October 22, 2024

Sunrise — 7:06, 7:09, 7:14, 7:29.






Whiskeybum said...

The sun came up angry, but then fell of in a lull.

Dixcus said...

The President of the United States has this evening officially called for the imprisonment of Donald Trump.

If they do it, meet me at the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 14th Street, Washington DC. Bring your supplies and do NOT bring your cell phone.

Dixcus said...


tcrosse said...

You spotted snakes, with double tongue,
Thorny hedgehogs, be not seen;
Newts and blind-worms, do no wrong:
Come not near our fairy queen.
Sing in our sweet lullaby;
Lulla, lulla, lullaby; lulla, lulla, lullaby:
Never harm,
Nor spell nor charm,
Come our lovely lady nigh;
So, good-night, with lullaby.

Inga said...

He [Trump] called for Clinton’s imprisonment on multiple occasions, including by using the phrase “lock her up.”

Did you think we’d forget?

cfs said...

This thread is about the funniest thing I've seen all day (thus far).


cfs said...

He [Trump] called for Clinton’s imprisonment on multiple occasions, including by using the phrase “lock her up.”

Did you think we’d forget?


Inga, Did Trump ever make an attempt to "lock her up"? No, he didn't. And that's in spite of the fact that she funded and had the Steele documents created. (Did you think we would forget?)

Can you say the same about the Biden administration in regards to Trump?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Hillary set up and used a Private Server while Secretary of State.
She did so - so she could hide her illegal money grubbing.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

They build and create the reasons to imprison or kill Trump. Hillary created her own illegal entanglements. But as a democrat - she is above the law.

Original Mike said...

As always, Trump talked, the democrats acted.

Inga said...

IF Biden had really officially called for Trump to be locked up, remember that the Supreme Court has given unlimited immunity to a president if the action was taken in the president’s official capacity. So yes Biden could call for Trump to be locked up and no court in the land could do a thing about it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

These are very good. Thanks.

Jim at said...

He [Trump] called for Clinton’s imprisonment on multiple occasions, including by using the phrase “lock her up.”

And did he lock her up? Or even bring charges? No.
See the difference?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Tim Walz - The real VP candidate Elon Musk "is on that stage jumping around skipping like a dipshit"

If he was trying to do Trump, he failed. Trump would never use that word.

Kathryn51 said...

Inga is able to bifurcate her mind. It's a coping mechanism. Trump ("Bad Man") said "lock her up" during a campaign and then did NOTHING while President. In fact, after the election he said he was putting it behind him. Time for unity, Kumbaya, etc. Biden, with full knowledge of the lawfare and end game (prison) said it out loud.

Jim at said...

How do we know Kamala never worked at McDonald's? Because the media would be turning over every stone to prove she did ... just to shut up Trump.

The fact they've found no such thing tells me all I need to know.

TaeJohnDo said...

Tulsi Gabbard just announced she is joining the Republican Party. From Collin Rugg's tweet:

...Gabbard said one of her main reasons for joining the party was because of Trump's "strength to fight for peace."

"I'm proud to stand here with you today, President Trump, and announce that I'm joining the Republican Party."

"I'm joining the party of the people, the party of equality, the party that was founded to fight against and end slavery in this country."

"It is the party of common sense and the party that is led by a president who has the courage and strength to fight for peace."

tcrosse said...

Nobody takes Biden seriously. It's not like he was the President.

Inga said...

WHO the fuck cares if Harris worked at McDonald’s or not? Seriously, this is so important to you people? What is wrong with you?

Rusty said...

Then why did she bring it up, Inga? It must have been important to her. What's wrong with you?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Soviet I-nag on board with imprisoning Trump - because reasons.

Dixcus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dixcus said...

LOL. Inga thinks we don't WANT this! We are BEGGING for you people to put Trump in prison. Cannot wait. That's the signal. That is the SIGNAL.

Mason G said...

"IF Biden had really officially called for Trump to be locked up..."

If you're going to say that Biden didn't officially call for Trump to be locked up, you'd also have to consider whether Trump *officially* called for Clinton to be locked up and likewise excuse him if he didn't. Only an insincere POS would argue otherwise.

Dixcus said...

WHO the fuck cares if Harris worked at McDonald’s or not? Seriously, this is so important to you people?

The fact that she has to lie about this sure has you worked up, don't it, Inga?

We care, Inga. And we don't care if you don't care. We care.

Also, you need to seek medical care. You are clinically insane. You have a mental defect in your brain that requires treatment or it is going to kill you. We are trying to help you.

Seek help.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Hillary & Kamala - together in harmony.

Mason G said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mason G said...

WHO the fuck cares about rally sizes? Democrats, that's who.

Fact Check: Trump Makes Back-to-Back False Crowd Size Boasts -Newsweek
Trump Claims Harris's Rallies Are Smaller. We Counted. - New York Times
False claim Trump said NYC rally had 35000 people - USA Today

Fact checking crowd size claims? Are you fucking serious?

Original Mike said...

"IF Biden had really officially called for Trump to be locked up, …"

Are you freaking kidding??? Joe Biden's DOJ is trying to imprison Donald Trump as we speak.

Inga said...

It’s so important to prove that Harris didn’t work at a McDonald’s, all the while ignoring the HUGE lies Trump continues to spew, he won the 2020 election, they’re eating the cats and dogs, FEMA used funds to house illegal migrants, so many many lies and you idiots focus on proving Harris may not have worked at McDonald’s, LOL.

As for sanity, people who belong to cults are not exactly sane. You are one of the looniest here, in fact your comments are so over the top, I strongly suspect you’re a moby. Remember the FBI may actually read some of these nutty right wing sites, you might want to consider that before you call for some violent action, as you’ve done several times now in these threads.

Inga said...

The DOJ prosecuted /is prosecuting Trump for crimes, not for shits and giggles. If you do a crime, you do the time, even if you’re Trump the Cult Leader.

Mason G said...

"The DOJ prosecuted /is prosecuting Trump for crimes, not for shits and giggles."

So when Trump is elected, you won't complain when he prosecutes Democrats for crimes, right?

Original Mike said...

Bullshit, Inga.
This is unprecedented political interference.
Please tell us why Hillary, who James Comey publicly called out for her crimes, was not prosecuted.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Crimes! Sez the loyal Soviet. For Crimes!

Dixcus said...

Hey, Inga ... how many billionaire pedophiles has your vaunted DOJ prosecuted for raping children on Epstein's Island?

My count so far is: ZERO

Caroline said...

Photo no 1. Incredible blaze.

Drago said...

Do the images remind you of the 400,000 untracked unaccompanied minors thar have dissappeared into sexual and work slavery due to harris' open borders/cartel heaven?

I'm sure you'll find that hilarious.

Vance said...

The last ABBA album before they broke up in the 1980s was called "The Visitors." The title track, the Visitors, is truly terrifying: all about a woman shaking in terror as the visitors she knew were coming are at the door. Those visitors? The government agents seeking her for dissent.

ABBA was singing about the Soviet Union back then. Now, the song is about the Harris admin's FBI in America. If Kamala wins, we will all be shaking in terror at the Visitors coming.

Vance said...

Except for Inga and Rich, of course. They will be happy to sell out their neighbors... just like Anne Frank's neighbors sold her out to be rounded up and killed. Just like their hero Soros, who ratted out his fellow Jews so he could take their property as they were led off to the camps. Absolutely no one doubts that Inga, Rich, Freder or other leftists who comment here would gladly sell any MAGA voter out to the FBI "crush dissent!" squads? Most of them would gladly volunteer to work at the concentration camps. "Got to stop misinformation, even if we have to kill you to do so!"

No one thinks any of these leftists would lift a finger to help any American who is not a full fledged Soviet or try to keep them from Kamala's goons.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I’ve been looking for that article! I read it at the time and have thought about it many, many times since. But it’s from a notorious alt-right source so it’s probably bogus…..

effinayright said...

Hey Inga: when Trump crushes Harris and YOU go on suicide watch....can I be a watcher ? Can I look on with glee when you begin melting, melting, melting....?

Vance said...

She probably has a nice house, courtesy of the US taxpayer somehow. When and if she commits seppukku rather than live in a country that wants to be great again and not one where the citizens are slaves to the government... can we have an auction for her house?

Gospace said...

And Trump was a CANDIDATE not an officeholder. Biden is POTUS. Right now. Not running for the office.

gadfly said...

And little strokes felled a great Oak tree.

gadfly said...

Dixcus the seditionist is is attempting to stir the overthrow of our government before an election has been held. That means that he expects that Demented Don will lose. If he wants to fight and die, a move to Russia, Ukraine, Gaza, or Lebanon would allow him to shoot and kill before he is shot or executed.

Achilles said...

Isn't John Kelly the guy from Arizona that works for Chinese state owned companies?

Yancey Ward said...

Bich and Inga will make great snitches.

gadfly said...

Tulsi Gabbard is an acolyte of the Science of Identity Foundation, a secretive cult whose members show absolute loyalty to a reclusive guru, Chris Butler.

The cult is virulently homophobic, anti-Islamic, and misogynist, and loyalists worship Butler, who is considered to be akin to a God.