October 4, 2024

Maybe Doug Emhoff hates Kamala — ever think of that?


Butkus51 said...

5 minutes of hate every day.

doctrev said...

The left is frequently mendacious and stupid, but since 2016 they've really descended into full on delusion. Melania Trump has been loyal to her husband for decades, and that despite the fact New York bankers would give her any amount of money to betray the family. Like Soros, financial inducement would be enough for them to shovel their people into the furnaces.

Sally327 said...

Melania Trump is selling Christmas ornaments, she doesn't hate that holiday. I think she and Trump seem very well suited. It's almost impossible to understand anyone's marriage from the outside.

It is funny, though, to the extent that Melania is pushing her pro-abortion views with -presumably- the idea that it will make liberal women more likely to vote for Trump, you just have to listen to this 30 second clip to see why that's not likely to happen.

Christopher B said...

Pure projection.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

You'd think by now that the Leftie mind readers would have been wrong enough times they might figure out that they don't know what they're talking about. But, noooooooo.....

RideSpaceMountain said...

Everybody keeps getting A Pimp Named Doug Emhoff's name wrong. It's not Doug or Mr. Emhoff or anything like that. Repeat after me, "A Pimp Named Doug Emhoff".

It's like a "Tribe Called Quest" you say the whole thing.

Kate said...

Gossip sells. I could do a whole stint on The View about how Kamala is rarely photographed without long sleeves. Doug would never hit her in a place that shows.

Achilles said...

Democrats are evil violent murderous people.

Emhoff is just a violent woman beater. The essential Democrat man.

The reason Harris does so poorly with men is it is only about 20% of men who succeed in the democrat dominant male reproductive paradigm. These men treat women like Harem girls.

Kamala Harris is a harem girl. Stupid, dependent on men around her. No father figure.

Not many people want the democrat favored familial organization.

Christopher B said...

It's all about the margin. Melania's position isn't going to convince that bint but it might shift a working class woman who liked Trump's economy and was comfortable with the 1996 Democrat position on abortion of 'safe, legal, and rare'.

Achilles said...

Liberal women prefer to be in abusive relationships with men who want them to get abortions. They are a lost cause.

Melania is working the margins not core groups.

doctrev said...

Actually, the duality of the connecting posts is striking. You'd never see me bet against the Trump's marriage (he'd probably remain married to his exes if polygamy was legal), but not even the New York media can persuade anyone that Kamala Harris has a happy and stable home life. No one has ever wanted to put children in her, and despite her abortions she's never had proof of being cared about. What a waste.

Gusty Winds said...

Witches are real.

doctrev said...

You say "succeed," but I say "at what?" Players might enjoy society for a while, but to wake up and find you're in a burned out desert is why it's not a sustainable lifestyle.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

There might be a more awful collection of villainous, spiteful misogynists on television than The View but offhand I can't think of one. And I despise clapping seal audiences (probably also made up of villainous scum). They're the modern version of a sitcom laugh track.

Achilles said...

You also need to remember why Harris and most democrat women in politics rose to her position. Harris serviced powerful democrat men in a variety of ways.

Everyone on the stage at the View played the same couch dance to get their break in hollywood. Most of the people on that stage were in the Weinstein sphere at one point.

Trump had a similar transactional past with his marriages.

I think what really gets their goat is that Trump treated the women in his life far better than they were treated by the men in hollywood that abused them.

Wa St Blogger said...

Like in the last post. People who don't know the people intimately are spouting bullshit for the sake of gossip.

Is this the Jerry Springer blog?

Aggie said...

Isn't that funny? I remember what Melania did to the White House to celebrate Christmas. I also remember Jill's efforts. Only one of them honored traditional American Christmas, while the other parodied it - except they didn't think it was parody.

Aggie said...

I think it would only be fair, if every television clip shown here is accompanied by the viewer numbers.

Sally327 said...

Any gain along the margins on the lefty side will likely be offset by losses on the other side.

Dave Begley said...

If Kamala ever submitted to an interview, she could be asked the following: "Has your husband ever slapped you around like he did with his NYC girlfriend at Canne?"

Leland said...

I like the ending "how do you know all this?" Butkus nails it in the first comment. It is simple hatred.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

She does have a beat-down-dog look at times too (no disrespect to dogs implied).

Achilles said...

The number of low IQ women who want to ban abortion is lower than the number of low IQ women that are neutral/favor abortion.

She is working a bigger margin.

Iman said...

He doles out the slappies, she gotta keep her pappy happy…


Breezy said...

Hostin often spews this bile. There are indications that the others there do not like her at all. Her bile even bothers them.

Koot Katmandu said...

I wish I had that 35 seconds back.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The View(D) = lowered IQ just for watching a short clip. Painful.

JES said...

Please don't post anything about this show again. It only reminds me how stupid Americans have become.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

100%. The View is a reminder of our ultra-fast (D)ecline.

Wince said...

Hostin looks like she's doing an exaggerated impression of Hostin trying to make Hostin look like a jerk.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Eh - The left operate in obedient hive-mind Maddow lock-step. I think it's refreshing to have a couple with views that are not perfectly aligned. That's real life!

Lazarus said...

Kamala might be doing better if Doug dropped the non-toxic male shtick go and let out his inner Bogart, Cagney, or Sinatra out, the guy who could slug back a fifth of bourbon, put a slug in a rat, and slug a dame who got out of line.

DC hasn't yet seen what a Hollywood lawyer can do. Roy Cohn said something like, "There are times when everybody could use a Roy Cohn Where's my Roy Cohn?" Trump had Roy Cohn. Doug could have been Kamala's (not that there aren't already hardnosed operatives in her campaign, but they don't seem to have done her much good).

The timing on Melania's book with its endorsement of abortion is troubling, though. Is she trying to help Donald, or hurt him?

Inga said...

Maybe an interviewer should ask Trump if he pulled out hunks of Ivanka’s hair and then raped her because he was so angry about his own scalp reduction surgery.

Kevin said...

Palpatine: “Use your aggressive feelings girls, let the hate flow through you”

Kevin said...
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Kevin said...

There are five women on the show and they can't legally call it "The Views".

William said...

Kamala has come in for some unfair criticism here. This is a woman who is not afraid to defy political correctness and go against radical feminists. This is a woman who stands by her man. Nanny fuckers and woman beaters everywhere are heartened by her example as are the women they marry.

Big Mike said...

Self-described feminists seem to have a lot of trouble wrapping their minds around the idea that Melania is a strong woman with a kind of her own. There are plenty of strong men who preferentially marry strong women, and on the evidence Donald Trump is one of them.

mccullough said...

Doug will dump Kamala after she loses the election.

Michael K said...

Obviously Trump did not object to her decision about what to write. Good for both of them.

PM said...

Sunny's a Senior Legal Correspondent and Analyst for ABC News - she must be right!

William said...

There is much about Trump's domestic life to envy but not so much to admire. Melania was a trophy wife, but she's been durable and steadfast. She's not particularly inspirational, and she's no one idea of a First Lady, but she's good looking, poised, and intelligent. We could do worse......I don't understand anything about the dynamics of the Harris/Emhoff pairing. Emhoff looks like the kind of guy whose second wife would be young and pretty, but maybe
Kamala is a different kind of trophy. I don't think Nancy Pelosi's husband lost any money during his marriage. Maybe that was part of Emhoff's thinking. Whatever. It's apparent what the Trumps see in each other, but the Harris pairing is less primal and perhaps more calculating.

Jupiter said...

They need a big black pot to stir. And some eye of newt.

Narayanan said...

Could Hostin be hankering for what Melania has?

John henry said...


That makes no sense. Why would bankers want to see family trump torn apart? It would cost them money.

Melania is pretty shy arp and could probably succeed in business on her own. Banks would most likely lend her money based on ability even if independent

She's worth a lot more to banks as part of trump o I am sure.

Sounds like magical thinking on your part.

John Henry

Narayanan said...

real seal or sound effect clapping?

Political Junkie said...

The clip is only 35 seconds, but I only made it half way through before I had to stop. "Destroy the Rose Garden", dear god.

loudogblog said...

In the opera, Noye's Fludde, there is actually a chorus of Mrs Noye's gossips.

"Noye orders his family to board the ark; again Mrs Noye and the Gossips refuse, preferring to carouse. The sons finally drag Mrs Noye on board, while the Gossips are swept away by the encroaching flood; she rewards her husband with a slap."


Rosalyn C. said...

When something is so stupid that even Joy Behar and Whoopie Goldberg think it's stupid, you've reached peak stupidity.

Big Mike said...

she's no one idea of a First Lady,

Really? I was pretty happy with her as First Lady. I might be “no one” as far as you’re concerned, but I doubt that I’m alone.

but she's good looking, poised, and intelligent.

Speaks five languages, is comfortable dealing with foreign dignitaries, has remarkably good taste, the list goes on …

We could do worse....

And indeed we have. Jill Biden and her execrable taste in clothes. Hillary.Clinton. Lady Bird Johnson. Pat Nixon (showing balance).

Original Mike said...

Poisonous. Watching that has got to be damaging to the soul.

n.n said...
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traditionalguy said...

The View needs new blood. Perhaps they can hire Camilla now that she has been fired from her Queen gig. I bet she’d get revenge on William and Kate thus driving up the show’s ratings…in London.

Mikey NTH said...

Many feminists these days confuse being strong with acting like a complete asshole, that is if you aren't rude and slagging people you aren't strong.

Gunner said...

The smoothbrains on this show also thought Biden was sharp as a tack.

Michael K said...

Another idiotic comment with no connection to the topic by the dullard.

JIM said...

It never ceases to amaze how this level of pure, unadulterated hate is tolerated by a major TV station. How is what she said not slander? I have zero respect for any of those harpies on that show.