October 17, 2024

"'Pennsylvania is such a mess': Inside Team Harris’ unusual levels of finger-pointing/Many of the state’s most well-connected Democrats have been worried about the operation for months."

Insiders are complaining to Politico.


Quaestor said...

And pigs could fly... but I doubt it.

Ralph L said...

I wonder if Gov. Shapiro has decided not to help much. There will be a lot of fur flying if Trump wins. I hope people tell us all about it.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

... Harris’ ground game and outreach to voters of color are stronger than Trump’s. Republicans have sounded alarms about Trump’s turnout machine in Pennsylvania and other states.... “Our campaign is running the largest and most sophisticated operation in Pennsylvania history,” she said, adding that “We have 50 coordinated offices and nearly 400 staff on the ground,” “We invested in targeted advertising to Black and Latino voters starting in August of 2023, and we have now spent more than any previous presidential campaign on outreach to these communities,” and “We are leaving no stone unturned.”

This is the big question that I don't think people (and the betting markets) are confronting.

How much difference will the superior Dem ground game make? Seems to me it could easily make a difference of a few percent, maybe as much as 5%, which would tip the election. Harris has an enormous amount of money and far more staff on the ground. Mail-in ballots allows many more days to get into people's houses and get them to fill out the ballots ... maybe even walk those ballots in for the voter (I don't know what the laws allow).

I'm guessing there will be a big surprise. I can see why the Dems want to keep this quiet for now.

Josephbleau said...

"You need to do more to bring Latino men on board/Harris’ performance with Latino voters in Pennsylvania, home to about 580,000 registered Latino voters, could tip the entire election" (Politico)."

All I can say is, if you made the bed, you must sleep in it.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Musk seems to understand this too. He says he is setting up operations in Pennsylvania to get out the vote. Musk is smart and usually understands the mechanics of things at a fundamental level.

Eva Marie said...

Biden: The Revenge Tour
Should Kamala lose the election, Biden should go on every news show and podcast and explain in excruciating detail how he could have won the election.
It’s not too late Democrats - Bring Biden Back

Original Mike said...

If the fraudulent ballots haven't been mailed by now, that is a problem.

mccullough said...

Men don’t like Harris more than women don’t like Trump

Dixcus said...

Latino men are upset with Harris for promising the black dudes free dope and $20,000 cash money.

Chicano price just went up.

Kathryn51 said...

In 2016 (wrote in a name in my bluest of blue states), I hunkered down at home w/a big bottle of wine next to me, reading a favorite mystery (Nero Wolfe) and sick to my stomach at the almost certainty that Hillary would be declared President. Hubby called me from a "watch party" and said - turn on the TV.

2020 - stayed home, prepared for the inevitable.

2024 - Unless Trump says the c**t word against a woman, I'll finally fill in that bubble next to his name. Not because of him, but because of Lawfare and 1st/2nd amendment. Ever since the VP debate - during which JD exemplified calm, intelligent, empathetic - I have slept well.

Dixcus said...

Most men have been married to a Harris at one time or another and had to give half their stuff to that fking bitch. They're not voting for her.

Josephbleau said...

Professional Democrats, like Schumer and Polosi, and the US Corporate Media, need to face some uncomfortable facts:
1. Loosing is better than dragging a corpse across the finish line.
2. Having four building years to develop young candidates that are tested in media combat is survival to the DNC.
3. The capture of DNC policy by weirdo's is not sustainable.
4. The capture of DNC policy by billionares is not sustainable.
5. Creating the appearance that Democrats have nice families is important.

Kathryn51 said...

I don't like the new format on Althouse/Google/whatever. But I definitely wish there was a method of hitting a "like" button. Consider this a "like". 😊😊

Dixcus said...

Are you dating? By any chance?

RideSpaceMountain said...

"You need to do more to bring Latino men on board"


Dixcus said...

Dude ... earlier this year, a photograph was released of a "weirdo" literally butt_king a dude on the floor of the United States Senate.

They OWN Washington DC.

Original Mike said...

They're so desperate to win at any cost, it makes you think there's some ginormous conspiracy they're seeking to hide.

gspencer said...

On CNN tonight, discussing the significant number of blacks who will be voting for Trump.

"So, Don [Lemon], what should we Democrats do about these runaways over to Trump?"

"Dana [Bash], there's only one thing to do. Once we regain control of Congress again we Democrats have to do what Democrats did years ago. We have to pass, yet again, the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850."

"Okay, lets get to work. I'll get Jeffries and Schumer right on this."

Mark said...

So much concern trolling here the last month.
Or is it throwing red meat to the Althouse trolls?

So hard to tell.

Dixcus said...

Gee, and with the Democrats providing so much moral support for the Jewish community.

Dixcus said...

The black dudes are getting $20K and free weed. That's the floor price.

Dixcus said...

Althouse has a $170,000 a year pension from the University of Wisconsin. She don't need Google money.

Jersey Fled said...

The big issue in Pennsylvania is fracking. Shapiro is dead if Harris wins. And he is smart enough to know that.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Turn up the pandering, lying and bromides!

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Oh please - just keep counting "ballots' for days on end - until the desired result is achieved.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Lookie over here! but but but! Trump screwed a porn star... and falsified documents! Very important!

Inga said...

Throwing red meat to her peeps.

Rusty said...

Mark's going to vote for Kamala until his wife gives him back his penis.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The fix is in... so, it doesn't matter a hill of ants in Queens.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

This is stunning: The New York Times "plagiarism expert" now confirms that the paper deliberately withheld the full Kamala Harris plagiarism report from him and that, after analyzing the full claims, Harris's plagiarism is "more serious" than he told the Times.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

add " quotes" to above statement

Kevin said...

This wasn’t supposed to happen. Trump is supposed to be in jail or dead.

Dixcus said...

"And it's working, Inga." - Harry Reid

See, we're only following the playbook YOU wrote. Only we are competent.

Dixcus said...

Don't worry. They haven't stopped trying to murder Donald Trump.

john mosby said...

Filling the media with stories about how the election is so close provides context for when counterfeit ballots get Cackles McKneepads just over the line.


boatbuilder said...

And yet they are still panicking. What does that tell you?

Iman said...


clint said...

Don't worry. They haven't stopped trying to jail Donald Trump either.

November 26th is his sentencing date.

Leora said...

I just saw some complaints on X that Harris door knockers in their non-minority area did not speak English well enough to be understood. Maybe the maps are bad?

Duty of Inquiry said...

It will come down to how many votes the dems manufacture in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.

doctrev said...

RDS had a supposedly god-tier ground game and hundreds of millions in financing. It didn't help, at all. The fact trash tier consulting drones like Gerda are on the outside of the modern GOP pleases me immensely. All the Frum/ Kristol types should hang ahead of their Democrat allies.

doctrev said...


Trump has "white dudes for Harris" like Mark down cold.

wendybar said...

Kamala sucks so badly that I myself have used the c**t word against her. (and I hate the word as much as YOU do) It wouldn't stop me from voting for Trump, in fact, it would make me like him more, since THAT is what she is.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Eric the Fruit Bat warns Harris camp: You need to do more to bring Eric the Fruit Bat on board/Harris’ performance with Eric the Fruit Bat in Pennsylvania, home to about one Eric the Fruit Bat, could tip the entire election.

Oh, and by the way, I can be bought. Call me.

mikee said...

PA wil be decided not by voter outreach or special interest pandering, but by creating and harvesting mail in ballots for people who otherwise would not be voting. Two canvassers show up at your door, ask if you're gonna vote. You of course say yes, so they hand you a mail in ballot request already filled out and you sign it and they turn it in for you. Then they come back to get the ballot itself after a few days, help you fill it in if necessary, and turn that vote in for you. Manpower intensive, but every vote is legal and every vote counts and the votes are harvested in selectively Dem districts, leaving the Repubs with fewer votes. And if a few extra mail in ballots for each address are requested and filled in for the nonvoting public, who will ever know? The ballots are not auditable, you can't prove a given vote came from any specific person after the vote count. Harris wins PA by 50,000 votes, no matter how many votes Trump gets there. 85 million votes for Harris nationwide? Maybe. Joe got 81 million from his basement, during COVID, with obvious dementia, right?