October 6, 2024

Meade sends his first photo from the Trump rally today at the Dodge County Airport in Juneau, Wisconsin.


"Gays for Trump"/"Veterans for Trump."

Meade is waiting in line (and may join the comments):IMG_0595


Meade says he's far back in the line and it's very windy... as you can see:



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Sprezzatura said...

I agree. Let's start by banning that 1jpb dude. Again. I'm sure the twentieth banning will finally teach him that we only accept civility around here!

Iman said...

Lonejustice left index finger be diddlin’
While the right hand go to work

Sprezzatura said...

Thank the big guy upstairs that there are rallies for great Americans that Meade can talk to. Now he's back to being surrounded by the evil librul's that infest Madtown. Plus Meade must suffer from the vermin immigrants that are poisoning the blood of the great Americans that love our country. Listening to DJT talk sure is fun!!

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

Employer provided retirement benefits, including healthcare insurance, are a component of an employee's compensation package. That means Althouse worked for the benefits she and her family receive.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

Retirement benefits, including healthcare insurance, are a component of an employee’s compensation package. Althouse earned those benefits for herself and eligible family member by working.

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