October 2, 2024

"Mind-blowing that Tim Walz said he was 'friends with school shooters' 🤡" said Elon Musk...

 ... at the top of the X page headlined "Controversy Over Tim Walz's School Shooter Comment/Last updated/17 minutes ago/Grok can make mistakes, verify its outputs."

Why can't he just answer? He left out a word or 2. It was supposed to be "friends with victims of school shooters" — right? Why let this fester? Why so withholding? It doesn't make sense!


Ampersand said...

It's fun when the other side looks foolish. Not a big deal

Dixcus said...

He's courting the trans community. He literally meant that he's friends with school shooters.

Narayanan said...

what if his instinct is to shoot his tormenters who will be the victims of the shoot

Ice Nine said...

Much ado about nothing.

I'm not sure what he meant - friends with victims families? Knew a kid who went onto shoot something up? I don't know. He muffed that particular phrase in a generally good response to the question. Yeah, a good "gotcha", I guess - one with no legs. Everyone knows that he wasn't sympathizing with the perpetrators of school shootings.
And Repubs going on about it is a waste of time and a misdirection from the significant mistakes he made in that debate.

Skeptical Voter said...

I give Ol' Tim props for hanging in there. Many times he had an expression on his face like he'd just been stabbed in the chest with a frog gig; the corners of his mouth were often turned down; his eyes bugged out. I don't know if J. D. Vance ever stood on his feet in the well of a courtroom. But one thing you have to learn as a trial lawyer is "Don't let them see you sweat". The other side has just landed a blow--indeed a telling blow. And you stand there or sit at the counsel table with a bland smile on your face. Walz never learned that lesson.

Yancey Ward said...

Well, he clearly didn't mean what the words mean but you know what- I don't a give a shit. Had Vance made such a mistake it would be front page of WaPoo and NYSlimes this morning and would be the only thing they were talking about. I don't get to make the rules on how a verbal flub is used politically, so fuck Tampon Tim.

Sally327 said...

I thought maybe he was meaning to seem Christ-like, the Minesota Jesus befriending the wretched lost.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Stupid stuff like this lingers in dishonest debate. If Vance had said this, Inga would have referenced it thirty times already. That's what talking-point conduits do: flood the zone with misleading BS.

RideSpaceMountain said...

That was a major gaffe, and Gwen has got to be super upset with his performance. No sex for him this week. Just like every week.

narciso said...

no it was a 27 year old school employee who shot two students in a rec center, this son didn't witness it, he wasn't charged with second degree, which he should have for reckless discharge of a fire arm,

Temujin said...

And of course, The Babylon Bee is all over this.
/School shooters distance themselves from Tim Walz.

ron winkleheimer said...

"And Repubs going on about it is a waste of time and a misdirection from the significant mistakes he made in that debate."


“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”
Saul Alinsky - Rules For Radicals

The good professor is correct though, all Walz has to do to defuse it is say "obviously I meant ..."

Why aren't they doing that, because Kamala and company have to be the worst retail politicians in the history of politics. They're products of machine politics.

Achilles said...

Why can't he just answer? He left out a word or 2. It was supposed to be "friends with victims of school shooters" — right? Why let this fester? Why so withholding? It doesn't make sense!

Because everyone is figuring out hat Democrats want more school shooters.

narciso said...

if snl wasn't buried with nasrallah's rubble pile, rip, they would have a hoot,

narciso said...

no part of that sentence made any sense,

Christopher B said...

I found an article from US News & World Report indicating that there were approximately 18 gun related incidents in Minnesota schools between 2018 and 2023 resulting in 13 gunshot victims (US News notes the definition of incident in the database is very broad, including bullet strikes on school property, incidents occuring when school is not in session, and brandishing without discharge).

The chances that Walz is "friends" with any of 13 random Minnesota citizens seems rather low.


Christopher B said...
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wendybar said...

But Trump said there were good people on both sides?? Tough luck that Walz misspoke. When the other side can make up shit ALL THE TIME, when they quote Trump OUT OF CONTEXT, then what is good for the goose is good for the gander. We didn't make the new rules.

alfromchgo said...

It makes perfect sense when you face the fact that he is telling the truth.

ron winkleheimer said...

Also, "A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”

narciso said...

not within one parsec

traditionalguy said...

That was the real Walz acting like love for your enemy is a virtue. Like Jimmie Carter.

Trouble is that we want a government that wilds a sword ON OUR SIDE.

n.n said...

Waltz'n Kamala were rebels with a cause and without a clue. Deja vu.

traditionalguy said...

Wields, not wilds.

No wonder he gets Red Chinese help.

The rule of Lemnity said...

It maybe nearly impossible to top eating cats and dogs. I say maybe because who really knows the Trump mind.

narciso said...

as Vance explained his constituents, the citizens of spring field complained,

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

JD Vance who is a Yale-educated lawyer, was asked three times tonight if Trump lost the 2020 election.

He declined to answer each time.

It's not because he didn't know the answer.

It's because he knew the consequences of telling the truth and chose to lie to the American people.

One Fine Day said...

If it's all about "vibes" (and it is) then going on and on about Walz's confession of being school shooter-adjacent is exactly the right tactic. Using the enemy's* tools against him is the right way to go since it's one tool among many.

*Dems and their propaganda media arm are enemies of the people.

n.n said...

That's why he traveled to China.

They're aborting babies, cannibalizing fetuses, executing persons as a rite.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

The Harris campaign got the best ad clip from last night that will be the only thing with any significant impact to come out of it.

“ Did he [Trump] lose the 2020 election?"

“Tim, I’m focused on the future."

Walz's answers were more comprehensive, organized, and relevant. JD Vance/Hamel/Bowman was glib as he retreated into slogans, repeatedly offering up one lie after another.

The mainstream media dismissed Walz's 'Minnesota Nice', a key aspect of his political persona. Quietly, he pointed out that Mr. Pence was not on the stage last night because Pence refused to lie and betray his oath to the Constitution; Pence had declined to disenfranchise millions of voters.

Trump had to replace Pence with a VP candidate who would both lie and betray the Constitution. Vance had just affirmed that he would do so. I'm afraid I have to disagree with the Althouse commentariat’s choice of a winner.

Butkus51 said...

I laugh at the press

like puppies

Narayanan said...

a major gaffe the size of a Kinsley
what if his instinct is to shoot his tormenters which is the usual rationale of shooters claim to havve been bullied

n.n said...

They're rape-raping wonen, raping girls, and replacing minorities in the majority through immigration reform in sanctuary states. #BabyLivesMatter

narciso said...

wow did I say D team we're going to have to result to greek characters, to show how lame the talking points are,

Yancey Ward said...

Perhaps, Bich, he didn't answer because he actually doesn't know if the election wasn't decided by fraud. You and the rest of the Left simply take the position that there wasn't any fraud that changed the outcome but that doesn't describe everyone nor even a large majority of everyone.

Prove the election in 2020 wasn't stolen. Prove it so that the rest of us can know what you think you know to be the absolute truth.

RideSpaceMountain said...

We have nothing to fear. Not only is Walz a coward, but he avoided going to the one place where he could've improved his accuracy. I would predict a lot of holes in sheetrock and a self-inflicted GSW if his "instincts" took a hold on him.

Yancey Ward said...

Walz got his ass handed to him last night and even Bich and Inga know it which is why their attacks this morning so fucking lame- as lame as Tampon Tims performance last night.

traditionalguy said...

No one knows the vote count fraud because no court would take the cases. Standing BS dismissed them all.

narciso said...

if we were to be charitable, which i am in no position to show such attitude, his son knew someone shot by the irresponsible school employee, but that doesn't fit the narrative does it,

Paul said...

Well at least he didn't say he wants to be friends with wannabe Trump assassins..

Achilles said...

You know Walz got absolutely destroyed when this is all Rich has.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Our government dad is obviously insecure about his abilities and terrified that he’s going to make Momala look bad.

Rocketeer said...

Occan’s Razor would seem to indicate it’s because he really is as dumb as he appears.

Aggie said...

Awwww, somebody got triggered. This one is a two-fer, because Walz is from the 'never explain, never apologize' school. It's an easy, dismissive rule to adopt for people like Walz, because they think that taking this position elevates them within the hierarchy. But what he's missing, is that one needs to be skilled in the first place, skilled enough to cultivate an air of ambiguity to your brand. Walz isn't even close - so the mistake lives on and on, reinforced each time it's repeated - if it is a mistake. Is this a picture of Walz in that convenience store near Tienanmen?

Aggie said...

Well at least he's not friends with school shooter, amirite?

Howard said...

Don't pay any attention to the Man behind the curtain

Jake said...

That pizza looks good. I sorta wish he would've turned to the questioner and said, "Why can't I just eat my slice?"

Cacimbo said...

I suspect he is not answering questions about befriending school shooters because he is afraid it will lead to questions about his son witnessing a school shooting which is apparently also a lie.

MadTownGuy said...

The stonewalling and spoilation of evidence make it impossible for anyone to tell the truth, because now it can't be known.

Original Mike said...

No one knows who won the 2020 election. Our elections are inauditable, and the democrats fight tooth and nail to keep it that way.

Marcus Carman said...


narciso said...


Dr Weevil said...

That's funny. I don't know the answer either. I also do not know who made the phone calls that caused Democratic poll workers in five states to tell their Republican colleagues they were quitting for the night, then go back inside and start counting again without any Republicans present, and in the morning somehow Trump, who had been winning, was losing. Why should votes counted without any Republican supervision have a much higher percentage for Biden than votes counted according to the usual rules? The most obvious explanation is that they were cheating. It would be a Hell of a coincidence if unsupervised votes somehow all just happened to tilt strongly the same way. And why don't we know who made the phone calls?

One more thing. In 1960, Teddy White made a big splash with The Making of the President. Since then, we've had similar how-the-election-was-decided books after every election, sometimes more than one. I've read that no one has written such a book for 2020. Is that true? If not, name the book. If it is true, is it because knowledgeable insiders know that the details will not bear looking at?

Lazarus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

This is the only thing that will be remembered from this debate.

Vance was like the boyfriend who is confronted by an angry dad who asks him if he assaulted his daughter and the guy answers “I’m focused on the future.”

Lazarus said...

Many a gaffe "without legs" gets quite a run when the media won't stop talking about it. Sure, this won't hurt Walz, but if a Republican had said it, you wouldn't hear the end of it. Then there is the deep psychology approach that tries to find some hidden meaning or intent in the gaffe. Democrat gaffes just get dismissed with a "that's not what he meant to say."

Does this distract from other missteps Walz made in the debate? Probably, but we aren't a serious country anymore -- or at least we don't have a serious media. The massive immigration mess makes no impact on the media. Talk about eating dogs and cats does. Dumb stories have legs. More serious policy questions don't. This is a topic whether "Republicans pounce" on it or not. Reporters bothered to ask Walz about it, and that's not because of GOP pouncing.

Mary Beth said...

He meant to say he was friends with victims or their families, but won't correct himself because he's not friends so much as really only just talked to a few people once and couldn't name them now if he had to.

Maynard said...

The fact that Tampon Tim and Kamala-lala-ding-dong have won elective offices should tell you something about the drastically declining intelligence of voters.

They are likely the dumbest slate to run for national office since ... who knows?

That they have a 50% chance to become the next administration tells me that we are headed towards a socialist totalitarian state that our dumb voters think will protect them against the difficulties of life.

Ice Nine said...

"Awwww, somebody got triggered"?? What is that idiot comment supposed to mean, exactly? I stated an opinion on the significance of his idiot comment, nothing more.

Zavier Onasses said...

To say he was "friends with victims of school shooters" would highlight a rhetorical trick that might have otherwise gone un-noticed.

Walz may have met one or more victims, may have participated in a talk TV segment with, etc. I doubt there is any deeper relationship commonly conveyed by the word "friends."

Megthered said...

What Yancy said. It would be on TV and the web 24/7 until election day, then talked about more if they lost. Fuck the dems and the media.

Inga said...

@ Ice Nine, true most people knew he didn’t mean he made friends with school shooters. It was a dumb mistake, nothing more.

Inga said...

So now people here can reference it 100 times, yay!

Narayanan said...

don't leave out vicious == big mistake ; feature for many educators/academics

Drago said...

It was far worse than "destroyed", which is why the usual pathetic LLR-democratical Rich Harry-Sisson-like BS-ing is running so counter to the legacy media New Soviet Democratical organs are admitting to it and wailing at the top of their lungs over the beatdown Vance gave Stolen Valor Walz.

Inga said...

Dogs and Cats…

Indeed yes, his oily deflections and damning non answers tell the tale he won’t.

Original Mike said...

"but won't correct himself because he's not friends so much as really only just talked to a few people once and couldn't name them now if he had to."

That sounds right.

Aggie said...

"What is that idiot comment supposed to mean, exactly?"

Because you really did get triggered. Compare this to the long-debunked 'Fine People' hoax, and its repeated use and re-use by the Progressive Democrats, including, now all of the Democrat candidates appearing in debates conducted this season. That is a case of a lie being spoken and repeated for effect, even when it is beyond doubt that the speakers >b>know they are repeating a lie.

But in this case, we are getting the absurdity of 'sympathy on display', trying to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. It's just all a great, big misunderstanding, gosh. ' A gotcha with no legs'.

Well that's not true, not by a gosh-darn country mile. In this case, the candidate has a record of lying about himself and his record, and repeating those lies for craven, self-aggrandizing effect, even when they've been fact-checked and proven as 'lies'. Now he's been caught in another one.

Tim Walz lies so often about his imagined record, that it's conceivable that these words slipped out because he thought he was bragging about himself - again.

Gilbert Pinfold said...

Just remember who Kamala put in charge of generating VP candidates and vetting them--Eric Holder

Inga said...

“Why the withholding”? Because Walz secretly befriends school shooters?! It makes sense unless you’re nitpicking.

narciso said...

mr hillbilly heroin pusher for purdue,

n.n said...

Then he traveled to China to share an experience in a mass abortion event less the psychedelics common to school shootings.

The Middle Coast said...

Binders full of school shooters.

Drago said...

Today we find out kamala-la-la-la-la's husband not only impregnated the nanny and pressured her to kill her baby, he also beat his girlfriend up in public!

I think the Harry Sisson of Althouse blog would be wise to avoid references to hypotheticals involving girlfriends and assaults...

Something tells me this might be Rhetorical Tactic 1 in the New Soviet Democraticals attempting to transfer blame for Emhoff beating up his girlfriend in public to Vance in the same way they have attempted to transfer 3.75 years of New Soviet Democratical rule to Trump.

n.n said...

Gun runner Holder and shared responsibility with the intent to normalize American Civil Liberties Unburdened and other hate crimes.

Bob Boyd said...

"I grew up in small, rural part of Tiananmen Square. I was riding my bike there with my school shooter buddies the night the lights went out in Georgia and I'm proud of that service." - Tim Walz

Drago said...


Yes, a kamala-la-la-la-la voter and russia collusion lunatic is actually complaining about alleged "non-answers" from a candidate!

How amazingly sweet is that?

Narayanan said...

if USA need biologist to define woman who can define election and win

Ice Nine said...

>Because you really did get triggered....<

Yeah, I , like everyone here, know all of that stuff, of course. None of which blather has anything to do with your stupid "triggered" comment - demonstrating that you really are a moron. You might try to fix that a little by looking up what "triggered' means, coupled with the fact that you don't have the slightest idea what actually "triggers" me, which most certainly does not include Tim Walz's getting knocked around - something I, myself, like to do.

victoria said...

If Trump had said it, you all would have been, "no big deal"... But when the opposition says it, you attack and attack. Taste of your own medicine, people.

Aggie said...

There, there now. Ok. You're definitely not triggered, then.

Inga said...

Ok Bob, that is funny!

rehajm said...

He left out a word or 2.

How do you know this? You don't know this...

Iman said...

Don’t make excuses for the guy. He got confused is all.

With those facial expressions and his body language, Walz came across like a Boston Terrier flinching with each change of who was speaking/what was being said. It was comical.

Iman said...

Don’t get “butthurt”, Inga. It’s not a good look and could exacerbate the side effects of your medications.

Original Mike said...

'Oily' appears to be the post-debate democrat/media sanctioned insult.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The truth is the election was stolen

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Good God, you're pathetically funny

"Walz's answers were more comprehensive, organized, and relevant."

See "Why did you lie about being in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square protests?"

Seriously, you know that "Baghdad Bob" imitations aren't actually a good idea, right?

Iman said...

Laurel and Hardy… Martin and Lewis… Abbot and Costello…

Rich and Inga… devolution is real.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Please do keep f'ing that chicken

Here's the thing: nobody outside the hard core left gives a shit about Jan 6. And the worse things get under Biden / Harris, the more people are going to be willing to think "yeah, the election must have been stolen."

Which, BTW, it was

Inga said...

Well, I must be a front runner then. I used the term last night at the end of debate.

Vance is certainly smarter than Trump, but he is oily. Slick, too slick. At least Trump bumbles out the truth from time to time. Vance accidentally spoke the truth too recently when he admitted to “creating stories”, but mostly Vance is an intelligent slickster.”
10/1/24, 10:51 PM

Iman said...

Given the unwieldy problems (inflation, price of food/energy/housing, etc.) caused by moronic Biden/Harris policies, the Jan 6 horseshit is their ever-polished turd to cushion their fall.

Inga said...

It makes SO much sense to think Walz just admitted to being friends with school shooters. Okey dokey then.

Darkisland said...

How many hundreds of times has Inga, who does not appear to know the difference bleach and disinfectant, told us that President Trump said "Drink bleach" When what he really said was that some disinfectants can be used internally. He was speaking specifically of ultraviolet light, though alcohol can also be used internally. But perhaps consume a tad less, Inga.

Here's a hint for you, Nurse Inga, not all bleaches are disinfectants, though most are. Most disinfectants are not bleaches.

John Henry

Yancey Ward said...

And, Vicky, what would you have been saying if Vance had mispoke like that last night? Don't bother lying- we already know what you would have been saying this morning.

MalaiseLongue said...

Here is what J. D. Vance might have said, the first time, in response to the obnoxious question about who had won the 2020 presidential election: "There is no evidence that Joe Biden didn't win the election fair and square and beyond a doubt. There is also no evidence that he did."

Darkisland said...

Why can't he just answer "I said that because I am a knucklehead"

John Henry

Inga said...

John Henry,
Are you as senile as the other senile asshole? This is about the fifth time you made this comment about some discussion we supposedly had about bleach and disinfectants. WTF are you talking about? I never had any such discussion with you, you idiot. Maybe pour some bleach into your ear and see if it clears out the cobwebs? (I’m being sarcastic, please don’t pour bleach in your ear.)

Inga said...

John Henry,
Are you as senile as the other senile asshole? This is about the fifth time you made this comment about some discussion we supposedly had about bleach and disinfectants. WTF are you talking about? I never had any such discussion with you, you idiot. Maybe pour some bleach into your ear and see if it clears out the cobwebs? (I’m being sarcastic, please don’t pour bleach in your ear.)

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Clean up on aisle Althouse! Clean up on aisle Althouse! And naturally all the braindead Party members come running to put words in his mouth that make him look better. Funny that his teammates who were moderating didn't see it necessary to correct the record for him, and he hasn't done so himself. Nevertheless, libtards are still scrolling through lists school shooters to assure everyone that Walz is not friends with them.
Lol Cope harder, libtards.

planetgeo said...

Yup. They just can't bring themselves to say out loud that he's just too darn smart to ambush with their usual bullshit and tag team help from the "moderators."

john mosby said...

Bob Boyd, that concatenation of Walz word salad is hilarious! I dare SNL to use it this weekend!


Eva Marie said...

'Oily' appears to be the post-debate democrat/media sanctioned insult.
That’s because Democrats only think in stereotypes. Vance grew up poor - that means unwashed, therefore greasy oily hair. It’s a put down of his roots.
Just like calling Vivek Ramaswamy smarmy - it was making fun of Vivek’s background.

Inga said...

Wrong. I say he’s oily because he hides his dishonesty behind fine words. It has nothing to do with his hair, LOL!

Drago said...


Russia collusion hoax lunatic P-Inga avoids the entire "drink bleach" hoax which her Althouse New Soviet Democratical amigos STILL use daily at Althouse blog!

Too funny.

We are 15 minutes away from P-Inga denying the "drink bleach" hoax ever existed!

Lets see what happens next....

Eva Marie said...

It’s an extension of Democrats belief that your genetics, your background is unchangeable. There is no melting pot, there is no assimilation, there is no making yourself into a better person. You can never wash the grease out of your hair.

David53 said...

”an expression on his face like he'd just been stabbed in the chest with a frog gig”

Ha, you’ve forever changed the way I perceive him.

Rusty said...

What this debate has shown is that Walz can't think on his feet. He's not as quick witted as Vance.

tommyesq said...

Slightly off topic, but has no one pointed out how much Walz looks like Don Rickles? It is spooky.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Planetgeo is correct.

Remember, P-Inga and the rest of the New Soviet Democraticals first line of attack was Vance claiming was dumb and weird (remember their "sex with a couch" line?), then, and P-Inga was one of them, they attacked Vance's years of active duty service (to protect Stolen Valor / Blue Falcon Walz) and pretended Vanxe was never in danger in combat zones, then they oddly, very oddly, flexed to Vance is an elitist Yale grad and "ain't" no small town poor kid! Stolen Valor Walz harped on that for quite some time.

Then, over weeks and dozens of interviews, Vance was kicking legacy media mouthpieces left and right so effectively the lefty talking points HAD to change again: why, that darn Vance is so fast and so quick on his feet and bludgeons the braindead lefties with the facts that "oily" is the new attack word!


Amazingly funny and convinces no one except idiots like P-Inga that believes fathers showering with adolescent daughters still qualifies the father as an "honorable" man.

Inga said...

This is ridiculous. I say he’s oily because he hides his dishonesty behind fine polished words. It has absolutely nothing to do with his hair or his background. It’s a belief of Democrats that one cannot assimilate? More nonsense. My family came here to the states in 1955 from the aftermath of war torn Europe. My family assimilated so well that we siblings never spoke the mother tongue at home and almost forgot it. My parents became citizens as soon as was allowed, 6 years, and never missed a vote. My dad opened his own business and his customers were Americans natural born and immigrants alike. You really say some dumb things sometimes Eva.

Kevin said...

I was more upset when Walz used "you cannot yell 'fire' in a crowded theater" to advocate for government censorship of "misinformation".

Original Mike said...

"My family came here to the states in 1955 …"

Back when 'melting pot' was the model for immigrants. It's been replaced, within the lefty community, with an aversion to assimilation.

Eva Marie said...

Sigh. I have such a good response to this. Unfortunately, I have pledged not to be mean spirited. You have been spared.

Disparity of Cult said...

Harris has been let down big time by both Walz and Emhoff. Who will help her find the Doritos?

Mr. T. said...

Obviously he didn't mean it about his shooter friends like the democrats didn't mean it when they rioted and started a transurrection at the Tennessee statehouse in support of Audrey Hale...

Inga said...

Too late, you’ve already been mean spirited by lying about Democrats calling Vance oily. As I said, it has nothing to do with his background.

Iman said...

I suspect no one told you that you might vomit after eating teh cat, Rich.

Inga said...

Whew, I’m lucky, you could’ve truly ripped me to shreds!

Eva Marie said...

Back when 'melting pot' was the model for immigrants
This is true. I was also the daughter of immigrants. No bilingual programs.We were expected to learn speaking to play mates, to learn by listening in school. Everyone of my generation speaks English without an accent. On the other hand my coworker much younger was enrolled in a Spanish only, then a bilingual program she couldn’t get out of. She’s forty now and still has a slight accent.

Yancey Ward said...

Unfortunately, he isn't as smart as Rickles was.

Yancey Ward said...

LOL! Inga complaining about someone misinterpreting something she wrote. This is some funny shit this morning!

Eva Marie said...

“My parents became citizens as soon as was allowed, 6 years, and never missed a vote.”
Same with my parents. My dad would put a suit and tie and my mom would wear a nice dress. Becoming citizens and voting was such a big deal to them.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

What's this new rule that they have to answer the stupid questions as posed? He framed it perfectly: Hillary still claims Trump stole the election in 2016 with Russia's help, and both Trump and Clinton belong to a long line of politicians who, despite conceding, do not accept that they lost fair and square.
> Rosalind Carter claimed all "the racists voted for Reagan" and that's why Jimmy lost.
> Gore said took it to the Supreme Court on extremely shaky grounds.
> John Kerry claimed the Diebold machines switched votes in Ohio.
Then there was Hillary. Seems from the record that Republicans have a much better record of accepting losses than Democrats. Especially considering Nixon knew Illinois and Texas had questionable (to put it mildly) vote counts (same election where JFK enlisted a slate of "alternate electors" in HI, a tactic which sounds oddly familiar, and not just because Gore did the same in 2000 IYKWIM).

Dogma and Pony Show said...

I think what it really is is that he'd be asked to name who the VICTIMS of the school shootings are that he supposedly has made friends with.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Bless your heart you DO keep trying don't you. A Sisyphean effort, but still.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Whatever Vicks. The last resort of losers is the "what if Trump said it" hypothetical bullshit. LOL. Deal with it. The dummy is yours not ours.

Drago said...


P-Inga thinks the illegal third worlders and current day criminals and asylum releasesees and islamic supremanists entering our nation by the millions are JUST LIKE the European, legal process following, controlled numbers from...(wait for it....wai for it...)... 1955!!!

No wonder P-Inga was so assertive in proclaiming MS13 Machete Murderers as "spark of divinty" type people. Note: P-Inga refused to say the victims of these murderers had a "spark of divinity". Interesting, no?

Talk about an oily answer for current New Soviet Democraticals policies and horrific non-assimilating results.

Drago said...

Shorter victoria: Trump is very very very guilty for what Stolen Valor Walz says.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Obviously you don't!

Michael Fitzgerald said...

LMAO! Perfect!

loudogblog said...

It wasn't a big deal that Walz made an obvious gaffe. What was problematic was that the made so many of them. After the debacle over Biden's mental competence, you can't have a candidate who doesn't appear mentally sharp.

MSOM said...

Yep. Eg. "If I have to create stories......"

Not even a mistake. Just a correct statement that was poorly phrased is enough to set a firestorm of people claiming that he said and meant something that is inconceivable for someone to actually say and mean.

William50 said...

Kevin said...

I was more upset when Walz used "you cannot yell 'fire' in a crowded theater" to advocate for government censorship of "misinformation".
Walz was incorrect, you can yell fire in a crowded theater. Just think about it and it will come to you.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Kamala learned from Joe that you never want to select a VP that’s more competent than the top of the ticket. It wasn’t easy but I think she pulled it off.

narciso said...

the only fool who actually injected bleach was andrew cuomo's quack doctor, who treated his wife,

Saint Croix said...

Elon Musk...

stand-up comic