October 24, 2024

"Usha and J.D. made a memorable pair. The legal writer David Lat remembers attending a poker night with the couple in 2011..."

"... at the neo-Gothic home of [Amy] Chua and her husband, fellow Yale law professor Jed Rubenfeld.... At the time, Chua was mainly known for her book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, a gaily provocative paean to achievement-oriented parenting. Chua was a kind of den mother to certain student protégés, known on campus as 'Chua pets,' and J.D. was central among them. According to another former friend of the pair, Chua was not a fan of Usha. 'Probably because she didn’t engage in her bullshit,' the former friend said. 'You have to gossip and drink. J.D. loved that shit.' Usha did not. Lat happened to ride the Metro-North up from New York for the poker game with the soon-to-be Vances. He told his husband later that night that they’d reminded him of another famous Yale Law couple, Bill and Hillary Clinton. 'They had a kind of energy to them,' Lat said. 'They seemed very confident and successful. One thing that struck me as Hillary-esque was that Usha seemed to have more polish than J.D.'"

"According to J.D., in Hillbilly Elegy, Chua told Vance he should focus on his relationship rather than chasing clerkships like many of his peers.... Sofia Nelson, who ended a close friendship with J.D.... says that near the end of law school, J.D. told her that he was open to being a stay-at-home dad.... It was important to J.D. that their family, unlike the one of his childhood, all share the same name, and Hamel, his surname at the time, came from a stepfather who was only in his life briefly. J.D. told at least two friends that he was open to taking Usha’s last name, Chilukuri. In the end, the two chose Vance, the name of the maternal grandparents who largely raised him."

Much more at the link.


The rule of Lemnity said...

I can't see Trump picking a guy named Chilukuri for a running mate.

Ann Althouse said...

Why didn't Kamala Harris go by her mother's name?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Maybe she dreamed to be like her father.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Did you read 'Dreams of my Father' before or after Obama won?

Ampersand said...

The article describes two gifted young people artfully slaloming through highly competitive social/intellectual environments that tend to exclude or stigmatize people with conservative beliefs. At that age, I would have lacked the poise and sophistication needed to pull it off.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Easier to identify as Black with the name Harris than with the name Gopalan.

The rule of Lemnity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The rule of Lemnity said...

I got to put that word 'slaloming' away for a snowy day. (better than rainy day)

tim in vermont said...

Conservative men are hot. What does a woman really want with a guy who is so afraid of responsibility for his actions that he will make the right to abortion a top priority?

phantommut said...

First spouse on a ticket that I've liked since Barbara Bush.

Yancey Ward said...

Vance has committed the biggest sin imaginable to a leftist- he has betrayed the elite left who thought to keep him as a pet.

wendybar said...

There is a difference between yesterdays Democrats and the Progressives who took the party over. That's why normal Democrats are leaving the party. The party left them.

Narayanan said...

Trump would have then sold pizza from 7-11

Narayanan said...

slaloming vs salaaming

BUMBLE BEE said...

Probably the same reason Barry didn't promote his mom, grandma or grandpa.

BUMBLE BEE said...

You mean that book by Ayers?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Never read it, I did like the cover story for Barry's campaign start in Bill's living room. Very "Kamalaesque".

BUMBLE BEE said...


Kathryn51 said...

Well said. Before I was invited to the [extended] family book club, they read "Hillbilly Elegy" to try and understand "Trump" voters - they believed that Trump voters were rural, stupid, poor - and "white" of course. I joined a couple of years later and they still admired JD - after all, he had criticized Trump in 2016. Alas. . . .he is no longer their pet. 😥

Mikey NTH said...

So Hillary has been tossed under the bus in order to attack JD Vance? That's interesting. I wonder if Barack will be introduced to the 'wheels go round and round' and if so, when

Mikey NTH said...

Not knowing how Indian surnames are given to the children, wouldn't her mother's surname be her mother's father's surname? (Guessing here on my phone.)

Joe Bar said...

Thanks. That's exactly what I got out of that description. I was a in a similar environment when I was young, and did not have the same success. It all worked out, though.

Readering said...

Second coming of Marilyn Tucker?

retail lawyer said...

Kamala knew she had to pass for Black to cash in on all the Black Privilege. Smart move with all the affirmative action. And Willie Brown couldn't have an Indian concubine, would have offended the Black ladies. And she wouldn't have met James Clyburn's criteria for Biden's VP pick.

Josephbleau said...

"slaloming vs salaaming"

"Salaami Salaami, Bolognia." Originally from the Popeye cartoon, but quoted in a 3 stooges episode.

Josephbleau said...

Interesting that the Chua manufactured scandal has resulted in its first politically prominent specimen.

Josephbleau said...

I wonder why this has not been an October Surprise?

Narr said...

The mis-titling of the book always raises my librarian's hackles. It was "Dreams from [not of] My Father."

"Dreams of My Father" would have been too Freudian even for Obama fans.

Biff said...

Excuse me for being pedantic, but I'm familiar Chua's and Rubenfeld's house, one of my favorites in the area. I'm no architect, but I'm pretty sure its style is "early Georgian revival," maybe with some late Baroque influence. I'm surprised that a publication as snooty as New York magazine would call it Gothic. In an earlier, more competent age, I would have guessed that NY was trying to make some sort of classist point about the couple. In 2024, it might simply be gaudy ignorance.

Biff said...

Sorry for the typo. The perils of pedantry!

Aggie said...

"....The veep candidate’s wife is the child of immigrants, a former Democrat, a highly skilled lawyer — and a total mystery" ....

Yuh, I'm thinking that, probably that whole 'highly skilled lawyer' part might have something to do with that 'total mystery' thingie...

Aggie said...

..aaaand, six paragraphs into the story, we have an acquaintance speculating that she's a sociopath, because she doesn't wear her feelings or her opinions on her sleeve. "..The classmate added, sincerely, “I kind of wonder if she’s a sociopath.”. Sure, dearie, 'sincerely'.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Shorter NY mag: Why won't she obey!

BTW - the term "Saving Democracy" - is Selfish leftist speak for "No one will be allowed to criticize Democrats. It will be illegal to do so."

Ralph L said...

“Initially, I thought, Surely she can’t be okay with this, and she’s going to divorce him in time,” said the ex-friend.

There's one friend she won't miss.

Ralph L said...

“Whereas everyone else knew not to engage,” he said, “Usha nevertheless pretended like nothing had happened between us — that she had not supported something that so deeply offended me — and very intentionally tried to keep interacting with me.”

Lots of nice people at YLS. He's now mocking her by playing her for Halloween, so he must think this makes her look bad instead of normal.

Birches said...

The comments on that article are awful. Truly awful people who hate people who are not like them.

Jamie said...

What does a woman really want with a guy who is so afraid of responsibility for his actions that he will make the right to abortion a top priority?

It is, to me, a sign of how utterly the forces of evil have taken over the social dialog that even intelligent women of the left don't see it this way. What's the other way you see it? What man, what man considers abortion primarily from a "reproductive rights" point of view rather than from a "Whew, I'm off the hook" point of view? And what dad wants to consider his daughter's easy access to abortion as a positive?

Truly. I'll consider the point of view of young men who have a clear interest in not paying child support for 18 years. I'll even consider the less likely case of young men's honestly supporting young women's "right" to have unprotected promiscuous sex with other young men, without consequences (just being truthful here, folks). But we all live in the real world. How many young men are motivated to vote for Harris because she stands firmly for a woman's right to have unprotected sex, versus that she stands firmly for society's right to uphold a framework in which women who find themselves pregnant through their own inattention or through accident, should preferentially abort their pregnancies for the convenience of men?

Feminist, indeed.