October 24, 2024

Sunrise — 7:27, 7:39, 7:39.




The last photo — of me, me and the trees — is by Meade.


wendybar said...

How beautiful. Love them all, but the second picture is breathtaking!!

Quaestor said...

How did black and orange (or yellow) become associated with Halloween? I used to think "harvest moon", but that's not likely. Any appearance of the moon low on the horizon will appear orange or yellowish because of atmospheric refraction of the shorter wavelength components of moonlight (or sunlight, for that matter) regardless of the season. I'd welcome information, even opinions.

Frankly, Halloweens has become tiresome. Too many people, alleged adults primarily, dress and behave as if every day is October 31st. I've grown disgusted by it. Perhaps the dawning Age of Trump will encourage a more sober and reflective public demeanor, together with some too-long delayed growing up among those who buy all the hair dye.

Quaestor said...

Right now, a barred owl is calling. Now that's the Halloween that was fun.

FormerLawClerk said...

So the big Thursday October Surprise story is some model nobody heard of accusing Trump of groping her in front of Jeffrey Epstein. This reminds me that:

1) This model waited 9 years from when Donald Trump announced his candidacy until just 2 weeks before the election to come forward.

2) Christine Blasey Ford got $1 million in GoFundMe cash for accusing Brett Kavanaugh of rape without providing a single shred of evidence of when it occurred, including the year.

3) The Biden FBI/DOJ hasn't brought a single billionaire pedophile to justice for raping children on Epstein Island, despite the fact that they have voluminous videotapes of very famous people raping children there and in his various homes.

4) Jeffrey Epstein didn't have a painting of Donald Trump wearing Monica's blue dress in his Manhattan rape house. He had a painting of Bill Clinton wearing it.

Lucien said...

If you call yourself an expert in lies and falsehoods, everyone will see that you don’t know anything more than they do, but if you’re a “misinformation and disinformation” expert, that’s got real cachet.

dreams said...

Are the Democrats and the liberal media trying to get Trump killed?

Mason G said...

One plus to the "hair dye" (colors that are not natural, that is) is that it helps when the loons self-identify. Kind of like wearing a mask in the park.

tcrosse said...

Thou shall not kill, but need not strive officiously to keep alive.

Original Mike said...

"Are the Democrats and the liberal media trying to get Trump killed?"

Yes. RFK Jr. says Harris speech on Trump ‘inspires assassins’

chuck said...

Not refraction, Rayleigh scattering. As the light wavelength gets closer to the molecular dimension, the scattering increases. Hence, blue light scatters more strongly than red light. The sky overhead looks blue because that is scattered light, the setting/rising sun looks red because the blue light has been scattered out.

Hassayamper said...

Orange: Pumpkins of course. Fires on the hearth as the cold winter approaches.

Black: Black-clad witches and their familiars (bats, black dogs and cats, etc.) Creepy shadows cast by bare black trees after the leaves fall. Black wolves and bears prowling the woods, and even worse things like the bogeyman and wendigo and all the other evil orcs and imps and demons from the folklore of every culture.

Original Mike said...

"Not refraction, Rayleigh scattering."


FormerLawClerk said...

I think the Democrats and liberal media have been very disappointed that they haven't been able to get someone to do their dirty work and they're just going to murder Trump themselves. Probably during an interview with a media member.

Shoot him with their heart attack gun.

Leland said...

“Any appearance of the moon low on the horizon will appear orange or yellowish because of atmospheric refraction”

Yes and no. It is certainly atmospheric refraction, but the viewers angle of viewing the moon low on the horizon changes month by month because of the tilt of the earth to the moon’s orbit. The color changes with the amount of atmosphere (prism lens) you look through, which would be different during a solstice vs equinox.

FormerLawClerk said...

Bill Clinton is in Arizona, trying to get a date with Kari Lake, who he said was smoking hot while acknowledging to the crowd that Kamala Harris is losing the election.

Seems like they'd get this boozehound back on Epstein Island where he can rape underage girls instead of blowing the election for them.


Narr said...

Fall here has been a warm, dry season of 'meh.' Perhaps it will improve.

The owls are back, so we have that going for us.

lonejustice said...

I live in east central Iowa, and the trees are in full autumn color right now. Absolutely stunning. I used to think that I had to drive to some other part of the Upper Midwest to the see the best colors, but now I realize they are right in my own back yard.

rhhardin said...

The frequency of Richard Epstein's Libertarian and Law Talk podcasts has fallen way off, owing to so little law being followed that an expert on the rule of law has nothing to analyse. It's all crap.

Josephbleau said...

In the American West you get scale, a sense of overpowering inhuman magnitude. In the East you get texture and nuance. Going back and forth, what I miss most of the East is the smell, Fall in the Rockies is hard, nothing compared to the musty hickory laden forests of the great lakes.

narciso said...

Like the great vistas of costners passion project i think it suffered as much from the dark venues rather than the brightness of his book end dances with wolves plus an overly long plot

320Busdriver said...

Pack the court
Eliminate the filibuster
Institute price controls
Trumps a fascist

Tough decision?

Josephbleau said...

"Fall here has been a warm, dry season of 'meh.' Perhaps it will improve."

There is much to love about Tennessee, I'll admit, less to love in the delta.

FormerLawClerk said...

White Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ... who has been photographed literally in blackface ... has decided to shut down brown people coming into Canada because he is a massive racist.


FormerLawClerk said...

I don't get why Democrats feel the need to pack the court. Joe Biden BRAGS that he doesn't follow their rulings anyway. Nobody is shooting at him.

Narr said...

"There is much to love about Tennessee . . . ."

I like it.

Jaq said...

So MP's in Trudeau's party are calling for him to resign, and he announces a "pause" in immigration for "the economy to catch up."

Who would have thunk that he could just turn off the flow like that, when the border is over a thousand miles of an imaginary line. Who would have thought that the immigrants he invited in would not be trained doctors, nurses, etc, but yet would still need medical care, stretching out the wait for doctors even further.

You know where else there is starting to be a long wait for doctors? In a country just south of Canada where millions of migrants have been invited in by Harris and Biden, and yet, they don't seem to be trained doctors coming across the border, so the doctors we have to be spread more thinly...

It's not like this could have been a problem on an eighth grade algebra test, one that most of the class would successfully solve... Oh no.

Josephbleau said...

Politics teaches you to badger other people until they shut up. You announce pauses in your dearly loved policies only when you hear the timbers screeching.

Every political career ends in failure, once the results of your actions come in.

Except in rare instances, where the poll is right but political descendants f*** it up later.

rehajm said...

I’m not close enough anymore but it seems the much of the current executive cabal is the reason the Clintons were pushed aside. What loyalties, at this point, do the Clintons owe them?

Gospace said...

Reading Prospect.org about Proposition 1 in NY. The writer seems to think only low information voters are against Proposition 1 because they don't know how great it is.

It's the other way around. The more you read it, the more you analyze what it says, the worse it sounds. It has zero, zilch, nothing to do with equal rights. It has everything to do with subdividing the population into competing interest groups.

Aggie said...

Has the model perfected her little-girl squeaky voice yet?

Iman said...

Beautiful colors of the season!

Narayanan said...

from CTH ...
In a way this step-by-step proactive approach is exactly why my efforts to intercept fraudulent ballot printing operations in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania were targeted to the Postmasters General in specific locales. It is unlawful to use the U.S.P.S. to conduct fraud through the postal system. Additionally, it is specifically illegal for a postmaster to be provided with direct evidence of mail fraud, and to knowingly – with intent, allow further unlawful activity therein.

Creola Soul said...

Again, thank you, and Meade, for the great fall colors. It really makes me miss Northern Virginia!

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

That second one soars.Maybe retirement gives people the time to deliberately cultivate the eye. We’ll see.

Jupiter said...

Remember Andrew Breitbart, saying, "Fuck you! War!"?
Yeah, and the DeepState (DS) took him at his word. They said, "This is war, and in war, you kill your enemies."
And then they heart-attacked him.
They are enemy.

Jupiter said...

I was thinking about the idea of a "familiar". According to the witch-hunters, witches had "familiars", typically cats, that were associated with the witches, and went about as their agents, doing their bidding, and bringing them reports.
What made me think about this, was the "phones" that some members of my household carry with them. They are, indeed, "familiars". When the phone calls, they answer.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

October 24, 2024 - 80th Anniversary of the Battle of the Sibuyan Sea and the sinking of IJN Yamato class battleship Musashi.

gadfly said...

WSJ reports that Elon Musk, the world’s richest man and a linchpin of U.S. space efforts, has regularly contacted Russian President Vladimir Putin since late 2022. At one point, Putin asked the billionaire to avoid activating his Starlink satellite internet service over Taiwan as a favor to Chinese leader Xi Jinping, said two people briefed on the request. Given Putin’s role as one of America’s chief adversaries, the contacts raise potential national security concerns. Musk could just as easily talked to VVP about putting Starlink satillites over Ukraine to monitor its military defenses.

Musk casually mentions his access to government secrets. “I do have a top-secret clearance . . .'

The fact that this authoritarian dipshit still has a security clearance is a classic example of the very rich being exempt from rules and norms that apply to anyone else. But we appear to be nearing the designation of Elmo the Musk as America's first Putin oligarch, especially considering the mysterious deaths of many Russian oligarchs over the past year.

wendybar said...

"What do you think the world will be like in a second term with President Trump?"

"I know what it will be like if we let her in. And that ain't good. Miserable track record, appalling track record. No policies to speak of. And she's got the IQ of a fence post."


Drago said...

Operation Mocking Bird captures another Soy Boy Cat Lady.......and less than 2 weeks before the election...

Gee, who didn't see that one coming?

I'm expecting at least 1 major moronic democratical October Surprise narrative to be launched once every other day from now until the election.

With the drunken and failed kamala-la-la-la-la who can't answer the most basic of questions without mental meltdowns along with Stolen Valor Walz, the first clearly "jazz handsy" type (if you know what I mean) that has been put on a major party ticket to supposedly draw in masculine men (yes, those idiots actually thought Walz could do that!) there is nothing else left for the New Soviet Democraticals/Deep Staters to do.

wendybar said...

Have they all gone delusional?? Is there something in the water, that makes you this thick??

Greg Price
Retired General Barry McCaffrey says that President Trump is a fascist because he "wants to eliminate the deep state" and deport illegal aliens.


wendybar said...

THESE are some of the "Enemy within" Trump was talking about.


Mr. Forward said...

"Harris turns to the Democratic Party's biggest stars to make her closing argument to voters" NBC
"How Should Kamala Close?" America Prospect
"Democrats’ Surprisingly Simple Closing Message Against Donald Trump" Huff Post
"Kamala Harris’s closing argument" The Economist
"Harris to deliver ‘closing argument’ at site of Trump’s Jan. 6 rally" Politico
"Progressives warn Harris must change her closing message as the election looms" AP
"Harris Needs a Closing Argument" NY Times

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Where did the owls go?

Jaq said...

Shorter gadfly: "Goldstien! Booo! Grrrr! Emmanuel Goldstein!"

Christopher B said...

Tuesday turned out to be the lull before the blogging storm.

Christopher B said...

She's perfected time travel since she claims to have been groped in 1993 while walking near the Wexler mansion that Epstein didn't buy until 1996.

Jaq said...

Who would have thunk that Trudeau was a not see?

Jaq said...

These are the people calling Trump a nazi.

Rusty said...

They migrate too, Gerda.

Rusty said...

Gadfy. Aren't there some kids you need to chase off your lawn?

planetgeo said...

Gadfly, regarding your continued sniping about Musk, I am reminded of Jonathan Swift's observation:

"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."

wendybar said...

Today on
show, she asked
why some in the Trump administration dislike him so much.
Especially people like Kelly.
Sean gave this example.

Re Afghanistan.
Trump had questions about it when he came into office.
The generals and the experts presented their papers and briefs

It wasn't enough for Trump.
He brought in a round table of enlisted soldiers and asked them questions about their deployments, what they needed, etc.

He listened more to the regular soldiers on the ground than the 'experts'

That is why they hate him.
4:26 PM · Oct 23, 2024

Aggie said...

I hadn't thought about that, until I considered the way you mentioned this latest claimed 'disproof'. I think it's a little premature, isn't it? The Wexlar mansion / townhouse existed in 1993, but it belonged to Leslie Wexlar then. So she simply got her facts mixed up, assuming that its ownership went to Epstein before that transfer actually happened.

It's not quite the 'gotcha' that critics are making it out to be, is it? Republicans are crowing that they've caught her in a 'lie' (which, overall, it likely is IMO), but all they've revealed is a simple factual error. It doesn't reverse her claim.

Narayanan said...

black and orange >> QueMala and Trump >>> ????!!!!

Narayanan said...

the IQ of a fence post...
some fence post are clever enough to coax turtle atop??!!

One Fine Day said...

Palisades Kepler is usually very good for fall color viewing and walking among the falling leaves.

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