratic establishment is not. That kind of tells you all you need to know.
BTW, there was an article here in AZ, that the system was created, not to tamper with the Presidential election, but all the down ballot elections - commissioners, board members, etc. These are high paying jobs, great benefits. With an unauditable system it’s easy to shift votes and get your cronies a nice government job.

Jim at said...

you don’t understand what has been said.

I understand all too well what you're saying. You're too thick to understand projection.

Iman said...

Yeah, sploogey. Prove it.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Via X video: Chris Cuomo gets it.

Drago said...

At the kamala-la-la-la-la rally George Lopez made a joke about Mexicans being thieves.

As with joey biden showering with and sexualizing his adolescent daughter, conspiracy nutjob cult member P-Inga is totally cool with that...in the very same way she is cool with hundreds of thousands of sexual and work slavery trafficked children and illegal alien gang members coming into our country by the thousands.