October 24, 2024

RFK Jr. and Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard each take a quick turn touting Trump.

RFK Jr: "Don't you want a President who's going to get the chemicals out of our food and don't you want a president who's going to get the corruption out of Washington and don't we deserve a president of the United States that's going to make America healthy again?"

Tucker Carlson: "The single biggest lie that Donald Trump has exposed is that this is a functional democracy when in fact it's a country oppressed by a small group of its unhappiest citizens for their own benefit, and the promise of this campaign is that Donald Trump will return this country to its owners...."

Tulsi Gabbard:  "We have seen from the very beginning how much President Trump has been attacked, smeared, censored — the government weaponized against a candidate for President and a former President in ways that have never been seen in our country before. The reason why this has happened is because he is the sole person who has had the courage to stand up against the uni-party War Machine in Washington and has the audacity to call for peace and an end to war. While he has challenged the swamp creatures in Washington, all of you have resoundingly nominated him for President 3 times in the last 3 presidential elections. We know whose side he stands on. He stands on the side of the people. He stands on the side of peace and prosperity and freedom for all Americans...."


mccullough said...

I’m skeptical of RFK Jr, Tucker, and Tulsi. They are useful opponents against the Dems and their media lapdogs but they aren’t public servants either

n.n said...

I'm voting for the Kennedy, Tucker, Gabbard political spread.

Inga said...

Tucker Carlson threatening women who don’t support Trump, “Daddy’s home, you’ve been a bad girl!”

Sick, sick, sick.

Kate said...

"...a country oppressed by a small group of its unhappiest citizens for their own benefit..."

Dayum. That's a beautiful phrase.

Inga said...

Trump as the “Daddy”, punishing the wayward daughters. How gross, how nutty can these people get?

RideSpaceMountain said...

Tulsi Tulsi, welcome aboard
Your choice we promise to award
The dems were stupid pushing you away
But they're mostly Karens
And they're mostly gay
Conservatives really aren't so bad
Our party's fun and we're mostly Chads
Be our friend
Our love
Our all
Though our rights we keep
Or our county fall

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

Inga, I wouldn't be judging someone else's parenting.... None of his kids have committed suicide to get away from him.
You have no standing here on anything related to parenting.

rehajm said...

accurate…but fair.

donald said...

That’s kinda the point. The “public servants” (man are you cluess) haven’t been “serving” for the last 30 years.

donald said...

lol, you and Dana Bash right now, just melting in fear. Awesome!

rehajm said...

Trump gets one of the better Kennedys and Tusi and the leftie cabal gets sour generals and disgruntled employees that perpetuated the problem they’re using to try and get you to hate Trump…

Inga said...

You must be speaking from having one of your children commit suicide, I’m sorry for you.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Tulsi's previous anti-gun positions and her flip on them is transparent and it rubs me the wrong way. But she can rub me every other way.

donald said...

As a matter of fact, they’re all night well adjusted and successful as opposed to…

cf said...

Tulsi for the win!

Howard said...

That's winning messaging and a stark contrast to the cringe-worthy flailings of the DNC machine and their puppet candidate.

cf said...


Howard said...

With that streak of gray hair, Tulsi has a strong Yvonne de Carlo vibe. Vavava Voom. Hubba hubba hubba.

Eva Marie said...

Personal attacks are bad sportsmanship.

Robert Cook said...

"Don't you want a President who's going to get the chemicals out of our food and don't you want a president who's going to get the corruption out of Washington and don't we deserve a president of the United States that's going to make America healthy again?"

Splutter, choke, spit-take! How stupid does Kennedy think the American people are? Pretty fucking stupid, obviously? "Get the corruption out Washington?" Hahahaha! That is as black and cynical as sardonic humor gets! Trump could only "take the corruption out of Washington" is if he somehow took it all to Mar-a-Lago. And..."Get America healthy again?!" Trump appears to be the poster asshole for the deteriorating effects of bad food and no physical activity. And, Trump only likes and eats food packed! with the chemicals Kennedy refers to in his lie.

Aggie said...

Coming from a 'Shower with Joe' supporter, that's hilarious. Yes, the Diary is evidence.

Drago said...

"I put my hand on the valet's shoulder and tell him, with my $100, could you please get me a car as soon as possible.

'As I'm talking to him, Doug got out of the line, comes up, turns me around by my right shoulder. I'm completely caught off guard, I'm not bracing, I'm in four inch heels, wearing a full-length gown and it's between 2-3am.

'He slaps me so hard I spin around, and I'm in utter shock.

'There had been no fight, no argument. It had been a completely fantastic event. I am so furious. The only thing I could think to do was slap him back. I slapped him on one side, and on the other cheek with the other hand.

'In that moment, his mask had dropped and I saw his dark side,' she added.

'All of a sudden the car is there, the valet is ushering me in.

'I intended to go back to the hotel without him. So I was shutting the car door, but he forced his way into the car, which I did not want.

'It's dark. I don't speak French, my friends we're with are off having an amazing time. I'm embarrassed and humiliated that, this amazing experience turned into this violent spectacle.

'I can't believe he just slapped me. I think I said to him in the car, 'What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you do that?' And the only thing I could get out of him was he thought I was hitting on the valet.'

Jane said she called a businessman friend in New York from the cab to tell him what just happened. The friend confirmed the call to DailyMail.

'This was the first time I saw Doug's ugly side,' Jane said. 'I was in shock. I wanted somebody to know where I was, and what happened. I was freaked out because I thought I knew this person. But I don't, and he's in the car with me.

'I also wanted Doug to see me on the phone telling somebody.'

Jane said the next day Emhoff was unapologetic, telling her in a casual manner that they were 'even' and referencing her returned slaps using a tennis metaphor: 'Don't worry about it, you got one across the court and down the line.'


Inga said...

Eva Marie,
Goetz von Berlichingen has said something similar to this regarding my son’s death before. Another commenter has said something similar, so I suspect Goetz may be his sock puppet, or they both are sick twisted people. My son’s death in 2019 was not suicide, but this creep has now twice tried to smear my son with this lie. My four children were (my son) and are (my three daughters) happy, kind and successful adults, I couldn’t be prouder of them.

Curious George said...

Trump as the “Daddy”, punishing the wayward daughters. How gross, how nutty can these people get?"

Inga had no problem with Biden showering with his daughter. Or sniffing and groping others. But some joke, that where she draws the line.

Clyde said...

The one thing that I noticed about Tulsi Gabbard back in 2020 during the Democrat Primary debates was that she was the only one on the stage who didn't seem consumed with hate. All of the rest of them would happily have put me in a boxcar and sent me to a camp. I still wouldn't have voted for her then (or for any Democrat) but I still respected her for that.

Inga said...

Characterizing Trump as the “daddy” with the rightful parental role of punisher of naughty children (fellow American, females more specifically) is about as nutty as it can get. If you thought I meant it was “sick” in a sexual connotation and to see Trump as the rightful punisher that’s on you, get your mind out of the gutter. It’s not normal to see the president of the US as a “daddy”, that is disturbing.

Iman said...

Everyone has their own interests. Even you.

Narayanan said...

ignora does nto think that is parenting?

Iman said...

Tulsi seems to be a very “together” woman. A strong and fearless sort of person.

john mosby said...

Lefty woman protests too much about the Daddy analogy.

Remember Life of Julia?

We established long ago that lefty women want a Daddy.

Now we’re just haggling over what kind.


Inga said...

“We established long ago that lefty women want a Daddy.”

That’s where you went wrong.

Hassayamper said...

Tulsi's previous anti-gun positions and her flip on them is transparent and it rubs me the wrong way.

I bet if you looked into Elon Musk's past you'd find a similar flip-flop. People who were not raised in a shooting/hunting culture never appreciate the right to bear arms until they gain an understanding of just how self-servingly corrupt and coercive the government is. With any luck we can flip RFK Jr too, although given his family history that may be a bridge too far.

donald said...

There was a no possible way it will happen with anybody else.

donald said...

Oh, he’s gonna punish the naughty boys also. Way to make women always weak.

Achilles said...

Inga and Democrats who support Harris want Trump supporters thrown in jail and want Trump dead.

We all know who is sick Inga. You are a terrible person.

Rabel said...

Which of the three turns on him first after the election.

I vote Tucker.

Inga said...

Donald, you keep commenting under the wrong comment. F. Carlson specifically mentioned “girls”. So it stands to reason he’s saying Daddy Trump will punish the naughty girls.

Achilles said...

It is fun watching Cook realize that everyone now knows he is a completely fake and dishonest person and that he doesn't believe a single word he says.

You are just making it plain to everyone that you are only interested in power over other people Cook. You just pretended to believe things in order to get that power.

Achilles said...

Inga is right. Democrats and leftists have been waging war against fatherhood and fathers for decades.

This is at the core of their effort to destroy our country.

Achilles said...

Inga is supporting Doug Emhoff too. Democrat women love abusive predatory men that often turn out to be rapists and they love the women that enable them. Biden and Clinton are both known rapists and Hillary went after Bill's victims herself.

Note also how Inga supports keeping the Epstein and Diddy Client lists from the public. Too many of the people she supports are listed in there raping children and young women.

Inga said...

Huh?? I absolutely do not want the Epstein and Diddy “lists” to be kept from the public. I never said any such thing. Did you pull that out of your ass too? You make a lot of erroneous assumptions that might be projection, but whatever they are they are so so so strange.

Inga said...

There are many men on the left that are fathers, grandfathers and husbands. In what world do you live? Some freakish hellscape of your own dark imagination? To say you are a weirdo is an affront to weirdos.

donald said...

I’m not turned around by anything. You’re responsible g I. The fashion you’ve used your entire life. You’re two faced on all topics trying to spin evil out of your perceived enemies. Just letting ya know toots, if it helps at all, he’s going for the boys too. That’s the single most important point of all. There’s a lotta hacks out there and hopefully it’s time to pay.

Inga said...

Now you’ve responded to Iman, LOL!

donald said...

We have an entire government benefits conglomerate taking property from the citizens and then distributing that plunder to women. Our entire electoral system is based on it. So yeah, whoever’s running the government is your daddy.

donald said...

We have an entire government benefits conglomerate taking property from the citizens and then distributing that plunder to women. Our entire electoral system is based on it. So yeah, whoever’s running the government is your daddy.

Inga said...

Donald, did you mean to respond to Kate’s comment here? She doesn’t seem like she’s melting in fear based on her comment.

rehajm said...

…not just Ms. Munster, Alexandra Cabot, too…

Christopher B said...

Speaking of endorsements, on the heels of the LA Times declining to endorse Harris, Ace at AofSHQ is reporting that Jeff Bezos appears to be blocking the expected WaPo Harris endorsement, at leasr for now.

Freder Frederson said...

We all know who is sick Inga. You are a terrible person.

This from a person who fantasizes about hanging his opponents from lampposts.