October 10, 2024

"The Harris post-debate starburst dims to a glow as Harris enters the last weeks slipping slightly in the Rust Belt."

Said Quinnipiac University polling analyst Tim Malloy, quoted in "Swing State Poll 2024: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin: Blue Wall Shows Cracks As Race Tightens, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; U.S. Senate Races: Michigan Moves To Toss-Up, Dems Lead In PA & WI" (Quinnipiac University Poll).

I didn't even know she'd had a starburst... and I look at the polls (listed at Real Clear Politics) multiple times a day.

Starburst... glow... there's puffery even while talking about dimming.


planetgeo said...

Leftists work very hard at seizing and keeping control of language. It's "wordfare" all the time.

Kate said...

Harris is a small square of colorful candy that briefly delights before it ends up stuck in your molars for the rest of the day.

doctrev said...

Translation: the race is outside stealing distance and the oligarchs are gaming out how to curry favor with President Trump.

Kamala Harris has interview after interview with slobberingly loyal sources, but it's not helping her. It reminds me of interviews with villainous tyrants in dystopia fiction: but they're usually smarter than Harris.

RideSpaceMountain said...

This is the final stretch for the Harris/Walz - "The Hawk Tuah" 2024. The only polls they're interested in are the polls they can get people tuah so they can vote on that thang.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

I didn't even know she'd had a starburst..

Bigger question was it lemon flavored or cherry flavored?

Michael K said...

Don't get cocky but maybe the limits of vote fraud are close.

Original Mike said...

"and I look at the polls (listed at Real Clear Politics) multiple times a day."

I'm the opposite. I actively avoid the polls. They've been wrong every single election going back so far I can't even remember.

Rocco said...

“doctrev said…
It reminds me of interviews with villainous tyrants in dystopia fiction: but they're usually smarter than Harris.

No, Mr [strike] Bond [/strike] Trump, I expect you to die!

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Don't get cocky"

She'll have to slobber a lot more knobs if she wants to put some additional knee-padding in those margins.

Iman said...

I have a fervent desire AND aspirations to put this woman in the rearview mirror.

The Elder said...

A glow? I would describe it as a glimmer.

Iman said...

Two weeks old cotton candy.

rehajm said...

The pollsters really are in a tough position. They have the impossible task of reaching an accurate representation of modern American voters then they have to mix that turd bowl of data into something the left wants voters to eat…

rehajm said...

Yah- they do know some of us were alive when Kamala tried to run on her own, don’t they?

Shouting Thomas said...

If you think Harris’ debate, interview and impromptu speaking performances are being reported to DNC voters as disasters, you’re not reading or listening to their media. Every one of her performances is being trumpeted as a stunning victory. “She hit it out of the park!” Especially on X.

Original Mike said...

Interesting. I may watch some tonight (if I can stand it).

Iman said...
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Jersey Fled said...

Can’t say that I agree. Even CNN seems to be panning some of her performances lately.

Michael said...
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Shouting Thomas said...

@Jersey Fled. Online sources, especially X, are so flooded with DNC bots that it’s hard to tell the reality of Harris’ support. Yes, CNN has moderated its partisanship slightly.

tim maguire said...

She had a bounce of a few points for a few days, but the air has been leaking out of this trial balloon ever since. At the moment, it is looking like a Trump landslide. Of course, that's this week. Who knows what will happen next week?

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

In other news, the House is now a tossup (roughly).


Michael said...

October is where rubber meets the road. Have been around long enough to where close races on October 1st turned into decisive victories in November: 1980, 88, 92, 08. Many others had an edge which widened in the last weeks 1984, 96, 12. The last of the undecideds make their choice and history shows they break largely for one candidate who winds up the winner.

Levi Starks said...
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Levi Starks said...

Dying ember

mccullough said...

Fools Gold

mccullough said...

Fools Gold

gilbar said...

Remember back in 2016? when Hilary! got SO DRUNK, that she couldn't give a concession speech until the next day?
ASSUMING (for the sake of argument..) that Trump (somehow) wins past the margin of fraud..
HOW DRUNK, will Kamela get?

Eva Marie said...
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Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

And to think, Democrats could have conducted a real primary and allowed their voters to select a possibly competent candidate instead of saddling them with a rejected retread. All to benefit a few selected party insiders.

tcrosse said...

They could have done that in 2020, but that would have lumbered them with Bernie or Pete or Amy or Liz.

Sally327 said...

I think these articles are all setting us up for a massive gut punch.

“Bad Genes” said...

Muhlenberg College just released a new poll of likely voters in Pennsylvania’s 7th Congressional District.

Presidential Race:
🔵 Harris 50%
🔴 Trump 47%

U.S. Senate Race:
🔵 Casey 51%
🔴 McCormick 45%

7th Congressional Race:
🔵 Wild 51%
🔴 Mackenzie 45%

You can find more info here:
7th Congressional District Survey - October 2024

PM said...

I'll be relieved but not looking fwd to Waaamala.
She's a clueless victim of Barack Jefferson Pelosi.

AMDG said...

That is in,one with prior results.

Kevin said...
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Yancey Ward said...

You can follow the trajectory of Kamalamadingbat's electoral fortunes by the increasing inanity and insanity of Bich's comments.

gspencer said...

Oh there is no more JOY in Kamala-ville,
Mighty HarrTim is striking out

Humperdink said...

Mrs. Dink was just polled by Quinnipiac. We are PA residents. Her answers were all Trump, all the time. The final question was “Do you identify as a he, she, they or some such drivel?” My lovely bride ripped her a new fanny for asking the question.

Yancey Ward said...

Her response was, at best, shit-canned by the pollster or, at worst, reported at a Harris supporter just for spite.

Rusty said...

"Starburst" like in fireworks? More like a sparkler. Maybe more like a damp sparkler.

gilbar said...

which is WHY, the Democrat Party is SOOO committed to "early voting"
The more you hear from a dem.. the less people like them.. This has ALWAYS been true.
So! get out the vote! get it out EARLY*!! before people have a chance to think!

get it out Early* then, once the polls close; compile a list of all the registered voters that haven't voted.. and fill out an mail-in ballot for EACH ONE.
Look at the states republicans win.. They are states that require requests for mail-in ballots

Ann Althouse said...

"Harris is a small square of colorful candy that briefly delights before it ends up stuck in your molars for the rest of the day."

Yeah, I thought of those awful candies.

Also thought of those damned wall decorations... those clocks... like this: https://amzn.to/3zJBRc7 (commission earned if you buy one of those crazy things that used to be all over the place in the 1960s).

gilbar said...

for FUN! imagine a country where Tulsi Gabbard ran in 2016..
Seriously, we'd have ALL gotten lei'd !

gilbar said...

squib is the word you're looking for

Aggie said...

Thanks for that !

Hassayamper said...

This information is practically useless to anyone who is not "inside baseball" unless it it is illustrated with some background information such as the party registration numbers and prior voting history of this district.

If it's 60-40 Dem and has been voting for Dems since it was created, this looks pretty poor for Kamala. If it's 50-50, or even worse, majority Republican, then Trump is in trouble.

About the only noteworthy thing I can ascertain is that Trump is running marginally ahead of the other R's, for what it's worth.

Sydney said...

I was at a restaurant a few days ago where the man at the next table was talking loudly about his experience as a phone canvasser for the Democrats. He was telling his companion that almost everyone he connected with on the phone told him in colorful terms that they would never vote for Harris. After every story he would exclaim, "And these are Democrats!" The mainstream media is really working hard to make her look good.

Keith said...

“Bad Genes”
Muhlenberg College just released a new poll of likely voters in Pennsylvania’s 7th Congressional District.

Presidential Race:
🔵 Harris 50%
🔴 Trump 47%

U.S. Senate Race:
🔵 Casey 51%
🔴 McCormick 45%

7th Congressional Race:
🔵 Wild 51%
🔴 Mackenzie 45%

You can find more info here:
7th Congressional District Survey - October 2024

The 7th is a democrat district. It had a lifer Republican representative that resigned and was replaced with a Democrat since including some of Philadelphia in its district. It reliably and meaningfully votes Democrat though not overwhelmingly.


tommyesq said...

It looks to have been about 51-52% dem since 2020, at least with respect to the congressional vote.