October 26, 2024

Sunrise — 7:12.



Iman said...

Second to last coffin nail…


Dixcus said...

The problem with a 2nd Trump Presidency is that he's going to need a bunch of pipe-hittin' ni ... well, you all saw Pulp Fiction.

The Democrats ... they bringin' they assassins in, two by two. Already got a piece of him. They know this is a war and they bringin' it. Trump can win but that don't mean nothing, and they know it. Thousand ways they can sabotage him ... just like they whipsawed him in his first term. A new impeachment every two weeks. Democrats don't play.

I don't see Trump surrounding himself with those kinds of folks. Real street people. The kind of people who know how to curb stomp somebody who need it.

I see a bunch of white shoe country club types around him.

Gonna need some pipe-hitters, Donald. Start calling for resumes.

tcrosse said...

As a NY property developer, Trump had some experience dealing with some tough characters. It is an environment in which candy-asses do not flourish. I'm sure he knows whom to call.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

I'm at the point now where I'm fine with a national divorce.
It would be better if we could stay as United States, but no matter who wins in November, half the country will be unhappy, and half of the unhappy ones will be figuratively or in some cases literally violently unhappy.
I don't see a way for us to compromise; let's just call it irreconcilable differences and call it quits. The world will miss us, and that is both bad and too bad.
The logistics will be difficult. We may just have to say that the Blues, who insist on all kinds of govt support for the people, and interference in their lives, can keep that, and they also keep the national debt. The Reds will be free of the national debt, but also will have to forego claims on Medicare and Social Security. Part of the agreement would have to be that anyone who wanted to partake of the social benefits of The Great Society, The New Deal, the Affordable Care Act, DEI, Medicaid, etc., would have the absolute right to relocate into a Blue State, at least for a set number of years (2 or 3), and would therefore keep their entitlements and privileges. The people left behind in the Red America would have to tough it out using our own resources, which have the advantage of being significant and sustainable.
Red America would be contiguous geographically. Blue A. would be the west coast, northeast, Illinois, for sure. Maybe MI, WI; MN probably. It would be their problem how to manage the isolated states, but we would agree to allow free passage from Illinois to the west or northeast states as long as they would agree to keep their men out of our girls' high school locker rooms while they transit our space.
This is at once a terrible idea and better than where we are headed all too soon, no matter how things turn out.
I wish I had a better way to avoid gradual and then sudden deterioration.

Dixcus said...

As a NY property developer, Trump knew how to make deals with the Mafia to keep them from destroying what he's doing.

That's different than hiring a Mafia hitman. Which is the type of dudes he needs. House painters. He better man up a notch because if he don't, they will bury him in Arlington.

Dixcus said...

The good news is that we've corralled the unhappy ones mostly into cities, which they burn down when they don't get their way.

We needn't respond to their tantrums. We have an entire country they know nothing about.

When the fires start burning again in Minneapolis ... we need to bring out the graham crackers and marshmellows. That is not a "problem" we need to solve. Let these people foul their nests and live in it. This is what they wanted.

narciso said...

They wont allow that they want total power over your person your posession and your mind, if need be

Wince said...

Iman said...
Second to last coffin nail…

Watch now as the Undertaker puts the actual nails in Kamala's coffin.

Chest Rockwell said...

I stayed the weekend in St Josephs, MI last weekend. Excellent beach and downtown. You can get a condo a block from the beach for 500K. Not bad! It's right next to Benton Harbor though, which is a zombie wasteland compared to St Joes.

MadTownGuy said...

From Small Towns to Big Cities, Wisconsin Early Voters Turn Out Big

"Madison, Waukesha, Brown Deer, and Johnson Creek sound off as state struggles with a slow voter management system.

As Wisconsin’s version of early voting got underway, The Epoch Times spoke to voters from a wide range of places and perspectives: small towns, Milwaukee suburbs, conservative Waukesha, and liberal Madison.

Voter turnout on day one of what the state terms “in-person absentee voting” stood at 97,436—more than 17,000 votes higher than in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic response.

Some clerks dealt with technical issues on Oct. 22 when trying to print labels for absentee ballot envelopes. That process depended on a voter registration and election management platform called WisVote.

“Today’s system lag was purely related to demands on the WisVote system due to high turnout,” the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) wrote in a statement on the problem, stating that it had been resolved.

However, the delays cropped up again the following day.

“WEC staff learned Wednesday that the system delay is not just affecting WisVote label printing—it appears to also be affecting some non-election related state systems as well. High levels of in-person absentee voting do still appear to be compounding the issue,” the agency wrote in an Oct. 23 statement.

The statement noted that clerks can hand-write labels instead of printing them, potentially offering some relief as Wisconsinites wait in voting lines.

From Waukesha to Madison, citizens made it clear to The Epoch Times that they were eager have an impact in the battleground state’s popular vote—one where an unexpectedly tight race between incumbent Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) and Eric Hovde may also tip the balance of the Senate.

More, as always, at the link.

Political Junkie said...

Wisconsin hosting Penn State. Let's see if the Badgers can pull the upset.

Dixcus said...

You know who's bringing out all those extra voters ... Kamala Harris.

Somebody NOBODY voted for in the primaries. Somebody who can't fill a high school gymnasium without having Beyonce organize a fake free concert.

It's no wonder you won't find a single story about Kamala Harris on CNN's home page a little over a week before the election.

Trump is on the front page of CNN. The only story about Harris is the one where the Washington Post isn't endorsing her.

That's the sort of enthusiasm that brings out 17,000 more people to vote.

That is what they'll be telling you.

Political Junkie said...

Voted today after early dentist apptmnt. Felt good knocking those both out before 10am. Lots of people voting, but no real line line. Tons of voting spots in the room, and tons of people there. Did have to provide photo ID. Yay. First time DJT voter, as I sat out 2016 and 2020. Let's keep the Big Mo!!!

MadTownGuy said...

It’s official: China divorces Cuba, shreds all trade agreements with parasitic Caribbean partner
(Babalú Blog)

"Loosely translated from
Cubita Now

Cuba has lost the support of one of its most important trading partners. China, which for more than 15 years maintained close economic relations with the Cuban regime, has decided to cancel key agreements, including the annual purchase of 400,000 tons of sugar, due to the lack of significant reforms in the island’s economy. According to a report by CubaNoticias360 citing information from The Financial Times, China has made it clear that it will not resume these commitments until Cuba adopts real market-oriented measures and stops relying on empty promises and delayed payments.

Chinese diplomatic and business sources state that discontent has been growing over the lack of concrete reforms on the island, leading to a drastic reduction in Chinese exports to Cuba, from $1.7 billion in 2017 to $1.1 billion in 2022. Sectors such as nickel, seafood, luxury tobacco, and biotechnology have been particularly affected.

Additionally, Cuban imports of Chinese products have also declined notably, falling from $791 million in 2019 to just $483 million in 2020, a trend worsened by the pandemic and the deterioration of Cuba’s economy.

Accumulated debts with Chinese companies like Yutong, for the purchase of buses, and Huawei, for telecommunications services, add to a history of unpaid debts that began in 2006 with the failed “energy revolution” promoted by the Cuban government.

China’s message is clear: they seek to do business with Cuba’s emerging private sector and see no signs of significant changes in the state-run economic system. This cancellation of trade agreements represents a severe blow to a government that remains mired in crisis and unable to meet its financial commitments.

US sanctions blamed in 5, 4, 3,...

Wince said...

The wrestler Kamala's real name was James "Kamala" Harris. No joke.

Beloved by fans, his was not an easy life, and he was paid much less than the Undertaker.

Dixcus said...

One of the best things about the 2024 election is how we've determined that AI image creation is so crappy that they can't even produce a realistic-looking image of Kamala Harris standing over a french fry machine.

Because if they could, the campaign would have released it.

They can fill a gym by promising a fake free Beyonce concert to the low-IQ community on Tik-Tok, but they can't make good fake images yet, and that's reassuring.

narciso said...

Shes a nexus 3 at best

narciso said...


paminwi said...

It is a great commercial.

Lem Bive Bandit said...

Here is an idea for a meme.

This pic of Obama and Castro in Habana on top of this pic of Obama and Kamala in Georgia.
With the caption 'President Obama Fantasy Draft Piks"

Inga said...

Pay attention to what Dixcus has been calling for since he started commenting here in the Althouse comments threads.

“Foreign threats to the US election are on the rise, and officials are moving faster to expose them

Moscow’s campaign won’t end on Election Day. Instead, intelligence officials and private security analysts predict Russia will exploit claims of election irregularities to suggest the results can’t be trusted. A recently declassified intelligence memo said Russia may also encourage violent protests after the election.

“Putin’s aim is to foment chaos, division and polarization in our society,” said Michael McFaul, a former U.S. ambassador to Russia who now teaches at Stanford University.”

Inga said...


Rory said...

I don't think that that there should a state-by-state dissolution. If Upstate New York or Eastern Washington want to stay with their old friends, they should be allowed.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

The problem is that, while people talk about Blue and Red states, the reality is Blue and Red counties. And the Blue ones can’t survive without what the Red ones provide.

But we’ll talk about that after the Blue underclasses rip everything from the Blue middle and upper-classes.

Lem Bive Bandit said...

I'm assuming (not in evidence perhaps) that it was Obama that initiated/picked to warm up to Castro and it was Obama that kicked Biden to the curb and Installed Kamala. Combine that with the well-known Obama picks during his presidency and maybe there is something.

narciso said...

Thats a fair bet he was influenced by agebts of influence ayers wright et L

Dixcus said...

Tell us more about Russia Collusion, Inga. Why are you still using Hillary's playbook from 2016? One that didn't work?

Narayanan said...


Dixcus said...

Oh, and tossing people out of helicopters isn't "protest" Inga. We won't be "protesting." You people will be "protesting" by burning your own cities down, which we encourage you to do.

Maynard said...

Nurse Ratched seems incapable of creating cogent thoughts. She relies on cut-and-paste articles that she often does not read or fully understand.

That is the demographic that Kamala-lala-ding-dong is trying to motivate. If you are worried about Inga-lala-ding-dong then you are in big trouble.

Dixcus said...

Which they should, since Genocide Joe Biden has been leading Israel into bombing Iran.

The Muslims have been abandoned by the Democrat Party and should seek new guards for the defense of their liberties. Especially in Minnesota.

Dixcus said...

Nurse Ratched ... LOL ... that's a good one. The best thing about it is that everybody but her knows who you're talking about.

Breezy said...

She’s gets a thrill up her leg by messing people’s lives up. Sick.

Rabel said...

The Swing State Bowl.

Kind of weird that Pennsylvania and Wisconsin would play a big game in Madison right now.

Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

"Former President Donald Trump told podcaster Joe Rogan that pharmaceutical executives were not “thrilled” that he teamed up with former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. during a Friday interview."

They're more Kamala people, anyway.

Breezy said...

The Russians aren’t fomenting violent protests, FPS. The Democratic Party is doing that. Across the country we see protests that are anti-semitic, pro-Hamas, and pro-transing children. If you’re concerned about the violence, stand against the Democratic Party, Inga.

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

The most pernicious illegal aliens enter America on student visas, which they use to take American jobs without detection. By the time they're found out, they're already conspiring with foreign dictators and spreading lies to upend our elections.

Rocco said...

Wince said...
Watch now as the Undertaker puts the actual nails in Kamala's coffin.

The Undertaker needs to practice his hammering skills.

Saint Croix said...

Here's what an honest Democrat sounds like.

Rabel said...

It's the Althouse Vortex.

The entire focus of an election that will determine the future of the country and the world is swirling unrelentingly towards a single retired woman in the Midwest who just can't make up her damn mind to overcome her emotional reactions and do the right thing.

Or not. It's just a theory.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Rory and Cracker- I agree that dividing our nation by states is one of the worst ways to do it, but the way things are, it needs to be done sooner rather than later, and I see no mechanism for other than stae-by-state division. Maybe allow counties to join a state that they share a border with (e.g., eastern Washington and Oregon to join with Idaho, and Northern VA can go to MD, allowing most of VA to go Red, but I can't see mutual agreement on this matter.

Again, this is a terrible idea, but better than the alternative, which will result in a cold or hot Civil War II.

FullMoon said...

Jan. 29, 2019: Mr. Smollett, who is Black and gay, tells the police that at about 2 a.m., two masked men, one of whom he believed to be white, attacked him on the 300 block of East Lower North Water Street in downtown Chicago. The assailants, according to Mr. Smollett, hurled homophobic and racial slurs at him, put a rope around his neck and poured a chemical substance on him.

FullMoon said...

"On January 18, 2019, a confrontation between groups of political demonstrators took place near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. "The interaction between Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann and Native American Nathan Phillips[1] was captured in photos and videos widely disseminated by major media outlets. Videos released days later showed that initial media reports had omitted key details of the incident.[2][3][4] Reports of the incident triggered outrage in the United States, including calls to dox the students,[5] after stories falsely reported the Catholic students acted as the aggressors.[6] The students received death threats and Covington Catholic High School temporarily closed due to fears for its students' safety.[7]

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Ironic, since Israel is in a covert alliance with many Sunni Muslim nations, and furthermore, the vast majority of the pro-Hamas anti-Israel sentiment in the USA is by Arabs, who have nothing in common with Persians.
Dems should be strongly supportive of Israel if they want to support Muslim or Arabs or both, but Joos!

Eva Marie said...

If you are still for Kamala Harris, please watch this. Kamala Harris arrested parents for their children’s truancy - not to help the families but to put more money in the state coffers:

FullMoon said...

"During the debate on Oct. 22, 2020, in response to Trump's taunts of "it's the laptop from hell, the laptop from hell," Mr. Biden pushed back, "There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what this — he's accusing me of is a Russian plan — they have said that this has all the characteristics — four — five former heads of the CIA — both parties, say what he's saying is a bunch of garbage. Nobody believes it except him…and his good friend Rudy Giuliani."

Inga said...

Dance Party at Madison Square Garden

Iman said...

“Foreign threats to the US election are on the rise”

I thought I’d read you were from the former Soviet Bloc, Igna.

Inga said...

You “read” wrong you creep.

Iman said...

That is absolutely hilarious, Wince!!!

Inga said...

Wow, the resemblance except for the hair is uncanny

Stephen Miller to speak at MSG tomorrow.

Iman said...

Interesting. And the man had a good attitude about dealing with adversity and what sounds like very unfair treatment.

Eva Marie said...

That’s a disgusting comment. Your resemblance to a human being, except for your brain, is uncanny.

Inga said...

Eva, do you know who dehumanized people too, besides yourself? His name started with an H and ended with an r.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

I-Nag is a good Soviet.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

This * Cannot be Posted Enough

Inga said...

Eva, maybe you should study history a bit more.

Eva doesn’t know that dehumanizing people is what helped facilitate a Holocaust

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The amazing thing about Kamala - you can re-run the footage of HER saying the most incredible insane shit. Kamala loves to see people suffer- then she laughs like a power-mad hyena. (or would that be a power-mad Hitler?) You decide.

walter said...

Big Mike Obama flexin'

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Wow - Russia Russia Maddow I-nag - did Trump round up all the Jews and send them to the ovens?
Why NO.
But Democrats love giving massive amounts of our Tax dollars to the Iranian regime - a regime who would love to do just that. Leftists are embarrassing frauds.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Did the Russian Oligarchs pay you to post that? Or Perhaps the White Islamic Supremacists who rule Iran with an iron fist?

Eva Marie said...

Stephen Miller is Jewish you awful person

walter said...

How's it going at In Gas' (not so) Happy Migrant Hostel? Improved insulation squelching therapy screams sufficiently? Keep that NGO $$ flowin' dear.

Inga said...

Yes he is Jewish, which makes it even worse. His family must be heartbroken. My children are half Jewish and I have in laws that live in Israel. If there was a Stephen Miller in my family we would be horrified.

Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

"Yes he is Jewish, which makes it even worse."

What is "it"?

walter said...

Sounds like they'd have to be pretty successful to accomplish that.You so clever, Rich. Smoke one for me.

walter said...

Inga never responds, defends..so NIMBY.

Inga said...

This is “it” OM…


“I have watched with dismay and increasing horror as my nephew, who is an educated man and well aware of his heritage, has become the architect of immigration policies that repudiate the very foundation of our family’s life in this country,” Glosser wrote in the op-ed published Monday.

Had the very same immigration policies his nephew “so coolly espouses” been in effect at the turn of the 20th century, when the family’s patriarch, Wolf-Leib, left the small village of Antopol to escape persecution of Jews, Miller’s ancestors would have been “wiped out” before they could make it to the United States, Glosser wrote. They would not have been able to sell goods out of a horse-drawn wagon in Johnstown and grow the business into a haberdashery and, years later, to a supermarket chain and discount department stores run by the next generation of Glossers, including Izzy, Miller’s maternal grandfather.
“I would encourage Stephen to ask himself if the chanting, torch-bearing Nazis of Charlottesville, whose support his boss seems to court so cavalierly, do not envision a similar fate for him,” Glosser wrote.“

Original Mike said...

Did Stephen Miller enter the country illegally? (For the record, I have no idea.)

Aggie said...

"... if the chanting, torch-bearing Nazis of Charlottesville, whose support his boss seems to court....." Our D'Inga-Ling, the lost ball in tall weeds.

Inga said...

Oh I forgot, they were just wholesome youth having fun with tiki torches and catchy chants of “Jews will not replace us!” What was that gathering called, hmmm, “Unite the Right” IIRC.

Eva Marie said...

Thank you for adding the link.

Disparity of Cult said...

Sparklefarts is smiling in the photo with Justin's tío, with Harris not so much.

Disparity of Cult said...

FAKE PHOTO! Team Kamala Spreads DOCTORED Photographs of Her in McDonald's Uniform! Viva Frei RANTS!

Gospace said...

In a way- she is bringing out those extra voters. They're voting against her.

walter said...

And it blew up into a national crisis, Inga ! Tiki mania!!!! Dupe,

Mr. Forward said...

Rabel says

"It's the Althouse Vortex.

"The entire focus of an election that will determine the future of the country and the world is swirling unrelentingly towards a single retired woman in the Midwest who just can't make up her damn mind to overcome her emotional reactions and do the right thing.

Or not. It's just a theory.
10/26/24, 8:51 PM"

I'll go with "Or not." We all have a nemesis. Maybe it's Althouse or Inga or a member of our family who we think should know better. We are constantly told that every vote counts but the odds that the election will depend on any individual vote are practically nonexistent. Maybe votes are like Autumn leaves and where they fall are less important than we want to believe.

walter said...

On Drudge. Those arms!

walter said...

Viva said not sure spread by Team Kamala.

gadfly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gadfly said...

Dixcus: It is illegal to break the law and Trump bent rule after rule when he helped the New York New Jersey, Philadelphia and Russian mobsters launder money using real estate transactions and at his casinos. He even received an endorsement from former Gambino family underboss Salvatore " Sammy the Bull" Gravano, who said that America "doesn't need a bookworm as president, it needs a mob boss."

wendybar said...

"Yes, Kamala has a man problem. But it's not because we're toxic, or misogynistic. It's not really about us at all!

'Kamala, it's not us, it's you!'"

Robby Starbuck
One of the most brutal ads you’ve ever seen against a politician. Wow. Just watch. 🔥🔥🔥
Replying to @robbystarbuck
RFKjr’s media people are the best
12:47 PM · Oct 26, 2024

wendybar said...

20 illegal gang members from Venezuela for EVERY voter that votes for Harris. YOU own this problem. YOU pay for it, and solve your problem.

"A new report from the House Judiciary Committee found that the Biden-Harris Administration granted “quiet amnesty” to millions of illegal immigrants whose immigration court cases have been closed. "


Enigma said...

EVERY person in big business or a government management role in NY, DC, or CA is slippery and slimy. They often have to be dirty because the rules are dirty and there are corrupt people embedded everywhere. Is Trump slimy? Yep. Are the elected bureaucrats? Absolutely. They are worse because they nominally enforced the "law" for personal benefit.

Trump's main issue from 2017 to 2020 was that he did not have any allies (i.e., Mitch McConnell and John McCain hated him as much as the Democrats), and he burned his bridges in public. He went on stage with Schumer and Pelosi to announce a bipartisan deal shortly after taking office...then he attacked them on stage... He antagonized Pelosi by not approving her international travel after her party boarded the bus to the airport... Etc. He'll have a chance of making a change if he works with some swamp creatures.

It is not possible to transform the culture of imperial Rome circa 350AD to the culture of republican Rome circa 100BC either quickly or alone.

Rocco said...

Inga said...
[D]o you know who dehumanized people too, besides yourself? His name started with an H and ended with an r.

Hunter Biden?

Lem Bive Bandit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Bive Bandit said...

We don’t need more jan6.

Inga said...

Yes, Hunter Biden is an asshole, who is defending him?