October 28, 2024

Joe Rogan would like to have a conversation with Kamala Harris "like a human being — that's all I want to do — that's literally all I want to do."

"I want to know what is it like to be — I don't even give a fuck about all all stuff she's talked about about policies and all these different things. We all know her positions.... Who are you? Who are you?... I would be willing to talk about anything other than politics.... If there was some certain things they didn't want to talk about, like fine, I don't care, let's talk. I want to know who you are. I can find out who you are if we can talk about sports.... I want to talk to her like a human being...."

Who are you? Who are you?... Yes, we all have that question. 


RMc said...

She's not Trump, and she's not Biden. Those are literally the only things her voters care about. (Also, something something abortion and something something fascist.)

Levi Starks said...

We have to elect her to find out what’s in her.

Chris said...

She's an empty husk. There's no there, there. If there was, the media would report on it. But since we know nothing about her, her family, he childhood etc. It's because there's nothing to report.

Gusty Winds said...

We know who she is. A programmed propagandists. Even though her handlers are trying to hide what she/they would do with her Presidency, her word salad and insecure cackle give it all away.

Trump has been saying much the same thing for 30 years. Kamala can't stand behind anything she's supported or done in the last five. Very defining.

Temujin said...

Too late. She's already shown us who she is by not showing us any human side. Just a series of repeated short scripts that included middle class upbringing, lawns, and McDonalds, as well as tales of space and time.

She's a disaster. Biden was a disaster. But to follow him up with this? This party needs to go away.

Vance said...

What she is is a slave to the masters of the Democrat plantation, just like her family used to own.

In many ways it won't matter what is inside her: all she does is say "yes massa" to the people running the show.

She has communist/totalitarian values though. And she's out there screaming kill all the babies. So I guess Inga will feel better.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

She is good at memorized talking points - and regurgitating them to the point of hilarity. except - it's not really funny.

WisRich said...

If there was some certain things they didn't want to talk about, like fine, I don't care, let's talk.

Is this Rogan signaling that yes, Kamala wanted to put pre-conditions in place?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

"Well, as I said before, I'm from the Midwest. We were taught that it's not polite to talk about yourself."
-- Don Draper

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Kamala in her own words. In-context communication. Kamala wants to regulate speech.
All I need to know.
The corrupt democrat media must spin Trump out of context. on the cutting room floor.

Ampersand said...

She has good reasons to hide from people who want her to disclose her inner self. Her essence is transactional. Empty.

Levi Starks said...

Ok, here’s a serious answer,
The current mayor of the city of St Louis (I live in the county) is a Democrat and an actual Black woman. Now it’s a given that the mayor is likely to be a Democrat in the city long into the foreseeable future, Likely Black and likely 52% chance a woman. I get that. Now while I wouldn’t be inclined to vote Democrat, I will say that she performs the job well. She has the dignity required, carries herself well, thinks before speaks, in short she has all the tools to do the job well. She’s as good a mayor as the city could hope to have. In fact I’d venture to say that if she found herself in the same position as Kamala (not sure how that would happen as it would require the Democrats to hold an open convention) She would likely be a respectable candidate. And if elected she would set herself to learning everything it takes to be the best president she could be (given that she’s a Democrat). I have no such illusions concerning Mrs Harris.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I truly believe she would be unable to have an honest open conversation about who she is. So much of electoral politics for progressives is pretending not to be progressive and hiding who they really are.

It explains every single one of her appearances since being declared the candidate. Every one.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Well "her" voters, the true progressive believers are not at all satisfied she has separated herself from Joe's positions on Israel and Gaza. They don't believe "she's not Biden." That's her problem. If you were correct she could go on JRE and just hang out a rap.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Not even to her now. She's stopped laughing at her own bullshit.

Aggie said...

Will Kamala's fear of missing out override her fear of being exposed? I'm guessing, 'No'. We shall see - I'd be happy to be wrong.

Christopher B said...

That comment from Rogan makes it sound like they wanted the discussion to be *limited* to specific topics. Kinda like maybe they wanted the questions in advance? Wonder where they got the idea an interviewer would do that?

typingtalker said...

In sales we said, "People do business with you because they know you, they like you and they trust you." None of these apply to Kamal Harris. And she/they want to keep it that way.

Trump, on the other hand, can't shut up.

Kate said...

She's been smacked in the past for being herself. Herself is long gone, buried for self-preservation.

Bob Boyd said...

"Who are you? Who are you?... "

We all have that question about who is actually running the country right now.

Wince said...

We all know her positions.


Dave Begley said...

She can't do it. She won't do it. Too risky.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

She's a moron who was promoted to her current position BECAUSE Biden thought her stupidity would make her less of a threat

She knows that, so she's an insecure moron. But this hasn't caused her to buckle down and work to make the best of what she has, because she never in her life learned how to actually work.

So if she went on Rogan and had that conversation, it would be a compete and utter disaster

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Yes. We know:
1: She's anti fracking
2: She hates Israel
3: She wants to trample all over the 1st and 2nd Amendments to the US Constitution
4: She's a hard core leftist who actually wants to trample over ALL the US Constitution, just not as much as she hates those first two Amendments, because they most get in her way

She's been sending out others to lie about this for her, and doing some lying herself, but yes, we all do know these are her positions

tcrosse said...

I would rather Rogan interviewed whoever it is that pulls her strings.

swissoldie said...

Exactly. A complete and utter disaster. Even kindly Joe Rogan could not make her human. Her handlers will never allow it.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“I can find out who you are if we can talk about sports.”

That’s the thing though, Kamala Harris wouldn’t be agreeing just to an interview but to Joe Rogan getting to judge her based on things like how she talks about sports. Hard pass.

Will Cate said...

Nailed it: guy-in-baseball-jacket at 5:32 -- "She can't do it." (i.e. perform well on Rogan show)

DanTheMan said...

It's whoever put out the tweet that Joe was not running for re-election.
It's not Joe. And it's certainly not Kamala.

DanTheMan said...

Kamala was the price of getting Clyburn's endorsement in SC. Without that, Joe never gets the nomination.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Off the cuff - she is a disaster. Kamala is highly micro-managed, requires knowledge of pre-approved questions where she can rehearse the answers, & she is in need of a teleprompter. I will give her credit that she can memorize her lines fairly well. Still, even that can only take a person so far.
She requires a soft touch media. She requires a media who are in her corner and adversarial against Trump and any one on Trump's team.
All of this has been flushed out. That's who she is.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

I think Americans would be fine with a woman under those terms. Again - that is not who Kamala is.
She failed as a presidential contestant in 2020. Not a single delegate, and an early drop-out. She was entirely unimpressive. The only reason Biden picked her - is because of her skin color. Mr. Clyburn seems to have a lot of power in the skin-color wars,.

RCOCEAN II said...

That she wont go on Joe, a potsmoking social liberal who probably voted Biden in 2020, tells you all you need to know. Kamala doesn't want you to know who she REALLY is. Because you wont like what you see.

My suspicion is that Rogan just started to ask her questions about who she is and what she's been doing for 20 years, she'll start talking an entitled SJW leftist blathering about "White racism" and "the oppression of people of color and women".

I slightly more intelligent Michelle Obama. It'll also become clear that she completely out of touch with workng class folks and black folks. Since she's not really black - anymore than Obama was.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

What woman wants to be Elyse to Joe Rogan’s Eddie.

RCOCEAN II said...

Rogan might also bring up topics she considers Radioactive, like gaza genoicde, or crime, or legalizing drugs.

n.n said...

Karma-la is every woman and Diversity bloc. Take a knee for her progress. I'll leave you with one message: Abort. Sequester. Don't be selfiesh. Climate change is real and progressive. Licensed to be liberal.

Kevin said...

I can see the problem with going on Joe's show. She's only programmed to talk about who TRUMP is.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The hyena laugh is now a schoolmarm finger-waving scowl.

narciso said...

Rogan is an odd duck though, he had gabbard on 7 times ,and then voted for sanders

wild chicken said...

Gee, Rogan sounds kinda feminine. Does he want to do an Oprah style interview? Where is rhardin on this issue? Because usually men be all rational and want facts and figures you know.

Rory said...

It could be Rogan wants to start the show by saying, "These are the subjects we agreed not to talk about."

I can't imagine her talking for three hours in any public forum.

doctrev said...

I think Michelle Obama is a DEI wife for an astroturfed politician, but even I think that's a little harsh. Kamala is far dumber than Michelle, mostly because Michelle wisely steered far away from the incoming train wreck, and even less personable. I don't doubt that Joe Rogan would be very able to steer Kamala into a diatribe about colonialism, only to relate it to the current warfare in the Middle East- and boy oh boy, does she not want that.

There are just too many ways for even a neutral interviewer to make Harris faceplant on accident, nevermind deliberately.

Louie the Looper said...

What I want to know is where she plans to spend her vacation time as President. Biden has his beach house. Trump has his golf courses. Where will she go to escape all her presidenty cares? Maybe the Obama’s have some guest space above the garage in Martha’s Vineyard.

Jupiter said...

" We all know her positions...".
Like Hell we do. She doesn't even know what her positions are. I mean, she used to prefer kneeling, but at her age, ...

Eva Marie said...

“ . . . that’s literally all I want to do . . .” said the spider to the fly.

AMDG said...

There are doors she does not want to open whether it be spending her formative years in Montreal or being Willie Brown’s mistress.

AMDG said...

There are doors she does not want to open whether it be spending her formative years in Montreal or being Willie Brown’s mistress.

doctrev said...

It's interesting that Bill Clinton would probably have wrapped Rogan around his little finger, particularly at the height of his abilities. Al Gore might have actually enjoyed it even if other people found him boring. Barack Obama might have enjoyed a three hour bull session a bit less, but he'd manage somehow, especially as Rogan would not have wanted to puncture the Obama bubble of 2008. Hillary Clinton would rather have her fingernails pulled out, but then we all know how her career ended.

Reagan and the Bushes would have been more or less successful, but then that's the point of being on Rogan. Are you a human or a focus tested cardboard prop? Trump can pass that test. Kamala can't.

Jupiter said...

By the way, I don't watch Joe Rogan, because it seems that what he likes to do is get some guys on his show and shoot the shit for a few hours, and I don't have a few hours to listen to some guys shoot the shit, no matter who they are. But my strong impression is that it is always one or more GUYS. Has Joe Rogan ever had a woman on his show?

Jupiter said...

More like who's behind her.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Like Joe before her, Kamala was selected by party bosses to be a figurehead. She’s an empty vessel whose job it is to attend state dinners, recite scripted speeches and enjoy the privileges of the office. She will explain her policies once she’s told what they are.

Drago said...


Kamala is an 85 IQ moron like most of her supporters.

Present company not excluded.

rhhardin said...

"After all, nobody's human."

Christopher B said...

Tulsi Gabbard, more than once. Dr Rhonda Patrick. Miley Cyrus. Ana Kasparian. Leah Remini. Ronda Rousey.

Just google for a list of his podcasts and scroll through. It is heavy on male celebrities but it's not like he never has female guests.

Christopher B said...

You're admitting that Harris is not only unable to persuade anybody to agree with her political positions but she couldn't even persuade someone to view her as personally appealing.

No wonder her closing argument is gonna be "Nazis!! Nazis under your bed!! Ready to stop your wanking!!"

Bob Boyd said...

Who is Kamala Harris?
If she wanted us to know that we would know that.
For myself, I already know enough about who she is to vote for the other guy.
Her supporters also already know enough to satisfy them.
Is Joe undecided? Is there anything she could reveal about who she is at this point that would make him choose her?
Althouse says she's an undecide voter. What could Kamala say about who she is that would tip the scales for Althouse? My imagination fails me.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Chris, Rogan made an extended version of those remarks in his conversation with Trump where he said, "I just want to have a conversation with you, get to know her the, the way we're talking. Not an "interview.' A conversation." He elaborated a little more saying learn what makes her tick or something similar. But Rogan doesn't have an agenda, literally speaking, when he goes into these things. He might have a general list of topics, but he asks very open-ended questions.

Unfortunately those are the kind that she can't answer. Like she can't answer yes or no questions.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Hell yeah, if they tell you conservatives won't vote for a black woman, just ask them if they've ever heard of Winsome Sears.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Left Bank doesn't realize Rogan doesn't do "interviews." Not that Kamala really does either...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Can she hold a high-school level conversation about the law, her career as a "prosecutor"? About Rap, which she said she's listened to since Tupac? About wine and cooking, two things she mentions all the time when asked about other topics? Can she talk about the bills she wrote or sponsored as a senator? Can she name three things she's most proud of accomplishing as Veep? Can she describe growing up in the Bay Area? Or Ontario suburbs in Canada? Or her "summer job" at McDonalds? Can she discuss the difficult role of being a step-mother to teenagers? Are there any childhood stories of growing up with her sister Maya? How about recent stories of campaigning with her sister Maya? What about being a DA in San Francisco?

If Rogan did get her to talk about any of this on camera he would be the first. Based on what I've seen in this campaign I believe that every article ever written about "her" was from content penned by her staff or a PR flack for hire.

walter said...

"We all know her positions." I'm only relatively sure about one.

Big Mike said...

I fully agree.

Iman said...

Who or what she is is a chameleon. She tries to be whatever the occasion dictates… or whatever she believes it calls for. She seems to miss the mark every time. One can’t say that she is genuine.

Iman said...

She’s got teh music 🎵 in her:


john mosby said...

Ahhh, who the fuck are youuuu….doo doo, doo doo….?


Iman said...

“ She's been smacked in the past for being herself.”

One too many shots to the head.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

The White left (I include Whoopi as a White Leftist) don't give a damn about Winsome Sears.

GatorNavy said...

Licensed to be liberal is as terrifying a phrase as I have ever heard. It very well may be used when Kamala’s Stasi stop me in the streets.

Ann Althouse said...

"Nailed it: guy-in-baseball-jacket at 5:32 -- "She can't do it." (i.e. perform well on Rogan show)"

I agree and probably Joe does too. She hasn't told him no yet, but to lack even the presence to say "no" is the ultimate in non-appearance.

But I think he's expressing himself as he is because he is still attempting to draw her in or, more realistically, to display himself as the person who is endlessly open to conversation — who wants to talk, really talk, to connect. That's good for him, no matter what she does.

He sets a good example for us all. It doesn't matter what the other person does. Be you, fully realized, and let things fall out however they will.

Iman said...

On Saturday Joe Biden said “we have the best economy in the world”.

He said it like Dana Carvey says Mickey Rooney (they starred in sitcom together years ago) used to tell him wistfully/braggadociosly, “I was the BIGGEST star in the world… THE WORLD!”

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

A vote for biden + kamala + Walz = more of this

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Another Reason to Reject the Corrupt Left.

n.n said...

Kamala fears the Rogan factor in inclusive conversation.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Not anywhere near what Willie knows, but Yeah.

Yancey Ward said...

I wrote it the other day- going on Rogan should do her a lot of good- Rogan isn't an interviewer who tries to put you on the spot and, if you can carry on a normal conversation without being defensive, it would go fine and leave people with a better impression.

At this point, what is she trying not to lose- the general impression of her is already bad.

wsw said...

NFC she goes on with Rogan (who proves here with his candor why he's currently THE guy) — but it would've been nice.

BUMBLE BEE said...

We've seen this act before. Out of the night - when the full moon is bright
Comes the horseman known as ZERO.
Barry Soetoro, the man with a completely sealed past. No birth, no social, no public family, no transcripts nothing but a direct connection to the Weather Underground. Woosh!
He's the candidate who sunk the Clinton's dynasty. Funny, that.

mccullough said...

Stupid is as stupid does

James K said...

If she were smart, she'd do it, since she's pretty clearly behind. Think of it as a 'hail Mary' that's the only way she could move up in the polls. Most likely it wouldn't help and probably hurt, but she's got nothing to lose at this point. Unless of course, she's counting on the steal.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

His talk with Kat Timpf was the best "interview" she ever did.

Former Illinois resident said...

If Kamala isn't cackling, then she's smiling with gritted teeth, but if the teleprompter isn't rolling then she apparently just runs out of spoken words. She's capable of 22 minutes max in media interviews, per her current track record, whether interviewed by fawning or simply polite news-reporter. Doesn't fit Rogan template. She's not capable of riffing for even hour-long show; she knows it, her staff knows it, and now Rogan knows it too.

Former Illinois resident said...

Of course he has. Spend the 5 minutes perusing the Spotify list of episodes.

walter said...

Kamala could drink a beer!

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

btw- I recommend everyone follow Daniel Jurinski on X.
Here is her X-file

She is taking notes and gathering information on the gangs in Aurora CO. These gangs are here illegally of course (thank you biden-pelosi-kamala) - and they are abducting women and children for sexual abuse etc..

No one on the left cares.
Including asshole kkk Komrade Kyle Clark(D) of Denver's local 9 news - + our pathetic democrat governor.. and all the likely leftists in command and control. Even the Mayor is dropping the ball.

Women and children are being hurt - so that leftists can hide the truth and save democrats from losing.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Biden had to pick a black VP to get Clyburn's endorsement. Chasing one who's a bumbling idiot was all Biden