October 19, 2024

Musk: "Yeah, I saw an interview with Mark Cuban and, what's her name again, Rachel Maddow, but I couldn't tell which was which."

Is this the sort of humor you'd advise Musk to use?
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rehajm said...

At last- a poll option that aligns with my beleif!

Iman said...

Cuban’s flop sweat almost matches QueMala’s.

rehajm said...

Ha. It’s true. So much androgyny. Nice pearl earrings though, Mark…

Kevin said...

It looks like Cuban is wearing earrings.

Kevin said...
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Kevin said...

Assuming that one is Cuban.

Dixcus said...

Elon Musk isn't pushing away ANYBODY who would spend time listening to Mark Cuban or Rachel Maddow.

Rules For Radicals - Rule #1:

"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

We only know about this book because of Democrats.

Dixcus said...

Does it look like a man? If so, then it's not Cuban.

tommyesq said...

It is funny because it references both the odd physical similarity and the robotic identity of beliefs that the left exhibits.
Also, Cuban is wearing ear buds, but they sure do look like earrings .

rehajm said...

You look like an angry little boy -Olenna Tyrell

Wince said...

Either Maddow or Cuban could pass for Ruth Buzzi sitting next to Artie Johnson on a park bench.

Gladys Hornsby and Tyrone.

Howard said...

Musk certainly enjoys blowing up civility bullshit. He can certainly dish it out but is he like Donald Trump and can he take it when it's fired back at him?

Mark said...

Elon and Maddow have quite similar haircuts. Clip the right image and you couldn't tell the three apart.

Mark said...

Elon and Maddow have quite similar haircuts. Clip the right image and you couldn't tell the three apart.

Eva Marie said...

Observing that two people look like each other is dishing it out? Exactly whom do you think Musk is insulting?

tim maguire said...

I clicked insignificant; it’s not out of line with all the other political insults. Besides, Democrats are running on ”only a biologist knows what a woman is;” so, cheap shot or not, none of them are in a position to complain.

Shouting Thomas said...

You’re missing one option. I wouldn’t advise Musk about anything.

Bob Boyd said...

Musk also tweeted, "They remind me of a lesbian couple from Portland"

Cuban responded lamely, "You can't stop thinking about me Can you ? It's ok. I understand.
If I supported a candidate that was so incompetent I had to take over and fund their ground game, I would be looking for a distraction too."

Narayanan said...

how does biologist do that?

Eva Marie said...

Why is making the connection between Maddow and Cuban an insult. Also things that make us laugh are not all insults. You hear that someone looks like their dog, you laugh but you’re not insulting the dog or the owner by laughing.

planetgeo said...

You'll know the transformation is complete when he starts wearing a nose ring.

Big Mike said...

It was hard for me to choose between #1 and #6. Was it as challenging for any of the rest of you?

Bob Boyd said...

Maddow often wears a pair of big, black eyeglasses like Cuban is wearing.

Bob Boyd said...

Maybe Musk wasn't just talking about their looks. Maybe he was also talking about what they had to say. Both have a bad case of TDS.

Sally327 said...

At a quick glance they do look similar so easy to see why there might be confusion. I also find it confusing that Mark Cuban is being treated as a political expert. Why would the Harris-Walz campaign rely on him for anything other than money, it seems odd and maybe just another sign of how inept that campaign is.

narciso said...

He is really going full dufuss isnt he

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

looks - sure - but the BS and lies spilling out the mouth is exactly the same between the two.

Kai Akker said...

Playground bully boy exchange shows that we're not taking the civil war seriously yet. In a security or financial crisis, or both, this kind of thing might still get said, but no one would be paying any attention to it.

Mary Beth said...

That's the two I was deciding between. I went with #1 because while this one event is inconsequential, speech isn't.

Kirk Parker said...

Big Mike, I had exactly the same dilemma. I eventually went with number six, but what I really wanted was an unqualified yes without the weasling qualification.

Freder Frederson said...

Again, you didn't include the choice I would have selected: "I don't know why we give this asshole any attention. And, what joke? That was not the least bit funny or original."

chuck said...

Musk is Musk. Humor isn't his strong point, but no one will mistake him for Maddow.

Freder Frederson said...

Obviuosly, Musk was calling Cuban a "little faggot". That is more in line with his stunted middle-school level of maturity.

Inga said...

I wish there would’ve been an option for “Musk is cringe.”

Inga said...

Musk has a naturally feminine face, not his fault and nothing wrong with it.

Rusty said...

That guy on the left looks like Rachel Maddow. I don't know who Mark Cuban is.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Musk is only a space travel, electric automobile and rocket landing mastermind. Collective hivemind backwards left say: "Ignore him!" Jealous? Bitter? Perhaps. Mostly - It's all about your sick obsession with your corrupt anti-free speech political party.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Mocking the left is fun -because leftists are 100% unable to admit their own failures ... ever.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

I thought his comic timing on that one was very good.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...
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Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

FREDER - Did he use the words "little faggot"? NO. Why do you lie?

Bob Boyd said...

Those are your ugly words, not Musk's.
Something for you to ponder.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

But mainly, I would say, the phony gravitas.

narciso said...

The one on the right

Freder Frederson said...

When Michael K thought he was so witty when he asked me if I had recovered from Monkey pox, I knew exactly what he meant. In fact I responded: "Why don't you just call me a little faggot and be done with it" or something to that effect. Musk's sentiment was pretty much the same about Cuban. They both at least have enough self-awareness to know an eighth grade insult will make them look stupid, so they have to come up with something they think is so sly and witty.

And the quotes in my original post were not a direct quote of Musk, they were an indication of what I interpreted his comment to mean.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Freder bro here embracing the "scoldy cunt" theme of the Harris campaign. ...And there ain't gonna be no "Merry Christmas"!

Freder Frederson said...

Musk banned a reporter who published negative emails about Vance from X. His tolerance for free speech only extends to people who agree with him. Same with Trump who recently called for CBS have its FCC license revoked, which is hardly "pro-free-speech" (and displays a shocking lack of understanding how media networks operate, CBS, the corporation, holds very few actual FCC licenses).

RCOCEAN II said...

Actually when she puts on her black "smart glasses" Maddow looks like Stephen Colbert. Mark Cuban (not his real last name) has always been a loudmouthed fake. One minute he's the hard nosed businessman, the next he's the prgamatic middle of the roader, and then the hardcore leftist. Only the last one is the real Cuban.

RCOCEAN II said...

Anchors used to be picked for their smart and their looks. Thats how we got Rather, Jennings, and Brokow. Cable TV ushered in the age of the ugly. Now, you have to be a homely dwarf to be on MSNBC or CNN. Or host a Sunday TV talk show. If you're a handsome dude, or good looking gal, you'd better be Gay or you're out.

Yancey Ward said...

So, who would be the husband in a Cuban/Maddow marriage?

RCOCEAN II said...

Feder is just using the rhetorical trick leftists always use. Their go to "trick" in their leftwing playbook is to call people raciss/sexiss, homophobe, etc. But what if the "Enemy" doesn't say anything like that? Well, then you PRETEND they said raciss/sexist/homphobic anyway and attack them.

That's why I find interacting with leftists so boring. Its all a propaganda battle with them. Nothing is said in good faith. Just alinsky's rules and toeing the party line. And it just ends with slanging insults.

Yancey Ward said...

I once saw a picture of Rachel Maddow from when she was in her late teens- she was very, very attractive. She isn't ugly today but she has zero feminine charm for a heterosexual guy now and the personality underneath is truly ugly.

Bob Boyd said...
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Yancey Ward said...

Cuban is the chick on the right side of the screen.

Yancey Ward said...

Poor Freder- can't hide his desire for censorship.

Bob Boyd said...

Rosie O'Donnell

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Freder - It's a stretch. Diving intent.
oh but looksie here:
Trump-supporting Florida sheriff targeted with racist banner flown over downtown Jacksonville

Bruce Hayden said...

Many of us listen to Musk because not only is he the richest person on the planet, with a decent chance at breaking $1 Trillion by 2030, but he has revolutionized multiple industries already, and is entering more. I would be ecstatic with .01% of his net worth. He may also be changing the Human trajectory more than anyone else on the planet.

Bruce Hayden said...

Many of us listen to Musk because not only is he the richest person on the planet, with a decent chance at breaking $1 Trillion by 2030, but he has revolutionized multiple industries already, and is entering more. I would be ecstatic with .01% of his net worth. He may also be changing the Human trajectory more than anyone else on the planet.

Rusty said...

Freder Frederson
"Again, you didn't include the choice I would have selected: "
Well. It isn't your blog, is it? Dumbass.

Bruce Hayden said...

My votes are for #1, #2, and #5. #3 is out because considering him to be debasing himself is even more childish than what he is doing. #4 is silly, because he doesn’t need their support. And #6 doesn’t work, because a lot of people, esp younger males, do listen to him. My grudging vote, if I can only vote once, is #2. You can tell that it hits home by the reactions here of Inga, and esp Freder.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Musk also tweeted, "They remind me of a lesbian couple from Portland"”

Which is funny because it is accurate.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Musk has a naturally feminine face, not his fault and nothing wrong with it.”

Which is funny, because he has more kids than you do. Apparently a lot more, even after losing one to transgendering. That makes him an evolutionary success. A big one.

Besides, it very much depends on the camera angle. From a lot of them, he looks plenty masculine. And in reality, he reeks of power, which is an aphrodisiac for a lot of normal, non-leftist, women.

Jon Ericson said...

He is the Very Model of a Modern Field Marshal.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

need more context on the Musk banning someone. Freder you seem to forget that the former owners of twitter banned Trump from twitter. and you skip right past all the Crook Biden family items that were dutifully suppressed by the FBI. +FBI/ DOJ made demands that social media giants suppress any and all negative realities about Biden, Hunter and the brother.
Mark Zuckerberg admitted it.

deepelemblues said...

Cuban wouldn't get compared to a shrill, hectoring left wing talking head on MSNBC if he weren't such a shrill, hectoring left wing talking head now. The confident persona he used to display on Shark Tank and his other media appearances is long gone. Whatever it is, modern left wing politics turns people into maiden aunt harridan stereotypes these days. A massive reversal from the salad days of the 60s

wildswan said...

I did #5 because I'm more interested in what Musk might think of saying than in what people think he should be saying. Yes. he's in a political campaign but it's an unusual campaign. The left has apparently taken over all our institutions - you can tell which ones because they've stopped working normally. Ivy League universities are now characterized by censorship, antisemitism and plagiarism. How did this happen? The left has been on selection committees in the universities for 20 years, always excluding conservatives, always lying about it. You see, it's the selection committees we should be asking about there.
But in the wider world, it's the consequence of universities behaving toward young men like third-rate, third grade teachers that we should consider. That kind of behavior creates enormous underground currents and Elon Musk is the man who appeals to the men in and of and on those currents. JD Vance is more about currents among the men trying to make families work. And Trump is trying to surface the whole into a political entity. He tried once already with Kanye West and Mike Pence. But there's, so to speak, different temperatures and depth pressures and salinities, just as in the oceans. Difficult.
But ladies, in my opinion, good times are on the way, the men are forming up into freedom's line and freedom's more than just a name for nothing left to lose. Don't be misled by, as it were, acne and dirty sweatshirts. Politics looks the way it does just as a beach gets wider just before the tsunami wave rolls in.

tim maguire said...

They were never clear; just that only a biologist could say.

Lazarus said...
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Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Good thing Quack Hillary ($$$ sniffer) killed him.

Lazarus said...

I guess those are earbuds in Cuban's ears, but they look like earrings, or even fetish lobe plugs.

When you compare a man's looks and Rachel Maddow's, maybe you aren't calling him a "f____t." The world is way beyond those simple binaries now -- and I've never seen Cuban look less like Jim Nabors than in that photo.

That photo of young Rachel Maddow has been all over the internet. She wasn't all that attractive. Now she's a very striking lesbian. If she's not attractive to men that was probably her intention.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

More News that will be suppressed by the corrupt Democrat Party Loyalist - sell-out press.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Never forget what the corrupt left - and CHI Coms - the forced jabs - the vote scams and removal of voter ID and voting norms - and the money whore big pharma did to us.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Yes. Snark and unvarnished truth always war within me.

Freder Frederson said...

need more context on the Musk banning someone.

Don't know why I bother, because you will either ignore it or dismiss it, but here you go

Freder Frederson said...

You're right, it is a stretch. What does this have to do with the subject at hand.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Thread winner. And it wasn’t difficult!

When I was a lad in the early’70’s the dudes of the Left played this game effortlessly. They’ve been so subsumed by the scolds they no longer even recognize the game.

JAORE said...

Oh noes... That's just the worsetest insult ever expressed in this campaign.

... Anyway.

(And Federer, that was craptastic of you. But not unusual when so calledd journolists are "reporting" words he never spoke but state, "Here, here is what Trump meant.)

loudogblog said...

The impression that I got was that Musk was saying that Mark Cuban and Rachel Maddow were exactly the same ideologically. I didn't see it, primarily, as a joke. I saw it as more of an observation.

Joe Bar said...

From Cuban's remarks on Bill Maher's show, the dig seemed to have found it's mark.

FullMoon said...

Now do Howard and Inga

Joe Smith said...

Here is some context for Freder's half-truth assertion. Of course, leaving out the important part of the story is a form of Rupar. The journalist had his account suspended because he Doxxed JD Vance and his family.

Per Endgadget, no conservative site: "X suspended journalist Ken Klippenstein’s account earlier this afternoon. X’s Safety account says they issued the temporary suspension “for violating our rules on posting unredacted private personal information, specifically Sen. [J.D.] Vance’s physical address and the majority of his social security number.”

So that's the actual story, and as usual, Freder and his ilk are evil and full of shit.

Inga said...

Elon Musk’s Fake Sites and Fake Texts Impersonating the Harris Campaign

There’s deeply cynical and then there’s things which might be illegal. In the first category we have an Elon Musk-funded PAC microtargeting Jewish and Arab communities with diametrically opposed ads about Kamala Harris’s support for Israel or Palestine. Amazingly cynical.

But then you have what I’m going to describe next which comes from another Musk-funded dark money operation. They have set up fake sites impersonating the Harris campaign using fake policy positions and then sending out text messages also impersonating the campaign which aim to drive voters to the fake site.

As Massoglia reports, in late September Building America’s Future set up a site called Progress 2028 which purports to be Kamala Harris’s response or counter to Project 2025. The site is designed to have the general appearance of a Harris site in the sense of being in favor of gun regulation, supportive of gender-affirming care, etc. but with wildly over-the-top versions of those policies. So for instance, it calls for minor children to be able to get sex change operations at school without the knowledge of or interference from parents, calls for a mandatory gun buy-back program etc.

The PAC also funded a text message campaign which pushes the same fake policy messages impersonating Harris’s campaign and drives recipients of the texts to the site.“


Joe Smith said...

Good thing Soros and/or Zuck would never pour money and disinformation/censorship into a D campaign. Fight fire with fire. Cheat harder than the Ds if that's possible.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Wildly over-the-top? I’d say it illustrates how the Left are beyond parody. It’s impossible to exaggerate the extremity of their positions. They’ve called for those things exactly.