October 30, 2024

The New Republic says "Joe Rogan Offers Pitiful Defense for Why He Won’t Interview Harris."

Paige Oamek objects to Joe's insistence that the podcast be done in his iconic Austin, Texas studio. The campaign wanted him to travel to her, and that was in the context of also demanding that they go no longer than one hour. That is, there were 2 elements of what makes Joe Joe to be removed. It would no longer be her on the Joe Rogan podcast. It would be Joe Rogan installed in a Harris campaign environment and used to the extent they found him useful. 

But Oamek doesn't display much understanding of what Joe does, that is, what makes him, by far, the most popular podcast. You've got to go long. And you've got to be a guest in his space, vulnerable to opening up. Trump went over 3 hours. You had the feeling of getting to know him in a new way. The YouTube video alone has 40 million views, and many people watch or listen on other platforms. Harris was offered that opportunity, but she didn't want to do that. Her people wanted her to do something much more closed and boring and Joe chose not to lend his name to that fakery.

Oamek observes that Harris has a busy schedule and may not care about reaching the kind of people who listen to Joe Rogan — as if 40+ million are a particular kind of person — and blames Joe for "stubbornness." 

And so, we are left with Trump's opinion of the Kamala/Rogan show that is not to be: "If she did this kind of an interview with you, I hope she does, because it would be a mess. She’d be laying on the floor. Comatose. She’d be saying, 'Call in the medics.'" The trash talk stands. To put it more realistically, I think the Harris campaign has chosen to keep her strictly limited, tightly scripted. It's inconsistent with the nature of the show.

Meanwhile, Joe is doing a podcast with JD Vance today. 


Peachy said...

When you go on Rogan - you play by his rules.
that's why Kamala won't do it. She needs so much in the way of coddling and fakery.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Chicken Shit writ large.

BUMBLE BEE said...

She's not strong enough to do a man's job.

Iman said...

What a joke! As if Harris could hold her own.

She’s held many others’ but can’t hold her own.

RCOCEAN II said...

Again, they don't want Harris to open up and show us
"the "Real her. Because they know we (or at least 51 percent of the USA) wouldn't like what they saw.

You're VP of the USA, and you're running for POTUS. Yet, you don't want to be interviewed and only do staged, scripted, tightly controlled events. That's a big red flag for any objective voter.

Or should be.

Bima said...

Ms Harris was in Houston on 25 Oct. She could have made the short hop to Austin if she wanted to, She didn't.

mindnumbrobot said...

What a bunch of phony boloney bullshit. She was never, ever, going to talk with Rogan, no matter the conditions.

n.n said...

This reminds me of Obama inviting the Dalai Lama to walk by way of the garbage bins. It's our way or no way, anyway. Now we know why.

mindnumbrobot said...

Oamek observes that Harris has a busy schedule and may not care about reaching the kind of people who listen to Joe Rogan...


Ampersand said...

The irony is that Kamala has nothing to hide. That is, she must hide from us that she has nothing to say beyond empty platitudes. She is the most vacuous nonentity to ever run for President. It's disturbing that so many people will vote for a gray blob.

Bob Boyd said...

"as if 40+ million are a particular kind of person"

I think, under the circumstances, it's safe to assume they're garbage people.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Kamala is the missing candidate.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Kamala Harris, who was recently in Texas, refused to have a discussion with the most popular podcaster in the world at his studio in ... Texas. Unlike hundreds of other people who have come on the podcast and talked with Joe for 2-4+ hours, she feared an unscripted, free-ranging discussion of more than 1 hour. In a supposedly close election where she could reach millions of voters. Just think about how she so desperately wants to limit the voting public's exposure to her. Either she's a total blithering idiot when unscripted, or the election is rigged. Or both. Yeah, I'm going with both. I don't need to phone a friend. "Both" is my final answer.

Jupiter said...

According to TNR, "Paige Oamek is a writer and fact-checker based in New York and the social media intern for The New Republic. Their writing appears in The Nation, In These Times and elsewhere."

That pronoun says everything you need to know about Paige Oamek, and about TNR too, for that matter. Bunch of psycho perverts.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Oamek observes that Harris has a busy schedule and may not care about reaching the kind of people who listen to Joe Rogan...

Which is rather funny because it would be the best way to reach the people she's struggling with getting votes from, young men. I guess she'd rather stand around and chide them over not supporting her.

Ficta said...

It's really something to watch Harris's defenders immediately go into "How dare you, you f-ing peasant! Don't you know who she is?" mode. Just vividly illustrating the behavior that pushes voters towards Trump.

RideSpaceMountain said...

He did not genuflect to her terms, as all men are required of any woman. To "them", that is the greatest sin.

Dude1394 said...

Rogan refused to set her up for success. What a raging sexist racist.

One Fine Day said...

Her campaign is signaling through their surrogates such as this scribbler that it doesn't matter what Harris does -- the Dems have sufficient confidence in their ability to steal the election that she does not need to actually work for votes.

Peachy said...

Kamala has already memorized her lines. What more can she say?

Heartless Aztec said...

Harris finally - in the last week of the campaign did the smart thing and made the correct decision to stay far away from the Joe Rogan Experience. That's a lonely +1 in her column.

Aggie said...

Austin is 2½ hours from Houston, driving on interstate-type roads all the way. The trip is much shorter, by Air Force 2 jet, getting the VIP treatment all the way. Her excuses are lame. This is not the first time Harris has squandered the resources of her VP office when they could have been used to excellent effect, to boost her campaign.

It would seem that Harris' biggest feature is timidness, maybe insecurity, maybe cowardice - but at the very least, an unwillingness to face up to reality's bite. Not a good look for a US President.

Achilles said...

Harris is too stupid to go on the Rogan Podcast.

The only people dumber than Kamala Harris are her supporters.

Gusty Winds said...

Rogan should have told the Harris campaign that he and Kamala could snort cocaine during the podcast. Like when Rogan and Elon fired up a blunt. Harris would have offered to spend the night.

n.n said...

Karma-la is too busy avoiding her public service at the border, in areas accosted by catastrophic climate change, etc.

Gusty Winds said...

That's really the bottom line. She's too stupid. The three hours would be a trainwreck. Word salad. Awkward pauses.

Aggie said...

Regarding the New Republic's treatment of Rogan: Nobody believes your bullsh*t any more.

Election Betting Odds this morning:

Trump 62.2% chance of winning, Harris 37.3%
House: Republicans 53.8% chance of having control, Democrats 46.3%
Senate: Republicans 84% chance of having control, Democrats 16%

The election is tipping.

Ice Nine said...

The Harris campaign was just a smidge confused about who needed whom.

n.n said...

Democrazis can't afford to weather her October, another surprise. It's better to enforce climate control with her isolation and keep voters green and reusable.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I'm still trying to figure out how the burden of production/persuasion shifted to Joe Rogan.

Yeah Right Sure said...

Too busy. That's her excuse? "Busy VP" are words rarely conjoined, like "colonoscopy party" or "amicable divorce."

Eva Marie said...

It’s not so much as playing by his rules as insisting on a level playing field.
Same conditions offered as to the opposing team.

D.D. Driver said...

Not kowtowing to the demands of the powerful is so "pitiful." How do supposed journalists say this garbage with a straight face.

Gusty Winds said...

Harris should go to Austin and do the Joe Rogan podcast with her earpod earrings and her handlers could feed here the answers like at the debate.

mccullough said...

Her campaign was stupid to even float the idea of going on Rogan. They should have just declined off the bat. Now the Media Guard are trying to spin this. Makes it look even worse.

FormerLawClerk said...

^ Here's how it works if you want to go on Joe Rogan.

You go to where they tape the Joe Rogan show and you sit there for 3 hours talking to Joe Rogan.

The media are trying to claim that Joe Rogan WON'T interview Kamala Harris because they don't want people to know that Kamala Harris is too much of a chickenshit to do Joe Rogan's show. And we all know why: She cannot speak properly. She has the IQ of a fence post. And she might go UNDER the desk to try to get ahead in that interview.

FormerLawClerk said...

If she can't take on a pipsqueak like Joe Rogan (4-foot -9) how's she going to put Putin in his place?

FormerLawClerk said...

Also if you sucked your way to the top, that's also a huge red flag.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Not stupid, she just doesn't want to have to talk to that Dirt Person Joe Rogan.

Koot Katmandu said...

Well we are about to find out if the Fakery will win the day. I do no think it will win in a true sense. However, it might be enough to get it with in the cheat zone.

n.n said...

Karma-la is too busy wielding a machete in a historic stand on human rights for human rites to be concerned about civil rights. American Civil Liberties Unburdened

Peachy said...

Mail-in ballots, Drop boxes, weeks and weeks to vote, Rank choice voting + No voter ID requirements?

All of these are democrat party scams.

‘Free Gaza’ message linked to ballot box attacks in Washington and Oregon.

DanTheMan said...

Kamala can't handle Joe Rogan. And there's a 50/50 chance she will be elected President next week. God help us.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I love how lefty dudes think accommodations should be made for her, as if she's too disabled to do things like everybody else.

Joe Bar said...

We all know how this would have gone down, if Rogan had agreed to go to Harris. Harris would be "unavoidably delayed," and the actual interview would be cut down to 15 minutes. However, by making public the "offer" of an interview, Harris' cronies can now point to it, and say that Rogan is afraid, or unwilling, to do the interview. Win, win.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Busy? She took two days off last week!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

They don't want her to open up because the "real" Kamala is a Brahmin aristocrat who looks down on the rest of us Dirt People.

Narr said...

I was the only one on my block(s) who subscribed to the New Republic, from about the early 80s to the early OOs. They gradually went from reasonably and interestingly leftoid to lunatic, and I gave up on them.

Sounds like they haven't gotten any better.

AMDG said...

Did she not travel to appear on the “Call Her Daddy” podcast?

A missed opportunity. Rogan doesn’t interview, he has conversations. I am pretty sure that none of his conversations are contentious. Look at Trump - Rogan did not broach the subject of Trump’s handling of COVID even though most people became aware of Rogan through his opposition to the Branch COVIDIANS.

DanTheMan said...

But she had time to fly to Houston, pay Beyonce a fortune, and get a 3 minute endorsement.

n.n said...

Joe is already in the house. Why would she bother traveling to Austin. In Karma-la's estimation, her expectation, is that the People should take a knee, to hear her meow.

Kate said...

I hope for Kamala that when she loses and she's no longer threatened by Obama to meet a certain political standard because her career is over, she can come clean about who she really is. She won't. She's too entrenched in the fake version of herself. It's a shame.

Yancey Ward said...

She was never going to agree to talk with Rogan. Had Rogan agreed to changes, more changes would have been requested once they had him on the treadmill. It really is unfathomable to me why anyone would be scared to appear on the Joe Rogan Experience- he doesn't play Gotcha! with his guests. It really is just a wide-ranging conversation of which you, the guest, have the power to the direction. All I can guess is that Harris suffers from such debilitating social anxiety that she is afraid that she can't carry on a conversation for more than 30 minutes at a maximum.

rehajm said...

She isn’t President material. She would be a weak front for the people running the executive. Anyone and everyone who accepts her as the nominee accepts that, too. That’s a subversion of our democracy.

rehajm said...

Why would they want to subject us to three hours of word salad?

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

And the Harris Campaign is making a blunder worse by trying to frame Rogan for the lack of an appearance- no one but the Ingas of the world are going to be convinced by this tactic.

Quaestor said...

"Too busy. That's her excuse? 'Busy VP' are words rarely conjoined, like 'colonoscopy party' or 'amicable divorce'."

Loved it.

Skeptical Voter said...

Airheads can't do unscripted three hours in Austin with Rogan; can't do three hours in Abilene, Albany or Akron for that matter. It's just not in her. Her memorized bits of shtick won't last more than 17 minutes anywhere.

Rob C said...

So she could travel for The View and she could travel for "Call Her Daddy" (whatever that is) but Rogan is a trip too far?

William said...

This is a triumph for Kamala. She has found a plausible reason for not appearing on the Rogan show. Her whole campaign is based on plausible denial. No sane person can believe that she isn't at least partially responsible for the border mess, but this here doesn't fly in the face of all known facts and interpretations.

Mary Beth said...

I kept seeing posts online that said they must be Republicans doing it because it happened in blue states. My level of surprise that this doesn't seem to be the case is at zero.

walter said...

When has Rogan taken his show to someone else?

Howard said...

It was the smart move by Kamala's handlers. She would be a disaster on Joe Rogan podcast. There is no there there

Greg The Class Traitor said...


Greg The Class Traitor said...

Actually, I'd bet a good number of them are people that a Democrat COULD get to vote for him / her

Not Harris, obviously, because she's a vacuous moron, but no, there's not all MAGA

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Because he's the peasant who should bow down to his DEI masters

Anthony said...

Nearly every person in the federal government (and pretty much every other level) has forfeited whatever respect or deference was due them.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

No apparently Call Her Daddy traveled to her

But she traveled to Howard Stern, and his reach is a lot smaller than Rogan's

Greg The Class Traitor said...

IMO it's not "social anxiety", it's the realization that she's an idiot, and her policies are garbage, and that 3 hours on Rogan would expose both those facts

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The New Republic says "Joe Rogan Offers Pitiful Defense for Why He Won’t Interview Harris."

Got to had it to the NR, in the fact to the bottom they' won't give up the lead.

The only possible valid headline is "Harris camp Offers Pitiful Defense for Why She Won’t go on Rogan's Show."
It's his show
It's 3 hours of free advertising connecting to a demographic with which she's doing poorly.
If she was capable of doing a good job, she would have begged to be on his show.

But she isn't, so she didn't

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Oamek observes that Harris has a busy schedule and may not care about reaching the kind of people who listen to Joe Rogan — as if 40+ million are a particular kind of person — and blames Joe for "stubbornness."

Mostly men. Which she'd like to have vote for her. But not to the extent of actually giving men anything of value

walter said...

Rogan's an "interview denier"!

boatbuilder said...

Apparently Kamala's busy schedule didn't allow her any time to answer any questions from the press after her 3-minute press conference declaring that Trump is Hitler, either.
She has more important things to do than answer questions.

Curious George said...


Iman said...

Harris is for they/them.

Trump is for YOU!

J Severs said...

The Constitution forbids titles of nobility, but perhaps TNR thinks an exception should be made for VP?

mezzrow said...

The worst part of this for Harris is that this is probably the right decision.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

"no one but the Ingas of the world are going to be convinced by this tactic."

But that's the main purpose of the dems' gaslighting. It's aimed at KH's own supporters, with the idea of keeping them from openly questioning why SHE's the candidate instead of some accomplished, non-retard whom dem voters actually casted votes for. It's far better, in their view, to blame her non-appearance on Rogan's supposed lack of cooperation or scheduling problems (ignoring the fact that KH could have found time for this podcast months ago).

donald said...

Ya know what’s pitiful? At best? The New Republic. Children writing soy boys and the girls that love (pity) them.

dbp said...

Harris has a busy schedule. Sure, but isn't her primary job right now to win votes? Finding the time to have a conversation with one of the world's most popular podcasters seems like a no-brainer. Or maybe not. Maybe she knows that being on Joe Rogan's show would reveal her basic lack of substance. The play was to spin it as a dispute over terms. Naturally the MSM Praetorian guard will make it Rogan's fault--as if Harris ever intended to be on his show.

It raises a question in my mind: If Harris knows that she lacks substance, why does she want to be president? It seems like a terrifying job, even for a hyper competent executive. How would this not be a complete nightmare for somebody who knows that she has meagre skills or ideas? Has she thought this through? I think not. I think that even the decision to run for president was, like her previous jobs, just 'phoned-in'

Peachy said...

It must be a promised soft-puff tongue bath - or no deal. *with all questions up front and approved.

stlcdr said...

If Harris cannot stand 3 hours with Joe Rogan, how will she fare against (hostile) foreign leaders?

Krumhorn said...

Imagine if Tulsi sat for three hours on the Rogan podcast. Oh, wait! She's done it more than once. Kamala is such an empty pant suit.

- Krumhorn

Kathryn51 said...

This was classic Harris Team strategy. Offer/demand something they know won't be acceptable (2nd debate, etc) and play victim when offer is declined.

walter said...

They should go to the range together.

pacwest said...

She's well aware that if she is elected she will not be required to take on Presidential duties and decisions. Those will be taken care of by Obama staffers. Peak DEI.

Original Mike said...

New Republic: "Joe Rogan Offers Pitiful Defense for Why He Won’t Interview Harris."

Got that? Joe Rogan is refusing to interview Harris.

Rusty said...

Why do you think Joe Rogan is a "Dirt Person"?

Rusty said...

He was interviewing someone today and they asked about that. Rogan told the Harris people that he'd make time to interview her as long as she wished and at any time day or night. Whatever fit her schedule. I think he's being very evn handed about it.

tommyesq said...

Oamek observes without evidence that Harris has a busy schedule. FIFY

hawkeyedjb said...

pacwest said...
"She's well aware that if she is elected she will not be required to take on Presidential duties and decisions."

Bingo! Kamala will be the Queen, reading someone else's throne speech. Then she will get out of the way and let the veiled government do what it wants. That's the job she's running for.

Martin said...

She doesn't have 3 hours of continuous evasive answers memorized. She would go into round and round word salad.

James K said...

The New Republic was a reputable, moderately liberal publication back when Peretz was running it. Now it's just another left-wing rag.

loudogblog said...

Going on Joe Rogan's show provides a priceless opportunity for a good candidate to shine and gain in popularity. (Although there are no guarantees that they will succeed. They could still slip up and implode.) A bad candidate, on the other hand, runs the risk of looking bad, really bad. It's like going out on a tightrope without a net. Just how confident are you that you can pull it off? Voters love confidence and hate cowardice.

Wa St Blogger said...

Just in keeping with the day's theme. Kamala is both brilliant and vacuous, but we can't know until we open the box. Unfortunately, Joe Rogan wanted to open the box but her handlers' wouldn't let him. We will only know the answer after the election.

loudogblog said...

Yet another totally "objective" fact checker.

Original Mike said...

"Kamala is both brilliant and vacuous, but we can't know until we open the box."

Schrödinger's President.

ObeliskToucher said...

I suspect the Harris campaign was hoping to pull the same power-move on Rogan as they did Bret Baier in the Fox interview - show up late, filibuster, and complain about his "rudeness" if he attempted to invoke cloture and have her actually respond to the question he posed.

No Name said...

Funny, Kamala is one of the lesser busy people, can do only one campaign event a day, needs two weeks to prep for debate, wants teleprompter behind her supplicant.

No Name said...

Rogan format doesn't allow for prior-scripted questions and post-interview rewrite-edit format provided by 60 Minutes. Can you imagine that MSM media nightmares if she actually were president? Same zero-expectation performance as senile Biden.

wendybar said...

Maybe that's why she ignored the border.....She thought the border should come to her.

Craig Mc said...

Entirely consistent with Democrats' established strategy of concealing their candidate from scrutiny. See 2020 election.

Yancey Ward said...

More like Schrödinger's Turd.

Lazarus said...

Paige Oamek is a writer and fact-checker based in New York and the social media intern for The New Republic. Their writing appears in The Nation, In These Times and elsewhere.

I can't wait for AI to replace all these posers.

Maybe it already has.

Like every Brooklyn intern and fact checker, AI doesn't have binary gender.

Lazarus said...

If Harris doesn't care about reaching Rogan's listeners, why does Oamek complain about Rogan not letting her on the show.

Randomizer said...

For once, I really want to read Inga's take.

Harris tried the power move of having Rogan come to her for a short talk on her turf. If he agreed, she would have the option to start late, leave early and have a few interruptions. Rogan remains transparent and gracious.

Harris needs Rogan's core audience. If Harris doesn't do 3 hours with Rogan, it's because she can't or the risks are too great.

I'm really curious how Inga would explain this away.

Rusty said...

Yeah. Figured you for a shitbag.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Joe wants to bring Kamala home and cook her dinner, Kamala only wants to go out for drinks. If he wanted the date, he would go.

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