October 18, 2024

Sunrise — 7:13. 7:20, 7:26, 7:32.





Note: The times in the post title are all correct, but Photo #4 was, unlike the rest, taken on the 16th. And, of course, Photo #3 shows not the sunrise, but the moonset.

Talk about anything you want in the comments.


hawkeyedjb said...

What a beautiful tree! Makes me long for the midwest... until I remember that winter approacheth.

traditionalguy said...

The more I watch JD do q&a at town halls the more he impresses me. He’s gone all the way around the learning curve in 3 months and is already ready for whatever comes his way.

Wa St Blogger said...

The more I watch JD do q&a at town halls the more he impresses me. He’s gone all the way around the learning curve in 3 months and is already ready for whatever comes his way.

The election is about two clear choices: Do you want someone who can competently steer the ship of state, or make it easier for you to kill your babies.

tcrosse said...

Dream ticket: Tulsi and JD. Maybe next time.

Mason G said...

If that isn't a ridiculous enough choice, a lot of the "kill your babies" voters aren't even capable of having babies.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I like that fourth one. You’ve got a painterly eye, Althouse. I don’t mean Jackson Pollock.

Narr said...

The season of mists and mellow fruitfulness has always been my favorite.

lonejustice said...

It any other Republican other than Trump was our nominee, they would be 10 percentage points ahead of Harris. It wouldn't even be close.

Lucien said...

When people complain about how Hillary and Kamala sound, it reminds me of how nice Tulsi’s voice is.

Gospace said...

In my wife's family- basically my family now, and among all our collective children, the women of child bearing age- and all those above it - are all anti-abortion.

I realize that is a select group. But they are all busy having babies. I'm up to 10 grandchildren.

Among my HS graduating class of 1973 from an upper middle class area (my family wasn't upper middle in terms of income...) I haven't yet found anyone else with 5 children. Seems the average is <2...

Gospace said...

Dream on lonejustice. I know a lot of people voting only because Trump is running. Ron DeSantis- who would have been my primary choice had it not already been decided by the time NY had it's primaries, couldn't gain traction among Republicans. If he had received the nomination- he would be characterized as the next Hitler. In fact, I thing he and the governor of Texas are currently sharing that label among Democrats leaders and the media- but I repeat myself..

Yancey Ward said...

So, Lonejustice- explain why no one beat Trump in the Republican primaries in 3 cycles.

rehajm said...

Lemania DD done today. Four to go…

Mason G said...

"It any other Republican other than Trump was our nominee, they would be 10 percentage points ahead of Harris."

Since most Republicans want Trump (see: recent presidential primaries) , just about all of that "10 percent" you mention would necessarily have to come from Harris supporters. You said "any other Republican", name seven.

Mason G said...

From Powerline...

"Do these ballots look secure to you?"


Jim at said...

It any other Republican other than Trump was our nominee, they would be 10 percentage points ahead of Harris. It wouldn't even be close.

See, this is why nobody takes you seriously. For one, you have no way of knowing that. None.

And two, if there's soooooo much support for anybody-but-Trump, why did he receive 13 million more votes the second time he ran. More than any Republican in history?

And just why did he cruise to the nomination instead of all the other people who'd be '10 points ahead?'

Ever think you're the one who's way off base?

Your Trump hate is making you stupid. But, you have plenty of company on this board. They're voting for Harris.

Inga said...

I remember Sarah Palin’s voice, skreeeeeek.

Ann Althouse said...

“ Makes me long for the midwest... until I remember that winter approacheth”

I love the winter! The entire cycle is beautiful and if you can feel that, you’ll be happy and strong.

Mason G said...

I don't so much love winter as love the cycle. I left Phoenix to come back to Idaho for that. In the desert, there were six months of summer and another two of "just about summer"- far too much. I'm happy to have three months for each season now.