October 17, 2024

"Obama is the last Democrat who won Wisconsin with more than 50 percent of the vote...."

"It’s Obama who has the potential to persuade Wisconsin voters.... Obama gets Wisconsin. He has always maintained a strategic sense about how to campaign in the state.... In 2008 and 2012, he did the usual outreach to urban voters in Milwaukee and Madison. But he also paid attention to smaller cities, such as Green Bay, Racine, Kenosha, Janesville, Wausau, La Crosse, and Eau Claire, where he showed up and spoke, a lot, about renewing manufacturing and increasing support for rural regions of the state. He also talked about the cost of bloated military budgets and unnecessary wars.... [I]t would be wise for [Kamala Harris] to recognize that a stronger stance in favor of a ceasefire in Gaza—and for restrictions on US military aid to Israel—would attract far more support in Wisconsin than an appearance with a neoconservative militarist like Liz Cheney....."

Writes John Nichols, in "Recipe for a Harris Win: More Obama, Less Cheney/Embracing right-wing Republicans won’t excite undecided voters. Associating with a popular Democrat who understands battleground states like Wisconsin will" (The Nation).

ADDED: Here's something Obama put up 45 minutes ago, making his pitch for Kamala Harris:

ADDED: I have never understood the argument that Trump "only cares about himself." Democrats say it over and over, but I don't see it at all. 


Michael Fitzgerald said...

Still trying to win the male vote by parading Democrat Party paragons of masculinity Tampon Tim, Bitch-Slapper Emhoff, and macho man Moobs Obama.

rehajm said...

They’re gonna cook Wisconsin so dun matter…and as I mentioned, since when is Obama anything but a campaign cooler? Not that long ago candidates told him to stay away?

rehajm said...

Black guys aren’t going to vote Kamala because Obama shows up…

Dixcus said...

"Kamala has spent her life fighting on behalf of people who need a voice and a chance ..."


Kamala Harris spent half her life putting black men in jail for smoking weed when she wasn't sucking Willie Brown's cock.

The balls on this broad.

Dixcus said...

If Donald Trump only cared about himself, on January 6, he would have publiclly burned his US passport and announced that he was leaving the corrupt United States for another country ... leaving us all behind to deal with this wreckage of a country.

He's a billionaire. He could be laying around on a beach with his wife all the time watching the country burn to the ground if he didn't care about America and Americans.

The guy I just described is named Joe Biden and I cannot wait to piss on his grave.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

He's wearing the same funeral suit and tie.

Dixcus said...

Have you noticed that a dead body washed up on Barack Obama's lawn and not a single investigation was begun of that death. Only a local cover-up along the lines of when Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne?

loudogblog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dixcus said...

He should keep that pressed. He's going to be spending a LOT of time at funerals in the next few years.

Big Mike said...

I have never understood the argument that Trump "only cares about himself."

i understand it perfectly well -- it's a bare-faced lie.

loudogblog said...

"a neoconservative militarist like Liz Cheney"

He's right on this point. The Democrats have become the new neocons who are in favor of endless wars because it powers the economic machine that provides support to their party. (The industrial military complex)

He's wrong about everything else. Obama is obviously not in the Harris camp and he never will be. Harris can never be Obama. She just isn't skilled enough.

The American people don't want far-left candidates now. (And most Americans support what Israel is currently doing to Hamas.) Most Americans want economic stability, low inflation, low crime, zero illegal immigration, an emphasis on personal responsibility and far-left extremism (and public expressions of personal sexual fetishes) out of their faces.

donald said...

That is 1000 percent correct.

Dixcus said...

A very astute comment. Obama is in the Chicago Mafia wing of the Democrat Party ... Harris is in the California wing with Pelosi/Newsome. Biden represents the old New England Mafia and was brought in to represent Southern racists when Obama was put at the top of the ticket. His usefullness is over and he's been cast aside by the California wing and only endorsed Harris because, after all, he's a Ku Klux Klan style racist and opposes ANYTHING Obama does.

Narayanan said...

will ''watering burial plot'' be satisfactory?

Dixcus said...

There are about 3 black guys who live in Wisconsin and they're going to be made very busy on election day.

donald said...

I’m in Salem Oregontoday looking at a job. I just met up with my Navy buddy Stan who looks like Bigfoot, is a good musician, and ended up with a psychopath pink pussy hatted shrew. We have spoken for four years till today. I walked in his house and he was celebrating the assassination of sinwar. Like he is joyous about it. I kinda pointed out I wasn’t into the global war thing.

Mary Beth said...

he showed up and spoke, a lot, about renewing manufacturing and increasing support for rural regions of the state.

Did he do anything about it other than talk?

loudogblog said...

About the clip you added with Obama: This has all the crackle of Confederate money. People don't want "passion and connecting" from a presidential candidate, they want a competent leader who will create economic stability and make intelligent choices. Obama is basically telling all the intelligent people not to vote for Harris.

Duke Dan said...

Not the only thing democrats lie about.

Original Mike said...

" I have never understood the argument that Trump "only cares about himself." Democrats say it over and over, but I don't see it at all. "

They think if they keep saying it, it will become impressed upon people's brains.
They use this tactic a lot.

It's demonstrably bullshit. Why in the world would he leave a cushy life, and have haters trying to murder him, if all he cared about is himself? His love of country is palpable.

BUMBLE BEE said...

No words about his mother or grandparents who lifted him out of the Madrassa? He's trying to unite the AWFULS? Self serving? He wrote the book!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Always be sincere Barry, whether you mean it or not.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

If he only cared about himself he'd have declared himself King Donald I of America back in 2016.

Mason G said...

Israelis killing one of the leaders of the organization who attacked them is not really a global war thing, is it?

Tina Trent said...

Yeah. I remember when my brother was in hospice. Some 30 scumbag Venezuelans, obviously illegal, making gang signs, with tattoos and a dying grandmother, stripped the hospice of the coffee machines, teabags, coffee, and anything else than wasn't nailed down for the comfort of the client families.

This is our fucking future. Ask Kamala about that. Inga, was that like the death of your son?

I locked myself in my brother's room to avoid being robbed as he died. I couldn't even get a cup of tea. You Democrats are the scum of the earth. You deserve to experience what I experienced, and soon I hope you will.

Rabel said...

"only cares about himself"

"Everything's about him."

From Barack Obama. It's just too much.

rhhardin said...

Only caring about yourself is the alternative to universal empathy.

Butkus51 said...

We used to vacation in Wisconsin often. Obama is not Wisconsin.

rhhardin said...

Trump is in the hospitality industry. When you're in the room with him, you're the most important person in the room.

Lawrence Person said...

Are we suppose to believe that there are a mass of non-voters in Wisconsin that hate Jews who haven't already joined the Democratic Party that will magically show up at the polls due to cutting off aid to Israel?

PB said...

I lost my plan, lost my doctor and my premiums sky rocketed along with my deductible. So GFY Barry.

TaeJohnDo said...

Every time I see a man shilling for kamala, I can't help but wonder if she sucked him off to get him to speak good of her. Of course, in this case, she would have had tampon tim to do it for her...

The rule of Lemnity said...

If he only cared about himself, he wouldn't still be in it. I mean, I knew they would try to stop him, but I never imagined how hard.

Sebastian said...

"I have never understood the argument that Trump "only cares about himself.""

Why? I mean, the partciular claim is absurd, but no more than any of their other claims. This one vilifies him by portraying him as a self-serving narcissist. OK. So how is that different, from the autocrat, destroyer of democracy, etc. etc?

"Democrats say it over and over, but I don't see it at all."

Which is good. But repetition has its uses and many people see what they've been told. Dems are better at the propaganda game, and of course have far more outlets to spread the word.

rehajm said...

How can we just let you eat your waffle if you won’t go away?

narciso said...


Wa St Blogger said...

I can say with strong certainty that the people going for the brass ring are in it for themselves. They want the title, the prestige, and the lucrative remuneration that comes after. Almost no one dopes it for the good of the country. Does not mean they don't want something good for the country, but they make compromise after compromise to get to the top, which means that their ethics are crap. It's an elite club that almost requires narcissism to run the gauntlet to win. Don't give me any crap about a self-sacrifice and altruism. Might have been true many years ago, but not today.

With Trump, at least he's not in it for the money.

mccullough said...

Men don’t like Obama.

mccullough said...

Men don’t like Obama.

rhhardin said...

"I have never understood the argument that Trump "only cares about himself.""

You're not a female 18-34yo.
Jordan Peterson - What Divides Us Is Deeper Than Politics

credits TicTok

rhhardin said...

From 2008 every Obama rally was identified as taking place in an estrogen cloud.

Iman said...

Barcky “Momjeans” Obama… flailing about as he sees his 4th term chances dissipating in a noxious cloud of testy - but fiery - bullshit.

Prof. M. Drout said...

The "...only cares about himself" meme is a leftover from 2016 that didn't really resonate then but at least played on people's fears: Was this carnival barker just running for President for the attention? Was it all an elaborate scam? Did Trump have a behind-the-scenes deal with Hilary Clinton?
A lot of people--myself included--were very skeptical of Trump at the beginning for exactly this reason. We thought he might pull the rug out from under his supporters like Ross Perot did.
But Trump's winning in 2016 and his subsequent actions show that he actually wasn't out for his own enrichment. Quite the opposite: he has lost lots of money compared to what he could have had by playing golf, not to mention the threats to his freedom and, now, the attempts on his life.

I continue to be amazed by the rhetorical ineptitude of the anti-Trump people. They keep replaying the same memes that didn't work in 2016: just the other night a friend on FB was going crazy about the "made fun of disabled reporter," "called troops suckers," and "fine people on both sides" tropes. Setting aside the the third of these is definitely false, and the other two are more than questionable, if Trump is the most fascistic fascist who ever fasced, why can't anyone come up with a couple objectively horrible things he did in office?* Or why doesn't anybody make a case against some specific policies? Why is it always the same few purely emotional (and probably fake) things from 6-8 years ago?

I don't believe it is because Trump has been perfect since then (no human could be), but I don't know what the explanation for this bizarre behavior is, either. If it didn't work then, why would it work now?

*I guess January 6 is one thing more recent--though that was still almost 4 years ago. Maybe that resonates with some people: it's impossible to know, though, because it's impossible to know who actually believes that Reichstag Fire event was an actual attempt to overthrow the government and who is just pretending that they believe it was an actual attempt to overthrow the government in order to score rhetorical points ("Hey guys! Let's overthrow the government with no weapons! That'll work!")

Mason G said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fitzgerald said...

"Have you noticed that a dead body washed up on Barack Obama's lawn and not a single investigation was begun of that death. Only a local cover-up along the lines of when Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne?"
Yeah, brother, it's good to be in the mob when the mob owns the press and police.

Iconochasm said...

" I have never understood the argument that Trump "only cares about himself." Democrats say it over and over, but I don't see it at all. "

Because the Democrat pitch is that they care. They care so much. Their hearts bleed with the caring. Don't ask them how to translate that caring into tangible benefits to the subjects of the caring, and certainly don't ask about how their plans have worked in the past. Just trust that they care, not like those bad other people in the outgroup, who do not care.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Wow, the place is packed! Must be 150 people there.

boatbuilder said...

Comfort and safety is the explanation, Prof. It takes them to their safe place.
The alternative is to admit that they were and are wrong, on a fundamental level. That is a very hard thing to do-- especially hard when the in-group keeps repeating that the other side is evil and bad, and you are on the side of good.

Aggie said...

The 'Hail Mary' video makes the best sense if Obama stands to lose something, and lose big.

He has personal investments in the election that only pay out if Kamala wins. He's heavily vested into his fourth term.

Where is Valerie Jarrett?
Where is Samantha Powers?
Who else from his White House administrative staff still has a position in the current administration?
What do the visitor logs show?

Tortillapete said...

Real men don't, but Tampon Tim adores him...

Lazarus said...

Some recipe. Obama had over 4 years to haunt the highways and byways Wisconsin. Harris only had 4 months -- one month now -- to make those connections. Obama could craft a presidency that didn't antagonize Middle America more than he thought necessary. Harris is saddled with Biden's disastrous policies. Harris may still carry Wisconsin, but she's not going to be able to follow Obama's example. Obama himself isn't the Wonder Boy he was a decade ago.

Harris isn't going to pick up many votes calling for restrictions on US aid to Israel. The support she takes away from Stein and West, she loses among other voters. Few votes are going to depend on a candidate's stance on Gaza or Ukraine. Few voters will believe Harris if she talks about revitalizing rural America and bringing jobs back. Biden did little to help them and Harris's pitch isn't to farmers and small-town Americans. But hey, didn't Obama himself say that he had no magic wand to bring jobs back? I'm not sure that he really did tailor his message to rural or working-class audiences. I'm also not sure that he talked that much about peace. I suspect he spoke in the same generalities that he used in other parts of the country.

Trump likes to talk in terms of winners and losers. Democrats take that to mean that he shows no pity for the "losers," but he's been rather generous with his time and money and seems able to reach out to all kinds of people. The winners and losers talk isn't something unique to Donald Trump by any means and it doesn't mean he's contemptuous of people who are going through hard times.

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

Modern democrats don't argue policy with their opponents, they hurl insults. Trump is a racist, a fascist, an authoritarian. "He only cares about himself" is just the latest insult.