October 24, 2024

Kamala Harris, asked if she's made a mistake that she's learned from, could have nailed it by ending her painful fumbling by saying...

... after "It's a mistake not to be well-versed on an issue and feel compelled to answer a question" — she just needed to add: And that's exactly what I'm in the middle of doing right now, so here I am, learning from a mistake in real time, and that's the end of my terrible answer. Learning!


WisRich said...

Ann Said
She just needed to add — after "It's a mistake not to be well-versed on an issue and feel compelled to answer a question"

Like when AC asked her what her course of action would be if she couldn't get a national abortion through the house and she responded by saying we need to look at packing the court?

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Well Anderson, I've learned that giving head to get ahead doesn't actually prepare one properly for the rigorous demands of a mature career. When I heard about the Peter Principle, I didn't realize it was about being promoted because of one's competence and instead though the principle was to find Peter and go down him. In my defense, I had heard that being right wing meant one 'did not suck dicks', and that being left wing meant 'sucking dicks', and I desperately wanted to be left wing."

Another opportunity missed.

rhhardin said...

She's definitely depending on early voters and late voters.

narciso said...

Stupid voters

Dixcus said...

She is Literally Hillary™

That town hall was a disaster for Harris. CNN and Anderson Vanderbilt (net worth: $200 million) is putting the knife in her for leading the Democrats to a massive electoral loss.

Levi Starks said...

Rather than tell you about a mistake I’ve made, I will instead make a mistake in real time.
Though in her head she’s thinking “this interview was a mistake”

doctrev said...

Could Donald Trump answer such a question in a natural if self-glorifying manner? Bet your bottom dollar. Kamala Harris, by contrast, is talentless even by the standards of DEI hires, and intolerably lazy while being more vain than Trump. This wouldn't matter if the Biden regime was remotely popular, but they aren't. The oligarchy has doubtless put out warnings: you do not have enough credibility to sufficiently fraud the vote, and if you fail we are not going to hang alongside you. That's why McDonald's and Zuckerberg are MAGA-curious this time around.

hawkeyedjb said...

I dropped off my ballot today, and there were probably 75 people in line to cast their votes in person. This is Maricopa County, where we are told it will take weeks to count the ballots. They must be thinking Trump will have a very large lead when voting "stops" on election night, if it's gonna take that long to manufacture a Kamala win.

Yeah Right Sure said...

She doesn't have the confidence or humility for a self-deprecating response. She doesn't have the mental agility and wit for a clever response. She doesn't have the mental horsepower to, you know, actually study so that she can answer a question with words, sentences, and maybe someday paragraphs that compose a cogent thought.

What a peach.

Curious George said...

How many of you thought YSR was talking about our resident dullard?

RideSpaceMountain said...

Modern feminism is going to have a really really hard time trying to find new justifications for why two queen-bitches-of-the-universe failed to close escrow in less than a decade. If the quality of an ideology can be ascertained by the finest product it can produce, then American feminism's finest product is angry dumpster fires with drinking problems and a talent to skate by in every way except merit.

I guess they're gonna need another wave. I think we're on wave 7.4, but who really cares. Feminism is a joke. American women are the punchline.

Todd said...

A typical Kamala answer.

How about a new comedy show on TV where Kamala is placed in normal, real world situations, like those of her average middle-class upbringing, and she just ad-libs her lines (just like in real life) throughout the entire episode. Could call it "And That's Kamala!". Slit it prime time @ 8:00PM ET. The rating would be through the roof! Also, just like her current events, they could bus in the very same live studio audience every week.

Lazarus said...

It's hard to admit that you've made mistakes without admitting that you've made mistakes. It's hard to come up with an answer that won't hurt you off the top of your head. A politician ought to have or be given the right answer on day one. "Sometimes I am just too conscientious and hard working" isn't really an answer Harris could get away with.

Jimmy said...

Every politician has a cover language that they use to conceal their lack of knowledge. It is so common we just accept it, or we used to.
reality is that most politicians are very very stupid\ their interest is power and money, and they say what they need to when confronted.
Harris can't even reach that low bar.
People hate Trump precisely because he doesn't apply that filter to his speech. People prefer being lied to by officials-they know the answers in advance, and don't have to think or be upset.
Trump , this time around, has a group of people around him who speak of actual accomplishments, realistic ways to do more. It is something that is very rare in politics.
Harris is counting on females to pull her across the line, coupled with an organized and ruthless group who believe power goes to the most corrupt. Trump is counting on people who can think and reason to win this thing.

gilbar said...

serious question
how old were the step kids, when she moved in? midteens? college age?

as someone without kids.. i'm NOT SURE that teenagers (that Might live at home) COUNTS as "parenting a child"

BUMBLE BEE said...

Why all the mystery? Well maybe...


Hidin' like Biden. Go seek.

Achilles said...

They could start by letting voters choose the women. Voters would have supported Palin, either of the Rice women, Gabbard to some extent. I am sure there are other women out there. They are all competent and stand on their own.

Instead Democrats picked dicksuckers and sociopaths. Hillary would have lost to Bernie in a real primary. Harris has blatantly failed at every campaign she ran and her only talent is sleeping with powerful democrat men.

gilbar said...

one mistake she's learned from, is:
But, Still.. Gag a little, 'cause the man gets off on the sound

Kevin said...

Teenage pagent contestants have better answers.

Achilles said...

You have to start with good reasoning that lead to your mistake. "Based on the information at the time..." "These were the options before us..." etc.

You also need to throw some shade at the 20/20 bullshitters.

Harris obviously can't think on that level.

Iman said...

Cooper: You don’t seem to have any policies.

Harris: I don’t jump into things, I need to study things. I’m a nerd that way.

Yancey Ward said...

Yikes- what a disaster that town hall was even with a script to work from.

Kevin said...

Customer: Can I get a Big Mac and fries?

Kamala (behind counter): Well... We... certainly have things like that on our menu. But let's talk about Donald Trump.

Inga said...

Trump would’ve just lied and said “I never make mistakes”.

John henry said...

Why does she keep bringing up her parenting? This is the 2nd or 3rd time she has said how important it is to be a good parent. She is absolutely right, of course, probably the most important thing most of us will do in our lives.

But she keep acting like she is a parent. She is not. No kids, no part in raising nanny-bumper's kids. Hardly even lived in the same house.

John Henry

Kevin said...

If this were an actual job interview, she wouldn't make it to the next round.

AlbertAnonymous said...

So if you responded that way in a job interview when asked “what mistakes can you point to and what did you learned from them” you wouldn’t get the job.

Since this campaign is a job interview for President of the US, I won’t vote for you and I hope to hell you don’t get the job. You’re not a good candidate.

Inga said...

Trump has made some massive mistakes but he’d never own up to them.

Todd said...

Harris: I don’t jump into things, I need to study things. I’m a nerd that way.

Kamala is a nerd in the same way I am a three time, back to back, Miss USA pageant winner.

narciso said...

Who really knows what she is saying even her

narciso said...

She jumps to conclusions so hard she has shin splits

Aggie said...

Well, Ms. Althouse...... Just who in the h*ll do you think you are, making our candidate look bad, by running this story ? ? ? Don't you realize it will get Donald Trump re-elected ? ? ?

RideSpaceMountain said...

Democrats chose dicksuckers and sociopaths because that's what most of them are. Furthermore, it reveals that the way to win internal power struggles within their party is to be the most underhanded, meanest, conniving, and opportunistic asshole possible.

They say, "the cream always rises". For democrats that cream is Rumchata that's laced with cyanide.

mccullough said...

She’s getting ready to blame her parents for her loss. If only she had good parents she would have won

Inga said...

The kids were teenagers when she married Emhoff, so she certainly was a part of parenting them.

Former Illinois resident said...

What she didn't say was "it was a mistake to think I could blame everything on Trump, and simply get elected". We will soon see whether that is in fact true.

Harris gives Barbie-bimbos a bad name. Complete air-head. Perhaps to much day-drunk wine-sipping?

MartyH said...

This is liking asking "What does 2 + 2 equal?" on a calculus test. This question makes most lists of "Ten questions you should be ready to answer in a job interview," along with "Where do you want to be in five years?" The answers to these questions should almost be reflexive.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

She can't think on her feet or formulate answers for herself. Thus the struggle to answer simple-ass questions even when prompted with long ones that include multiple choices in them. That struggle is real!

Sebastian said...

"It's a mistake not to be well-versed on an issue and feel compelled to answer a question" Especially if the issue has been in your fake portfolio for three years. More especially when you are so insecure and inept that you can't tapdance around a tough question. Having been a DA, a senator, and VP, is Harris "well-versed" on anything? I mean, really.

John henry said...

I thought I made a mistake once. But it turned out I was wrong

John "A3 with a bullet!" Henry

Carol said...

Why is the Tim Pool quote covered up?

MadisonMan said...

My assumption is that she had the list of questions too. So even with advance prep, she couldn't answer a basic job interview question. Mme. Mediocrity.

David Duffy said...

Trump's standard answer is, "I hired some bad people to work in my first administration. I won't make that mistake again." Like it or not, at least it's an answer.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

You don't claim to have "raised children" when they were 15 and 20 at the point you started "dating" their dad. She purposely fudges the word to make herself more relatable, but like most democrats she is lying to do so.

The honestly framed question is why do democrats have to struggle so hard to BE relatable?

narciso said...

Even then i think i could write a better answer for her

MartyH said...

Are you kidding? Trump would knock this out of the park. "The biggest make I ever made was appointing "X". He was a rat... Everyone said to hire him-that he was a good guy, a real straight shooter, but I knew there was something wrong with him from the start, and I was right-he really was a rat. He's still a rat. Rats never change, you know. People can change, but rats can't. So I would say, don't hire a rat, and don't listen to people who tell you that he's really not a rat.

gspencer said...

Saying, "I'm in way over my head. Being now known as Heels-Up, using my sex, my perceived good looks, my race, my connections, all those things, have not prepared me to be a senator and certainly not a nominee for president. Basically I'm a fraud. I've known this all along but never publicly admitted it. I have every good wish for Donald Trump as he becomes our 47th president."

bleh said...

Why did she talk about parenting children, as if it's something she's done?

Former Illinois resident said...

"Well I work very hard to be well-versed in issues" is a mistruth. Harris has a well-established reputation for no-show work-performances, and poor preparation for whatever task is at hand. She has cake-walked into most of her appointed and elected positions, the positions gifted to her by her mentor/sugar-daddy. Her 2019-2020 primary campaign was a disaster.

Many former Harris staffers have stated for-the-record that Harris was consistently lazy, undermotivated, often refused to read briefings, and rarely prepared for her public appearances. Her office staff churn-rate is incredibly high; she's unable to retain staffers. Yet to hear from any staffer who sings her praises, other than her HS gal-pal shill Wanda (of now McDonalds vouch fame).

When caught-out by her stupid statements and dismal public appearances reviews, Harris always blames staff, refuses to take personal responsibility for her actions and nonactions. She never acknowledges her mistakes, thinks she's effortlessly always perfect and without flaw. No wonder question flustered her. Harris is the perfect plastic person, a mere vacuous mannequin that can be molded to whatever political viewpoint.

Christopher B said...

The chunks float to the top of the septic tank.

rehajm said...

What? No ‘what she meant to say…? We all need to all pitch in and drag the never popular candidate across the finish line…in fact you can just help us get her within sight of the finish and we’ll take care of the reat…

Former Illinois resident said...

Anderson Cooper enters the progressive-liberal Hall of Shame. No White House invites for him. Thankfully he has a retirement nest-egg.

pacwest said...

"and that's the end of my terrible answer."

That was actually one of her better answers. It's a very low bar with Harris. Very low. I mean really really low. Find your ass with two hands low. It's as cogent as she is ever going to get.

RCOCEAN II said...

Anybody who has kids, makes mistakes? Is she running for President or Super-mom? Her stepkids were 20 and 15 when she married her Jewish Husband in 2014.

She's obviously not smart enough to be POTUS, but then she wont be. Her Chief of staff and cabinet members will be Co-presidents. She'll just read the telepromter and sign off on things.

Christopher B said...

X provides a poster the ability to enter text that will display instead of a thumbnail for an image or video to accommodate low-bandwidth connections or people who don't want their feed cluttered with videos and images. For some of us that text will momentarily display on this page as X and Google mediate the display of the actual thumbnail image.

rehajm said...

He and his man have been kind of pissed at what has happened to New York. He might not be so willing to help them get away with thi…HAHA! Who am I kidding? Not even myself trying to write it 😂

bleh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Saint Croix said...

I think Trump is very good on his feet.

For instance, he might say...

"I think it was a mistake for me to do an interview with 60 Minutes. They are very dishonest and not fair at all. What I learned from that is to avoid 60 Minutes."

Curious George said...

The kids were teenagers when she married Emhoff, so she certainly was a part of parenting them."

LOL They were 19 and 15 when she married the nanny fucker. She didn't parent either one of them.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

I think I-nags Trump-hate cultist obsessions are eating her brain.

Christopher B said...

Information I found via Google shows that Cole Emhoff was born in 1995 and Emma Emhoff was born in 1999. Using 2014 as the year that Harris and Emhoff married, Cole was roughly 19 and Emma roughly 15 when she became their stepmother.

tommyesq said...

The question was if she had learned from any of her mistakes, and her answer was "I am always well prepared, it would be a mistake not to be well prepared" - in other words, she did not identify anything she had actually done as being a mistake nor any lessons learned. Plus that was the most nervous, "I don't know how to answer this" laugh I have ever heard.

bleh said...

I see some of her defenders are saying that the Emhoff kids were teenagers when she married Doug. OK. So every other weekend or something, she was under the same roof as the kids (or at least the younger one).

Actually, was she? She married Doug in 2014, when she was California AG and presumably working and living in Sacramento; maybe she also spent time in SF, where she lived before. At the time Doug was a big shot partner in LA. The younger kid graduated high school in LA in 2017 -- so I assume Doug and his ex-wife and their kids all lived in LA during this time, not Sacramento or SF.

Not trying to be a dick or anything, but how much "parenting" did Kamala really do, particularly when both of the actual parents were in the picture and making the important decisions? I highly doubt that Kamala had any "parenting" decisions to make that could have resulted in her making "mistakes."

If you are a parent, you know the feeling of being stressed and like you're making mistakes, and it's a little annoying sometimes when a non-parent tries to act like they also know the feeling.

Saint Croix said...

Harris' immediate answer is "of course I've made a lot of mistakes." But she can't name any of them. Apparently she hasn't thought about her mistakes or learned from them.

One of Trump's criticisms of Biden/Harris is that they have never fired anybody. When you fire somebody you hired, you're acknowledging that you made a mistake, and you're rectifying it. Harris knows she's made mistakes, but she doesn't fix them. She buries them and pretends all is well.

Yancey Ward said...

Here is a question that should be answerable by an online search but I can't seem to get a straight answer from anyone- who had custody of the Emhoff children (i.e. who did Emhoff's children live with after the divorce). That I can't seem find a clear stated answer suggests the answer to me- that they lived with their mother mostly. Is that right or wrong?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

I posted this a bunch of times yesterday.
Skip ahead to the 4:40+ mark. You will see all the recordings of Kamala's over-rehearsed "Nature of a Democracy/Duality" - So bizarre! and over and over and over. Like a puppet with a memory card.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Because for many women, it takes a community to raise a child, and that means that if they are somehow part of a community - however tangentially - then WHAMMO they are now entitled to claim A) parentage and B) tell the actual parents everything they're doing wrong with the raising of their child.

Harris is a parent the way someone you asked to dogsit while you're out of town is a dog-owner.

Drago said...

P-Inga's latest lie: "The kids were teenagers when she married Emhoff, so she certainly was a part of parenting them."


The "kids" were ages 20 and 15 at the time kamala-la-la-la-la joined the team....after Emhoff knicked up the Nanny and slapped around the girlfriend...in public.

Not to worry though. P-Inga likely calls that a "spark of divinity" slapping around!

Aggie said...

One almost gets the sense that a 'Let's get this over with' memo has been distributed to certain key players. I could never provide an explanation, but simple bush-league disorganization really doesn't seem to cover it now, does it? This feels like a player throwing down the cards and folding, and leaving the table - if Anderson went off script and popped an unprepared question. Have the Progressive Leftists recognized defeat, understood that no 'fix' will be forthcoming, and are re-grouping for the next battles, the ones over the hill? Four years of infernal Opposition posturing and fore-checking, comin' up.

Nobody f*cks with the Bidens.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Somehow she’s making the “joyful” period of her campaign seem like the good old days. Now that’s an accomplishment.

Drago said...

Poor poor P-Inga. She has to flex to psycho hoaxy Trump hypotheticals to avoid the reality of what this drunken dim bulb moron New Soviet Democratical candidate actually blurts out!

The "joy" is long gone baby!

Will the New Soviet Democratical Cheat Machine aling with corrupted blue city lawfare jurisdictions along with a fully weaponized deep state be enough to drag the cackling hyena over the finish line?

Perhaps....which is why everyone has to work as hard as possible to avoid that because kamala made clear yesterday the dems will immediately move ending the filibuster, for mass illegal alien amnesty (25 to 30M), stacking the supreme court (to 12), making PR and DC states, gutting the first and 2nd amendments, and more.

Leland said...

I've been asked this question in job interviews. I understand it is fairly standard for many job interviews, not just political ones. Because it is common, many people prepare for the question and have an answer ready. I have a few examples I can point to, because as noted, the point of the question is whether you can learn from failure to not make the same mistakes. When you can explain what you learned and how to avoid the mistake, it is an easy question to answer.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"A turd that won't flush"

Achilles said...

Democrat women love violent abusive males and rapists.

Notice how all of the women Trump has actually been with still like him.

As opposed to rapists like Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, and known abusers like Emhoff. I would put money down that a reasonable investigation into Emhoff finds he is a rapist too. He fits every pattern.

I would also bet that Kamala knows intimately about his abuse of women and has helped suppress the victims just like Hillary did.

tim in vermont said...

"fascist" is short hand for "opposes globalism and open borders." But if she were to say "Trump opposes open borders and globalism" she knows full well that she would win him voters, but since she supports open borders and globalism, she has to call anybody who opposes her a fascist.

This neat trick brings on board purported lefties like Freder "Ayn Rand" Frederson and Robert "We need cheap migrant labor to compete with low skilled Americans or prices will go up!" Cook.

tim in vermont said...

He is a frickin' Vanderbilt. I don't think that Cooper does it for the money.

Quaestor said...

"Trump has made some massive mistakes but he’d never own up to them."

Trump isn't a fascist.

He's Inga!

Leland said...

I think you can still make mistakes with 15 and 20 year olds, especially with giving them dating advice. The more interesting part is the mistakes of the father she is dating. Things like don't get involved with a man that cheats with your nanny. Or watch out for the man that will slap you silly in public. And this is also the woman whose previous relationship was having sex with a married man to advance her career. Honestly, I can see many mistakes she can make with children (do you call a 20-year-old a child when they aren't yours?) when you have a history like hers.

I do think the answers she could have given with those mistakes in her life might be inappropriate for children without parental guidance.

tim in vermont said...

Ingaramus imagines her readers as morons who can be bamboozled with lies into voting agains their best economic interests. Hint: globalism and open borders are not in the economic interests of working class Americans.

For instance, could anything look more like the "workers of the world uniting" than the Canadian Truckers Protest? Yet they were called "fascists" and all good lefties opposed them.

I have come to the unfortunate conclusion that most people are too poorly trained in philosophy to understand when they hold contradictory beliefs. I had it trained out of me by years of writing and reviewing technical requirements and specifications regarding software projects, where misunderstandings, contradictions, and fuzzy definitions cost real money, and sometimes cost real people their jobs. Probably would be a good field for a philosophy major to enter, now that I think about it, but my training was a degree in English.

Breezy said...

“Trump , this time around, has a group of people around him who speak of actual accomplishments, realistic ways to do more. It is something that is very rare in politics.”

Very good and true observation. Harris has celebrities, Trump has problem solvers.

BUMBLE BEE said...

"A turd that won't flush" - Word salad defined!

Iman said...


tcrosse said...

Her answer to any question should be "I'm not Trump. Isn't that enough?"

Breezy said...

“Yes, I think it was a mistake to open the border, as now all the union folk, black and latino men, non-college educated, and young people won’t vote for me. Oh and voting for those ridiculously high spending bills also screwed the economy up massively, so that was a mistake, too. I learned these are mistakes because people are mad I did that, not that I really understand what I did wrong.”

cf said...

If Twitter/X is any indication, the worm has turned.
Everyone is seeing it now, even the most die-hards.

g^dspeed, america

Mary Beth said...

Trump's answer would be easy. His mistake was thinking that the government would work like a business. With a business, when a new boss comes in, most of the people who were there from before still want the company to succeed and try to make that happen. Trump learned that government people will sabotage the company/country because they don't like the new boss.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Nah! They'll just add Racism to the Sexism excuse they use for Hillary! Clinton. I'm sure the next go round will be someone younger and they'll add Ageism into it.

Mary Beth said...

They would have to get her a voice coach before I could watch. Her nasality is unlistenable for me.

Although, I am either getting used to it or she's gotten better. The last couple of times I've heard her, her voice seems less like it's originating in her sinuses.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

It was obvious last night when CNN actually fact checked her on a few things and didn't cover up some misstatements she made. They are beginning to inch away.

n.n said...

Karma-la's gonna get you.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Not a terrible idea. Certainly good enough for Ing-nut (this should be a competition) and others conditioned by eight years of hysteria, gaslighting and extraordinary cognitive dissonance.

Ampersand said...

Her many unadmitted mistakes are so obvious that even the perpetually progressive LA Times has declined to endorse her, triggering the resignation of its hard left Opinions Editor.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Consider this angle... An issue that was never put forth by dems in the 2020 election cycle was immigration/border security. The FIRST thing the dems did was to fling open the border without proper vetting of the incoming.
What positive actions on the behalf of Americans could be expected of a president who can't/won't answer simple questions. Wisdom points to that candidate to be PLENTY burdened by the past.

Jersey Fled said...

Notice how Inga pulled a Kamala here?

She “answered the question” by dumping on Trump. Better to just be quiet sometimes Inga.

n.n said...

Choice were made. Wicked solutions were indulged. What difference, at this point, does it make?

hombre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JAORE said...

Madam VP, what did you have for breakfast?
Well, what I can say is that what I had for breakfast was inspired by what could be unencumbered by what has been (waves arms).
But what is unhealthy is that the Trump breakfast was unhealthy for him and unhealthy for America.

Howard said...

I think what's most off-putting about Kamala Harris is the confidence she exudes in her ineptitude.

Leland said...

Let's imagine we are on the Harris campaign staff. And we know this question is coming, because CNN properly shared the questions in advance so they could be vetted. You and Harris have decided this is an appropriate question to be asked. What would we answer?

Iman said...

She probably taught the daughter with the unibrow how to Narfle the Garthok.

So there’s that.

who-knew said...

Althouse said: " she just needed to add: And that's exactly what I'm in the middle of doing right now, so here I am, learning from a mistake in real time, and that's the end of my terrible answer. Learning!" That was my reaction, too. I don't remember now if that answer made me laugh out loud or backtrack and watch it again in disbelief that she would actually say that. It is a perfect distillation of why every interview she does is a mistake.

Leland said...

I would look to the SF crime lab scandal. Most everyone knows a little about it and it is most definitely a mistake that occurred in a department that fell under her leadership. Harris claimed at the time to take full responsibility.

The answer should be to discuss the SF crime lab scandal and what taking "full responsibility" means to her. How did this change the way she leads departments, delegates authority, and monitors those who work for her? The answer is a twist that really explains how she leads people out of the mistakes other made under her watch. It should demonstrate her leadership in adverse situations. And in the aftermath, she went from SF DA to AG to Senator to VP, so it couldn't be so bad that it hurt her career, which suggests she handled it well.

Narayanan said...

call them first iteration attempt

PM said...

Trump would've said
"I never make mistakes. Certainly not like the one you made with that suit, Anderson. You know, I could give the name of my tailor, you'd like him, he's gay, too. But seriously, mistakes get made then you learn from 'em. Like you did with Anderson Live, so bad, but look how far you've come from that. Not that far, but far.

JaimeRoberto said...

It was an opportunity to explain one of her flip flops, like on fracking, but I guess she can't admit to that since her values haven't changed.

JaimeRoberto said...

A very small part.

Bruce Hayden said...

Where are you? We are on the east side, just east of the Mayo Clinic. which is about 5800 E Mayo Blvd, just south of the 101.

As a note, if you need an ER, are anywhere close, and don’t need an ambulance to get there, the Mayo ER is very, very good. Spent much of yesterday there, and spending time in the three ERs in Vegas by the strip (UMC, Sunset, and Valley of Death), it was like day and night. 50-60 private ER rooms, all pretty new(last 3 years), clean, with modern electronics. Good staff. Not overworked. Good nurse/patient ratio, and a very good ER doc with good diagnostic skills. All of the staff were happy and friendly (Valley of Death ER staff are incompetent and inexperienced, while Sunset ER staff are jaded and combative). Unfortunately, my partner didn’t get checked into the hospital itself, so that (meaning me) could (again) experience of 5 star hospital cuisine (she doesn’t eat in the hospital, except under serious duress).

We have residences in three locations - PHX, Vegas, and MT. The best specialists seem to be in Vegas, while the best hospitals seem to be in PHX. After the Mayo ER visit yesterday, we are headed to Vegas next week for the specialists. Both tend to be unbearably hot for almost half the year, and hence NW MT.

NMObjectivist said...

Kamala Harris appears to be completely incapable of having a normal interview. People see this. It's over for her.

Political Junkie said...

Nice, PM. That was funny right there!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Good catch there, Leland.

loudogblog said...

Inga: Everything Trump says is a lie.
Trump: I'm lying right now.
Inga's head explodes.

loudogblog said...

I suspect that the Harris campaign staff has been too busy lately working on their resumes and lining up job interviews.

JAORE said...

"It was an opportunity to explain one of her flip flops, like on fracking, but I guess she can't admit to that since her values haven't changed."

But I submit her values have NOT changed. Her values are to say anything she believes will garner her votes. Coming from California/San Fran she became a hard leftist. As DA she became a law and order person. In 2020 she ran as hard left (based on joint votes for both Bernie and Pocahontas that seemed rational). And in 2024 the center/left looks like her best bet. See, no change at all.

Yancey Ward said...


boatbuilder said...

Maybe it's just me, but I think that I would avoid the "Valley of Death" ER on general principles.