October 5, 2024

The desperation begins to show.

Why are the headline and subheadline nearly identical?

That's Politico, where they seem to have lost their mind. 
Democratic operatives, including some of Kamala Harris’ own staffers, are growing increasingly concerned about her relatively light campaign schedule, which has her holding fewer events than Donald Trump and avoiding unscripted interactions with voters and the press almost entirely....

Speaking of unscripted, today, everyone seems to be talking about her incredibly awkward inability to ad lib when her teleprompter malfunctioned yesterday: 

At 0:13, she looks as though she's having a vision of losing the election for this — this.


mccullough said...

This is the playbook for the third-string candidate. The Dems had a better chance with Sleepy Joe

Saint Croix said...

Marijuana Cookies vs Vanilla Ice Cream

Saint Croix said...

they seem to have lost their mind

I wonder where that expression came from?

Old Frankenstein movies?

Politico wants to be a worker bee and part of the hive mind but the queen is gone, baby, gone gone, where is our fucking queen? I don't know what to do! I don't know what to say!

Maybe while Kamala is on the Call Me Daddy blog she can sing this Violent Femmes song...

Gone Daddy Gone

Beautiful girl, lovely dress
High school smiles, oh yes
Beautiful girl, lovely dress
Where she is now I can only guess

'Cause it's gone, daddy, gone -- your love is gone
Yeah, it's gone, daddy, gone -- your love is gone
Yeah, it's gone, daddy, gone -- your love is gone
Yeah, it's gone, daddy, gone -- your love is gone away

When I see you, eyes will turn blue
When I see you, thousand eyes turnin' blue

'Cause it's gone, daddy, gone -- your love is gone
Yeah, it's gone, daddy, gone -- your love is gone
Yeah, it's gone, daddy, gone -- your love is gone
Yeah, it's gone, daddy, gone -- your love is gone away

Tell by the way that you switch and walk
I can see by the way that you baby-talk
I can know by the way you treat your man
I can love you, baby, 'til it's a-cryin...

'Cause it's gone, daddy, gone -- your love is gone
Yeah, it's gone, daddy, gone -- your love is gone
Yeah, it's gone, daddy, gone -- your love is gone
Yeah, it's gone, daddy, gone -- your love is gone away

Beautiful girl, lovely dress
Fifteen smiles, oh, yes
Beautiful girl, lovely dress
Where she is now, I can only guess 'cause it's...

John henry said...

She's tipsy

Not full on drunk but she obviously knocked back a few.


Wa St Blogger said...

That video has me convinced that no one cares WHO is sitting is a president,. Had this person bee running for dog catcher I would have voted against her simply based on her performance at the stage. No way this is leader of the free world caliber.

Achilles said...

I thought that the Democrats would have pulled her before now.

They had an opportunity to have an open convention.

They chose poorly.

And the really stupid people like Inga and Rich that supported this as if Kamala would somehow become someone other than the first democrat out in 2019 are just going to have to live with their shame. You should never have gone along with this and you are just really dumb.

Skeptical Voter said...

Hey vote her in. You just replace the figurehead on the door knocker. The real work will be done by those unseen and unelected. Same as it was when Joe was the figurehead. The fingers of the Obama cabal are all over this.

Wince said...

"Remember his number: 32!"

O.J. Simpson?

Sebastian said...

"avoiding unscripted interactions with voters and the press almost entirely" And why would that be? Smarter Dems explicitly recommended the strategy, knowing full well the liabilities of the candidate.

"her incredibly awkward inability to ad lib" But once in the White House, devising policy with staff, negotiating with Congress, dealing with foreign adversaries, she'll do fine, just fine.

Anyway, outside the political arena, would anyone hire Harris to run anything important? Of course, it doesn't matter: Dems prefer the figurehead, the better to push prog policy.

Saint Croix said...

Call Her Daddy

Freudian slipper

Eva Marie said...

It’s not too late to Bring Back Biden.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

How Dare we speak Merry Christmas... two patties special sauce on a sesame seed bun
Not found on SNL(D)

Original Mike said...

But WaPo told us Harris is everywhere:

Here's the headline at The Washington Post for you to read between the lines: "Harris is running a much bigger campaign than Trump. Will it matter? She spends three times as much, employs hundreds more staff and dominates the ad war. But the race is effectively tied."

Amadeus 48 said...

Politico (with apologies to The Shining):
All work and no play makes Kamala a dull person.
All work and no play makes Kamala a dull person.
All work and no play makes Kamala a dull person.
All work and no play makes Kamala a dull person…

Achilles said...

It really is shocking how badly the people running the Democrat party have messed this up.

Mr Wibble said...

They didn't choose anything; Biden did. His endorsement of Harris killed any chance of an open primary, which was likely the goal. The Dems likely wanted an open primary to put in a better candidate, but neither Biden nor Harris could stand that.

Michael K said...

I wonder if that audience was paid ?

Amadeus 48 said...

No reason to worry. Kamala has a much bigger staff and more money.

Yancey Ward said...

That video was hilarious.

mikee said...

The race this time is meaningless. The polls don't matter. The candidates don't matter. The primary factor determining the outcome of this election is, as it was in 2020, the mail in ballot harvesting operations of the Dems versus the Republicans in a few key precincts in a few key states. Georgia, Wisocnsin, Michigan, and most importantly Pennsylvania, will have their election outcomes determined by unauditable, unverifiable, but perfectly legal mail in ballots. Harris can only lose this election by stopping her party's hired operatives from sending and collecting those mail in ballots.

Still, she does look pretty bad in the posted video. Could be an entertaining disaster for 4 years of having her repeat this on the world stage, again and again and again.

JRoberts said...

Hillary would have far more competent in this situation - and that's what made her so scary as a candidate.

Iman said...

Wake up, Puppet Girl !

Iman said...

Elvis was everywhere too!

tcrosse said...

She is rendered speechless thinking of the January 6 insurrection when thousands of armed rebels stormed the capitol, causing hundreds of deaths and almost overthrowing not only the government but the order of the Universe. Oh, the humanity!

Disparity of Cult said...

Today is the first day of the rest of the day.

Dixcus said...

"Trump’s campaign, are betting that voters will see Vance's facial hair as a sign of Vance as the rugged everyman — 'a young Abraham Lincoln,' as Trump said earlier this month — rather than giving off undertones of an untrustworthy aggressor."

Politico published that sentence. Yes, they have lost their fuckign minds.

bleh said...

Underdog, huh? I guess with the teleprompter on the fritz Kamala accidentally let slip what their internals are saying.

Dixcus said...

Plus Dominion voting machines and lots of cardboard to cover up the windows to the counting rooms.

Zavier Onasses said...

I think Althouse had it right a couple of weeks ago. Harris' heart is not in this. She just does not want it badly enough.

My thoughts: Harris knows she is not up to the job, knows she is only there as a tool; has observed the incompetent Biden sustained and supported then cast aside like dog shit, fears the same in her future if she wins.

And well she might.

gspencer said...

"32, yep, 32 days. 30+2 or 22+10 or 35-3. It's all 32 days which will soon just be part of the passage of time. The significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there 32 days that have to pass until we experience the passing of this election. That's serious."

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

when the marionette strings take a cigarette break... the puppet doesn't know what to do/say.

Ice Nine said...

Actually, the first 7sec are the worst. WTF exactly is wrong with her - and her freakish face?

narciso said...

With water buffalo man leading the charge

J Severs said...

Obama: If you like your administration you can keep your administration.

wild chicken said...

Seems like only yesterday I read "where's Trump? He's given up!" on X or wherever

Tank said...

Harris and Walz are the least capable due running for a major party in our lifetimes. The idea that Althouse has not decided how to vote in this election is astonishing. How could she possible vote for this duo, or waste a chance to vote for the only viable alternatives.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

The media's commercial interests override their alleged journalistic interests. They want a close race, and as much spectacle as possible — viewers, clicks, engagement and ultimately oodles of campaign, PAC and issue group advertising. It’s nauseating for sure. And not at all *news*

phantommut said...

Painful. I couldn't watch beyond past second 18.

Kevin said...

Kamala is the poster child for, "Vote Blue -- No Matter Who!"

mezzrow said...

Jim Brown. If you're serious, it's got to be Jim Brown.

Friendo said...

What Tank said. Inconceivable that Althouse would vote for Harris/Walz

Iman said...


Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Trump has placed Cory Comperatore’s Fire Fighter uniform in the stands where Cory laid down his life protecting his family from the assassin bullets.

Imagine if a sniper took out a Kamala supporter. The Media would be screaming non-stop.

Old and slow said...

She says "This is going to be a very tight race until the very end". Yes indeed, it is at "the very end" that I expect the tide of votes will become a flood in her favor. It's not as if they have failed to give notice of their intentions.

rhhardin said...

What a waste it is to lose one’s mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is.

--Dan Quayle in a speech to the United Negro College Fund, May, 1989, slightly remembering the slogan "A mind is a terrible thing to waste" promoting black education.

Co-worker commented that a strong back is a terrible thing to waste.

john mosby said...

So many ways she could have recovered from this.

She coukd have just matter of factly said “My teleprompter’s out. You guys are so important to me that I dont want to leave out anything that I wanted to say to you, so let’s see if we can bring this thing back up.”

Also on the staff side, did no one give her a paper copy of her speech, either in her pocket, TR style, or on the lectern?

She could have had a nice George Washington moment putting on her reading glasses.

Surely her Senate career alone prepared her for things to go wrong in public speaking.


Tina Trent said...

I can't watch Walz speak without thinking of those Temptations pet food ads with the cats with giant cartoon eyes.

I can't think of anything weird enough to compare to Kamala, except more Kamala. Turtles all the way down.

Dixcus said...

You'd look like that too if you'd been passed around at Democrat Party freak offs.

Maynard said...

Democrats need to take a look at this video and honestly ask themselves what would happen with Kamala as POTUS in a national emergency.

My guess is that they know the Deep State would assert their authority as they have done for the entire Biden administration.

Their campaign slogan should be "Trust the bureaucrats because they will always be in charge".

Will Cate said...

"...unburdened by the 32 days which have been..."

Levi Starks said...

I did watch it to the end, and I’m wondering exactly how she’s able to say “we are the underdogs” she’s supported by literally 100% of the mainstream media, meanwhile Trump is vilified by the same.
Democracy indeed.

doctrev said...

I don't wonder at all if the audience is paid. Harris has to punt out normal people and bus in paid actors/supporters for all her events. Which only works if you're trying to paint an aura of universal popularity AND control all speech in America. Any normal politician, even David Hogg, could take an independent crowd as a fun challenge. But Kamala is a recovering alky tramp. She can't do it, and never could.

Caroline said...

I really feel sorry for the women who have hitched their wagons to her as some kind of historic figure. If Kamala is the first woman President of the United States, it will deal a fatal blow to female candidacies in the future. There will be a competency backlash.

Wa St Blogger said...

You all thinking the choice is Binary for Althouse need to think harder. There are third party candidates and no vote as well. It is more likely that she is clear on not voting for Harris, the question is sitting out, third party, and Trump. That is probably more like her undecided state. Pulling the lever for Trump may just be a bridge too far.

Maynard said...

Pulling the lever for Trump may just be a bridge too far.

That is what I thought in 2016.

I did not need to be red pilled. Reagan did that for me in 1984. I needed to be convinced that Trump really wanted to be POTUS.

I will be voting for him again, not just because the Dem candidate is a moron, but because he is the best of the bunch in both parties.

walter said...

How many attempts on her life?

wsw said...

Inauthentic doesn't quite cover it. To think she might be the President. Harris-Walz is easily the worst ticket ever.

narciso said...

look at those diatribes against the knights of columbus and Kavanaugh, and ICE, and get back to me,

jae said...

Biden made the endorsement as a final FU to the party for forcing him out. He was always a mean, petty and vindictive little excuse for a human being.

minnesota farm guy said...

I keep telling my friends that Harris is dumb as a post. I obviously have been insulting the post.

jae said...

Interesting take.

Clyde said...

She's a marionette for the puppeteers. If nobody was pulling her strings, she'd collapse into a heap. The teleprompter mishap was a perfect example.

Drago said...

Kamala-la-la-la-la is smarter than every single Althouse blog lefty/LLR-democratical lefty moron / DeSantis-or-bust accounts who now shill for Harris (thougj this is a small group)

Let that sink in.

Clyde said...

She's running through airports.

Clyde said...

The dogs won't eat the dog food, no matter what the ad men try.

Clyde said...

We won't have electricity to watch her failures.

Clyde said...

Facial hair is masculine. Lots of (sane) women like that sort of thing.

minnesota farm guy said...

Harris is in no way qualified to be President and Tim sure as hell is unqualified for any post. If Harris is elected we are, in the immortal words, of GHW Bush in "deep do-do".

cfs said...

I saw a "rally" photo from an event Kamala is speaking at today. It appeared there were about 50 people in the audience and 50 staff and media members.

Meanwhile, Trump is back in Butler, PA with about 60,000 attendees. I believe Elon Musk is speaking there today as well. The line to get into Trump's rally was backed up as far as the camera eye could see.

Dr Weevil said...

Wait, is that why it's called the Washington Post?!? Nothing to do with the post office or any other meaning of the word 'post', it's the Washington (Dumb As a) Post? That would make a lot of sense!

PM said...

Look up "ninny".
That's her picture.

cfs said...

Politico is all excited at the thought that Trump voters in NC/TN/SC/GA will not be able to vote next month. Their comment included the statement that Trump voters were not intelligent enough (as smart as Democrats) to get the polls in spite of the Helene destruction.

Leland said...

Not really. Democrat state officials complained about the 2016 Hillary campaign not going to their state. Hillary didn't even visit Wisconsin once.

Iman said...

I loves it when she calls me Big Poppa!

cfs said...

I noticed that when Joe spoke that Jill wasn't at his elbow. She must be royally ticked to have let him off the child-leash to say anything he wished the way she did.

Narayanan said...

[dog] comes, sniffs your crotch > isitunderdog?

KJE said...
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KJE said...
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KJE said...
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KJE said...

I am unburdened by their desperation as I grew up in a middle class home and actually did work during high school and the first years of college at a McDonald’s.

I would like to know exactly what the administration is doing for the storm victims though, because it seems that they’ve been spending a lot of money in wars we don’t belong in and moving people that came to our county in violation of immigration policy inland.

This is intolerable acts stuff.

JES said...

Dems are Dems and they will vote for her. All the so called intellectuals in my neigborhood, the colllege professors and lawyers, all have Harris signs in their yards. I thought they were smarter than that.

narciso said...

the fact that their homes, their belongings have been destroyed doesn't concern axelrod, son of Communists btw,

FullMoon said...

Kamala would make a good talk show host. Not on substance, but on her enthusiasm and constant happiness. Honestly, when she is keeping a straight face or trying to be serious, it seems like a strain and an uncomfortable act.
Always wonder if,as a prosecutor, she actually did any real trials, or was simply involved in plea bargains. Any administrator can seem competent with qualified subordinates

Rosalyn C. said...

I agree. Chasing the fantasy of becoming president is one thing, that can motivate a political career. The dream required having good looks, a strong ego and a lot of family emotional support; but doing the actual job requires a much greater skill set and mental fortitude she knows she doesn't possess.

That's why she's avoided the press, imo. She was never the underdog, she's the VP of the US. She could have had wall to wall press conferences to discuss her vision for the country, if she had a vision.

Big Mike said...

Robert Reich on X:

If Trump is reelected, Justice Alito may retire. Justice Thomas too.

Trump would then be the first president in more than 50 years to appoint a
majority of the Supreme Court.

I never thought I’d see the day when Reich would come up with a big reason to vote for Donald Trump, but there it is.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Harris is the Michael Scott of politics. Cringe worthy every time.

narciso said...

there is no evidence to this,

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Hillary Clinton goes full Soviet.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

It's this simple, really.

Wince said...

Althouse asks…
Why are the headline and subheadline nearly identical?

Well, like Kamala when she repeated “32 days” over and over again, maybe Politico’s teleprompter malfunctioned?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

New BOMBSHELL allegations from FEMA whistleblowers help explain why the federal government's response to Hurricane Helene has been so horrendous.

Do you ever wonder who is writing Kamala's teleprompter?

John henry said...

What I really liked was the other day when she needed to defend walx as not being g a horrible choice. She needed to explain how he really is much better than he seemed in the debate.

Instead, she admitted her horrible judgemet and blamed it on being drunk on cooking wine. "Marinating a roast" she euphemistically called it.

John Henry


Mason G said...

"Their comment included the statement that Trump voters were not intelligent enough (as smart as Democrats) to get the polls in spite of the Helene destruction."

Don't Democrats regularly claim their voters are too stupid to be able to figure out how to get an ID to vote?

Static Ping said...

Kamala wants to be President in the same way that a 7-year-old wants to be President. It would be really cool to hold the highest job in the land, but the work and stress that it requires to win the job and then the work and stress that is required to do the job properly are massive. Kamala is lazy and, for that matter, not all that bright.

If the mainstream media was not overtly supporting her campaign, the Dems would be looking to push her out as well.

Mason G said...

"Trump would then be the first president in more than 50 years to appoint a
majority of the Supreme Court."

As the saying goes, you don't have to sell me- I'm already voting for the guy.

Goldenpause said...

It’s a miracle that this woman can even read a teleprompter.

rehajm said...

I wondered how long before Clooney takes out the full page ad to bring Joe back..

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The Dems were rightly worried that large numbers of Dem voters would refuse to vote at all if Joe was at the top of the ticket.

I think they were right to dump Joe. But I think I was right when I pointed out before they did it that they didn't have any good options with which to replace Joe, so they were still going to lose

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Wibble and jam are right. But it doesn't matter, because they couldn't have dumped "black female" Harris even if Joe didn't shiv them with the Harris endorsement.

When they chose last year not to have a Primary, they sealed their doom. They bet everything on "we'll be able to hide Joe's dementia."

Once they lost that, they were out of luck

Sprezzatura said...

After reading this post, I just looked at NYT. Summarizing: Economy is doing okay; Hamas and Mid E is doing not okay, Kamala has issues w/ her dad, then a bunch of jabber about both candidates re doing day to day stuff.

So how about WaPo?: Rs ditch banning abortion; the minority lady is running a much bigger operation than the orange man, but does that matter; the orange man wants us to remember that he had to put a bandaid on his ear.

That doesn't seem super panicky. But, I would expect the lame stream media to start the big amp-up. People are starting to early vote so now is the time to start the pressure time. But, it's important to build the pressure. Seems like NYT and WaPo are at the beginning of the ramp up. As makes sense.


Sprezzatura said...

BTW, this is a great Althouse post.

When she get into the brains of other people and tell us what they're up to, she is awesome.

Her work here sussing out the thirteen second mark is some of her best blogging. But when she was reading the hidden message of an HRC ad that was spreading the N-word, that was peak Althouse.

She's so cool. And hilarious.


Inga said...

It’s not astonishing at all, she voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. She didnt vote at all in 2020. She’s full of surprises.

Marcus Bressler said...

Perhaps the Dems wanted Harris to take the big landslide loss to clear the field for others in 2028. Anyone else who wanted to run now would have had logistical and fundraising problems IMHO. Either Trump wins in a landslide or Harris cheats and wins

The Godfather said...

I really wonder (this is a serious concern, not a political gotcha!) who is actually running the US Government. Obviously it's not Biden, except in the sense that the person/people really running things go through the formality of "consulting" The President. It's not Harris, who seems to have no specific knowledge of what the Government is doing, and does all she can to distance herself for the tough decisions "her" government is making.

But the big question -- sorry BIG QUESTION -- is, who will run the Government if Trump becomes President? My impression is that in his First Term Trump was not fully in charge of the Government of which he was President. Sure, even under those constraints he did a better job than Obama or Biden, but we really need more than that NOW.

IS TRUMP READY? I hope so, because he's the only game in town.

Paul said...

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity. - Yeats

And that fits the description of Kamala's campaign to a 'T'.

Sprezzatura said...

"IS TRUMP READY? I hope so, because he's the only game in town."

I caught a bit of the jabber after the debate where the kid demolished the old geezer that lied about being in China. But none of that jabber seemed to focus on the big red flag that was my biggest takeaway from that debate. WTF!?, Wharton says DJT will increase the deficit over the current insane spending that is in law by $5.8 trillion over ten years ($4.1 trillion if you use dynamic scoring).

And the minority woman will only add a fraction of that: $1.2 trillion (but $2.0 trillion with dynamic scoring.)

How is the only game in town a dude that wants to massively accelerate the economic destruction of the US?

Sheesh, it seems that a lot of you DJT supporters have very broken brains. You probably think you know more about economics than Wharton.


Sprezzatura said...

Can you clarify re the minority woman v DJT: which one is the best that lacks conviction, and which is the worst that is full of intensity?

mikee said...

Hillary Clinton, who will never be President of the United States, will never be President of the United States ( how good those words make me feel ) in large part because even though she was able to speak well in public, her disdain of the country and its people always came through, leaving it clear she was in politics solely for herself.

mikee said...

If Trump somehow wins, overcoming mail ballot harvesting by the Dems, I suggest he start offering a simple T-Shirt online, with the word "UNBURDENED" printed in big letters front and back.

walter said...

"Now, stop and think of this. It’s a party. It’s a party! You have to assume that the adult beverages are flowing. I don’t know about the president, and don’t misunderstand, I’m not suggesting anything here, but it’s a party. It’s a St. Patrick’s Day — Shamrock Day — party. You gotta assume this. So here comes the Irish guy, goes up to make a speech after Obama, and the teleprompter plays a little game on everybody, doesn’t switch the speeches. So the Irish guy gives the same speech for 20 seconds that Obama gave, and suddenly realizes, ‘Wait a minute. I just heard this.’

So he turns to Obama and says, ‘That’s your speech.’ Obama says, ‘Huh, duh, ha, ha,’ comes back to the podium. While Obama is on the way to the podium, the teleprompter (very craftily, very shiftily) put in the right text for the Irish guy, and Obama starts reading that, and he continues to read it until he thanks himself. Because the Irish guy’s message in the prompter was, ‘I want to thank President Obama…’ So Obama thanked himself! At some point, do you not realize that? Don’t you just stop, before you get to the point where you thank yourself? And of course the British papers talk about, ‘What is this guy’s dependency on the teleprompter here?’

Kirk Parker said...

Maynard @ 1:33 PM,

"Democrats need to ... ask themselves what would happen with Kamala as POTUS in a national emergency."

Kurt Schlichter already has his fictionalized take on this question.

RMc said...

Dear God in heaven, we cannot allow this cackling idiot to become president. We can't.

Folks, vote for the felon...it's that important.

Sprezzatura said...

How about a shirt that says: "Trump 2024 Fuck Your Feelings"? When I drive around Quilcene WA (a rural place where I sometimes live) I see a house (/shack) that is displaying this flag.

Maybe you, like these folks with the Fuck Your Feelings flag would like to buy a Fuck Your Feelings shirt to show you support Trump. Or you may just want an UNBURDENED shirt, not a Fuck Your Feelings shirt.

BTW, there's a condo near the University Village that is near the University of Washington in Seattle (another place I live) that has a sign that says Fuck Trump and it also says (something like) "fuck you too if you support Trump." Presumably some folks would want a shirt like that.

I only buy political stuff ironically. And I hide that stuff cause folks may not get the joke. I few days ago I got my white MAGA hat. BTW, the hat has 2024 stitched on the right side (while it's worn), and the flag on the left side. Is it just me or is that messed up. It seems like on a stage the American flag goes to the right of the person on the stage as they look out at the audience. Shouldn't the flag be on the right side of my hat? IDK.

FTR, I also have a red MAGA hat ornament from 2016, it does not have a flag on the side. But it does have 24k gold trim. And it does fit on my Hillary For Prison bobble head.

Anywho, it may not be clear, but I (like a ton of his staff that has worked w/ him in government such that they know him way better than any of us ever will) think DJT should not be POTUS again. But for the LOL I have twice bought merch from him.

Limited blogger said...

Dems can't ad-lib because they may mistakenly say something truthful.

Sprezzatura said...

If we assume that, to maximize patriotic symbolism to America, the flag should be on the right side of the hat when it's worn, is it possible that the DJT staff is so full of idiots that when they were ordering the production of this hat they were looking at onscreen images such that they looked at the rendering on a screen in front of them and the flag was on their right side as they sat in a chair in front of a monitor?

Or maybe putting it on the right side of the hat introduced the question of displaying the image backwards, as if it's being blown in the the wind while moving forward,

Who knows maybe this hat of mine is a total screw up, and very few have ever been made. I have the Inverted Jenny of MAGA!!

I'll sell it for a thousand dollars. Any takers?

walter said...

And pipe bombs too frightening to speak of.

Mason G said...

"How about a shirt that says: "Trump 2024 Fuck Your Feelings"?"

Perhaps, after Obama's "bitter clingers" and Hillary's "deplorables", some people on the right are not in a mood to be charitable?

Do you suppose that's possible?

Sprezzatura said...

Regarding the idiot scale, do you put yourself above or below the woman minority?

Likewise on the quality of laugh scale, how much better or worse are you when compared to the woman minority that is running for POTUS?

Mason G said...

In what way is calling people "bitter clingers" and "deplorables" *not* saying "Fuck Your Feelings"?

Sprezzatura said...

Mason G, DJT says a ton more about bitter clingers than BHO ever did. Do you know what BHO actually said? HIs statement was so precise as to pretty much refer to nobody. But if it did catch a couple people the observation of BHO was the handbook that DJT used/uses to stoke his followers.

"You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them," Obama said. "And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns OR religion OR antipathy to people who aren't like them OR anti-immigrant sentiment OR anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

This is literally the core of DJT's campaign. So if you hated BHO for noticing this, you must think DJT is satan for using this to trick these people so he can add $5.8 trillion to the debt (according to Wharton) so rich people can get richer while this folks clinging to anti-trade sentiment get screwed, again.

Michael K said...

The millions of illegal aliens don't care. They are all registered to vote. 700,000 in Arizona.

Gospace said...

Well, if she had a concert headliner like she has had for her other big crowds- she'd have a big crowd!

Sprezzatura said...

BTW, I just looked at the label in my white MAGA hat with the flag on the wrong side. It was made by Cali-Frame Headwear. Looking online it looks like they may be base in LA.

Is it possible that the lame stream deep state libruls of LA have sabotaged DJT and my MAGA hat?

Just Sayin.

Iman said...

In what way is calling people "bitter clingers" and "deplorables" *not* saying "Fuck Your Feelings"?

The “bitter clingers” and “Deplorables” are just Douchebagian words they believe will still convey what they really want to say about people that hold different principles and beliefs.

Mason G said...

"HIs statement was so precise as to pretty much refer to nobody."

That's what you believe? So then- why would he make a comment that didn't refer to anybody?

Michael K said...

Even my leftist FBI daughter told me in 2016 that she would not vote for Hillary. She wouldn't vote for Trump but she is smart enough to see through Hillary.

Christopher B said...

Just as a reminder, That statement from Obama was made at a California fundraiser prior to the April 2008 DEMOCRAT PRIMARY in Pennsylvania about how his ability to attract support from Midwest DEMOCRATS.

And, as noted in the linked article, it drew waves of criticism from both Democrat and Republican politicians.

Iman said...

“She’s full of surprises.” Yes, she is!

And it’s a wonderful thing. Much preferable to being “full of shit”, like you.

Eva Marie said...

I like the unburdened t shirt.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

Your comment is so spot on!

Michael K said...

Those big crowds cost real money if you are Kamala.

boatbuilder said...

In a world in which both the right to vote and "fairness" (both alleged priorities of Democrats) were in fact paramount, the Democrat party, the media (but I repeat myself), and Congress would do the necessary to make sure that any voters who couldn't get to the polls or submit a qualifying early/absentee/mail in vote due to the hurricane would be able to do so.
Perhaps by means so radical as allowing Internet access provided by Elon Musk to facilitate voting.
The fact that there hasn't even been a WAPO/NYT editorial suggesting such a thing, or even lamely condemning Axelrod for letting slip what the Dems are thinking about this, tells us exactly how they feel about their precious "Democracy."

Michael K said...

She didn't. Her contribution was to demand her staff stand and say "Good morning General."

Iman said...

“I can't watch Walz speak without thinking of those Temptations pet food ads with the cats with giant cartoon eyes.”

Temptations? That fat tub of goo makes me think of the Temptations “Ball of Confusion”…

People moving out, people losing jobs
Why, because of the Biden-Harris knobs
Run, run, run and you sure can lie
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Vote for me and I'll give it free
Rap on, Timmy, rap on

Well, the only people talkin’ about lovin’ this nation are the Trump-Vance
And it seems nobody's interested in Timmy, he’s a dumb schvantz

Segregation, determination, demonstration, integration
Aggravation, humiliation, obligation to our nation
Tub of confusion
Oh yeah, that's what Tim Walz is today
hey, hey

Michael K said...

Sprezz thinks Trump will increase the debt. Probably true at first as he has been left with disasters by the current regime. He will have a tough battle with the bureaucracy but should be better prepared. What we need is the guy in Argentina.

boatbuilder said...

Wharton says DJT will increase the deficit over the current insane spending that is in law by $5.8 trillion over ten years ($4.1 trillion if you use dynamic scoring).

And the minority woman will only add a fraction of that: $1.2 trillion (but $2.0 trillion with dynamic scoring.)

Sprez--do you buy that?

Trump is not a budget-cutter. Nobody thinks he is.
Do you really believe that Kamala Harris is? Or will in any sense seek to control spending?
Also who the hell is "Wharton?" Trump is A Wharton grad. Does he count? Or just whoever wrote whatever it is that you purport to claim represents "Wharton?"
Also nobody gives a shit about your hat. Get over yourself.

Maynard said...

Does anyone ever wonder why Nurse Ratched only shows up in late pm threads? Maybe she is nursing a hangover from drinking with her cats the night before.

Big Mike said...

Point of information: Harris only served part of one term in the Senate.

Achilles said...

I wonder if Sprezz is actually stupid enough to buy the garbage the regime is putting in front of him.

Dave Begley said...

Michael K: Is that true? 700k illegals registered in AZ.

RMc said...

Speak English, please.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

There are so many smart, articulate and talented people in our country. How is it possible this lightweight is even under consideration for President of the United States.

Original Mike said...

Identity politics. It's why Biden picked her and thus why we're in this position.

Rusty said...

Sprezz. I'll make you a bet. Within the first 100 days he's going to ask each federal agency to do an audit of its expendatures and personel.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

Trump is everywhere. Anxious Dems wonder why Harris isn't.

Perhaps because the more people see of her the less likely they are to vote for her

Skeptical Voter said...

Why can't you see Kamala on the campaign trail? I've got a theory. Kamala now says she comes from Oakland. And that may well be the case. There are hospitals in Berkeley where babies can be delivered. But her parents were either grad students or young faculty members at Berkeley. As such they probably had Kaiser Health insurance and the nearest Kaiser hospital is in Oakland. So Kamala is an Oakland girl, and as Gertrude Stein famously said about Oakland, "There is no there there." That explains Kamala's lack of substance.