October 1, 2024

"'Many, many of the other artists who saw it really hated it,' Mr. Pettibone told Art in America magazine in 2011."

"'They were pounding the tables with anger, screaming, "This is not art!" I told them, "This may be the worst art you’ve ever seen, but it’s art. It’s not sports!"' Warhol’s appropriation of the soup can — and Lichtenstein’s use of existing comic-book imagery — inspired Mr. Pettibone’s career. 'He said, "I was told in school to be original, but you guys aren’t inventing anything,"' said Barbara Bertozzi Castelli, who runs the Castelli gallery in Manhattan.... 'He said, "I’m going to copy you."'"

From "Richard Pettibone, Master of the Artistic Miniature, Dies at 86/He painted tiny reproductions of works by Warhol, Lichtenstein, Duchamp and many others, raising questions about originality and creativity" (NYT).

You can see reproductions of Pettibone's works at the Castelli website, here. Sample:

I'm using the "plagiarism" tag, because it's my established tag on the subject of copying someone else's work, not out of any desire to accuse Pettibone of doing anything wrong. As with Pettibone and Andy's soup cans, when it comes to tags, I prefer another one of the same thing. Creating something new is to be avoided.


rehajm said...

The Christies and Sothebys catalogs that come to the office always have some unknown riffing on Warhols schtick. sarc on/ Fortunately they sell for fractions of the original…

rehajm said...

May favorite rip off was that kid towing in a little outboard behind Christo’s thing…

Money Manger said...

If it's not shown in a New York gallery, or some rich guy won't pay good money for it, then it's not art.

Temujin said...

I would call it artistic schtick. He's not creating anything. He's duplicating and shrinking everything. AI will be able to Pettibone Pettibone better than he could have. Down to the nano-level.

Darkisland said...

Who is the plagiarist here, Ann? And who are they plagiarizing?

Seems to me that Warhol is the plagiarist, plagiarizing the work of the artist who did the original soup can for Campbell. So is Pettibone plagiarizing Warhol or the original artist?

What do you call the plagiarized work of a plagiarized work? Plagiarism^2? Or because it is a 2nd level plagiarism is it plagiarism^.5?

A few years ago a commenter here coined the word "Phart" for "phoney art" Warhole seems like a prime example. Pettibone seems like a derivitave example.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

And who did Warhole plagiarize? Was it the artist who designed the soup can? Or Campbell Corp who presumably owned the copyright?

I wondered about the legal issues and whether Campbell sued. Apparently not though they apparently could have. Warhole did get sued, and settled, by other artists over appropriation of other works, though.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Are you talking about Warhole or Pettibone? Wasn't the original plagiarized copy of the soup can "schtick"? Did Warhole create anything? Or did he just duplicate and enlarge the original soup can?

Why is one a great artist and the other not? (And which is which?)

John Henry