October 24, 2024

"When I look at Kamala, I look at my aunt. I mean, we've got this black lady, strong, who stands on business, who means what she says, is relatable."

"I see the empathy, that's just, like, in their heart, the nature of a female. She shows a lot of empathy when she speaks. Her actions — Kamala's strong, she's powerful. She stern, she means everything that she says. This November, I'm standing with Kamala."

According to Ed O'Keefe, at CBS News, this ad is aimed at black men in the Philadelphia area.

Maybe Philadelphia is full of guys who think: You know who should be President? My aunt!

And maybe in the Philadelphia area, among black residents, they still speak of "empathy" by calling it "the nature of a female." But all of us can see this ad. And to me, it seems as though the Harris campaign looks upon black men as sexist — Obama let it show the other day — and wants to meet them where they are and is therefore calling women "females" and describing their "nature" in old-fashioned, stereotypical terms — "empathy, that's just, like, in their heart, the nature of a female."


Kate said...

She might look like someone's aunt, but she doesn't look anything like someone's mother. She pops in for Thanksgiving every few years and dashes back out again.

JAORE said...

Maybe Obama should describe young black men as hysterical if they don't vote for Kamala.

Kathryn51 said...

she means everything that she says.

I cannot imagine any young person who has spent more than 60 minutes - over the last 6 weeks - thinking that wishy-washy, indecisive world-salad Harris "means everything that she says".

n.n said...

The black bloc, the female bloc, the youth bloc, the class bloc... Diversity is a woke of fiction.

rehajm said...

My aunt- Expired! Expired! Expired!

Two-eyed Jack said...

So, do you want this guy's aunt . . . or do you want Hitler?
Time to choose America!

RideSpaceMountain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
donald said...

I’ll take the Trumpster thank you very much.

gilbar said...

Kamala's strong, she's powerful. She stern, she means everything that she says.

what is the phrase? that they Always use with Trump? oh YEAH!
claimed, without evidence

RideSpaceMountain said...

Wine Aunts for Harris! Harris for Aunts! Wine for Harris! More wine dammit!

rhhardin said...

Females solve multiple problems at once, enjoy solving multiple problems at once. This is called feelings. A chemical calculation. They do not enjoy obsessing on a single problem until it's solved correctly. That's men.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

She's not the Fun Aunt, you know, your Funt! She's the Cool Aunt, your......

rhhardin said...

Must We Mean What We Say? Stanley Cavell, several essays on Shakespeare for people who have never understood the thing about Shakespeare. A good first Cavell reader. I'm recommending it. The Claim of Reason is a good second reader.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

If, somehow, the Democrat fraud machine fails to deliver, I'm absolutely commenting, "What is Kamala doing on the stage with JD Vance?"

Just some rando on the interwebz said...

Always a good sign when the Black Female Democratic candidate needs to run ads to appeal to Black men a couple of weeks before the election.

Howard said...

I couldn't finish it because I vomited all over my sweater

The rule of Lemnity said...

Less than two weeks from Election Day and the campaign has to have an ad saying Harris "means everything she says"… when what she says is not memorable, quotable, nor inteligible even. The Harris campaign is in deep doodoo. “But, she could still win.”

Disparity of Cult said...

But how many big hats does she own for church?

David53 said...

I loved both my aunts. They were good people but neither of them would have made a good President.

Leland said...

My aunt was always drunk too.

tim maguire said...

Toxic Empathy or, as Gad Saad calls it, "Suicidal Empathy"

Whiskeybum said...

And at this point, isn’t everyone who see a political ad pop up on TV just hitting ‘mute’, changing the channel, or just heading for the bathroom?

walter said...

"Stands on business" translates to "boot on the neck of business."

mccullough said...

Your aunt’s spaghetti

Whiskeybum said...

Just like my aunt… my CRAZY aunt. And no, I don’t want my or anyone else’s crazy aunt running the country.

mccullough said...

Uncs for Trump!

mccullough said...
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RideSpaceMountain said...

The sisterhood has no idea how much damage this bitch is doing to them. Not just now but for a generation. Their effusive praise where it is not deserved and their overprotective circling-the-wagons is so transparent any 12 year old boy can see it. Their shaming, scolding, Inagging tactics will only ever work on girls moving forward, and with every decreasing efficacy even with them year over year. It's not working. They know it's not working. But like women, they will continue to believe it's working because believing in it hard enough makes it work.

It's truly jaw dropping to watch them flail like this. Her and her supporters can't see themselves. They've gone nose blind to the stink of their desperation.

Curious George said...


ron winkleheimer said...

I'm going to say the quite part out loud. Some of the reason that young black males won't vote for Kamala is misogyny. Have you listened to rap music and videos?


Real American said...

She "means what she says" unless she said it in her 2019 presidential campaign, her time in the Senate, her time as AG of California...

The Vault Dweller said...

we've got this black lady, strong, who stands on business, who means what she says, is relatable...

This feels a little too on the nose. It is like they used focus groups to find the characteristics that people fault Kamala for or for not having and just declared that she actually is the opposite. Kamala does not seem strong. She isn't a leader. She seems to just go along to get along, saying whatever she needs to at the time to assuage whichever group she needs to at the time. Similarly it is hard to say she stands on business when so much of what she says is just meaningless fluff. And how can she mean what she says, when she seems to flip-flop on so many different issues? I suppose that voting contingent that collects figurines could find her fake plastic personality relatable. I suspect that more than a few black folks don't exactly view Kamala as having always been down for the struggle. I think Trump's comments at the Black Journalism Convention were smartly calculated, and touched on a point that was already there in the minds of many black folks.

I don't think there is a good ad that her campaign can run that will persuade many black men who are Pro-Trump or a toss-up between Trump and Kamala, especially at this time. But a better ad would have tried to pivot to more orthogonal characteristics of her, like talking about her positivity and that she would would favor stability in governmental policies and administration. Of course the problem with that is that very few black men want someone who is happy to keep going along with the way things have been going the past three and a half years.

Real American said...

I suppose she is relatable to other people who also should never, ever, ever be president. She's just like them!

Jupiter said...

Well. She does mean everything she says. Except that everything she says doesn't mean anything.

mikee said...

Any eligible-to-vote black male in Philly who has NOT voted early will very likely vote by mail-in ballot before election day, with the ballot hand delivered to the post office, and maybe even to the voter, by a Democrat vote harvester. And some of those black male voters in Philly will even know they voted, and may have even had the ballot shown to them by the vote harvester before it goes to count as a legal vote. Harris takes PA, and all efforts before election day by the campaign in Philly and PA are simply cover for the mail-in ballot harvesting operation that produces legal but unverifiable votes for Harris by a 2 to 1 margin, (so far in early voting).

The rule of Lemnity said...

Who is coming up with these ideas?

From the archives: “The debt is like a crazy aunt we keep down in the basement. All the neighbors know she’s there, but nobody wants to talk about her.” — H. Ross Perot

Aggie said...

Yeah, she reminds me of my aunt, all right. A widow who tended to get tipsy at Thanksgiving, and maudlin, too. And 'huggy'. We learned at an early age to observe the 'radius of safety', when walking around her. I wouldn't be voting for her, either. Of course, now, she's a committed, in-ground, Democrat voter.

RCOCEAN II said...

Aunt Esther for Kamala
Fred Sanford for Trump

RCOCEAN II said...

I refuse to believe this ad is REALLY aimed at Black dudes. I think its for black women and soccer moms.

RCOCEAN II said...

BTW, I had two highly intelligent, incredible aunts. I'd vote for them in a second.

The Vault Dweller said...

She might look like someone's aunt, but she doesn't look anything like someone's mother

You weren't persuaded when appearing on Drew Barrymore's podcast, she referred to Kamala as "Momala?"

The Vault Dweller said...

I don't know. The man they chose for the ad is too masculine looking and therefore not safe enough for an ad aimed at women.

NKP said...

I have heard only two reasons expressed in spport of a vote for Kamala:
1. She is a She
2. Blind hatred of Donald Trump

That's ALL she's got.

I wonder: If one of the "others" had been chosen to replace Joe on the ticket, would any of them picked Kamala for the VP slot?

Yancey Ward said...

In Howard's case, Cheetos- the puffy kind.

Yancey Ward said...


gspencer said...

It's more of a "significance of the passage of time" thingy.

Narayanan said...


Lilly, a dog said...

Aunt Blabby?

john mosby said...

I immediately thought of the Family Feud blooper:



walter said...

She needs to outdo Trump and work at a Waffle House after bar close

tommyesq said...

"Who means what she says..."

That is what scares me - she says nothing, ergo she means nothing.

Dixcus said...

She looks like a hooker I met back in my Willie Brown days.

Dixcus said...

A Kenyan probably shouldn't be telling black me to vote for a Canadian slave holder.

Dixcus said...

I'll take Literally Hitler™.

tommyesq said...

Based on the women the Dems have put up - Hillary!, Kamala, Nancy Pelosi, Gretchen "The Bad Witch" Whitmer, Klobuchar, Warren et al - I understand a bit of mysogyny.

Dixcus said...

You're in the wrong rally.

loudogblog said...

Are these people so brainwashed that believe this blather that they're spouting or do they know full well that they're trying to bullshit people?

tommyesq said...

It's not even "She is a she," it is "She is a she and therefore you are a horrible monster if you don't vote for her or question anything she says or does."

Dixcus said...

Remember when Kamala Harris was rebuked by the US Supreme Court for trying to keep black men in prison.

"Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), a leading candidate to be Joe Biden’s running mate, repeatedly and openly defied U.S. Supreme Court orders to reduce overcrowding in California prisons while serving as the state’s attorney general, according to legal documents reviewed by the Prospect. Working in tandem with Gov. Jerry Brown, Harris and her legal team filed motions that were condemned by judges and legal experts as obstructionist, bad-faith, and nonsensical, at one point even suggesting that the Supreme Court lacked the jurisdiction to order a reduction in California’s prison population."

Pepperidge Farm remembers.


stutefish said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dixcus said...

She promised $20,000 bribes for votes. That's what they're talking about.

Of course, she's NEVER going to get her hands on that money and it's all a ploy ... but even if a handful of black men are dumb enough to fall for it, it's a useful ploy.

Dixcus said...

They're low-IQ, so yes, they believe this blather.

Sebastian said...

"who stands on business" Huh?

"who means what she says" Even when she changes what she said the day before yesterday?

"is relatable" Right. If we're gonna play the race card, how "relatable" is the light-skinned half-Indian woman married to a white Jew?

"that's just, like, in their heart, the nature of a female" So, are black men going to put up with the implied condescension?

doctrev said...

"She stern?" Nwah, please. You just know that ad is narrated by a gay black man with a theater degree trying to sound street. If anyone puts this much time into pretending Kamala has black outreach, she's in more trouble than anyone can imagine.

JaimeRoberto said...

Elizabeth is dead, so she's for Kamala too.

Achilles said...

I think Xanax is pretty heavy in that rotation.

Butkus51 said...

all they had to do was govern


Former Illinois resident said...

"My aunt Kamala" for grey-haired grown-ups reminds them of their spinster aunt, never married but several man-friends, footloose and fancy-free, good with gifts, less so with money management and life goals. Whoa, that stereotype also describes this Kamala. Wouldn't vote for the aunt, won't vote for this auntie Kamala.

Former Illinois resident said...

And some of it is commonsense. Word salad? Giggles ? Bubble-headed nonsense statements? Not presidential - regardless of sexual identity.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

ugh - so much preachy BS.

Smilin' Jack said...

The only substantive thing they can say about Harris is that she’s not Trump. She’s not even an anti-Trump; she’s just an absence of Trump. They need to convince people to vote for a Trump-shaped vacuum for president.

Ficta said...

"Then you should say what you mean,” the March Hare went on.

“I do,” Alice hastily replied; “at least—at least I mean what I say—that’s the same thing, you know.”

“Not the same thing a bit!” said the Hatter. “You might just as well say that ‘I see what I eat’ is the same thing as ‘I eat what I see’!”

“You might just as well say,” added the March Hare, “that ‘I like what I get’ is the same thing as ‘I get what I like’!”

“You might just as well say,” added the Dormouse, who seemed to be talking in his sleep, “that ‘I breathe when I sleep’ is the same thing as ‘I sleep when I breathe’!”

“It is the same thing with you,” said the Hatter

Lazarus said...

Biden made "empathy" toxic, a red flag word. For Biden "empathy" meant telling people who've gone through tragedies about the dead members of one's family and claiming that one understands how they feel. I would hope that politicians show normal human decency but won't trust those whose campaigns talk up the candidate's empathy. "Empathy" is just a way of saying "not a Republican."

The latest pitch for Harris is that she's "nuanced," and a vote for her is a rejection of "Trump's false choices." It makes a virtue of her indecision and her refusal or inability to say what she's really for and what she would do as president. The notion behind it seems to be that Trump's answers are too blunt and too extreme, but the Biden and Harris administration has been just as unequivocal in rejecting more nuanced and moderate policies.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Sounds like fraud to me.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The left are not nervous. They are going to cheat. We are F'ed.

Vote Kamala - get the end of free speech and the end of the First Amendment.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

If your obsession with abortion leads you to vote Kamala - you clearly do not care about free speech - or that the left are taking us in a very dangerous direction.

Lazarus said...

I believe he said, "the nurture of a female," not nature.

Just how far empathy and nurturing go together with strength, power, and sternness, I don't know. I suspect she's not that strong and not especially nurturing either.

Iman said...

Eau de Inanity!


ron winkleheimer said...

I don't know that she is an idiot, though it seems likely, but she is definitely the worst retail politician to run for president since Hillary. And ordinarily that wouldn't matter. She's a product of a political machine. She supported the machine, so it supported her.

Iman said...

Or Maude Frickert!

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Someone is ripping up ballots that contain votes for Trump.
Is this real? WTF?

henge2243 said...

Stands on business? Gets down on her knees.

typingtalker said...

1. What is the job of The President of the United States?
2. What are the skills and knowledge and experience of this candidate for President of the United States?
3. Are the skills, knowledge and experience of this candidate good enough for this candidate for President of the United States to succeed as President of the United States?
4. Explain your answer.

If you're confused, substitute, "Captain of a 747" for "President of the United States."

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Hoax. Ballots don't have postmarks or return addresses on them. Envelopes aren't sealed. It's someone ripping up mail-in ballots, but they don't appear to have been filled out.

Rocco said...

I notice he said he stand with Kamala; not that he’ll vote for her.

cfs said...

The Philly firefighter's union has announced they are supporting GOP Senate candidate Dave McCormick. So they aren't just rejecting Harris, they are rejecting the entire Democrat platform. This is a pretty big deal.

Rick67 said...

I seriously hope that the only reason I would considering voting for Harris is because I think she would be better as president of the United States.

It's astounding that there are people who think there could be any other reason.

boatbuilder said...

The sweater sort of undermines the message. Of course the message is bullshit. The last thing that Kamala presents as is "strong."