October 21, 2024

"There were way too many kids and it seemed to her that since they didn’t speak the language, or didn’t understand what was going on, they were getting more attention."

"And so she and the other kids who grew up here who were having issues or struggling in certain things weren’t able to get the attention that they needed — the help they needed from the school.... You can’t just focus all your resources on one group of children and everybody else is falling behind...."

Said the mother of a 16-year-old who dropped out of public school and enrolled in an "online homeschool," quoted in "In Logansport, Indiana, kids are being pushed out of schools after migrants swelled county’s population by 30%:/'Everybody else is falling behind'" (NY Post).

The numbers are confusing. We're told that 2,000 Haitian migrants may have been added to a city of 18,000 and also that 11,000 may have been added to a county of 38,000. There are also claims of being "verbally accosted" and stared at ("It’s not safe. They just stare at you and won’t talk to you. They stand there staring at my house with cameras on their phones. I don’t know if they’re recording, what they’re doing"). The mayor objects to the attention: "Stop playing politics with the smaller communities. We don’t like this. We don’t appreciate this. We would rather you do your job and actually do something instead of talking about this."


Wa St Blogger said...

I have an idea. This election, look at each precinct's voting results. Place all immigrants in the neighborhoods and schools of the precincts that are blue. The problem that the people who want the immigration are not the ones having to deal with the impact to their communities. Let them put their money where their mouths are. I'm looking at you, Martha's Vineyard.

Howard (not that Howard) said...

This is a crisis. The US will not be the US any longer.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Stop playing politics with the smaller communities. We don’t like this. We don’t appreciate this. We would rather you do your job and actually do something instead of talking about this."


RCOCEAN II said...

What possible justification is there for Biden/Harris pouring 11,000 Hatians into a rural county of 38,000? And why did Biden/Harris do this - other than hatred for rural America. None of these people voted for this, and outside of some employers who love the cheap labor, none are benefiting from it.

rehajm said...

You paid for that phone…

gilbar said...

LOOK.. "americans" EXIST, for only Two Reasons..
1) to pay taxes, and not that many americans are even doing That anymore..
2) to vote for the Democrat Party, and we now have synthetic voters to do that..

So, FUCK YOU americans!! get out of the way! This is a 3rd world country NOW!!

RCOCEAN II said...

To stop this, you'll have get rid of Harris/Biden. And then you're going to have to "Stop raising corn, and start raising Hell". Stop being polite. Stop assuming that if you notice and point out the probem, you'll solve it. Organize and get politically active. Be rude. Demand action.

I've notice that the Left, that pushes this, has no problem calling the Right names and calling them immoral. Meanwhile, the Right keeps being civil and declines to assert any moral authority. Putting 11,000 Haitans in a rural county of 38,000 to destroy the existing culture and society is immoral.

gilbar said...

Serious Question: What percentage of Haitians now reside in the USA?
10%? 20%? 30%?

rehajm said...

What people in government are deciding where these migrants are being sent?I mean I’m positive there’s a Left Wing beltway strategy firm deciding but ultimately it’s someone in government that’s deciding. Who is it? With a government accountable to its citizens we’d know…

One of the biggest priorities for the Trump administration will be to ensure these illegals are not counted in the next census.

One of the biggest priorities for the Harris administration will be to ensure anyone nosing around asking questions about the next census is imprisoned..

RideSpaceMountain said...

“Benefits received are a delight to us as long as we think we can requite them: when that possibility is far exceeded, they are repaid with hatred instead of gratitude” – Tacitus

I have travelled all around the world, including to some really backward places (Haiti not among them), and I will confirm to anyone that in most of the rest of the world, kindness very often comes across as weakness to the indigenous. In many of these places it literally does not compute. Their first instinct is that there must be some kind of scam...'nobody gives away something for nothing'.

When and if they do realize that it is simple politeness, they view it as some kind of cultural or moral 'flex'. And yes, it can create resentment, or worse, the impression that they're dealing with a rube (such as being a "freier" - "Sucker" in Israel for instance).

In the case of Haitians, you're talking about orders of magnitude of cultural differences, many of which will never reach parity with our own. The first generation? Forget it. The price of the trauma one experiences living in Haiti for most of one's formative years is permanent fear.

Aggie said...

Look at me. I am your captain now.

Former Illinois resident said...

Absolutely true. Appears recently-arriving migrants are placed in areas which have corporations looking for unskilled (and undocumented) labor in large-scale settings, whether a small town with a large meat-packing operation, or a major city perceived to be able to absorb a large pool of day-labor men.

Nobody asks the folks in these communities (or big cities) whether they actually want to shoulder the added government cost, and the added inconvenience and increased demand for services/attention, and the now seemingly related jump in violent street-crime and property crime.

Notice that there aren't any recently-arriving migrants delivered into upscale white-collar suburbs. These non-profit organizations spearheading the distribution of migrants seem to understand that these upscale suburbs are no-go destinations for their recipient-clientele. I'd like to see the outraged reaction of the progressive-liberal households in Chicago's Blue-Blue Democratic stronghold suburbs if THEIR SUBURB were suddently required to house, feed, and educate several hundred single-male migrants delivered to their community. That of course will never ever happen. When a stray busload arrives, the passengers are immediately shepherded to the commuter train, handed a one-way ticket to downtown Chicago.

Former Illinois resident said...

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Spoken like a true politician.

Former Illinois resident said...

I think its the non-profit organizations, including Catholic Charities, that are determining the distribution of recently-arriving migrants, that being mostly single men. Seems the busloads are organized by nonprofits, though the night-time flights are probably DHS.

Former Illinois resident said...

Anyone read Market-ticker blog? Blogger just did very relevant posting on federal budget deficit. Federal budget is mostly about funding the federal bureaucracy labor-pool employees, current employee salaries and benefits, and retiree pensions and benefits, with little tangible benefit to the average tax-paying middle-class US citizen. Huge federal bureaucracy established simply to self-perpetuate its existence.

Former Illinois resident said...

Even more relevant question: how many of the ultra-violent Haitian gangbangers have arrived to small town America?

Gusty Winds said...

Former Illinois Resident is correct. The USA manufacturing supply chain at the Tier 1 and Tier II level is fueled by undocumented immigrants, working for substandard wages, and no real workplace protections. They are exploited on both sides of the border. Larger OEMs stop fabricating their own parts to save on Union Labor. They whittle down to assembly only. This protects the remaining Union Jobs, the mid-level cubicle jobs that produce nothing, and HR jobs which dig ditches just to fill them in.

Americans need to be honest with themselves. We LOVE cheap labor provided by people we don't see or can ignore. But now the numbers are so large, and disproportionate to the size of some communities, you can no longer turn a blind eye. It's in your face. In your school. Standing out from of your house.

Dave Begley said...

What the Dems and Biden-Harris have done to America is criminal.

tommyesq said...

A quick search says that there are presently between 850,000 and 1.2 million Haitians in America and 11,800,000 in Haiti, so between 7 and 10 percent.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Any amount of disruption, decay, funding, tax payer waste, fraud - are all worth it to import a slave class that votes democrat.

Gusty Winds said...

What happens to the property values of these lower middle class communities after the Hattians and Venezuelans get dumped there? Who wants to buy a house in Springfield, OH, Aurora, CO, or Logansport, IN? Even the most frothing Kamala defenders here at the Althouse blog wouldn't touch it, and would be freaking out like Martha's Vineyard.

I suspect this is the "unhelpful attention" of which Mayor Chris Martin speaks. From a photo caption he calls it "assimilation issues." Nice soft-shoe. I'll be the feds put these local mayors under a lot of pressure to go along with the program... or else....

Gusty Winds said...

Question for our hostess: What would cause more anxiety in your Madison neighborhood: 1) displaying an American flag, or 2) a group of young Haitian men mulling around the neighborhood?

n.n said...

Americans second. That said, Haiti is desperate for emigration reform.

John henry said...

There is a Haitian settlement organization, tax exempt, in Springfield where the president/ceo is paid $800,000 plus annually. When I saw that I could not believe it so I looked up their IRS 990 form. Sure enough, the number was correct.

I was trying to find it again just now so I could share the 990 link but could not.

John Henry

ThatsGoingToLeaveA said...

I think you meant: "...mulling round the neighborhood and outside of her house recording her goings on of here property."

John henry said...

The mayor of Springfield apparently does pretty well financially renting apartments to Haitians. Americans who might need housing are priced out. What family can afford an apartment when it can be rented to 10-20 Haitians at $2-300/month for each individual. Zoning and overcrowding regulations? He's the mayor. He can do what he wants.

Good article here.


Gusty Winds said...

In Wilmette, IL, a north shore old money liberal Chicago Suburb, the migrants are LITERALLY dropped off at their Metra train station, and then forced to get on the train to finish the journey to Chicago where they displace already struggling minorities.

Wilmette feeds into the famous New Trier HS which is a wealthy breeding ground for the Ivy League. Like Martha's vineyard, migrants can pass through but cannot stay. Best part is the libs in Wilmette have the same "all are welcome signs" as Martha's Vineyard and Madison, WI.

Iman said...

Spot on.

Iman said...

Jedi ass-pull…

John henry said...

The Clinton family has a lot of responsibility for the Haitian mess. Maybe send a few thousand Haitians to Chappaqua to keep her company.

Yeah, I know, Haiti was broken long before the Clintons got there. And the earthquake broke it even more. And just when the long suffering Haitians thought it could not possibly get any worse, the Clintons, including the Rodham brother, rolled into town.

John Henry

John henry said...

Have Mexico, Venezuela, Haiti or any of these other countries provided any assistance to Americans in NC and other parts wiped out by Helene?

We are certainly quick to help them when they face problems. I think we have gotten zero dollars in aid or volunteers.

John Henry

John henry said...

No aid from Ukraine, either.

Buncha ingrates

John Henry

Iman said...

and there it is… if an American citizen looks at what’s happened at the border, with the economy, the push for moral/cultural abnormalities and is happy with that? Well, bless his or her heart, given that much stupidity, not much can be done for them.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

I have worked in Haiti [ag development] as has my son [internet infrastructure development]. Both of us are native-fluent in French, and each of us speaks decent Kreyol.

Haiti is an irredeemable shit-hole, because the 30 percent who are truly wonderful people find themselves totally outnumbered by vicious monsters. Set up a great satellite-linked internet for a school? A week later it's been stripped and utterly destroyed to steal 7 bucks of copper. Gangs steal kids' lunches or lunch money. Gangs of 12-14 year-olds. Mothers are routinely raped on the streets. The occasional 10 yo girl is kidnapped into sex slavery. Prime farm breeding stock is stolen and butchered. Electricity is a sometimes thing. And on and on.

Many of the crooks pretend to be refugees, because the pickings are way better in the States, and the current administration never questions the thousands they bring in.

Not just Haitians. Sadly, I don't think we're too far from vigilante justice in small-town America, and I suspect people are only waiting to see how the looming election turns out. Simply look at gun and ammo sales of late.

Gusty Winds said...

Sounds like the Tyson food plant is the local catalyst employer "attracting" the Haitian migrants. I put quotes around "attracting" because I'm positive Tyson REQUESTED the imported cheap labor.

Same went on in Wausau, WI where a few decades ago the took in an influx of Laotians to harvest ginseng on farms that transitioned out of the dairy supply. I don't know who those work visas we're put in place, but this importation of cheap labor has been going on for a long time. Local farmers gladly hired the Laotians to pick the ginseng. It was more lucrative than dairy, and a lot less work once you got the crop rotation going.

Americans, both liberals and MAGA, have to decide who and what we want to be. Are you willing to pay and extra $5000 for your new roof to ensure the labor is at a minimum controlled? Or do you want the discount price knowing full well your roof is being installed by underpaid illegal immigrants? Are we willing to pay more for Tyson chicken so wypipo can work the factory? I guarantee you and illegal alien ran the machining center that cut the new brake disks on your car.

I don't have and answer. But, this is the reality for the American consumer.

Ampersand said...

Immigration policy suffers from the innumeracy of our population and its politicians. The US is less than 5% of the world's population. It is already running huge deficits during a time of prosperity. It is divided 50/50 ideologically, and its middle class culture is under constant explicit attack. Adding tens of millions of low skill indigent illegal immigrants with no political agenda other than ensuring lots of benefits for low skill indigent illegal immigrants who don't speak English is a guarantee of trouble.

Five percent of the world can't solve the world's problems. We can't air condition the Sahara Desert. And that seems to be what we are trying to do.

Iman said...

Better still, take both Clintons and drop them off in Port-au-Prince, sans bodyguards, and wish them luck. How fitting would that be!

RideSpaceMountain said...

Lotta shooting
Lotta shoveling
Lotta shut upping

n.n said...

There's indication that the Sahara is greening. A nod to Africa's forward-looking viability.

wendybar said...

This is exactly what Trump is trying to stop, and the Progressives WANT. They don't care about you or your community as long as Marthas Vineyard and other elite places don't have the burden they are hoisting on the rest of us.

That happened in Lynn, Massachusetts in 2014 (WHO was President then??) They struggled for years because they had so many from different countries with different languages, they had to hire interpreters to teach them, and the American kids suffered.....https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/immigrant-surge-pressures-distant-cities

Dude1394 said...

If democrat open borders creates home schools and school choice then there will be a silver lining.

BUMBLE BEE said...

IIRC Bernie Kerik didn't think the Latin Kings, Crips and Bloods etc. would let the newbie's take over their turf. He said the future will be "Bloody".

BUMBLE BEE said...

Lutherans too. Remember Acorn? Weather Underground was set about taking over @ NGOs and foundations. They're getting their paychecks. Here we are.

BUMBLE BEE said...

And to reliably vote democrat.

J Scott said...

"Are you willing to pay and extra $5000 for your new roof to ensure the labor is at a minimum controlled?" this really isn't true for simple economic reasons.

The illegals doing the work get paid ALOT less, but the Americans that run these businesses, charge just under what their competitors do, including ones that pay real wages. We aren't saving anything, instead we are transferring money to the people that are employing this labor and they are pocketing it.

Christopher B said...

Also to this point, it ain't like the rest of aren't paying taxes to fund benefits a certain percentage of those unemployed citizens receive, even if you assume the illegals are getting market level wages and paying some taxes. It's another situation where the benefits are localized to specific people while the costs are diffused across the wider population.

jaydub said...

The problem is not just the numbers or how many Haitians have been resettled in a smaller community, it's the fact that the Haitians (and some other immigrant groups) are overwhelmingly men of age 20 to 29 or so. They can literally outnumber a given local domestic demographic age group with their sheer numbers. For example, if an immigrant group of say, 8,000 is dumped in a town of, say 30,000, and the Haitian immigrants are 90% male as they normally are, then they could actually constitute a majority of their age group in the community. The US average percentage of males aged 20 - 29 is around 22%, which would imply an average 0.22 x 30,000 = 6,600 US residents aged 20 -29 in that community. The immigrants could constitute 0.9 x 8000 = 7,200, or 600 more than the existing residents. This is what is untenable, specifically: the immigrants are NOT spread over all sexes and age groups, they're concentrated in the demographic that is the most prone to gang and criminal activity and the one that is competing for the startup jobs and housing. This is what the Germans learned when they opened their borders to Muslim refugees. Add in the fact that as many as 40% of young Haitians are criminal gang members in their own county, then the US has imported 0.4 x 7200 = 2880, or around 3,000 experienced criminals. It's madness and because the US press and policy makers are innumerate, it goes unrecognized until it's way too late.

Rabel said...

Since 2022 Biden has been bringing in 30,000 "legal" immigrants per month from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela under the Cuban Haitian Nicaraguan Venezuelan Parole program.

They'll bring in another 100,000 before the end of Biden's term.

Most get a free plane ride in.

I've always wondered just where they were going. I had thought they must be widely dispersed to avoid bad publicity and assimilation problems.

But now I know - they have been herded into government sponsored ghettos in middle America.


BG said...

Lutherans too. ELCA. The rest of the Lutherans don't consider them Lutherans.

Gusty Winds said...

even if you assume the illegals are getting market level wages and paying some taxes I would highly doubt Tyson foods is paying "market level wages" to the Haitians. Or, obviously, the market level wage is one that Americans don't believe is worth their time.

Americans want 1) cheap chicken, 2) cheap labor to harvest the chicken, and 3) a profitable chicken corporation with a healthy P&L statement to help their 401k.

KellyM said...

"It’s not safe. They just stare at you and won’t talk to you. They stand there staring at my house with cameras on their phones. I don’t know if they’re recording, what they’re doing"

This is really easy, folks – despite the seeming language barrier these imports are the foot soldiers of the covert domestic intelligence that controls everything around us. The quoted person above, theorizing that they’re recording peoples’ homes is correct – they are. All of those migrants are enlisted to watch, take note and document any and all (particularly Whites) who have voiced objections, or made off-hand critical comments. The mayor’s statement makes it clear that he’s running cover for them and is demanding that you listen to him and not believe your lyin’ eyes.

The covert domestic intelligence apparatus has comped all positions of power, so that you have people like the mayor, whose allegiance is not to his so-called constituents or fellow citizens, but to the machine that put him there.


Greg The Class Traitor said...

When you're a slum-lord Mayor making big bucks off the illegals the Biden Admin brought in, you hate it when people point out the costs

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

White flight never ends. It has been going on my whole life, and is instigated by local and federal Gov't...in other words, your fellow citizens. They use your tax dollars to ruin your own neighborhood.
Pretty soon that public school will be nothing but Haitians, and the unionized teachers will do little but babysit them and hand out diplomas. Same as any black ghetto in a blue city.

Gospace said...

The real solution is- English only instruction. Period. No translations. They're surrounded by English speakers. The airwaves are full of English speakers. They will learn if there isn't any other option.

My wife worked as a volunteer in a public school when out youngest were just starting school. The children quickly learned that if they didn't say "Please do this or that or the other thing..." they would be ignored. And ones that didn't end with a "Thank you." quickly learned to do so. The teachers were grateful. Her stories made us both wonder what other parents were teaching their children at home. Where we were- the schools were new- all filled with English speaking children. With parents who had bought ne houses so were somehow gainfully employed.