October 7, 2024

Sunrise — 6:07.



rehajm said...

This win reinforces how our state’s tough anti-fraud laws help protect New Yorkers and ensure bad actors cannot abuse their power, wealth, or influence - least self-aware winner of the week

Original Mike said...

Glorious day in northern Wisconsin. Sunny and colorful.

Iman said...

I’ll always remember flying a last leg from Chicago to Waukesha in a puddle-jumper back in October of ‘85 and seeing all the multi-colored leaves. I must say it was breathtaking.

Wince said...

Trump: "As I was saying..."

Jimi Hendrix: "As I was saying..."

All Along the Watchtower (Bob Dylan cover) - Jimi Hendrix (live)

Watch first 40 seconds.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Reminder: these are ODDS, not polling numbers, so a move from 48% to 50% is tiny. Don't confuse these numbers with a 2% movement in the percentage of voters who intend to vote for Trump. The race is still indistinguishable from a 50/50 coin toss.

Related: it is quite extraordinary that the odds have moved almost not at all in the past months.

Dixcus said...

The best thing about what is happening in western North Carolina, South Carolina and northern Georgia is that people - groups of people - are all acting in concert, with no central command, using their own equipment and resources, to fill a void and provide critical help to those in need.

You're seeing an Army get created in the vacuum left by the federal government incompetents.

You will see this Army grow exponentially next week.

Josephbleau said...

I will be proud to know that when Kamala is selected as the first vagina laden president, that all young girls will know that it is a ok for their boyfriends to slap them.

Dixcus said...

Here's Florida General Ron DeSantis, explaining why he hasn't spoken with fake presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

She's not the President. The President of the United States is Joe Biden. Joe Biden has Ron deSantis' phone number and they speak regularly about what the Federal government is going to provide Florida in the coming days.

Kamala Harris does not have Ron deSantis' phone number. Because she's not the President.


Quayle said...

The LDS church spun out a software system that matches emergency needs with work parties. It is called Crisis Cleanup. Needs can be entered from phone apps by people walking the neighborhoods, or can be called into a call center. Work parties then can sign-in and signal their locations, to get dispatches to go work a specific task, during which if they see other things that need to be done they can enter those into the system. This is the system that the LDS church uses when they send out their own volunteer work parties, but anyone can use it to both enter needs and get tasks to work.

Christopher B said...

Glad you brought this up ... A comprehensive and link-rich post from Ed Driscoll at Instapundit on what looks to be the same kind of struggle session the NYT went through that caused Bari Weiss to leave.

Original Mike said...

I would think he's busy right now.

Original Mike said...

But NBC appears to be trying to help her manufacture a controversy.

Josephbleau said...

Sure Jan. I think slapping is worse. People who, in their virile years, who don’t brag about girls letting them grab their pussies, are just that, pussies. Everyone thinks girls want them.

Josephbleau said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The rule of Lemnity said...

Israel's 9/11 was one year ago today.

Prayer for the remaining hostages.

Vance said...

Here is what the leftists like Sprezz and Inga and Rich and some non-leftists like rrharridin are supporting. From the Telegraph in England about the casualties from Oct 7 being brought in for burial:

The women were shot many times in the head. “Why? Why? We saw that these women were shot to be killed, maybe in the heart, in the head, but then they were shot many times in the face, and it looked like systematic mutilation because it seemed like they wanted to ruin these women’s faces. A lot of them were young soldier women, and a lot of them had been very beautiful. The first few we saw weren’t too bad because they might have been caught in their sleep and Hamas just shot them. But, after a while, we got women who had clearly been awake when they were murdered and these women came in and their mouths, their teeth were in grimaces and their hands were clenched, if they had hands.

“We got notified that a woman’s coming in and she has no legs, so the terrorist cut off her legs. There was clearly immense sadistic violence.” A lot of the women had bloody, stained underwear, Shari says, some had no underwear at all. “People were shot in the breast, they were shot in the crotch, and that was not done to kill them.” She is a calm, thoughtful person, but her voice is stiff with anger now.

One body Shari dealt with personally still had a knife stuck through her mouth. “There was so much violence and it was totally sexual.”

The perpetrators of the mass murder–worse than mass murder, really–are today being celebrated around the world by those who love evil. Sadly, there are quite a few in that category.

A final word from the woman who prepared Israeli bodies for burial:

Of all the young women whose bodies she took care of and prepared for burial, how many were in a fit state to be shown to their parents?

There is total silence in the room, except for the ticking of a clock on the kitchen wall. I pat the dog beside me, pressing my hand deep into his fur to bring me back to this world and away from that place where jihadi psychopaths annihilate the faces of young women for kicks.

Shari looks at me. I can’t tell if her eyes are full of sorrow or glittering with rage. “None,” she says at last. “Not one girl we could show to her parents.”
/End Quote. This is what the left is cheering, defending, and wanting more of, both in Israel and here in the US.

Aggie said...

"Not to mention bragging about grabbing pussies."

Sprezzatura sez next: "I'll take 'Fine People" for $800, Alex"

Eva Marie said...

On the eve of the Melania release, her book is # 7 on Amazon’s best seller list.
What book is higher on the list?
The Achievements of Kamala Harris is #5. Here are some of the reviews:
“Loved this book, very informative. Shows how much she has done, truly amazing. Once I picked it up I just had to finish it in 1 sitting.”
Here’s another:
“I'm speechless!!! Really cannot say anything except that no one can add anything more about her achievements. Well done!!!”
Reaching across the aisle, I say buy this book! All of Kamala’s achievements in one book. It’s a must read!!! (BTW the pages are all blank. AHAHAHA.)

Inga said...

Vance are you Drago’s twin brother? As far as your insane accusations about what I feel about the Oct.7th attack, I must assume you are putting out lies hoping no one will call you on it and just ignore you because you sound like a lunatic. I have in laws that live in Israel, I don’t support Hamas or Hezbollah and I support Israel’s right to self defense. I really must ask once again, WTF is wrong with you people, the stuff that is being shat out by you idiots is really over the top nuttery.

Inga said...

Are you insane?

Vance said...

No, Inga: this is what all of the leftist "protestors" and "Palestinian rights" people are supporting. Why else would they be marching to celebrate today, to commemorate today and praise the attack on Israel which happened a year ago? I do not see your criticism of the protestors celebrating this day.

This is some of what Hamas and Palestinians did on that day a year ago. And lest we forget, over two-thirds of the attackers were "Palestinian civilians" and not members of Hamas. This is what they did to the people in Israel. This is the people you, Inga, are supporting and defending and crying about Bibi attacking: the kind of people who celebrate, cheer, and do this kind of stuff. This is your allies, Inga. You are partially responsible for this kind of barbarity. All while you piously scream about "Women's rights!" unless, of course, it's the right of Jewish women to not be tortured and raped to death. That, of course, is what leftists love. At least they are absolutely fine with it, because they fully support all of these Pro-Palestinian protests and they love the "From the River to the Sea!" calls. And the "Decolonization!" calls. Well, Inga: this is what your precious "Decolonization" looks like. You support this.

Political Junkie said...

If you are an R or C and like history and election history (and smashing the opponent), I encourage you to google 1980, 1984, 1988 election night coverage. Go with ABC. Brinkley is awesome.

effinayright said...

Myself, I can confidently report that the reaction of many readers was: "Once I put it down, I couldn't pick it up".

Inga said...

You casting aspersions on people that comment here is simply insane. I have in laws that live in Israel. I don’t support Hamas, Hezbollah and I support Israel defending itself, so why don’t you STFU about things you know nothing of.

Jim at said...

Are you insane?

No, he's not. Because these are your people. The people who vote for the people you vote for. If they're not voting for Biden/Harris/Walsh (because they're not leftist enough), they're voting for extreme leftists like Jill Stein.

You remember Jill Stein, right? The same Jill Stein you voted for?

So, if you're going to drag every right-wing nutbar out there and link him/her to the rest of us, you don't get to bitch when we return the favor.

Clear enough?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Kamala and her hack posse of media liars - make me sick.
She and the media = lying liars who lie.

Inga said...

And you are a lunatic too, is that clear?

Ampersand said...

One of my all time favorite films is the Albert Brooks/Meryl Streep/Rip Torn masterpiece, Defending Your Life. I think of it from time to time when I fail to live my best life. The notion is that our postmortem existence starts with a trial in which we are required to explain and justify our actions, and in which a panel of superintelligent beings decides whether we are ready to move to the highest plane of existence, or instead forced to return to try yet again to get it right. Lately, I've found myself thinking about the ideas of the film in tennis matches where I ignore my power tennis and hit spinny second serves and safe dull lobs.

I think the people who post on this site should consider, right before they hit "publish", whether this post is something they would want to defend, postmortem, before a panel of morally perfect superintelligent beings.

Drago said...

Very rough day for the Althouse leftists/pro-Hamas New Soviet Democraticals:


At least Joey Bag O'Dementia had an excuse....

Drago said...

P-Inga: "I have in laws that live in Israel."

Oof. Do they know you are tied at the hip with the pro-Hamas New Soviet Democratical Party?

At least most Israeli's have figured it out....

"Israelis broadly pick former President Donald Trump over Vice President Kamala Harris as better for Israel's security and in turn favor Trump for the U.S. presidency, albeit with sharp political divisions, a national survey by Langer Research Associates and PORI (Public Opinion Research Israel) finds.

Fifty-eight percent of Israelis in the survey, conducted in September, said Trump would be better for Israel's security, vs. 20% for Harris. If they had a vote in the U.S. election, Israelis said they'd pick Trump over Harris by a similar 54%-24%, with the rest taking a pass."


Drago said...

It just keeps getting worse for Stolen Valor / Blue Falcon liar run-away artist (Brave Brave Brave Brave Sir Tampon Tim) Walz:

“Is that kind of misrepresentation, isn't that more than just being a knucklehead?”

"Tim Walz again explained away lying about his travels to China as being a “knucklehead.”'


Absolutely brutal.

Drago said...

The New Soviet Democraticals better be spooling up the electoral Cheat Machine to Overdrive to get enough corrupted harvested ballots prepared for delivery into the system.

Iman said...

Watching Harris on 60 Minutes… my goodness, she is bad. Talks a lot, but doesn’t say ANYTHING.

gadfly said...

Harris, when asked about Trump’s refusal to be interviewed on 60 Minutes, told viewers to instead watch his rallies to understand what he’s all about.

“If he is not going to give your viewers the ability to have a meaningful, thoughtful conversation, question and answer with you, then watch his rallies. You’re going to hear conversations that are about himself and all of his personal grievances,” Harris said.

“And what you will not hear is anything about you, the listener. You will not hear about how he is going to try to bring the country together, find common ground. And . . . that is why I believe in my soul and heart, the American people are ready to turn the page.”

gadfly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rt41Rebel said...

Here’s a concept that our idiot liberal trolls can’t understand: Nothing that Trump has ever said regarding p****, his daughter, etc, and nothing that he has been charged or convicted of has negatively impacted our quality of life in any tangible way.

Rt41Rebel said...

Here’s a concept that our idiot liberal trolls can’t understand: Nothing that Trump has ever said regarding p****, his daughter, etc, and nothing that he has been charged or convicted of has negatively impacted our quality of life in any tangible way.

Rt41Rebel said...

Here’s a concept that our idiot liberal trolls can’t understand: Nothing that Trump has ever said regarding p****, his daughter, etc, and nothing that he has been charged or convicted of has negatively impacted our quality of life in any tangible way.

NKP said...

Just returned from Switzerland. Confirm plastic bottle cap situation. "Super annoying" is too kind. OTOH, I see that supermarket giant, Migros, is running a campaign to "bring back plastic bags".

Most alarming is destruction of Swiss Life by accelerating colonization by mostly Asian and islamic hordes. Like an expensive whore, the country is selling it's stunning beauty to the highest bidders. Public transportation and basic infrastructure are overwhelmed. Once small and out-of-the-way hamlets like Murren are adding new beds at an alarming rate - it's almost like the 'Vegas Strip is being reborn atop a cliff.

A couple of old inn-keeper friends lament, "We took their money and gave them our home. Now they're taking over our lives, as well."

wendybar said...

Where IS the real President?? Do we have one or not?? Are we pretending she is the acting one, whilst Joe deteriorates more?? Why didn't they use the 25th on him and give her the job?? We ALL know why. Because she sucks and CAN'T DO THE JOB because she has NO CLUE what is going on. She is an asshole and I hope she loses by millions and millions because anybody stupid enough to vote her in hates America.

SHE is the one who is playing political games and it's not cute that she thinks we can't see her.

She’s attacking the governor of a state about to be hit by its second hurricane in two weeks because he didn’t make time to let her cosplay as president during a contentious election.

Utterly shameful.
Kamala responds to being ignored by Fla. Gov. DeSantis:

"Playing political games at this moment, in these crisis situations…It's utterly irresponsible and it is selfish..."

wendybar said...

"In fiscal year 2023, Congress allocated $29.5 billion to FEMA. You’d think that’s a lot of money, and you’d be right. However, even as FEMA has been granted massive amounts of funds for illegal aliens through Customs and Border Patrol, it’s managed to run out of money for ordinary Americans facing terrible disasters. Now, we’re learning that FEMA employees are doing more allocations, this time based on what I can only call “genital equity.” (I scorn the phrase “gender equity.”) That is, FEMA employees aren’t concerned with the greatest good for the greatest number during an emergency. They’re concerned with the LGBTQ+ crowd."

If you aren't an illegal or GAY....you need not apply. Progressive policy is ALL about putting people in boxes. ALWAYS. Kamala is a WOMAN, and she has color!! She must be great?? This is f*cking a nutty way to run a country. No wonder we are drowning.



Narayanan said...

Once I picked it up I just had to finish it in 1 sitting.”
spoken by throne sitter [omitted h]

Breezy said...

I think the issue is the progressive left (aka Harris) is coddling the pro-Hamas, anti-Zionist crowd because she needs their votes. For Harris, moral compass be damned if the votes are numerous enough.

Leland said...

Let us know when CBS 60 minutes quits firing woman reporters because they actually investigate. Until then, it is a garbage tabloid television show as useful as Howard Stern hiding from Covid.

Mark said...

JFC, the bottle cap thing has an easy solution ... Just pull the cap (still attached) over the top of the bottle. The plastic connectors keeping the top on have enough slack so you can do this and it gets it out of the way easily.

A teenager in the UK took a second to show me, simple and easy solution.

Or you could just yell at clouds.

“Make Them Riot” said...

Walleyes were snapping last evening in 6-8" of water on Namekagon. 🎣

BUMBLE BEE said...

Who's FEMA?
Savage Freedoms Relief Operation Has a GOFUNDME
The Good Guys.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Harris/Walz are Chucklehead /Knucklehead.

“Make Them Riot” said...

There is no way that something like climate change can be caused by humans. But it's clear that the government can control the weather. (ht-- MTG)

Humperdink said...

Remember when George W. Bush was running for president? Recall what they told us he lacked as a presidential candidate? Over and over like a battering ram, the media told us Bush didn’t have it. What didn’t he have? Gravitas. And now we have Kamala.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Boy that was some dramatic performance by KJP and her Zoot Suit yesterday when Doocy asked her about hurricane funding vs immediate cash aid to Lebanon. At one point she admits the $750 Harris promised are SBA loans*, not even FEMA assistance, before backtracking and saying "Congress needs to do its job" thereby validating the exact wording of Doocy's question, which she started her answer by characterizing as "disinformation." I though Psaki was a horrible press-sec but KJP shows just how far we've fallen from those good old days.

*Can't help wondering why Doocy didn't pick up on her saying these would be "loans" to hurricane victims and ask the obvious question: "Will Biden forgive them like he did the student loans?"

Dixcus said...

And that the only sure way to succeed in the United States is to polish the politician's poles.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Here's Something


Dixcus said...

Now that you've mentioned the emergency evacuation of Florida that is currently going on - with millions of Americans told to "leave or die" ... I should point out that these Americans will NOT be provided with free hotel rooms, free Obamaphones, and a loaded up Visa card with taxpayer dollars to assist them in their time of need.

All those perks are reserved for illegal aliens. Not Americans.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

My wife did extensive training for Disaster Response / Mass Feeding run by the Southern Baptist Convention (before they went woke) at our old church in East Highland. I wonder if the SBC has boots on the ground there. The Florida chapter says on their FB page they have served over 18,000 meals to victims in the last 12 days.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So whatever happened to that "punch a Nazi" game now that we have Charlottesvilles routinely all over the US and the western world?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

CBS is about to fire a male reporter just because he asked hard questions of Ta Nesi Coates. CBS refused to air the full interview because the reporter was less than deferential to the race hustling "intellectual."

And "turn the page" from what? She is the sitting VP. She is the page. Turning it would mean rejecting Biden-Harris and trying something different than them. She's so dumb she can't even think through a simple metaphorical phrase for what it implies.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...


Christopher B said...

and after that she was immediately kicked upstairs by naming her a senior advisor to Biden. I've read a couple reports and it's still not clear to me if that means she's no longer going to do the daily press conferences (one report said she was retaining her duties and would be the first press secretary to also be a senior advisor) or if her allies in the administration named her a senior advisor to keep her from getting fired.

Iman said...

Hey… wha hoppen to Spredzamanure?!?!

Breezy said...

I’m fascinated by the recent CBS kerfuffle surrounding Coates latest book. Tony Dokoupil really took issue with the section regarding Israel, and challenged Coates to explain why he ignored all the attacks on Israel. Apparently the staff at CBS, purportedly adult journalists, need smelling salts over the whole thing.

Breezy said...

There’s some interesting info on Dokoupil in wiki. He converted to Judaism 10 years ago or so. He has an ex-wife and two children living in Israel. So it seems this is another case where when the elite feel the pain themselves, they sit up and start complaining. Good that he did so. Curious how this will play out at CBS.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

They are determined break the Peter Principle ceiling

gilbar said...

Arizona Voters at Breaking Point Over Cost of Electricity
Rate increases, combined with another blistering summer, have meant big bills for residents of the battleground state. Politicians, including Donald Trump, have noticed.

..some Arizonans are reporting much bigger jumps in their bills this summer. Residents of Lake Havasu City, a resort area on the California border, have bombarded the ACC and their Republican state legislators with complaints about bills rising by 30% or more