October 4, 2024

"[Jack] Smith has essentially abandoned any pretense; he’ll bend any rule, switch up on any practice — so long as he gets to chip away at Trump’s electoral prospects."

"At this point, there’s simply no defending Smith’s conduct on any sort of principled or institutional basis. 'But we need to know this stuff before we vote!' is a nice bumper sticker, but it’s neither a response to nor an excuse for Smith’s unprincipled, norm-breaking practice. (It also overlooks the fact that the Justice Department bears responsibility for taking over two and a half years to indict in the first place.)..."

Writes former federal and state prosecutor Elie Honig, in "Jack Smith’s October Cheap Shot" (in New York Magazine).
The way motions work... is that the prosecutor files an indictment; the defense makes motions (to dismiss charges, to suppress evidence, or what have you); and then the prosecution responds to those motions.... [Smith] asked Judge Chutkan for permission to file first.... Trump’s team objected, and the judge acknowledged that Smith’s request to file first was “procedurally irregular” — moments before she ruled in Smith’s favor, as she’s done at virtually every consequential turn.
Smith has complained throughout the case that Trump’s words might taint the jury pool.... Yet Smith now uses grand-jury testimony (which ordinarily remains secret at this stage) and drafts up a tidy 165-page document that contains all manner of damaging statements about a criminal defendant, made outside of a trial setting and without being subjected to the rules of evidence or cross-examination, and files it publicly, generating national headlines. You know who’ll see those allegations? The voters, sure — and also members of the jury pool....

The Justice Manual — DOJ’s internal bible, essentially — contains a section titled “Actions That May Have an Impact on the Election.” Now: Does Smith’s filing qualify? May it have an impact on the election? Of course. So what does the rule tell us? “Federal prosecutors … may never select the timing of any action, including investigative steps, criminal charges, or statements, for the purpose of affecting any election.”

Remember, Smith begged the judge to flip the rules on their head so he could file this document first, and quickly — “any action,” by any reasonable definition — with the election right around the corner.....


Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

We were not allowed to know about Biden family corruption prior to 2020. The FBI called Hunter's Laptop "Hallmark of Russian Disinformation."
That is a lie.
Hunter's Laptop is real. Its contents are real.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Jack Smith and the corrupt Judge = election interference/ on purpose.
Biden's hack DOJ are in on it, too.

Gusty Winds said...

Corrupt prosecutor, corrupt DOJ, corrupt judge, corrupt media... this was top story on the broadcast national news where America's propaganda swallowers get their "news".

Even if Trump wins, it's just a brief stay of execution. A speed bump on the way downhill. America will sink because of the stupidity of the population promoted by our education establishment.

Wince said...

As if to heighten the hypocrisy, Smith and Chutkin would hide behind prosecutorial and judicial immunity if anyone were to charge them with election interference.

Michael K said...

Smith is headed for another 9-0 reversal.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Here is an excellent summary of the desperate and patently obvious legal corruption. ***Thanks to Aggie - for the easy to read link.

Jersey Fled said...

When you lose New York Magazine …

traditionalguy said...

War! This hit man breaks the rules and arranges a propaganda piece of accusations that will be headlines without any cross examination possible. The criminal Judge breaks the rule to allow it filed and than unsealed.

This is corrupt lawfare to the death but is Trumps fault for dodging the bullets meant to end him. Trump had better study Machiavelli’s advice.

hombre said...

Jack Smith is an unethical, Stalinist prosecutor. He is a perfect reflection of the Garland DOJ.

mccullough said...

Trump is going to send Hack Smith to Gitmo

Grandpa Publius said...

Smith was selected precisely because he could be trusted to violate every Norm and Rule in a single minded effort at election interference. The attack dog does the biting, but the blame goes to the trainer and owner — Garland and Biden. Garland surpassed William Mitchell as the worst AG with the selection of Smith.

The “wrongness” of what Smith is doing is obvious. Nonetheless, not a single elected Democrat will criticize Smith/Garland/Biden. Not a single MSM will criticize Smith/Garland/Smith.


PM said...

New poll numbers indicate By Any Means Necessary.

tim in vermont said...

When he convicted the Republican Governor of Virginia in time for the election, it had the intended effect of getting the Democrat elected, and when the SCOTUS threw his conviction out, 9-0, well "He lost, didn't he?" was the justification.

Todd said...

Not quite sure what everyone is upset about, I was assured by all the "right" (as in proper) people that in order to stop the one person who is an actual threat to "our" democracy, it is perfectly sane and reasonable to break every single legal and social norm. That this is a singular, one off event that will never, ever (cross our hearts) be used ever again in these ways against any one else, trust us cause we are the experts AND mean well! Don't you feel comforted?!?

Big Mike said...

Not hardly. Kagan and the two affirmative action hires will find a way to support Smith.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

Judge Chutkan said the 60 day rule does not apply.

It doesn't apply because the charges have already been filed. The investigation has already taken place. The reason this is coming out now is in part of Trump and his legal team using delay tactics in an attempt to make it past the election. It backfired on him.

A pandering article written by someone who should possess a higher level of integrity. A Jonathon Turley move...

Temujin said...

"'But we need to know this stuff before we vote!'"

Hunter's laptop.
Hillary's missing emails.
Missing Rose Law Firm documents.

Not all things are equal when it comes to need.

Saint Croix said...

You can read an archived version of the article here

Dave Begley said...

Smith will be filing more junk right up to Election Day.

Inga said...

Indeed yes, their delay delay delay tactics have backfired on then bigly. As for Turley, ugh, what happened to that man, he sold his soul to the highest bidder.

Big Mike said...

Althouse make a mistake when she includes her “prosecutorial ethics” tag. When it comes to Donald Trump there is no such thing.

The rule of Lemnity said...

There ought to be a law that forbids prosecution of a former president within 90 days after an attempt on his life.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well this is manna for the Dim faithful and their Dumb and Dumber fellow voters. The Democrat lawfare campaign is still limping along, although I suspect that by now a significant portion of the voting population see it for what it is. Jack Smith is a combination of Ahab and Inspector Javier. And a bitter little weasel all the way through.

who-knew said...

But! I'm supposed to be worried that the bad orange man will use the DOJ to go after his political opponents. Although, now that they have "normalized" and given him the blueprint for how to persecute the opposition, I suppose they have grounds for worry..

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Ah - the loyal left thick-heads arrive. Bich and I-nap - You idiots don't understand anything.

" The way motions work... is that the prosecutor files an indictment; the defense makes motions (to dismiss charges, to suppress evidence, or what have you); and then the prosecution responds to those motions.... [Smith] asked Judge Chutkan for permission to file first.... Trump’s team objected, and the judge acknowledged that Smith’s request to file first was “procedurally irregular” — moments before she ruled in Smith’s favor, as she’s done at virtually every consequential turn.

Smith has complained throughout the case that Trump’s words might taint the jury pool.... Yet Smith now uses grand-jury testimony (which ordinarily remains secret at this stage) and drafts up a tidy 165-page document that contains all manner of damaging statements about a criminal defendant, made outside of a trial setting and without being subjected to the rules of evidence or cross-examination, and files it publicly, generating national headlines. "

Gusty Winds said...

"The rule of law" is now just another empty liberal/totalitarian platitude. It means nothing.

Saint Croix said...

It's disgraceful conduct by judges and prosecutors. Much of it is (arguably) criminal. In essence, they are flipping a coin on the hopes that the DOJ will remain in the hands of the Democrat party. If they lose the election, they lose the DOJ. And if they lose the DOJ, they've opened themselves up to the same criminal tactics. A Trump DOJ could easily play this game and go after all the small fish that tried to (criminally) affect the 2024 election. You want to go banana republic? It's not that hard to do.

The rule of Lemnity said...

It’s little wonder why most rich people in the public eye identify as democrats. Musk is an outlier.

Mr. D said...

It’s a variation of what the “prosecutors” of Scott Walker did. They just dumped a steaming pile and let the press spin it. And spin it they did.

Kevin said...

I"m so old I remember when a vote for Biden was a vote to restore democratic norms.

Shouting Thomas said...

The 2020 election was rigged right out in the open, blatantly and proudly. And the 2024 election is even more obviously rigged. I guess I’ll vote, but I’ll be damned if I know why.

Achilles said...

Of course Inga and Rich want their political opponents in jail.

That is how fascists do.

Breezy said...

Smith has already been judged to be illegally appointed. He has no power to do what he is doing. Garland should have dismissed or reassigned his cases. Garland, Chutkan and Smith all should be disbarred for this egregious abuse of power.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Trump won at SCOTUS proving his appeal was 100% justified, the opposite of a "delay tactic."

Lazarus said...

Jack Smith provides his "October Surprise." Nobody cares much because it's nothing new.

Is there going to be a bigger "October Surprise" coming out of the administration? The impending war, the unending war, the longshoremen's strike, the abysmal response to the hurricane, and the revelation that disaster funds went to the illegals have been terrible news for the Democrats. Are they going to pull something out of the hat to save Harris? Biden and Harris are both awol. Neither seems to be working on any of these problems. If there's a big swing to Trump in the popular vote, but Harris manages miraculously to carry the swing states, will that be believable?

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

Honig too often omits easily located facts that don’t support his narrative. DOJ said months ago the rule didn’t apply b/c the case was in court. It also isn’t the first time Chutkan has stated this.

Elie's more or less become the Jonathan Turley of Joe diGenova.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

anyone who doesn't' obey the corrupt left has a "sold soul" according to corruption supporting leftists.

Original Mike said...

"As for Turley, ugh, what happened to that man, he sold his soul to the highest bidder."

Nothing has happened to him. The man has integrity. Always has.

Leland said...

My hope is for Trump to win and use these new norms to hold the current administration to task for the millions of taxpayer dollars spent to manipulate the election.

Original Mike said...

"DOJ said months ago the rule didn’t apply b/c the case was in court."

Because of course they did.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

rules don't apply! Really Bich - get back to your Mother Jones subscription - and I think Maddow comes on, after The View.

Inga said...

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals will reverse Cannon’s dumb ruling, just like they did twice before in this case.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"What happened to Turley?" He just wrote a book about the first amendment, and is rightly horrified what Democrats are doing to it. You know, the Left is hell bent on eliminating it by hook or by crook. Turley is a Liberal, capital L classic Liberal, which means unlike Inga he still believes the Constitution is the supreme governing document.

Ralph L said...

The most annoying part is that Dems know they can do anything in DC or NYC and still skate. I was thinking last week of Klinesmith's slap on the wrist for his false FISA warrant for Carter Page to spy on Trump. Compare with example made of the J6 political prisoners to discourage future, well-deserved lamppost parties.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Wow an even dumber take. Impressive, Inga

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

I-Nag - Tell us all how Trump will be in prison soon - because of the Mueller report.

Big Mike said...

Should “makes”

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

This speech by Judge Matthew Barrett today in sentencing Tina Peters to 9 years for tampering with voter data was brilliant. What struck me most was that it almost word for word applies to Trump. Worth a listen.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

9 years for something that amounted to nothing in terms of the election.
The message is - only democrats are above the law when it comes to anything to do with election integrity.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

btw- Tina Peters does not belong in jail for 9 years.
She is a whack-a-doodle who managed to do something stupid ... that didn't amount to anything.

Jersey Fled said...

It seems that our resident Lefties have no shame.

Wince said...

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...
This speech by Judge Matthew Barrett today in sentencing Tina Peters to 9 years for tampering with voter data was brilliant.

I listened and watched. The sentencing was appalling.

What did the judge say to specifically elucidate what she had done wrong?

PB said...

If you think the lawfare and obstruction will abate if Trump wins, think again. The cult hates him and their hate will only grow.

PB said...

If they violate documented policy and procedure, their immunity will fall away rapidly. The left will turn on them for having failed in their mission. Nothing more savage when cult members turn on each other.

Michael K said...

Inga and shame do not share a universe.

Michael K said...

That is not required anymore for lawfare cases. Ask "judge" Merchan.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Did you catch the impeachment witness (who was anti-Trump) who stunned Ari Melbar on MSNBC when he said more than once that the Biden-Harris shitshow has been so bad he is once again voting for Trump? Left that AH speechless.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

She screenshotted the source code (which is supposed to be open source by law) for voting machines and shared with public. Never tampered with data. Simply showed how the code is too hackable.

Koot Katmandu said...

Wow the New Yorker can even see it.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Here's your occasional reminder that several of us on here pointed out Smith's history and lack of ethics and predicted this outcome where he would lose eventually even if he won some rulings from the hand-picked sock-puppet local judge. We're at the "ignoring SCOTUS ruling and filing flurry of meaningless paperwork" stage of Smith's descent into Hell. All it took was two simple questions from Judge Cannon, that neither Smith nor his team could answer because the whole case rests on shaky bullshit grounds, and the case crumbled. The bleating about "but the 11th Circuit" is the same "But wait until Mueller" crap we heard before. Like Mueller, the bleaters are full of hot air and it will all come to naught.

Where are all the Lifelong Republicans and Lefty Lawyers who told us how each case was a slam dunk and Trump would be in chains? They stay away from this subject now because anyone with common sense (and it helps to not have a law degree and whatever did happen to Mark?) can tell you novel theories rarely work out. They are "novel" because no one before Smith was dumb enough to take it this far. And yes he's already a 2-time loser at the Supreme Court.

Many of us will be delighted when he goes down in flames for the third time. That one's the charm, as they say.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

One can hope so anyway.

Vance said...

So will Rich and Inga cheer when Trump's DOJ does this same thing to all the Democrats? Sauce for the goose and all that.

Sprezzatura said...

"Wow the New Yorker can even see it."

So, are DJT fans now saying it was deep state evilness for Comey to say he could not prosecute HRC, even so he still went out and trashed her in public, likewise are DJT fans now pissed when the deep state reopened an HRC investigation that (coincidentally?) coincided w/ her polling going down and DJT winning right before the election?

Will you now admit that the deep state lawfare put a thumb on the scale in the direction of helping to make DJT president?

Breezy said...

Yes! He said he’s seen too many worse than J6 threats to democracy from Harris et al. Hope his statements go into an ad.

Breezy said...

Ya, no. The lawfare goes only in one direction - against Trump and MAGA.

n.n said...

What to do with a "burden" like Trump. The very model of a modern witch hunt same as the old.

Michael K said...

Good point. You

Deep State Reformer said...

Law books aren't gonna fix stuff like this. A French Revolution-style mass [********r] or a forced exile of the deposed ancient regime might however. So once again key to political power is through the [GIFY].

Money Manger said...

Keeping Watch in the Night
Keeping Watch in the Night

Michael K said...

Comfy lied to excuse his unwillingness to prosecute her for serious crimes. At the time I wondered if he faced a revolt by agents.

Gospace said...

Yes, a Trump DoJ could use almost the same tactics. The difference would be simple. The charges would be real crimes, with real evidence. Not made up crimes never before used, or with testimony about an event that didn't take place without a date, month, year, or season when the event took place. Similar but different.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Judge Chutkan said the 60 day rule does not apply.

That's because she's a corrupt lying sack of shit

The reason this is coming out now
I because Smith delayed his filing until an election year, because teh entire purpose of the "trial" was and is election interference
#FIFY, dirtbag

Mikey NTH said...

I doubt this is going to move the electoral needle a smidgen.

Ampersand said...

Fortunately, the evaporation of the legitimacy of our DOJ will have no adverse consequences.

gadfly said...

On July 1, after SCOTUS released its opinion on presidential immunity on the last possible day, it remanded the case back to Judge Tanya Chutkan to assess what was exempted under the newly rewritten Constitution.

So now we are to believe that Jack Smith did something unusual by following the law to have the case passed through appeals courts successfully until Donald Trump's SCOTUS appointees put on the brakes until the last day of their session before pulling the plug on the votes of 81 million Americans. All he did was follow directions first to define and then eliminate items in the original indictment to remove official but illegal acts of the president.

Trump was ordered to respond to Jack Smith's revision last week so Judge Chutkan could decide how much of the document could be publically released. As usual, Trump's lawyers screamed "politics" despite Chutkan's warning that the election has nothing to do with the case. So 160 or so pages got released. No trial can occur until SCOTUS rules again but at least 2024 voters now know that Smith's case is stronger than the public knew.

Yancey Ward said...

Gadfly, Bich, and Inga still think there is a pony in that mountain of dogshit. This will only help Trump just like all the other lawfare has done. At this point, it isn't unreasonable to believe that Trump and his lawyers goaded Smith and Chutkan into doing this.

DeepRunner said...

Leftist trolls gonna troll. Weaponizing "the legal system" in the name blocking Trump will inevitably boomerang when the time comes. The politics of vengeance work in circular motion. They always come back to where they start. People who live like this should consider carefully what comes on the other side of their actions. But, sadly, they don't. And the schadenfreude that comes with their comeuppance is rich.