October 10, 2024

Sunrise — 6:39, 7:08.




Dixcus said...

You know, in Sodom, there were probably at least some people who lived there who lived righteous lives, and looked around at their neighbors and shook their heads at their godless ways. They probably turned aside and tried as hard as they could to mind their own business and just live their righteous lives.

I'm reminded of this because one of our nation's 50 governors yesterday participated in a Submissive Lesbian Dorito Flamin' Hot Nacho Eucharist. An offering to Satan the likes of which this nation has never seen since Comet Ping Pong shut down and Hillary Clinton had to start eating at Domino's.

Now, you probably don't even know what a "Submissive Lesbian Dorito Flamin' Hot Nacho Eucharist" is. Maybe you don't even care. Maybe your porn snack tastes run more towards the more missionary Lays (yeah, we get it!) Potato Chips.

But you live in Sodom. Perhaps minding your own business; shaking your head at the goings on here.

But God is about to smite Sodom. All of it.

You and yours live here.

Vote wisely.

Aggie said...

All that, from a sunrise picture.

Saint Croix said...

Kamala does a sex podcast this week, and now Michigan governor Whitmer does one, too. On the podcast, she participates in a TikTok video where she mocks Communion and Christianity, while wearing Harris gear and using a Dorito's chip as a substitute for the bread of Christ.

The atheists at The Hill have no idea why this is offensive, let alone weird. It's not funny, so I don't know what the hell Whitmer is trying to do here.

One thought I had is that she's trying to sabotage Harris (like Biden!) and help Trump win. Whitmere probably wants to run for president in 2028, and she can't do that if Harris is elected.

Or maybe she just thought lesbian S&M cos-play from the governor of Michigan will actually bring in more votes for Harris. Why don't you do that at the DNC convention!

One of the questions she was asked at her sex podcast was whether she ever wanted to do a post-birth abortion on her grown children.

MadTownGuy said...

After all the years of living in the north country, I saw the Northern lights but once in Madison, and dimly in the courtyard of the complex where we lived. Tonight in South Central PA we got quite a display. Amazing!

MadTownGuy said...

After all the years of living in the north country, I saw the Northern lights but once in Madison, and dimly in the courtyard of the complex where we lived. Tonight in South Central PA we got quite a display. Amazing!

Big Mike said...

I heard a really sick joke today. A bunch of politicians were in a bus, but the bus driver lost control and it crashed into a tree in a farmer’s field. The farmer came out with a backhoe, dug a big hole, and buried all the politicians. The next day the county sheriff drove out, looked over the accident scene, and asked the farmer if he was sure the politicians had all been killed in the wreck.

“Well,” the.fsrmer said, “Some of ‘em said they weren’t, but you know how politicians lie.”

Dixcus said...

I was reminded that Meade is always taking photos of Ann from behind, while she is transfixed on the scene across the waters as the sun rises. She can't not look.

Lilly, a dog said...

II've decided today that II will cast a vote for Trump, mostly because Iman supports him and consistently makes me laugh on this blog.

.The first post on this thread really puts me off. I don't believe that either side is an "existential threat" to anything. Life goes on, no matter what happens.

"People are people so why should it be
That you and I should get together awfully"

Big Mike said...

Picking fights with devout Christians may seem like a lot of fun, but if Trump and Rogers win 3 1/2 weeks from now, this may be part of the reason.

tim in vermont said...


If you got clear skies, get outside.

tim in vermont said...

From Instapundit:

A massive ball of plasma and accompanying magnetic field ejected from the Sun is expected to strike Earth on Thursday morning, potentially triggering auroras as far south as Alabama, according to US forecasters.

Well, Thursday morning has come and gone...

The rule of Lemnity said...

I like the top pic best.

Saint Croix said...

Here's Whitmer laughing at the question and then thanking her for asking it. And then she goes on to say that killing newborns never happens.

Back in 2000, the Supreme Court said partial-birth abortion was a constitution right, and that ruling lasted for 7 or 8 years. What that means is that there was a dramatic upsurge in killing babies mid-birth in that time frame. I would suggest hundreds of thousands of babies were killed in the middle of birth.

Kermit Gosnell, of course, is infamous among pro-lifers for murdering newborns in his abortion clinic. I'm sure he wasn't the only one.

Gospace said...

If you're on any social media- you should be posting this. As I have. With a simple question before- "If you're a Christian of any sort- this is why you shouldn't vote for any Democrat!" Of course I said "demoncRAT"...

Haven't heard a single demoncRAT politician condemning this- therefore- they all support it.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

When Whitmer first got nationally known, she was in this phase where she tended to wear a lot of dark colored clothes. That combined that with the dark hair, pale complexion, and that red lipstick she always wore made me think she'd missed her true calling and should have gone into the dominatrix business. That video only reinforces my certainty that I was right.

Put her in a leather bustier and a pair of thigh high leather boots and every gimp in the Midwest would be beating a path to her door, led by Tim Walz wearing his dog collar!

Saint Croix said...

The podcast host, LIz Plank, tweets "this is trend weirdos chill out" and "bro this is a trend not a satanic ritual"

Inga said...


“Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) placed a Dorito chip in a podcaster’s mouth in an Instagram post in an attempt to reenact a viral video trend, drawing criticism from some Republicans.

The video shows Whitmer, who’s wearing a Harris-Walz hat, placing a Dorito into the mouth of Liz Plank, a podcaster and author, which follows a trend on social media of people feeding each other food, typically with the song “Dilemma” by Nelly featuring Kelly Rowland in the background.

The caption plays off the chip in the video by applauding the CHIPS and Science Act, a bill signed into law by President Biden in 2022 that provides billions in incentives to the domestic semiconductor industry and funds scientific research.

“Chips aren’t just delicious, the CHIPS Act is a game-changer for U.S. tech and manufacturing, boosting domestic production of semiconductors to reduce reliance on foreign suppliers! Donald Trump would put that at risk,” the caption reads.”

rhhardin said...

Might be aurora as far south as the s shore of Lake Erie, according to prediction model

Aggie said...

Think of some of Hugo Boss' early work, the black uniforms, and you're a lot closer to the truth. The shiny leather is just bonus points for dressy occasions.

Inga said...

An aurora? God’s judgment on a sinful nation!

Saint Croix said...

The mocking of Catholics might be unintended, but given the pro-abort messaging I doubt it.

Iman said...

Checks in the mail, Lilly! 😁

Original Mike said...

Of course we get an aurora the day we return from northern Wisconsin. :(

traditionalguy said...

Researching Ethel Kennedy I came across her relationship with Taylor Swift. Amazingly she wrote a song about Ethel and Bobby’s relationship on her Red Album called Starlight. They met thru Ethel’s grandson that was dating Taylor. Ethel really liked Swift.

Small world.

Eva Marie said...

It’s intentional.

Saint Croix said...

"Let's switch gears a little bit, from chips to abortion."

Chip Chat

Original Mike said...

This is Kamala Harris.

Humperdink said...

Lilly said: ”I don't believe that either side is an "existential threat" to anything. Life goes on, no matter what happens.”

I disagree. First off there are three sides: Lefties, GOPe, and the Deplorables. Secondly, the culture in general is circling the drain. F-bombs everywhere, raunchy movies, LBTQ et al, criminals released without trial, abortion at 0-9month+ …. And on it goes. America is challenging God. It will not be successful.

Fritz said...

Auroras in Southern Maryland. I missed ‘em, dammit.

Gospace said...

Here in CNY it's actually clear enough to see them. My daughter took some great pics. Says they're barely visible with the naked eye- but night mode on the cellphone camera sees them really well.

Saint Croix said...


2 minute clip from Bobby Kennedy Jr

never heard that story before

Trump ought to buy a little airtime during the World Series and run that clip

what a brutal story

Mason G said...

Well, what do you know? Kamala does have accomplishments, after all.

Inga said...

A friend from Massachusetts posted a pic of the sky that was deep pinky purple a little while ago, amazing!

Inga said...

The sky here in WI is lighting up in purples pinks and greens too!

Saint Croix said...

Maybe a play on the old Dana Carvey routine, Church Chat?

Fritz said...

It's here, again.


Iman said...

Great. That should match the preferred hair colors of teh Madison women.

Original Mike said...

"The sky here in WI is lighting up in purples pinks and greens too!"

Madison is too light polluted to see it.

Big Mike said...

@Inga, you must not spend much time in Christian churches if you do not recognize the mocking of holy communion. An atheist should not have to explain this to you.

Jersey Fled said...

Seems like Kamala is wearing her magic earrings a lot lately. Do you really believe it’s because she really likes how they look on her?

Inga said...

The view over our lake here in Waukesha County has been amazing, far enough away from city light pollution I guess.

Big Mike said...

@inga, not God’s judgement on a sinful nation, merely a warning to get off our. Ugg’s and harden our electrical grid. Another Carrington Event, however all tell us that too little, too late.

Iman said...

“Teh Bitches of Madison City”

Jim at said...

“Chips aren’t just delicious, the CHIPS Act is a game-changer for U.S. tech and manufacturing, boosting domestic production of semiconductors to reduce reliance on foreign suppliers! Donald Trump would put that at risk,” the caption reads.”

The fact you have to explain such a stupid stunt as some sort of policy statement shows just how WEIRD you are.

Seriously. Who in the hell thought that would be a good idea? It's creepy.

Inga said...

Big Mike,

In the Assemblies of God church I grew up in, Communion was not done this way. A tray of the wine in little tiny glasses and a tray with broken up crackers was passed up and down the pews. No kneeling or the sticking out of the tongue to accept the host. We just gave it to ourselves.

Duty of Inquiry said...

What would it take to insure that all executive orders expire at the end of the president's term? Could congress pass a law or would we need an amendment?

Mr. Forward said...

This morning one of the most avid Kamala supporters on my Facebook feed was inquiring which direction in the sky she should look to see the Northern lights.

Saint Croix said...

Obama's aged a lot!

"We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running. Now, I also want to say that that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers."

Saint Croix said...

Jeb Bush says, "Man, he's got low energy."

Aggie said...

See? How it's done is seen in a lot of movies too. The Progressive Left doesn't give a sh*t about your beliefs and traditions, or the things you hold sacred. They're Wrong and you should change them. Comrade.

TickTock said...

The possibility of another Carrington event makes me extremely cautious about assets that exist only in some registry of unhardened computer. It is un
Iikely to happen in any given year, but it is certain it will happen, and a lot of people will be totally f***ed when it does.

Jamie said...

Again I'm breaking my pre-election silence because this is not a political matter, it's religious: in your church, Inga, are the broken crackers like, Ritz? Saltines? I know that in every church I've ever attended, the wafers, crackers, or unleavened bread were made specifically for what I would call the Sacrament, and what other sects might call something else but value as highly, because we honor what we're doing and want to give our best. In my last church, I was on the team that bagged the unleavened bread for our Eucharist.

But Doritos? I don't doubt that God can consecrate a Dorito. But that's what God is doing. What are the people who offer a Dorito, a Dorito, doing by treating it the way religious Christians would the Sacrament? Are you honestly making the case that they're respecting the process, just because God has the power to consecrate whatever God decides to consecrate?

Come on.

Jamie said...

Obviously baked, not bagged - and I hate Blogger.

Jim at said...

And btw, I'm tempted to call bullshit on the Whitmer/Nacho thing being about the CHIPS Act.

The first interpretation I read was the 'dom' Whitmer feeding the 'sub' Kamala's favorite chips. Nachos. And that was from a lefty site. It made sense to them. They loved it. That would explain the hat.

My question? No matter how it's interpreted, just WTF was it supposed to accomplish less than a month out?

Inga said...

I left the church when I was 18. From what I remember the broken crackers were simple broken saltine type crackers. The wine was grape juice. It was called The Lords Supper, not Communion in the Assemblies of God churches back then. No Doritos, they didn’t even exist back then. I have no idea what Whitmer and the blogger were doing except for what they said. It was a strange video, I’m pretty sure they could’ve found a better way to promote the Chips Act.